Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1894, p. 2

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-j- xxr- t muttii nitnnlioili tli mninhv airti mr s ihe wito of jamnuratil if f nil lriiatkmii on hniiilav will tu tlm ma alhiwllt mi hmiuv i wife of aim ifylo a lnjil v j knimli til tlauutiik im ihiiit at iliimhit alloy farm kil 1ui lalsnil of jnrsnj in jrtals jsuo hurt i huru hrvuri at arisai llmiile nti tliursrl may illli 1mii lif llev i i cohoo of islnrnio iuvl1 kannorlr ir nf llroiiln to hjnretiflh khiol itliloat usuulller of wtn auitln at mo mamtik arauaat tlisrasmanrool ulr brtila tallinr tuniiito wruliirstlat may zlnl liy i ho rtl inn 8 martin i i h toronto june unit in ml tilhnai adam third uoln of in- inliri n adam mijrtn at itliilny onhundsj itlli slay kliiiun mclmaii foruiorlv of a too bod ho jroar fax at tlin rnltai trafalgar t hi years tkl paul mlnnosola on u a afovarlson wife of wn i honk wood afcori lo inn ffilji acton 3frw rrss tiiuuhday may 11 i rim notes and comments a memorial ia bain prepared by i ho fnemla or lite whiteway party in now foundland for eubmission to the imperial authorities aakin that uomo- jthen nd jrrdtfe winter be relieved trom olll ra tlin rharn bainu thai thn former ia action contrary to the will of the mm of tli ool and that tho loiter la not an ltriai tial lyl t itrarrioso and eaquoalnjr tawmhlpr suooasnful conventions at e6en mills amd hornby the annual convention of tho towimhip ot kraitid habbatli hclioo association waa brhl tn tho irfrfibyurlixn churrh lliten milu on knda tho lulli ntsl it was in jidihrrrindsrcarttfttftiiiidflrbthtiptctth vention yol held tho first lumtruil bckaual 11 li m anil wan ouiunosru principally nf teachers and officers it wan opened with ilovolfonal esorciaos led by thn irom dent mr j it harris ami ltn l hthuhmi mr airrwl iu rronl loncntl rumlry tlirn ajhiko until 1j 0 clork id the teach rnt tijmn llm harartrr of their work 1 ho uddrntg wan full of prmctlcal imiu to thn ipaoliefm at j p m llio chimtli woll llllrii nd dftvolionftl eiorcimi were ll by mr w it boottanhmr i nn tim hrc trcaa iirbk mr lolin htrcln tfton rrnd ilia re port for thn jer tlioro arc 1 1 acbooli in tho towbahip uth ft toul nfl tcnolicra and offienra ml 11 ndiolarar on tho roll tho tratn attnndanco for tho uvrja filo atad tho money coilntoil for mtuionar nd other ptirotivam h4 7 wtlb no ru port from two of utn m ikkiu tlirrt ar mntliodtatartunl i imabylonnn 1 1 neiniw 1 liacila i btrol of lnjlarid ami 1 ftiiftrrffatiunal all working loothor hnr motiionnlj dun iriiicimi fraunrn nf tho work nt thn viaiinommttlccb iiminil tern of two pa oh arc appointed to wail thn different school in tho fall of tho oar and these commitlfu report on a blank ujijiliid to them tlio i rranrfr rtiri limn a imutoo oniiriid d 9h ft r all ix ramuta had wn pud itnv f htrachau fl- an ablo mltlrrm an m tlnxla or lt-arlim- ontlinirif iht dlflrrrnt iikkji h and miititi htf out i hi it 1iui innfnwh ho h fook o auon tll a tin limtmc arcordiim to nfnaial return there waa 17jwj0 000 iiivialodm diary far mini- in canon laal yoar and aa it la admitted that a kroa return or 01 00u 000 or nearly h per oont waa mulo to farmer by the manufacture of ahecae alone beaijoa the rcturm from butler ow milks ond live atock tt can raadtly be aero that the tinea of tho dairy farmer in canada hate fjon in lroapflrom jicca owitiu to the pre fa unco of amailpo m hioano tlm canandian uatonia author itiea liavo boon retiueated to en operate uiea hava boon miuested to co operate with tho ontario health dopartment to aecurn tho exaniination ofoaaoa jin into ort iou to prevent oa far aa pouible the introduation