Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1894, p. 4

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l ilmhchiml jiimi 1 h ii tik uouiyntotlis wt ilrotmtl k j m a a raesnl list mi i uiinfl arkrtl a uliiiut whialln an i unlay rarkel a fttii1i lrnwn hmii i lirart inn fttirttrtrninrntirlr rvp a drit o itsievnfsr th jar myinwii my own my broth f tlnrnnet tfflvoir u slictranollier far txym are man and lirouinni art jitaiity hut 1 wnul 1 hoi utvn u my jark fur twenty lis ilort not roas mn 1m ilona nnt net mn anil i never wla mm for h won i lal mo hill if 1 in tralil all liii atrnntt arm llol u mo ri n ui hi al an i lie never senilis ni vhalrarol lor ilia liramlln imlgna tlmmu mr mails anil tl o tannlnd smia or rain or allow if m but t notliri alwsrs for m i la numr westhor oil jack my con i ratio tny iaj my treasure my iwrlnnrln null jrtof ami pleasure the u none n oartll 1 would place aliove him flul io ilooa not dream at how much i lino tilm items about royalty corsets have not baao worn by quron victoria in over twenty yea tho hint of part no i ha ilio moat coat ly crown in the world the gold and jewels of which it i cnuipouod am valued at 80300 mia the iron csvgo as a priuoi wu invented in france- by tlia hislinp of verdun iu the r time of louia l and tho bishop him olf was the first prisoner to bo placed in it tho hultaii of turkey nearly always dines alone table plates knives and fork are amahsmed us asms only a spoon and his fingers umi fishing out tha food from little saucepans placed on the floor the rultan of turkey la a monomaniac on tho subject of ca iio has boon steadily engaged in makfi g a collection of such velualea for hie past twenty year and now ha nearly oo at all makra and kinda the xanua of kuiutib ban join ml the nohlo army of typewriter ilio baa mu tired tho lechuiijuo of thu machine and many of the cxsr a memoranda on state affam are her work merely signed with initial a duriug the thirteenth oonlury the obi nose emperora made money from the inner bark of the mulberry tree cutting it into m i la cou erf ell or refuse to accept it a legal louder waa pqniihoblo by deaths tho uavigstion of the dead boa ia the latoat step in oriental progress the aul tan haa aeut two smiling boats there one or frcimht and the other for passengers abdul daraid is going to try and malfe money oat of the aalt bitumen and aulplmr of the lake prinoess tuarod or wale whu more like her father uian auyothor of tho innoe of wale children tulitirita tho parental love of humor bho n an inveterate pun ater aa well and aho aud llor faibor make merry pair when thoy are iu a jokinj i loss ort power hi mimbr vhmr nervntw d- llty inrnlys or rauy or- intn weakunm and wonting dptlnaiiniin tho ayatiim rmtilb- inn in diulncm of mtmtai pnnil- um imnnlml jitimorr jr bplrlu iiaistlrtltr isiasxssi- i- nlj of i kith body ami mind any nllu r riiuttto ll1 tl nit fniti iwrnlrlnlm bfmrnt per and menta roan it from pomirlntn awcrrt nmrtlera nftrn inhulffnl in by unfortuwtr to honltb and bnp- amntfa tn honttl atton of tnedlral rentlrroen who havonrnparndauiok wrlttnn tilulp bothaata lunruaipb trrrtlnn of tb nauira ymptomabiul curabllltr by hom totmsni of mlvdlaw th wo maur hmicnl ajodauon loprietora i invalids hntnl and burtll inatitut lo n y will on rijpt of uila notirjj 10 oonta inatamna for poabift mail i in plain 0nvroim copy of thla uasful parent and guardian inlholand notes hereand there homa of gormral intorost to froo proas rondars i rriilinr in iwnir h ominoutl nucdesiful hits h kdh bar aaarilla tmon that many loading cittcno fnim all ovor tbo united hlatr ftirnuh tuatliiinniala ot cures wbicli neom alinual miraculniia ilpodit arsapiteill m not t soci icifc hnt the rlj- fruit or in dualr ana stiijy it potfovaei merit peon i kostio ache indlowot j lruitiot hujk head hold hy all hoapital had in n7 llie it wo typhna patients rad iliood oauaoa illulrlion jloiln ilmplca abacossea i leers harofula olo nurdtwjk dloud uitters