Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1894, p. 2

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v j i i in iii amm tlmniur lllli rtriir talk of the day milt will ofjnhll hull uf hu adliti jn riilav uth hewf oh t tidal oil nil i litltihik nuiiiil f 1 1 wlf olmi i tli do ik wlflklf jl hissmv in lli iruiloon ti 7ili oiidih r itti iv hmr i av hiunrlr of a aim vim i hi a ion un hiiniuy 11th rtilohe in hiruilll t arnoll of ailaliflhter ac4 hum tilt trns iumk al hi methodist lrottc m1ttiii mi tuesday tho oth lint ur mil inn tmin flfrlertln to uim harah rain nr kiim ai hinra- mokieiiniu ltn u the mslrtrmrtiof ai jauiutj uhiau lrllmrlii lw ofihalirldo 11wrav r arton ly h a iltalr ii a mr jmntn airman ur nolon la majuflr iniiulikri r uf ihltiran mchnrrellnr nf ait in aued 11 yn4ra tttimvli tttmilpoit nil wedniala onlolmr iii llutnaitl nl ii i ruther of mrs v 11 il nut acton ngmt ii yunm 7 in mill cebc jlrhm ffrrc drrss rinihrda octoiii it im imi notes andcqmment i h dectiona for llin llelfjiiin chamber of hi pinna wire helilun b unlay under tba in w ompuuary system tho clergy had llirru vutra to two and una liolil by other citiuum n tut with ihu advantage it ii 1kiiivli1 tliu lerical jwrty will rolait kimr many robiillotb will bo requisite 1 ho valim ot the crop of llio prow in co of ontario for 1hj is placed by tho jluroau it industries al onn hundred and lwi million dollars diu principal horn ill l to to mwktrnp trm ttitat wro hmy ii 1000 on l 91 i 4 ii 0h wheal 913 ihkmo0 pcaa 7llimmi turnip u7 000 hjlaloea t 100 0h 1 wu tun uiua wind hare recently lakoi place prlwint a remarkable contrht it on i cosu a montrealur aurroundod b luxury nil wiulth blow oil l in braina vrhllo 1 tho other a murderer coutlcrmiod to lifi lunjj imprisonment in j ho boo poisoned liinaeir oiiii man hail liberty without huiiltb and hid other health without liberty tew of in ratvlia how wall oft lit bo who baa imih matt in connection with the reporta of china having offurod to concede the independence of urea and to pay a money indemnity to j a mi n kb condition of peace the hope of tliu world will ui tlmt thorp ahall bo little atanilinu upon coiiilitiona let at have peace the day hnri gone bv when humn itj -au- viuw with complacency the needle a butchery of tliniuauda of men with all the attonduiil horrom of war 1 he otihcrative of the county of tool am iluttidtf it virv diflirult to boo u re a can didutu for tho unimoiti ijibi fall a fairly rercjjoottiic moutiiik offuml tho nornm alion to mr illain amtr cuuaidenng the fucalion ho docliinni to accopt hubae ijimiitly another conventlou reijuealed mr adt ulin to ajiaiu enter tho held lie too ban declined the nomination a third con vcxition will bo ncooaaary on the aiihjlct of immikrilioii mintaler daly aaya tlmt although tho number com lull in hail fallen oil compared with pre vidub yoaib in no yrftr itue uottlemont imd cunimencl in tho north weal hall a bolter cibm of miopia been received i ban tboie who have cotm from drot ilrltain and tliu continent ttna year a pleiidid 0 i a an of jtcoplo from tho i in tod hucei oinhaoil hielly nf uutuilnna hrtluhora who have ttbidtd in lllo adjulninif rnpubllc f ir nointi yrard icrmatih and hoandlna lain had id bo ooiik m tills year ihu rofuaal of tho i re noli hudtl com mittce to eudorao the dniiiamla of the wi otllcc and to provide for an mcroao of tbo annybyhnuou la one of the aaneat atepa 0f rnoont yearn had the demand boiii krantod lie impronni rolatioda now witnessed between trance and clarmauy would have boon im mod lately checked moreover the incident la further regarded an evidonco that thu more aober minded pollticlana of farm are bfinntnk to real uo how tlttlo la to bj bod tor ofieuelva purposes from the ho sat an alliance 1 ariu biklncbs