Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1894, p. 3

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7 i 21 i t v w- 1 rl sank of hamilton head ojtiob uamjltqn l binnon mo ooo j tuitniiuu hum h h htivpn cuautnn abut oai dthpfctqiih jorn htmwii uv auonaitowh aoenoy noloadlseouil sd and a4vrior mode r wjuitmd htt i his oonttmbnt aw kuanra i coeivaotioks ma e on all aoaaailul nhi favorable terra 7 the news at home mostly of n local chornotor and evorv itom intaroatlna a new jtmii oalro wnprj order rtia toil ohicu department lias mwlo a nolifloaiiim if a cliaiiko m i ha fgrm of nosr iiitumynrtiprit hljblutfltlufim lilt akrosm l iuol iroiii data ill iloposll lo dale of withdrawal if ilaposll i hiuoial dklobith alio renslvad a nurrant ratesoflntaroa iron or witnanwn faqon mi h u lilvinohtonk the jtethodist church aoton rsv jobbph xdoll plw faraanaaa flower avenue sabootlso inula glaasandaetetby the pastor allaordlalry invited housecleaning time will soon be here youll want some paper for the parlor hall bedroom ceiling kitchen we can meet your wants our stock isiarge out prices low bc- fore buying your walt papers this year tall in and see our stock e spring roller window shades from 50c up curtain poles curtain pole mountings remlmber all shad bough t from us a re put up free of charge qeo hynd8aotonont the oritur iho name of ilia payee anil make lie order negotiable llko a bank olieijllo 111 new form will bo pent in the noil liiojt- o flleeeae rapm ly 0ih1 llioy now have are uflod death of strtt anauhjohnmou homo monlln kci mr aiiyua johnson was strickntl wilh panlyaln runt whioh alia buffered very iuuti ami was almost entirely liolptera film passed away lest 1 riday omiiiihu in t4 prosoiioitql liar fm ily her o was fiw cnro mrs johnson waa a mombor n aoton ii time circle antl the membera of tiiitt order attended tlio fupcral in a imiily 1 lie sir vice nti oon dad ted by itov it 1 owlie ririu aaslslod by kqv j 4ht tbe remains ware lu let red in tro family pint r lverton tnc lrut crop ltaprei tim proa pec i for a hood fruit harveit ia very on oon rait i nil hi prreenf and if oold wtathcr doe not iijlurvano with aarioua hi eel tltcro wilt im aii abundai kiaclioa jiliima olierrina anil apple in tho ntawara paniitij tliia year- a knxr 1nrui repreacnlalivc while pabhinh through the fruit diairiol of llalton wentworth and lincoln this wiok wn aaaured by ex lerloiicod fruit grower to tliia effect ad old fruit dealer aaid jiehadbebn amininj the much blooms and he found them re marhbbly fruh and healthy looking llitritunr hoprmia tenor alto in on tfo ou7ijtpeopla or br atcaitircliorcii in lirinitinit to acton lllu hinma walla feel unit tlioy are irovidln all uouaukl uobi tbone who havo hcard liar deolaro that aha i a marvel a vooaiivl and inn eloarly and accurately in four dinlinct the country afiound nooim itomh supplied by corrua- pondonta and exahanno crewsons corners atex mclntoah an old and rfltootixl roaldonl of thq lornera died m hja homo hfbtin nf hn iiidr ktr molnloah had rraulnd hem alnoe boy bowl iln wm 03 yearn of a no the faner on halurday to li vert on wh otcbt1 m ii tudrbday alitil m 1hu4 l- little local brieflets whlah cauaht tha eyas or ears of froa proaa reporter thla week v connoil moetiok next monday eveoiiijt tbo lawn mower la at work aaiii the iwo oeol atraw hat i on dock tlio farmer are all buiiy tth their oedldjj kkc hao been up tu ten cttiita bihii dnrinfl the paat week the boya will he up early no tgti day ibi hayjewfcbwbhtwh a wltb of verdnre la to be wen on all aide now iliabprlnn tribufoand i ppreoiatod tbe man who know that advertising ia merchandise and advertises laa acholar in tha ooltea