f tho diaeaao into ontario by that meaua arranuementa have iwen made also foe a ayauin of publio vaocma- tlon in toronto all amorioa will wioh i he japanese food luok in their great oatiooal oj position which to be held al flioeo next yoar japan has baen advanoin ataadily in qivi t mat ion since 18 4 when the american hoot under commodore m c ierry open od ap tho opuoury t mlcroourm with wcutern nationa the j a panose have pro tcrsaeed al a rata that is without a parallel in the hlitory of so coiled borbaross nattoos 1 hero is lo be tn official investigation into tho demtruollon on tlm j4th uay of au american hog on the cm tod rlatci con aulou builduid at st thomas out im ul general hi ley this morning received an official communication from lion j tattcroon minuter of militia slating tliat the uiatnot deputy adjutant general hod been inatruoted to proofed to st thomas at once anil hold an investigation into the affair tba great coal strike in the u uiuxt butes is seriously affect pgmhe railways of tlio country and has oj ready resulted in the closing of number of railway shops and many manufacturing establishments on less the strike ipeedily ended tba e fleet will be very far reaching and serious the railways decline for the present to carry any of the ooareer freights such as lumber wood elc owiug to tbe soarcily of coal for their eagiaes capuiu kdward ialhser iugesu in a letter wnttou to the london in timt- thai canada has in passing a patriotic militia act a apleudid chance of niauning the navj hho occupies he lays a moat important etrategia position in the hmpirc both on tho atlantic and on the iacida coasts and has 40000 hardy seavman from which reserves of trained men could bo formed to maintain that poslliou a lead ing cauadian statesman captalu 111 tser asserts asaured hi in thai the formatlou nf naval nchoola in rnsrta will rw popular move i ho pnrsoual buterueas which auiiu years ago aharaoloriod to ooutroversy be tween prohibitionist and snti prohibition iii la passing sway it la being seen by those mterooled in tho lijuor traffic thai willi the advooates of prohibition it la not a matter of jieraoua st all but n principlo i hey are in opposition u tho hiuor uafllo and intend to overthrow it bat have no feedings o personal ill will towards those whose interosta load ihetn to take a ill lor out vie on tho contrary they look forward to the time when their oiobijbiii personal ualitis and business talents will be employed lu channels profitable to thorn selves while helpful to the community iondou ciijh talk op the day an epitome of tho worlds dol during th wotk mr a a i a uivlare 1 f im venoher has resigned tho domtnton w r t v oouveniion onm in i nidoii on rnday hnioe october australia haa mil i ucsai liil4u 1 1 tons of butter the queen has kmghunl hon rrsnk hmlth aud judge casault of jueboc hir franuia u johnson hicf juatica of the hupretno ourt ol quebec died in moulrval hunday mr hugh hmiu m 1 1 diod al his residenoe iu camden lownahip last wmk sfler a brief illness i rank mulvgy a well known ouug barrister ol winnipeg was drowned in the lied itivor on baturday night ner ht llllaue quebec on baturday moruing anno uleuaimea well to do farmer committed suicide by liaoglug 1 ell morin agod to an hotelkoeer in maldon township near amberatburg haugtml himself last friday evening the body ul au tiukuowji inau aboql iu years of age waa found in die wellaud canal at tborald on haturday evening uail fell to tho deptli of two feet in tho northern scotton of oxford on friday croaldamags to tba crops la re pur tad and several wash outaou the rail way a occurred johu oauthlsrwho sl flra to hi 1at rioka