Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1894, p. 4

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i illtlhsovy aljub m i mil hut gounrj jollm fopbdimws utnutntf aanocnit ol liends thai n lri hh1 it alio nf i niw alirlnsa willi nf innlli uuati selilm lasrt mllol lika wan nan lm ri atiovn tea aiiiiw hil hi loii ob of bar i nwl 4 tuuln wal llitif told nt labor done an i welt pni1 rot lliat earns at ml of tin lr nil tlio rn i fl ircarw lied a ii mi kiirtir blu the illi vittspi nut mixilliml im colmob whubim qulle ewer an 1 iiivdit itarb the laeca if cblldiood da an i i ti ibu 111- tlis feint smlla almost said soiiakimwa lilesseeral but tlla liafipt deed bo itaslnn wbero alio la km that pain ami aril tic could not cleara its mil bssln and wd were sorethat te see- iser lest t hi uiaxdlii aisle attach m al the peel lio never know bar old and laid asfle moiimiutmrlim rest ilia nialrien and the tin u fied rune 4o greet willi the olden oacli tlin drar wool dajuoa no later lata can leaell and vouiiialiotnor they cftnd md frh lior bands ho i wells ilia uldtlier lu lbs beet of pleasant surprise i au amusing inetanon of the simplicity of a little nofra boy ia told hy a lady in whoaa family the lad ft tod for several years whan ho u aboal seven yesrs old he wu a i to leertf worda id an old spelling book lie a odoo became interested in watching father time aa represent by an engraving and every spare moment he had daring the day he devoted to the contemplation of thia chase which wu to him both real and ex citing when bedtime came he reluctantly laid aside tb sun bia atody ot clelier wid de mowin aayve had to riven np for thl day the noil morn in the oral fhintf ha did waa lo get tbe old speller and turn ita pafiea eariy until ha came to the esoiling picture he gazed intently at the flkuree for an instant and then exclaimed with a scream of delight aa he capered joyfully about tha kitchen book in hand he am kuotched im yet no a t racky be am t ko tubed im yet i the oolden moments when john tyndall the rrtal scientist who died a few sroeka ago i a boy clerk iu a london tore hia employer who wu one of the right eort aaid to bim john bow do you apendyonr apare time such a question had never bran pa to the boy before and with a uickneaa rarely equal led ha grmsped ita i a at the same linn iu possibilities in anawer to hia employer a questions ha aaid he had never been to echool to any extent and ha had never read ha waa relieved from work in the tnidile of the afternoon and ha bad been in tha haim of roaming tha atresia alter work lie wma told by hia employer um tbhtlf i r4ieswsels as him greet end il did john tyndalt died at the bead of toientioo rnaoaiulj the frtead of tha worlda great diaooverara and a eta dent wboee fame will live forever tie be- gen bin work aa a poor boy clerk in a atore but he improved hia time therein ilea the eooret of noonea in tbu life brltleh troopa in the united states uriluib troopa aaya the lowialon evrm imj journal liavo been ruating through bdaiuo for everal montha tlie activity be tog capocially noticeable at preeent but no ono in maine ltaa got excited over tha natter indeed very few knew anything about it until informed by a despatch sat urday from ht john theee roonmtnu it ib aalti are iq the lir nt f tfy hntiah government desiring to find out juat bow long it would take to gel ita men and aupplir acroae the cantinent in event of trouble with ltuasie a few wocka ago a aikociai train carry tog armament and apphee wsedeapatohsd from