oorjmiratloniaro inujiiiiiiit more and more lonvllioctl that outside of all mere aotit i mental consider ion tt rfoca n t pay to have in do with men who arji ii t lolnl ahttaiucra a loading now york juiirnul states that the inanalcra of no iraa thuu lt ttut atnoriuin rallrtwila of tho hliiua in vi auu1 rdt that their oiii inyca siiull nut drink intoi hiiior nui enter sal xtus while on duly 1 nrgi builiidbs omtiunoa liaa oouvmoed tlium ihut their projierly and their buslneaa la mil ao safe in the handa of man who intuit indriiikiiik at ail an cnltomo of tho wtarluaj dolnaja j durina tbo wank hno i arh of typjioid aver ru repotted in ifupdatt leneral ilnapfcal llio rlbcejai- rniltvny wii npmicd for tranta momlhy far llnmiri llio now konth wnh iciblnlnnt lias osl mlrtl ihn fraiirhlae to tvinin hir alfred hluphin rorninrl llutinnt ioeriior of new fknilh walt a tn doatl mowliprrotl tho wuiiama niurdoror is loarniiii to drcaa atone at liinifalnii mtl tentlary the hamilton orimidiy and iloamavillo eloctrio railway waa formally opened yealrrday a drnth if ropfifti d at iiidnti of a younjj lady who cauuhl titi after baini vkcoiuated mr crowell willaon m t for i wl mtddlems rlimohday atiddcnh at wm ham bko1 h rsra ji battle l rxpected nti the uu itiver ixiforn i where the armlcrt nf lima htj japan am fev to face a turnkey jruc of whitby jail waa htateti almnat rp death i rida by a convict namot arnold who eacaxid owini to tlio pruvalonreof diphtheria the ptihlla and noparatu achouu in dal imniln wrl u l 1 j mr ornae hraithwaitf of the fllh con of alarkharn was drtfiol to drain mon day by a viaiciuncow which im wkauadlii principal cirant a bjiercli oj i niiurraity day t y nee it a how that he old buueio ia proatierinu and keeping pacn with ita contemporaries the itptit woman a missionary honety onened ita nnnual ronvrnlion 1 uoaday at lorouto the day lwin domti to to fore inn mhsiotih trod hokn nd john roan haatork boya wont ahootnim monday 1 hty plyeil jnaae james with the rraiill that lonn ib dead and c roas in jhll loneral piectiotm the flrnt under the new bw uiajtiiiil vutnut ciiiiipulaufy ujuk placu in ltollum huniiay all tbr tllo inborn of the slinet were jo t i re led general jooih of tho falvlunn army mir hatoli the akauilio deleft to to ihn united htattm and mmly the cvuirliht will viait canada tl in mouth mrs hiza uliimsa of loropto while on the way to church huuday morning suddenly aspired i ho malaily whnli carried her off waa heart dlieeaii indicaliona al ottawa point to an uarly omiou tho chiefs of tho ilepartmeuu iiave been aakod to net otli rqa tea for net nreparctl aa erly as poamhle if thevoorlr ll coliiuil aiiiia for the tlwal year ended jmu it i till haa tioen forwardiml to llio seomtary uf ihu luturiur it statu lit i hi number of pensioner on the roll june ho itll wna mrfi 01 j that durini the year vi 0hc new ponmoners were added to the rolls and j i ih previously dropped worn restored whliu 117 51 have boon dropped for death and olhtir cbumib uiidoujune 10 lhj tho nutnbor of penaionurs upon the rolls wan t i it iiif iniinbor of pcnion oortin cutis umd lurioij tlio yiar aa holifl rujn it 1 llu amount paid for pensions tin ion the yrnr was 1111 not u fl khiuluinu of j m 71 j im of tliu dpirupriatl n muib dishonesty and rfwsmii wi trib i rtxl and llere hinli bir c ii tupper has written to liikland for parmiaulan to publish the corropon donee precedintt tbo herink kea arbitration 1 fears that the north pacific seal will soon be exterminated cillak was arraigned iriday lioforo ludio maolbbon of itramplon ciiarjjod witli keaplnit a rommlaaiou or pool room at port rod 1 1 tbo judie rrserved ilia decision ntil november lat john kelioe an iiimatoxjho bl in ent do paul penitentiary to w life a en ten cod for murder in ihhm dind auddoti ly