cures had dlool in juy tn ll a trnnrtirn juuipift luulll worat floofula horn hoiattca nioaj fieiu tho in of jil and iii locjcliolorft marbu cliolnfn iiifnlum crampp collo durrl i pysimlnry nnd hammer complaint 7r 1 ovli r i lraol of wild ktrawlmr n prjimpl nml auro oiin that haitli u hpiitnr f ivorit fur over 10 pnr on rcuirdlrik the hi kllnwt i and cnnrurrrnl that urn article inavea pliysical pain euro laweliona nhrcka n cnub is an rscnllonl remedy lor ain and rhotimalia cornplalnl- mid it w no iiaubcfttlllu ot oior iinnlonssnt off when taken mtunmllv wlllt jii i i- lll1 h4l ll 1 uhciilu lnm ir whvnalti liklll lletiilarir ill rutltlit ihof tho iltnim jlicli rlitnn niiii hlrknnsu in i inldn u caiisud lj wttnim 1 ill r i rim hum mmalor iibi rolnf rt imivuii lln run give ll n trial and l i mi vim i ih i iiitd hlatisariny in an id to hav uvor 201 caia of ecurvj ovorj oar oh what a couh will you hoed tha warniin 1 1nviuimal lorhaps uf the sure approach of that more terrible iltaemi onsumptiun ask your clvm f viu cnil ahnrd tjl tlio uako of saving ioc hi run tin risk ami do not ii in j for it know from experience that hbiloh s cure iv ill euro your coujth h noer fails kohl by j luniinwin ww lipoifinrjtoutof wnik mrrnliot byt from proof lard must- co si f nrny tr timells llur j he jluiitliiii uilhyh hlifiwiplr inch dlcj ihb hdvcyli oi me new irlcnltih cottce evldentctl ity lie n ly liurna- flng rmirmiiuh ail ikoof pobh lvh mn tl- rf its rmt value at t r n rii if of dipt but li it i midi iml pt uf n he rrnrril ilsire t e jij u ludl- srslible iimttml vh tnnnpei zlitktird uiuofiill tliellmbm lard promotes try gnttolene at bnce nnd waste no llmo in disco cririr like iluius injs of olhcrs that you luve now no use for lard jflatna dat p t itffinffliirr nf rolnrel pr jiu wlilnli itrtpihti lirniifdit it it way tltrt jtiittiirh wliu had not t limn prnpor iittml in liny hrlinnli iiiitsutly it broth r w bin fil mini he rrol i si nlua ap r it ll li nti din whohirnnf mi mn i i li i nipltitil tli it thu jirolber lv lliaaauo rejwrt wmld- liui in t irtiirr whiuj dunm h duty jiihlaiitly hfityi vcr it liunoiid ttti rtur wnn hi t t hint j the only one dm the world at losmt born laj i hhoniii le lid tiin l miullll is a iiroconi roudiictud by llio afotioy of uht boots all llio oar rund orn reap itift is best condiiolod ihroukli the agonc of lutnam a painless orn 1 tractor tho iiuly aafo and auro pop corn cure 1ut nam s 1 uractor is now widely imitated hew are of all piiaonout and sore produa ju til li y s to mia banana cookery 1 he banana see ma a tamo aud imioib fruit to many palates but it can be treated in such a way as to beoome a rare delicaoy llatiana frituni for lustanca axe notto be deapiand and bmojuta sbortoaka la dish before which the glories of mbrosia pale to make this dolioious shortcake mix a pint of sour a large teaspoon of baking powder and a third of a oop of shorten mu moisten wiui milk while this la baiiu- shoo bananas in proportion of three to ono oranjp graui a little lorn on peel and mu with a oup of augar wbeu tho cake is bftlujdsnlitjt and h11 snilua4sau hsmt wwmkb- itwtm ufftotrthrovpt him pp pf ibocake nod bauanas also havo a flavor which the raw fruit euurely lacks 1 iioy should bo pared and split in two a pan of moiled butter should be on tho stove aud into this the bsoinu are plunged when they are brown on both aids they should be spread for a fsw m mates on absorbent paper to rid them of the crease sprinkled with powdered sagsr aud served liaoaoa csko is made by placing iiod bananas between layers of cke prepared by the ordinary role for jolly cako ilanaoa fritters are made by dropping little slices of banana half an inch ibick into ordinary fritter batter frying in boll in lard draining and serving hot with powdered sugar human labor at crfcat al titudts investigation amou tho workmen on tbo peruvian central railroad has brought s curiuus facts to lijhl concern ln the and are sold simply beoausn thoy a fiord