Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1894, p. 4

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w more vn itttn ftljr jjoung folks acca fuui frum llnrtrr ohiui t i am nut imtlim ell o dat trill wy caitlmu m1 i ali lial vnl iiai wta4taultm4w4l fontttir alirknf rtiifllolu lllil i aaa cam ful villi li nna ii ram araimda i itn ilial fnii liu rj kl ii mor- tnrkoukl uiuldn i link m- ill larea ill w- swa i n i hilnk ihirfaarful erl 4 iir aliojjy fniiil til heat relic ion fob ydunq men notes here and there l ltnm of qonnral in to ram toftao prflt if a nod aimlllr always eooornpanlea gora hradih md nil absence of appetite i mi ulicatiuit of a- inrthlim wrong tim mutcml f mii nmnt kivp h in iivk iimii iimmij harapanlnt ii 1- iih m lrin the app till ami a put ill r of h 1 1 ul lonalilulen the blfotnl imiu mlal nu ihat ran ik- urcrd fur ant mr li m- iihi imi1 m molina tx ml anil ilnrl ltil 1ltr mir- j li itlttrr for ft ill- nil find il vir ihu- cure 1 lttr i of hrili 1 1 mill 1 ill lull miit li whale hhat t prak of llw beauty of hojlnaaa in vouth i fanot dial ouh men are most of all lixlinnt to fee ahy of the whole qiiny lo ai il niun of uravn roatric lions nthrn t kwi of rant all very hruikfnru lit nitty student bill fur a min inn lihtmiiii forward m tin comrrmn work ami pfraaiiin of thj wyrli and re jiiiciiij in hmtoiib hfu ah wait a while aud ti it ih lu that tco life uf tiitoroua you ill jnuih with ita kern aenae of life youth brate and skillful in manly irl youth jut entering on tho strong work anh ntronit temptations of ilia world il ia uh such a llfo that earnest uuafluctod re lilfiouaneaa brinj the cry lineal itrace of ml manhood it would not make him weak but penile and helpful with lla iranjilh il would nol lessen pleaaure but koop il sweet and who low mo the very nicmeal lauh dijtt wmci rluiunft to ms lhronh the halla of memory ia thai ona of of my oarly frienda who alwaya am mod lo ma the moal like hnt of all i avar know iteliion aroeit unaihamed religtou doea not maka a oddk man ibu tirave but more addins to mare nerve and pluck that finer courage which cau aland up wjuaraly acainal wrtidg aaylno to pro faulty and duaipatiun aud aay 11 ao aa lo bo respected and ao lo iho wtiou own nit religion tivea a richer uapqncr appreciation of all tliinge kraal and rood and that interest in higher thinga which kaopa b t iha f ttm aa helpful men of each new generation urooka her ford d d a case of had to t wan mltpckud jjii verity imhi intnr wjtli llnrrlii cramvnd ollu iul tlioiiijlil lvfitnoriiii 1 1 ml if hut fiiiiinnilv i lroi tr tbwlura extract uf will hlrahbcrr and n rm i mil ihallk ihu km i itit l fi iiutdy for ritviiih in litti lioly liaa it vri ilnniuliirnl t iprunnlnn on hia fee naiit nnrurl clinllynti ojm loj- llfnl ipln i lllu till- 1 t r i pmkfi lfn h miikm- i h round wknii l v ii luli fount it inioni lr i- i iiiitik r hrf rir hi a ii i i i hin i n ni u mlcin wmtwtt kimlw iif utirf ihm i ii 1 uf iiiuu- ail ordinary i j mih h n inon th ilownla 1 mi i and btnilluili furiiiiin it tint r failiiif l j i irthtiu it fr r11 llnd nil i4lucll tmwr fherr 15 ilioat wlm hilt alrrad- im pprptinal rsprrttmtf imnirtl uf tin imat triumph it conaervatlvo surttery hilorttl tj- tin liinmimi uf thai fniwl inntl miliua iiiimi him li tttiind nniawr ir lnalanir- tilmfirq lt artan hlnll li rim an i i umuno ihntir nniiti- klitnilialaaiiil iih r nuiarmillii nwtauaaiil tin rlj- tlit h rlla r i iiltui tnwmltitu pile tumors