halifax to fciatjuimalt ii c with inatruotlona to atop for nothing bat water and to change ou ginea there were nine loaded can qn the train and the trip waa made acoordlog to the rcxirt by the canadian pacific official in loaa than ave day or plwrei loldwi mllrl dlarovery in very dlamas rauenl by uinilil liver or im pdr bbmmt for ihnmauver atwl nwid rwangemenu ami kimlml aiunenta noln tng aipmachea it aa a remedy pierce cure ai s mr atrwwnia-vaw- nijk of hatntuatt faif- rltmh uf frianda ild i would never he jnypwofr r uleeraupn of the tmw- is ty uin lime i hid bken a tmhtln anil a jalf of ndctor ilrrt a onldrn umiral liamv- err the lloilina had atmnat atnejwl dy p- kile waa rood noil- finrdlo hurt ma that i at mr athnwti aesend ii arts my cun u p notes here and there itemi of qonoral intoroat to froo pretaroadero ixnllar to turff bo sminoully aaooenfal ha floods bar aaparilla been that many leading citiaem from all over the united blatea furniah toatlmonibu of curea which oem almost uiraoulona noodle baraaparilla ia not an aooident but the ripe fruit of induatry and atudy it poaaeaaea men peculiar to itself hood pill cure nantes kiokly head aelir iudlgeation nilionaueaa bold by all drnggiata it ia impoaeihleto road w u boot proa lino by it having u lured over twn yeara willi oonatipation and die doulora not having helped mi i concluded to try burdock ulood ilitlera and- before i uaed one bottle twu oared r osn aleo- reoo m mend i fev aick headache etlml i hainea i akttvinw ont he who ia big in hia own eyoa ia amall in other people a 141 hrrr do you fool blue and do pond ml i t ha paina rank and tear away at nerve an 1 muacle and have you been diaappointod in flndieg a remedy that will afford certain and tfpaedy relief t if an go at once to any drug atore and buy bottle of pol boh n roet thfi never feili to relieve onurauiia cramp headache rheumattam and all internal ana external paina j d carman draggint aforriaburg writea all the partial i aupply are vary favorshla tonervillue and atwaya pnrobaaa a aeeond lot iulauna nervilmo ia aold in bottlea at 2j conta by all drogu and he who never drivoa hia work ia alwaya driven by it relief in hix hours diatreminx kidney and bladder diaeasea rehevod in aix houra fay the now great bonlh american kid nay care thia new remedy la a brest nrpriu tna osiiirtit uj uiiyiujiiiji on- booonnt of ita uoaeding promptnaea in re lieving pain in tha bladder kidney hack and every part of the urinary passagea hi mala or female ii rehetoa retention of water and pain in paaaing it almost im mediately if you want qurok relief and cure thia ia your remedy hold by j v kannnawin what a miserable aim haa ho who uvea for himaelf alone mr t j humoa columbua ohio writea i have been alfliotod for aome time with kidney and lwor complaint and find iarmelee a 1illa the beat medunoe for theee hlaoaeoa these pi i la do not cauao pain or griping and should be nted wheu a what jimmy knew about mo so il ia very oodnnon now in tbe primary achoola for teacbera to entortain their little scholars with stones a few day ago the teacher was telling ihe children about pharaoh a daughter finding the babe in the bnlruabea now children aaid abe how many nf you know anything about only one hand went up t n jim r g ia see theroa one in the eohoal who has beard of him before now who was moasa t ha the foliar wot they wanted to know whore he waa when the light went out oxoleiuiod jimmy will graal guato hard times and fiailroaob thai tha still prevalent ousnoial atrlu keucy