Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1894, p. 2

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v i v aj i r icooeau ol a daughter vvifmiti in stwigiimt itanwi ji uay thewllaonhlalwliltler orsrteuuliuv hkski vin actnn niitiindjtjwui tlio ifnol anuu hmindy of a dantjhtr latdsanla on wwlnm i m m twiiw r day rth atrli b llev r thompson istli jt lm ulll if he htrschan lauisr nf ilia hfiw llmpclar la ii uy1 hiiqii c uwjljn or tin i mum y a line tiwin or run oft v ore way j vy the 111 a wff ileitis plltk l im tt he anlrq lalaellnlt uuatft eijc ktian 3f jruss tmiurhday jiy l lm notes altfd comments iii cllilollc f rm ofliuftel referring lo tho nwjy movement says it i r poll turn of lui social upheaval in rrui in 1711 it u nil a rjbllim it i a rutoluliou i lie workingmeii of kd in burgh hail a prtxtesmon on heturdav end a meeting was held al wlncli resolution 1 were pasael da mending an eight hours working day the abolition of tho hou of ionla and the imytnctit of mombcro of the house of coin mom a 1erl lenient try retnrn of the kducalion department state that tlio eipjnditure for public education in r ngls and wales oufrcaptjuletter lluslnoeu of lh session la prarfrma- tn more fmpldlycoal oil and iron trirftin- ly flavlaod the pftohidi n oirswt way 7ui a brohoitttfmuk la one in which a holiday ocsi newsu teod the bnijueaa of the attmion that nalat nithlnil lirjtfciai iff but laat week proved an exception tn the nin altjutul uiallsaancildnntiltontluirailaytabcenaio lhml ttu ill in li an increase over the prewuit year of eli ltr tbo total mimbr of euhool on tho annual grant hit on aug tl ln was l i ip4j with en aver art attondanco of i 1 jo v7 a looter it la claimed thai ai a result of lite irffvatlinf luiry sent out laat yor by the ontario government the farmer of thia province received s75u 000 more for butler than they would otborwiae have received tho matruotlou of the uetry having im proveil the iuahty of the butter to that ox tent 1ayl ail 1 both tcwtrieshy station wero altorf atill bull in uinlitv and ijaahty ttio prurota nwwlo with llw tajhton tnelay ami lnla wai irrater than in an werk am thi- ii m hat bfii ommlllae pf waa i mm to f tlfa moat tronbhamie jneala c1 til and iron h and aomelhinj likn 1 ilm in all wer paaudtliirin 1w week ilcl thia mr charlton attutiday baeran ltil which la always nuiro or l a atuuiuliuu blink to thoaoraion haabrcu advaneni ata am a few othcrmttera occupying thn aloutiuu of tlte ilmibbwimnaltji1iavo imoiidiaouauxl and may or my not turn up ajin thia toeton tlio warm ajirtn weather alinnat pproacliiptaaminer acina to have atirrnl up the moinbera a trill and to hau reminded them that if they cfcprct ionihi domtnton laj at llomrllmj inustili m ro work and lea talking utta rt ut t m i ti mm the rnnluiit lmmtttee haa doci lnl to rraomimnd li iho iioum to have 100 000 oopiea each of the exrartmonui farm report and the ilair commjalonnra rrport pnoted for dklrihntioi aiming ihe farm era of the country imirmu uii iiuuiit it will be remembered that wmo lime ago a labor dcltflatlon waited on the lrimo mluiater and aakod fr reruin lefiiautioii with rcapoot to labr inlereala amongu other thing tliat the lirat honda v iu kaptaafluaotia mada a ilatiilnrt bflhllftl mankind in general aul the kinut of buropa in particular may read a loaaou in the demonatratlou at hoaauth a bunalwhen a multitude knelt in reverence to the dead the reaaon for it all ta very plain koa- auth waa a man who atrove to benefit hie fallow beintpk humanity wauta veieauoo for iu wronga but it bat the full uf gratitude for ita benefactor icial do pi iiil luiancial deprcaaion of tlie piat voir haa been widespread r vulence of tlna la atrawn in tho fact that nearly overy otvilix 1 nation la deeply in debt in turops the anancml budgav of oue country ailo u other allow a a heavy deficit tlio la teat addition to the number iaranoa k3 000 000 ratio t behind in the a moan i needodla run the government nest year anada haa only to keep hor head and rulaau her property and alio will proaper amid all the convulaiona of the coming leoade the dominion a population la but am all but her reaourcea are rreat the united utalea iiaa had a good inning but te happtoal country of the future will be the country wiih the area tut area of unoccupied land per head that country lctenninod that no aaloon