Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1894, p. 2

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v -3rji- rf jvo vyyygti 4j t i l v-r- v i j is- jj m mi abuamln kouo on ttiuraday tufa out tho wife or uourito allan of a aauuhtor hk nmijtin krln on jim si inat tint wlfs nl archie if rkaehfrn of a ilanahlnr hot ur in sabacavuya ontbnxir1 iiiaima wife of ii dim lot iiim at a uuulilor 1tttiikw in actmi nn thursday 1mb ool un wtfrinf l ii malutewa of a ilauehter c jrwti heart rn ai ilm limiin of l inihimli tralsluar uu tlin utll inst- ii r john t arloluu to iih harah llusiltir wmhaakaowjln branioas at lbo liomp of 11 trldn miwli on llin ittlimnal t uv i hlrmrliaii mr jihn 1ailr of liimhuuao li mla y hwallmin ol tin brlli tnat it llr hiram tuck lmlli ill tenrsnuiwii tin hninalitiai urn homo u gironta trafalgar nil thu itth lnt ullclulluf lit i ton u uu ultiulu hlhlianl if i eli 1ivkii iii ltlobwno1 on tlio jjiid luil jsiiu rnnwpll bt th yeem stlji ixrtort 3frfc rtss thtlilbiay ootohkh us jotes and comments talk t d anepltomo of tht vforut poinb durlns thb wool 1 mrvnutrt llin titinuiilii lluifllali historian u dnsd- mr j mcgroiior of iloullnnk bruko 11- ueok by uu ilia iiilinr 1 ty kutty iatron indue baic iki urcn lod in musknka and larry bound mr w a olrruij novrfn wrek itlil bride of ilrnilllt fanitd drowned mr lloberl tumor tif llranlforl drank carbolic ojd onjmdnywilh ul result the iwnk or llr m ard to hw linl ijdooolxwbv irrtnulariim durhiu lll riaiant revolution a you ii u woman ctlliu hor alma baton ul lorouio ha un vil ink many duftalo tcuilv julni wornook win luund tlij of alkquttlur t thoobm th asifit mr ilm kilduit ot juhu uautlluu a ptcibl aeaairtn tr llin lhhifo iurlia inenl iim dooiilixl lo pruwiouto tlm war wild all vikot nl umk aioptt to riit tb th lb iiruvuioii1 ijuiiliiiiit to txi inill mi llio frm r mr wllttn milliko al i i ift ll hlh or novuiiibrr tlo ueirimoitt ol justiqo linn takmt actibn in flio luoumjuof tiurl aamat contractor hi iuuia in butinictum wim tho outran brlijjjo mr jubu wliilc or iaria w run v by a orwid trunk reiulit irani anil killoil ha u ho yoara ir tiu nml u ulil nuratil u tbodrand trunk uuriim hrpuiinler nurly t imk cwu buali da of wfieat worn alijkl oat inm win niric bkalual 11100 imm hiialiulm for tlm aartitt rtiumli a ear o tor aallii whiakoy l tnti wutkmi on tho now rallara wliitli la bulntt bill 1 1 iinr iarry bound a fartuar ncl ilia ann rn imw aimttiduik i moiitba in jail jamea m murriaou alevmlnro ol irtir ia 11 c anil three brotlirr liavo lallly become heir lu jl 0ooimkj lliroutl tlm dcatli of a baoliolor uiioto wlio nuiaracil lim woajlh in australia joaaio koitl a fourteen oar old ilmikli tar uf a fajrmor living noir iialowol wad outraged and murdorod on 1 rnu hot body with aevnral wounda wan tbilin ooncedkled uudcr a iid vt leave at lreaoott laal tliuraday mim mhio k l javfllu kolth oaodd- yonrodrtitnlly miiftlorotf 1arlinp nu oilier ntnup bt iiicviimhi ilia ihfnd of ilm iulla nnoli i n xl nl n tho iotaluof iba ariina otn linrriblo jxuulity wblnli ooiturrod within a nbort ilialuubo o ilauiuh ll irtiuj tbi miun i ki ilb h n haiiitlitor ilt vitlliuu kiilin rirtnor f klma town ablt lliu liiifurriiunlu uirl wan unit un tlio mil wit if nil ah aliu una rolilrnliik n loun nhiro niih 4lid liron to tliu jiit nllu i t i lrnui it u mtiimoil rtlul ontrnl himi iim1i i in nulroail uictiiiiniiin rliiiuiiii iliiuii ilm ilm track nfli r tluuii i niw hiiinn iiiwniiitiurh nud niilkil run mi hit jrmti i jmii furtbur inxiiallnlinn