Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1894, p. 4

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mj krittt wfl- 4t s i i r a i bbecton 3fc hcuz noteffherj and there t fn i dmtliimiii iiw iikmi t jrtir yilflw j ffoyfts jil k tilw hid nusiwqsa 1 i lift a it fyty iywlwayttjwn tabltls rinji niii i hi u u 1 1 ihtu rrohflfimtni- tni4tommdilt 1 hit a ii llfi 4 mltltyist 1 irxl i iliii1il 11 11- ii hid an 1 txk mt ii lil liliilnrlitfitlli hi nfll 11 ahpriulin i i il ittiliritiunid ttitln i it i yiltjlik till i ttiain i uti i ftiiiil i mm l li ll t 1lxli aplrd utile lirl li lit r tin nitil ilfad alllau wllliihunliitbir rl i i1iin pnn limit ml lti1 hil u in lliiitruiim mi lthl tlollrt itlmfttlt cha ti i iuilrl tltiwira round mini imirntunro luuf till lira hint lu very ml wlin lhitlrmirhuui tin lirl i i ii jiiti nt kiiim rlranl homo bnuutanil butuir lo t tllfc buns pympino wohk at recant meeting of lla j humour llnhnf ihuntlv lihunltl ltiolitlimilc tilting remark on m actual work of lifting performed by llio iun a raya lu tlm abanrptiou of water from llmtik tlm niinopbnro ho aid for ftmny yunru jinwt i linvn bcuu liliioh lutotealad in matte ra rolaudi to thn cumpomllou of llio atmosphere and llio work done by tho aim in raiaiui tint mom i lire afterward procipi mtud aa rain irofomor loomia olaimu that the avorano helifht of olonda la two imlcn aiuiquti thia ii probably cor root i think there ia no doubt on llio other band that many cloula from which wo aeo ralu full i n i are within hall a mild of tho aur lace of llio earth to niako a moderate calouluiion lot u u naauiuo a a minimum iltpitit a oat ou will find ihot t rainfall of una inch in id u nt to 7 j ih0 tone of atnr drpnailed oil eat li a miaro title to ulevatit wliiili ilxk feec would in fit i an miiioiinl f ttork ctpial to jouuil borau potter lo raino thitt ttacr in an hour by ponipint iiluru tfivinj n duty of uk i mm font pooniir would rupiirn lh niinaumptloii of jllil urimi tona of coal 1 thiak tin will itllp ii lo iiiircointc thn iiiiiiienia itiijouiit of work houik ilomi by the m atorinc up our nitliiral water nnply if the mvurno lcv1 of iliilndilpb leat the wi iivo 1117 borne power drtolojieii for uadi kiiuitra mik for a rainfall rim off in an hour whon thono iinantltlea art con aidrl loo wonder that whru wo hatu ucli itwnioura a i lint which cuid llio jobnaidwn uoou tlio dttmngo i not iiuilii tritlur thin it w on that xranlini ilillitdoljihia av unl one way to keep cool 1 atippooo yon would likn to know how tti keep i jo i in hot woalhbr aaid a man tho olhor da well 1 lttvo an uufallilik rccljxi wlucb can be oaraiitccd to ctfool tho deaired rranlt i uaa it oyaelf and know the aynlotn fa a moitlo ono for tho aorawlurb maukltiil aulfora inaacli weather nn mo havo leon oipenciiouiif ll la aimplo and oaay don t ent any meat until the tin iooa down 1 have iifado ttun an in viola bio rule duriu hot waal h or aud aa a couac 1 am novor botberod about or by the condition of tho almoaphere oo to a iter how hinh tho almoaphere may aoir ibia morning for my breakfait i at a pioco of atrawborry ahortcake and titan k a cup of collec for luiicbcoti 1 partook of aomo lottuco and tomato aalad and a oup of tea 1 mil go in to diuner in fw momonta and