Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1894, p. 4

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jictt- lyi t j rjl a4 y- r- v ctott jfrjcc fjress r- nllmtriiivy wouht y m flclir lloiinijxjjolug htt ii 1my mtlqk f 1 iltti u a tltiri i it fl ar lllllt ion i fmti fi ii tn imr jim niiulml howii in n ll titil nnl ui aloovt an i a rillhil aklrl tml ita color wela rlillojhil i iii ami hummhiu llx rtinlolno mug him throw back kuana lor mulfmr hi raloli ami wont kliinr tioppliiualiiik u ltd hiirrnwril tnod u i nyra full nl inars at hilialiiioti ilum luiiiipwar1 alia ran and atihlioil nut o liininiua ihm laku off ll llatlnnitajrb1 in grlaf tho liuttoual lin iuii llm ntlntol ftf tbry count mlr 1 h marry a iltlnf 11 u uat man ixitir man liogitnr tuali llilof mi 111 ll r ill i nil tiutjut tuut i want to ha heli rut i eauf uuihh vim ii ini mi onn button tilnro hotes here and thiqua iz z itoittflof oonoral intorftal lo frnn aprain1 himiio rbouiiiufii rmp imd prrun rnmlori imln ll wlm if iam i t a1i ll ml alir i i llighi jm gt 1tjtli tlulv ill rmrvmii- win iii r nl tiniii hmi4ir willi ihu rntu- h win h uill hii i hirumitu til irtijit ill- nil iiru imh ill- ari lhli i upon nil in rwrj da i if ii mm u bur tup i ill kiplhn lilnnil purr aiulltiaa luhlutu tnc 1 u i i i njhl i mhi m ml a it ir- ii r t i atl lmjldi hjkin i iiiin m fiijluly to mmhl rtrh rrui nt i 1 lalt it abanrli ihu gi r of dla monl lllla am hand tnnlt- anil ptihvt v i frair j r bfll ihui a what mil lnilt imnttry rt markori a en an lie ptd llm druggiat fur ft battle if artorlo l lakn liiinn l the baby i wan attaked rvarnly ui whiter with illarrlm vamp- ail bilin aml tlmuctit lllmt wna llli t ill lull ftir ittllnii mnl ir rwlr lur l rf w ill tflnw iwrrj nil ikjw i cm tinu llito sttllrnl rnmulv fnr aaviim m iito mfh k krllrt mukimi out ip j l lln ronmal frn liiit i lianl m or itiwilumpa jiihw taviu njiltnlii ourlx gnt nil 11m mnn jiiiri itulil rnni miihlintii on i sii l i hmllimvni i o ut wn if tlliiiln irom qjillrtii or ali lr l unrm syrtlli th a7c nml mir r iiiu wltlllll imjii llli ll i i lint i hi inlln ii rsri liu ii iirnltli iiji iiir nl ll m tml itax lake hciiit luiuritii in nin ll my wifu lit bl i 1mb the nr altrrtenliib- taking the placq of iard or cooklnz fcitcr or both coits lc roc farther and l caally dl 11 o a m nin n- ill nni 1 i ii 1 1 y n i i ili- 11 n rrllnl nmm jr ll hiu hfitla i m in j i i ililiu 111 m utj hi furinuli ul i kimli viilnlil iiiiily fur llm niiinl ml r 11 in n 1 nl urn if niiiiliiilloi lriinnliui c iiih tnilinnh nlwiji nnitlvt inl radical oiirr f viim ditnlity mill till nnrvom inn laliila rtfl r liiivinr t itn wonderful llirhllsn jhiuith iii tlllluhittlllk if cbioh li fell it iiih iluty in iitiih it kiinwn in ll itla anffrrltii fhltw aolitatnl liy tin niotlxn ami 1 ilihin- in xithn tinninn nil fieri tin i will i ml lr of ofarin to all wlm hclru it thin riiimn llrrmm imimii or 1m willi full ilin timih fnr prnparfn ami tiniti smiv ty mail by ailtlrrhnliif wltli mlntiti ioimtf ll lit iior w a ntn rm mii pfiwttii lllotk kvk hiit n y i hvrjclt success tlulf tin piil of i ruiiti hi 1 liy oulti vuliiin ihu iiuil ami onlv a luutl by rtwla n riiiin llfru