Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1894, p. 2

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r kjj uauitwkd ntviimnir ifl jlookwmxl at urn linma r tha hrliloa mothnr hn wndiiaaday jrtril mar hlranlmli itv thmtiaa llrtlanu prqiielph lomlea km it kuir laiithter- of the late ktlward maiiee kannawih iiiii nit at tlio rnaltntiori nf tlin lirtdaa nnli hhelhiirnir on wtxlneedar mill may liyllnv r micinllaml mr jentrw haunawiu ann r hohorl k una win formerly of acton in innnle nlilgil daughter nf h i hmiday 13lh ma ffilje qtton jfm frcss tiujkhimy may jl ihu1 notk8 and comments ilia nunl to which tha bioyole mini baa apread throughout ontario ehqwn by the faotlhatainee jenqary 1 lfier4 haa been jis000 wolli of bioyolra mnd part of bioyolw paaaod ihroaab tha oil atom hooee at toronto while that oily ia of oouree tha great ecu tor for ontario and tha greater part of the tnoainaa imported woalil ooma throuuh the port thero muat be iiuite a few entered at hamilton loo don montreal and other polnta to paaa omtomi for ontario point there wore more caaea of araon reportel durioit the pat month than for many year tha attorney doner adepartmenl waa aaked to inveatiitate at least dnsen euapidoaa area in ontario and theinapec ora of the departments have been busily engaged on oases of this nature in various portions of th province bo von acduaed peraona arc now a waiting trial on a charts of ft rin f buildinjje for f nan ratine and qcflcnia amal work upou uuubar of other oaaes the gtj refera to tha osiidnjates in the mining eloction in thiafaahioti in halton jol kerns th prcoent cgnoervativo mom ber is opposed by mr john husband a atronr andfpopular aupporter of the present administration mr korni la well eateern od but hti lerlatitlva record comisla aimply of persistent opposition to every act aod propoaition of tha mowat govern ment it ijoonaeqaeutly absolutely barren of achievement whether in relation to maitat or the i a w the toronto slur writiutf of the actioo of the toronto and kingston troabytery fn recommaudiok all presbyterians to tote for prohibition candid tea says it ia not at all improbable that tbia advioe will be ac cepted and acted opon in provlom con teata when- prohibition legialatlon waa ramote and oppoaltion to traditional partioa was dlabonorafcle the advioe would nave been rejected dot now when pro hibitlve legislation ia right upon at and the political parlies are bcom iog deetroyed and men a viewa are beooming wider the tern per an oe people svrszottamwrtm tho frnnohli aot ftlmpimodthw mnmrtjoth chiobetmctii and pommoroo report talk op the ctsrhidonb ottawa may jllr ltvrl iambnt rtdjniirua thia- afternoon until monday a rood wook a bualneaa hna been pushed fnrwanr llio roocai waa niuoh aouglit nftnr u1u mm utlt os till i1hi at lll llllllw mr ocorijo taylor ohlnf onimrviui w i of gir ment over tho juncti a ilirtidny from wud noeday to monday bat hlr john 1 liompson would not oanaont unions wodneaday wan fllven up for lovernment biiariieaa 1 bin waa not agreed to at the time but aiibet itirntly hlr john lhompntm avo notice of a motion for mimdny that uotornmont orilora have precodonoo ovur other liusln aftur ijiieatkfiia to m put by mo born ami thai when lliu ilouaaadjuuxuauu said day it shall aland adjourned imll monday may jhth at do clock lliiamny he lakou aa settling the ciucation of adjourn ment over tio queen a birthday timxi lint ait nilii i inn it ia iiiidoralooil hint the bill to union d the franchise act which will lie intruduu nd this anaainn will not only provide for tho change mmo by tlio llndietribiitton aot aa annoiiiked by hir tohn rbniupaou but will mtroducu luftnndnieiita to fhu nnt which will very greatly simplify it ami maturially reduce tlio coat of reviaiun 1 tie preliminary revision now required under ho act will it la said bountiroly dinpcnaotl with the roviaing oflhur will lake lim provincial liuta and appoint a dity wlioti lit will ha to tarh division and bear apphwi tinns for either placing nam on on lliu bt or alrikingthom on and the 1it will ml be prtntrcl after the final rvfanti rran tnfti u place mr