Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1894, p. 3

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i j t f 4 0ank of hamittott iibad omas hamilton iiium york lullttat m uhmkt uku iios1 ii h hthtn hht uliu n mis ktiwjiit i rmldt lit t irim joiln illthtt iii an ltai wood a u lkk oeotiqetown aoknov rtoteatllaaourfntl ami advehcna mail on all suitable imur tie i man on all iiarraqj a aia tils ukjitxti httkb flltft llliltalm ami ilia oo u hquwrw t smalts colucnom iua an all acuimmllilb points on hattttoh ikialltallnt fnroitjt rrcatlvckl of an it iiiwrw and it teres allowed iruiu data of dnixjalt to data- ul wltbdrstwal htfotax depobtth alan roealveil al current rates of in turn iio notice at wllbdrawal required n if livinohtosp a nnl the metodftt church acton pabtor rjcv joubph oos iartoniffn how or a vbmta lohoam ndfljoin use alloordlell hundar tllenewsathombr montlt of a local charaotor and evoiv itam intaroatlna a tiirtmim lull on hntunuy jiuiimil curh tho ninu ear oil mm of mr iiootko olark wu ollmlinn in lliu up nf a bay wiuduiv at one of u linitaili or- llowor a von no wlion d allppott ant foil to tho tfnmnd alrikiiii on in lieai tho blow rondorot llm inaen ablo for a limi but li if t apuhy raonverltik rthurcouhn a nqwi itoma supplied by corrb pohdonta and cxohenioe tlie busies slot e in town rushing oltour wall paper window shades curtain poles bargains for every body 13 roll american dad room iaper 7c worlli ljo au rolla american iu1i ha worth life 75 roll atrtartoan gill ujo worth i u itioh uardflra to match lo pur yard ilaodreda of roll a from la upwanla window bhadca papir mo u tiled 25 o window shades cloth mounted jmo window shades olotfi iniitfe llfl cnrtam pjh nil hnflhs itrownrtt nl turlph mian it hod a perkine who 1 1 vail at tho liuniutif ir owan wan drowned hatur day ftlorimhh in the kneed ilivnr near allajifljlaoi uunlpti bun ttau out lu a ranoo with a yoddu tnaiir namod libwitt whan thuy njnot lluwitl kept uor up un til ho on ihntixlcd and aha rank ttelp arrived in lining i aavo lloitt 1 ho ixxly of miaa ivrkina v rcoovored on huiulay at on uh u irtiifm r rtitrc 1 harit am fnw launa ml o ttrlt wlitro tlicro i xialit aa jihi a demand ami couaa ucnll hivh nl i for fnmt prodticn aa in veto i trwit m nway4 a market lirnt f ir nil ijiaitity of llutlar and tk at aatiofuclor 1 minis on hatur iby for in atniiu ulx li itutli r wan xilliiii at 17 and ryn at hniu in tii1lli milloiinml utber jilare in hid viiinily mir mvrcianta worn paviuj man i id onilh rtiapi ulivoly aa a rntiltfaritiera ariiiink iodii iliatanoea to aciiiii with jiroiuco ritoy hod that ominrujtn in ecu ruin and thr mako tliii iliotr inacjtol crewsons crncns hid lilioii of a ktnkltrj and otltrra in liitlainu tiwia1ilp joiiiioh uin thai a imiiiii aulu il stilton bn fur mud mil nf parfu of i li tovninhiph of 1 aqiioaio naaaajtawnya ilrin and hramoaa r upon motion of mr warrun aocnndod by mi lawjion laid on tho taph for further inrorinallon anil ronanlarallon all prices the place for bargains geo hyndb acton out tuuiisxjav u 17 1mu1 little local brieflets wfrloh cnqght th evni or earn of freo preaa reporters thla wook queen itirlhtlay aaaldn hero to day u eulantod hia rucary by tburaday ooit ultiuion court jolip artbura i tore more traaa will ahortly bo planted tna park laqueaink b b i ou qdmq a birthday baquojlnu coancil will meet on tuti inat aa court of ileviaipn the firo cracker nuiaauoo la beiufi look od alter by tbo town conalablua oao hroltb bdao alalia iiaa putaum np four inchea above the ground normal sunday school institute at oeoralowti ou monday aud tueaday neat taeaday morn lug a iroal waa pretty