of boiloeei harmody capt w i uoore and lieut j hoi ton of tbe jolb batl have been accept d or plaoea on tb blleytcm this year tbe late luv l cameron oflhamas ford beqaealbed 1 iuo to minions hi muu ia valued at 1q 000 bl ury journal the member of acton homo circle will ba al uorno to ttr friend oil rooing ii proroliao to ba aa enjoyable oooaalon mr thomaa ierryman jr purohased the hotiae and lot bclnnxinif to tho elato of tba late mr ju bharp laj3 bureday tbe prloa paid waa 1775 nearly all lha trout itreams of this aaotloa will be oloaed to tho public una aaaaon it will give tbo trout a obanco and save tho farmer a fenoca while ridlutj a bicycle monday mr w a moculla as m p of urampuni ran into a cart waa thrown down and i knocked aanaclesa by tha cart wbe stria inn hta head tb coo noil has had workmen engaged la tnmminjj tba abada trees on lha atreeu tba paat weak their appaaranoa is tba improved sad the danger of breakage by atorma avartad tbe secretary of 0 lenwilliama lpworlb laagna wrltoa the new programmes for cor leagas arnvad in time for our mealing laat nigbt and all tbe mem be s are much plaaaed with them an unsigned letter from crewaon comer tbia weak la neoeaaarlly consigned to tha wait basket letters with aiguiature always receive ooosidoration any olhera wa cannot aooept peter peddle of uaquealnk purulmnod tba wool half of lot number four in tlnrl oonoesalon of hjuein tho other day lor the auni of 5 roo tbia n tbe farm form arly owned by ltobert kuight who re moved to michigan no me years ao the curfew bell la to bo rui u in 1u at night to warn ohildrnii off the atreuta if the bell was rung in certain localitiea n aotoo it might have the effect uf callltig the attaotion of parent to the tact that tbeir boya were not in the house half of ubounio thay thought ibey were fob bus a una lawn uiuwor at a bargain also good new ahairs at j cotils aoh miih h a hkci hi see tbe prioe4 of o ii llyan t ouelpb great sailer in their ad cbutua iluuatio gruabary ami dlass ware at t iuhm aului dr vyukhikin olllyo now c every day from ha in li n p m iuk hn a well trained waltli dug tor aale apply to t h m beoonl bee by ad wtia1 y kvfcu i ooelpb ay about u u ourlalne the chaaobl and boat piaoo tf i i pau oilcloth and ory uuixla ia lark a thompson u iowor wyndhain ht ouolph tatmiitn orders suliciled fuall kliaas of taaming cau ow heavy doublo wagguu light rig or oart mo3orate rales n h moore lake avenue rjuat apetiad up at tbe urug htuir 101 window ebadeslo tn at iu 10 wd to eiit aeh mouutod ou good spring roller it cur laiu pole in oak walnat and chucy to u al wuslly row prices call and see them w campbell will offer for alo lu two liouiae iu cook a burvay by auction iu hal onlay firfa may at ocfoolj tvrmaoeay wm llerastrcet auotiourer j fruit culture la mora profitable co dm farmer now than hi other crop iimiwh llroa co lha moat axlaaalkt uuraory huuse in canada have a vaoanoy in this sejtmn writ tjiom at toronto ont for tbiir tfmi uluard llnltaxnt fur ullcumstum inrltmi inpnino tennr urr concert pleavn all lover of vocal niuaio and hur k hi fill piano recitals up hold her well known jhpulnty miss wells will be kiipporlcd by other first olfcfl talent 1 lie entertainment will bo given in the tnwn hall nnl j hurada stoning trd may footjiuwrtiitrr hltfhti a recent docinlnn givon in liicbca by judgo andrew of tlio hupremo court show that foot paitngera have righls ujkjii iho iiihln- road which drivera of horae mum rrwimhit thn antmn wa for daniarb or a broken leg oauned by a youth driving hnrno ulnch knocked the ilaiuliff down hi huunr said it wa an error on the part nf drivera of horao to believe that font passengers were obliged to