at the penitentiary on t riday from tbo ooaaivo use of tobacco the inquiry into the wealwood bikniiiui fatality waa reaumed monday mpjht numerous witnesses wcrt rxamnind but no liht wu abed on the mystery 1 ho in i neat wu k- swljourned a rumour ia current in hhanjjhai that ilia chinese joternmont are nouolpitinit with japan for peace o0eriuf to acknow ledo tbo independence of oroa and to pay a war indemnity to japan rave feara are enlortaiiicd lha1 apt howard of uauiufi k fame who left ooape harbour on b riday week with his son to visit hi to baler cannery on the labrador oosat waa drowned in llio bli storm he u a tor ititad uf liailavtllo ofoti aeveltty nine waa married i ties lay in ollawl to mr mary jane wartman i h bridb m ixty two llie happy couple left after the wodain breakfast for their honeymoon in kulaud and on the coulinoul it appears thai ex ice president m or ton of tbo united h la tea oti in return from hnland recently brought with him a youk man to act aa assistant coachman tba anthiritioi jjol afur the ooaohinan and it la said ho will bo sent bock to hnnkfid mouumeuta to bir jobji macdouald have now been unveiled lu hamilton and to ron to there is a bust of the daad chieftain in bt paupa cathedral at kiouju mon treat and ottawa monument are to be erected tew men have been so highly honuurnd by any oountry near 11 1 on helm out on rridnv joseph laird an old remen i who lived alone hauled hiniaelf in hi barn ho made a rope uf bindinu twirn- furiurd a nihe at one end faatcned hip other ud abi vo stood tion a chairi placeiljiia brad through the tlikmo and jumprd off i said lo have been a heavy dnuki i ihtstatub unvtilbu i n m il illi the third ihoiv ll tu commemorate tbo h3raoualily of llio lato bir john a maodonald and tliu ntfure wblub lie ii lit ill auadlau history waa uu veiled in ibe queen a park halurday her lioou ix preaeittm of wmmki soutatorn i lie omiaaiun mi iionofcd mure liiit any event in yoar past by oie preset id of dltiiiuulshcd mon uf llio iounlry and as a co u set pj on ce called for sprculies buarnik an btoiorinal lamp eretiialiu lu words tho personality apint and achievements of tbo late premier lu wltuaa memory en lur tho acton nxhwitions suqcess tftd dft g fa an tiny hlklily oratltidd 1 lift niiwiiicbr llu- iltrrirt ami lifcclora of arloi1lnrlioiiltiirit- m 1 1 to wind up tliu biknnna r ihn prtnciil inr uim held in tliu riwn injl uu hiiinrdiiy nfti rrioon tim ntfi mlrfni n nna inrj pn hii m puff net uplril ihn imir llu llmt lirnnn tin lu arinj nf prolwin nl i in wu i ul ml i lux ni h it 1 diiiinoiid of nniiiinwarr nijitiuht inn nitkil kon i mpitiiiiik beinfi awarded firm priu fur brood mnra in rodslt r olrna i xilrnm waa prodiirod hist tho rules wrire tint complirl with and the protest was hiinlhlmil i hn flnuncinl alalriuihil priitcnttid lo the imnrd b mr 1 ifyuds ihn innmirur uan nt unfit ft nurpri to the ilirioloya an no doubt it uitl buidtliuuxbibiturs notwilu htaiidiu tliu unfiiinrnnlu wrnther nf tliu hocoml day it wnffoun 1 that after pftyipk nil rxpmit a and ntl pni in full a tmufice nf over 4 rmiuuiih in the trenxurn jliw retiult uai- volume or the iubiiioi and a ainph proof nf tin favor with huh u ii6unrdtd b tliu coiiatilutm r throirkii ulinh it inll rrm in a lhyitonomii 1 xpuihlnrn nf fumla the ntxtf nf lu ullu ira and dim trs niut tbn cotiritoiiu trutiiiniil m i onlitl inhibitor ti i t m n t n vwir olh lit ft i ho ntu ma of immlura lip i tlttt bold bjlirrtor n this rnr wu tin in hi for a lllllk iiuk mr i ii llu illrii ulo nold forty iiiil tic kt t 1 1m sec itivrj mi n ii tor roni utii kinriils f the onutyhucu iv h rilmi tho n muitftrniit nlv isltik that iwmit to ft prntea 1 mil rod li 1 1 n rrili hicrsiinry of sa mhilfjilw v i hi ktll tbo krniil ioui 1 not l pnid lu ton ihn fih tiii1 