Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1894, p. 3

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r iv vtvtceivrwzsjj j r 1 bank qf ham4lt0n tirfad ornob crittliii ur hamilton isaflono diiihatohhjoiixbthwait 1roliont a vleaproe j pnuutna jius diiiibt uxo iloacll wool a iii kb auoitonrown aoenqv isotmdliooatrua ana fatvaiieoa ipadn uu all liubls seour us ukim on all parts of uah i ulb umitkt ttka fllthatilllutaim a lid ula oomtiwwmt or kd immidik ami antrl c nuta o meal fevorablo hroii iimri hahnoh dklailtukht posits rooolvod nf i anil upwards and in tores t allowed rum date of deposit to data of withdrawal hvhglau dfclobitb n u llvinobcosfh oi tiie methodic cjiuroh acton rky job1jph edox putor parsonage uawevavanuo fubtlobarriooa 1030 am udosopin humlav aaboou30 lliuleglasaootiduotod b tha pastor alloordlally invited wie busies sloiein town hushing off our wall iaper window shades curtain poles bargains for every- body 4i rolls arnerioau bed room iaper 7je st roll american flail ha worth u 72 rolls american gilt vjo world he 0 ioob bordra to match lo per yard hondxadaotr oo upward window shadee paper mounted 2ta window bhadco ototh mounted wo jvmdow hhadee ololh tniifja 41a curtain poles all lengths ni pn thjnimsjvtjrhlme montly ar n loonl character and vrvltm intaraatlotj- imiirnyriin nf nf si jacph m church an will ho seen in another oolrlmn tend era am asked or improvemenli wtlloh ara in u u turn pi niton at hi joseph hurah u ta proposed to build a how voatry of good nio on tha eail aldn of i ho churoli on a litvol with tha floor of the auditorium tliia will permit of uio removal tif tha lorn iii frwraf tes lima navar boon a atdered au ornament to the olmrah tlio coiling of the olmroli will be ceplaatared and the roof rupalred ihe improvement will no madu pnjot the anpervialon of a oomktenl architect and will ooal it tlib nolrblwrhood or 81 000 munfrt llcttcr t ifftttvtt tttrertn citijtona general jind viaitora oapcoially coudutnn tha motliod of our muuloipal authorities of nvilfuj mia atrcotti by the almanac monday night durlnu thu s tor in proplo ware obliged to grope tlioir way along ilio alrootsrth rough thodarktioss btrcauid tho moon nu timed to ablna thoufrivho attaudud tlin aunlveraary loo turn in kikji jitirah ami tho ktliornih in tho 1 own hall worn napeainlly inconveti eoolil if wo inilat put up with tho laat luoad iiiulhudotalroot llfilitinfl byooaloil by all mourn nt u havn the lampa brlklltly buriuni hiioii nnndoil wholher tho altnanao huh oaten u n fliu in the verdiot of tho taipayora thrltuum h itilcuvor convent lun luiiuti onntv uniim will hold lu an mial coiuintion ut tho motliodial church 3curtutwn on i huraitay and i nday jhth and huli jnno hio oiocllllvo tiiat at icoritinvii on munduy to arrangattia pro hrauinto moil intfireetliif aorioa of lumutia urn hciuji provided lot and lu addi lion to paporu ami addruauea by mernburaof sociuticu within llm count a uuinlier of prominent apciikera onvcrunt withchria tmu i iidrmobwurk will bu proacntfrum a this countrv atlound nows itomasuppllod by carroo- pondonta and ekahanaoa nassaoaweva aljiwn hoelal under tho auaplcoa of thu ladioa aid of hi llavlda ohtiroh lamp ixttlville will imrivo at the rnidjonofl of jaro moffat on ifio ovoiiim nf inuo 1 jilt goo a hmltli lipor major haipilum miltan braaa band and othem villi furnlah ontartalumanl for tho avenin mr neih h waa u in j taki pari in knox olmroli anniversary on mini day night rockwooo i vat wei inoaday aflnninou lluihard cook a narniler ajimit 7 ycara nld foil ofla drivtnit house o byuiro btrautt and wai altnoai hi lad iio had ixrcu ultinjjtuim and fell a dlunco of biiijil fool alight liik on a iro alonu tli anil a- broken hi tlio wrial two rlh broken u i hi wnn out tin mlq lioad an i it fnarrd llint lit t