ar liiwrr tmwi i an- pitmnmttlu cnnil wtlhuut pnln nr rrr1 in lf knlf- riiptiirp inarlmlimlalurnlliillr wllrloiit pnln tniiam ran ltf thrown cttflmp i h uladdir no nmlt r lw olunc urjn- l cmahiil iultrril wuli nl otrt and aafi lr n nun it i wlltiinil i nltluh strictures r w oimulunco nimitl mtlliiiu tll- tlna- in imnitmu of oaw- hit ivinphlrta nuim nna rrft n itw unit all part ten i lam ainrl irn iqiila in alnuiin l irldi nuprrimr main slrrrt ituttulu tntwn itev i had a funny esporiauce in a little towu an tho miaaiaajppi aald ii blacklay a trayelliuu man the place had but oua botal the landlord of which ooodocted everything ejioapi itta cooking aud houaa nleamnft which hia wife attended to i waa tba only sural aud when i told him that i wanted to go up the river on a packet due anywhere between midnnibl and lb roe o clock iu thi morning i waa abown to a room immediately avet ihe office and waa roint to aleep when i heard a ahrill femin ine voioe call john you come to bed bailie ou know 1 kainl o lo bod ool to wake ill a i blamed drummer i enjoy ed the aiiuatidn and laughed myaalf wide awake not keltini alcapy for two houra tli en the feminlue voioe called again john 1 aay come to bed i kaint go to bed lei that peaky drummer wake him elf taint no way to run a ho 11 and there waa ailence again liually i went to aleep aud waa aoon awakened by a moat uurarlhly racket 1 ho old man waa pounding on the ohloe oeitlng with a broom handle 1 m awake i auawered 1 dou t believe 1 ii go on thai boat im loo tired t ii wait until to marrow 1 reckon you won i ian ba down byar in iwo minutea or i il im artor you i aln i goin lo ael up all nlglil for nullnu oaughllhoboat cjucinnall bmrr an eccentric judge ifaytirt beat producta aru logwood ma ttoganj and coffee a doon to llorwmeii one bottlr of enghah hpaviu liuiiiicut completely ro moved a curh from my liorao i lake pleaaure iu recommending ilia re hied aa it acta with mjatenoua pronipluea in the removal from horaoa of hard aoft or oal unaed lumpa blood npavin apliula curba awoen atihea aud aprauin leorgn itohb farmer markham out hold by i kanmwin th li i i i i llll h ltimi 111 malldraku lid 1 illk vmii c nl ulrrlilh rn ihu of the must co slncr ootmllni hat enmc to lil iu pile llu- iluf ictlnn u llh u huh ihrr illrtl the advent n the ntwsluirlenlii tdttnte nlilnitrd l hi ip llv in tis- itic riimiiiioiis s i lldof itlbuivi not imlv r li itiit jfcmliir ns a ni ti ul i i dirt but k am mil i i thi ul he rritcr il drsiti i ill id inji rcsllhlf hint tinl miiii mi tp 5 injllml ni1 ul ii hie ihmliat brd prumotci fry gottolene ot once nnd wimc no httie in jivrovcrin ilky llioiivmjj of others tlut ou i wive now w u for lard iluartlj rtimn ilnllovpd in 110 mlntlfeii all niiiicn of iiraiiia or jtyinpnthijjo litart juacaiflltlkvtil ilijjiiti mlimi a fim hlj 4mii by dr ajjurw a jnrn tor hid lrit rt un iloiu niiviuriih hold bv 1 kiuuiatvln ihe i lord j f th lnnti tium i ih nod ff wtnl ilvirtialiiiiiithi rlf ou wiuit tr buy or mil unuiuii if joi witiit n kiln ilion it niilnint it imihi iiliniry lodjmm il jim l ht nr f illuil niivlhitic in if iiti tvnllt lo llnh oitl itiyijiin ih itdvrtlmi iu lhi in mini tt and roul tl idtirtlho iuiitm tin- 1htm p thatwpr- ihti rlmtfi in i wo mill u word imoli in 1lr ih i jnrontii cau what is iila li i initu mis i itu t hivalrv i iiitj hi i nt ol niinlliy i mm runout m mritly bur in il h f thi biimmini lif nitj t h iu li im jiml tin idlli ii tin rli f t wii ilrenaitll