haa beau disastrous to tha rsllwas ut tho uuilod males is a widen i from like act thai ono nf ih t their twtsl miloaa hsa got ink the handa of reorivera an im krlatit bouswuotice will bo thst i ho various companies will bo unable lo meet ihelr obligations to i bo ooverutnoui sud tint qneatlon la uow before lbs house com mlttee ondaclflc rsilroads tbo drat lu stslmanl of bonds issned by i no oovern maul in aid of the eonitructlon or tbe lacina osda sud smounink lo tsaoj 000 lalls due lie it january and roust bo pfoviaod fur during iba neat fiscal year boiug htysbla al the dslouf their maturity 1 he whole amount luvulvod la shout lviouoooo hllusrtl u f tthts iteeuliful answered tha fsfr pittsburg girl wbeu asked whether tha world s kstr waa etlraotivo itoauulul t wall 1 should just asy it is the buildings look as if they wore isrvod out ul solid ice cream physicians the world over endorso tt babies and children like the lome or it weak mothers respond readily to lis nour ishing powers scotts bbbbbbbbbssr emulsion n th s coated and rolled in flour of iuorioe to their purity and givo them a pleasant agreeable taalo directness of aim is of more importance than loudness of report there ia a danger in neglecting a cold many who have died of consumption dated tbeir troubles from exposure followed by a oold whiob settled ou their lnnga and in a abort time they were bevond the skill of the beat phyaiciau had they used dickie antioooaompuva syrup before il waa too late their uvea would have been spared this medicine haa uo equal for ounog oongha colds and all afloctiuna uf the throat and lungs opportunities are bald behind yon must catch tbem by the fore look try it il would boa gross lajuauoe uj oonfonud that standard hesliug aitonl pi v nod n n 1l h niponrnl ooiigds wood s nurwny ill h r j limit the real i apptnras of lifo cnniiul bo onht for mnnty an i ihn poor may have it aa wrll aa ibnvioli willi snllla on her lip t ami a trar in her io rliolebrlnliorryiliooauoiitiebrilllllinor ing with a terrible liaadsnln- hut thfa tulllo on her lip inliorted lw uom r l hla l mwilnra i tr ewtiinnnials from people sho hiniw aahurlrl her that olio oould gat linden re lief end in a pleaaaut form fur those pow data are rasy lo take and quick and r maneul in their vftiiqta mr auynanl woodalook out ihev are rcall wondnrful twpiii live eeiila itnat a rrrrp nf gno1 imnvf in oiir gun as rognlarly aa jim in srn i in yniir mtiv and when on i i oil yem will not r xblovn miuar s i in i nun i wjll euro oiorypaiont dlnhtharia hiverdslr mr itiubcn ilajtrr i beliave iriiisr tiitilmont will primi lu growth of hair htsnoly p 1 i mm has auwmm i believe minsrd s ltulmont is tho host household remedy on earth oil city out metlhiaa foley a dog a tair it no tuaintitcr but it generally has a wag on kngliah spavin imminent amovua alt bard aoft or oallouatd lumps and illem lahoalrom homos ulood tinaviu curbs bpliute hing uouo uweenoy rltiflos hprams bore and hwollen throat coughs etc rave tv by use of inu holtlo war ranted tlio most wonderful hlemish cure erer known hold by j kannawln druggal b to be porfeotty proportioned a niui should weigh iwenty eight pounds for every fool of his height iu itrjl in tlirim itrpralril llrktiunii it may bo well to state 8 cot i whmuaiiiii acts as a food aa wall as a madiutuo build ing up tlio wasled tusuea and restori ng per fret health after wasting over three unstable lilies of tlii unstable world are ilia wind apri sunshine ajid woman a pll faith perry uavia 1ain utillar lis