hy illiprnl irnffi nlnna anil castoria for infants and children milllnw af pwiatii pwrwl t f it wttliiwt ap lty h la wqwrtlomablr lt lt f dr far lafkwu amj olilmf pld liai tr w cvujr 111m ft it ajl tlf hawmltlt it will tlffa- uwt it iailia aomttlla whl la fcwjllr aaftp auad pramtinaolr ywhwi ohhaa awtxil cjtarlt jaaiytty worma curtori fartttrfaknak caatoh p yoaajtta saw cbtj caatarta anrai dlayrhaaa ajadwlmt cellw flaatorla rallayaa taatlilbk tfammaa c boti c3aarttyatlm aaj watndaacy cathru baatvau utaaafeaia f aar aaaja al j fcu ww caatoria doaa nat otwtalw morphlaay aptro of otliat saraatla ynpartt caatori aaalaallataa t food r rwlataa ih rt ad aawala prli haaltlty aj natarml t oaia la pot np in anaataa fcathaw aaly i la klr mnll grand trunk enllway ri iu oolnulhfl woodengltavlyfi iokinc-st-east- cf toronto sendfor-prices- a ihu o llnw foollali it iiviiibtl atnl vt tnar hat itowll willi tier llotuttn untl ttiri ami ul uin imirn button nntii tlio r juki i ioc uii of what uioan ulrla hi iai tr littlkt1ffs 11 ti an regular hntiralr hlok hbu bo a prmtlly curtii by itnnli lo takr auro in hto l i lu iiiu i aa what slxtirh hlllo ihiuqa peopla ijuarrol limit what trivial matlcra cauaa ill fooling 111 fa mi t lea tho mu itnn boiii roiintrkl too hlllo or tlm bo ton mui1l at iiimon oliog tho ttiiunratiira of tho itouao or llm alyla nl cirtalna that oilht to bo buiiifht for tlio front wimluwa llio ilefliil turn of a woril or it protinucialiaii ro tlntiga uuu mulit ba aruuati plaaaauljy hihiiii but auraly art n i topioa worth hrrol whan koo ami km will art or no minli iinrwrtanca tn ll home a llllla ill fnilnm la hkna littln bwhi t iilav i into a larin irtm which will ahaliiw tho wholn hni illaiy k man ami womoti muat lkfk bk with roural on tho haaty word or tlio oold rnproaoli which woji tliu oiitorliik wed 10 wluoli aplit a houaohol1 iii two and yot how fow raako a mint of utiann tho aoft word that turtielli away wrath juarroliiijj la quo o tho original una i pppoio tor tlio babioa aitlinr on ilia iloor will fall out over their toy a and 0110 will puah down tho block towar that tho other hah built with patni aud than will ba a name callod aud a faca made aod a alai ulveb and mamma will be called to aottlo a rtarrol and no truth can be ot at for aach i rijhl tn hi awn eatnnation and each haa i toon wronged by the other ho tl la through life a reaaooatile guarrel about reat maltera may bo aettlod and the parttea made frienda attain bat little lifta tifta about nollnoh ara audi fooliah in tan kible tbingn that reaaoii cannot ovorconie something about bteam frmn hnrprr uunj prttpu what ia atuiiii- if ou look in tlio iliatlonary you will and that it deftnea tusatu aa an inviaiblo olaatic uaaoooa tluid enertol from water under the in tl mill 00 of heat i imagine that tharo are thoae wlio will be inclined to takeokoepliou to the word invisible oonuinod lu tho definition claiminx that they can aoe alcam pouring from llie exhauat pi tea on build llli fn which ttoam power uaed aud from ihe whiatlo pipeaon a tea 111 boo la novertho loaa a tea in la itmalblo ao loii aa it la 0011 tilled lo prove thla lot ll be auppoanl that wo pour water in a clear bottlo until