hurriedly jump from one side of iho resd to tho other in order to give them the ritfhl of way and thai il was tho driver of horve who are bound in take precaullmi to avoid accident through running them down the plain lif rrceiiod a verdict r iijl and ooata nrilillitii tlrllm hi alban ol inli i uio criie j ester day a at una ol thn happy auil lu teresting ovotit which never fail to areile adliittctiaiittjmmauinityj ttta wmitwn ad the aarvice j the li in ili mill l how in oxiratiun poalmaalir andirann store is ulle a convenlonob to the pro pi r there i not muali prohwllly we fear of inducing the o 1 ii to atop tlijiir trains hern a good uibiiy think mr william audrr aoii and family were very ioorly rrpaid lor their kiudiieaa in opening their home to receive tha lata jbiiioh mcdonald when hq waa tatally injured lie re in february contidoring all the clroumslanods attend his aiokncaa and doath and llo inipiesl tc tla was surely not a very otaiiaiiimrnia allawaiipn knatchumll mr david agnow f i ingviow farm lost a fine cow on hun jy ovmiiiiif irnni lu llammatloii of tb4nngs iho farmers are ruliini in tie acejnig thme alio daya iho patrons of industry of illuoinabury lodge no asi received a car load of aalt on monday from tho ontario people s bait company of kincardine thn meailn are pinong through this vicinity bevrral fafniliea avu all laid op wiih them miis jenmo haw returneil homo from toronto on halurday lant tba qoartarly oommumon aud aoora mental service of the naaaagawoya circuit coirraganirgoino vlaltora to and prom aoton and vartouaothar personal notaa mr aaa hall viaitad friends in ojranra vtlla ihla weak ulas powell of georgetown visilad lss waaki mr alas urnoe a wall known ottiaan of fluelpbvdled laal friday llav ir ahl n tfurhnttlnti haa will aw hatd- tba ihbai a matbodtat waa the anion in holy matrimony or misa lennio i aird eldost daughterol mr hamuel 1 aird of the o t ii and mr harry llugglna of wetland lltv 0 d cooke iho pastor performed ibe ceremony the bride looked lovely in her wedding rote and wa undated by her slater mia barah laird lha ahurcb was laiusfully tlucoratml wilh a profusion of lower the happy couple loft tor their homo at wei land by way of hamilton on the evening train amid tho beat wisiioh sud oongratula lioun uf tboir aoton friend nriuulhc t hurchfm hev b i hluben will urewbli rum lha aubjoat iova and faithfulness in iho diaoiplua oburoh neat sunday morn ing in the abaenco of hev mr use hev tr moffat of tbo luligtoua tract ho let j j readied in hnoi borch laa hmidat itev mr i dg preached an able kcrmoii lo a largo congregation on hun day evening upon the eubjool linat a 1 realment uf lu mother this was i be third in the series of tbe seven baying on lha cros neil sunday ovouiug the auuivoraary of aotou temper anoe union will ho hold lu knot church iteva j w 1u and j 1 dgo will jointly of lha methodist church will be with drawn a ttdeul from iriiuiy college i ironto occupied tho pulpit of bt alban a church laat bunday our t ouiiit pfuplr 1 ho inembors of urn vouug 1 eople s hociolios of chriatibii budeavor aud i pwurlb losftuo are acliva in their cflorla and vary tho character and topics of their aerviocs in ordur to render them interesting and attractive to all who attend tho y p b c l of kuoafhurah entertained a number uf i lie member of george town hoc let y of lie 1 ronbylorlaii burch last 1 huraday u veiling momtmr of the oon gregalion wrrv also present aud tho pro ccudiugh wore iiiulii mijoyod 1 be h lower ommituo tit tho b 1 of t t of iho melhulii liurili con lulled a very inter rsling nunai nmrj aorvicn on isodayeven i ii 1 he bih ml room waa wall tiljod and llm rugrain was uf a ihracler