of nil hi huh thnt u aho i una m t un xi iimlli horn n turn nn rta exhibition 1 it st war tin sn n inn f the ruit w rdlol uiti r n 1 rutin but thin ill th nkli and llir- hrint h pnl 1 tt n siirtl not in mplimtn n r lothr u inn h it run in un 1 inuiililim 1 ui 1 1 11 ntltu tloil that uill nil hu r ft lllllb of jaluia 1 1 h i m nui ll ll i ui na in taku tile fo in of n n tllorrto 1t1 rn a ii x llllllon l u h im i run it t lira th ruiibli moril mil a rd i ircurna unco a ho d a liihltu nful i rrer i vury ur rtur f v ton a unty in l li l ivilh llu rrul hub ei an wll on uim uiomo lai- are beuiri set up in rinu- litis of pi jpulatiiiu thriu uada claim hunts waa uucoi cire 1 4 conviction in ii urtwjtli fhthuhhuhfc iuuhi u judymonl r ao tnl povvor to prohibit thej llanu triftlc od fiumuiia intahiol t union cluau or thu chrlatlnn hndsivor lunvuntlun ut klnaton hi i llul ii iho t hrlbllau in doavor eouveuliuii oaiuo lu a cluso last ulnut afla oiia of tiio mom enlliglsstio and ucccsalut uatharlniti tti tho bislory of tlwi work lho niealinms were all crowded to ovorllowtutt 1 le new i fttoors are 1rasldrnl u 1 1 e rum sou turuulu vloo prealdanla itav a mcorrr of woodstock hev i muuroo or hamilton k a hardy uf iiiiday aud t usmi of dranlford ooun olllura tunr w rfttd of smliiiy crank huv a uurtloa of ktngalon and luv j t llarksr oil i lor iu j a it ljikiot uall junior buistrintaudnjl j athiubjoii mimioo traaaurar w j pulior l j luutiuu gauaral and atallatloal stcreiary aid morris hamilton old hi the head naal halm kivm lu btmia ruiiaf i apoadily curws never faila i drtm oul lit die hiipntut iuil uml atfalii to d there iwln on the ikiii b hlof jnu0 htroutl aud jualluca i as bi r eau jwyuur kino and hrlwiuk ll waa eitod that ultueiit wonl 1 be mi veil in the 1 ower to prohibit vnac but this wasnol done i he tjnlarlo list wluui llttlutlos all oastb wrsl of giiolm va juo uoodod with a slauohttr of mooh uy om dasrailtnoi of tt triuti a1 luuu town monday ni luun tiiv lui it gmia ii iiiunuui alaukblnr uf tio lihik m u trunk luiiwy uule ihl 1 l of utwii last lilfcht lalmiuthu nliik tliruiiijh fraiitht wa- goiim eaol on us way fr chicago to ambrldtje m whn alia of one uf i ha uars broke ami derailed ntud oars 1 tieae cars wore loaded prim i pally with hos aud iwlweei itlrf and hjci of tbcae were killed 1 he actldunt uaused a oompleld block uf trulllu uu ihatlmi and all ilia iralua bad lu be bout aruotid by way of the loop lino it took twelve buura to claar lb track to do which auiiljaiie wart aeiit otil from ltd city tba hoj thai were killed were iu bond no one waa hur in the ti imi itaun i lorrih ka tr 1 aimer huvo leased tho milton checri faoory and wdl run it mt tt alter m km m until recently clerk fur mr tt a 1 attmiicr ofvlwi bur rukte rturl iiaa onr to plnladulpjtia lo lahu o nirn in drnlintry i lie iyilam tins in repaired ao 1 rlectricitl innen on tht atrimtn lain i ho annual 1 iaiikrtiviiijj h upper will be held in the miuiodifl hurch heru on the eveniiih of i hatikatlvink iav arooa norland ban entered an auliou aiainbt loehua itutlerliold oroiorly man brer of the itank of lumiltiu here aud uow of mount 1 or at 1 be hank of ham lllon held note belinciuit lo juseph lirolti era uf milton lo liie value of 91 1 ikk 11 reduced it lo immi by otliinuq nu ondor nation from nuia dorland hot security oorlaud rtxuivel aooomt note from llrothora wlui left town some tune ai i liojiotos were lornerib and bo socks to recover tlieui from hit bank lul n 1 be loituty ah iw waa thorough i dia lractrd last work bv lhu number uf nam bier cheap jeweller von lor and riikire and flbarporn generally win were allowed to pltlioir nefarious frauds upou tile pub llu who alien led the fair tt turn lhu fair authorities wiuktd ut lho lawjoaoucua win h 1 inn k 1 tin civ autbontlua