the dealer larifor profit consumption is most cum mini in balginm boot land and canada kheilmatiam cured in a iay houth american hheumatio c uro for hhouinaliam and noutalgta radically cures in i to 1 da its action upon the salim is romarksbli and mysieriuus it removes at once thu cause and tlio diaeaan immediately din appears 1 he first dose greatly beuelus 7 cents sold by j kanuawiu dru gist lu xuu caaoa of parajyais olnbty au aru male fourteen female hlgns of worms are variable aie uhing at the nose etc or low woi syrup is the beat worm axpeller ovor tiuo now unsoa of lopr ay at auuu ally registered in itusma i cured a lib mo of to moiiitu wiih minard s liniment llalhouslo chdaujpllbi flu mn j nra 1 j ill ulhltv oil nsllul for burns llitfht montreal q ic in all won trie diphlliorm i n in thu wmur lliau in urn miuniior in stark u powder us li psokno of contains two preparalions one in a wooden box tho cover of wluuh fui i but nth minard a 1 ha pts u li i cured a homo of a bad finaru s i iniuioit ualhursl n ii cllmn wit v i c caiabilnics of n j labyr ii rafincij 1 th bwl fnim atmosphere the line alarta at li lalltudo li degrtwa si 1 tho highest pulnl reached by llio road iu at tho lunncl if galons wbictt is it isj eel alovo soa leva iront deductions made by tho in vratlgatnri i apixars that ui men itcro able u perform a fair soa love da a work at any placu alou the route whore lbs ajtlluda was not gretor than n km or 10 000 feel providing lliey had gradually worked up to that height from lower luvnla at altitudes above 10 000 fret ai dt under li 000 tlio smouul of work jwrformed by each man showed a falling on from uuo fourth to one third and at from i i 000 lo is 000 feel 100 mou could do no more work that 0 would at sea level hi ijula illllousuois and liter umplainl head ache etc are cured by llor dock 1ilu the site of a hurao a a torn sob ia small lo proportion to that of bis frame there are so many cough medicines in the market that it is sometimes dlmloull lo toll which to buy but if we bad a cough a oold or any afllioliuu of lbs llirosj or juugi wo would try itickle a auti oubuniptv hyrup those who have used it think it is far ahead of ail olhor preparations reoom mcudod for such oomplaiuts 1 ho folk like it aa il itrttm plsasaul as syrup i hi laath rate of ll 107 to 1000 nion ovry year tho 1 bird page of ltio xorouto ituu stait is no tod for want advertisomouta if you want to buy or soil anything if yo i want a situation a mochatiio a busi noa maohiiiery lodgings if you li or found anything or if you want to hud out whew anyone is advertise in tho lo routo ihiuy miui and road the advortiac menta on tho third tae of thai paptir tho charge is i wo unu a word cacti lu aortlou vldlua i hr m sds lhr umber f r laty 11 e lo llio itillli itiwdork llloo it measure for a dose an immr liate relief tor btok hrmdsrhff and hvmtouli aiao nu rslgia and all kinds of nervous pains and another iu capsules from lo t of one is sn ordinary dour which acts on ih bowels i iver and hiomach forming a ucvur failing perfect treatment for all head and htomnrh omplaiiila tliey do not us most ills do and so muiij other tioiciue do loan their effect ur projuui sftur coimtijuliuo anil are nice to take i outs a box at all medicine dealers bankers ajwuolntora and inj itallatvsrt djosl frmiuently tho siutims of diabxtaw tho 1 uugs i ivrr hiduoys llowols jh act aj so many wantu halts ft uf effete matter snd lasoa from tint body tbo use of northrop i i yuiaii a electable dlscuvory helps tlirm to disohargo their duty llr w 11 i eaier ii m ustoms toronto wntes 1 have personally test ed thu health filvmfi properties of northrop t lymm e vctetsvblu uiscuvury aud oai testify as to its rut valuu mweden and ni r am fatal lr v iwlors i lr i i i a mrs ijisrrb m ilysnnurt rii olu morbus h dra infhutiiin and all looseness tie o wrla nlh uvt i null uut it i i on fastinj n mischief is often til til rating loo tottl vcrj iujurloi afrnvstr 1 lun uu i and ri