hurl intornally llav t j hahm uxl mr tlmmaa water attended the ditlrlol mrein uf tho melhodial cluircli at lmricuwii ftt the place for bargains geo hyndbaotonoqt thuhsuay mai 2i jhi little local brieflets whloh cauaht tha eyas or ears of froo proma roportora thin wank 3 day ir nro the queen a birthday god aava our graoioo que guelph blft celebration be careful boy a with y era to day home of hie aporu will attend loorfce town racea to day tbejalcallb i ol horn m i 1 a p i a candidate war jan warren u having hi lau aoddod and imprarod court of uviaion next monday oon j op in tho conncel ofilrtibor ho klckapoo uedioiiid oo aoton to day for bramplon tba oontldued rain of tho pial wook baa maqe the road a very muddy a good day to go flab inj if you have a permit for any of the naihboriu atreama tba wheal of fnafueaa turna wifbout friction whan writ oiled with aenatble ad varliaink oakvilla bad a 3 ah nre the other nibt tba taot aud tarpaulin c o luat their boildiog and coot en ta the couuoil abould oonaidor tho adup tlon of a curfew by law thorn are loo many children allowed on the atrocta ai nirbft maaara kama aud lluabaud are buiy ah ba and waai p i i jwm- take your oboloa n oakville star gold lookel ioal on haturday mhl either on main or mill atreet binder will pleaae leave it at the home of mra m a taylor main atreet if tha weather la tine a larjc number of sunday bohool workara aud fnauda will ho lo lloroby today to attend tho townain p baaday sohool conveution it j mdrrow whu removed laat week tof reatou walked from aoton lo uoortjo town laat tburaday lu one boar and aaveu taa miuatab bo taya beat it wbo can tba commit toe ou dominion day oel abration are arraniug their programme it will luolada trotting raosa foot ball aud laoroaaa matches 1 rices offered aimreuato 333 john artliura merehant has made uu aaaiunmenl to john tt talker for the beueot of ilia dredilora a meatiox of iba urpdltora will be held at agaew a hotel on monday ttuh may mra johu iarklorf will aoll her liuuao hold furultura at her residence on bower avenuo by auotlon at four o a look uu hat urday afternoon win ho ma treat u ic lloooer the family lea ve for ulovormillo n y uaitweek the adverllseinonl ibal pa j a bust la tba plalu houeal loroaful talk written juat aa if the writar was talking u tho reader faoe to faoe a alalenient of faou 1 hero la uothiutt iu the world so intoroelui as faou especially of buaiuens a very snooeaalul pbonokraph oouoort waa rivan in irinity methodiat olmroli ual veninfby- liaing- bros of acton ttio aalaotiooa randarad comprised highly popular aire elo toronto iiatl oil ttteaday avemu while tba kev j j h love n son waterloo was wlklu aorora tha joiata tn tha now paraooae iim in oouraa of ereotloo ha mlaaod hla itmlnm and fell into lbs cellar in his fall be alruok a joial with hla cheat totally smash log hli gold watob turtunataly the break lu the fail ved hiui ffom auatalulntf auy very saware lujurlea waterloo li rum ir tto w- 1 lie hiithoal prloa lu cash or trade will be ptd for any uaullty pf kood cleau merchantable wool delivnrctl at our aloro in cjeorcdiixvu llavinu ur obased j no nctilon 4 huus of 1 uu u u- ataok uf varui and uiiahrinkkbln ttoy flanual blauaou some nuo i woods sn i lh are sale koiiik uu at tbo same ti tie wo have exoapuoual facllltlea to aers you well newton s yarua are famed lor ihvtr woain jualiliee wm mclood c o g 1 ltyait i co guelph ifivp third off iheir apriuit jaokota a oar or two of chuioe polaloea wai at t ii ilardiuh a knory acton dr wilkiuaou a oltlce i o vary day from ha m lunp nj 0hji the obaapeat and oosl pla carpata ollolotba and dry jooja la cl ma atlioursom 10 lower wyudham ht batpti tba difference in tha prloa of our carpata coin par ad with other carpela sold inoualph u tba wboleaale roini profit aa wa