shuultl surely tiatu upp i m j ci polled the iiimif outlaws lllli viclnil utlrrul llio 1 f worthy test inn in the loath of ui arthur norrib of ui moulay me was one uf lialuru u iblnux ll and bad i cached limhhousfc 1 lure la nu foundation for tint rot uhfuitl uu ibu hauls that lauiubuuoc baa a oo of diphtheria 1111 lray who lives sluiu iu uie uf tlio luruutu 1 ime a houaa on lho fifth hue it eroiisl ill llu township conn ail has been n title i li clvu turn proper relief at last the expkittrncr opt 1-ondtb- ijoro vqumq a victim of bovoro pnlnn plxzkioii and wnt4rv blood ax tlmttn could not no up n stop how shtl hfuninikl honlthniul btninuth i rtin tin i i new- 1 la miss halo i outtmaii ih a yoniil iad if about j2 yean nf ji whn lurir wltli tirr inolli r iu iflp pklt iiltlo jylia of ioud eaburo mix miloa from ilia town of cliiitun ilotb arc well known aud highly esteomed by their mauy frienda lho jre am havinu loarned that mini i ucman had rwoaittly been realorod to liotillli i the use uf a wall known popular rotund v ditpatch ud a reproauntatlva lo el th- piriiuulafa of illo case lu reply to ibe r porter a in iuiriim mibh iouman i 1 at if her nx pwrleucn mlpru bo t m 4ii of lintplinr mimti other stifjvror slmum uile wtlllutt thai it abouhl bo in ulo pobliu i or ion lime she aaid i was very ioorly 1 was wcaaitid run u ah uuil at timea nfterfld pitna in my back tdi were simply awful my blood waa in a wnt ry condi tion and i was snbjaut lo apells of weak ncaa to audi an extant that i could not step up n door step to nave my life i doc lured a ircnt deal for my ickntsi but without avail at last after having fre nad in lho avir k nf cures effected by ilia uae of ir ttilliams pink pill i deter ml ned to livo tlioiu a trial 1 ho result waa that my health soon began to return and the pallia and weakmfii left and i waa again ron to red to aireutli at tbia moment mrs lonmtn pntcred aud baii informed who her visitor waa and what waa her illusion aaiil ur wli liama pi nit pills are the rcalosl inodlclno known my dauifhter was an sick that i foared she woul i die and tdn conliuuatly trew weaki r lutl she b04au tho use of the pink pills ami they havr inrtil h r as ho has not bad a roourrenri nf tliu ir nibie since mis i nitiiau la ruu thu picture uf lieallll an i uow declare tl at lr wll ham pink pillabroiiilitlrlt thuiredil i lie a im knows of man others who have imiiciltcd by till roitihrknblo remedy llr willinuib pink pills ate a aimcilla for all dlaraacw arlinu from an iiupovoribb od rundiliau of the blood ur a battered condition uf the nervous force hu b h ht 1tua1la11ce locomotor ataxia rhnumtitn paralysin sciatica tbo after cflei is of la grippe lorn of appetile iieadatdu dljui ilea phronic erysitcu- scrofula etc 1 hey are alwo a apccittu for tbo iroublej peculiar to the fomalo system corrpctiut irregular tlios suppression aud all forma of female weaknena buililuu anew the blood and restoring tbo glow uf health to pale and aallow clieeks in the case uf men ihoy oflect a radical cure hi all case ariaint from mental worry ur unrwork of au faturo ur williams 1iiln are inttnufacrarcd i the lir wllllauia mdlciue ompati lirockulle onl and buicnoclad aud are sold only in boxes bear 1 11 k llielr trade mark wraper printed in nil ink at 6l cents a box or aix boxes for 9 ui mid may iw had or all druiitn or dlrecl by mall from ir wtlllamn medicine 0111 pauy from either address uhuwnlb in dunoas lnal knowledge bringa comfort mid mprnjrnmontatiu 41111i1 to kiniiui iiijnjinont wlicn ntlitly tirud tlio ninm wlto hto but- ut tin l 0 m n wt lm kjmiiuliltirof by mora prtimptlj vliiint tho tvirldb bent product to tho inula of pliymcul lining will fttlflut tho viiliio ko bijnlth of tlio puro lupnd liiynluo pi inciploa qinbmoid in tho n iiiul mi ul of fir ita