strontl all i urtiu 1 1 i nln i a a popular wiib tho pnbln r im year lo joar llieir coi vlrilst mmbetibiiig tho moat rtmk are yet mplo anition hi blurs thttl pound and so ussy intake stt 1 lio ijuuiino wine prepared by norlhrupo iiynian of toronto thin arliue in nparod from hi pure hulphalo of luinltie combined ilh tine hhrrry wliu nu1 chum r inntl whtrh relievos the niutue of lis brtter taste aud dins not tm sir hi hnnl drirri hie cdlrscy t f lu bltiun uhtu tin jistuiit while hinnll loaei frtii nf l rrp slid sticngtlieii llio pulsf i in rcsiit m laelllar force invtgoratv llio tone of tlir ntf mi system and lllds b file fl ersl vor which la imparts ci union an a ktitc wbicli gives to the vtumaol torn sol iiergy and for 1 1 lie lbs system aj- uifulihiii diseases ask for northrop dt tjmsnu lvuitinio wmo sold by all druggists khsitont 1 thu objector do i hub 11 tn on don t waat to l nod nimk up nil dn man uavon him h i fm tion ami ilu pspor loiiimilloo to bu mo lifkud mtnrtjl uitihtj of h in iod it hliqll a tutu nu i tint tlomsuh has limn to regain ith torn- hi nu bh a 11 lie 1 h- ill 1 ll e niirjnlim only re ill iluwu thoir m gmiiimri r i i l ihiiiii 1 the lwr uljiy n 1 ii i lively sul iiriiiniiiuuy i he only esses in w lluli una i ioa not up nur lo tx lh re milt nre thohii ik ro rrom in diet rmiow the cmiti ulut 1 siljny liver i ozmigos must thou niniii bo miortol to llity ftru old nt nil drug htorm nt contii a box or o bonw fur n dollar is a iajtnrfcs 5tovc the oxford oil gas cook stove fc makos and burns its own cos s ihiiin loiiiinuirconl oil j no diht no meat in thb kitchbn oookfl a family diriner for two cents 1 800 lt t- the bumey fotjfltdfiydo ltd torontq always ph0mptlv cured by perhy davis painkiller rulrr rfriul ntubto it i ir i i n i unyai it tr 1111 i ita rdfilrm j eorbjduo p0orivcatarrh i jsosr e m e d v ei wqp ti llc k is the best remedy for unsruises idsdurns a catchy is just tis useful to the advertiser as to the fisherman m1 n ntchy lino in tlfcu s hulls and wo have baited it with catchy isl glancu at our cortifir window and it ia all up with you hungry r took the fly juickcr than good dresiors arc taking these suits mary had a little lamb ll n wool was all the go wo mnkn it np lu buajness hutu 1 ur tlb you know hnw fin ynii knap frnm uniting wat rain or do you have auil ith the best goods at lowe goliath ol in going out in the ram or do you have suitable waterpi if not wo can aupply you with the best goods at lowest prices you want ltuuy vortise lulho lor nu h rrily i i hat pspor macho mx 0o0 haruiers liumn evory week and y ur advertisement should moot tbo eyo of aomtxiiio whu wauls to pur oh aw advertisomouta uf tins class sro iu sorted in tho 1 oroulo wtrlly a t for r ivo conlo a word oach insertion or twenty euls a wnrl fui wo nisorliona addi the mail loruuto auada 1 ruroful carea holli llio i i do you cough it lb a sure sign qf weakness you nood muru than a tonic you need scotts emulsion tho croam of codliver oh und iiyiophoipiill5s not only lu cuio llio cough but lu ivo your ays torn roal strongtb phyatauiu tho world ovor endorse it oavtll uajlmllsullllhlli tes4tiklwa msau wau uob surprised when david him with a slooo be ssi i tooilt a ii g had never outered his head before ou will be ixmally surpriaed whnii you sou the following lines of dress goods luullc width i weed woith 41 fui il 1 linbroidcrcd costunu worth 7 50 for 2 1 iraidec costume worth i 50 for 300 j brdideti coatumtrs worth fro for 3 50 i p mhroidercd costume worth 13 for 5 51 j 1 mbroidered costumes worth 16 for 6 j hinbroidered c6stumes worth 18 for 6 50 have you k one ur those lovuly folding tables dock shelves mf- l hal haoka chain ltockon or abluets which we are giving away at ibt l10u if not get sv card aud bagtu at odm yoo will be money tn pocket and have a line picoo of furniture iu llie bargain by buying at tbo liuu j d williamson co rutwl ouia pm hailway time tabhsn rrb woodencwwej io kingsteast mm toronto