it la about half full then tightly oork it and place it over an alcohol lamp al lowiiiff it to remain tlteru until the water tan be aeon to boil now there la uol the alirhteat augkoatiou of auaui or vapor n the bottle yet we know that all the apace above the level of tlio watar muat be ailed with team becuao ihe water ia boiling now if wo pull out the cork and lot the team eacape into the altnoepherr it will turn white bocauaa the oold air will con ilanae it proving that what aomo have mittakon fur a team la only a uilat and not the real article i hia coiidetiaod atoain haa iarted with ita charactenatlca aa atoain and inatoail of being a gaaootia uuid it ia auiiply water in amall particle like fog tht rube that failed thev were newly married but ao nloiotly hfid they covered lha fact that mi one know it they aauntered nonchalantly into ihe dltiiii room ul the hotel and look their aeata 11b look a paper from hia pocket and buried hlniaelf twhlud it while ho auppreaaod a amall yawn ami looknl out of the window kho had junt begun 11 oou gratulate linrarlf upon the auoceaa ul their achemo when lha wtilrr brniiulit their nrdor i lin uowlt luarrled man put lua paper ilnwn and hia eyra rrnlml mi ouu of ihe dlahoa mb looked uli kly at tier and aha bluahod deeply and dropped her fork ho grow red uwi and amid lha amllea of thuae near by aald to ihe waller take that riot away lt liy doing our duty loam lu 1 11 i ha ileal i uugh ure la llagyard a 1 coral italaam 1 1 ileal 1 tho lunua and uurea ooujjha and oolja she would not be patient she sighed for health found 1c in pafntfa celery cobq pound ihere la uu virtue lu palisuoa wliai wlu and dlaeaae tor man i the lody it la a orlmo agaluat heaven aud uuf fellow mor tal to allow divaaae to gain the raaatery wbou holp aqd dure ia at our verv doara a titrifvloii tnt tbtrytttbi mattiei tif a largo family au fie red for many yoara from kidney trouble and neuralgia hedioalaul and numberleaa medio nea failed to remove her iroublaa bhe beoama vaty impatient with medical elforla a ho chafad aud fretted aeoauaa her llllle unu ouuld not rtoaive tho allontiou from her thai they needeil the auflorlug wlfoand mother trovtdeut ally had placed in her hand a record of pliroa audwuudarful reatoratlona lu hoaltli jj t fwt a celery tt ill at vary day alte pruouiad lo butuca nl tiix vkitr rmttn nut tittmmcx ja ihnr iierma tg ilonil ivllru tlxyrem tiny ao jl ata canity ink 11 ao jrh murrnnd imtural in the- wnjr they kpjj act imi dlnturu- h 111 unpha- ahaltata niitiii- n n-ni- tl tlou afterwnr1 k wtlmire nuult f c i jt fll ni non ufttl telnltln mu tam auajaa wted titwr ttwttiwar atamm auaaib- dae ia a rurrotfl laintlw hllpti mill f1 illihkillliill ink- 1 tho ku right v rrjiibitir 11 ntlu uwetiimtloi iir htiimn i ihiiim hi k or hlhm- hmln tin nnl pv r 1 rnnf mrnl tli inr htomn b ami ln u dr hog tnlnrrh itptnnlr fall ti rn lb- r wrl n of iirotin i nin ii von mi jllha rf abo imiiir it from mir 1 ink r uffertheyu guuimitrr it in evury caaa a youlh la uaually very conaoioua of how little bla aide kaaw wa aa aw an alder hlmaelt thou ho begin lo realist lha dolkionrlea of youlh klerk a powdrr eatli package of whitli contaiiia two