orphanage ottawa a few woeha ago v has beau sentenced to penitentiary for thrra yoara the auamer cambria rom banlt hts mw tat bmua eutsmlra iwr jctu oardiok friday bs paamogsra wan oafa ly maovid our s s workers ndai ir mr a r hildrn m plos tina masolixpn thn boat things of tin a thru gavn an odiln ia on th in cchhit of hating irsiml uacliam in tho hahhtl srhoid and tho great ixiiillit of illuntra tioiiu in tracliui ihn nxukti liiirutl pouiud out the advsntagea in loai lung through ihn rn aa rnntmbtrd to tctu hing uinmgh the rar hight la th inonl aruti of ail um tscullics mr llav is u apltaidnl umvitiilion man ll nei r ullmi 111 in tcnnt in hi addrrtu to hug hut judlcmuilj imu lilu t uth llm racla al 7 p in hit i liiuih uii jiliuuiod to tin doors tnan dot btiug ublo lu gain admit tancn thn following art tin olllter okct i for tho year 1m imkburit ul vlll hklku- i irr m r fnrt mr j w hum 3sii i x ihk ut w irtllo tin tva ur juliu htrsclian the following yoiumltu was iiiniiwi i to arrange for tho annua excursion mrnri john ktrschau urn llarna ii 11 lock john lister u it scott w vrgo mr w h kctlt then gatt a oomprclien slv aditrnui on hrisl iilhnl in thn but fifteen 1 ho imkor desoriooil tho sacrifice of chnl as lo its romploloneiin la voluntary and uubloimahcd oharactrr also an everlasting sacrifice fhis was ap plied to the work of tho teacher which should take tlio same nature as tho ortat been new mrs 1 1 coulson gavoa paor on our workshop mm coulson la tlm flrwt lady who us takou part iu thn hrainos onveiitlou hho la a cajwbla tcaclicr and an ardent worker mr babine of hock wood thbt k hauative address on missinne in tlicir relation to i ho sunday hchoola whu h wan roll rooclvod mr uay gave the ijuklug addinsa uii chllfl ministry he was as happy and iterating id thia as in thcothcr addrcsacs u ylll bq warmly welcomed to any future convention mr llama the ireaident ably prcalilrd keeping every number almimt to luappoinl ed time votes of thanks wore paused to the iruti dont hecrolary tho wopin of rdon mills and tho choir 1 he next convention will be held in the disci plea hurch r verloti i bo firarth annual onwuulioii ot taues ing township aauxiiatliin waa hold at hornby last thurodaj queens hirthday the weather was anything but puiplllomit but thore waa unvcrthclcas a largo and re representative attendance acton though perham thn niosl disiant xmt in ihu township sctxling about twenty dnli gatra hie ontaiitloii oknnl willi dnviilliuul oxerciscs 1u jaitith rg itinidrnt the hair hnv j 1 igt am inlnerni lb ii l address ilkn 1 ho lli iua f 1 r hlug in t -this- aititiras wiih u iiidut enoitiiraglok one to to the sunday si html wurkera and shwl itinluicu mint the tnelinr wlin ii ionslaiitl eiilomn ing it perform hi or l r tinlira u snrrt dil ti rcllri intlururen far aurpaoliig in petaiual value oji self nmfwu relllrl in lh elfirl to leoh the pupllsutrill to 111 ill at lhi afterikioii mmiuii three liighlj i tercsting and pfactnn1 addruwes wsregi n in which the hunday krlihi waa shown l be an liiiporuiit fai tor in llm honir tin ohurcb ami the nation ltv i irnin 11 a snke upon 1 he hun i- hi honl the nursrry of the hun li ilia sihirnin hail many m limit puintn hot 1 da ht dalmas kindlv look tin anlht aliotttd to itev mr moir and gave a charaotcrint i address ulon the huuday hohool an si jqpolto the home and mr 1 h laon 1 b i jtavn fully ircparnd jiapcr uii the hunday ktdiikil and national 1 ifu placing the stihool in a high jioiitiiiii in this relation profitable thw usvioti lillwl ca h i i he neat ihiveutlon w ill iw i mun hunh nbovc tilt lost wuek in ma llio evening susbi 1i 11- ihali atlil isfill 1 i in chuixh