keeper can be be known at i ibor ha hir john tlwmpaon haa kivuii notice of a 1 ill in amend the inlerpreulion and little of 1 change act the amendment it la intend od consist iu adding labor da u thr hat of bolilayuuionltoned in thow ai u the good old enllomen of the benalc aat with oloaed door for a limo laat i burn day we are told that the aubject under diacuaaion waa the proposition that the senate abould alwirtly adjourn for a week and furthermore we are inform ml that tho ii dtcaded tha u would be tn the intereata of the country for them to alt yel another tve d a hafore takitik a abort aeaeun of reat and relaxation benator ubuuer made a anccch in which he told the old gentlemen thai he had beard atneturea paaaed upon their cualom of taking frequent hojidaya and aaid tlte gallant old man 1 for one luii t want auybodj to think uo are buc men when i waa ouii 1 norkfal hard an i although i m eight two eara old i am reauiy to earn my acaamnal indemnity yet let ua ahow tneee people aim cxitiruan ua that we are induatnoua and not unaloaa aa ami nf them would make on i and the liatening senate applauded furioaaly rtauuiutiti taxttiuu urnfc y a mlefulooireiirytieiiaea paying nvnn ban of the ocwmooa and benate fl 000 each for their aeaaionat aervioca allowa tbem mileage to and from ottawa thia allowance runa all the way from ui to yx so leee ttian elgtil of the people a re tat i voa receive over wml each for tbetr travelhuk eipcnaca and the agrcaui of the aum paid by the tat payer uf the dominion under thia bead la nearly w 000 a year aud nearly the whole of thia goes into the penta pocketa a an extra at the expenac of then railway com urn lea u coune lbey tuipqct a return in aiimc wa talk of the pav anepltorns bftho worlds doln durin tl w ijrainplod town hall am i iiqiim wore dratroyed by flro laat week tho health of iho j iwti i aaid to be caoainb acrioua anxiety in the royat family the wurlda i hlbtlioli waa formally ownml at antwerp by iho lvin aud j teon elielh ur x irani jr tlttaafi waa titled tl and etiata hlurd for nut rahirlli a aoarlet fever cae to tho hwal anthorllicit friday for aethu lupior during prohibited houra without deman ill 1 cior onrli aeale pwthht i altiulywill viil toronto in heplembar an 1 huht iiidi lilia in tho mw maaaey if all on thn tnritat of lite mm ntnr a earmtat i luhii lay i minitor ui ituami died iti oi ofk on haliirly iln loavoa a wi low i children j iraii lohildron ajid 10 real trati iliiuw n riie rixlnccd invjiriiy wljiuh tho i nifliah govcrnincnt i abln to vommtud luada to tfio belief tint thorn will iu an mrly iliat4 lution of iho ii law rim 1 wruor loimrnl iu hllnluly dicll ui real hi in mnutreal for a part of the oar an 1 ha loaaml iho mauamn of the late remit r hir j hn abbntt juhunlii loujtlir oiig nfaon of u ilmalii uougher uf uunnvillu waa drowned in the canal about iiimxi 7 ttur lay 11a want out ta dali mid foil from the lock ifatea tho 1riuco wi i riiiaet f vale tho luk and ljurheia ot ibotirk and tho jjuke and ihiahert or on naught will be preaetit at the marnagu of the irewitch to 1rinccaa ali or ileaa ihe bharon poiaouiii caao oamo to an enu tueaday ovldiuk fiuu naadltcharod before iho cane went to thejory a verdict of guilty waa rutur od agiuat mra 1 vena and ltiun btnlotico wi deforred tho iiiarriage lawa in auatralia arc be nn haahnfiii were- trned-rtv- hio nh r au m declared vol i becauae the hnde had deruiv ed the huaband by atatui that ahti waa fifteen year a younger than hor ago juhn a morrison woodaloak uon uf lha late matthew mornatn grocer met with internal iiijunoa while jump ng off the i h accomai xlilion at llocchvillo on halunlay mtht which nuilttxi in ilia death twent four houra later the unfortuuate onni man waa un ina way to the village to aee hia wifo and child who were viaitmg her mother lfcc pbqnogurs may upiwinted post max tor he aaya ei mlitxd that am uixu utui la dlfcctlv or liicitly uileicsted in injuur biiaiueaa ta in ii nicaauro unfitted by tile occopatioo for a poatinaater and that hia intereat in that buaincas necoaaaril ihterferae with a foil and capable diacharge of hi official dutica in an department of the postal aomce m though the american preparation a lo enforce the new aeal hunting ruble are re ported to be on a larger scale than tlie hhtish yet the untiah warehipa have atarted aooner than the american