wh- uiivortilintti ml liiv llh llr j llllli m of iiih fit whli nn ri iimnlly for wlmt nnturii castor i a i it tail or uliitulvjia l ii 1 iu ihki d nwrntii vu oh lnt u hrnlil v hum lv miu lur luhbliint my nlum uid th llll inli inpinth lllt llilik hiln kliiiimt ntly j iu jamaica raiactt iiiilln andpimrnlil collm lrupi i ha late bir matthew ilegbia of llruiii columbia waaa trifle cocentrio a little while ago the jourualiele of the provinoe oatne under hia caualio uolice uometimea lb a jurjineu aervyng under bim were vary aeveroly dealt with for example in lir3 a man waa charged in ictoria with killing another mao with a eaudbag and in the faoo of the judge annuo log up the jury brought iu a verdict of not guilty tina gmiond for utom a very pointed judicial admonition bald tbe chief juatioe uentleiuan of the jury mind that la your verdict lot mine on your oou aclence will reat the atltfroa of reluruiuk auoh a diagraceful vrrdict uany repoii tiooa of such conduct aa your a will rnako lriaj by jury a horrible faroo and the city uf ictoria a neat of immorality nd crime oo i hajvo uolhiug more lo aay to you and then turning to tho priminer ilia chief juatice added yon are dlachmrgod oo and aanabag aoma of thoae jurymen iboy deaerve il hon 1 lnrcrt ihat lo rcinud cyrtia warla bui i f few daya all that ia required la to apply the old and well lea ted oorn euro im nam a iaiuleaa tyoru hstraolor hum aia paiuuaa fulnama corn hrotor makea no aore ajiou bard lo heal acta julckly and iiaiuleealy uu hard and aofl paines celery compound if itu history and reoorda wore- written there would be many largo volume ii blanus fah abovt ail othtll mbdicinbs if iho luolofj of i ium loj muud wrnfc d all il ivoijarful and alimtat iniiaculuua curoa tlou in dnlail it wuuld inakc a number uf large vulumoa olorv prnfhmind b a lii uuwrlllrli lhal will never failo some lumlini lnunu w unl it ia a ploaauri lo recommend i mtlay a livor ioeigoa j allard there la nothing njual in laelja a liver ioxcngea for indication aud dihoun now c wiamur rjmiljiy a liver lixeugca iivia uli aatiaiaclion aa lo be rowing rapid i in public favor i wiljorn laeljay a ilver iizongea maud ai the bead aud are the beat medicine of their nature auderaou 1 nelluc jlmmie iapa why u ibu ullad a foantajo pen t iapa trubably fecauao it produoea a wonderful lluw of language whenever it ia uaed ihe boyaal school liuja who uotuy at achool ahould alaaja have aome ijuick and aura reined w for auddsn attacks of cram pa lharrhf or ijyacutcry for a pbyaiciau ia not alwaja near anj an hour a delay in caaaa of line kind ofteu lead to aerioua reaulta therofore parentit should aupply their aoua with terry ijavia iatn killer which ia aa efliaaaioua a it ji implo aid harmlea dlreclioua are with each bottle and una doae rarelj falla lu bring relief u a sufferer from any bowel oomplaiul only ia fur a bottle double ja ptoduod a large part ol ll a indlgu aud pepiier oentlemeu i hm uk1 joui elltiw oil and bar iuuud h uoeualldd lot burila apraiua acalda rlieuniatiani oroup aud colds all who uae it recommend it urn hight montreal jm the windward lalatida ntnd oil an abuudauce of arrow um kheuroaljam curoti lit a day byuth amerioau itheumatic ure for hhouuiallam aud neuralgia radically cures m t lo i day ita action upon the yafcnput remarkablu and myaterioua it roroovca at unco the cauee aud the dlaoaan immediately dm appears the first doac greatly baiiellla 7a oanta hold by j kaunawin drug giat how ealaud