weldon a bill to diafrannluae voter who take briboa wai jmill dpbatcil ttjtrcttl larifjtlt on i hureday prinoijially by tin i ranch me uibcra it ia biutoti that tho uobet ropresuiitali vlb nppono tins mtivhiiri not alone because it in objectionable but to prevent bilu to whiuh they are moru lnm tlla lalng peached bo urn ihr and tif tin ruf ltobertion tho ilry cnmiulbmloncr at the i xpurtmuiital i arm ottawa r- olivwi a few daja ago ku lbs of the miun moth choosq whiuh waa exhibited at chi cago and which waa recently sold to a pro deai let in ii and- mihm thst trnty gp 1 aliie ahajl rpreet and that temperance men abail oontrol legialation the patrons of industry have forty four caudidatea in the qald for the local eloc tiona in ouuno ofibe forty- four- tweti ty eight are former liberals twelve form er conservatives and four had not been identified with either party the reason why ao large a proportion of the patrons oaodida tee areejormar liberals ho qever ao far aa we have seen bean staled on tha other hand the protectant protective association haa twenty aeven oaodidatea in ontario conatituenoiea running for tho lenielatnre of these it la aaid no fewer than aevantsmin are or have been conserva sample haa bueu received by your corros pondont tt la in good preservation of o col lent tjuality and baa all the taste flavor and etroutfth of ripe old choteu consider ing the leutftb of timu since it waa made now nearly two years ago the distance it haa travelled by land and water anil urn heat it waa subjootod to in hicagu it is urpriaing how wall it baa kept in all re apocts ibis ohoeei muat be pronounced aa a marvel nf tho checaomaker a arfv and aa such tu it production and aa an ad vorttaoment of our canadian dairy induatry it rufleoti the highest credit on 1rofuaaor hobertaon who llrat conooived the project knox choftch annivehbarv afcjlo sormonaa hlhly intoroetlno laptura excollnt muolc h j hn event ol thu nnxilh of iday in coclealaalul ciroloa nf thlh vinlntty hue fur ylarn iwnn thu nuiivcriury hrvmon luliuox ihttrch 11m aurvimx hint huixlny ami mutnlay wtruof u highly mti r ming ihtir alitor 1 tifurlitimlolv tho i knpriail btnrm whirh firtumlid- dnimj tin wu it provtihtoij tin largtt nil iidapiiu uliiiu liau uhuftlly ohivriiotunt d did iitrun lh v abb day worn muiii tmjnetr and irnpnibsixi t xohilinh of thu word nf 0l and ho lhomtilhly practial that every sent unto wnhnrondid with filod fur thiuufht and mi ditatth d in- hi urlw of tho hearera wore maiiifcatly lonolmd and many went spiritually proluml through lliu horuion of huh man mi nlm l mighty in tlio sen tun n uutucu- by thn ituv uuctur on monday twning on f my lliylvikd was ospntttslly rnh in iiilurlalu niont and iimlrtillion ailtl itliounddd in nl liable lohkinn iairlntl to inflnonct tho future miiidiii t mi i ir r it ttjesn hu wore pnvilntl t inarit 1ho di limitimna of huqttlhh i if- till chain tor the wi allli f dotnil i ttllh tin i bmgraphi lh it pi i f i hk it h tporintim a mum or inmtt aixl hixthhfnl uihuiul to make one of lh nmet m plahli lutiirui evtr dlhvorni in at ton 1 in ro vtnii juilliuw moat totiihiug humor puni and outer tafning uiim w uobur muiimo mugntilic iiiimno cllr k diahclm jm no la and friiueiit pin riniiniih of iiihuiiic i ii iiiiii ik uuh 1 illilia and lint iiied with rspt stliitliin for marly lo lltjtirn anti u half i rajriut m mm u h will rvrr r u ajparjffbrstale of woe the interbqtino narbatlvc of a orbnvillb co man hm stftrio injtjrqct whllo workingcjn tho wood ldnff nnd pnlnfiil hlnobs pollowod how ho nu- oalnod hoalth nnd btrontrthc ihorearo few rnadera nf tho ttrmrttri who are not familiar with tlio fact iliat jr wlhiauih pink iijru for palo ptoplo enjoy a ruptitaliof for excollonoo both at homo and abroad not eiifallod by utiy propria nf lr smith v lit lion lil thiulukhtn tit llm 111 with bi rnlm d tliurth m ixjliitifnljy miilbxiiht t hunli uhh unhltnwi nnd ii onrngtmn atuudd the annnraar ai vifcuof tliliralalir chlinh uublph dlbthict mbetino tho annual muotlnu lit cooryutuw jlllllt of nelph dislncl uf the mo t hod is t church wan hold in door jo town last tliursdaj