on tlie actual work of patrol on the other hand while the united htalea will probably have over a doxeu veaaela engaged in patrol duty co operating with the four or five british tlie former a beet baa not yet assembled treat iln tain a promptness iu this matter given a practical proof of tier intention to keep good faith in carrying out to tlie ut moat t rtuc of t t the chicago imlrr imiio haa discovered thai if tlie wilson hill as amended by the aerials committee becomes law it will ir tually prevent auedien borwea either trotters ur runner from racing in the htalea under tlie present law tlie free list ia extended to animal a brought into the united states temporarily for a period not exceeding nix months for the purpoae of exhibition for com p won for prise offer ed by any agriculture or racing association bill s bond el tall be kivan in eooonleuce with rogufaltone prescribed by the mere tar y of tbe treasury lu tbe bhi now under di sen amion tbe word racing ta struck out and horses crossing the una for racing pur paoa will be liable for duty every season the 20th of junk la named aa tho provincial elections b iv 8tlo 1 iiuoito may rt it ia currently under tuod in political circles that the ontario elocuona will lake place on wednesday joth june next if tlie hats oau be ready by thai date r very thing is life and buatle now in liberal circles although out aidl uf ministerial quarters the faithful have not yet got the straight lip bel fur all tliat they are totting ready fur that date onaervativea bens are agitated over a rert to tbe affect that tits dominion electiooa are to be brought on in heptem ber tlie rumor originated from a circular which baa been sent nut to tbe iiarty stumpers aakiafi them if their assistance could be relied upou in the coming cam peign tlio reason alleged for the government s hurry in going to the country s that there ia danger of great financial stringency ahead and they want to get the elections over before it comes uoms ssalisra exourelon tick eta will be sold by tbe chisago milwaukee hi paul hallway n uay mlb and may trill ihi from chicago to 8s leul mlu teaoolis omaba bloox city kiosk city and point ewrrflwd f rtitiaajrr oar f ftr for the roand trip kxoarsioa tiaaets will be good for return passage thirty days from date of awls tor jurtuer parlioulere apily to any foupou tiekal agent in tbe l nited butee or canada or address a j taylor cj dian lba agent h7 york st toronto oak irobibition was tbe chief topic conside ad in 1 arliamenl on moodaj mr hint who actod as the ipckoanian of thoic who demand lbs abolitiou of the li pjur traltit ia a liberal snd comes from nova bcotia lie succeed in the loadrrahip f the prohibition tats a goosersuve mr dickio who decline i to introduce the ijuoaluii owing to a diusreuce be had with the lead ing advocates of the reform mr dickio is an ardent supporter of tbe r rench treaty which tbe prohibition la la have strongly antagonised on aoooun- of the rednstiou it en tail of the duty on french wines lis therefore declined to act for tbe prohibiuoaiau tbi aesaion aud hia mantle fell to tbe shoulders of hint tbe resolution he introduced differs materially from others which have been brought before parliament at the inatauoe of the opponents of tbe biuor traffic ioeamuoh aa it does not call for immediate sctiou it asks that a prohibitory law be euaeted ipeedy as possible aud leaves in liner pretalion of those wordt lo individual judgment mr roalof hai kivoii u ittu u moii obanges in the tarid a reductloii in tlc dulj i l uil ir hi 71 t centa per gallon lias boon niio tbe impreeaiou ia gaining krouod uii nothing will be dune iu iho wav uf inaolv eney irguuauoo tills yoar italy through us consul at ilitlilaa itas aakett tor a poationrmeut uf the cinutiou of tbe twu italian in manitoba hir john tlunipcmi will lutrwiu o a bill establishing the first moo ly m sapum ber as iabor day to be a suttitory boll ooe of ibe fsaturos uf the week haa been tbe visit here of tbe hon llobt lteid mlnutarof ta4eoe for tba cokwy of vic tori a australia laoderkiu ia iuuiring aa lo the iue derived from ocrtain brewerios io ontario and mr ulbeon aa to the pier at oakville harbor tbenrmot jotm 1 ium l co montreal is beeal awarded the contract by the dominion oovornmcnl for tlie aupply of ballot boxes jor the next general elocllons a significant