oflaaut era almost itiataiitanooui nil r ling rohof from the nnal intonso pun it soothes llm irrltalod or inllsmod pari and 11 ves rest and ijulet lu tho auflercr ll ia oniiiioiitly the people a fnoud and every one should have it with tliom or whore thny out iut slietr hand en it tn the dark if need be uol jau itolllo lli j it stau ibis is tho srsroii uf the year whon tlio awning making brglns to tho remainder ol mankind lu the shade rheumatism cured in a pay south american rheumatic lure fur itlieumatlam s dap its action uu the system is remarkable and mysterious it removes at onco the cause and tho diseaae immediately dia appeara ilia llrsl dose greatly bailouts 75 cents aold by j ranuawiu drug it haa boeu decided by an uughah judge that a maidservant cannot be discharged because alio smokes iu tho kitghen tlio kitchon is thus doularod lu be tha castlo uf theoook tho great results whiuli have sltoudod she regular use uf jululuo wlno by pooplo of dolicate uonatituuon and those effected with a general prostration of the system say more than all the words that wo cau aay lu she looketh well to the wrtya of her iinufctinm ottto vw n m hwiiiit ihufiood liuuslkllpr lvlryu lirru ils but pirlicularly i i can hut lur una nrc not ilwnys old wnjh in fat she hni di enrdtd tunny mis itibfnctory old wni ior htstuntfi to tlay hllc is using itie new rirorttiiiiiig imtestd ol i ird anotllilh ji in itfielf it ret tton uliy site lookath well in another sense for she cafc no lard to cntiso poor digestion mid n wote complexion cottouiinj is much better than lard for all cooking pnr ikwcs aa ovir tint who hab tntd t declares have you tried it f for wile cvryvhcre mndo only by n k fair bank ft co wellington and ann sts uontrkau itch on human and horaui and all animals cured in 30 m inu loo by wool ford a hsintary lotion thia never fails hold by j v niun haliy 1 k wn c i r aatorla wlianili wnii llll lorrlr1 r uuirla w lion ilio tiocat i 111 i 1 1 i in ui juuirla ben ibu lisu l on i 1 11 i lliri i ulurla rtial honors kucp longer l out with a knife and aclaaors than thoy do if picked uadihood oausea uouhirs hnila pimplftn ulcers sorufula tie iturdook ulood liilters euro bad blood in any form from tho pimple to tho worst scrofulous sore printing r ine printing is aif art and when you aro having any printing dono you might aa well have it well done i ho i tier imii jub printing dcparttudrt docn work ut tho fliiohl uality and prices are alwaya reaaoneiile try us with your next order ouo trial of mother graves worm fitermiualor will oouviuoo you that it has uo aquel as a worm modloine lluy a bottle aud see if ii does uot please you i nit i mu wiinhr rissb ia with a picc of chamois that ammonia will clean and brighten carpet norway i lue hyrup cures coughs colds aathma bronchitis hoarseness sore throat aud diseases of the throat and lunge price r and mjc from ram a horn thomas kclectnc oil wmbthe old unguents lotlous and salves thoy are of ton union inflammalory aud aslrliigeiit this oil is ou tho contrary eminently ooollug aud soolhlug whon applied oxtorualty tu relieve mmii and io war fully rcmodiil whan bwsj tewed ullburn s iloer iron end win tla txri i hoof iruu and ivm mil bum tbo boat 81 tho best lteef lion and wine milburusfl 1 ho uian aibii uiuu itta hiivii n asay way u nl ililuga ts not a k njll hor the thorough and seedy euro uf all itluud diseesea sud eruptions u tbo hkln take northrop 1 lyniain a vegetable oieoovery ura i furhsa iotralt had a ruuulug auro on her leg for a lung time