import iham dlraot from lha mauufao tlirtr all t othara buyiuti from turuntu wliolmftla l0tuwt g 1 hva j lo nibianco au eiluri labeuiff mado lo secure tlio proimincu of auou iuchardaon tho 1 rlbidout if tho provincial i nion for an afturiioon and evcunik i ho pntframmn will be laauixl lu a week or wrrrj eiutltm llrllu lho following from tho hhslhumo rrr wm will interoat our readers al the residence nf tho bride a laroiita ou wed nun da afteruoou he lr moclelland uf lorooto ufllciatiui a iuiet wedding waa aolemulrted mr jaa kaunawin waa null ed in tho baudit of holy matrimony to jau t daubto0utfvi vbm i ho bndo waa attendod by hor aiater annie while mr aloiandrr kannawin a uu ported the grqom only the immodlaio friend a of lha cuntracliiih parlies witneaaed the cere mony mr aud sirs hivnjiawin left by lho ovcutiifi train un a short visit to aeton frinuda the trrr frj wlshaa tho youny conplo tho full enjoyment of a happy thti i mttrecntcaftt ha lit iiri lho ran storm inch tasted from ihur da uf lam wrak until tueaday mortilnj of this uoek with almost oonllnuoua all of rain ha- novcr been paralleled lu the mem ory of auy resident of thia section tho rain fall atcjlrcgated about aaven inches oa ttio lovnl s tfrrnlor amount than was over befuro rucurdcil al the moloroloaal bureau in the mouth of may no damage resulted in this district but many parts of ibe uouulry have auflared it waa very in lorosliug tu follow wuii the aid of ibe daily weather reports the progreea of lho great atorm which produced destructive floods on lho fertile lauds of tho north west oatraurdiuary disasters to xhtpplug on the great lakes and an unseasonable outbreak of tliuiidorous weather uu the atlanlo coast ihe belated oold wave which was duo hero a week i m lore appcara to have acdumpauiod ibe aturiu but iu a very mild lr harrtnh ii n data to attend nimdii week bev mr hirt h from hook wood i destination tlio ol added lo tho i vortm nil im the i al undrr y dnlu liortl remove then vortmi oirouil ospfhnoe coming andjfolno vlnltora to and from aoton and uajouaothomiaraovmu-motaa- mr daiiiol moqibbon of norval i ailed frlonda in aoton last wmlf mlaa oorlln cookman who waa very in with lung trouble ia rapidly rodovarlng mr l lampbell loft on hatufday ovon jnr for lliintavilln lo take a aituatiou there mr graham sr and mr ii t arnold aro spun ding a woek with frlouda in at tho last mooting of llm ilars i odiu tho i ode h umjitwll duly llaljrl tl ifllccra ilirrthhii n j ii ullr n iff txmi i in j im am i vt t tkmii 4iiuim h rlosci cliaiuin mlsa k hslllik mtlsu4l i riios krurnl kl- hi itt mim j ury ion it- kktv sisjahoit trkitltit ulul iltna lurlil mrl lrcil mel an i ho lodge is in a llourinhlug con liinm there being a tnotnbership of about hllv mias 1 llaldiok aud m isa h liniiiiai speul a wsok ol ao visiting routivcs in and around 1- imira ltonald hlnclalr la now llm se uf a splendid safety a great many frixn hub iu ibtkirhood intend taking in guelph hi douioii4lra queen s birthday tjuncan mutavisn commercial traveller for the kgan o borlin has rosiguod his poaltlon aud baa deoldod lo apend lho auiu 1 al hla homo here milton eaara 0 buweu and j it lemei is lutk mr ilugbc taylor of tiwmi honnd has been a guest at tho methodial parson bgo the paat wook mr and mra a wonham went to chau tram laat vut xo attend tho ftmnrxl of mra w oil ham a alater mra john wtlliama and oblldran left on saturday to ipend a ooople of weeka with frieudsal wlarton and vicinity mr donald campbell of manitoba visited at ilia ixitna of hia father mr arclilbafd campbell thla weak mr aud mra it b jobiuon arrived homowrpm their huneymnqn tobr laat ffl day ovon lug thoy wure waloomad by their friends hare mr and mrs jamoa rlannawin of hhel burnn amtit a part or tlioir honeymoon with mr all d mra j v kannawin