keen bul nu damage to ruit la tbouibt to bavo raantted such a wealth of bloom aa baa appear ad on ail olaaeoe of fruit ueh the paat week la rarely aeen maura bymon ilroa abippod about 1900 buahela of poutoea from the g t 11 tatioo laat week to cbicau al ibo meetiuti of kaijupain i ouniil laal week 30 bd waa paaaad to reoouji far menior loia q ibono hj dot oonoclllor anderaou ta luiprovini the mi f w era a very prctl it lhulmera i ila likhr it oruiiue itloumtmim n jjlnt waa coimnni mated u roll toronto laat wed i youuti couplu woll known in voloii wi re il ti pnnoipala on that day mr hubrrl ii johnaun of acton and mtaa may union nf r ilro kfleld ht loront worn uiitlod in holy wedlock itev j dim mulon m a pttfnrniliiif the ceremony mtaa trordim refidwl liwre with mr a o friru aftor i couple took a inr onhatviv kitifiito ara ax pctd to ai takt up their re oppomte it owe a vdi ado many otiv ihn bridal iiik frmnda at rpouita i hoy i thia nosk aud mam htrcot irhcrtftiait tlturth rw th annrbraary lorvlcea in knox rhurch will 1 held next suudjij ttev ir jbitmh of kmuauiu will jnoach ho fill lex i monday ovt uoya i know tmetprr ihik aermuna aanuwtb neally aoddrd lorraira the property of tlm late ilotijannu lhu oiuiiiu week ol anderaou olfarod al anoliun o i uatucd waa nut aold tho amouni of tho reervo bi 1 llll iciublod in h not belnit roach od while extravaauul m adturliaiiik wall aa in everything ola u to be un dam nod few unu lu day uir ou tho aido too much publicity the tjholburno limo i haa juat pul in a fine wharfdalo preaa aud aa a oon aequauce la much impwvod in appearance sir w l bmilh the jmbliahor la an on oratic aud auccoaaful nowaper man moaara w h hlorey a hou ol iho canada olova worka are juat now onial in filling a kood order for lovk and nioooa alua for for the north weal mouuted police aud the militia department at ottawa we have bad tbia jrear tho fliirat and wine f epring m be metwey olaeal bottler all through uniano thr attrlcolturaj outlook la kood and reports from the north weat are oajxoialiy ohoer injj the canadian mutual i ju and in veatmer1 company it destined lu beoonio a very lare aaaoctatiou aaya tho nj lu aaaeta now excood ft loti inm aud il ha tj brauahos a clou brancli m menibora tho drukhtoi mal moot ui k of ill of nu 7 uialncl oomprlaititf the oounl wellliikton llalton uunerin aud psol hatd in r urtua ou monday r 11 f parana waa olootod iretn lent and i xlib kiokaikkj moduaud juiiauy in lioldiuklbe fort at the rbwn hall lb paal week to but audicucca 1 hoj havo ploaaod ibe people with their eutartaimucuu atlaoml thorn that their indian rotnodiea are effeollve and relieved acorva of jawa ol aoblnit mulara 1 bay will remain horn another wek nolkwuou iraohan it that u aafoly i lloapolor htfuhn it all owium ui lliu lai nbor u f p ipila pro or iho 1 utrauco mt luafwttor baa psriuij at htckw hhi eaamluatioii in juno apmjliitol itoikwuoil ai iuk oeutrcn iho rxainliialijjn v be hoi i bare anil alioul 1j andldalea will writ mr n hhaihiin haa o aiolk ul oliolu kfwiiii in ilia store ntat lha ata tion lately oecupiod by mr hlitiauu ur m ml arlhy aovoieiy injured heraelf laat wi ok by ujin y d wn lai ilov i htracban nd lldor jvl6iirdou atundod the mcoliuit of hytuni in luruuto laat woek i h 1 ui wi i i ho hihot price in caah or trado will bo paid fur any uuulily uf mood ilnu merohau table wool dolivorud at our alore iu ceortietowu having pur chaaed jnu nenlon a hon uf liumbuuat- atoek uf varna and unahrinkablu urcy qatiual uaukalaaouia ooa iwaeda and uie flre ale koiuh on al the aaino tlno wu have eaoapiioual facililioa to aerve jou welt newton a yerne are famed tor their wearing