voty probably will ordar a thick rare aleak ai pay prolty yen e root alto iilum to il then 1 will oomo out and fur an hour or two will bo probably un cuintortabl warm for tho drat time during tbo day i nki lod to adopt tin kynloin from obtorvinj the imcnunily from aufferiuu ou aooount oftbo heat which tho workman iu hot countries oujoy 1 bia waa particularly the caao m hpam and italy and when 1 itkuirod the reason i waa told that a tipaoub ox itailau woclunao waubi rarhor eat kcroaoue with a wiok in il than meal of any kind durintt tho hot weather 1 am nut a vegetarian in ar y aouao of the word but 1 have proven to my own satisfaction that a dlot auah aa i have aujujeated durui the aummor will priiervo anyone who followa il from aulerin in hot weather ions fur tbo llfmua ity 1 any man who due nut vahc lima ut cieroiao will probably have lu taka ll mo lo bo ill i ltudy and iilnl are ulh k for tb jirnpr uao of diem mr maker ivill bold ua ronjioimblc 1 ksurclao raduatlj lu rnaua ttiu pbyaical kiwira and uo imto trilb to rflaiat alukneaa i xerciae will du fo ir ul lml intdllootual irailuiiu will du for your mind 1lau i llod a man un t u t eruid lh mind wluu tl ly al luuibil ui ullir 1 a aoitiil ixly ilia al tlm ruidatlo ut dl that i mako lif a imr 1 j ilku a hunt lifn h ati lihl and brlah m rci noil to alet p will rout tlio lirnd in am bat lot lliau aioltuuic olae i mutl will mat it nil 111i and ih will bo on n duouahl it il ecr id uk imv lo takt art ilia en lita ui- a lallant littll nfcwbboy lady jiaaaiuc tiluiik tliu atraot iuw lllut tlh f hnr aboei bfli ouuie ubltod anil alio upkht near a rmp irf nuwabuya and betikonod olio apiriiaoh lunol itiwn aba aaid ai that nan put my foot on uur kiino nun ho m ibo boy did aa dlrcutad but ho waa in cllued ui bo liiiiveraatlonal and munarked laid i no wondor thoy oanio undid 1 hat air wut a rairtiya knot i boy won i couio undid whnu tio lhom you hot llit how do you tin them t tain i no bowkuol 1 jut put ono over totltc llko una and t other dnfler llku that and ibero you are ma am amd barn la 10 oeiite and thank ynu you can aewp th ehlnk urn am uut wltv t 1 ould rattiar pay yuu num you aoe i otlijr ktda an yuu 2ill imtitsy nntikayer w rttonj tt worth inortn on onulo that way tuu uy wlkod away amyimover thai domooralio attempt at au aotiualutauuo italroit krr rr jlf you want flraiolm tiunlib aaah and donn t oualph prloea t uiuiaok uait til your order aat bla jtlapiuu mill i- htlalmttllia oiultllil1 ttitmllj 1 l ii rjmiut il li hiiiiu ii n it nllntuit ui in linn n i it i hiliiiy uii hftmi i- ifpltll ll riiim mck illi- ii hrlpttiji i frrr rt urrjiiktiink wtirrli pttirl itn- iiim ktlllll lllltt- bf l h ll mil i i t i jitjt m inl vu llv 1m 1 til lull 1 iri i l btiiui t 1 pi i 1 n t h4v i1 fully jirrprr innu tlm lit h ii di it mm 1- id h lu liolit r hr 1 bttv liii turn iliwbk llittira lor it u an i itktn li- ii ii 1 i lutl l vpr uim i n i i un ii iiih i onr lh u m harith luuilltili m nillnl llu ubo ta luhind with hit itmk i nhuta it- dtimu lb il ulijils i bin ltriil- ii lmlijy nifft oit- m l biml rotucd fur billon iuni m itvi r lutiidtml 1 a mitclmlii ml yuuiu xi i kailifan a j lupiiua livifi lnfuul ualiafacliou mccallm tlm merit of i rtulljaya ltvor lonh in beyond tin