Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1894, p. 3

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ban k o ha iikad orrioe haimiton riti rm vi aiaanonp iikmhth kbq 40 maj i totsi aitb hrtjxulflj boaitl ofdireotoiib- joiis hti aht a itauhal president toe i result mi jiiirx innrron fli lorn a t wii a it lkn toronto 1 in sot m i h- tb4fflwsath01ie j tt usui 11 cashier ii h- htpi mfn awl ulih 11 u u tmv l aoknoieb luuiilloo llarton hi a j sal lut aiiuiuu llerlln lieslnv ioorhirtowli llrliiiahy i lilnn i lucknow milton lloutil rnreat jrati lllti uersu ttoaod 1url klnio hi in ran toronto wlnghsui british oorraapondonu io4don nstlonsj fro i net hank of kti land bid american coirapondonta saw toea fourth nation ilauk and jlanover nauoaar hank hosto lolttiiatltii i tnuoo hurfma uarliinltanh luuxoo national ibxnk of iiiidou audi nloti sriuonal hank ihrntart detroit national hank cltt ketlonal hank pi commerce agonta in montreal tih hank of toronto qeorqe agency ftotse dleeoantad and advance triads on suit iu seeurltjae ootnctlmwmnlii ftml rtrft 1mupit an eoltt on all mm alhle points in csned lulled klalm njoal isvorsble mmu saving deportment depealia of 91 na npwarrhi recetvprt i in tarsal allowed from lain or ilawail to tlatn withdrawal upkcial dktimjith also received at on mini rate ol lntornt n m llvlnqhtunr anon george hynds jewellry store headquarters for rogers knives spoons and 1 orks wedding and hirtlida presents wppairint in out llllll prompt i done give us a call nolo in connection willi line we p a en shwik n pr toller shadea all laes all color window blind iaper 4c jwr yard walt paper from 4c per roll curtain pole all pneos oko hynds acton oui ffilje xtan jxtt flvcss f nrnwhun arurbi 9 iji uttle local brieflets which caufftft tttej eyas or eare of frae praaa ho port am ttita ifrook there is diaoord 10 luslph police fore and two poll oarnen have been dismissal alias mamie measlaa ha been apmiut ad agent for acton for the f timidm om yrlm bioycle touring ta beooimnit very com tnon siting wheelmen ere in olou ever day tram some ijuartor uanrj xeart baa been appointed puat nut of darlington there wore about rare of applioanse lor tbaposiuoo the brick work of the new vestry at st joeepb oboroh la completed and the plasterers are at work on the auditoruoi t offer iu lake near urangevtlle bfios made a popalar reeort by mear h t coo nor a bon who are property uwimri than afiton a taxea are payable 10 two in taj mania aa in previoua yearn one half do on htb bepumber and balance mi 10th nomber t h hardink krooer baa hkxiiam from it agnew of the dominion hotel the brick atora and residence which li ooooplea canaidaratiou about fa 000 j j kelly naerobant haa made an assignment to ilenry uarber it co tui onto for tbe beosfll of hla orediuira clajma moat be 5 led with boe oru 1m fora tbe glh sept dal i dors appear to be amjoua u have tbeopportonity of tenderiogfor lb oreatiun of the new lrasbyteriau church 1 bora have bean already seven or clhl oontraclora eatimatldic on tho plsua uoslpli oujoyed bor ivio hulidy in monday a obaropioniblp ball mau i between uoelpb aud ioitdoo u iho priuotpad allraclton a itoiitber of lover of ibe game went up from anton a oooocrt will be given lu iho uelli t dial din r oh lileuwilltama on r f i lay evening augual lth mathudixl ilurili choir aclou luun llroa rionoirapi mm clara moore end otbera will saaial in tbe priigramme mr fc w iae of mlllon icaoai uf piano and organ has orkulod claaa in aetna sod will be la towu ovary lvodoon day mr lee an eiperteuoetl ttialinr aud haa met with oonaldorablo auccaaa he was a jiopll at the iiiaetvauiry 1 nr onloandat tlta ailleo of unaic ham lltnn tbe uruaaela ha- omnmouoed n vind volume under moat avorablo uino nut only is the oa a popular journal uul its editor is houorod as beinii he ctnef magistrals of his tow i rrioutl koir mdoi iii u 11 u hi anlxiiib t a anparlqr weekly uurul d bo dooa it j time