opurta froxon uioala but ter ohceae and wool lonnlmition i t uml an old physician retired ilium nut lavilik had plaoed lu hia hand by an haal india miaalonary the formula of simple vegetable reinody for tho aikwdy and per niauent uciro of jonaumption itronchltia talarrh aatlima and all llirtiat and luug afloclioua alau a positive and radical cure fur nervous debility and all nervous cum plaiula after haviug lealed iu wuuderful curailve owera in ihouaajida uf oaaoa haa fell it hia duty lo make il known to all hia suffering fallows aetna tod by una motive aud a dnalre lo relieve till loan aufforlng 1 wiltwend frea of nharge lo all who deal rut i una recipe in gorman h reuuh or knjluh with full dlrooliuub fur preparing and oaiug sent by mall by addrotaiug with alauip naming una palter w a nuim jmo iowera block hocbraler n y i aaw a very curious thing to jay what waa is r a woman driving a nail with a hammer luaumui uf with the iwok of htrlla wool in l mi like to know if yowar the- llrat kirl thnt i mtt nvrr tored laaocl no i d rntlil imi certain ihat i in tlxi lant our 1 has cured of li 1 year by mlnai i back after niiftirii i i ifiimoul hobcil un 1 x urtl ol liphi lulled b minor 1 n 1 n iiligoniab mr uuol hai 1 i af that 1 1 mu hmi i ou iltal forth liart of mi hoiuiueruiityu la ho oh i mritl n nvl for her ban mr jot i i mi writ i llu im lblc lllici j i soul iiil am all gone and 1 am lit 1 to say that ii haa grcall bent tiled i hows who hate uaed it one man iu particular u l made bin a imw niitu and hu can nyl nay too much for ita cleauaing aud curative qualities i iji produces tnnaiias collon roconuu and avoit potatihn kellct in hlx iloilrt dtnlrrhsiuhkldn and bladder diauanea relieved hi an linn b the now hon i h american hidn cw reinody in a grtiat mirpriim and delight to phy hiciatia uu at roiiul of ha escmdlng proniphiosu in roleaving pain lu the bladder kidneys and utery tart of tho urinary plana gen in male nr fumali it rohutoa retention uf water and pin iu nnnliil u ntniosl immediately ii you want juick roller and cure una ia jmr remedy hold by j kaunawin 111 will you think ol um whun i iiiut t hlui damiing w mr tila late if you will givu mn al opportunity r low a ilaaanf t r s mp r of all kinds iri chlhlr adull rot hu ii 1 i most successful remedy for man or oea9t ciuin lu it rttn- ut i i r ml 4 m jkendtastpavmuure i j miiii bi ih n- hiufnt b l lu nlrutl uliu itiw kendalls spavin cure lift ii j hmjflowlm i my accepted loior aaka fur iho ilrnt klu botv many hall i ive lum sir m baby wa voiy lii ii mm lunr complaint and i iiioulii l hn 11 11 dlt- until i tnetl dr lowlnrn 1- lira t of wild strawberry with the itrat iioh 1 noticed a change for tbn better and now be is cured and rat aud healthy mr a norinaiidlu london out ho if 1 should propoae u you what would io iho ouloome hbe il would depend entirely on ilm income lhal ilm kl ii nigh i an tx pi hi currd by fihryntrtii rurtorat ititatn irila l nr i lv c tit tuitk ii i hi hihtollk htnd mi thn ul nth 1 dun t ol jour hard io h t dnof chivalry um i rhlbank of thanle i li k of 1 imiu url i ly nol jr i u ho do m iitrj liny ltunde thu hink iv wth i u if k pi likmm within ita 1uhihu ifnnmi prunuca ul prutcctiug- tbih b the 1x m lijuiaultli waadijiioai n iih ill itn r th iiun mn iim ihn tun i th il i m lloodud urglitr would ihiia imi olilirl in work hi wil iit mil hi k down n luinont 1 ik on in i iuli i ven imyin i jiliiudar taitlt- win il llii btnk olli ure arrived h ihu