send-for-ppices- powders cure sick hbaoachb an i nfiiralria nr ii ll 1 nt lull nllis i i tn li a kin 1 tl kcr 11 i llrrall i uc nnl ir iiam 0 n u i vwmr mam ro rssrst rmiom aa omfra at oituo broward an msh1ng emead rii sum i hoi v 1 ik1v1ii for in j t t iltuh years li 1 xh not frio 1 x mijdcday u i nil others li 1 nu 110 good thy bababs best in the world ai utilui i runmrnd it to nil my skidded chills a colds 1 rn commencemfjn 0 an attack take a vh twspoonful or peiirv davis painkiller uo mi cure is mori suddeji mu the chill ms bak9mc powder thecooksbestfriltnd uhqc3tsale in can ad spring ntl with it the usu tl ainouiu ll uii nf se tion i lie hest i m ll otor i krt an had lillklig wslor l a lieatly from the different kuida f wale they are compelled to dunk ns iiithnn is u likely lo bring on au stlack of llmrrl a as change of drinking water lorry 1avis 1 am hilur is the inly safe jutuk and auro euro of oiairli ramja and b lora morbus and the vslisu uf oery trsvaller shuuld contain a bnitio of tho mixture which ho ran procure at any reputable drug store j-m- fur a largu bottle smiths blood toruc lit ind i ik live m 1 leati hl uk il 11 1 i i i lt t tht u it iii p nt d on b mvii smith co in 1 iii catmir a the royal electric co an in mm m ilrli 1 tlilliiff- 111 m f i 111 rnl contiurrui j ami builinaa or luotric iuilt and i0wiu btatiohb tilroiiiiilit lilt dotiov bo to 70 wellington st iu leruiau 1 rphan and to iiodliui aayluuis 4i per cent t tha uhlldrri die of llagyaid s 1 cult ial llaiau blcll coughs outds asthma llronchitls sill all ibroai and lung iruubloa bpeiylil jb son liyslpadsv la moat oummon in lam uiurty deaths in every 10 ikh llvarl uncase believed in 10 mi num all cases of rganio or sympallietiu heart t dlseaso rellovod iii unity uiluutea an i imukly hired by lr vguew a urr fur tho heart one d so tadiviiiees hold by j kttuuawiu il is a singular fact that duriuu uio in tensely hoi summars m india apupla aluiobt tiiknowu ommlujiion hum an old phyaiuiau retired flroti praouix having had placed lu hia hands by an i ast india missionary tbo fomula of a simplo v ego table remedy fur tbo spoody and r inaueiit cure uf conaumptton bronchi lis catarrh asthma aud all throat and 1 uug sflociuua also a poallivo and radical euro for nerroui l5billir and all nervous cum plaints after having tested lu woudorful curative powers in thousands of oaaas has fall it hu doty to make it known to all bis buffering fellows aatuatod by this moltvsi snd delight to pliyidnl and a desire to relievo humat- suftcrini i will send ffo ot obkrga to all whodoairoit his recipe in qertuau itrsuob or ungluli with full dlrsotlona tor pro pari up ami nsiug sent by mil by addressing with tamp uaming thla paper w a no 2h0 rowers block itoobutar n y funeral directors furniture dealers an over f- i is hurtful a in ire su win n tilt nlntnai h iuiim fasts llolluf tu itix jiouim uistrsstaiiih kulusw and bladder dlstuaua nlloitil in six hours by tho now hmuli vptorii an kidney lyisa great surprise t ur its ciivedllig pronijiiiibss lu rnitaruig til lu tho bladjun kidnuys aud ovary pitrl uf thu urtuary passagen hi male or fomalo ll relieve relentiuii nf water uud pain in luaasiii it almost iiiimodialulvt h yon want nmok rullef njul cure this is your remedy hold by j v lvanuawiii acaoiiiiienl complete prices reasonable personal attention everything satislactory the best dverti8inc m t u local press a mcdmjm 4 thc a lf rft m oooksfrientj w baking powder i iv f cruam lartir i hi i ir nu fboiu thopiini fininl in- r only mo on 1 i i thin pr ir ill it t j i m i et ui r ii il ait tlir ntsr jiioinn hell it caffaroma tho flnost puro ground coffee in tho world bold in tins only u i mt g t a at your m in ft lr i snip tiil i irl ilin tl v in mill m uir xx mill iuiiiulii1ly in tn il n unplo to uiumulne liwu fllll lubys acton ont j a speight manager partsiall hair kcncwer 11 miimliun u i h aii mihhin lliilmriil i iu u vnrli t v

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