a year mr w 11 j wllhama ilto hui fti haa just issued s very piello soavciur o haroia oootaiolog i ages of bno half toue engravings and ittlerealing letter preaa matter showing the advantage of hrnls as a umuier reeort aud the sttraolinua ol ibe town generally the work la highly urodtl able and the object oummeudiblo tbe quest oreel of aloklod hum which baa beau brougbl luto uwu lliia season was oaaiht bv tr wdkiusuu at lllllsburg on civic holiday die egad frutn uiue to twelve toubea 1 bo di geuaruualv dlatrlbutad tho catch iiiiuul hi frlanda and it is needleaa lu say they in joyed very folly tho fruit ol hla auoceaa ao eiiglei there was a vury dciliuj gluteal al the rauge of aouin uun club woo day evciilug a ooupbt of crack alio la concluded that lhar were 06 mdre looal rnarkaaidlt to dolsst sna uiey would eeud a cballeoge o a couple of ueoritcuiwu a best meu meatfi j j pearson and t james mooie undertook a match with them with tbe following raault pearson h moore 7 1j hmight 7j jeans a 3 tlio latter couple will bsve so me further rsotice before limy go lu ueurgetowu tim iesob festival and uardeu 1 arty i the rcaideooeof lr moctgae has been uhaugvd in date to friday auguat 17th no rffort will be aiered to maku the tvo ing altraolle and interesting tu atlwhj ultm present tfhe iiutllcile ol atni miss anna laidlaw of hamillon will give some choice solus dunug the atau lug ibeltev j j use of the charlotte ulreet methodist cbuiili icurboro will dslitar bis looluraoi mm who can he tablea will be set in tbu now driiu buuae wbub will bo ootiulelwl by the 17th lioketa adjilta il tftuw i mon of a looaf charaotor and evorv itam intoreitlnn- i xri lfrnl sljiiiffijf nf avian jlbflx tha official report of tho onlranoa turn iiiajuoua at georgetown show tbat tho ncooss ol aolon 1obliobohoal in the en tmnco examinations lias mlipanl that of any- pruviout yaar kighl oindijaloa were sucittsful and uioj took very satiafactory landing in ful only nne of the ten trib counth allciunpr maw itafnaaupnllod by cormi- pondonts and exohnnuob li w1eh61 use areptns4 iii rr j ipwenrjfotir trakete wrrt not 1 h as liili marka aa miaa nettie tobbao 1 ho aicepiioii i in ihouc of miss imma norton dantllar of the teacher of tlen williama hatmol and the only ope who pasaotl from that vchool kua nltegr fumire knot 1oiiub toronto was founded on ictobrr jud ihliand on thaftoth anuivera a jubilee will im held in toronto which will 11 turn tla the opcnlli exercises will prhibly be trtld in knot church at which 1 ft id a ut iallon of iriiicston la el pooled lp preaido 1 he oilier esercines afll probably be held in knox college and oilier lsrehalla 1 he i arl of aberdeen oil bt invited lo ho presflllc alrflauly tl hmi hea been aiiuorilied to meet the ax petibhi and iho jtibllre will nndoubteilly jmmuttaeiiy d a r i jrrlln a hikhly iiueresliuc eveuiug was ipent laat 1riday at the mocling of aolop tern perauce liiion after the business of the evoiunt had been completed including tho utitaliod of a new member a com millce uf ladies made an am using and interesting conundrum art exhibit the catalogue covering u articles a prlte of a dainty bsby rattle was won by a member of iho turn ikkim slaft itev 11 ro use delivered an able address upon the treat ut akjcl of tho 1 roll i billon mm menl in which numerous juiiite uf interest uoiltiy of careful consideration wer i ougbt out next 1 nday oveulug will b k hurrh mai laterrmt omni to lll illnoannf hev lr i ndlnw 4ht pttvc4uah hamilloii ha aluil ablt in reach in knox hurrh hero last sal bath itev u lirycra tilled the wtcaucy mill st e lability i ho sacramental aercicm i tim slrthodiat linrcli i ant tiun da mi r tt mil were very inlcceatiug hev mr howell proacltod a moat impressive aermon from tho text uod la luve 1 hero was a very larte congregation dinstiou aud induction ol mr wilkio to the charge of the nrst 1reabyti iau hurcb f ramoaa took place on man day afternoon a sosial