walir ttas drawn off the iminry turn down mid tin vhiiiih opouod 1 lit btbk of rmaiiy like ilioat othir ntnti pntiiir iiiiiiiiitign imu a military auh 1 to p fortlllml iillllt kepi th jn tt it lu foi ery tngly th kiili 111 haha an send out h1u on do a pinea ijiloa a id lal g i in li 1 si k 1 oil 1 lor hich 1 eadaohc lllho i ncllal giu ai d lltei mr win 1 1 it haml i 11 i bulleiud fur uu u clc otr from severe 1 eau he- mithini did mo tocd jutl 1 got star k 1 owdor mr 1 lur act wiles ol of alllce wol uck bla k iowd rr am a m e ore l a o far lo tho lhal when hi glrj i uf a uuh dr i wi i he ii or im noblest uf llio bruin uroallou when an tiering from a out auraaluu ur aorf derivoa aa much iwuelll aa its master lu a like predluameut from iho beating aoothlug acllou of dr 1 liumae kcic trie oil lameueaa awelling ul the neck allfl neaa of the jnii la throat ami itniga are rehoiad liy il thouub from tbe minla mid hcarla of lb bav j oil it mbu and woman who aulfomd for long vars from iirrvouatiaaa aleeploaaneaa dyaeiala rbeumatlam ueuralgla amj beavdachoa bava boen cured brirmatiuutly and their uvea ipade hkpjiy and bright iauio a celery iiihiuud haa been hie laiil uf laxialatura banker the clarity law era inrrchaula farmers and the ordiuarv labiirer lur beat and noble al wuinau have used ll the wivoa uf faritiara kin artiaaib knowing ita life aaviflg virtue no other mad lo i no lu the world haa audi a hum a lejiulaiiuu fur bullae work aud oar tain aure uuraa lu day our boat pflya iclaua presurbe and reoooimad it and aay lhay know of guthlntf alee aa good truly vklnu liay iioiitid makre 1euple wei m troyrd in a proorti i hrttitli ami rotnit loss of flesh pno o the ilri iitiniifpt 1 pkt hoalth oughs c olds wwuk lunipi dlboaod blood follow scotts emulsion bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwabbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbwf tho creum o codllvor oil curoi ill of ihusti wtukiiiss- o tjkti it in llirw tu avort illness if yiiu inw physicians the world ovfcrf ondorso it dnt be tcthttf if siltltitisl tl adulu i rue in h ja k what am o wilt murmold m ho ipidly 1 j i nd llccpell itlal oil i bltnpje cougb llhllllial la alwa wdangur ill dr tickle a anil 1111111 curu youraelf it is a m lur all ihroal d lun ivuuded from aeicihl whnh lanu 1 lb hi rilltil it wuudciful in miuaumpliou and hll i lug rlhl up in l drummer wall il uu u cluldre all ilalei ltko up uy i ihiik a luborcnlar a ouugli thorn i a bottle ot rry i mr rd wll may wdtiul mii may kl liauilllou sullert ful beadacbrb tried i aud doctors without btark a iowdemdillli they have been uf ihe lrosli l bl to me iu fact lhe oro wundorful inci 1 ii a bo aoid by all mo r yu hi murk ileal mlidlni it but ljlllllkard daa th areiilii erp thu air war tru tniire of ihu lnir ml nrrtii m jiirt f thu i riudi indum nlty ntumiitiiit to invtril million poiindn a ntw i 0m of luttthy llu nimlt imi hoard of ii a public 1 ninr in lhl i tto or til feu huildrud 11011 krn nil lu oiilwnid uppearance alike wore plaied in a ihx among thim was one and uiil lie i n a small aiiki l in n inch was iih kc i a l note 1 very malomir who im tubed and paid for ucmtaiu uauut uf bunt or apirita waa nutiiil to a ki when tin had all been lima ptrni t led a day w an sit upart for iho jpcniuii aud tu uu4oth r whn had tbe rihl kt in ickoil tbe box nd tok the in tin i hu form of fott iy was booming iiiilti p pillar but nil ihu publicans who a lo i i n ht w fol n tl i hint il uiey utinian