tin v dm mitinl imilniotin of foul jilnv i ti wi nt in m r jct f bu uiionllmll i tmlo dintnni utul ijku nturn lilt- and iiljnwinu tlu trni hn nrriih n mluuhu lltld nil ulxuil h jirl mid u atvamp ditrtivwrrd iii imhiv til tb uirl rccflltl rrtt w mowif nml rntton wood til lilliin hi win iiomi roinuvod and talti u bw- llulxiil in iirin nvidouca ol uil fihiliat ol nrimth hit- pnnirt iwtui whiufml ittf tliu llrnl hi- it riitiuii rt r i oaii imi irarnnl fi i ii hi wl tnt nnmrv uiir nny nrf mrn iinlunm rlout inaii iib tt i un imi worthy cuniplciiuii 1j jiuia ulil dark iiuxuiuliii hrav binl uinhui ht iilcl full c lit 91 dark iioal luriiinu brown nld ilinaty hat lacorhii lilneli with t t- iiiim jiauta lighter th in i it kfni ban tiurd look of thnlraui urjlv llioitirlu rutnaiiia urm kiiritid on hun i1b afumcoii l irutiiiun to nitirinoiil or wilt hiiii h rliiriniid an ojiinlkiti that nay all in rliiinun lip tin iduitit tho murlrr llinm u h bliivd hdiint ndt ii m tin friin b 11 ik lb it f tl hzmmntttestomagh annptili swallowed wmiue drjinkino in thfn dark cxcruolntlna aiioriy suffuriid by mrn vimlfnli nurvin bhtittnrrnl nml donth loukod taw m thu only hulluf im i il 1 1 ii lo tho oilllorhf llio foil 1 iiiviiinhnnritw tlith htruncnciiin i 1rj hlnmn wmtlnll tnndo imiiry and inarm i tlm fuflnu fnu fa mr wihlfjl miirilil ihkiivii liikhnmn tlirna nr- in mut lo tho wtlt ml iimpiiu inuk u irlitn hiii dxl w mi imimi ki dowti hi r ibri lfh 1 lohl tier imitliir ho ul ihu in l lb bt uitnhl tin tti in n f u imr lhroiiul drfiihuiy miifir in rti hi tlm dirk for a fiuiiitbi liii 1 f utul h ivaj into b r atomarb hnl i f o litvv hi i hnol aflr it wluli un mih m ik v old iuki inr mmrilr in hiic i i u k il up tht iltannlur itifartuntmrkd lb 1 ino uir kiiii iu milk would nnxlmin nfful- i r it inn on nouvulnlouh kho lost litr ajlp lili but would feul ho coiiiiltuly k l lb mum nob tlrat khrrhid to ota rrn icr nud t n hn nuiuibiirbiy hoiiu frciliitu t jintit ilm illwttirlmncq within hlmoouk knowledge hriiifn comftt tnd tm rovemont anl imra tc 8iiinil onjojimtib when diilyn iho mnni who llro bnt- ur tbuii iittnndotjoylhomorfl wp a oiiiitnro by noro promptly liiu tho vorlv insnt product to thu ittaiof plimihahhulnff will altrt iu iiij lr b ilth t tho puro luiud lixtinu iiicilos cmljnicutl til ttm in ijpuujifirririrr m tid luuuo in duo to tu proaoiiting in tlo m iiiab ncofntiilin nml pha nut to i liu uil i tin rufpnatiiiir nnd truly hutiiuul prmhrtits of tt pnrfct lx- iti i u ittoltually oltiunr thobjatim iinpol 4 cmhi likuunlton nnd iciora u ily auir roimlliwtlnl i n fitvn um n m t ii i- l y il uwi i li iho i m 1 ot iho nmihcnl junior uiil llin nun jhfcnr liaimi imcl mi j lt nri on llio kul- mpiniiiiiii ol lli kinl rn in r a nn illiiit trilj muiliiini lu lull ml ii ihu iiiiiih uniuijili u r i i it in 1 1 i ilj iron frum por llmm yrir ill kir ivimll hiiirml 1milj ju nhlil m litalicu k1 y i jir f llur whilo ymtim lidiiu tivr itnd htumngh won all out of urdur j inr liunrl wnulil tint tor and laljutnui no fnull henderson co acton agents for standard patterns headquarters fofi1l kinds- of stapleand i dry goods mantles millinery boots shoes boys clothing and groceries with the cold weather we are now having cornea the hltusmty uf htmiuius wuinm l we aie litming a lig range of ladies and girls cloakmgs apd mantle cloths the are of correct style and marvclously cheap our stock of really made mantles is complete good st les good litsj and low prices our valucs in ladies underwear iri beyond comparison also a large range