was ruwilinl to lu tullesl tapootty and thu intenst waa unsbntotf from tin opening oven loss at i n lock to tho cjmnnf al ten lutv mr rgo the retiring prrsidi nt tnailo a brief addrtas brixtliug with liiulo and hiiggrstloua for mn esnf id monday rkhinil work he intnmiiiocd hmnuiciissor mr w h full who an plod ll ilti in a vory happy and apprnirial npnech the sdilnns wlieh followed irm u af iflcaln hy lt jn4epli finmll ws a most cilovatlhg and helpful rhnracl r lb various nicala leading up to the hnst lh imrfet1 model being doll uon in a aikarier lllipniasive and iiuivinring ddr 11 i mourv gave m uilensuug hlrdseve view of tho international and wurld a hunday hotum onvontiou at hi loui- mo much valuable iuformation waa im parked and numcroua iutnjitiujj incident in codnoction with llio great con venttoit or vividly rehemracd thfl aililfm f thn i williw of ltev j w hoc vatiuoil trutlis that triumph thji it on ol mr itftoi boat m aidrosnca ami trum hh tiot ftmi htilvncm to uii ln l rrtiwdml m t iviii tlirmit- lliltml lu in willi it ifuliliintlonbtitivniwlutwdlutiu hpfm tho hraror with a determine inn o more romplololy fulthlo dutin ur the aphrre in whlrli liumnsm tlm ilr of ilnrnht liuwhu widconnd tlmir gtiial fmin ih h laj hrhuou of ihtl towimhip ami iit rlsmed thorn iii a uiohl iitmpiuhh iimmer 1 h ni- tin in to thnrtinlitih riv iliinier utnr inadnii imilll tlfulbprrnd for tiit at thn mninw opposite the rhurrh j he day ana ttetttlitter nnu fm ilornh and tin mlliirnra of tln iiuten tion will no doubt i felt in the honday hpiiooim there for nnili nloiithn lo niliw ouelih lonrlfilnu tln annual bewalon qovn cotltihult uilu morninm ilr i it x nth animal suninn of the iioph otiferitnii villi l hld in north htmtfhiirli mumiii r unnigwith the luinintrrinl a ninn iinh opniia this morning dt tii link tlm programme of cimfi mire servicer in an tmlow- f s mlviil ut niimi htiptr t m mn i am tiffnn imr iwllrl hrrg ltlrhsrlmii main llrtllnttf ill rmiiii kiiv a sntiaii urillnalt m hnrrtt tm hiinaj t iiikii lr l ii i tt h ihu h til ki ililllii i i slallnl iu llv i it lwtl followed ii err in nl if i or tii r i u lui lu i liy ltii 1 ii oriilh i i 11 i hill u ii kit a j irin ii a m r i ami itiv iimiiiii r hallou ill 1 t i 111 jtc juimta llllllalill i in liru h a in it ii hall nl lle jvoei lrltji inin nvit ii i it tliomni i snl in i hi hit in ilunih h 11 ki alir aim hi i ham t ltli iu i i ill 11 mretai u iii ui ham lunjianril i mw cltnph itjnpf kivmirailikh i u ii i m- kl i j ii i lrl i mrllilui il v 1 v i uiliixir i ii ii i i siinli lll ii i rtolnt i huh ll in sn ii ly juii 1 1 i ltnj i ioii tt 1 iu n ii l l i ii mi i in i mini jllwl lou jiu i i l ii m iai it s a it ma 11 i 111 i i all 1 it i hit i ll in all prubabliil the campxigii in lb b will bu umiii tho old pail lint with bul two candidates iu ido hoid h warden lluabaud tliouaiulare the heforiueci nd jl to ji who ban serveil u ihu local uietnl tu full teiim at a mcetinil f the ialruik nf lndmltr at milton ul rk lo insider hie iii llou of miuiiiialiti a i audi isle in their itiurrsls it wsn ioiu luded not lo bo advia able lo pul a roprothnuvtive in the held no ilium ban ol beeu meiitionod by tho i 1 a h our ii it likely the jwlll put forward a candidate 1 he camlida tea m the held are both iood miailious with uiibclllnli atleiilinii f or msu yuaru a imlurn alatnl the coming into iii hslton will be alinoat eulllcly a teat of tho strength o the respective pailice in tho conallluoucj tlio and public meeting of the campaign was held mi mundav evening at oskvtlle in the intereal f mr 11 uabsnd i ho town hull win crowded with electors from town and dmiricl mr h i mar latl prealdetl