calculalod to liifjitre lltutluuarj 01 iho platform and iirroiin hug wrre du irated with a llll f nj mr ico i rr i ruaidc i loaturo or iho pro ordlii wa ddro on i be iogrea uf miuiona b ltav w liryera a ffttorubie ojipvrlauitj- for aclpa inl thursday a number uf our trailing citimjii wore wo hod upon by a gentlemen doairoii uf oitabliahlng a tower knitting uiocbiiio maiinraclory with another line in loi unli in in oino htcalil in on tun hi rrgar la a ton in very fatur ahiii r 1 uuliiou ami maket a pr jial win 4i wa lie 1 100 will ba regsnl eil fainmbly by our cilieons generally lln of i in in auuau a hoi us iiuuler all ho asks in on lentil tbo ereoliun or a suitable bull liny un i tlio olulillalitig of 111 ft 11 0 failuiy wh i h vnll eiiipl ty within a year fiuii j t 111 hun is ia that liu mutiloipal ily will give i un urn untraut uf lighting iho town with olo iriuty ftiid that llio luldptl in uf liualldeaoeut nhilili lighting ik niu mraged us far jmailblu for use in bliiro publii buildings etc it bourn to i u al ao fuvoiablo an opportunity of aeturii g two got d thing another majiu fftoinry and eluolrio light 1 raroly uflnrud a municipality other neighboring town liuvu nu i laigi ti bunusrs for leas pro diablo ojjuii- it i true acuiu haa mure lm rtnt man ifat lorleit ban moat pi ace of it ait mi 1 tlirso at very slight oost com puru tilth tia amount uf waga jnid and oil rr haa llrcl returns but wo have loom for lir bnrpwo have no doubt whun tho matlrr repaired to la pfjpurly li i bnloro tho ounill and ratepayers by thu k uilcroalod that it will rtmiuu lftroluj collaideruttluil and if tho proepcruve rraulla are satisfactory that an ansiigt uitiit will bu tntimiitifuali d and the olnl manufatwy urcl lhu ulidbmt ami beat piata for carpeta oilulouiu and dry lokbt is i iuaatiumtanv ju lowur wypdham hi uaofpli hurcb on hnnday may ritb oommencing al 10 10 u alock a m riio hev j w hohinaon will conduct tbe aorvtje several flocks of wild geoaa and duoka have boon seen crossing over ibis vniuily tha last week or so they ware going lu a northerly diroatiuii milton itov mr armstrong grand uiui uf the i r will preach tbo anniversary ser mou of uuon lodja in liraoe burch on ft 3t tnat ihu louucil la buyiug pine plank at fh 40 and cedar bcanlhnll 1 r naila are being minpliod at 12 it joliu bomcrvillu ban iho contract for the iew addition to the town hall the work ia to be com j leted by 11 july 1 be coach llooo picador owuml in milton waa wolghul hutt jiculay aud lura- eil tho aualcs at ciactly i r the niicuor is haviii ooiisldcrablo trouble this year boinu jioonje sppoar to think ho ib around for thu piirka t mak lug vote inatcaul uf araoaaing properly correctly and acoordlrib to the oath ha has takan so to do itrformrr decided tint lo accept tba call lo ilranlford ur john it kennedy of ilaffalo haa beau ipendirtr- a fw days with acloa friends llav o ii cook ratarnad from tba oanlph hospital on taoaday mooh iro srnvacl in heaitlk miss wilkinson of brampton v tailed bar brother dr wilklnaon and olltar friends hare this weak mrand mrouvl uoora abd uaaur kdwrd viaitad ralallvaa al uamlltoa and donnvllla duriml tb waak fboiuv li a molr bt lofqoonc town occopied lha pnlntk of tba norfolk tree malhodial ohmtih oaelph oa boo day e jlav and mr b d stephen era apand ni the weak with their aoton pariah i onara who are pleased to have tbavn among them the first p realty tar i ao oburoh of era rnoaa ia a boot e landing a call to llav jamea cameron ii a formerly of millbrook tba friends of lira j t tbocnpaon who recently raroovad to alii too will ba pleased lo know that tba it rtouvarlo from b illm rockwood llev d btraahaa waa bare laat waak he will