gathering was held in tho evemnj mr william tovoll of cuclpb prraclicd in the dinciplea chnrcti tail htinday i he financial die tncl meotiugof molph district will behold at 1 lore to morrow afternoon arridrnt in a 1 lulliir mr ani mfk jeremiah wortleu aud their sou willie of jravouharel had len visituif al the home ol mrs haa i ptiihtnu in bower avenue for uroo time and were about to leave fur home on monday oveulug mr word on went out about live o clock to call willie who was playing about henderson a pond to los and lu get ready for the train he met tho little fellow comlub in hotdtnghtartghtarrn tenderly and giving gus ol suffering intense pain mo explained lhat ho was up in a truo and fell out medical aid was si mice summoned end it was found that l in arm was irmctured at iho wrist slid din locnted at llie elbow 1 ho little follow la luittj welt but the visit ol himaolf aud areata will bo nruluoted tut a couple ol weekn al least t irli ifuilriiv riintalihilo itritll cloumv indeed waa i lie prospect for soc cess of iho i ill led bocietles 1- xcuralou to onllia last thursday moriiliik at itve 0 clock tho tain waa oomiuit iown in a manner to gladden the heart of all who liawo rowing lropa but oioursiumata wore nui iiuuua for ram on thursday 1 he shower continued well up tu nevou o olimk the imur fur tho nial train tu losve for tbo north and sa a result a couatdereblc number were dot ur rod rum going about 111 tickct were said l aolon however and who in ho limohouao cuutiugoid it j aud j or 411 from lourgetowu inl been bilited u the umtpany the mouibera uf the 1 li m 1 1 too were aatlatletl itial their roapun hibihij to ilia i it was fully mot aud bruaxtied tuoro easily 1 he ulonds lifted ahnrilv alter alattln sod the day pruvotl s pilill il inw for tho inn 1 ha tram irivod at onllia at eleven u clock lur a iplnulld r 111 ilia day waa pluaaautl y hiil in run lit luwn vir tun irion 1 ii i lli l llrtllt intesldd ilia ii i they louiiirillo boat wlilli lad boi i bar i berry lauu i he i int wlli an i lu 1 u previuua lay sud oould uut niaso tlio trip and there ws u i illier to lake bor place left u clok abarp and llvgd al acum al i ml making excollent line r ilurmltvn muttri in haifa i lie report f lnapntor 1 u- i i ibllaliml in the nil n u tea til tho i c nl uun ll haa many hiiiii of interval 1 licit i hie i liachrrs um4 wl ladies and hi gtulltinou lu tell ynara thu latllua haii ailvkuood in numbers runt 0 iier oent lit imau to bu hit uul si ucscllt i he lusnictur ulassilms the standing of the tearhers aa fnllows u uaoulleut mi guoii it fait snl i uul ibe inghnal ultt uf a nolo l bar isil year wsa 97mr the low tat wa ki i lw biglieol aalary of a leiiiale tosilnu as ij i fnc ltvet waa i ik i he vuiao aolnry malq tcatlliurs was t i and pf fcirutuiluarhtirs jkt the niuiiiwl sveraguo were iji uil rl 1 ben wtri u t hanges uf icacliors lurinj the rt in cmber unit six pro tluurfl hn wore caused by expiratliiu uf trlitlcl teaibera vn ut to atu ly or hlgbur suuthiig and 1 lull the prufeamm only ll of iho t nscber i citinga 1 in the llsitou hoola in kept lnni are now on our stall snveii aio in tho luwu or vlllsge adioolsanil saveli m the rtiral seat ions tn the last nt no years jllj tochers bavo bucu eurullnd in tlm teschlng stall ol iho county a fiut uf tuuuiuat tu tha nrufsta of aliiui 1b thu high aversgo atleuiunce our four kabbrrs hail um piimla uu the nil i isat esr with au s versus etleiidauoo u l1i cvorgotowu s llvo leather had t popila euridlett and an average attendance of lm milton has soven teaohcrk aud mi pupil but thu model aohoot aaaalsu lour inuutha ra ll veer demauils the services of e brt ol the atall during thu ppiiphs and llurhngt i 171 a nioeuiit t thn 1 natation vuuciutiui will bo held in acton lu i luutjor harvest home lestivala are imw beinii auuuuiioed ur wilkinsons ottloe is now firnu very aaffrom h a m lu 0 p m hpeolal ofllus daya monday luesday tuid 1 nday t uisa