ministerial ueaai when all the mi of hoi nol hui i riday th hi on thursday ire preioiil the i wan ruferrud to case in hand unj ao f aot ore mwhnwfnrfv ittuetl its mumr hun awutii tu bw nn furraar libei ala among their candidates it appeara therefore that while the patrons of indus try are mostly liberals or of liberal aym patbies the protectant projective aseoda lion ia mostly made up of conservatives the london log 1 unr comments editorially oo a series of arttolet oonoerning canada whtob it haa published recently tbo writer aay a it aeemi manifest that of tba large problema on the auooesafu soloiion of which the future of the british lmplre will depend there are very few which ro uot more or less directly illu trated by canadian experiaiioe and the probable solutions that canada will and whether for good or evil will largely a loot the organic atruolure of ibe hrapire it la certalu that the lufluenoe of canada on the international relations of ureal ilnuin and the united htatea have umrfa than anything ulee to a peaceful anttlemeut by arbitration of uosllona which under less favorable oooditiona miglit have provod lulraoubu to diplomacy it la not perhaps altogether tanoiral to eurmiee the beoeuolent resutta achieved ir this direction xoaaibly they will b the germ of future dovelopmeuta almost too vast and far reaching for tbo political imagination of living men to conceive what may be the future of canada relatione to the united btatea on tbo one hand and to croat lirttam on the other oo man can yel aay but notiacau doubt that the prubloin here pronounced ia big with tha fate u untold generations talk of the dav an epltom of th worlds dolns during th wssk yen archdeacon olomurray died at nia gara sunday agod hi hon johu heara m 1 for ljuoboo wst died last thursday heavy snowstorms are reportod in tbo midland counties of luglaud 1 he death oocurad at tujoola iii last waek of james young negro aged i in henry i kiss a wood dealer was attaakod by footpads near ktora and robbed of tl goo james lafferlv waa found dosd in a labia at tivertou muuday night an iuumt will be hsld mrs james vanderburg committed am oida by drowning iu tha j rand ittvsr at uuonville on saturday tbe winur carnival commutes of que ban aonouoss a aurplusof lm which will be givsu to lbs city mr it t thompson of petrols waa kilud by lihlning yiwtorday us lssvsa a wifs aud two small ohildrsn on may 10th j u uunlop u a aud mtawliaima llyt both for marly nf kings ton were married al toklo japan lord absrdasn baa purchased one of ths taara lanobw wtneh wsrw used oq the lagoon al lh chicago warlda ra at hamiltoto sunday wro pargdwon was nin over by a o t it freight train and bad bi right leg tahnu ofl it ths knee t6 on bfindrsd sod ailth osnsrar asssmblyoi tha presbytariao churobof tbs llnltsd btatssopmied in sssalon last thu re dy in baratoga n v uvalugsliau crofslsy aod hunter go to iary bound to hold onloo svaugslistlo asrvlms on juiy a union qoramittse r roaking aotlvs preparations information has been rccuivod horo from washington that the covurument of the united btatea baa in contemplation thu erection of extensive works fori he smelting of nickel urea whioh would give a grout impetus to mining in the budbury district ibe american government hose ovitleutly awakonod to the importance of our nickel dopoelu which are known to bo the moat valuable and eitenalve in thu world anil it ia said will locate their works soiiiuwliere in new york near the international bmutl ary it has been ascertained that in lljc extraction of nickel from ths matte by ox tine methods a very valuable couetltueut zotumitleo wli in the uvuiilik a vciy largely attended public moutiugwae bald iu thu interests of the sunday hclioolsand 1 pwurtli 1 oagita the president itev a c tinniugliara in lliu chair the speaker of the evening wore hove v ilraiidnu or lleiidersnn and or jfcl mr liraudou advocatou the iu nd usefuln porta n oo i ot to 1 pworth leagues itev dr uonderaun gavu a very tine tlltutlxaituu al formal work which was highly appreciated by tho riuuday hchtxil hov dr crllllti was in ouoof his happy moods anil delivered a