preparation uiw in a round wooden box tho rucr of uhuh forma a for kick headache ami stomach alao ncu ralgla and all kinda of ncrxigi laun and another in capaulra from 1 tu 1 of one ia an ordinary doar which artaon hip itowela liver and stomach forming a never failing perfect iroatmenl fur all head an istoiuuch complaint 1 liny du mu aa nvut ptlla and to niauoiher medioiuea do iomj ihelr fllecl or protlute after oouatnwti and are nice lo take ciiln a bos at all medicine daalera au old clergyman a advtin to a young one don t have loo many heoda lo your earmona if you du you will ttnd ll difllcill lotcuro atlcutlve tare for all of thorn oarl dlaeam uatiaed in 11 mlnulca caaee of tirganm tir aympathetic heart dlaeaae relieved hi thirty minutea and tguickly cured hy or agncw a ure for the hoarl one diao convince hold by j kaniiawii a hlllo girl aakod hor aiaioi u ii waa tliaoa that papa teada abuui ihu old or child ropliod why il ia a k i pile of tin nothing and 110 place lo put it i he great lung lioalci la found in ilia i ex c i lent iimdinno mild aa itirkle a anil kin uruptlve uyrup it aootliea and dimiu lihea the neneibliity ul theiiicmbraueuf the throat aud air paiaagea eud ia a loveroigu remedy for all cougha oolda hoaraeuesa pain or aorcnea in tho cheat brunchltia ole it haa cured many whou aupiiowed lo ke far advantod 111 conaumptiuo au oltt aallor eaya he doaen t think that olumbua la entitled to aj much credit after all for dlacuvcrltig atnerica aa tho oouutry ll ao awfully lurgu bo oou 11 mil eaally hat 0 iniaacd it hkm diaeaacn are more ir lcn uuaaiiuo1 by bad blood it it it nirra the follow lug hkm dikaioi stiuglaa 1 ryaipclaj llchlng koahea hall hlioum tld head bruptloik iunploa and iholo by re moving all impurili th 1i lion nmirl nl ts f tian t if ll t mini dont ik a fool fcia l at y rufuae in tn iinpi iijhiii by jrr era uhtu liny ntteinpt in pnlin proilueiug null uk lira fur 1uliiai leaa torn liacior tlio only a and aiilfa rir run ililna lilra i it ll j ll mrr at all groccrs mnjonlyby h k fairbank do lile- vire lin tnkii l h 1 1 lij d on dnkrit nmr hir frtullnri flitfu r iflt iitlifon 1 nvbliiji time nearly minn 1 i nun ur owner and farm vi n trniil ihiirt i ranee with nlk iiltintkh iiun aolvril oun prohlt m in turliiciiik lnglaud 1 iitro lhv trying out that hin prgpla are id from tin inn 111 trance iho n p plu rv now married to llio dlliveh us fhom temptation lading ul dtbln ie aiil to lhocrittc of mil lint lii t in nun 1 f lt livltiug you from no old labplai- tant a r o to aah yai aartklim alaa a a flaa wr prwamlaa that it ia jwat a good amj wfflaaatraf mrf p saa that ton km qastottia tha faaalaalla eltrwateura af liw arywry iiij i ttiniittili ml 1 nnd ronld grt nnttiin it lid mid im of llr 1 r ttttt tl tfw fr o 1 miphtlv uun 1 u i ii n i i am mnttwmil ii h ll ilubla uud yuu uill itl ha fnr v tt-ht- attrt yrm wi lit n irit untl bruit von children cry for pitchers caatoria 7ti powders curt sick hcaaghe nn 1 neuralgia in uo mtmurwa rt 1ic tni- n hill nyiir 1 1111 1 1 uiiii athin partear ob cmtira jtr citto orowaa etlty t war limit tal lo rnr i bud ottki rejlsorcratgr dr fowlers i a r u r i 1 1 i 1 nlil nn 1 ih tl were tiugtit ii jiiai