th ii licno- will cohtorla lq pr samuol pltcliorn preflciintlon tor xnthntfl nnd chlldron it contalno ncfthcr6pliim morphlno nor other ntireotlo nuhstanco it li n hatnlesn qnbfltltnta fnp enroorlc tronn doothliff bj rups nnilohfitor oil it 1h plcnsnnt um fruatotoq ij thirty yean u by mlllionh ef43thorit catorlilctttrojh worms attdallaya fcvcrlwhitoiis ciuitorla pravuntii vomiting bour curd curck iiturhoda at el wind colic canto rla tqiictim teething trotiblcit curci constipation and flatulonay cantor t nliinllatcn tho food rcgtilaten tho itomaoh and h jtvmn plvlnfj healthy and natural sleep cos torlt 1 1 tho chlldroai pnnacoiv tho mothora friend oastoria ablnhihpiwliruiii li not ilm cnninr j h im t mnieily fur rlill lrnnf wdlrti i tt rr astst t tlrtl im j 7 1 t i f r i l a it i in i itllin irlllcuij r t iiroil liitmstf i i lrlilllti i i ijuid- tori 1 1 i an 11 of lli t arloiumia l nojrumnnlilcli oro 1 uroyln- hi lr i n 1 mus by rarclnfonliiri tiirplilnn iukiiuii nip and other linrtfiit agenla donn u lr llinula tliurcb uiullli uieni to nmaluro iraifs du j 1 kttcncw cunwoy ar allxx c bairrn jvvs the cehtanr ottanpemy tt murray strawt kartv trk olty costorio rnlnrf a 1 1 an whl wtnptrd to ehtliren that t rfeotiimi nt it tuiairirerlortoanjr preacripnkn n a attfcnmil d til a 0fordbdrooklyn n y our phjulclana la um cblldrefi a dapart- mrit ltro spoken highly of iboir axpart- ince in uiclr uutakln practice with castortt end nltlinugh tro only hav amoog nith mpdlcal cupplleb what la known aa regular products yet trn ore freat to oonfaaa that iha merits of coatorta baa won ua la look wluk favor upon it umtxd iioeirrai ann dimvuir oxford furnaces wood co at for all 8ize8 of duildihci gapacily from 10000 lo 8000 cubic teel cvcl0nu sletdl luuiatou oxford wood pupnactf wood furnace hbavv etrate tw adapted for wood burning haavy steel puupirettoa doaaa anaof ttadlator which heal- qnlckerand are more durablo radiator of modem con-truo- z uon and great heating lower taroo ash pit coal furnace larva combustion chamber larce ruatlng surfaca lavat rad boor switlonaiftr pot rotating bar dusti deep ash pi1 ptthit i ii 1 t curt cjonannjuton mugh croup bora tttrimu s i i by jll uruucimt on a guirani r lum si u ii cr i hot ehlloho poroua piaster wiligitc in3ciio ceou shloijs vjlczer alr t rilnwl inrvitbinnotrtlonn anvat khiuae ital jrttaveji my lffh cinwtur it th4t tr medooradrttuitarcdai full guaranteed capacity zmiski mtmm nw manufuoturod by tho gurnev foundry company ltd toronto will quickly cure dlpiltli runsycoilbrf and coughs railway time table juana trunk railway rirlliirr 7 i u tin i lutuauuiit j l ii mill n i iiuljillulillli- tlili ilina tafji v in int i hi d woodeftcotel lokincsteast- is send f0r pr ices- powders turf sick headachc nr i neuralgia n bo mimutk ijl nr n o i i i iir ftilulw rrpran tun tm r vrtiy wioa to rawo pmiom ao ccr ra r unun arowaaj d puwlei t 1 ul f exlract ii nil ure lit uuhil i inipt i u mu in nit met h il i strawberry th 1 inn f dun n i t ih tvl i nt i ton 11 1 wild j- 1 i 1 lit speight fe son ay 1 mn hyrup curiu it on i ay 1 me hyruji hcala llie lunu- use perry davi f0 all 80wel troubleb patarrh remedy it in injrttor r li i am cvuwiul trvulrneut la lljmto n 111- bil r ii in mmr r ri ubouluui iiinin out iriti pain kl lle r lh wlmt u culiuii will you bl um waruiut 1 ir orhaiia of lbe aure approach i dial uiuro terrible dlaeaw i oiiauiiiplmu auk your axlvna ll v on an allord i tte bh of saving ak u run tliu