characteristic ad dress containing valuable information aud aticruig the oungregatiuu on th uaiasli colly on tuesday muriiuig at ten o dock thu district mooting wan ope nod the prrsident in the chair nearly every cirouit waa rep resented by a lay duluafu whon the work of the district was takun tip illu follow i iu yoitng men worn roooui mended to alund college i k nouly i w hitching t w li lost and it waa probablyior una numou that some experimonta mudu in h tales boom tu indicate that nickel platu waa not likely to turn out in point tttttnglh tuite aa successful as the urign inventors anticipated i he uoi bow nit metallurgist to german months bo studied th ployed for the production of nickel hm investigations resulted in ihodlncovury tlpil tu obtain tho highest pialily of nickel it is noceetary that it bo extracted directly from tbo ore llouci tho uruuliou of tbo oxlenslvc works prajtouod thai e ani tllldttlli i ufel 111 1 he tint annual report of tho opart ment uf trade aud oinmercr ever whit h hon mr howell presides waa presented to parliament last rriday itlaauioet valu able blue book anil manifests considerable 4wbor on llw p of t lb itt mr parmeloo ibe first portion of it con tains summarimid lahks relating to tho troiie of the aiuulry than follow thi reports uf the comuiurcial agents in tin west indies tho i ustoius turilfs d croat britain antl the colonies ami thu reoru tif tbe high oiumisaiouur antl tho imiinoi clal agents of auada in the old t tiuntry to merchant and oinrtari the bonk will bo of great value uirnl kkk iintlln i r ibe governor joneral haa bought tbo residonoo al clrand aecapodla n 11 ihat was built by ixird h tan ley who had rlpar ian nahlng rights the rights wore s ld iprt i uvia ftir mx and if lord abosajmedeairoa to flab ate will have to re purchase rlghu the price paid for tho residonoo waa wki 1 1 ia fbe general bcllof here that hon prank hmith will bo knighted on tho ijuoon a lllrthday iho ottws j mmal oays the lrlohlng facllitlaa in the i hiniliiluii houana of 1 ar liamojil hava sent many a inaii to tin devil it ia currently reported thut the hon i homes atcuroavy will anitusl iuoirh west fur the vacancy create 1 hy tho ihtatb nf hon jehu heart moiictou n li has ttvuklud to give i i km towards a new dock at that jorl pruvidod tba dominion ovoriiinant alnti gives a aubaldy tu tho acliumu afuir tho first of juuo a now llm lusiir ance tariff will oumo into offoct with rugard to the retail dry goods stock and this in said to be but a forerun usr uf an inuruaao all along tbo lino mr udgar iutroduoed a motion monday aimllar tu that adopted by the i ughah house of commons approving uf the sub etltulion of arbitration or war aftur a sharp tilt between hlr johu 1 hempen anti mr iauriox the molluu waauarrioil unum moisfy thsr queen the prince of wales aud tho puke of camoftob t i nested the aunual review of trous al aldarhot thy rati ay twelve thousand men were an parade a winnipeg paper says that the manitoba uuvfcuuhut wtlt hortb u aubacsittial bouua to ths c t h to build a road to dauphin tba aaltlers liavs long been agitating lor a road oriffltha who atarted fropi ijoudou ou march utb to ojoumuaslgau tle world and haat nelly blya rooordof 71 days heal arrived horns having aooomplieheu bis feat in ot days 11 boar and 20 mlautaa h ii i hn thompson vf j mokwi tbo k vert mi circuit adding the i iiuuhouae a tary mediolnc ihat thin f- piituliou in deserved ia amply borne out by thu nvi loiico of many of tho bott inwjpipirs in tbo unuutry which liavn onrcfhlw invusti gated iho muat noluworlhv the curea followitli tlio nnd oi pink p i and have givuu tho faoui to their r ndern with a clearness and ooiioisnnnsn that admit of no doubt aa to tho truthfulness of tjin ropurta uocoutlya reporter of tl uuln was in formed by mr john a lurr ttiitwoll known drilggiat that tho particularh uf a oaso iiiita as striking aa many tba iibvd lilpti published could bo loarnud from mr hamuul bargeaut of auguata township who had bean bono it tod moat remarkably by tbo pinkpill troothioiil tho reporter determined tu interview mr hargt ant and accordingly drove to