oxliiiouco la duo to tla proaeninp m tliu fnn m tab nccptub a nnd plian nut to llio tnsto tlioruirualiliigftlid truly btiillicuj proportion of a potfoct lnx ndiu iuvclriiilly olt niuiliir tlio byaftm tliapbllftik cilila lie liiob mid foe mid iliiiuuiuijlly i i l iih ooiiaflpation h to wtil wii mot u tlio npi v d of the niudicnl jirofiaflu 11 ixtittino it acta on tlio kid net a liver and jtmi 1 in w ilfiont wink tilling tlium nt i it in p ifri 1 1 froo from oitry olijoti 1 rllo aulnlui lo bj rbp uf h 1 a ia for iwvlo by nil dnlg- gttita in 7v ihitlltn but it la tnnnti fiutm i im tlio ilifrinua fig syrup co on miu mi nnum 11 printed on oiury pnckngi nlno tbo ni 10 tiyrupof klt nml ih tntf iw ii informed yrni will 11 t axcoi t any nubslituto if o to red henderson 06 acton agents for standarcuiatterns hcaduartcrs for all kinds of staplcand rincy dry goods mantles millinery boots shoes boys clothing and groceries fnncy arttclos paul sang u s will orloa lonli il dry cnqdx nullum rancy aimiu llkitli rurnfihtaca witlnlic cold weather wc are now having comes the necessity of providing warmer clothing wc are showing a big range of ladies and girls cloakings and mantle cloths they arc ol correct st les and marvclously cheap dm ji of licadj mad mani lun gnutl stcs goochits and low jinccs our values in ladies underwear ih beyond comparison also a large range of boys and mens underclothing weekly free press farm anm homk for 1895 100 oh both papers 00 kuliuiitil and i iii piov ill 11 ii-eln-s- kiiinil iapri bach numbtvfl wicl contain llu i tulimt s riuou- ljl ru1 ll hi llfu fi iiimmiv oct lu mr j t mocha cily editor uf the hamilton r- aud olio uf the beat known and universally liked roldcuta of thia city mob dtuwucd in tlio uiidas canal while ruluru uil from the hock ion fair ttcdiitsday t i unit he in company willi mr h r imimioi c titor of tbo lir atartrd from hk kton at mil 10 u clot k h a r ad tlmt runs braide 9 ranal when they foun 1 limy bill uul ion the main load mr ii ichaua who ji in inc wnul to tutu tliu rn back and turutua ute oanvyance olippnl over tbn de of ttie kiil i mr tdlurl s that i turned it wan found thai much the budy wan fiunil but lilt wan e 1 ho funeral on hunday waa ui largest ever seen in lho city 11 you in win had hi teg u th oampatln wilrv the methulial tor hirst btiuie k i 1 utile lu arou d kii ii i pn let i d l tt a 1 il afcl 1 j uu si hell a hon klo tho re i kel at tun alio then 11 jl iiiii hat le1 uljne the fii aa imo li i tbr lo 1 lldbhi t lltl iiiln ate v iw have been ah wu in man lrm but wl at u ireua re f art f ucii find islr y tla lllle th a pal t- 1 k bllhw 1 h lht tail uf u 1 t tll 1 ii ll loi l i ilaelf llualai ad uuatttt ll u da n anrpt uu irtutli ii u1 1 lu nu lllca then 1- hit inn w urk w idl luat rat and 1 rib- th ii rrful exl ibiu ll h ouise f repar on hi rl tw lhu t utiuihcently llluvlrtol w rk over laue i ll liitnca ibe title i hi ii k uf tile air tjii ujptrplato lnrnng 10011 eaultill phen icil by iiuihti howe lllot ft i llblllll 1 iii twdilt llln mkllb t 1 each apj icnl keuclu ahuuht liieos aa i i w illuatiau- puuiplilet till i ihln ii un 11 im aulitiu tlia jivful with thu nxhtlamttog aenac nf rerieui ticallb and blrciiuth and luteri al i iran nea which follow the lnv hrup hlgr ia unknown lu the few win have u pcogril beyond llio id inno meli io aud the cheap ublkulo n tiieltine uffoii bul i r accepted by the ell i he ii i malt ok i who bate bveu doing bnmi i ket and htummiib will utcu halurday under i be tnn 1 matlluuk hi liie 1 ol broken in health t hat tired feeling constipntio and pain in tle bick aotpotlto and mojlth kuatjtud l hoods sorsapjrhf u aki acrlullurl latl jjhelaw iit 4rtwhrt nf 1 1 ibs lllualn hi hsckilik now i tu i i in liar n iarli a ivan i f r wunkly fruu prusti d fur in i homo