hhort apccollen were made by tho i literal randidaui who npoko con ftdenll of hia election or mc rimmon president of the lialiiu uefurm assoc la tion mayoriouui j wsml of the toronto 1miil literal lub and d o amcron itul hon n hoaa was given uioxl of tin i veiling and ho apoke forcibly an i rilimmtl tely on the juestloi a of lhvcaiupiigudoallug iruicipally with thu ocouomv ami illcn in v of the mowat a f miiilalratiiiii ht jirt n iiihii and tin den i ll f thai alholli wore given anv preform in ubli iibtitulioiu lio at id thai llir mowal i miif niiciit in favor of ulsluliii vrrnil nt hohm but if the i lc lira lh ii iii b l it mould be abolutic4 mi miial m hi hi were con ihoiiiaild iill t 11 t ih miirity of tleolaii i the i i uiiri t 1 i j nib i till ion lh- r h ih t nttl a kilt ll coltlual lliv i i i ill lirer f tie dldulr sn lllim i lb tlimo i ht munil llal lduncil of 1 i hitl and til rdrril t i i- pa jim wll lll lle tl i o the mi i mam ih- i pld i ill 1 liter i iuii1 ki i ii i ll llene ih le nothing uf i l 1 i of cril lu iillfiii ui 11 i iminll odj o mil at t u lit a htlm 1 1- rum mi will llll i rlia i hoi ttim ol oil imih illi widhor h t inl mcwhoirell ii ih hanged al llramp ton lo morrom lubho i iotulinntr had ilnrirrhml on monday ttinl r purtej l rvwerill hodd lie engsit a carprnloi and coimuciioud thu work of crecltng in the jail yard tho alloltl lor llio uxeouliuu macwbcrrui a counarl mt luuttuejjx w iolltleil of li y i i rlay rvenllij and imlxrally ondail murwherroll a noltltd of h irn of lit ll la probable that an npplirnllntl for a chanjo of venue will ih inadn in the cao of walker a nun atiip i frnin phr in ida pookrl it ih w 1 kuiila of 11 rlin out vulcrtnarv aur cut to planes at j or lags la lrairu while attaiuptug lo board a moving cans lisn iscilln train lou landry winnipeg liotelkit pur who jutslkarajii rtw wtek jf in lite lud hlver ll u tupiunul liarom hiuod suicide a fortunate girl tmksuojbctof sincehg con- oratulation6 from her frienps wna thombht tp do inking into n hoiiiiloau rfaoln how hur lloa- torntlun to hnnltti win brought atioul an exnirvplo worthy of imltntlon by other vounii l nil i on mliirbrfxikt lie tiber of reports have reached the triunintfivtymhii nr tthv tam mn fnlm llrtrrlnon wittirnitctintl tn thn malll- odit churrh laul hunday uvofing to a largo otigrogstlnii llm tlorgolown muthndiht people ru making prupitriitioui for a gitrdut ptt al tho rriiidntin of mr llownuu on thu hth jiiuti lr mllbi of llitarhi agriuullural linlpli atiu kivn an nllrobii on n rr nitten o n r i by the use nf lr williams i ik imu 1 o atify a legitimate publio run mil about a fact which it trim almuld be prieliimid to mitturiu humanity i ie i rriit eit a reporter to grrtn itjrk 1 r tt and in vestigato the facta 11 th itn of minn maggie hlmpsni who w i aid to have been restored from a very low condition tlm reports tajik the afternoon train for iltck horns and f hhort walk from tho c i h nlstlon raulil mr lamns htmpson s home aitusted on a w ii colli vated farm bosutituuy located on tho banks o the magog jtiver upon oommupicafing the miikio nf bia visil thn rejwrtur w mformttl by mrn bun nun that her dauglitor wai at hint time absent nt din hlinrhrhike olivonl whuro hn nilghtossily mlerviow hnr hbo spoke with thu warmth of gentium iratl tutlool her dsughtnr a cure utrotiily ior roboratm hn fsnta oblaiuo 1 ulor from the young lad horinlf hho told hun lio losl no opmirlunity to ret m tho imk 1ilfa and that an sn immoiilttu mbtilt mim dclsney a nuar neighbor of lhuin had also been rneoutly nscueii from pn niature decline ly their uo i hiii iiih return to hhnrbrooke tbe ro- jmirler callnl u mint mag