ooiuiuonced uatng nurthrop a i yman ogetabla disoovar and alia la iuw oom plotoly ournl liar huabaud uiinka lharo is uuthlug chjual tu it for aguo or any low fever if the grumbler would only alrsixhlen himself out ho would 11 1 j a k ileal ires tu cwroplelu uf oeullemen 1 wo yosro sgu my huabaiij luftjted from severe indigestion hnt u oom plainly cured by two buttles ul 11 ur dock uroud itlttera i oan truly rocummeiiil it to alt sufferers from this diocese mrs johullurd utruuhl toroulo you slwsys make more enemies iliad money talking politics ju luo alroot oshumption cuukii ho cream or codllvwr oil x tho lifo or tho blood tho maker of sound flesh solid oonoa and lung lusuo and tho very wjtc t nourttkmtmi dwlhi iieihtgb sesitttitii lahltlksm usslllall an uld physician rollrod brom praolioo having had plaoed lu bis hands by an r aal india m lesion ary the formula of a simlo vegotable remedy for tbe speedy and per manenl ours of consumption llronohiua catarrh afflbni nd all throat aud lhug afleotioua alau a posiuvu and radical euro for nervous debility aud all nervoua com plaints after having tooted ita wonderful eufavtive power in thousauds of oases haa fell it hie duty to rafce it known to ail hia ufariog fellows actuated by thia motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will sand free of oharaja to all tsaodeauvit hie renins la german preach or knglisb wilh fall dirmetioaa for pteparing and osidg seal by ma by addreaslug with tamp uaniag tblt paper w a mtm a pawm block roobatar n y ititjnnalf tlill trilulb a iruo modinliid aud a life giving principle a iierfoct rou ovator of tho wholn system luviguraiiug at the same tune both body aud tniud i la medical properties are a febrifuge lono and autlperiodic small joacs frequently ro posted iron thou tbo pulse create au appetite eiiahlu you to obtain refrotitiimf sloep aud tu fool and know thl evory flbro aud liaaue uf yyur syslem is bo lug braced and roitovatoil lu the duo qmiiluo wiue prefiarcd by northrop v 1 yman toronto wo have tbe exact uinia re ulrud and lo persqne of weak aud irervous oonstitutious we would say never bo witbuul a bottle iu ihe house it is sol 1 by all druggists thai whilo of eg will rr rom tho throat if hostel lo a ttahbouo ud given al oh what n luuth will whlis warmim ine il iorhats uf tlin auro approach of that mure tor rib jo llaoaao iiiiiiiiplnm ask your aclvoa it uu an aflurfl fur tha sako ol saving 50c tu run th risk aud du u ithui fur it wo know from exportation that hhilob a mo will uuru ynur oougi ll never rails hold by j v kaiiuawin 1 bat ooiiiiu u dry ssll doalia mai lio thoroughly wllhuut injuring ihe nuifata kklu ulsesaes are more ur less direct ly ocohiotol by tia i iiiihhi ii li 11 mires thafollowiufchklu itiseaao kh ngloa 1 t ipolas itchnik luho hall ithriiin huall head kruiiiui i lniilos itlomlicn by re m iviug all impurities from tho bjotid iron a ooiiiiiiii i impla u tho worst ho rod loui that a piuch uf cream uf tartar pul in with ihe whiles uf og when lnni in a ton will make ttuin slillur ouths an i olds ira 1 tu kmiiiu ll i noglouted ir w m1 norway i me hyrup cures uiokly and n loanaiit lo uko ii yiiu want to buy ur soli s kami d voruao in the lor iiui ii rrkiy at ul 1 hat painr rtmulica 100 uk rarnmri homo overy wock an 1 your advortiasmeiit should meet the oyo ul sumouuo who wanl tii pur obaao advortlaoinoiiu of una ulaan art m sorted in iho i omiitu h rrlly ituw fur i ivo conu a wurd osoh luavrtioa or i wonty euu a wurd fur ivo luscrtluiin address the mail tumulo i