his homen aug list about six miles from droakville mr burnett nt wue found busily engaged in loading log in tbo woods near his homo and although well up in the mxtiua waa working with tho vigor of a man in tho prime bf life exhibiting no trace of the fact that ho had booti a groat ttu flora r whtm jilformod of the reporter niission mr hargeaut aaid be could not say too murh in favor of or williams pink pill and impressed hi willingness in givo ttiti fiotn in noniioutiou wlfli hii retoratinn to health 1 wo years ago said mr flar goant i went over to now urk atulo to work in thn lumber roginn for tlio wuitir one day while drawing loga one slipped ml rolled on m injur lug utyaniue xha pain was very suvero and a i could no longer work 1 waa brought back to my liouiu and waa laid up for about hix months i sulforud a great deal and ueoinud to be grow ing wuruu 1 bocauie badly cousti patod and as a ronult pile dovuloptd which added to my rmeory tho various treat munts did not appear to do mo any gund aud dud of my neighbori sdvmod mio to try ir wllliaii pink 1ills my wife went to town aud p roc tired s supply and 1 had not been taking them long whon i found myself growing atrongur and iho pain was changed by iluiulmont tu it b hwirton cm louud i intercut iimlii linl in hi 171 itioll tl atsl y ht 7 kiom i i koriiu il i ot til v ii kniiimk ll almrliylu lli marvlilu i 7 llnlwoo1 ji7 skhuiihuii jl hoclktuthl ll kvrtitn iu n rul mi krlu uf noli in i unbi kov dr henderson was htatiouing comtuittou luv jo i dgi antl mi were olthlloil to thu sabbat elected tu till miltoo luiv a mod at d mi were elected to tho i hi lllo wore elocte1 a oiowd cuolpb mayor w 1 hnlth i a duvulson dr lames mills itidge hmifui aid h 1 noutm i h ittillert lurry ik wn acton dr i roil li 1 mouru i he juhu muniell ja la lsrgu h 11 lorry mar den juhu r by litn 1 ho uuddell alwrloylc it i aluoubn igc orion lolut di lulu ic whin john ktlubiig houkwuoil htnuel llarrl i voruiii isaac hnydor lloorge towll li w kcuumly u a jll j sun oleuwilllams j owous llalllnafad 1 h noar uubl handersou it waa rusolvod that the anuiial tiunfer feronoe bo reimloslod to uieiiionaliee the gouoral uuitfurdiico to tihango the imtuo in the ju4rual uf 1 pwurtli 1 oatala u 1 pw rtli iaaguo uf hriatiau lndiiavor cuin waa eoluijlcil a tho noil plauo i i district mooting tho pilla made my bowels regular and the piles disappeared and by thu timo irliad taken six txntoa i found myaelf as aa over i was anil able a you see to do a good daya work mr horguant further aaid that ho had been trouoted with hernia for fourteen ear during all which uniu he wan forced to woar a truar in ins aur prise that trouble loft linn and iu april i ant ho throw away his truss aud lias had no occasion for it since mr hargeaut declar as his full bcliof that this loo was duo tu tfte ueo dr william pink pill but whether this is the case or whether lua re i oaso from tho rupture is duo to hi pro longed runt aa a result of his other trouble the reporter does not pretend to aay ho simply telle the story aa mr hargeaut gave it to turn one thine la curtain mr har koantaud in wifo are very aiithuslaatio as to the merit of dr william pink pillx incidentally mm hargeaut told the report or of tho groat benefit pink pill had boon to her sinter mr win taylor who lives in 1 mm t 1 ugland antl who was a suf foror from paralysin and unable to movu hand or fool the troublo elfocled her stomach to such an extent that ho was unable to retain food aud to stlmuuiilm aloua she dwod her exlslonuo for a consul erablo period mn hargeaut acu her iiatot a supply of pink pills which soon showed that she had secured the right medicine knowledge uritigb com fort and imprpverfmnt d manila to pdiwuinl aiijiomaitt wl rightly tmorl tho maliy who h bot- tur titan tlioninuvloiijoylififnro no oxoiiiljuipo by mnro promptly mhifitvilb ckawurlds beat jiroluout ui llio imtdnof riliynid1 boillg will attest tlio valuo to health of tho puro hijuiil luxnlivo piiiicfjdua ombraoud in tho rum ktnipof figs iln oxciiljuiico in dun to iu presenting in tiro cm in ni nt nccoptitho nnd pleaa nnt to tho taaln