utiun i o brjull iil aolluii more uf i ailijtv a lmr loiukoa thuii any olhor iimliotim i w moylo laehja ltviir losnijuii urw riwinu in popular favor vur j i ilticmioliler pierce- cure ki nm iieroa dll it tn wotiwn miftrrinr from fotnalo coinplalnl irrkiilm ttj or tttstknifta in n iry ibaumtil iiuilllhin of tin fptitiilit kjatnii lr ricrifi farllo inwritilfiiii u nn ln ikuntlitik rmtornlm tonb llltl to in- with of mirtfluk niolllera nj t ll t nut nloliit tll- mlut tl a kelt uniiall will tvn think 11 aa in n ifrrnl diiil of aur- r nntr i inn iritihlnt n irnitt it nl llli it u irrln tialao null 11 hna iltine n world of good tll1 k mlirt t c hake1l 1 hti too of your boot la not a ood lliiu 1 jo mb dniin h iaacotiwinid m tj that to line any of tlm aubatitute ollrrnl for the onl an re pop anil pi i ii lr i torn turn attttiitlnti other than ilitilatn iainl lorn ix tractor for oro pnlucltik uuh are ullorud jiihl rti uixid an ililiinui a ont li traotor safe aiire paiuluai tliu cnrlj morning noiut uf tlm robin hau no oharuib for ttiu indolout moo what no i olluw can hind out 1 iur men mi eat ureun fruti with impunity but a llflb may try the experiment and au hour or ao later be tied up in knota with cram pa and dynentory who the ufth man will be la one of thoae thinja no follow can hnd out and connetuently all ill 00 id take lima by tbo forelock und propare for aucb an attack by koepum on baud u iwitle of perry uavia iulo killer which la a aafo quick and infallible euro tor diarrbi cholera crampi ur indeed any disorder of tbo atomach una aicollunl modioiue can bo bouuhl at an reputable dru ntoro iita will purcbano tbo hi lioltle new a 1 bo best cookiiik at luol for the daublot la the kitchen whore tho mother is akilled a boon to hormmmu diu botlk lullah bpaviu liuimoiit tompleluly re moved a curb rout my horsu 1 laku pleasure lu rucom mending the rtiuedy aa 11 acta with nijstunoua proniitiioaa iu the tbnioval frutit humcu ulliuttl of t or cal ouaod lumps blood rtpavin nplints curbs ween stllms and spratun heorke hobb farmer ilarkliam out hold by j kanuawui oh what a couui will ou hctd the warnltiif i lie si peril a ua of the suro appruat b of that morn terrlbhi tisiiaw losiuiptioii aah jur solvca it uu can alloc i f r the sake tl aavinu lr lo run thn fiak and do nithni- for it we know from d that sbilol uie will ur jour o li r id l j k pl m uh 1brf liul i 1- m lilt i vvit in i fisf i uomtifr i 1 i i i i i i r in iii c l tit ii id ml mi 111 niiml h i in k mm s nth vmtl tn iii i ltlil in m bi i j ii i i i liw ii- lieu a stjfl mi i bh ipihtur- i i y i hhh 1 t lit h mtl i kiiiuuvh 1illji 1 li llr t inb muni f llu f ih t hll i f iv 1 ii it 1 i ul ihiuih in uia nubl pill iv i int tin ti i til hi ftnu uf i i imriltllk rii nh in hi bolt rtuliu of n ill l touil i lh iuw null imtuiiu v i trr u ton klin ii 1 itfli lor illnnluitud itbililtk i n hliuttinlia ivrmob e a iiln a l llku u i birlu ink n in biuull iiiiih ih int in both it tonn and t umlaut midly x ilitixt the net rliimit of4bo lil iiv in limn mid itiir a tptw ritmi linn in slh urlt tinya tliivt on an ittiinii hint pin rt wielt urn aont u lliir ml u h im iiphd a ibilhiut 1mhisi s jo r pi lo jtiir pnitiimi do my i til i retiibjl l ltln i lt- i n ul i i ii iii ilrarj iii