ii ii i ilalalie t tth ire au nu aiill ui in uiir nstuil i llu i licit ill i sen linn iiiu roniinllui f btb pbtfab printing co fire fire w williams buot bhoe stort acton slmk igd u llu in b ln i wi suiiilwiial dunigtd uul dlsinulgtd 1 have in ukd iu clcll oat all ho tsmd shut sun m shelvt s at a e unsldt lablc icductluu for risli i al 1 it ll sill n pining ii u l w atiiiliams al ion i grbat run 1 r y mens imported natural vvool underwear a complete range ot ladies black and colored kid gloves cashmcrl loves and plain and ribbed cashmere and wool hosiery smut thing special ill hosiery for boys wear calhmd alhnnd vi cilt jiil ltlilnitcd gilt i ply stocking yarn the best in c inad i inlj 45c pei lh j- beehive yarn- 3 knots for 25cts wc have lots of bargains in dress goods our stock forthe fajl and winter is now complete piles o7 beautiful goods correct styles and patterns cheap for cash henderson fe co horsemen attention 11 iu nliid a sett of harness robe fur coat blanket whip jiiu in the liursc furnibhm line it will y i tn mc j h matthews irc stock o single midc tif tlil best 1 it hih iltti s t 1 double ilainss st ilk u the latest ht le lirjthl jtuek tif blankets and robes thai ever came into at ton prices awa down to suit the times fy- 3-tvmt- j aim urnu total il a at prices much lower than uaually ofler od a cajll will convinco you lvery baturday ia a ilargain day paql sahg mihstroot acton fltto bberuscmenle th a ii cook dfcntiht lor colloflahl ami hpadliis avr tonuntoi will visit acton uu the drat atnl third halm day ol oacb mouthy orruatoatdiw s hotel money to loan mclkat a morejlk town hll acton g11a1 wa thr untltirslknotl la tirenarnl lo par tba i tilkhoat eaali prloo for all kind of tain dellvarott at ills warehouse at o t it station aoton john k coiuiv huyar notice alrmirrimluleltnil te llriara kick i in ara r- ipiestetl in rail suit aettla with ur kmlek llu ou or boforo ocl tfith all aeoounto not paid by aalddate will l lacol in oourt for collse tfon boy wanted canal to nf taking care or the burses and iiaklnc liluiself mmoralty useful a ppl y at i uokiuoib free lt mulfi imkra novels toys am pi hoods etc by sand in 10 eta islivn to have your nairta inserted in our attains directory which how to publub era anil manufacturers all mnr the ujt and auada address w 11 iiaittl newton uoaa farm to rent iotb3 con 1 kstpjrafnj to aerea anitabls j fur tnarkut kanlnnliiff cloorf dwallins baak barn aud wood well minodiate nnwaaalnu aiply to wm uatrdax htrnetavltu i o miss annie turten t op v w iit receive pupils fur inatruouou on tba violin either bt berlioma willow huaat acton or will call on lbs pupils to gtv innni town au application cheyne beos houler mill running we have our roller mill now in runulm unlur hid ore prepared lo earhauao floor or wheat or tu nil all orders lor gristing tuuafacuah giucrautsed chkynb hltofl farm to rent iotu cou t saasacaweya con tain in fl 100 j aerea to aero ol which is tillable and rw tnalndar under bush sad nastur on tba premisea am fairly cood bulldiiuni good orchard an i a never lllo spring iosaa in of march apply lo iiuoii uotamhh lloa 1 ac ton house ami barn and tlirec lots to let l mi at well known raalileooa at preaant x uoeaiilad by mrs il juuer oor pndartek ondohurob htroeta there la a goal bm and table on tbo pramiaoo oronard and thro lea suitable for t anion lug ponsaaloo tivwa cub october apply at once to it r moori pttopettty in esyresing for sale new fall goods i uu us ol of till i hi s li u h i i y llarir v lr llera is clhiuu of pkra dmiallv n itlbullu lu uuiinli luanu i tlift by uuhl hem i tt llishoi john i hurst lr jbu 1111 ot william m lalur oi bail l i arkhur1 and iilhtri lu ibis vvurk biiiio nf lho riuuiial lurlr uf the hible mu ttil 1 in a way that will hi ve lh m au st live modern