ildiu iordun uiu latn tuiiitior or limnhouee buhool han lull liolilml tier a rjyawtkablu roe irj for auoooss iti preparing pnplla for the high kbhoul untraiioc aitm inatijin hiatut hor icliolar w rule a i the rooent oixfrilratioiral uourgntowu ami all with orio itiplluii wuru mini ihf nl in passing asmonove j u the orillm exuurniun last 1 iniriu 1 huso who went enjoyed lhemsel vnn uu i got honiu in good time mra john aftfure and masters albert aud 1 rank are iunjiu a uouph uf tvooki with frinnda at orillia nassaoaweya 11m siinmil hitrvcut limn fcntunl of lbont church will u in id iitxl iiotda ttti unit 1 1 i hun iny ro vious special blrmona will in preach od by hev t amy ih pastor lit tho uiorntiih nnil by llc lllair it a in tha evrniin 1 lw feauvn1 will be held on tin groiiiids of mr herbert fletcher addmac will bo dc hveretl by ituv j 1 lloucll l a actun lla ii lril i vi rlaii inn m mathers abcrfnjle 1 in clioirn of i or whin and 1 bemrr liuridirs il mug and the rtsunti u arm hun i 1ulpli mil also be prcucnt bhin 1 ho iluo ruadater uisro b it nuliif in ho mr johnston uf 1 nu viiium- ran away laat week amaahiiii 44m k hlcbi to fra menta and mangling her own lou in u d away and smaahup tllla imnnt haa hail in the psal liioillh i hi uilinnti r mill kn h la tdb fast fur him anil haa im id hit nil to ur marliu ihos u iibanu ai of mr llntid lib i of i nil i lul nil i i vi uu july hlh ii the t i j i uc and n inoiiths ilii doti isc 1 um muii uraa sj ojierator nl iturlnirum f r upt i years but ubout fuu lu lexas for hla health llti liail to his parents iho tick ro i u death lufomiun tin ii dim b proving slid foil much air i im did uut realist inn atale until with hour of his dclh wlin m liotliiod b uletiah of i in at ll he found it nimhtaiblo to reach tti death above i r ila us tn lai strtk immediately lclcgrahol tlio peu lu in charge to have thu boly oiiibalinod whicl re utsa 1 waa willingly ashuuted lu slid placed in a vault where ll will remain un tit fall vrliou mr oibsjn intciidn having it brought home and iut rrod in tliu 1 nu cemetery 1 bo circuit ml slice a nil for much ay mpailiy for the f i ml milton lie for i n assouintliiu here laal w ek it wan decided to protest llir i in ll in uf tol riio aacranicul uf iho ioid hu wt waa administered in the uethodut liurch laat sunday at the dose uf tho uioiuiu aurvice the bona of scottknd 1ummihtratioti on mouday i3lli aug in mlllou urivui lark pro m i aoa lo be the largos over hold in the uunly l tin wo i her u favorable from ten to uftoeii tliouasud oople are ex pec un i llie town hall will be rendy ful occupa tiou uu ulh day uf auguat wltoii tho hum uf bcolletid will give a grand hcuttlah concert kuox church hundsy bohoul is ready for plaalei lug mr teur i slug a new store uu main blrcel will lie ready fur occupation in uuuplo of wteka mr crucier a netv dwolling on main blrcel u early ootnpkuru mr lulm llunlcr a ew house utl hlug btnwl la dfswu iwarda cuiuplclluii hlr lolui i iiwauli a ew brick buildliik rapl i j rouleau ul reciion ur melcall ad luun i ins house la uearlv itlilaliod knatchbull loo bltchtuit of naaabluweya li tine sdditi in tu his burn on i tnl i he capuina wure l ll i a lol il n uanaga weys ami w j i slt ol i ul icli i he contest ol ibimiik waa a kvc i i o iml waa won by mr laylir i lio iraiuti w u k waa one i y iviu i lack ol i u inn it wluln the fouudalmin w i ill l i i una naafagavvuya lut ll ik niif wt kri llmurtiuiii iti i t nu oua rcaal i bom t if i h it iiltei warda tlio auloa latli l t a i i nc i i f alollai h jm mark i i ll t won i lit cni ai i mui t ll lei all i 1 by mt kllcln t i h il i ol uk that they ha 1 toutl i mo misa m plolchor 1 llotr ll i h 1 mt jss 4md at hi aid i 1 uisa i- mitia i amj bull tl hmcaili i mi frt mi ainvttl he tit i hutnss isat ivook mi j hn lluiio ai i u il e n ii ilk tolalivpn u i ii i rt aluu oxcuialuu lu onllia lal 1 nasy it waa ail enjoyable utility lte tuauylteuua ul lui vv u