at their homr on bower avonne tbe paatweak bav prof pattou of woaleyan tlieo logical college moutroal formerly of georgetown methodist chufoh and mra iatton will aailun ihe oth june for lnglend ou his way to germany prof iatton a abject is study ho will paaa two years for dm moul pari al heidelberg the clinton jru hi a aaya hermona on kumlay- wera proaohad by hot j fo of aoton wbo waa listened to with evident pleaaure and profit by large audiences on both occasions and the vary cordial great nig that he ruioivnd from his old friends l will ouicklv cure dlplhthkuta ruo v coughs a thu warm place ho haa iu their affeo hlratford an of tho g t affect ad about o0 men ii by tho closing down motivo works there 1 rrnoe ldward ouuly prohibitionists mot on haturday aud nominated mayor laird of piuliiu for lho legislature wm j huso wbo stated that be had boon robbed of i g0 uoar i on sou by haa in ad p a ooufesaiou before the coon i y crown attorney al guelph in which he oahawa tint pains inthe joints cnusod by inflammatory bwolllng a perfect cufe by hoqda sarsa- parllla ilnfforda me mnrh plrnnlirn in rrrnramrni hood a hnrranarlltn my son wti affllrtfl with ftfat na ln jolnla nroompanleil with awelllnit so had thit lie rmld nut riti up auira to bed without eranlliir un it mils nml kitrr i waa very anxloua about him and liatlnu read hoodscures so hnieh about hood a hnrannnrtlla i ueter- toined to try it and got a hnlfdoien botjlci lourdf which entirety cimrf 1dm mua j a ukkm othawa onurlo n ii deaure to set hood akarawlllii hood pit1 act easily yet pnimpuy a jbclently on the liver and bowou 9c xjclasgoisr house foryou vnu cjilf c ahm bl11 i uu uav l much discomfort form thr thu il iui ulu mr its ninijsl ou huudaj uial an uaiilmoua opinion respecting the oroo liuu uf a now church would be presented by the board of mauagera ami elder to tin meeting of tho congregation next moil da evening a largely attendod and in terealim inooliug is looked fur bev j 1 dgo will coullnun his series uf sermons un lho soveu hayings frum the rusa next buudny ovouiuu his topic will bo i llnrt as bey mr kdgo wilt uy be iu aclin until the end of june his remain ing aermuu will be itstenod to with much l n tores t ami no doubt by large con grey a tious bov b ather haley is arranging lor improvements aud repairs to hi jujoph a church bo j w hao dohv orod uno uf hia popular i oc lures in naqauee last thursday nlgbl liov mr hi lalmaa will prraah a acr huclohob in tho baihuli after noon iruht htcrot hunday lift 1 of the ui pupil ri pleasrd wi hoburt 1 lun i bore iiiion ol the pupils ttio in jul the xirins themselves and ihn following ivod from odtaldo thu ii t i i rlty lraitiiale can ever tiavo for ina alma mater am um slai that lli j srs intsrtialiml lu uua aimilinr wliat oolilil ho inoru lullglillul tuail i i ll a ii uiili uigul sll t u suit muuw uia old uolr i ii lbxxl mr t tli i ui ils4 f iud islv ur it 1 ullo la lu uiy oauius li i a r k 1 mm i lisutlibail tlio bsiub i i is in ii i suuilnu wuum hive mo umj 1 lusbutu ii i u i loot tlioold aohugl irtooda uiioo uiuru ou uu uf lltoui i hare iiurar aoon lldoe laaviugaii ii aitati tuiisbiy never wht unless an 1 ii h ult l l wuu nisoiil if uio mallr it s tin uiti i 111 lrurcla are tikd fur lho gathering propose i i ri would how ivlr ho iluaawi lo hrar from otners ul tbo old pupils at a diaiancc iptjbuuk finaprlul44itiasvuata4ul when you arohavin anjiriiiting dona you might a wall have it wall dune the puga ilaajob ptmukv 4iutmaut ouu wurkt of the u neal mklily and prices are alwaya reaaunabla try us with ytur next urdar d passed biicceaifull ar iinalion a at the j tarin ha rmaey mr h w 111 rod hgl standing at lot ai iinalion t lasl wrk barrister mix tl p ii a llloge of ma nga of the nt iriday iu jurigu hn llor a abatlio ol kerns ban