i ml it ami it kipn tl iilur t li till lh linn rf iiuililii m dial of unluni baikwnr1 hlnrk puttdtru hi i n lu of tvhu i cunt tuns l prrptriliiil ohm in n round nooleil l iiki t i tin b rnii n un iir io innu il 1 tlif f tiiik iu li 1 1 simmi h l s ml nul 1 kiuiu il i nior- itd anithrm hm 1 i 1 ih nn ordinary do win h i mill uonrltt i ivr unl sionmih i rum n i u r f ullin ptrftt irra for all llttl ill llnnnub iplaniu 1 b do not ttldiru i or pi xluio afltr t onntipalioti and nn uiru lo i tk 1 iiiiim n box at it 1 1 m duino diulir esfworai f strawberf j- cures r t i rcikli uoinni uru mutb aftrttinr red this autumn in k imiuirtn and ien boalurj ahoiaui1 bii 1 naa ii omu b i k lit ili i yuar b miliaria i immml i wo ltiurs n s lubiit ll mi 1 waa uurud of dipblbm la after duiaurn filrd b miiur i 1 iiiiiiiii vlitlmliah a i oliv i nan miud ul vuuti uuo t1 inuaka bj alinard a i niantut ialliomm mr kal1 siukis ll 1 dl jhpuulu 1 a- ivon out an hi 777 t nil i lu mi- mr1ll la on i t t i i a 1 tly nihuiil mi in tl i portant purliikilaid tu tlral m tbo on bualiooi uf ronmlial ai-ilt- utid atoul ibiatl in the ptuiuan b wbtub lbs ua it lh uralf atcufel i hi llirr ttiako hhd sm prtpa in haxony aloit ii kt i rt of i ho w rh mttmcii oarn it than 5ij yai ho rapid 1 liii imlnljoii prrad and tlerpu hint a fiw h t iiunauniplloij i i v tited lu a muh tbcru is always daijjrr in d is a uilllo of i llioklns auti u hi and flri iraolf ilia a ll iii noujmrl for all ihroul and lm inxibli ll i lm rkiultdwl front ovfl bnrlni nli una til win b hlanu at tho bnal ot ibi llsl aa gl ertim a wonderful million in turmit ootau uploi and all lllnu dlaaaea blhfou cfltfglr ii is k ajtre ugn tf wcuhnena you nood nioro ihmi a ionic you ttuud scotts emulsion tti t corittverott and llyxjplubphltusiiut only oa uuvu ihocuuhti but to kivo your tiylum i uj 1 m rcnui physuttut llio world ovoc endorse jt dont be decitied bj stibstttilii jautblkjbfulkivulb allbruuihu bu4fl gooci bc ci to in- atjet pasivyybut us v t sifbmucli vsi cfrlratc t3 coobutwiju lreci and ac- orlc fetlg anjjjinellfiflarj il 1 ll l i i 1 oi an lijl tr i i sjon she botight coimrie qff mw shorten r tti 1 ml more triat ear be cause 5fte bdftr poojanci lie could eat if wnfcout qmy urtlcajftnt alter effect now hawn found hia best artrf wut healtkm snort- ckmj cvkr mndc uudeuuii o m kfairbank co wallltmtiinaml ann htrts aiowthkai ll 1 iront publn llmtit hnifbtm wurda w re iim1 id rtulm dr itimtnth 1 lidrit tl l u iul llhowi iiniim imtu mr 1 ht t ttr k nt h nil it nvr faillo nnot n r ttllim i ii 1 n nptitbl hlm dnrhr 1 m nil ar i n lb r hi u tt 1 i fllc lit t hh t f ll ti hfl pr ih of ll pi h li ill i i easily 1 ninlo ti mils ii ii r vmltiul id urn rtli r iinl nf ti in ttil iiitciiii purbiit of binliithrt lirtm dia tod id a proimr ti inalo drctu tlm annual btiillli mid riihiitt outlititiiii alur in tin mtiij- of jthalluloi iniiuil l to tond of itmlt i in ripilnx mini blimnlal mi tool i all i fclli n and ktp lb in itli in rt i liltr orlr and in sorllirop i i i mi win tveliat ll nil rmmriy r hi ular op lion of lio ll n ii th of o tt il hi i lly and iiervimn prohtmlion bat uuilrrom lo tud loeobivulln and ii ia holmv rd ll will now r fail if prorlv ml jiidii ouly ndmiuialerid lniarcd b north rop v