of hoys and mens underclothing di c d qd- pnncy arllclos paul sang una a hnllnkorlrd block of dry ctitkli cltitlitni fanry hintls jntui riirulhtnzm mtftcktc alalhia immik iki all klnl yrta a i nnrh biwwr than uimilly olicr od a cll will rmivliirn on i vary balurday in a iarnln dny pfeiul sang mlllstroot acton fltto sbcrtistmtntb jll ii cook money to loan iallm or iliad iroprty at rtiiaonabla ratoi 1 apply to srelkav mcrkav town flail aototi our cffrrl baa conio fnn tlio new la on inborilanco in kiirland liiaload of biidkta pfta am iwtnr made wtnla th donor la allro ionl ducio for inauncc has juat aeiit a check for iw0 to iho cllou cratorahiro iiinrnibryaayink that lib will coiilainnl that txxiuoal hut that ho rn farrcd to aavo the chakra made by tho hlale tlio merraae in the laaue of womimoti nolra authonutl by the act of laat aeaaion haa been approvad of by tu governor in council with a proviao that dollar tor dollar in uold aha 1 1 be kupl lu tho treaatiry for tlio now unue in acoonlanoo with tlio rcaoluljun of laat aeaaion although tho revolution wu nftt nmbodnxi in tbo act owuut to a clerical miatako lua apeeoh on mouday iloroo hec rotary aatjuith maid that tho alaloment that the cabinot had bean rooently aammoood to oonaider kravo complicatioor between great ilriutu and france wu the idleet notion that had evor cnlorrd tho brain of man tho atalement that ilnltah diplom acy had sustained a aorious rebuff in the treat capiutls of europe was utterly doati lute ol lbo amallaat fouudation jkain wanted ticlorniihl in prnparihl to pay tlio ni rah prlcn fur nil hind of brain al til warrlouan at o t it btallnn john i coiihy llqyar ho imporcljilibll iinil a uiikiiii would muni onir bur hint thought lb at hiii biil kimii ii i ft h ii lui but it la mftiiu i fi in 1 ty llto c arria fig bjrup c ol ii miiiiih imiui ih pt in toil on on ry imck m nluo lbo iimtio faj nip of fla md 1 rt mil frniwl you will nt nu epl nny inilmlituto if qfforcd lllmt i irl that tho apples for which ontario baa becomo famous are put down in oommuo estimato at less than an average crop this year jb yield orer the province la vary unequal ueink tpnte liberal in some orchard a only moderately good in others and below the latter rating in tbo majority much of the defect ia to bo charged to the long drought in tbts neighborhood the crop is hardly op to the a wrap either malitj in or iiuantity lu 1wj the or ol the oneoifig of tlio hnoa caual the tonnage of ship colored at lloug kong was jmw00o three years later 11 had naeo to 3 rtooooo laal year it was 7177 ms the total tonnage entered aud cleared being h 3tjm thia plsoea houg kooft urat tn tho hat of the ports of the itntish empire thouub ioudun and liverpool run it pretty oloac fifty yoara ajo when coded lo hngland bylio tlraty of nankin in itiia u wan a desolate maud the aucoeaa of blood as a tum for diphtheria in many oaaea in wbnli it baa boon uaed haa ao aurod the itntlah inatl tuto uf ua value aa preventive moiilcitie that arrangement s are being mtde to aupply tho aorum al all peiioo ct doaau against a furaigu coal of 7a per do tho enunesa aurgoon blr joaeph liatcr will aupcrtii tend the preparation at the porum lor tho luatllutlon in onlor lo insure purll it waa uaed among tho children of the poor patriotism in jau aiiliiialca all raoaa f the people llio niondltatil pricsta and uuna cuulnbuu their mitoa tu the war fund while the emprcaa and the ladies of the nobility give their jowela and pre pare with their own hauda hot apd other assuagements fur the