thorufruahiiigand truly hi iicficinl propartics of a porfuot tax btiu offoct ually clt mining tliosjatcm ilispclliig c ma la luetics nnd fo ra rnd pi 1 1 innoutly ciniiift ciunllinliiiu it hna giteti aitlmfni h n to milhniis ami mot vith tho apj i wl of tho mod left 1 r fiohi n ki fiuao it nets on tho kid hm lmur and bmn la mthmit wi nk cuing thu in nml it in p i fet il froo from eury ohjt eh i ablo buimiliiiico bj i up uf r ila in for enlo hy all rinig- pinla in 7t hitthn but it m maim fiutur 1 hy tho iliforuia fig bj nip co oulj hnnii iiainuu pt intod on a ory pncltnyi nltn tliu tiamii sjnipitf flgn nnd bt mg will liifnrminl yu will n i oooof t niiy mil uluuto if iflbrcd jgm hw 5v6scre6trs can a- of u fir aslioe u jihtoiia ma t treatment wss- wmt and iir lupply rt the pills procured af paiiy tijwned its 1 ondon liouuc and when mrs hargeaut last hoard from her sister she had regained almost all her strength after jiavitil buen prostrated for several years a dopruvod condition uf l in blood or a shattered uorvoiin uyituiu in the ntcret of most ills that olirict hi nkintl nnd i ru storing tho blood and rebuilding tho nervio dr williams pink pills atriki at the rout of the disease tinviug 11 from tin system aud roalorlug tho pat lout to health and atruugth in casus of jmrttly nm hpiual trogbles etc thoao pilla are nipurior to all other treatment 1 hoy arc also a spucitlc fur tha tronblus which maku tho livos of no many vt onion a burden and bpaudily restore the rich gluw of health to salhm checks men brukun down by uvurw irk r worry will 64 in vtiinm ooryan enre be ware of mutations and substitutes allowed to bo juat as good hold by all lealur or out by mail poutnnil al d tnit a t l it l bums for i 0 by addr bsi t lht di wllhaul mell inet utockvlll i ml i r hclielleclady n 1mb hook oh fht rali thhke points m ir hui i m it 3h0uld wkah it show make a i a pfh af an f m ipiiu tjck i uu t plltc hh i cin suit iu uh ill three points and idd mutlilr that of a low prut 11kmovai- hallv wlllj to 111 jtiopohctl it nioval to other picmihcs on 1st ma i am disposing of all lines at u n per t cut reduction fli l isll 1 h ic tlit- liu it stlci in men s wmneijs iiooiks childrens j a nicu ihsoiliiiciit of i m siltjls scvciiu tnus- t am running tl ll li ss til ill l ovt w william a c 1 on a friendly tip i durjkhq fe co acton we have jusf received a ncv stock of dress goods prints gents furnishings q and in order to ive- our etomers special value we of r a number of pieces of elegant furniture at presents on tin following conditions we have huqed a j5 00 card for ibe nao of youraelf and family at oar atar we lavit you to bripg it with yon wbonctar you oon tempi ate making fntore oaah po chaaea and oarefolly examine our alook apd prlch wa will punoh tho amount purchased and whan the entire ticket li uad and wbon 1 26 do worth a bought and paid for we will take pleaaure in present log yon with your choice of one of our rnmdaormi folding tables mualo raolu book rooks chain and rookoru milliiiii noeltieb are unsurpassed both for si li and low prices we are alwavs pleased to show our stock it an time groceries 4 i a full assortment i cst rices aid for hutter and cga jivl us a call com6 1 on guelphi bihrjflay to ad wtt you df jook t ourwind dicsseil as it will be showing a display of opals m rings and unsett d ki the opal is our x queensfavorite i stone 1 lr shvhce sco 11 lt thb illiams p luhlth labt by mwliorrutl no t r 1 t vu may jl mr i uubncuo haa hied tint reaiuua ltr tit man iiiik a nnw trial tin bolialf w w mwhariell oun viotod tu tho tijiinlor d tin atjod william oouplu laal 1 otenitir llo tirnc that tlio vorllol waa aainat the wtilt of jvldenoe ttiul liuw and lnnirlaiit omlmiuo haa beoti obtained llial the wlluena harry irwin who waa wanted at the tint trial and tuiili nut bo found ban roapihipred and would be a wituoa at a uuw trial that there warn or turn iu llm ludfju uiartc that mi fur lht iho of the priauni r and iliat the ttlal of the re i don ta of thu luotilily made it linnoaaible to tcuuro a panel uf impartial nloitfihere hahpbr 8 wteklv wli in wiah id hnuw in a beucral way