wallace of llloor ht lroabjlcnaii church lormtlu formerly pajaior uf thu 1 rnshylotl 11 cl iruh will be falnod tu luarn uf uu lo uli ul mra wall aoo a ushletraui wa irwiml luronto on m u lay alloin i rvti i rlnlt mbutund a llltlo vn flv owl a m t snl mm yallare loft th ily f a ah rl trip to hcntlaud 1 hi to alt l mr- wallace had n t l v rtk an i hor hunbaud a rouuregalion ior hug her aa a iinklel psal r a wife priauuled her with toturi lickoll fur the oceeu yagi and a ursn f tiuhl mr aud mra wbiibjiu ha i a doiightful pshsage sntl fur iobrly two weeks were buay visiting different ithislit oa li hutjl laud isjcaacil waa taken outfilculy ill p pjiuburrand difcd at cranttn uu ttmn twu woeks mr wallace sallsjl by the sardinian from 1 iverpool isat i huiaday hiaraturu voyage mini ida mchicrj ooorrolowii was the junil of miu aunia alostmlor otor bun d t ii h mcj aiighlin rflid wifu of llnm illon vldtutl ruulivp hern during tlm wnek minirii die i ns ilia guoxt ol miss h rah huriic of iho bccloh illook for a few days oil- past week mr and mrs n i 1 ludsiy of ac on hpout kiimlay at mr it jrtoiam s mrs walkur itf mlia dxgmur hun er is vihtlmg til inir uld hornn htnv- i hero bum been acveral accidents bcru lately from runaway tcttina mr itrown riilgnumllk magqti tnashrd beyond repair mr morion itosliowaa kicked by s boriw aittl a boy living with mr hufua uuetl roofllvctl ifcrlffin injuries tur buys are getting iiilto ton haiing their tailors out 4 rum town to wait iiton ll urn 1 hit cihulii wo i lillotl on kunnay when mr lr lliompioii prcaohod a much npprtcintot sornion from 2 kma 10 li is thine heart right nockwooo 1 ha fuuural of iho lale mra mutr i c who dtrd dt uin nmidaiicu of her husband mr ubmmtsa sysamwaamjchiiva- day look place hsttirday afternoon to the juliiibton cemetery on tljst second conces inn of 1 ramoaa the attendance waa very large including not only the neigh bom of the deceased lady but also many perrotia from cuolph terus and all the aurruuiiihug country who thus manifested their a mpatllv with mr mutrlc and hi four little tluldren the services at tha house snti at iho cemetery were couducted by ltd i htrichan of the presbyterian huroh hock wood ulphlhrria has madu lie ppear alien in our midat the family of mr itobl iaa inure haa been viaitetl by 11 mr m 1 llirryamauy fnond- will be p j ku t is ipliln rjinvalrfi enl after the oamlul ojieramuu which he lmx mr ulnll of tl t burglary aiiioi g thimti who plcasml to are the names of the following mlas jennie lull in r bernard and john untitling 1 hi msiiy friends hern uf mr and mrs iliomtn ilsrris uf iarkdale formerly of tins pla wil rogret lo le of the death of thuir daugtyhralice which took place at tho rrnideuee nf her parents on tho jtllh ult after a protracted lllnosa her eslv demiho waa due tn consumption 1 he hyropathy of the community is extended to mr william morrow end family who have been called upuu to aunts hi the aad lusa of a loving wife aud au stlcclionaie mother mra morrow who waa 64 ears of age had fallen a victim to that much dreaded disease canter which fur shout lift eon years had been underminiilk her health it was nut until u itliiu tho past few wooks huwevor that tho ilnvelopmeul of tbo disease sssum etl a aotiouv nature when it became apparent lhat tta dirofnl work waa almost accomplished all that modioal aid aud skill cootd advrse end do- war uoabia to coio with the diseaao and early on tbora day muruiiig the auflerer assed paaoefnlly away her remains wese ooueyed to the lib lino cemetery h ratuosa for interment on baturday hho waa a member of the methodist huroh sod much respected by all who know her among tho tiallura to town wo notiued tho fullowiug mra coons of toronto jas hill an i wife oaprinua miaa btrlck ian i berlin mr ceo htewsrt toronto mi lisll of berlin mr jnftrey mc arlh luine and llov j hart of huiuio mt wiu bailey wliu barf boon renew mc ar juaiulances here lor the past two work