beoli calling u n llio faithful bore duttug- tli wook prof dean and mr hume of lho agn cultural college guelph called st the mil tou oil oca and butter factory laal week they inspected ttio premises ant pro noitncod everything ooudfioted on ural alaas metboda they thsu laated uio choiwe aud odufldorod it of a hih iuality tho milton 1 lab and game lub haa been incorporated by ihe ontario uovoru moul tbe members put hk apooklod troot fry from tho preston hatehory into the kind laat week lho rainbow trout will arrive iu about twu woeka lighmin struck a bam belungiug to walter mocarluay who bought tho uld bousnold farm on the vnd con of 1 ratal gar bomo time ago tho 1 ulldiui waa buwd tu uia tfmmid mx mccaixoxi iiatl ii insurod a ahorl lime ago i lluuatleld lost about flhl w orlh of bay an 1 mla whmh he hail loft ii the barn a aacred cantata eulitlod i odor tle palma will bo given by tlio uir and hunnay sohool of th e melbodlal hurc i lo imrrw evening h qeorobtown ou of many expresaiuin of admiral tho interior painting a id decoratn na of hie molhudisl church w oro mado by lay aud clerical do logs ten tu the diatri i moo ting bore last week judging from tho ii imber uf xmuly aud district gatherings already held aud announced for futn o dales w rgeluw u is thought by some u bethocoutre of gre vita lion for a ioualdern ula section tho auu ual district meeii k ll o metnodtbrtnwhjyjuibor o waa well attendod 1bottiurat last oek ml session waa oujoyoi by be pub to hal ton hriatian 1 ndoavur una va represented horo on monday by lho 1 ra dent h i moore and olhet i loinbc a of the e ihe bo held ill the mothodlat liutcli n jhth and rjiu june waa arrannd fur lho sunday huhool inatllulu ouikiul hero lu lho baptint liuroli un monday u tuoaday waa highly uiuiroallug aud pr ablo lo hunday huhool workera 11 john mel we iutr uolur conducted the iubi tute i ho daliie was onuaidorably emliol by el woatbor v j w iu f aoiu i sabol an h no last hultda ir u uao l hi llre v ufuar4aljmmriirtutrastmcilla methodist church rxioruiog tlie death ooeurad on monday of mrs harrison uf tho aevruth lino inolher uf ka 1 1 harrlaoo nf molbour o hut lho funorsl yoslonuy was ltrgoly lauded iu aud mrs h a moll h i i to lurulitu lul evniill g it allan i woddlug of a relative thorn ihe annual meeting if the miliaii lnstuvuto was held 11 ills u wn hall a ago mr a 11 olbhar i vim jroald pros id lug 1 he tbo reoalpts uf the past yeai tlhj 07 expenditure tlri7 yot due aboul f 10 wlitoh woul i loato a a mall surplus i imi lllirafiau mr he a roll reported thai lho inouiborahl w 7j books lu ihe library 1 us ii volmiits haviug beam rcoeully adddml mr i bu b b arbor waa oloolod 1ruidoti f r it oueuing year a number uf men aro at work transform lug tbe old grist null owned by i m lawnou intu a tauncry iu be operated by ataaara ntoawlu x uuuut an addiiiou is being built to ll an 1 when lho alterations aud addition aro all mado it will be a first class plaoe lu oarry on lho buaincja bov 1 11 dulf ia axpaolcd tu lake charge uf tha congregational cbutoh lu august mrs bev i iarriu is visiting frleiuia l i- ureal lha independent iur eaters will aiteud dlvtno ear vice at the baptist church hun jlty arontngi roll culture ia mora profl labia iu tha farmer now tbau hia other oro pa lirowu bros go tba moat eztaoalva nursery tiuun in capada hav m vaoauoy in this aeouon htrilo hum al toioqw qbi for uiair tarina ad mm inat ina atxlcmonl wai entirely false amid the groateat popularenthualaam tho ljuooii f irinally donlarod tho manchester alup oaual ojkhi for tho traffic of the world on monday after tbe oeromonioa her majesty proceeded on bor way to bal iuiuiuiiiiuiutuiuiuiumuuiuiuiuiuiuswi as the season advances we are contrmiajjy opening up new lines of goods suitable for f present wants we would direct attention