hi at thfttongrocation dn notre nmrtntnn v nt mi siiiioh a lmiulmii blond iddrmh win dor rosy niiiijilcxniti lullruiimi itinrtj hnd ti aap for brinth up in the innal fxnr tion i had u ciiini a lini nkekton and lisdlimliiiyhtrntiklhlolhuilnl thai 1 wan unable to walk liplniirf i hn i be comn dmcoiirsed when inv tlkior unild not oiler an ruliuf an t i luiunl that i wan raj nil mukliii into a h inilep tie a in wilho inik pill bul i had tried i i vain no many diflervnt kind of medicinu thai 1 lol con ludjinco nt any further iioriiiiint very fortthiatehy my- mother innmttl iipm in trying tho pill it wi but a ah irl inn beforii i could see that lin j ere liiiij un good i continued their uao wilhoot inter ruptiui and when 1 had taken hii boxcn i uas completely ronton 1 to health and strength my mother however mamtod ihat 1 ahould continue the one of the pilln until 1 had used inin boxen i lice i had finished taking sometime last uumrner whou 1 returned to tilt wjiivcnl at the opening thia autumn after a lung abiieiioe through my lllnnim thone xlrlfl who had pre vi on ul known me were aituuinh 1 at the tratiaforinutiuii thst hail la km pis o 1 frequently have ocoanion lo 1m siiiumi by the iiiueiimiil of fornmf friooda and acijusllilaiicea that i now chance lo meet i can tell you 1 don i lone an opportunity of recommending 1iuk ill in to ilium 1 slwaya keep a box on hand ami wliounvar any of uiy conveut friend sro ill 1 am alwuya ruady with a suro rcuinil when tho hirla as they often lo make the re mark lo me oh maggie you art a for tuuale girl to be no happy and jull i tell them 1 am making up for lost ume ilie gralffying results following th uae of ir willlama illlk illls iii the ase of mini hlmpnon prove that thst they are unxualltd as a bio 1 1 builder and mrr ionic l ihoanool young iiru who are pale or aallo lillea troubled will a lltiltcriut or palpitation of tile heart weak and esfllly tired n tlnir nltoid i bi lonl in taking a course of 1 r wulvu i ink imu which will afweilik iilch the hloil and briug a may ilow of hnallli i llir t lierk lheae pill arc a ponillve urr i nil iroubhih ariaing from a vilmir i n iilni of ihe blthl or a hallee i nnw n ayt o audi aa locomotor uh partial parulvma w h toi s rffw- 1- 1 pile lle tiled fmdlll rrsllltiui fol uervou- proul all ulseaaes dip li n n immii in the blood u 1 r luu chronic etynlpclaa cli 1 lie si in a afwclll fui lioiililca jm- ullat i i inal h nuuuaa aii olcaali iib h ii- illi h and all ihoy allt i a ladinal in lo 11 n mi lr wti 1 u i i h i luid by ihi 1m illtti- m ll 1 llrockvlll ui nl hilircul n and air sold in l incrvr m 1 i by th dorian ir tiiliidr i al ully l bul ur atx boxes fur 9 j ti ami luny ih hail ol all drligglkta or direct b mall fioni lr wdhaiin medicine mpaii at eith r parslively iiiexhiiaiva an couiirod with ullior letiindlu- ol mr lit al ireatin nl ie go holland a faimr lli 1 ut i mi miles aoiilh of mali l lb l vil iliursiay ev killed 1 hi11 npn a ere alo hi 1 am ot horae all i a ott hu i ieai i ll lit l oil i u mil u l itxkithhl la i tli- lilt burc dlviion of llio ltaltimil 1 ln lull v lb initue an i tlrrimli kill id and the oiprib i lull m lured ihe pasmmhersiscalnhl jill enl lis be tvivru i v ilia foil hig volet al tho al wiuiilig elollin 1 he court iimimih tin npp al tiul i hsiiilnrlstu iiiut h rvn ih ihu tear litem o si hlin y mniutiuu ii int nliar v ritiic d aliiii thmuarciaj lullii at now imlihug lmritivu hibitiuiih m ih iruduif tun f i unvlii iil ih i ml i stall i nil lurm- hi m ku k- e rhonograiihi 1k wiitim i imanlnp rtihoites and liplumas gmiilid hiij ladlim pursuing lli aim i mi i un al enter for mtmli and im art or 1 u n- tioii