leave m a horl lima for a trip to lliitainaiidllii anontini ni fnropa fnoud will ragrat lo boar thai ura wm rarrtttt woo rpmoved with bar faro ily to bl paul is lying dangerously ill in thai city itov g ii cookn ia dalivarinit aaariae of lecture fluudsy at ui moons on tba early history of tbe church the bnaioeat at tha o t hallway here la increasing k gardening operation are brisk at the caves polbolaa and other natural wonders oon tin no to attract visitor last week and uloctod tho fuhowing pro visional director hancellor i vd lor onto col mcdonald molph ii m hrown ampbellvillo and judge bolder lauloii 1 ampbcll a dull b uatinoiit w a uwigdm and w ii t lomonla milton v chisholm uas elect cd secretary and g w dreul ireaaansr it was decided to apply for incorporation immediately to the oulano legislature churchill tbe remain uf david hwackhamcr br of the 4th hue wore interred in tbo hill osmotery on thursday laat a large crowd of sympathising frionda of daoaaaed geutlemau olio wo j ui tlio c uugrrgatiunal church whero a ormon wa preached by hev t ii a lama mm the laat tbeae are they which came of a great tribulation an i havo washod their robes and made thorn white in thr ulood of tbo larrb hav 7 it thajrervoo aas unpreaaive aud many were lad to look away beyond the- grave to that ktemal home where no denomination or areed l known and only tboae who hava been washed lu the ulood of tbe lamb cau find ail onlrouuo the deceased wa in his h7tb year and waa one of tbo oldaal landmark to tba neighbor hood aud ticld in huh esteem by those with wlium be came in oon tail many beautiful tribute were paid lu him as one after the other came forward aud looked into the coffin to see hi faoe for tbo laat time on earth thu our forefathers are passing away one by one they have fought and tolled to make our country what it is to dsy and lei u hope they are now oiijuy tog a huumer climo free from toll and tbo service ou hunday after noon was attended by a large number of people mr adams took for bl tell aud ba leaping up blood and walked and otilernd with them into the tempi walking aud leaping and praising god iho work at die t hurcb alill progress and tlio mil haa doubled ilaelf this yoai bltln gnu u ili uldost soltliir u un t ul uieouiiutry mr hd mouuay s d una lrlu pasaedbway laat i huraday afteruoon it will he romembarod that a few nioulh ago mr mihjticy iiad h b leg broken by a kick from a vicioua steer notwitluttaud lug unremitting oara uu the part o hla medical at lend nl and amily the irg oonliuuoil tu gel worae and be su dared groat agony until doath came to bis roliol mr uikiuey had a largo family uf whom 0 ghl survive lie was 77 osrs ago llialuooral took lauo uu halurday and wai largnly btlende 1 a very aucoaaftful bain raiaing look lui lait thursday ou tho farm of mr win allan lul i con 1 ii being one uf lha drat raising tliia year brought out a ory large number of tbo farmers lu the iioigil bo r hood about i 0 being proaeul the also of iho barn is 10 sl matthew him guelpli township fraiinxl it 1 he atoua work was dune by win ampbull aoton 1 he uaptalns ware mr lloul hrown and mr joaopli i svoaon and after a hard coutosl captain drown won by a rafter after whiuh all partook ol mr and mrs allan a hospitality aud a pleaaant lime on rrldaynlghl d d 1 thlolmoiiau acouiupaoiod by a few uf tbe members uf holy rood camp guelph paid au umclal vlll lo lmtb umouu camp al lsrlu vil 1 age a large number of tho members uf the camp were present fter iho mcetlflfl of tho camp waa over au adjournment waa made to the globe hotel where tbe viaiuirs were eotertaluad by the local urn nib re bpctkbe wero made by iho ohaianiaii dr martin ilea re walker