nk aiil do itoltunj- fur it tte know from ipixiuuco thai hhilol uie mill ii your lt it never lil- id t j honawii lie yoll urr tl 11i am i ll id him i iimiii i m- ii had iwu mum llau m duii r i holographs have tt ii of the bob lullv b had blkni it 11 11 unis ibofouo kkn i hhliikles i rynipolu it li ln llaabea hall ithcum hcail llual lruplutih iliuplea and lllitchea i in moving all impurities frvm iho blood ii on a nmiimoii i implo lo lh w oral hcioluloiii knrr j i mii w ll i lllll hi 1 11 it i i all i hiii m ll if ta lill r irlrid i 1 im it bry a ihll i to laknik mj lb ontlar tmillu put i hi wholc ii funeral directors furniture dealers atiouiliiit ni onipielc prices keaonable personal attention everything satislactoi- cures ftili i i i i i in la tin i 1 ih- irnln i i miit 1ii l i i 1 tl t il nr summer ih- mill v ii ll nt t i i i l k v um illn mr ii m ii ll ollcll i t i ii i lr on i i- n i i i km complaints i ii i i i r 1 r pm baking powder the cooks best friend largest sale in canada i tiun lmutdy for catarrh fj the j i heal loslcal to use and cbabbrt catarrh lj lkl i ia i maimtj e j kjrx tilm realtr phitol n torud of it ell 1 in li imnn t u lymanijmnm rwiiicdj rtpiim i of llu mnliiiw i ily and urn la pi el 1 will liriiim outy ad ilatern tho xarl iliai piraiton of lifimrl lehil i a iijidoruuo i and ll i ulluv arh and jliju ptr1 1 nurlh anil aold uy a 111 ihk oriii tl ii kin iiant iiiii hm ill lor it in i ii you want ui buy ur anil a r arm d vertlaa iu the tunmto hvify iuw thai jhtpar rnaohoa 100 wk h armor hum every week and your ad vertlaeuji lit ahuiil i mout tho eye ol aimniiio wlmwaut put uliomi advtfrtiaoiiieuu uf una ulaan mt in aurlvtl lu the iorunui viy itnl for r iv cen la a word uanh inaertlou or twenty i ioiiu a word fur uvu itiaurtluiih aldrna- i ibe mail lurunlo anada hi s link i it illlls oil the sand of time i ii ih ii l- llll u aj i li u ix i till ii lllll i 11 lllll ii lllll lllllf 1 irlu1 ll ji 1 ll uil li ill miiin 11 1 i vms mliiorilllitliutui r hli r ii t in to jt t in ili i tirti ml wlinf whole intircil ins to lie thit i luiinn isiiil from olit ilil- ullic iiin in tin n at k until of then stiuli ri mind ny f llu mihlit jump ol lh i- iniruo tlic art imiltuth tt iiik sunn hfn melon rtllection it uuuislo the oh ivii lhit tilery must lie the ni ks of tluim slni wd iiiirihints who kt there in jumping liom ulfertiscmint in the ac ro i mi pin ss to iiintiiei and as we ponder their pioilieiou sliuus those lieautiful liner of the pint luiiu lu mind 1 onlpiints that ptihaps innthci suliiifoii hles troubled mam konn fm loin and shipwreilved llrotliu slciny may tlikc heart again the rohl klect1iic co arc m ii t u m hi in t uc 1 11h ii i iurtt ir c0htjuf dui111jii13 0 klectbir lion nd i0vih btatidk8 tuttui iiajt 1 till uonimom oo to to wch incton st 3a a the ocst a dvertisinc medium in tjrte world is thi local press k perfect article pjdoksfrlenl w baking powder w tliopunnt jtiil t t proam ttrtir flmnt to- rv i li i i irlutiniln ot bou onlvm lillihin ii i trr in i i jh aii tiii in hi ium i s hit ir caffaroma tho flnoat puro croumt coffee in tho world sold in ttrsbjnlyttta irintinrtmi ymifl tu in st jr i i i j si il ir i dir tli v mi ml m nr t t 1 uill mull luinxil it it l i l i 1 ti titiplu to tli v i rf a i i rf lull 1 ill faaaiuiji i i tlluu uiuuoi i hkp1iii ui iu lau lubys parisian hair rchewtir ttstniimiii nd i i thorn r uulai lit h ml lliu a tau fj nf

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