kit and pilla mnrtalu believed tin must ctidir th h ru f llr inail fui du active midsummer butinebb this year resit on several antecedents appeared in i r kaljay and with hia lneenge aro t uit d thn 1 1 in lhal had lo bo ciidnrnl uy ape plica otwfo bow id dnwii by gnuf may now obtain iotiud for rihit hicljay h ilnr inrnt t j renin boi or i boira for a dollar mnmi il ld l alawp uf u il 11i1 1 i ln the oljol lome and lu throe tvluka tfiue ahe frit that aha hod at lat found the way to health after uallig oven buttlea hhe waa made bale aud atruug very trace of dlaeaae hod been banished aud to uae her own word iib fait aa ll a jiw life had been given to her 1ainaa celery compound aau and will do ihe aaine gotwl work for all who colter it ia a ouuuurur oriliauaai wliouavcr uatid lugleavllw uhenm 1 tipelaa by ui most successful remedy 1 f6r man or beart ortaln in tl rffrt nn mi ullrn i iid ttmutw linluh kendalls spavin cure isrs vjz ban iknll im in an i ittn litbra cuvu lr 1 hcrttkitlu a tuirul ttwun- 1 ura mjly lluuv iniweu ii kendalls spavin cure i u1 r i 1 jlil i i rl iii much jtii wltj l- uiat my fall iillcn lev aludtul at a mcdlci or low a worm move woima tif all kimla 1 adult 1rile 10 sold by aglrd i tolltmi hyrup uoi dlzotl with iioddlbrift l tic lha 1 turd page ul llio 1 orouui lluuf mutl la notetl lor want advertlaeiucnta if you want to buy or aell anything if yoi want a altualloii a mechanic a buat 1101 uutuhinary lodgtuga if you have lmi or jiund any idling or if you want to and out where auyotra ia adrortiao in tho to rouui lii it ji iiu and read the advertise inciiti ou the ihird page of thai paper i in 1 harge 11 1 wu canta a word oaoli in aerlioii ldr fht mail toronto can nmdr j it alleu l un the folio hit my wfe lilrrpd ohtlvtmirn lliwnrtl lllrn 1111i omplainl wti tnuii ihu pbtnu any in in bo r of nicdicitioi utlini am elitf until wr got a botlli f a lyman n rgtnble i wan the jlral r hrf hii got ni i b uilllti waa imtd lilt imiik ll i it ilpa il kiin oihlrthni he tlta for aeldoui gotitl or anyll relief 111 s11 hour and bladder diauoaoa roliovuil in aiw liuura by the new soluli tmmoan kidney urr i hr now rotlludy la a grial aiirpnau ami dulighl to p1irloiutia nn account of 11a exocdliig promiliiea in r loiviu am 111 tlm blmddlr kidmy- auddvuy purl of the urinary paag 1 in male or ftimali 1 1 aallig it almoal imimlatol 1 u want tjhh rnllnf aid nun thd in v ur rumedj sulj by j kmnmivm a norld uf tiloauoiua for llm tni lium for llm nk girl room for llm glad ant nprlgk of blihiui wo plant with tha nppio trrfl au i imualotalh hale at tin cuh ul llio year th re arc always man dtnlliu pirticulnrly mnnri ctitlrtrpii frnm fjnm nplaint oianh 0irritrr morbus raiupa it tml thin iiimlly fro nd fatal and 11 know that a of ivrry imv luur until 1 never been ki hutu and ptcd ur mil llilti h taklhg a tra1jnlu iaiu iwllrr in v tur is ihe lilsli ovrry half aliuiej hint remedy haa iiwu to fail 1 nil dire tima botllc ll in kept b uvary re pet table druggul new 111 old rat you i i 1 11 i mi i i i ll llm extract 1 ntn f wild strii wv f tin 1 if l nd nunhi rurwi fo ii 11 1 1 iiidiniitfl ombimti ii ttli lit 1 ii mill 1 1 prompt turiulvo t lin 1 11 i 1 il to