jaalitlaa win mcimhij a co j it hyant o lualnh jivo one third 0lhaarapinj jaohaaa ttot nr nanaersun preacliltl twu able and liltoi lu tlio mothoihal church hero un tiunday lliu diaoouraea wore of an emlneutly prac tical and helplul character aod muah ou joyed by tho ooiikraifatiuu hev mr ht pal ma waa up from georgetown on toot day cveiiiux to couduu lliu regular week iiiht aervice m tho uujitlat hurch ho la regular and punctual in ull iii appolul moms hot meaara 1- due and llryora will alien 1 iho district ulootluij at ooortfe town lu day ami which i lime hou be rtmo i it has hadtauantfof workmen jb ihc guuiiujltur cvtral w jomovlne looaajtone and debria lo keep it from fall iiilt upon tho track they wih ira ciiul for a monlli br two yrt hid limn huiinnaa la boominj al present order are be in k recnivrd in vrry aatnifbc uiry volume mr it garvin who waa iii f r wveral ivooka la able tu be al work atniu charlie itirkpatr nk who haa lo n cnppli d fur tho peat year or tun in lianda of tlm kickfm mrli the paat week or an he ha thro vii bin crutch and oaya he hat iwrn rplitivp i ol pui entirely unix imwm r pnll lame yel trout flahim haa not t n r livly yet tbla aprlin ihnili miim ur ann hah have boon cauthl in tlm hnd win md and creek adjinninn aru now prrntfrtt i and the troul will lutvo a chanco tho woods heroaboulharo abuu in comingand going vultora to and from aoton varlounothar poraonal noton mibb catharlno ampbell of y ik tho jucal uf archibald campbell lt i ouii atreel mr lanio raut removed iiib family and elfeata lu laraebouae laat week itov mr heave of itockwood waa tho neat of itov u u cooke yoeterda mta l m o a wtatt pttltnirml boautiful lilliea which aro knatchuull mr jaiuoa liolrit id akai raieil a lltn ham on i ru aflrrnhin of laat w ihi vldea w ro captaiurl by iai 1 hlauk and john m 111 1 h firtiu r came out tlctor in the race i lie barn i- vi by uli feet and wan iramod hy wm ii lack 1 toatiticti in bur daughter mra j i har lto mr 1 dtf ktlrf t danithtr dorothy rot u rued from liqtou on 1 uas day mortiiiif mr m cobban formprly of tho fan puiha baa k hinljhampton to tak charge or the avijuk mr j v kaniiawtnweut to hbelburne jeaterdaa to attend tbo wedding of hia broiher mr 4 kannawnu mihh connie mpcurry daughter of judln mcdrry of parry tiouutl waa tlip tlieajo mri cymoh taitweik iho uirioiai iniard uf frituty mvtliodial j church horlin ha extended a call to hut john bcoli m a uf bt mary a ti bouuuie their paalor miaaea auna hcndrraun and ieua dor land of milton an 1 mr h hmdoraon joortfotowu worn fjuoal al the homopl mr d ilonderwu ml p over soujaj mr john 11 ibmd ibe ci bora i caudi date waa in town aalu laat wenk while here he waa inlroduccd to many ol the cloctora by warden warron and col i h rmatir i f i i trmhi i nda tin lh ioixia 1 here la lo bo it pardon parly i r icnlc hoi i in mr win lltidd a huah of i ion milla ou tho cjuraim llrllitla undrr i lie auaploea uf tho metliodl c huroh i 1 irn milla a flood time i tu pooled potato planting is llio or ler yf lue day john hi tch i iij f nrwl a a puinted a dclcuatu lo cinlorctnu for thu aniuk woya oircnit ihta jear colin kitunnu t naimi ha 1 tho miaforttino whlla iloclnrinii a sink hnran laal week to rvoeivfi audi injuriei i up for aomo timo we iioim i in lay durno alia esquesing 1 aat week durluu l tlijb f wind the bam of john 1 klliutt of rxueaina waa blown down the purpoaa nf hi ibe fiiik i rn waa rained for lona fnundatiun lit uiidbruoath tlio car pen era and jui mur at t l il a rukod ihc tuubora ware badly broken mil mr llhj ible loi mil bo i at iho laal in rnad a tppointcd hovoral of our naaakuawoya boa ti boon nottmn bicycles