iw lip tab u ler giving low mui addles im vii v m 1 rml cuuuni la uiuiil ycuuahie y thtr farmor now titan hi other otuia ilrown i iron cj the most extension liuraery liiiuso ill canada have a vsosuey in tin keniion vnliniie7iraltofttiloonl tor uiolr term obohqftpwn 1 mihh ilnndrruoii nf milkni relieving mian jisrrihoti ut the 1iibliit hciimi ttio j latlor lu imimi iii for unmn limn hnv i maker or 1 vurtni prnauhod in tho hihi iphih rhnrnh on huuday itayh j 1 unuul a 1 do ht dalmaa i ierjiii and mr u 1 wirimi atluuded thn hiiinsy hclfool rbrrvfirfttnn nr hornby- on thotwniily fourth lh lorenlirs altuinfdj itrtlcfl in the luplihl ihurch hunday ovuning uev mr ht dalmiih pn at hod a mltrritig and patri olio aitrmiin about 1 n clock ut wudtiuaday morrii mu mr a off nbbard prinoip of thn high school iioliuid a man approach ing bin room in a loonuyf attitude with a hghl lu hi hiinn mr ibbnnt sdvanoed toward him ifud thn burglar slruck him wilh a nlnk luiorkin linn dvwi mm jilihard ran lo dr hon for til and thn intruder miifldciilj hh taking willi thunl a coal uinl xt i lioru won thrud in tho party olio il tall ill a 11 wcurilig a beard and narrow iiuimel lint the oilier iwo abort and atoii i on i uvnday mr oiboard had received aboiil 5w in foou and lial it in tin bonne when the lluov i he forluiialsl got ntino ot it bowgvur mm lirintiiie mrohi thu html aw llireo men panning about thin liuir mio remark lo mi oihr it wax your fault mr ililiur i wj nn in tin in irinmf nd waa al ii i ke ovtr ih nlfir while mrs tibbard meiind lo i ike it uiun crioualy toronto ouliulo as well as ever after taking hoods siraapanlla cured of a sorlout dlsoase i ll in ik i- lu nil n i ft ui i i kill nhpiiu ii 11 i f i i i tr m itn rnjvlt i i i n i ii hi u litrbib tlial inn ii ii ii t i 11 i in i i rlii1 no tienr- m r i ii i mil i i ii rlinl in t i i 1 i i i i 1 uj i hnttli 1 found hoods sarsapanlla cures i i i i ii ilw itikhtr inlf nf nhol- i it it i 1 it ml kill r t roiito i mil ioii 1iuvi ini i si i l him h k i till i mil imll 1 11 1 ii nl t i i olid in ul- boil ll m i or 111 ii i mdokt hi i iirh um aclm n ikkmvssini i l i lrln i iilnfc i 1 ft ii rmk lll tllllll iluhklin in km 1 kmm huh balfc rvsi credeiiact roadste wlktii itdnm lb price ta5 net w stark agent po bon s acton oi iv kkion mtiis miiis hur f bkd cash tot wheat henry hortop bankrupt stock sale having boiglil i iu julio ailbur lilook al iii i i i tin d liar 1 willolter for tht in xl lnimliikliil hnraiun in diettos cro ckory 1 glassware and un i nloae priixm in oioctriim mriarthur duknq co acton wc have just received a new atock of dress goods 12 in bedford cord worth 6gc for 40c h in colored whip cord worth 60c for oc 2 m fancy drcsb goodsall wool 65c foriuc 4i m colored cashmere worth 50c for 25c liyht greyandl dress goods for 15c prints v- light and dark challiys 5 6 and 8c i2jc prints 10c 12 ginghams ioc extra wide iictnrjs i s 5j 6 6j 7 h q and 10c plr ird in order to give mr customers special value we oflvr 1 number of pieces of elegant furniture as presents on the following conditions we have issued jo 00 card for the use of yonrswlt and family at our alar wo i invite you lo bring it wilh you whenever l you contempt making fotara cash par chases sod carefully siamine oar a took and prfcea we will poooh thn amount ohased and whan the en lira ticket is used and whan 135 00 worth a bought and paid for we will take pleasure in present log you with your oho ice ot one of our handsome folding tables music rook book books choir and kooken millinery no cities arc unsurpiojeei both to in j low prices we are always pleased to sttuw our block at any lime groceries vvc i in y a full