wbafivapptniud yuu rnatl the intiriiln ur aviiiuiul itiiwayaimu wlieu xmu waul iu know how it looked yuu buy lltirte llraw johu prow ley who lived about iwdinllja weat uf ilaatititta an i who waa eeverely burned while irylii tnaavu tho content mot ilia bumiiih barn five wok ao auoomnbed to hirfinjorlca moqday blitlo1 b i lie llanurott i m i i l i- bofoio ita 1 ikii prouoodiu titiii bera it a lllualratiui a aro ulatmratu and i in deoonjitive lotlor roan hitbly lull raliu 1 lua tin in bur lrcut ojrnilly t miada 1 diiuatiunal axliibil lutiluiiniu iliat il tho anadlau indian aahoula wluub iol lent eiikrvina are hiven a aunaidorabln lorlioti uf the number ia dovotod tu tlin w ii iirau a department wbluh ouimiiaiidoil an muoli atlopllun during the lifu of lliu iair lu ili mperlor oioatlonca and artia tic beauty 1 ha ok of the 1 air mmnnuda tlio admiration uf all who have aeon it litthahy nottu lio may number of the i lali mi an artlnle dealuik with llie bo lliif of the itiutinllc ba of frienda in onior that llio readura nf the amini i nay have nu tulooonooptl hi of llio beliofa of the utikiu krluula a rilatinuuiahod fruiu the orlhimlui h xnuly of 1 nun la llm auuounuemeiit in made bat mr laiiisa wood a inadliih member of hie orlhihlui tiuoiety uf 1 ciendn and a ropnaentallvo uf that roltfluua body at tho world i ment of lulitfioua june number uf that maainin an arliue eutlttod what maknn a i riond dfrlhu dui litl ml lor itmln tiir mr itsb ii william- thu iktunaivo uiauufaoturor of frull baakala 1 liorhl writea 1 nuflereil very severely from rtak andunrvoai beadaohea and bllinuauoaa fur over twelve y tiara and had tried all the adverliod pilla xiwdera aud other modi omoe but obtained vary tthlo rrliof until alniut twuyoara ato 1 b to uae htarh a rouujora aud ainoe then hau been like u dlffereul man and nuw aol lum liavu a hea i bliio if i have any lemtenny that way tttatrrrflwiierartva immediate relief itlut j m a txia atsld uy all medicine dealer lol i to you toi ami lh ii hardwah wd b i lui gw cl i itieb tj boat goodu fron lne bebt niakei we pay cash you are tht ianidf thy ub bonos hardware store cuelt acatchy line crede roadster wei all on nil ah btrlotly bi hrado throiihoat con trusted of boat material aa a machine for practical everyday nao it cannot boenr- poaied price s8g net vv stark aaont po bqjfju- acton ont fltiv 3utrtiflttmmxe jya 9 n cook in ntimt car colleen hi and hiallia ave to hon to will villi aatnii ii lay of eaob uionili orrtt k asnewi tho rtral and third halu money to loan in nab i a rata imiblu notice ihko uinotlly ihopul dr ihat i hovfi ran 11 tharlrtittonahnti liliso n h m in lne mil oonoaealon of kaiiunlnii ami that treapaoi er will he liable to iiroamullon rnrn 7innen leamibtowm uayttti i hoi notice cpbtihelut atlll toi rncetvptl tin ranairlni wanted j uau to wnrk tor ua aim ileolre to tnea monar thla fall anil wlnlr durlug alaik time fsrellenl ohanoe liberal pay if you hava pare time out of work or looking for a pay lug builneaa write ma at once rilei v 10um1 nuraeryman itocbeiter k y notice to the public din eoat part of 1ou w to ll and the weat pari of lot 11 in tha nth oniicnaalon nf naaaarawaya and on lot 31 in urn 7th ooueaaalnu are prolili it ad treaiaihra will 1m proaocuutd under tin ontario cams lawn btailh aoton may 1mb ifmi for no trespassing the woat part oflo w and oaat lrt nf lot al in iib ard oon o fquaalnr will he allow ml all found ffnlltr o lroeiaaalni will bo proaoputod aa tho itatuu lirovldea w ktalth for laeaoea aliable pjiupert f sal r undormlbuod hareby olior lor aala bit m houao and lot nn lower avenue aeuin ths houaa la a uloal oomfortahla homo qnuvati lent and inuood repair the imiertv iaaitnatetl in lliauioat dealraiilo roaltlontlal aoatiaa of the town flrt alaaa tltla for to nut and nartlau jersey bull for bbrvioi tllfc uiutoniiujod havo for aarrtcn on their prainiaeaat aoton flour willi a thorough bred jeroay hull temia 1 ou oaah tbsy havo alao uiootuhbrwl york shim boar for wr lea tartui ft 00 eaah ciilst hltoh pkopert in esyresinti for sale tiik uuderaujnod orora tor aaln til proiwrty j en wail pan lot 1 can i