and other 1 ha uuslph members were highly pi eased with their royal rroenliou tha orannakiun s lutaa pairiutio sub- icrlber lu the peraou of mr james urdd bail 1 1 of uur division ooufl hu ha ru uawed biskubsonptloii ft t trl timer be having been a aubsuriber ever allien ihotvhjj waa iwuintiad uu tbu aua ol iuunialiaiii mr llroldy baa illlou life ollioo ol bailiff for thirty aevou yuan the berlin ittrord pava tba following tribute to oar late fellow 4a itaea ur bdwanl magee in the parson of bdward magee wno died al hock wood tha grand trunk loam one of its old eat and most trasly aarvanla mr mages baa for tba long period of thirty ave years bald tha position of buxaitaman at the station and daring ait that tcrraof earnon haa never ooat hta am player a dollar by accident or orror hn was universally raspeolad dot alone by hla fellow employeaa and lha officials of the g t h bal by all wboknew him aqd he will be greatly rnismed at the alalion and in the oommnnily where ha haa along resided jlry t jueidm chautuf t uaataaavliir- a maryplous medicine whermver givon a fafr trial hoods provft its merit tbe fottawtns letter h from mr j alrlda cbanaa archltnft and surveyor no 1u bbaw fttnwt uontteal csnada ia l nood csc ijwjl haa j aoantkptai i hava hctn taking honda luvaapanha for about al mouths end am glad to say that it baa dona ra a ercatuealof am loet may btj wabdil waa vsy pounds hot aluce hoods sarsaparilla cures i began ta take nooda bajraaiawfiu it baa in- eraaae te tea i think lluortl raraanarilta s a amarvilaaa medtdna and am vary much nlaaied wr j ai jqlasgow rbhop goods hoxiste hoeda- ptlta enre llvrr id ontautktlni tiuuvusneu jaondlce alck beuitacba as the season advnccb wc ate continually opening up new lines of goods suitable for present wants we would direct attention ihfc week to our house furnishing department including lace curtains in white and ecru chimlle portiers art muslins figured muslins wool union and hemp carpeta b- kv priiits printsi beautify your home i his should in tlu desire of every one your home should be just as beautiful as ouf means will allow little expense is necessary to decorate jour walls and ceilings with our paper our stock of attractive designs is large and varied and with a hot jamea arrfi jho nlatjaell tutctak relatives at bdon mill took llav ur jjtraobau a work ou bunday mr j w burns and mr orey paid a fraternal viall lo the mombera of tho v i o c k of jbalmara chnrob ouolph ou mouday evening the cheapest aud beet plane fur car pet oilcloth and dry good ia clark jt thompson a 30 lwer wyndham ht guelph the farm uf tba late lieu j a in in anderson lot j i omi i hs nosing will be sold by aucliou ou saturday litb may at at olio u clock at aguew a hotel ac too wu iickhtukzt auationecr suinmex- millinery opening luj april 1 20 au 1 m numi titw ou a u fayh bummor millinery lacon silks drons joodrt 1untriule und kancy uoodit uik cordially invite tho uttonduiicu nf uvorvbody our curly spring oponitig thiayear tvlln u grulltl buccchh cuiltttuilt ltllirtlltl4lln ol novulllum hlllcu give iibu ntock unuurpuhsud und wu vunturu to nay unefuallud lor bounty mid uxcolloiicu that b wtturu wu luuu our uiurcliuntu who buy only oncti a aeudon lust hutunluy a aloaint r luudud u lurgu lot ol new cjoodn for ua hi now york which will bo or wurdod by hpociul diaputch und lu in tiiuo lor the opening bargain sale our ilurguiu sule advcilieutl i tint week brought no nticb a rutih ot buainous thut our lurgu atatl wan tiiinblo to do lull juatlcu lo our t uhtomurr tbu aulu will oiitliino tliia week niuny now linct being udded to tho apeciul hurguiiih in uvory department menti and boyb clothing very hpeelal cut ladies