condition of tbe u hi tract sllnilatcs that tlie boxe sliall be mail within ninety day provincial prohibition the caao bojne argusd bofore lha supremo court on- 1 uay n the uuprsrao court took up the important aouaututiooal case referred to jotntly by tbe uomiuuui caov ernmsnt and the pro vi noes of ontario and quebec bo decide tbe right of h jaor pro hibit ton tho point of the case of course is whether provincial governments can prohibit tbe liiuor traffic either la whole or part within their respective jurisdtotiou or whether tbe right of prohibition portalns roleljr lo lbs dominion government there ia a formidable array uf oouusel four different interests being represented namely tae ihras ooverusneote of canada ontario and- qawbrc snd the diaullera and llrewere aaswsjtaiwsu wertds tessbin axaesluea r will be of vales to tbe world by illustrating tbfimprovescaau iu tbe ibcchsuioel arts and effllnailt pbystotan will tell yna that medlolual agents has been of eqaal ltpunrtarioeaad aa trengtbeojng laasrive oai rlyropof stga la tu in advance ifrfsdljotfmi urday he 1 eiialstlvo ujildiuga in thi ijuoen a lark saturday afternoon waa repeated the sceuo which tnually atteuda tlio prorugati n of tlie i ro vincial iegialaturo aa delightful an 1 tho t tcudaiici hire man ladl nip iu auala ou the lloor of tho horn lusut liuveriior hirkpunck wlio ap deared in it in umcial uniform lhouh not escorted m a cutupauy of mfanlr as is uaualiy the caa arnvod promptly at 1 oclock and delivered thospocch which was short and unimporteul the session which concludodwtntie foottii ajjtrttsrbosatoi of the aovoulh iarhamont and waa the lonoat iu uftoeu years ono hundred and six bills were paaad in ilia apeenh iiieuteuant oovornor kirk pa trick makes special tneulioti commoudatory uf acta respecting com cila uf uiioiliatiuu and arbitration i ho exhibit of tho province at the world tair the repair hon bill winili will iniprovo and purify the volant hat ihe ru adjualmonl of ihe represents tiou ot ruronto ottawa hamilton and elugstou tho oatetiliahmetil of a new pro vincial park at ll mdoau lha act rcapocllitu iliunx and m imii i and aud other bills of minor import a remarkab case fhrstrtanoe jbxperience r wm it hal ora hdwm thouaht to bo nt dontln ooor and tho mndlclnoo or n contlnont had fnllod a ricinl eftortto ftagaln honlth waumndo nnd ho in today allvo stronu nndlnoood honlth ii place i coonty oi woutworth i the minrvninjoor aldsrshol aitiislod qa wjivia kiiovu city uf hamilton one of tho b ut known rceidonu of tho villau uid aui rounding country ia captain 11 ill wli laa ropre seiilod tlin1ownahiiof i ui l istliboro in the muuiupal on unit fir a number of years vht wtlh in family la hold iu the highest estesuitiy all who know ilium itbcently a rrorter of tile trnilt viaifod it ho homo of captain if ill for tho purjmic of lnvolijalin a atory tn tlio utfiil that una of the captain a sona had bou roatorod lu lioalth u a wonderful man nor nftnr hav mgaufforejanico boyhood rum soplutic flu on arriving at lla desttntlioii tho raortsr found tho genial osptain lha wife da tighter and throo aoni who odnatilutud the family of tho throe atalwart oimg men ft waa iinpoinhlo to nick out tho ono who hail fur so many yearn been audi a aulftror but lha captain aaltlej all douhta by referring me to will william it hall more faunliarl known an wilt pro muted the appearance of a heart young man nbout hi years of ago hi stocy i briefly related aa foltowe uo had boon a a suflerer from ati from hia sixth birthday a cbtldiih fright being mippood in liao been the origiual osiian 1 or yosra ho would fatllown anywhere without bcnij iu tho least able to hulp hmnolf the doc lore from hamilton an i varioua liataiit points wero in vain called lo attendance modiaiiioh wore procured from immoroim aourcea in aiiada lheuiiitiil bin ton and frm l iihni ntfal i m j llio chcapoat carpota aih lulhn buy bocamo ah utterly holplna that hovuti yuarn ago he waa compelled t i kuep hia bod an i until a year ago wan completely belploau thq lite aoinolimcu came on funi no sovortly that ho w juhi hiiffer from aa mat y aa lllou in ono day and at auch limea it waa m dilhcuu for him lo ut his broslh that hia uamru had u waah him m li jnur at thin time he waa so low that tho uoighbom urli i druppod in to soo him uxpeutod to hoar ot hia duntli almtmit any moment