ll tdltil htlellcc rdinary opportunlllua for aeourlug great liargaina in worthy 1 briuga glvoa ocoaalon for the study of nary opportuoiliea lo meet thcin ought to piotluct neuralgic owapwcauob pains pocofet plaster itwilldibpel the pain lkc magic i mi i i hi indian u f t dirih 1 1 a f 11 tumuli i k pi i ufore 1 1 t f wild parasols a of rolora and patu i men b olothino fltue sorgo bulla at ti 10 hummer coata at tl du bummer coat and vast at tl j wttr zk sv l w ft if mu irll yuur fripda ii l allvl 11 rlwiim utui 1i1 a l 111 int ultit li i hi n n111 rl i riirllunl iaki iii i iiitiih in hl iilu thn tl airsl luutl wlille tin iillll hair lilm llrli i mi i 1 lu iinl lnr nulal r ikk frli it rnni nialti vati u r all rr fota llirv iiionlh itlal aubwrriiitliiii u the whole family ttcm ti i 7 i jo r hi simula haaa iurmt in m tfmy rxioit american itheurtiatit 1 lira t itliriimallatt aud naualgla radlually luiwiu 1 lo i day la ocllou upon tha ayalem la romarkablt tit lur g al h sviiat d curdle lay that vl marriod in id llnd i lhrr ll 1 at ui aauae aud the dtaeaaa immediately dla appear 1 he ural duar greatly beiollta 7f uenla hold by j kainiawiu drug -f- only a step from wutik lunkt lo con sumption from duplutud blood to anosmia from dls- ated blood lo scrofula from loii of flush to lllnos scotts emulsion the cream ofcodhvor oh provonts litis lop frotii being uikon tuid rosiioro- houllh phlfsirmits tho world over en- dorao lu omtm lkhikf sibillliliir fetrtt t ikiana iwhollw all 4 mm a l u a pi uiiraa luuky man you uf joir had wnrltrflnrntt ihagrrat multawh i thus you sav ml out d lla1 uu lln 111 yhc lor iu hrrllj vi vertlmuha lor paptir ruaclivn 1 ovary wk ami y mit ihoayaolmi iiomi a4vextlaan t drill i pju in- anil llm la ihail all llm in ita behalf ii a 1 cine and ufa gun rlovto l wi ita medlnal prop rit- l thklv l rdnr1 rcwted iiglh ii wb wm l pur il d ilia ui llr ll if iw for 1 im a shoe i- i 1 1 til tlut 111 iii till 1 tlil ured boys olothjno abouuding bargaina at the alorr ianu aud htar buirt waiat for n uat the thing for the boy a cool j iryliab we cat our gar men la to fit the c abaolutcl low pr prints and challies the fascination uf low pricoa la tl apiratlon of llio retail buallieaa wei by any atandard theaa 70 gooda ir and ttc jualitlea millinery hhady hata jaunty hata htyhli hau lor out aud aboullng and aorl and vu7ur7wtaflt prmtioal at- pricoi al luia than hauin wurk itaultl aamt friday afternoon closing llkfiliuu will cluao every 1riday afternoon during the balanoo of july and augual ii oooordatico with an agreement entered into with the principal dry iooda aud clothing iluuaca in tlm city wo trual our cuatomora and all thoao athoaro in aympath with tin tmivemuut will aa far aa poaaiblo arrange uol to have any aliopplug on friday afternoon and thua not place ua and other merohanta who are part lea to the agreement under any diaadvautogo aa compared with thoae morolianla if lliere he auy who have tint lallou into hue in tho half holiday movement j d williamson co gljhl ill of wild m iwl iv 1 i i 11 ll til 1 v 1 1 1 u r t h u- v u i 1 a f tl ii iii 11 1 1 it strawberry ii i ir ir 11 i1lllllll ill llllj- vi 1 ii 1 i 11 1 cures lliov rtlf 111 s 1 