and an makint real a tart a and ruua ashqrovfc a jtfrtr iburrlt la irtutpeet liilllal leja have boon laki hoped will reault in tho oretjiou ol a itue now church by kuox church connn gallon iho roof and hour of the old church are in a bad state of repair aud a joint meeting of tho hoard uf mauagera aud the elder a waa hold on mooday evening to consider iho uoedod repairs instead of arranttiug to procoed with tlio work tlio subject of the orcltiun of a now church waa mooted and tbo meeting waa almost uuanimoua in ibo opinion thai tbo time bad arrived when stops should be taken iu that dironlion it waa iviidod to call a meeting uf tbo oou gretaliuii to oouaidor tbo matter on hon day oveuliijj juii mat a luruuto arotu loot tool iho cu uimttoo yoatuiday ifo wdl prepare rol imiuary plaua and uutliuoa so that hit pro weed meelidg will have omotliiuk doll into be lorn it f r its fuid s it or ji era jmir 3 for lhoe wi ihla lay school work ou monday aflemoou a norma institute will bt pcnti i in iho lupllal hurch 1thitii town aud will cuullnuo until 1 uea day ovotitii il will bo conducted by iter john mel won 1 rotiucial normal laatruo lor aud a atnoa uf auljeota of ntpeoial in lercai to luauhera will bo jiresuutod pri wiry work will have a pruinluaut placo m hie institute on wednesday tho local nistnliers of liic exlcullvo ul the ontario fiabballi rtcbool aasoclatluu will attend iho ihursday ueou s ilirtb lay tlio annual ouuveillluu of laiiealiii lownah hun day school aiaociuliou will bo bold al hornby an excellent programme baa bonn arranged iho t unveiilion will com iiieuoo at 10 10 a in ami tli k1 nog realhcr la uue the convention will u otunlloiil opimrlunity for au i ull prudubly ajmnl i wouty fourth loruby frioiulu oxtoud a cordial in u suuday h h kit workers am will be ii tho ii 11 rd tiih an i ii is i ilu i i ate i 1 1 ultrfc- ell i i miuait mln tllcl turainulf llin ifint ii iinbuga unco let lured tlmt the ator agn ptil lie delights lo bo humbuggtil ami during h k losti carocii hn q rltil hiiuoolf timoioualy lo liuiiiliii thmnaud line hia nwaotavu jliat hia tin laratlon waa mi ruhuble waa full aniplilltni by a fakir of ibo moet aq tvpe who win lied score of citiaouaand farmora who oongrrgalcd ml hia inmlulion al the ournor of mill an maui strtt u satunlay mglit he cllcd hiuisow loxaa harliu and waa karbfin lh rtlnxl i txiwbti otmlmno atclutliiig tho laual brace of plfltols after h- iit all in t h sin us liu cnuiineiiood the aal i rn suit ralarrli ruro and i all lor nu a uaiiil tho pot j i cihlb httl un ti i tsstui lti liumbugktl anil a r i nan wont n 1 i an hour or at aud il ski jhnkiti jri io ho hartl caali i ut i an i b kv h few i asrali ix 4 uilliti ura tpariul it wl i ll sii for i4 dim tl e ittmt slightly puiiiidiotl ill 1 by th hllalitil b uuy r uk hu viotimiatxl the rl s ontont hoiiulotly blow 1 itpartud kamiig a badly utt inplulliit the deparluro iktr bail ay uaaily u rcutod i iti u glory has la term iu ilia linanbl alul txiat plato for lrptia lmu an i dry cods la m i ii j lltijmi ju cower wyudhaui hl juolh j he ililforrnto in the price uf our carota cutuparad with other oar pets auld in jnolph la the wholesale man a prpilt aa i inijwrt ihoni dlrnot from iha mlmfao turen all the uthera buying frutu loruuto wlioieaalo houaea 1 ii lit it x cf ulnarda uiiluirnt rhtyfinsuntlkitt- pe lias t lully pellet liurtilati the guont of her siaur mra jo land miaa aumu crahain la messrs ii lxt an 1 h i huuday with frlanda al i mli master pol lot toronto master itobble writ lit during tho weal mr hull warteu anl sunday homo itosldaula uf ibis au t township appear tu enjoy on the aa von th liue but uotoa liro