thib week 4oour house furnishing department including lace curtains in white and ecru chinille porticrs att muslms figured muslins wool union and hemp carpets prints prints prints i lundrt ds of prices to choose from all fast ulors and newest designs set our ladies spring capes boy b clothing vt rll kill him will bo of val lo tu the w irld by lllusli ailng the impr ivonerits in lho moohaiilaal arts and eminent physicians will tell you thai lho prugroak in niediciual agenu has been uf ttjtntl importance aud as a strengthening laiaai l isfavc n adaanoa- if all olhera great glove or hosiery sale aealt cry laijely in glove and hosiery dyed tindor lho palpntof louie hor mad or f tbo great cermau dyer tbia aeaaou iu addition to our importation our buyer haa boon helping overalookei warahouaoa tu unload aud has been ablo to do so at figures very much leas tbao the actual manufacturers price blriugeuoy of trade waul of money our ability to handlo big lou are the key that a u locked ibe door to lhasa goods at auch bargaiu prioea we oummeuoe un haturday morning al 10 unlock a groat j love and hosiery blnlm1 uf lhouaanda uf pairs of black d olored hosiery and gloves of abao 1 prirma lhat will out lha j nd from under anything tba red lu thai hue i haa beau l aulko mubk wunlll tuu a paina ror aso ladies uoaa worth joo 160 pkr pair lad1bs hosk worth 3bc 1 pairs for 4 bo wrens bosk oc pkh v uoyh heavy rib bud btookinviu extra qu4xity worth 48g 260 per pair we offer lhose goods sololy uu thoi iiitrluaio value knowing tbam to be oliaap beyond lompetltlou 1 hero la uu gift en or prise or catch enny device connected with this aalo tba goods ara yuurs al lha pricrs marked lu axohaugc for cash frum haturday morning al 11 u clock until tho eiitire lol is auld uut ou haturday eon tug we will also nfler a lino of kid giuvos worth ii r pair at i ceits all uaw gooda and orfiot e r- bollert ol co jb and wyiulluuu uueot ouelph onf if 0 b hyau a l u evi kton mills kvsiuui au uu lliilur umoau fn rlouh uhan shorts cuoi rstu etc i l i ii h vry ua al ola ig cash for wheats la vlaur for a i jtloui atul fa henry hortop ulnanlf llalyimit iurwimlmbljia what lovely paper a com pi i tc assortment at luvci ll new goods and guaranteed his is in epr ss kill we illi man tlklh s cj nul with nnct 1 1 a n tradt w bargi s less hlll is 1iu ins in til ir rt in c iu 1 sill 11 ill where is ill llm pt1 k rs just now r mnan s irt k n hall pru t vvnultjw sh ul h m 1 fn b lc us ourcunun 1olcs i omplete it 5 t ents art scllt rs jet these lnu s at thr i rug stort if ou wml tlui for iiui inont y millinery wt oihii ll i th i pea tluucrs hid t it in lug g i hest are soim the novelties ti it tre ap pcarmg as the seattwn advaneca our customers eanvily on our st les being as far in advanee is anjwheie in the eountr for we art con stantly on the watch for anything new department n thr you in particular every lady denning uliulcu goods ut not tou lilgli u price nhotilil know it not iilrtiitd tuiinliiir willi tho tuct tiiat o it kyun l co uuclph niu hunt ulilu to mill our pnrtiu lor pr cc uuti jour tiiftto tor ctioicu in dremm iootl iiiiu ulnioml evortliing hi inditsu weur from thu nt htth hut to thu latest shou the simple eeaaon 1 i i o cun duvotu out uttunlioii to uuulco i d i 1 ll 1 i j i ii nine kuniihhinuh our lurgu biihlntskn onu linu uh to inakjern nml gt ttuoli viiluu in kuropemi murklt tlits year fcueli ll rmitnl innk- w onr g ou w tfcia humderf huviiiif the kroncti uiul knylinh rvoolkn lron jooiih nli rtty littli trim in iu jrti lo int thu tatulioiiri wu bih iu cotton nurim tin now jrepon and lueu ktlut tm ul lo 17 2j 2h utid k l u j uid apart from the itctot 1 i i ik iu nulling t nipcln curtiilnn nd llinin i il km ia ll rima whilli druw thu ocoplu to tin loilci ompktu tor iiintumu troni jh