jackets and wraps irlcea cm vary much heptonettes waterppoofa jo per cent dlaouuut kid gloves ii ii 01oea for 1 00 dreas goods very greet itarkaifa- t e r bollert co so and 37 wyudumn buoal oualau ont toc paper we dorder hie room free wc have wall papers from ra roll up in window shades we are showing a nice line at 35c a nicer one fringed at 40c you sioujd see them our curtain poles are good value at 251 complete call at the drug store and see these lints before making our purchases hundreds of prices to choose from all fast colors and newest designs see our ladies spring capes boys clothing a complete assortment at lowest prices all new goods and guaranteed fits millinery we open this week a choice loi of new shapes flowers and trimmings generally 1 hese are some of the novelties that are ap- j earing as the season advances out customers can rely on our styles being as far in advance as anywhere in the country for we are con stantly on the watch for anything new in this department hendqrsojj cfe co htth6 right house spring house cleaniwu wmjcliodco georgetown vvkke it not to enlighten our uatrons rigfdmg the now born fashions tint are constantly arriving from over the sea and placed on our counter in i rcss goods milhnir mmtlis etc it would seem hardly worth while advertising as it is acknow it ilgr h vt jrt tht leadefs in thtvst import ant branches we havo all the new inn und oxqutbito tubnch in drew uoods at atvow down price our mill inorjr in him ply lovelv v hnvc maittlch mid jikch ut 8100 tho wonder of iho tountr our prtnth und cotton wrtfdi inodrt aro mufveu for extoiit nriel lcaiity uintelieiipnths otirgeu- crnl stock bf atanlo goodu ih right nn to tho murk including ohc k e a cottonudc w lul cottonh tickings tt our ordered tloilnng dt purt rnent never wun in better hiiiijk it jou liuen t lift jour niftirttin tor one ol thonu 910 00 und 12 00 huitti our udvice i do it at ouco chen pent gnodi on earth tillm ih llouht icuninr till i hctnonibcr mo hite u lurgt ut 10u ol et ellcnt curpotrt turtuiiis h luco cl enillo mill all tlic hi tost ft iv tmriotiuu lltuoti uu oarjkjtrt 25c per y chenille cnrtuiiih 87 per pair into curtuiim hm per pinr muhimi curtanih 1c per d hi run cui tunih 1c per td hoot und shoe hiiu k uil tt roatl made clot b ng in mc n a und hojb lurgu 11riei ion prices our dreuminukcrrt und m1ii111 era arc hard nt work our regu lur opening hiiow of millmcr and droit- tiouds wilt lake plucc on jebursday 5th april anil following diih a ni initutiou extended to nil to and hcc we bue i0i1 td imflit y cut in our ntnek bj lii iiftli unit pu more i 01 u and li advuntnge ol tin diprmn prices market la tburrida in ieorgeton n 1 hpeclul burguiui tliom iln wm mgleod co geoitot 1 c loug oltniiiij and bouse oleaniur meana new carpeta oilcloths cartaltis wlndu abaoea a thee linca we can hur aa hue an assortment as any store lu canada aud tbe prioas are aa loaf aa do u l imj o au iulo thrru iuality etc conaidered and we want you lo ace what we can do for yoo before yon spend yoor enonay unrtilo ot wool tapestry and brussels carpets our general block of dry oooda milliner uanllea ao haa bean well patroalaed ao far aod with the la teat u rivals from tho bur o pes u and american markets we mean lo keep up tba in terra t darinjr tba balaooe of the aaa goo our millinery and mantle departroeou are wall lo the front with tba nepvea and moat faallonable kooda while for imnu uneni ftanrelettoa bhtrticr maalina ao wa keep tba beat and moat raliahla maka and aaaka tbe pnoe aa low aa jroa maj be aakea to pay for inferior good a a hrkcialty in our oreae department is lha larra alock of hiuuuo phikstoby 8 oeubrated black drees goods 00 