this continued until about a year ago when the uowapepor ar t rnl th wo eer by uwt- uee of dr williams luik i illu induced mr hall to give thorn a trial anl lo the groat hstiafaction of himself and liu friouds ho began lo mend not ions after beginning tbetr use and in i hec or four mouth wsh bumcieutly recovered lo bt ablo lo 0ut ot door he oonliuuod lakiiik thn pillu and for tho put alx montlin ha houti an strong and about as well ih oilhur of hin brolhr and has attended to thu ht ck un i done hi share of tho work mi hut father a farm aud fruit garduu before mr hall began taking the 1 ink ilua bu was a thin and light thai one of hi brother oould carry j l m uphairti without iho loaat dilll culty bul ho haa ainco gamed 11 fly pound sight lieuai uol taken auy ulhei medicine since ho began laknik or wil llama 1ink itlla and although a fit of a verj mild ualure occaaioually oome on him now he i ao nearly oured that hia father took groat plbaaure in inng thu jn formallou hero reoorde 1 it a over n moulhaiuoe 1 had a h aid u illiatu as tho reporter waa icavu an 1 oven when i do have one ii i uol hourly bar 1 ai before i began u lake iluk 1 ilia ihe neighbors look aurprisod to boo mo drive over t uamiltou as 1 froueiitly do fur they all thought 1 would tie lou n i am pleased at tho woudurful piogiua 1 have made aud am very gtad m ciporionco 1 to bo publlahod aa it may be value li khllhr and amusfcmcnt ihe hi kaiu lit tiaii miiiiiio lu i atinounooii tu xntneuue iln oveiiiu in the town hall a aerie of popular free enter tainmeuta in which they introduce their kicbapoo indian oil aul illualrate lla wouderful niwora in reliovin aulluring humanity itelernug to their viait to ceurkotowu tho lit irl t says it la so oaay tnalter for parties ui hire a hall give free ahow to draw a crowd and oiler modicmea fur sale an able bales man tulhl sell uite a ouantity of medicine fha tiexl day iho aalrsmsu mile away mikhl well hindu at the ease a gullible public aro takou in wetlavoacun many auoh enlerpriao hold torlh for one night wo aiiuomiood the lit i tha hiukapoo mod ai to tin placa last week i holr metliod of dunig buliirss i a atruun tlio 4fahf ktujpt air ut majr jhli i ii s t f aumpntui corjt per number toronto tvlllian ilrtggh tho articles mi ilible lands ii ourrotil immborn of tho mrthui t in will bo ofsperisl inlorcut to every whin reader tho copiously illuslrelcd in llo may number doscriti the lour fiver tho historic plain uf i adraolon the white ity through a camera u conlln i mtrtnray jficredeaidaa ire j mr w h maaaoy an articl vfhioh will im riad wilh great interest is a character ftketch of lady henry homer otfltlo bftna nodlflll wnfflfln ir-titoabrn- titnefl w ii htoad editor of u h tnr j kftitif 1 ho htnrloa of a h ingot from tho hoj vinu glimiibba of cornish methmllkt life and the dragoiistt the roakottli m lorfltloranoo aro continued hhort1apmaeuiinw tnlrovlde work frlhe unemployed by itev ur uab- braiih iho i yrroll i iploration of the territory wt of hiidnon jlsv with map givo thrilling adventure and acqunntn of that unknown region of much intoroal to our own people a highland communion will cut iiouta kotauth llio mnnfoiiof mothtxkam otc eto k i in id lc beat iry place for ooods is wyudhsm bt clnoljili owing to tho lire st the mammoth iiouho iiorgotowii i conaidorable iuau iity of gmd ivoru duniagod by water aud smoke 1 ho mtar w mel eod a co are rustling oft in a awoeping aale at very low prices tho tiro has not itilerfert 1 with the rogular tlopartmeuls which sre in operation again a ubual knowledge bnnga oomf rt and improvement and tnds to mia ml eujoj incut wliou ribhuy ucd tlie man who live bet tlmn i t liftre ml onjoy lifo more wilh lias expomliture by mnro promptly otupting the world a best products to tlio in tile of ph bical being will nttert the vnltio to honlth of tbe pure liquid lnuiiuo piniciplos ombracod in tbe riiii il bjrup of fis lis oxculluiico is duo to its presenting in the f nn m st acn ptiit e and fillaa- m t lotbo taftlii the rufroshmg and truly im in lni il pt jtortics of a prrftct ni tu utrocltutlly eh mining tho sjskiia uiitjhjiin g c his hi hithos nud feitrs and p miiciitly cuing colial ipatiun it lias gimti snlinfnrl i u to inllfioms and met with tho nj i il of uie nodical pr fcs ii btfimso it acta on the kid iis ln lc juul o ut is eittmnt rrk viiuig thoin