i vman i it ml qnd tld l all dutkinu ittkolu hnt ft ill 11x1 a fit fit in norway i nlf smp uirt i oii noma plus bjrup hsala tbu luns 1 lint ilatkim ounh bi i uukly ir i i r adults i k jr f mod on llm iiitulu j bybadblool ii h ii onrc lb fotloln- hklli diwocitoh shule 1 iyiiplti lltb liijj kanbub hall ubouiu ho id llusl i mplioiin piuplra nod mlottjin bt rt molk oil impnrititm inm tlm bloo i fnit a tnimon pimpb t tl tort s iiiiii j iv kuv 151 s 1 i t i pun i i v nnlll book inuhl mo in h bul n i t hint i ii h of i t ti r lb 1 h ti r in hi ihirlpiueii lli lorotito ihnl ui ua i for wan ltd vorlmoiileiilii jf oi witiil t lm t till nnylltiiik if jin uiiiil it luijiitioii t iniilntiiio n bual nun b rrbhti if joy bavo loel i in d isllit orif j waul to hud out ub r mi i whortiho in llio to n i irt ii ml tn nitd tho adtortim niliitj on tliu i bird poti uf lliat paper 1 lm i b iri o 1 1 j to lints word each in atloo adlrua ih ituit toronto can suitiiiil ptjiui will kill aa puck aa hint tvlmh biltir lttlif in klx itoii ii litrttnk kidney and lilmmi r him nt roliutcd in au ho lira by ilm new south amririn kidney un hb now reuio ly in u grtai atirpnao and teliuht lit phjnkiaua on acrount of ita cictcduik jirompliisait in r ideating pain in tlm blttddir ludnuja and every part uf tbo urinary puimnkln lu lualu or fumalc it rnluven riiiitiiiii ilir anij pain in ihi n il ittuiht iiniiitliattly if yuu aiil it k rtif an i uro tlnu is ur mo lj h ij o j iwmovun p mil u i im printing in no url and ttdiiil tun mi but in nnv priiitin iltnin von nut bl ttll bat it ttlldn ilm 1 mil iii loli pnutiiii bpitrtiiktit dmit work of i in ho t jit ill und pru i u uru alwayn r iiroo tlil ir lid illi iimt order ml0hfs mm t h iln- ctvunnoopijtoriqail hiaj t r rhavkl my life i romdtr ilthal i nwb nrjdrmjitatlauovt lertriutd lrljpmlauvctotildmiy troublu u crcia lricojtcta llnveynul rlrrt tr hin lleroodr it will ptiuioly roh ui it iitjl lyioewcta tlli in- r r hii ikiii trrotmenl la v uhiii ti it ii tu oth lltiiirrdtih in tl color or the iminiruuhnl ortli maiil lliiiiilirrt it u i r- t i ijiit sii i ii in lira 11 ami w iii nl fr ii u irll imt f-lrt- ll u railed stt r hllr hrr jfl tro hair ihltn il hur drllahi vou vc iii l ihn nuc ltl thc whole family dunns der the cooks best friend- i ancbt isale i n canada a id pbhai u i ll proli vii bad pun i i hi i 1 t an india iilamna lb loruula of a aimpl vikitialilb romtdy lor ilm pjy and inalmill or ol i iompllou lit in catarrh aathtio jtl nil tin- 1 and i no itlliotiiun ai a poaiuvf itn 1 rhal fur nuioh m ml i ud 11 sirvoiihl ualti pottt m ll i full it in iilt lo iiitk il known lo all i aullmnnj fidltiwn alultd i j tblmll and a iluui in ittv 1 m uirm t wills ul fitof btti i all whidiiiil tliua rueipo in litiriiit t itttnub uf liilllllnll wrtt loll dlreit br vutiiu naiiij sliii li imtll 11 tlilroiln will mliinip iitiirv ibiv t n jkil lmkr block u i n tllnuriu lliiiliniil io id oxford it fiirnaces1 ron all uzn of capacity from 10000 lo 8000 qubic tool cyclonu bfluit uauiatoic oxfoqo woaltfuhnacu v r i wood rurhace jidavyjratbs utedurd fot- mrood bomlnif mvyjmffiplatfj mma ttadlktad i qnlekeraadarmordnrbls crancl trink railway imllmllii l i hi vi it jujojuaj 4- 1 ii i ut oaniatopaitllorlatfi flmtnu- una wd