illirnii in 1 r ii i h tl i lllmmlllld pnstn tii t t lr i r u yu ura gl t ii 11 summer i- 1 i i k hi litl 1 it 1 l 1 1 i i 1 iii lll iljulvrilut 11 iilalr nn is i- 1 jm 1i it km 0 complaints irio 1 it il j 1 iiilnlui d kiltblillll n t i 1 mi- iilitllolla iltiltra fr li r i r 1 rtfu rs speight db son powder thecooks best friend largest sale in cal funeral direutoi furniture dealers t lujlcto pi ittis ltut liable personal attention everything satisiacu ih kkmtn al saik 1 mi n ni piujuim 1 it mm 1 tn mtut prcinisfs cm 1 m 1 i jim llmill i ill lllllf ii l 11 n 1 111 1 u ii hi 1 1 i ill i llim ll i 1 i i j ii mrll imirn i luliliiii im tin ioodh 1 11 i c11u winl erli colli a wyrl iivu 11 it lli mil iortinu t miiu nptlon ciub ciudplh l li 11 iiicu an a curnf 1 una sd 11 horclcubtillalioparou cluhc wolsi1 jjyir1 flw i ii gmlloh8 vivailizer lh and 1 luil biki a v iht i y iht kin t k liawlitinftiil tnnoirulonn aiyut i li f 1 n ui 1 i shlltha v irhavl ilv mka i iiu 1 is 11 i tonj errr uml pof ivbicrmta llvur of hjdmur trotibla it oroiiu iticowch smlohtstcatarrh lljttniu y jj tldaj will pauura lulkivoaiwxiiwjui fimuiiio tina injortor lor iii 1 nitatdl trvulnieutu it twuuvatetl in tli jirepartd by nortliripaitil tux 1 unu it haiu llm till luik ripurd aud jmrauu uf weak pud utiiiiiin 1 oiialilult wo would aa navui u without u th111 ululiouau ii im tuim nil ilrilgglala mluwriuldlliulllt h ill nir iunilataixl free itinnwohcl in aukl on n aruarauuw t utv ihe itiiiitillit ituiauuii w wtlliams u i un acton l1ykhy his i1nl u wull liiuifill uuj slllali illguuti lliuuulniil i llllllllilulluul lilifilll lll ioiin wimiamni mana e i ootprinba on the sarins of time 1 11 in in ihit mtijit i i iht 1 1 1 mis nii mu ill thiir stuj 1 1 i 1 kikl ihfi i v uihlr intl iluurts t ii ih i thll itliltr ncvtt sirm to fjrt njwlwrr i partic- ul 11 imi wlniif whoh iitilicm scflil- ti lie that nl mining isilt irom nhstillcs ojlus iiiii 111 tin ujriit icuiilh of their stride remind one of lli tniklit uiap of the kuiraroo thoj are i 11i1 iitll kiltnik somi wliij and on rcllcction it iiuislo the ohsirmi that thebe must be the rru ks ol those shriwd ineilliant who ot theie i lumping fromwie uhertisemeiit in the alios 1 uli l ss to uiotiivi and at we ponder thnii piodimous stndis those beautiful lines ol the poet 1 nine to mind koolpiints that prihaps anothia hillllllu oii hl luiu ijlluk some lorlorn ami ishjiwreckcl bvathci siiiiik may take heart eijii the royal flectric co 1 1 m contiurtti 1 bjiliima or l1xotiu0 l1u1t am tquid btationb tuntikjiiii f till- 1ji1mm ootq tngton st the bc3t aajw advcrtisinc medium in the world is the local press a perfect article baking powder lummrcaluuitliti il rnm tirtr lt tin- ntili i ih irioiialptifbotu only r imi1 in tlu prt iirili 11 ll1inilt 11th limtwl roper- for iii lhu 1 at i till i1ij4t tltockun nkll if caffaroma tho wnoot furo orourrtl cofpeo in tho world bold in tine only ir ui gt it at your lit itrrnt pm 1 t n u inli in llnrtti aimn mttn mntitrrtl nhnwill null itiim imi iv irotml eaiililu to hit ullrinn 1 iii liuul iui1 nuui uuuuii ii imi tor tl 111 mm uj lubys pakisian hair nenewcr f iw-a-

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