nn 1 it is m i fi dlt free fronj every orrjn sit balm ti bj i ip uf j is is f r baiq h all drug gials in 7v tx itka but it la mnuu fiittiin 1 ly the c lif ma fig s3 nip c ouh it honfgjjfiliiu la pi m ted on e ry iaekngt aha 4aff nnnio bjrnp uf ttyn aiitl bt mg w ii 11 f ritietl y u will n t actupt any aul atttuu if iflerod 1 aaa aea daaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa afta aaesaeaaa saaeaaaaai mwirmnrwmmmwnfwmww i gblasgoiar h erase iusiuiuuiuiuiiuuliuuiiiiuiuiiiiuiuiiiil ah ihe scibcjn advahtcs wt jfrc continually opening up new lines of cootls suitable for present wtnts wt would direct attention this week to ur mouse kurnighrne department including lace curtains in white and ecru clnmllc porticrs art muslins figured muslins wool i mon nnd i temp carpet prints prints prmts hundreds of prices to ehoose from all fast eolors and newest designs si e our ladies spring capes boys clothing a 1 jinpktc assortment at lowct price ll new goods uul guaranteed fits milliner y we open this cek a tliuie iol wi new shtpcs flowers and triirimingb generally i hese are bome of the novelties that are ap earing as the season adanccs our customers can rely on our styles being as far in advance is am where in the eountr for wc arc con statu tin th watch for anything new in this department henderson cfe co trait lo iho ordinary travelling loodiclue men lu tho tlral place no romodlos were ufforod for salo their ural night the town hall has been routed by them for fourteen da aud uighle 1 osluvoly ihoy refuaed lo sell anylhiug bofore ouuviuciug the must akepltcal that tho kickamo indian items dica do toasosa real men l and are worthy of trial thoy are nitroduoing si apoeiuob each having ita own work to perform itbeumatlam la t ua of thedlaeasea that can bo treated in a 1 ublio maunijr on wed neaday eveuiu thoy aakod t r ahy aubjoct aulfering wjth iheuuialitin to be brought forward uu mailer how bad or how iouk a time tbe nalleul has been auierlii iho aunouueemoul ia mado overy night aud moreover it ia promised no charge la made for a complete treatment of all and any case so treated thursday ulglil mr jaa wiuuey ono of our luwuamon presented himself 11a has beau uuabla lo do a day a work since last deoember in pain all the time mr win uey waa taken lo the dreesiug room snd bafore a ooromittoo several bottlo ot the klokapoo indian oil were applied with a reaultmsrvellou the msu oould stamp hia leg and in no way oould luduoe the pain lo return that uful ho alept tree from paiu and an return uf it rrfday he wont to work afior month uf on i o rood idleness aud muudey last walked to milton aud back huch work aocomphahod by lha uaa of klokapoo haiiwa aud ludiau till began to iuapire oouadotice tu the pabtio miud and many are trying ihaklokapou ludiau item edies with eatiafaalory reaull j several of our deserving buffering citi sens too poor to purchase are iftfbajeifletcd free of cbsrgo the kickapoo mausgemout do nut wish their names published as they have no wiah to parade their sols pf charity ksitnueof their pleaainkeulertaiumeuta admission free fur a lulls eioent puo ur two evening a week trof alfred 11 allay bltracu troth dailyfrom ten lo twelve free of clients his object to illustrate the auratheuo properties ut tlio ludiau oil snd believing in doing sll the good potible ufllcflhunra fo bdvioe regarding remedies sold ou trial and guaranteed areirotttlo i06 else t veiy ulcmc i 1 i a 1 vtrillod ly a visit to the h inr of un hall ex councillor uf i ml 1 la nn to wh ha resided oil tha ilain n i for th paal eijitocn yoar and whose wur 1 1 s gotxl as his bond among those wlto knuw him tho reporter also had a conversion with several ot captain hall a neighbor aud tbe atory of wllllai verified to hia full huch well verified case a prove the wouderful elhcacy 1 liama luik pill iu the trost disease of tho uorvt 11 itjnleiii htth6 right hous1 spring house cleaning utr icily high grade throughout con btructsd of best materials as a machine for practical everydsy nso it cannot besnr passed pri 8f net w stark a po bolt 8 actonont jfltta bbttiittrnttxil jy i n cook ilmtift cor cullftteju snd miisitiua kc aviftlsltaclou ilaj of rscli uioulli oirn affuev hi im rrat and thinl kali money to loan vlllaire 1 roiwrly at rtksonalils rati at dy to hrfmsrt mfljn towullsll actf inblic notice i ufo lounllly