anada 1 im eruues ol plau which am ml in dally uao should bo put away lu grcon dyspejme oauaoa diuiiioas headeoho t uiiallpallou variable aitllo uisiiik and kuuruig uf food palatelluu of the ilesrl dlalresa after 1 atiu ii ur loch itluud liilters aro k ui euro lya pesla if fallhlully uaed according to direct loos the third paio ul tho torunlu isijy iuii ia noted fi r want edvertlaomoiits if you want tn buy ur aoll anything if yun waul a situation a mouhaiila a busl neea machinery imlmnge if y havo lost ur olind anything or if you want tu bud out where anyone is advertiaq lu he to roolo datlt mail and read the advertise ment oo the third page of tliat paper the charge is two conta a wurd oeuh in aertion addreks 7r itttit lorouto im 1 tie man who has lod to nlau l him always does a good day s work tberu isu t a poor in in in tho world who would du a rich man s work fur the pay hu geu if sunlight had to bo paid fur ihnru am people who would go around claiming that candle llht could beat ll rt t iu ti mountains llioy would hlockadn ovi ry road over whluh thoir iioighbora hsd lo haul whoal to markot the dlfforonco mistress u hat kind of pics are lhcac cook homo a v cm is sppul an 1 some mispress hut 1 luhl you ui mark them so they could bo told apart ai d tiny aro all marked i m cook ho they be mum lis mince and lam l minco ivotful c ing c shou bnlvfin nimwihvorrrrhytnp it-tprnhiictr-tho- i hesn imantiflil pin i tiros am now ready for delivery in ten couiplota parts 1ft pic tnrcn cumprtalng oarh part and the whole ti rod by the payment ol on dniiarppiirtfl uoir n l iunni k aiionu chicagn milwaukee dt ht paul hallway chloagu hi and the ifulliih uf u will lie aim o cxhiisn by malt to aulisrrihera komillancos should bo made by ilrsfl money urder or mastered letter if yon want llrsl class ouelph hash and doors at liielph prices 1 hiiiuna oai hi our ordur st bis planing mill unnttimf trji i ir trtmr i hnjl tmih i virf per boluc25c0corsl00 cores oonstrmpuon coturha cmift rarw throat bold bv hit dntdrbu oa a oestaalae r vlline side back or cast ahllolrt poroo iplastar will givs grsst saiufsctla eants shilohsvitalizbr urs tauawkmacbuanoioetnbbamg o0 jcmtuactl fordyepei troublo it oxool price tkjdney icatarrh remedy ilaveytmcatarrtit trythlanetnedr itwlu noslu voly rouoye and cure rou price co eta thia injector for its auccesarul treatment ts furnished free uimecnlmirhhllohslemedle are sola on a gi is ran luo to slve aatls a nprti tnsmmoul uatnttsph tn n colon ihn lutlnaulahml artui used humphnr it 1 iral ions and it loo ho wlda and will ba ami lrr t ran fell veer vi or 4 a ii aallarf oi t vdmii i matt sbowa a beautiful itlmplhl larllna flail in a warm rlrh fur lined rloak bakl an i um in hand aba pnlls tea mira in ihp unshlnn bar cbwka blaah ellti health an i vigor nl her roaulah ejea aparlha mrrllr hare is dallssit 7ss a copy will be eelil fne pnatpal t if you pitunue lo loll our friends an i aand it rents tn stampsor sllvor for a ulroo munuu trial auuscrlpuon the whole family an llluilretml monthly masrsstna with alorles baaedntes rsmlitnnw and alt arthtao of lntrral by beat a uhi r anil ramh ouiimi oontemi nwnlhljr iiuux lvm oo m umnnier sl doatue mass mome1 h j ilhj lri discomlort baking powder thecooks best friend lahgcst sale in canada ashoe no t holltu uoy ihe lady had glou tho iull boy apjilo aud ho had asid tiothnifc in rocoul tlou what does a utile boy say when h gela anything 7 naked iho lady itisiuus ingly ho hobllalad a muuioul mi iwy tie sai wya trtonw- you auma