arthur 11 rot k ijuite ill tito division still gains numbers there boin auvoral inltall weekly district division will be hold it route wi tho 2 4 iii hume talk of a it den parly lu aid til the la a move ill tho riittit dirtuli in as il have not bad an ipoti ii labouring light drives lll l milton eting of ibe oiiiul tho id bridge commllteea were ir the 7th line and tern t of 7lh hue tho iteeve and meaara and wriggles worth for the part weal of the 7lh hue meaara warren wruglcaurnrltl law aon and stewart that una arraignment shall apply to general re patra and lmproemout that tho council untwllhauuidliig tbo aliove appoiutmeiiu may authorui spocial comrnilteea in nclal cases a by law to commute the a la into labor hi tho villages of norval clonwllllama hlewarttown aud llmehouae and appoint commibaiouora haa paaaed the township council the commissioner being aa fol lows norval itoberl olendennlug oleu wit liamm william rorgrave john martin and simon irool hlewarttown colin mitchell walter cawaon aud chriatophor nixon i imtbouae jamoa nowtou literary motes s o ire uaoful handbook for any lur on probably be found than the interesting volume which the mail it now pnbliahing under the above title the review of the polilnal evrula of lant year la such alone aa lo oonimend it to notioe while the amount uf information ll oon ulna on a variety of aebjeola ia anch aa to make it aji indispensible oompauiou of uioeo who would be abreast of the times the grati fying reception it haa met with la the boat criterion of ila tmality among other oon- tribulluus there is a spirited sketch of the world s v air i kit the popalar author uf ibe woman itintdoni while the illua tratiima an beaullful au 1 numerous 0 oetila a cojij tbo juw toroulo knoffledge uririfrli oomfnrtand irrtpmrnmaxit and anrtm tn potffuiiujjiljrtitrfnt wlion nahtly ur lt1io maiit wwlivo beu tr ckmuiriidojijijhfimnro witb it aa ahnirtura by irukkkprnrnpuy ailiptnlg tka wnrttvp beat prodncbi to tlio nriflla pf pliyyl bt rng wlh attcrt tho wluo to ddcttti ot hio ptfttj liquid jmnlno jn itlailca cmbinfikl in tho niuitly piruporptijai ltd ozcullcnco is ilnn to jin prcaonting 0 liip ul tiyt rwiplji jlhlllpltlw nut to tl oubln tho rorohinpvniiil truly imtitfatlict imii ico of r jwjict lax nuto oftotfluntly cli imfiing tlioajaum dtnjiclliii coilaci l at icttra pud h nnniukitljfcn g cruiampnti n t hingivin natitfi i to mitlivt a and not ith tlio of lho rnodical irtf u i if pria on tl o kid my a 1 icr a 1 it t w tlm t wml oiiiuy ilium nt i itj t i froo rora bctj objicl ll o llt if by i ip nf i is b f r rtlo h nil drag ciata in t c 1 1 1 u it ia rnatm fnct i i j 1 rb kjnp ci ij i rtrtlniirwry pnoka- nlii 1 i t i f r i n and ik in g hi r i j u will n i acoeit mv mu i o tfenr scot uook rteze t j htuf suascrt6lrt 5 m wc have received a new slock of dress goods gents furnisfiings hats shirts ties etc our new ties at 30c sold eer where else at 5c we have only to show them to sell them the arc the talk of the town our dress goods a m compare faorabl with an of the larjjc git houses in some instances fhry ir be bought an where else remnants p ip rs this lii in vvall good hud fwri illow 1 i wlllh tbo itijal lomplal day mo will bo rt the travll tlio m m hoolcty a n 1 n a giol irkraiii ik dairy wa ituih if km vod t be 11 ch w r 11c live mra hartio if au addroas j llmuu has puicbasod ll odiatoly adjoining hia r llreet irotll tho wallace for ii ui milton aascsati by john duncan the following aaa perly ssbttu lual iji lu0o hji no nuuibur uf doga ri i 1 41m1 clorottown t total 4il ll ul lho uvuratu alloi 1 i tlui molh falloi mr iu1j o ll o hrutigh a mi kinlay rote ftlooo