eotjuoaltifi ooniirlttna thirteen aerea on wlilou la oroeud a faawad log houaa boarded uuulda out iaj tared loaida one and a half atoriaa good wall vouur orehord wall fenced tho property all eloarad aud in asoodatatoof oultlvatlou title india mtable for particular apply at tha offloe of haadaraou aelou ur lu u i mm 1i11iionh idtou april uth imn coirt 0i revision n ot1lb la berahy ivdii uial a court of tt vlalou for tbo muntoluallty of tjin tll oluallty of the vlll f fr m to 1 j ii it ai uctul the hsherm u vo k a oatol j i u mou hulla and we ha a ua tad h altb oaoby im juat laiica at nor oo iinr window and it ia all up with yuu lltmxry trout novor took tho lly inoker than food dreaoera are tahliik thtaa hmta alxy hod a little lamb it a wool waa all the jpi we make it lip in bnrlueea hulta bur f ifi yon know how da you keep from getting wei i i koiiik out in the rain 1 or do you have aniuble waterproof clothing jl yd uau aupply yuu aiitb tba howl ood oliowa pzhjow goliath tribute to tin kinu alexander of bervia haaauoumpliah jmi anothar coup dolat ho haa abolialied ilifnffpatut yf jtwiiaad xnauirod that of i will ily i hi ohaie many popular mturm re rwpkad turnip seed ml tin ituidud uinth it 20cts per lb rijej il ijuolttions t ismi i i ltlolri rape seed tiitulji ru ultur il colltyi ioc ia it lbs sioo seed corn wlutt m i how t iimi tft 5c fbw bushbl all lht new silo linns nh hand ilso geo j thorp dirott seed liiiportui gulilril miliaria lllulmrnt rrluxa noarugl vv- muoh aurrrlaed when david him with a aloua ha aaid hucb a tk hail never entered hie head before you will be equally nnnoed wtien ycu aoe tho fullowtuu llliee of ilrowa oooda double width 1 weed worth 45c fur uje 1 1 mhruidtred costume worth 7 50 lor y 1 mraidcd costume wotth 8 50 for jjcx j hraulid contuines worth 10 for 3 50 1 uniuroidered cubtume worth 13 for 550 jl costumes worth fti6 for 6 i bmhroult red costumes worth lh for 6 v llavti yon uul one uf thoae iuvejy uldui tablea uook fiholvo alum lutk- hal itaoka haira hookevo or cahinou which we are klvnt away at tha llou if nut net a card and beafiu a onoe you will be money in pooket and have a una putoe uf furtiilufo ia the bargain by buylnk at the lion al ibe town hall on monday 28th may 1894 valuable property 111 acton for ball ob to rtnt nar run f i1i1 i party in aouli tor ul aa folio tliaailaiidll aiideniiiiiiihllou lirlrk d on lol h block al lulu looim harti aul auft water iloutll t yuutiu itobanl tha lirloh iidiiw and table adjoluliir on lol iii lu tba tame block thla la alao a oomfortahln houaa and haa on1 rd and water a uuuiharof thu lllioat bulldluu lota lu anion juruer lot no 0 un church and oualiib htreata and iota h and 1 on lueluh htraat alao luia i in and 10 on oornor ulll aud toutitf blrvela h thal uutoooui kor miilt j tallt aoton i ulll un it laud aa to taruta ate uto 1atitlch kmm 1 wo li i notice to ckkhirillw in the malt i 1 iilui ithurb of tin ill it i at tun in tin t iiint i lliltin ketnl m ii li tnt n j v fn truat for tha t ni r i 1 1 1 aid aatata la muuday tho j d williamson co guiilih inteniki m awof m aillgivf mimi rw a t el tot mdm watif a vtn aw awmiu imlitr wttnl kaiilly won hrmw per dolile2sc jocorsloo acton saw mills coal and wood yajioh broinils jhivfes otamurautuaaa mo naautii ix lumber laib bhluklea uaal and wood coal and wooil alwaya in atoeb aud iirowpuy prteaa hordwool and auba istgntatwit tapbonaaoaisiiblauod ill ui nf iu a li ii al llm hour a i k k iii llm afli x i tm ths iouiliii all uxtll1 t rh ihli t uuall ihiii i tliihiliona with ioim iiwl of iho aal i natalr i ald oalala aro ht i tmiiilii ll wlu lr hohtll ra uoi lh 1 o aa llrmta1 ly uio aal i to tlicli olaluii and i hall uoi tbe laid oalale iuu r il all hava rooulvoil unilue nf it aii rl thoroot to anv wt john hi al hkh hll tultaior a j uila 17ib day ol hay a dtwm planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor uaiiutaauiiurufuaah lhi ibw mttnlilliia in bit itln- matctlltvo mad moulvimo to oritur un hri notlee well aaaurlad atoeh ot hani at irtote lu ault tho tlmoe john cameiioh proprietor

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