says much obliged anj au just koepa ihiiiklug huw tout i uiotir orange is than an apple with e oirteio o luplliout ahuuid 1 troala ho ho praised my aiuiug li ves he said ii was heavenly did ho really say lhal well mil o molly bul li oan i that lie aaid it a tn hw can i gel t u i lation from hero havo yon jol a carriage no iny hltlo la i oh then uu ll have to walk llmsapiraara wbiallli g a tij p ilal meloj a olcphai i goua jhihaps tin- lli atauoof dalplliiul uouraif li t iwrn ii the auiuial world 1 hey will rub nil ly a i lor lay to havo paliilul wuun is ijrom j lu obo1inuoe lu iboli kam and itet ian gor iu ilwliflii d uniidr th nigh umrni uilllgeiilu ia aillk inn l i uu luralaii i lh torli au 1 lar uhi iol i i a msii t ll luk llum inki k bullof lhal it in li n etlotiul no animal will faco danger iiktd rea lily al aiai a hi jinn 1 he triumphs of lrulli ai the ti l h loua ohnlly bvuauau lluy aru lhu it i bluudleaa of all viulorlim urlvtt g th u hlghusl tuslra from tha iiiiiiibti aavoil uot uf tho slain your hltlo ulull n the only iru 1 ui oral wo uftou trouiblo al si uni ly u nor yet the false fancy bungs a rial in in ry who hath mil iwnad wlh rsplurc mil ton tamo lhu hwar v kf the itiaxlo of a uaiuo- all aro hi who limit urn lium wilh in tbo bouudarloa uf umir juisiil it w ledge do yoimnowr 1 list a tlw i lecos of leswaiul uji with silk or wtkdloii gvoila prevent llniii immi g yellow 1 list iho hirh lanay u a sura jirevcnllva of moths 1 hat sweat clover has the reputation uf oeiuttabhurret by hie i hluardauiuwutiurca uurnsar ill buout d ha vk rhhsk foints m 11 ii j hi i r sti j i wt- ii 11 hlw i mam- i ui al kal t l lllll t k i io j ll ll till 1 till ull u nl ill thill n 1 111 mil lilcl 111 ill i ll it ol i l i iii l kkmtlval i l i i l n 1 i nil tn i t in i ui hum i mi 1st l ll 1 llll illinlll nl ill ink it li n kiii nl it ilulllun 1tfl i isll i h ui llu i hi 4 m li in men s wmncus ilmiiis i hilihiii uu i iiiii i ut i i hi jlifi a si i i il inu 1 ini i llhiilli llll ll ll ss til iii 1 i w williams i l is i 1 is i o 1 lmv t in i muk w in n nu i in i t it waters bros oops in v i a i ii 1 r mi r it 1 tv l i 1 r i l i li ll i ldl i 11 ht tho picture callery 1 cuelpm will cyjickly cure diphtheria gisyxoi n coughs durno sco we have flt lived a new stock of dress goods qeiits ituriiisliiiigs hats shirts ti6setc out new ticb at 30c sold evrfyvvhcre else at 50c we have only to shpw theln to bell them they arc the talk of the town our dress qoods compare favorably with any of the large ctfy houses in some itibtances they rc ibwer than can he bought anywhere else sa i urday ih our bargain day call and st t for joursclf that it is as wc advertise millinery milliner novelties arc unsurpassed both for stle and low prices we are always pleased to show our stock at any time groceries we carr a full assortment of groceries hitfhet prices paid for butter and effl give call durno st go mill ulij mulll btlcltb ac ton bankrupt stock sale j d williamson co having bought the stock of a j little co at 45 cts on the and removed it to the q olden lion ertt 1 now iilfuimg it at 1 proportionate reduction hii stock as is well known is one of the finest stocks ipli flic ditss joods are particular good i here a vciy fine range of mantles hosiery gloves and c ioocis an irresistable inducement to buy dress it tbe i 1011 i- llu advantage of having them made up li t ss m iki i ikt tlil first tram to kiutlph bargains such as wc on t kcp ii ou but i or 10 to spend you are u d lit re im ts art nddlcd bcoiul