teluruoil tu hi i aul uti baturday 1 ho it kjkwtxxl i ucuit of tho mothodiat i hurt li purpoae holding a lawn social uu hid vcademv grounds on tnosulay next lllhnnl f rum aix o clock a lood uiue la xaiirod uallinafad m rge lark and willi uf aolon i v inn lu la st tho homo of mi wil i bin hlmrllll anil other ineuda 1 lilnifa am inovli j aluilirlll ttila vlclully hihi it ai laiial ml tho farmers are busy umii imiiil milling ready nr threshing h lie low liavn llirenhod part it a day lu mi the uatorlot tuake nd fsltly well tu tho teat anil ll l ik l ll will ck which la uuualleiably mr ll b houdcr poatmaal er haa taken utisreo of tho olhco here 1 he new bridge af the paper mills la under construction mrs i rlsxel wife uf llov j 1 riatul luruulu la apcliung s low weeks will mr w fraxer tow hue i he indies aid uf tbs oiirralioiial 11 hold a garden party at the ndntof mr rlulay at tho 4 eedi uu lueadsy 1 lib august before ii h heuneily eim ju uu it jhr brr j ia friday cuuala ulu hearch oliargetl t h cninpball with assaulting bin i by ejuuling him from iho hotel ibe couetkble s uaati waa that upnti hoariug a dlaturbaiice he wuul in lo p rll it ami wa niicanauionioualy put ut lie msgtatrali i imposed a jus of aid and ctoat ilrrult cnrws fco i the lloekwood tjircu it huniil a y ficljejot convention buhl lu tho methodist chinch an hutitlay oiiiiil wu ouu of tliantott important taih critics over hold here tha attendance was ery large and included many from ilia loljodla if hock wood ldrn mills i vtrutti ospriugo the brick ahurcli and othtr pulrtls the programme was nul only ut a char aclcr intircatiits to btinday anhool workers 1 but ombrxcotl lunch iuslriictinn and gave many practical inula 1 ho com ml ten wa f nrtmttittr nt toiring tapersiioad workers to take part in tbe procectlluga tlio meeting wan nionod with tho hymft all hnll the tower orjeaua name fol lowed by praer by itev john hart of kmtorr hov mr habine who acted aa chairman then made a few introductory remarks ami the clnlr asm tii lie mrr niilsrm il l moat iiilereshiil runuitil review ol the old lcatatncnt icaaouanf tho ural six month of the year llluatraliii hor commenla with admirably prepared charts eiiciatcd by hrrsell lo colored crayon misses tovell of iberian sang a duett loar ll ou not for i am wtlh thfc after which meaarr h 1 moore ami john s flloman u the mulhodlat bchool ac too gate a vecy prac i i in dtxir for the hthrejj ion mill- rave a ir iwtiiiw l bapliam 1 bo r means uf the i e 11 ut rated by i whiuh much terost was centred eseciall by the child roti present the h ion mill ljuartctte then sang o and work mr j w ii miller auporiiitenileul uf the jipriuge ireahyterieu sunday bchool thou delivered a brief but excellent ad rca oncutirafim w irkers to grester tnmri lu the wurk mr mills of lurouto afirr s few rniital rtiuarka aa to the duly uf hrttutia ksng with good rllrrt the well kntioii aehctinn iho binnrr an the soul itrv john hart lae a nt 1 aililltn lihu lie irugrns4 sod sucum of bun lay bh xil work his many friends ami former lu tutiill111 hmihillr iaminil when the public achuola u l ulu eud of june tho lone aiimmar vacation cdrrmener mil i wftl know pofu the welcome event with tho following tn the imcika that tell the datr til tiisil tlio lilacklmsrib al i ll o in till r aull xluat all ih fcla 1 i xt tl r ror llinj dn t u uaml nil fail it beeiiii a very brief time since tha achuola uloacd but it will soon be lime to prepare for their reopcdiui the rural ichooli vlll c r ihe fall lert ck from next monday till inal and the civic school a week laler the uil1i kchools will be reopened ou the llrsl mcniday ur bettember lhe 1 leabytertaj ulplt tllloj uat habbnth ny mr l a h wli uf 1 rlu hov 11 j i at i ooll aupplyliil tho irea byleiiau j ulpit uf inn village in his abaeucestf on iaolo ltev it fowhe ihe i auosiug uuuoll haa dune a itrsl uas j i uf gradmi un ihe 7th liuo wbich waa much need etl ltiuald mehay wsa the