uileroat lu all nu uk thiopte aa well ui tn itlotr parents laoh artn lo i bv a tlitl rant autbur i bo fully malt til i tl- rr- ill ha bn ll lho i u i 11 i iv hi till il i m til i n hit on llu ohmiil ui t i tin lid of lot 115 h p moort it ont rutlls t ii kk f ll til wb alitle ask t f t 11 nit kl i i tr ut tbo i ol uey willi tht toaill fr c a until 11 ol lueib 1 atttl iiiijtr lireut lu ieimauy for llatiui bein llu- tmly rtful in till dlfltritil w4ltt tin so it you wish a aylialt wrap al mall prltr yuil will unci plenty al o ll hvan a a mjnrttsllnwmtftjrhiieiwatia ii llrr i lit in ll tu the luuk un i iiuim v liulu r it rjti ij tu i u i litil uu aiiniitu nliitri unit tint i ii i it 1 tried u iii it i it gel any pcriimuc floods- cures onrco until upon recouuueiuuiuuii nl i i i pur hiv1 n i ui t likhti sx ll vlllrh mile m irrj ihii rut n i i m lltui i iu uit luimmi lttkni uu t m i fool liko a new man nurli plmikiiin u r t iiiuien llu 1 1 hb h iri i r milton pressed brick co mandfactubtltfl of fine pressed brick in jtd brown ami llufr main street pianinc mills acton ont john cameron architect nnd contractor ma hhinil a complete line of new dress goods alao a complete liiio i dtaples newflanjiels flan i ottes cottons etc tall millinery the latest in millinery phk uiiderslguod osaralor aala bis property j ou west part lot o con i ksquaalas ooiuprlsina tblrtoen acres on wbloh is areotocl a hewed losliouaa boarded ouulds and plaatararf iuaida ou and a ball stories good wall votm orchard wall fanced th iiro party is all olaara1 and in a good stale of cultivation title ludla- nulable jft tuirtlculara apply at to office of d uandoraoti acton or to aotou april lltb ihut willi all qiubohb notice to uedirors- margaret lamond deceased 1 amend lata ins township ofkstitn tba tfith day ot october ihh rotiuiredtoaand to kdword w itoyd mllmii iost ofllo hoi id tor fur tbo b oculars of the last will aqd test menl of said doooaaed tbelr full qsmaa kddrsaa ea i losorl pilous a sis la to ont of tbelr olalia with artioulars and proofs and ibe nature of the oouritlea if any held by them aud iiotioe is berahy given that after the said lolti day ol october 11 th sabl eeulors will prooeed to buirlbute tlio ustan u ui aald dooeabbd among tbn pervtilis nutltle1 tharalo l ur any xt i wiiiim alaiw uotlo at mia ptad at kltlui niv tun hob jibit moulding john cameron proprietor i kltton ml iin afora cm of ftcku cash foi whaat henry hostoe atlttoajtoni 1011 irintino durnqcq c ii mill ind mam stilcts gusasts ofat out yfltrh ol ibheh ai ue ir wi haven t thehnet stock ol ojiluatl jiotx you ever looked at if you lnu i pronounce oar stock rue that will tfc proof positive that ihera is bouiolblnu wroutf itti your glasses not oar and tbsj laaat thttis you uan do will be to lat da a i you tu a new pair a v tmra u caloolug kaaa 1him ouue aoton savage 0o jcwcllcra -g-uetph- bargains i oi the iilv1 uvu wcel if y6a want any lolhing now ia tba uiua to al il ouercottts all ahadea aud oobrs lo lift and fjo former prioo im j0 ij- suitings imaok qbaviuta n fi i iner prtoea fit hootob ami i nadiau twcsda at lrv low ulan uuj jinoe blhck worsted i jo former pitcr ill colorqd woratd iu former pn 9j laave your order ai umw to stirii tiro mil l ntlgiillqii mib lira a 1erfocl lerfdcl lit aud alisfscuoii nar nlxhl n mdnnak loorb weal of kroe proas o it loo pianos 1 bare la scch a den an i for flral class hell ilanos til i i have uu band i a rue slot k ot beuond ham 1lauus uf diflrobl uiakoa bulb urlgbl ami nquara taken lueauhante raukitii in prioa from 171 lu fioo wbi h will be old reaaonablf and nn oaay any person wib i t purohaea audi will do well 1 call arly and lamina iham st c w kellys music store 08 upper wynctham street telephone 178

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