assortment t h na lii j net s paid for butter and egls coiie and see txtra value on saturday bargain day durnoco cor mill and main streets which works wl h11 ut ittllvl 111 i iilor ii ktiitltiiiiil l i ii wii iiiiiiiiiis iiiltlt u tmi ltl i j 1 shzage st o spring ml with it llu usual amoui u i htngt nfsttson flu best kiiiuiic ci lu iths blood tonic ii tpb salt ami cflet tivc in cleansing the sfuinai h uul ing ttu mood always get the best prepared ony by wg smith co culillll use perry davis b0wel troubles pair4 killer acton saw mills coal and wood yahdh j757tes bown mmtirimjm limb lu hbluglaa cyl mid 1 ci 111 wiv1 ly lu aiudk wiu ptouivly 4rllmml w miy mil ot ui town r iilil 1rlm imawooiliidtbau ui iubd iwy iii llmilt tdilaaoodmuiitudn let us quote you for builqers hardware we buy direct in large quantitieg the best goods from the best makers we pay cash vou are the gainer try 11a bonds hardware storo cuelph fitio ftbtrtistmtnts klkctous ok llvlton mi etc and influence arc reiuttfull solicited for john husband candidate for the lkflnltlk ahskmkl of ontario d k u ii looh dkntirt c01 i iiiipk hi suit tiwdlna aa ill ilslt act m iu the nrat and ttilrd balur- urrh a auusw a liutal money to loan v 11141 iroierty at rsssonaule rata public notice sustr4 lu ussstb ouncasblim ol 1- suealu4 and thai lnaii will bo llablo to prosocutlon faicn w lltkuil isomto uay tui m1 notice to the public wot1cl la horibi given list flablni awl liontlas m th blrvotn mnnlne three uie bsl srt of lot 19 30 31 and uis west part a im u ia i m 1 m a n sod oalulltlii tho tth concssston are btohlbll ad truaiaanni nil be nroaocutbd nndsr th ontario sauia lk v htahh lor jt aetun ur 13th imll watch repairing asy iwrson wililno ui cat a ulcs ald wstcli or auvuilns in dlcry hue it will pay them to ass a i hinoo vtsiciibs clock nr itiwotlsrv rolrlnb clsan ins or repairing will rarlo pnmiil at loo tlon if loft at ihs atore of cuarlra a t o kill i atrat a 1- muon jswsucv new blacksmith shop william mason h iiarwl ui do all aiuil ut cousvaj tilsckauiltlituii horse shobino a specialty a attars of ui orl 1 aollrltnl kl m so yalt able imukkt rorsale rlsfri i tl ilralrslilk trli isblluatsd 11 llio n mi lr1 claaa uii r ikksk iu lil roh bkhvioe ih il navn tor mri- iiiiii1o at arlon flour mill a ll lrv1 jrr hull tann l iw cash tin t lisv also uiuroualiurwl yottrtrhtltt hoak lur hirvlca terlna 1m rali 1hk1m hi aiuable lroerl in vum for sale oh io hbnt plik uutrall i 1 1 psrtj in a0u1 f 1 lll tub bdlstului itlitt uu lot h block at nilt iir1 wl water plsotlit 1 ttis brick iioii n i umsiiitiiju w in ttia aanin mm tin 1 aim a ihiinlnl h r ilrltl 1 alj u loin j k vlkitt kmtl m l a huraln v i notick to ckkoiroks in tht matt i ol jolinrthuis of th illagi of acton in tht c ounl ot 1 1 illoii kelail men haul nutuk c hl ulal ii ih itisn liftwjr ni ifvoviwisi l t tt 111 irubl tor tin ihii ill 4 iii rnlii a liimiiuiiil lliiclnlllnrb h ll lierab intnunl and sill u i i i 1 vro nolo ll hi- vlllafc ol a i 1 arui lar 1 ua a l iy u g1ihii in tlis allntuotiu li ii aj ihiiiiiiiivui of iliv l anil gl 1114 in itll with trior uu- in lb disposal i ul i 11- ll iiudluirsof aall rfi i 1 hi1 uhiuiuuiutrlalftlsjilli 111 jvltti mi an oualiih v o ih ll hi iib am hlatuto un ur lajlon- ilvirsk u au 1 umwudfi attor lliu iiucui lai 11 in t wislt 1iucwtl to iltatrluula uissail aiik nstevd oljv to urb claims as i lill wsll uutue ol and laltall uetlhirim illi lor ll imii nl hh ultl mhl ur i 11i hmi l bii vm or p rami wiiomi 11 in or otslimj tfiatl io hso bvuii tllud lutis 1tji khh ui 1 wrlo holli ifors lor avltam listed tin mad lui a l lrl uiv

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