fur tho homo i the death nf hor late hti llio village of hobnni for tlte pi ibwnd villa is jij tiro i t hctik fi tuys aftei jgotla engine i he utlve uf llalton tin alum 1 i r ii n ill i t he moi ixt at 111 tl a i a hun lay suhtl n lay and i uowla if cutilph puimi tl will u bull liie hulft itov joliu mrl wot l ti at rut tor will ctimlu institute hurt next m 1 ho annual iiloetii uf tbo mothudioi hui to day aud t i nit rrow lho loorgiliwn minialiriitl a latl t met at lliu metlioil 1 i uraotiugt on mini 1 iru broke nut in u licsl 1 t 11 on ccii ld wooden build iiib tin ms in ilml iwiml li william mel etl on llmraday liht luaideof fuur uiiuiiu s af lor lilt ularn tw streaiiis ol war won uniig plul u lho d thtrtlfy waa exllngiilshu 1 willi fully cnvtirel i umiraito 1 bo 11 ru wan thu work of met n imrli s i uoailay murillng in lliu i tllcu ourt murnuo i oveuaky v tho urn of k piuaii loveitaky jewiah mi reliant uiear od beforu maglatrilua lurlwr autl kennedy un a cliargo of aaaault 1 ho t bar waa ruferred by j kopuian auniur irluui if ue llrm 1 oveuaky cialllietl thai ills pxil tu r had iwoii hum lime lu lime dishail of tfttat ipiautitlua uf gootla wuliimlt hli ku wk ign luimr 1 on inky dmuaii ll that lho aturr ahoulil it cluwtl lilt bia ittuiir would nut ulluw tl luucu tin pro mijhroublf i in uiayatralt rraurvvd iio citiort iwitdlnr mrther invoillratlon v riuef aitiblaon of file haiuiltun tire i epuljiiait bought two boraea ham on jutiedjby a irfuiuoji aud il cjluuu each upplying ouo b if v b wtiiv ad vartiiainant appllea to yoo great glove hosiery sale ib m gely n uloa nd uo ic j ijod inde the jialcnlof louu ueuiladorf lho groat cermau dyer i bia season lu addition to our importations our buyer baa boon helping uveratockei warahouaea lo unload and baa boon able lu do ao at figures very muoh loaa than the actual manufacture rrprtbii strnilbnryotiralb w 1 money iui xduiuy iu ha hut lota aro the key mia unlocked ibe door lu iheso good a at aucb bargalu pri oca wo oomuiouce on saturday murulug at 10 o clock a j real llove aud hoalery lii-jv- 11 of lliouaanda of pair a of black aud uiuied hoalary aud olovea uf abau- luloly fut dye at prioee that will out lha ground frouj under anytliug thai haa bcon ullered lu ulal llua cadika iiutik womru jou a paiim roit isc lauub hoak woiith j60 1qc peh paik ladies hose worth joo 2 i a i iis rail 46c chiloiuln s hosb bc per pair lloiuhlivv k1uued utooxinoa extra quality wbrth 4bc ibo per pair ollor tbei lulriui beyond llgltt s at i in these goods auloly value kuowiug iheui l luuielilitiii 1 here is torprlse or catch penny device wiih this aale i he goods aro y i rllrs marked in oxt bango fur cash from halurdsy iiimiilug al 11 u aluck null the en i lt lot is sold i nt ol haturday even lug wo will auo iter a line of kill llnvea wrlh tl r ir al l7 ouda ami jhirfctil e r bollert dc co bs and u7 wjbdhaui lroql qoklph oht h 1 tr roh- icngths at almost half price wc arc giving the border free with an 8c paper a large consignment of american wall paper just opened up our iic paper for loc and border frcl is all the rag window shadt n dut ed prtt i ht licit linen shadt iimph ii for i men shadt timgtd loi yc bargain fin t t dik at the drug stort oil a shoe a 11 irlj o il j h0l1 i j i a should it thhkxraimts m hi iakh i k a i v m jnii slot k l- ll u mil i i in i ill thri point- nuithi r tint nl i it y idd pilt kkmov a i sa1k owing lo ni piwpused i i v il to tin i pnitn-e- 1st m t i un disponing l lines at t for ltsh dut tio i itt st st 1 s in t hnt tl men s i women i doolks cluhlrtmin sevti id at it tl in s th w willlamjs at lunt uiuarilo l in actun lor sale oh to rent rpith un