tlmulllc tliat i hava ran tail ui rtutit lo kmi a u is new llu the 111 oonceatloe ol fmitirtltin md nat trespkssvr will bs lis lila to romxutuii inn u luknsi oroaoktowit uaytttj ikil job printing ibort uoucs ai 1 ly or addreaa ii i uooiif fare pmrbb odtcr actui wanted jra un ltn iiic to uiak ir durliir ilack tltur jaijr ii jou hiti a out of work or looilnfi lor a imh sat wrilo ma at once fllfdf tolso nureorytuso hoclicstvr v 1 iastl rage tj ttosi iie pre ml ac loo i o lit oh itlueil express am cartage iukduif to lulortu um i ubiucb uon oiactoo sod uta putille cadaraji uiat i lars pur eliaasd the oil trass aud cartage bual bvreto- ore oarrlsd uv ur jame grant tlte itiul ass will isealva ui eooataul iaisoaai attention orders- all ider iff at kainiawu drue hlutr will be itroniiio ttoiulod to jpiin iulit a1i able property for sale il listvliy oubralorjals til it ou 1 toe ar anna ac loo l atuoet oouilortatils bona eoovea a prowrtylbaltaalst oual socoon ol uu 1 tarma and iiarlleu alt- hhcoltd jerse bull fob bkbvick tllk nodenuntatl bave tor aertlra ou itioir nreniisaa at acton flour mill a iburuugh bred jarsoy hell twruia rl00 eaab ttioj bsve also a thorousbbrad tobjcbhxhll boar m01fiii sfr lafaotiu idered and wo wanl jo new carpela oilcloths curtain window shades 11 uats ac iu 1 atoro in canada aud the prices are aa low as close cauib buyiug can e what we can do for vou before you ipend jour money our stocks or of nil the imi the al locomotor medicine tit itu a tails partial paralla ntrvout liouii echo the after iiett uf la rl po and all diaoasoa dotuiiditig ukii a depraved coodllioii of the blood apeodily yield u a treatment with tho great medial no lly restoring ihe blo63 10 e bw c and robutldlug iho tier voa thoy speedily drive out disoase and loavo tho paliont lu the enjoyment of vigoruu health 1 hoy are also a apoqillo for the trouble arising from overwork or mental worry of any the public are uaulluiiotl againat uttita uous aud bubstitutesaaid lo bo just a uood those are only offered by unscrupulous dealers because there is a larger profit for them in the imitation there ia no other remedy oau successfully take tho place of or wilhama fink till aud tloso who are iu need ot a medicine shuuld inaiat uponoltiug tho genuine whish sru alwayn put up lu boxes bearing the word pr wljiama iiuk lilla fur 1ale leople if you can uol obtaio them from your dealer tbey will bo sent ml paid ou rooeipt bf ot cent a boi or tl so for bu boxes by ad dreaaiug tho dr willlatna uodioluo a brock villa out or bohoueotady n y good for canada iho farm ut the lulu monjanmu audersuu lut jl cm i usuesiug will bs old uyvuotion on haturday lath may 4 atone o clock at agnew hotel t acton wm llainiisaat aecuooesr onmml tbe youug poo pi o taper of who methodist church william jlrigg pub llsher toronto la ut now glviuu apooial alien uon lo the holiday aahool idsaoua uu israel iu jugypt laoh number haa nearly a boo re of eugraviiik illualiatiug ibis topic over 100 iu sll the editor claim ibat 11 is the best illoelreled paper ou thoae uur rout loasou published in the world lltlirarv notes lu an i uteres ting jl sou ion uf woman uflragu tho themo plat uow agitatini society tu an mipiwentod extent aoterul womitieut women will taku grutintl 1 r 1 aud con in ouuaeculivu laauts of 1 m itaiir mrs lleloli llnrrutt muij mrs c a kunkle mrs i ymuii abbot i mlaa jeauotlo uilttor and mra katu t moil lark are announced as writers uu uu subjoct and their srlittot will pjur inr lug the month of may ihe may number ef iho 1 ir rwmm contain bum nulla 011 it un inula and its affairs ooiilrihuloj by thu rdtlur it is shown that bermuils oocuntub a ikjai hon to the atlantic tn srtlno rcsprc s anal ogous lu that which ftawaii holtla ii i ho paciltu an incarnating glimpvo 1 f llawaiiau islands is allurdcd bj aiito wal bridge oulick sn amoriutu lady long real denkinuie islands in su arlillu iu the same uuniorr lloth artitlus are adiulr ably imualntled wool tapestry and brussels carpets b the popular goods we know there will be a big trade dons in oar new carpet al htouk uf liv uod milliner mautlaa to has been well palmuixed so fsr and with tbe latest arrivals from ami american markets we meau to keep up the iatorrst during tbe balance of tbe our millinery and mantle departments are well to the front with the newest and most fasuooeble floods while