hand they can always be relied on for durability and color dress makink and mantle making by aral alue artiste htyle and qt irnarantaad we have a lot uf ladles mieaos and children jackets at lees than iialp prick in black navy aod vawu colon jackets tiiai wem k 00 7 00 aud to jo reduced to 13 75 0 and 110 reduced to tt m to00 and 7 50 reduced to axou f 1 1 00 for ft 00 to those prices are for jacket that are fashionable with cape aod largs aleevae in blaaar or ooat fronto these txxl cau ba bought by mall a well aa auy other floods in ibe store give boat measure and leturtb of oleeve with tb tutor you prcfor and the price you want to pay and we will aend ii free to yoor nearest railway or espraea stall 00 drees aud mantle mafciun wy experts at ohort ooltoc un the pre ml a -1111- itlultl ifotmt kintj hlltrhl kah1 cairuer itukhauu hlioet great sellers 11 u u g linen are grcul tjellorn wilh i it hi ani uo ofgiiolj 1 em utivt long niu u lour nod by eoiiipitrihoti tlioy uro oxcoptioiinl vuluo fhoy ar ut i eemuru wc huve the itihidu iraek when buying or in other words vte buy dncct from ihu maiiuluclurer our noted 91 uu itltitk und olored kid gloveh k uroy und tun uounouitoiru jlovus 40 and tiv liuhdl liiiliea 111k ashuiuro ijone fine 550 h hildrun a itlhbed cuahinere lloao l itlin k utid colored juabtnoru gloves 2k hluck caalimoro olovoa 2 ladlmev uuuorvcstn thu aliove lire iiimiuiicuh otno ilopurtiuont only 1 ou hud leadora in ull dopurlinenta tliroiigboiit iho suirt carpets it toimil rubli 1 in bo suvud 011 sinall articles inuuii can bo n ui uu auu tyurpet- our slttek in one of tbo finest 111 western ontario wo having tho auvautago of bit tug direct iroin hie mui uluof iirorn you probably saw our challenge in tho ourtta and m ill oireritie to seuil samples in conipetition with an house 111 cunatla mantles wo cuitnol tiiku tiiuo und spuee at preuont to desert bo our largo stoctc 6f hprtng miintloa jupesmid wrupf direct from germuny ir our iruportatiuui of krench and kngliah dreaa ioods wo uro very busy 111 thoao dopartntotits besides ubovo goods wo uro oitonng a bargain lot of luce kudu hu liable for short curtains niuny of ihcao uro very fine quality and the price leaa than half their real value atso u number ot lndus print wrappers etylmli gunnonti bought in now york soiling pnet 61 a 61 t 61 ao und 6200 oiithurwduy april 1ith wo eouinteute a bulo ol 4mi im ot luco lirlunm from iht to 91 00 theno uro ut leuht 60 poc coul bolow their real vuluo ready made clothing and dry good at kellys store acton lltvitig punliied i luigc btiick of tht ih u 1 grt al s tt 1 the in uu ti 1 ouths tiul lllull t ii ui ovlltuats and 1 nit i 1 111k everj tiling will ik 11 it prices that vwll iiuni li u just think of ueu s heavy wool i aula lit 3 for tl tl till is tha kiud ltlblua 11 1 art wellliik for yiu itutn una hi t ir uiriii ory men all i 1 1 li 1 ik a pair whatou u think f m al t i ry thlik inul t do i tt una thia k kale the krvalcat plls of vciihu mi en luuanl al in all llm lu u bl remar kabl low prices eiually bb wall made an bity tailur would make uu al llirra linn- lliil ooat lis to your advantage lu all au aoa tbeae ood kverythluk jul froh lion 11 it aim lecturer ami at yoari r oa this will no uuubl u i lie k l you will have to t ouiiiuhi fur i li idler lllaa of overuoals hulls underwear lop bhlru hocka ovoralla shirtiiiks bnepondera llsls oaw ullonadek tn fact any th uik you want at very low mlc at kaeii s hiutt at to j j kelly the ome price ory cood8 store g b ryhn st co guelph powders tau aiit ttoo i1 vrt or roe to rtkkm pmtom an ommrm at ohuw mown lllaanr ualaif at rrht a vtiralcl i

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