uramt iiua lowar- larod a5h pit coal rormace lmrm comlfoatlon chmmbavl uwaj traariaat44raam lara llmtlnf sttrtacat lars rd doar tmtaofwi fir pet apluu i i il la ii am n ii mlof into a ii a t mm tfpi fuli oimranteed capacity utaumtle mtst1h0lltal hh- uunfitqlnred by tho curhey foundry compahv ltd toronto aartaaauuaiaartiaiiii ymr 10kinc5teast i r cfmnfniprirfc jbjarnuta uscd to say the more you humbug the people the better they like it that may have been trucat 6ilc time and with some people but it wont work worth a cent nowadays and when we tell jou higinbothams cholera preventive will urr the worst cases of diarrhra dsentr cholera morbus ac we mean what we say is this twllluiown remedy has been tested for over y 4 k t f iicparcd only by st g smith co j wmlhtm mil madonald si guellh perfect health fiequoiu iy a j i on tne eyt sight nlny a irsoii a tom the inruin d jt almoat oooalant headache and the lonx tram of subsequent ill aim ply lieoauh of imperfect ion a of the of tbo eyes or the aae of imperfect filled h in 01 titer oaae oomo to ua and let ua ace if the trouble laut aomolbinh n ozpart optician can remedy savage co j uhl hll speight db son fioneral lirecloro furniture dealers auiii l oruplete prices seasonable personal attention everything satisfactory oltjlt mana i jli tne oaxidb of time i a i powders fiirr scw headache an i ncotalta ptttok c cfftn at l jiff ftrortbs ftz spots ni sin i it ni fui to ii ii u tahl i 1 i lit nn tl ttell llirtiuh it tv nitl rtnl ii 1 btiiaiiik powtm it ii ubltl ttnl wmftilmia npoiri und lilim b ii i t nit 1- tun wrtii iiltd i iv tftinlicil iiii klttr- i lxtt in boltb w ih itnt ull ill it i ii thll u mtt llltt lafmi i 1 1 i i il f tin- sortmd utlbi 1 tt perfectly cured colds jtlv a of an attack take 1 vfi h tlaspqonful or davis painkiller ui the cure isnom suddefl nn r chill the royal electric co i i m ccmuuto iiiuir3 in elect uk i lilt 1 am u j atatiolff tuiiui l l till dkimo po 1 o io weu irioton gt a the bcst dvkrtt9inc mcdtu in thc world i ft thc m local press k perfect article itlilikluh lavtwica ai the nun i a a i it f irvtnt 1 imir siilrw ollh l tl i i tl pn ir il l i i i lili tinn l fi 11 a il tiic 111 r ll i iw h1liij lll llt- l li t thit sohu- ol i i iiffu l nils mi viii mil ill then su t ttiptrwnv rvrtrrhlp tiltlc ctefu j flat tlu ii iluw nitr siciii tu jet nn uli i ulit uul whose whole interest srtins tn be that of luinint aside from obstacles oihe s ajain in tin trrat length of their slmle rlinind one of tlu mighty jump of thf kmgajoo thty are t vidently getting soimwhcn and on relicction it on ins to tlu obstiwi tliit these must be thi tru ks ol those shrewd nieichants who got there b jumping limn m atucitiiineiil in the at ion 1 hi i im ss to niiiliui ini as we ponder their i prodigious stritlt t tthisettiniuliful lines oit tlie put i t oiiil lo mind koolpunts that ptthaps anuther sailing oei lifes tumbled mam sonic forlorn and shipwrecked brother seeing may tiku heart agatru caffaroma t the flnost uro cround ok i coffee in tho world sold in rfr m your iii nt it ir hpil 1 titrt tnst dirmi i mi i m i 1 1 ul v ill mail lmuifli il it i- i i u14i0 lo uioutulnm uu lubys pafttsian uair renewcr 1 uit 1 j t i-

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