for trials rim maui elotiea shirting mualu a ac we keep the best snd most reliable makes and make tbe prios as low as yoo may be ci tu pay for interior goods a til 1olaf 1 y tu our lresa department la tbo large stock of iiiugob iltlfcstlfcy 8 oelabrated black ureas goods 00 id i hey can alwaya bo relied on for durability and color druaa muin and mantle making by first class arliata btyle and ut guaranteed we have a lot ot i adies misses snd children jackote at less than half puict tn blank navy aod rawn colors jacket that t i 00 for hi t no hi 00 17 00 and v 00 reduced tu lt- vj and 10 reduced to ft j0 to00 and 17 m radooed to l00 1 hoo prices are for jaokol that are fashionable with capes snd large sleeves in bissau- or coat fronts iu- hnl nimiilt nil 1e f t w with ifrf llico g chi m ty 0 ma as an uab sj la the slees r yuu prefer aud tho price you want to pay and we will send il free to your tut uu lu 1 j ton i eik a uu which la trd coauwiain thlrtco aeraa uu which la ettctl bwd losjlieuse boawlerf ouuida and plastered iualdaoua and a ball aterlt lood well rouuu oreliafd wall lanced tha property u all cleared and ina food state of culthatlou tlua india eatable for particular apply at tba ontoe u handeraou acton or lo ultjltm ulltllosu acton aril utb ll c01rt of reunion n otlck ia hereby ktveu tbal a court ut iu vision for tbe municipality ol tbe vluacs ol acta u tbe county tf ualtoa will be bald attbetewnllall oe monday 28th may 1894 at a pbs intaweated itaruea will sovwru ti nu tiloh t u aoteo uay snd mm r ml rsilway or sm press statlou and maullo maklug by eamrta at aboi uotioe ou tho premises 111 houbr kino rilltlh raht uruer llunhwiii hlroet uamillou blrck 8an1tah notur oitltknb arx iuiqurstki i comply with thi publiu hxaxth act a agio an jmb tuftuwih ww oallara drains yarda atlr slyoa wale cl imi aod outer aatbulldinita and preuilam aud rr move umrstnmi all din tlltli mauura 01 t tl aubstanos wblob may sttttaouer ttin 1 ul l hasjth and tobava thsaauiseouit ltl ai uii by tb loth day otuav neat ou wlilch uj llw oainltary inspeetor will i aiiaeuon and lurtbav saeuosi of tbe public health act itoiumuiik tl kawplnf of boa blwawu tha lub u f ot kovaeaber eaoatt tn it i ili tbo of boss iwlwwn tha 1mb uai xoetit to iwtib al lfl boqaa aul a tr any i uk f from any dwelling boua au i a iw atreet erlaae adib atabdls water and teiiulal lui will li atrlouy am raa tlteiriw dlalnlsot ii i aeumi at ril lotl phrhsol curthins wraps a ntiiro llko otiri mtial lur ruiintutiori e itakt h l inoet iliulilu and bcttt thtd oodu wo ltiivo rvcoivotl it onui of uurmuii ctittun llomurj of tliu louih lluriitatlorf jo onu of tlio ijionl uutud 1 mi i tin ui d guaiuutuul a purfuctly lunt blulk uur imu l ktbbod ooll beat tor tioh anil girlu utid tho lirioosaro low induotl wo bouhtthum direct from tbo mukor you will bo ploutiod to ou tliouuhtj ol lad iiio hmu iu soil ut l 20 nnd 25l u pair lluvc yon houii our now cltxtorotto llovyu ut 2h tutlottun ut 1 20 2 un 1 0c aud bilk ut 50o v wc huvo oiho tlio now fancy hovth with untitling und buttone of coiitrusting colore wu would likojou to boo tlto imruaols u noil at 1 1 25 and 91 r itb hlunck nud funcy ilandlud our 1 oo numljor ih dloador in utiolpb boots hnd shoes manj aro tukuig udvuntuiro ot our lacu curtuin salo wo bought u big lot from uu knghah uiuiiufucuror ut u imrgum aud iircrflolliiig tlioui nt jroiu iht up uortli much moro loouo hear in in in d our auponnr advantage tor aappling you with bpringuud 8u minor capua wrupa jackets und iroia llooda you wilt find our values uxuol otloia by tbo nholosalo munatprotuf wu wuut you to muu iho quullty of tlio womans oilgruin wuturpiool lluttoy und fiucoteoota wo ure abtttngatti25 thoy aro having u big run ua tiro ouo our iloa oil urn in wutorprool uoou ut 1 jo wrrarobolui5 1 13 ludioa oxlorda in ttny atylotip or lluni uiut will aurprfao jotllbasiuiilno vttlilo 1 i g7t3 ryk1n sfl co cue3lph acton sow mills u1ai amj ttlnlli wum jhmes brolfuis luui1hi lm hblualra tal at 1 hi l aud wtmhl tl to ait roasonal l i aciom- livkiiy 1un link baiwlrou list weu equipped and atyitab ma can a ways be secured z albltabla a 01 lulotlabls ua uin ualaa balwsatu u a ui and kim i in csretul altenllonjlvnii tovwryordr tbe wants at t uniuierelsl travel per fully met john williams ry l j

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