ret ognition in iliufn tl out of all proportion railway time t lp rassangar tl of llillsd mll flblne est 0 ib s in an 11 hi in oalnehsst 10 c a m ami ft 10 l ui tills lime table went lulo lflncl tin nm lmo wood engraver i0-kinc-st-ea5t- se toronto sendfor prices powders cars sick hkaoachm and neuralgia tbrpht llr liift iirtaiir m tray cbrbrtn reiuuia ilia u w t vmitr mom to tsss mfoat ba carre at onua aroma cured by ddd oritrwccrofuu mn nin i hail sn a srrii ni tnr braaal aalj i kt onrajhi t 1c nld not walk rotitul uia bouae whilom takiiiff i ul t at chair- ul iup- ixirt uio tbo doctors uraled uol tliree rsraaid at last aaid tliure waa no bops lor ma laakedlfl mltflu take 11 ii ii and tiinf said it woald do mo no hartn so i brffan to lass its and before uiroo bottles swo unl i fall brest tiaiwflu 1 bato ouw uko i u lioitloa an 1 am near i v well 1 bud iiunlock llfnl liilters a aran i blood pnriner and vary cood lur etilldran as a lruifc iiieduu i una jtirrs rnxse rtssiuordont oktenrf copyrights tf csttwb ntpt ft a sltss atji hovanadneal ipanrnca in ll i lm i i lain lb am aoin irea aim a mslustw ol iuc toal and kivnlloa hwka real llwsw btsnta taken thrausn munn s co rnrt halilaalntb pw-rnllll- aaacrlrhm at ifhlll bruuslit wideif imi lu iho t itluaiu nkl ir hi 1 i- i jkt 1 i iut 11 luo 1 ik lids l uur i ii 1 v hit i m illi j d williamson fc co u ilrihit illaafciis guhijli jolm speiglit fc spxi wrniture st und6rtbkunc lui hutch ut kuruiluid i uuw iuniuui fur il hriun trad uil mifl lij yu ui 1 i iwl ljl no wjluu i 11 uur lunniur nor iloiiul ii mi in iu iiiuuiw ul w ih loitl nd ou m tiy ilolr in lliotrrul wt u iii gl uu i bedroom set complete for 14 wove mattroeses or vi sprlhks lores sldeboarda at coat lounges lor s760 j extension tables s7bo chairs at any price unperthkinc a lull hu ul colllu i ku uoto ill looi w mliuctiuu ii ui iriun wo uir u luiiirca uuu tb iabli uk imi lbl n uu uunummbii will y txiinbliilluu nil uur irlo to not 0uriiwl ly ih lludrlkrr ummirliuu wo 011 tllvo jou iho ira iii niwlwl ltor4 1 nrjr irwmuril pricor cood hearse and outfit for funerals k sp6icht st son if lwoc4 raeklt srmiiljf llliuirair1 to i rsrstq larcasl rinmlall in ul anjr tclulillu wajs in tbe world m ban ir mnin aoi t fra ni4a j4 esnu kvorr number tuim na beau iirol pistss in colors si 1 plo4wrai li ol i hhurra altb i lai rnah i ull trr i il lbs lat- ajui uuujzsax plans rerotdy- tor cetarrta is use han caattst to useand cbsajmet catarrh the royal electric co are and neand xruil floctrlo llcnttns rlrtttlo m i i i d uftirratars 00traotce3 akd butlde13 01 electric light and 1 out stations turoiuiiutt tiik nantstus b0 to to wctt inqtqn bt the 0cbt aajs pzer jwfbdlujh in the would ittthc local pres k perfect artltll coorcsfrlenll w baking powder tho htrtl 11 iln v nf cnrmn 1 irtar auwltlle iluithi irl uk gltiou onlv iiri wf i linn nnr ilii it itarl i m i iii ll uihil f r 1 nal s 1 11 i 1taalukjljellsl h thk tfirjit irimitnn urn t caffarttma tho finest pure ground oteo in tho world bold in fna only f i n t ii it i jrutir lii irt r r m ii ttit tunl iiiriitlo n- mill- muinml vvloulll mill iiimull ilt ly ir nil b luiiilo to tho uililrie i m u nut cay i suit i 1 iu i uid ih t daiil ir i in i un f r lli r il wlrm tvrsuuw ul lira lair lb u ueiual t3 lubys parisian hair renewer us u ui u n h tliasfnaru ran le iw talhit sip i i mdi as oreci hi lucri it u iliitdanl iimmlii llol i ul i aiatiiilfnil t tutltclvssatlnfitct r il la all tu ii i il ik 1

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