laisltit uttan uia liolo ol ills 1 1 artj lu yiii ft aav aa lolluas tho splaudl i and coiumoilluua 1 rick tlwulllui uu lot h bluik ml bikih roouia lianl au i wit aalur s isutlld uuus orolianl tlio brick iiuuaa autl at iii a utjoluliml uu lot iu lu lho hiiii bluck tliu la alsu a ouuilurtabu liuuaa bud lias orchanl and watar a uuuitr l lbs nnual lull bin lula lu acou ixiruar itil n u t u i liurel and luelph ittrawla and lula a an i 7 m lual li fervol also lots it la aud iii uu cur no i ull aud wuii tilnota lu thaaluiuaail iwrllluu u mill hi tool l l r- sont tmeult a nisi tht- 1 kr ltuiuln u n a i t j i i 1 ti1i h h1- i i 1 i vi liurlsl i 1 acton machine and repair shop grindell wright w ii nery uaguinkiiy aoriouituhal iuplbhent8 and ludawll kinds or steam wtt1no house buoeino aud oemekal blacbsmlthlno and bimm1u nnklra iwrfuruiotl in a sails tartar uianuor wi oau rsiialr aov maeblaa at liiitluinaul of auy make baa gutuuiiu an hiiuitena rlbuby 8 1npcjehkntb and htpaldb a oowdy a aslmbhatsd la ww mower high wbl bltiauaad smukday is our bargain da all ind see for yourself that it is as we adertie millinery atc i s both for stlcand low prices we are always pleased to show our stock at an time grroceries we earr a full aioruiiiit ol highest prices paid for butter and egs ic us a call c i mill j main ll t ac ion cdm6 jm to queens guelph gimay and when ou tl untk al our window dressed ah it will be showing a dipla of opals in nns and unsett it a l he opal ib our queensfuvoi ite stone shyrge scco speights sou funeral hua furniture dealers assortment complete prices reasonable personal attention everything satisiactory actom iul j a speight manager evurtonmillsf chop fxmn qrlndoll wright cash for wheat hanrtbortop main straat planing mills acton out john cameron- architeot and contractor haajaxtinrrxafrlaata daorsrramaaaouldlnsi in all atylsa juwssziuaw matcuzmo aaxl mouzvimo warder on jort nouea rtaal atawk oai haa j a rlo uaaauoae johmcamtflonj proprietor omin tii it tir lit nur ktnri on sntunly moiniiv sfth april hellirul inns t ikmih wurj luiiuimil iitusilv l witt i r an 3imo iiml w art unig to clear tborn out kgitnlliss of i ont tllc ipilnl iii hlltl lit ihiil tl m t tr4trr gvwvvi l ditumge drcii ioimim ink koiiu silks mi florid tin moat nnl iu uru j uiilimtrd oi imrgiiiiih 111 tit in ilk w iru iliillriou lmlitt mitntlt n iirid wrapt milhmn i iiliu i liiwtln drertsllultonu hti a reduction on otlilr utnnli w ill ulni lit g en iiillmling iiiiii jnltou hlnrtinrt a lodiing carpet- turtniiirt tliii in a timcpiii ilcaiin nil ilie kilic u til 1m iiii lit tilicu und on tin lie uniil tlioionril 1 1 tinned out tin jrn ntcst luirguintti vei olkrid in otwtrgu- to ii will 1u gltll how irt lllll chance lomu ut out i uimiieiiilicr out milhutn urchsiimking und oidcnd cloth itig dcptiruiietiut urc in liml clusa working ordur wm mcleod co gtonot i own utoigttftwn ma ri sasreepiiig smlse on sm l kd m i ill njtr t t rt4t- afloti his known foi minn trim will 1l at kellys store acton whin tin iiiiiiihiii inns will l 1 lulltl 11 il mens suits youth s suits children a suilb odd pants and overalls hats socks suspensions ties collar cuffs top shu i of all kinds gray and white cottons cottonades flannelette au d shirtings hcr tiling must k mow ftr bargainsi ki nu nil i t lie diyund tlitt i in ilt yins sa 1 i kd m i tli j j kelly powders cor- sick hkaoaohm ami ncuralla lu 0 miaurcf al i mini 1 mr lliivl- hs illl ltnliiilus llunlitaukm lor lllvrr liirriuraih lu tuy cuml alao fvu ala ilia unit a vstr mioat to rast pmhim aa ommrm t omutt towart hipmrtr mnlmftrfrttiflae nalnl -i-

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