npwurdn v3v33 p eut oil all our sprmjf nitrl hnmmer jittketi here i it good itiui ntyltnli it rt u lu tor llttjo monuy ftlwidn with g b ryhn st co c ui at the right house whntyqur spring qrqer for chrpets5 house rurislsht lafacliou iu price pattern aud testure otherwise wa would not solicit your trade i so inch umi iota with every maka worth having wiltons armiuaters hraaaela tapaatrya vvoowa and kilcli and canadian floor oil clothe and lmol euros to aait any purpoaa from a vaatibula lab hoi kno btrkkt kabt ooroariiughaoii blreat thomas o watkins fire s atrllirr m a r m ml t h fihrgftflwkr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fvtffffftfffvfv v b m owing to it hro at uur htoro on hutu rd ay nioruinu 2pth april hcvurnl lines ot loodn wort dumagud most wati r and siioktiuud v art guuu tu dunr thorn on t n tf nlkti ot t ost tltjd iniiht he hold ut ukl to avo tho other good trom thr hendersw cfe co wo knuw we cm uivo you s rouddonoe oar i arjiet a look a iuloua with an araortmeiit of 1 i lo a public ball we have ex too d ml una dapartmoul and enlarged the atook aud we believe wa have tba dnaal carpetroom in tba province for select fug a carpet tu aud tbe slook la on ual tu the room dress goods millinery and mantles are vory importaut deparimeuta any aeason but mora so tu hpring and aammer oar atook of dreaa oooda black or colored plaiu ur fancy priutad ur woven pattorna oumprisoa tbo newest thiugs in ilia market wa waul yoo aapaoially to tmut uf uur priutel duok suitiiiga oither fur ooalumea blouses ur vests wa have l ham to suit anything yon may want or fanoy frenob lialaiuea and ha teens may not b conaidarod new bat than ara pattejrna thia yar yon never aaw bafor atd you know they make a suitable dreaa fur hoi weather millinery ia a apeokalty of onrn vou know how wall wo hava dona iu tba paaa and wa know wa ara doing it baiter now tha mantle hooin ia aa well a locked aa tilher of tha othara with uaw goodi and lue laual fa ah ion k you eauuot ooiwa to tba aitji bacauaa you t too boay taa tlma to aeud ua a poalal oazd ik taatta nalv noa oant and takaa a short time to wrtta and wa will send you tamp lea at anytblnr you wanl that oan be earn pled or il vou aeaoxiba what yoo waul wa wit taka aa muni trouble to oil youc order to uityquaj you could do f you ware hare and eendutreaititemoqota lo woo do not oonitdajbtha trouble wa ara onlyjop glad to gak your addreaa and aabmil pur valuta lliuge t iin no hilkrt hiiflliud tho morit and u nro giving iinhoard ot imrgunih in tl em hkiuist iiihihoih ladies mmitlt h and v nipn mlllinuo ill iaikiin toulu drchh huttoiiri ltt a rulm tion on othur goods will alun he geti metudliig ii iiiih cot toy sfiirtinn ttciidniaili lotlnng carpet h curtain till- is a sleeping ihaiing hit it flu kale will hitlti at onto and coot i inn until fhoi oiiglil tleunod out 1 lie reutertt imrgaifim i vrr ulltri d in oi orgti town will in l1lii now it oiii chanei tome al om eiiunilkr oin mllhnitv dhinnkli- in i ink td i loll inj dcturtniliith ur tn hrit c ltn wot kii oidui wm moltod tk co glohollqwr u 1 i mm 1 m sweeping srle on sm h m q 5th one of tin gieateit sales ac ton lias knoun lui oin time will kellys store acton when tlil fulluwnl illlcb will 1c sllullttilll mens suits youths suits childrens suits odd pants and overalls tj n 11 ftu a 1 xilclbo a ii j socks suspeiidert ties collai cuffs top sluil of all kinds qray and white cottons cottonadeb flannelette and shirtings 1 i ithliin must i so now fur hirkaliis iwiuiuiili lilt il ind ilatt i h sal lic- ms s 11 kd mi 51i1 j j kelly nm powders car 9ick wataoaowat an j nswalaia lo mo mimutmm aim loalsal tuiub uis- ailih47 loih lwar ll llraaib 1 aur ouisl slso resnsis hia baw u vmmr wiow to r jhuqmj9 obtwv pt nr ta-

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