contrail tor mr jsins it hiewai prlnui l blrulfurd aoliuol and wife ate viallttih bis mother mrs a aokert the following are tbe oliicers of maple 1 oaf ldgo no till 1 11 j t hlet iplr luv t u adsrts viue tom plar miaa joliule yemen 1asl bio f lemplr miaa mary hill fin hec mt 1 red hugiui 1 reaa misa little i mo hoo marahall 1 iitmisa hughe llepuly msrahall mlsa muleyi itec bee 1 1 auipbell b a asat iumi boo miss mkl le mchee cuard btsaiuel i lalno keulliiel thabeth hayrra 1 he itoud jeuiplsra bavo ael tu wurk to du aumq re paira tu ihou hall 1 hoy have already uaarly t u no aubaurlbed towards the ex ur c 11 tuk of loronlo seul bun day with ineuda in this vlclully 1 ho t hriatiau lodes vor booiety orgau ixeil uai monln ia doing nioely the 60 tsr are aa lullows hon irosldotll bov mr tlsmpbell president mlas maggie kuaseil t v tu irssulsut mlas uauu v einou lir booty miss magma tkomp son iter hccty miaa matfrle mckeo ireaaurer 1 red hum ilia highteen or twenty acllvi member a hava been enrolled mlsamagkle bussell oonduated the service a week ago jb- miss nellie yemen list habbath oveulug mr hector mo iran ia oxntited to take the service next babbsth evening mr ilatirytrom nrjwlfa of baffala also mia jessie muutelth of hamilton petit s day or twu lu our vtlbkgo last weak lly were tbe guests uf mr j w mokoe the bible t las uf the lrabylertai babhah riuhuot here has been ootid uc led by mr leo bung fur ih laat few wesks itlu tfd lialoimt etires told etr i oowledge bnngl coot fort and improvement ujiuu to jjcis inu eiijij incut alien nglitly usod the mknj whujtva beu tor lbau i hriraand eujuy lifo more with leas exmimlituro by mora promptly luiiptiiig tha world a beat product to uie nuoiu of physical being will alter t tha valuo to htjtllh of the pure lupi d laxntno pitnciplea embraced in tho rciiiiily ryrtip of figm lis exculluuce ia duo to its present iiir in the f till in st act opl il e and pi a nul to tho laal u thu rtifrcahiugautl lrult uinficnj pi ktrtica of a pciflct u uiuo envtiiallf cunnsiiig tbe ajt m lilklhig c lis hehehoa aud fe rod ii mut illy tu ng ctuslipeti it boa lubu aatmfnt i n tn milhuna ai l snot wiih tho a d of tlio u iodic- i pit fcn i ifttiiuau it nfts on the hi ucjs liu unit b s w lb lit vtltxl tintng thont a it is j ixllt roe freea ei t ly nl ji cl j il o bilmt i it hi 1 1 p i f 1 r uf r tmlo t all drug giais in ik th hi a hut ii is mstin fat i t y llo i hi i ia y bjrup c in h uli i i ii i i nitrtt n cm r juicl ttt aho 1 1 o i sip f h is ami uing ll i i it 1 ju w t accit il snl r i tutu i hcirt tzvbry person t m n nu a 1 1 u u th tt m i ik ml s l til of till t in l sp hide nt r plpi ii t hiv jusl opuifd up siiut luu inks note p ipt rs with t nvt lopt s to matt h kough and smooth kult tl ind pi tin lso i nu t issoifim nt of nui uul 1 i tt i it ttn mil 1ipt nu s it ill put i s t tin dili st it j v kannawin di uggist and sttitionoi acton main btroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor smhll t profits wu arc tslirflml wilh a mail pro ilia and mick roturiia last week we told qii of wonderful bargains dress goods and the rcault waa thai hundreds of peopls look the advantage or the big kale and ware perfectly sallatlod iroa the profits for oa uere amsll unl wo got wh4 wa wanted tho stock reduced and he ready eaab now our btaple department wilt have to suffer this week and on thursday friday and saturday wa will simply bnrpmoyoo with the bar tuiiia- ploaso look through tho following prlco llfft a pilo ot i ant xilirrd la irint for 7o r yard a line uf nwl i laiuirlrlio worth ho par yard for c bpecial h ia lawn and muslin mg lo be sold at oxford bllirting ighama worth 1 ta per olitit lu bo sbld al y hhcctiiit nly ac worth 1 a jwr ysrd ur 1 3 pieces of whale 1 loui iou nr yard h piret it uf ceiiaiiin worth lie pft- yard nr i a lot nf i mo yard for iii ic per tr i uuo yard id a anai in 1 ill bhciiuf iluub worth iac ur yard ft good while t ottnii w un 10c fur 7tc hoalher tlckmk wiulh jjc pet ysrd for tc 1 atic teluiincs w rib 1 er ysrd for jc 1 xlra heavy oluuiado u rtli hsc per yard for 2c au 1 a hue f i able i li en t juat abuut half pnee i iiuleachnl labluila worth jtpti yard fur lic i nbloachcd i abhua wurth ic er yard for ijjc l nblcscbctl 1 sblnila worth uto wr ysrd for trc i nbkached tabling worth lc per yard tor wo bleached bamaaka wurth hm per yard tor clc bleached damasks worth tl per yard lor hie and about imi bcautilal linen table coders from 1 to jarda long to be sold at jual exactly half price and about j0 doien line i men tabic napkiua ram 7a lo si per doaru ami wa have extrs value in towela from un each to 7uo aak o see them at the same time we will give special 1 tergal ns in ureas uooda olovea hosiery 1arasola bummer millinery and jackass sow remember this ia a genuine cut in prices kindly call and inspect no troublo lo show goods e r bollert dt co ib ud al wjndhali uueet uuelru omt unflnuallon lt i mt cireat fire ai ib mammoth georgetown w lutlil i tl i m n kp lo ii- jmi itniiit ol tlu inimt tirt t iii j luiritiiim im tr net ii or lit iu ol liulatn t ul tlu llltuugcll htn iv ill ll tlcrti out rjiirtlktn ot tint al i biun liicr troml wt will null on lkm jhnln mulltlun illiurtliu mlllllleilj lllitrlllltiu 1 llllr ut ml it ii i mini j urn pt ii ui duns jmxin uurjl i in vh will bo noltl tur m 10c untl lc prima worth kb lur f rnmmtxl millu tiry tor halt prut utitriiu- iiicil hiili r lot au 1 lc uuul nrile iih r mid sloo wt junt him oii it rict imuii an iihow hut mid nc the ill m tht k a 20 per cent discount on all hhts bonn6ts flow6rs ribbons 6tc now is a good time to get a cheap hat or bonnet tetleys celebrated indian and ceylon tea samples free during co cor mill and main slrccu x imi all look fai and vstido and you won i find a laigvi u er stock ot optlcsl coodaof o cry drecnplloo then we have look ehd aud provide yourse f for a idtti 1 1 in i any lri you may make by felling a pair uf hold gla-e- small in m low in price thev lake up but little avjom and gtvo mil le pie iir savage co t i 1 1 uu ifkxsina ma tcttthu a i moullttno utlaxl block uu hsnj at prtuoa o ult john cameron proprietor ilin k iiimi uu mtil tmimiuin huraintt our milliut r and maiitlumaking dtifiirtitiutith un ipcii lor ortitim out tnilnninj dvimrtmimit mut in tixttdluil hplimidid ntiiu u onlti lor 11 a word to wool growers wo aro ntill tni i uk wool anct will gm oti the iniicitt price in lurih or trudc and ruimntl ou that having purchased jno new tonn 4oti ri a coj limit to ti hu titoth ol varnriaud uiu hriulcuhlu lru kluuntlri luankoth and twotmlri i their jurim mid uuiuiuih ihhil luuiud tor thuir w curing miahtilri and thocoiitimiauuii ut tho great ki11k bale ut the nninu ttiiic will kii fxcupttonnl niknntnrrcn ntwoirt htuukiiik ariim lor 40i pur lh worth and hoc mtirktm duy jii uuorio- tutvu every thurmlay that being nptttiil haruin tlu with us wm moleod at co ucohqktbwm i georgetown july jllim iop in paris t i i i i i i j it and mom l litiinii i paris ckiiln rotkbottinn pnn rq siviithoo h yiilhjm luitl mn tlon ild s juiipii iajios there ia stch ji demand for klntclaaa ball psnoa that i have ou hand a large attic k of heoond hand imaoue of dlffpreut makes both upright and atguaro taken in eacbauge ranging lu trioe from t7u to 900 which will bo old reason ab i and on easy tense any person wlahlug to parobaea attoh will do wall to call early and examine them al c w keuys music store ob upper wyndham stroot telephone 1 78 milton pressed brig u 3rnvrsotuieiaov fine pressed brick in rod urowq wx buft milton onl acton saw mills coai and woo vaituh j7c7ves brown him rim mkii tm ux4ixu in i uuibsi loth ttblli losl autl wuvil coal ui wood in atock slxl tuuiptly tlallverod lu any imrt l tlisumial inaaultabla irln llsriltmml and alaba uul atuvv length alway oubenil taletotoua tunuuluattjilaiwsj

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