wounded this patriotic apiril luvltca tho admiration of all the world except china and may not bo without appreciation own in ilta4 utrpu aud manual bio land winch baa tbo beat o reason for boiug interaalod lu it i ho hxooutivn of tho dominion alliance have drawn up tho following three ijuea- tioua lo be asked candidate locking eleo lion lo lbo house of tumniuiu 1 hey are arayoitin laior uf the luiiiodiate and toul prohibinou uf the injuur uajbc li olocted lo tho house uf oiiuoii- will ou aupiort and vule fur a prolnurtorj inmor law will you co u per ale with otbor mouitxiib oi parliament who avor jnullbl tiuu to accure the lnlruluclioo and onacl meiil of auch lobulation ki the oarheal opihirlumly tj t t ir moved a loaded gou the tritfycr caugl i lu bor drean and uio result was to hiiimji hor year old brother lu lbo fact- killing him almost tttla ill aqxon school uoaho will ih iboloriipli i hi tin bfimclblik mitj bit dio mnn i liiini an on lnruinmiil tin ibnti it m lit imwid hint ait til otrhit imr tlrotl fir thiin la a hu oil hr lip an 1 hliu bml triti to hood down inr i al nul moid tbo ktufo blow ilm inupinuilof hit pbolool tlln yea 1111 if itrulilli mid r vp1 oimllnng of linn nn ail nil hni ixm uiljt tiui i thu nppoxid imrloir w cauubt b loimtablo ilani f jinn townahii atiattured no tbn proael i allir tht r n lu lit niiibhi inr n tolluph thriii ii iitlitrii or hundnig ml i ol t l npirit c tb lo will nun in moiuv iiilii urn nrrsl being math a liul mil lul nboul inn in b hi i- iill iuiplinl linn uhlhi luyrr hi tub ulli vs it loading for tor- tor nutlloml tb un 1lllk 1llln ami tlu took tbli 1 but found no iippar lit rtilt mi lb n gnyo up llliur n to bulloviog nllti w if punt llir nld of mulrme al tbtn tmi n mrn ihlit who ilfr twlv vmki null in grippi or llnm 1 ink iiu for l a i pit urgmmirn would 1 1 lo bi lb- urn ol ink 1m it ugmn fill lid h nnd nlu r boived thuir hliilllliil lllttn h m tl i t secretary instructed to re anik tho prohtint stoi of toathurn for 1bo0 a lutttiug of the sthxd lirl 111 t h uulimk uu molidaj tuning i tlm uiairmau i it harding foi lhe irannai- lion of general buaiuean the memoeis prtmitl oic m cairn t ii hauling t hyudn jaucn mi lam and itobl wtulace the minutes of lbo previous nooliiuf were reail aud confirmed die timiiutteu on hnaum prrnuutltl their foortti rrpirt rtcumiiui ling j moiil uf the following inniu k larllor irlllltii woll ni i n liiiik mixed b lorgti iiii aholiil 1 llobt wallace that the utirll rrprt of tlin kmaiicti omoiltlde lm atltiloii amnl moved b ictirgt hjndr miuiltl in jaa mclatu that if tile proml nlull of teachers aro oion for nngngt lucut lor ihi m i r i 1 i lml or i knullcilioo thfe new lbaofcll m mrtr of to onto him uj t iinl tho iuuohdii al a niltlmg of the uifrviilivo uimn born if lb 1 ntinlntun in 1 nroiitu pn i una la mi coir fmltri h mnrtor moiil ur foi n ulb liirnnli iva olutuj a lh iw pri ldr mr murlrr v ii 1 uuim1 it lli irguulim sn muki hi 1 tin hi tite brnn lo niipriii ml fu aha ban n ton 111 utinl ntrmulli i atuii hnor o m ru niil in rj si now do htr nirliobl i k n 1 f woll an ever hilt n- nbi iyl 1 nlrtul tl 1iuk illli nb w 11 to ami ft r malul r tho uooll rualllllllg fl iii lb uf ihln lorlnl r innl y mm lltibt i a grhat mens imported natural wool underwear f i f run i ui i ti a i jii s of last lssm of llit i ki i iklss tuiiipltte range ol ladies black and colored kid jots cashmere loves and plain and ribbed cashmere and wool 1 losiery sin in thing spt 1 1 tl in hosier foi los wear cui and mi t an haw the 1 hi 7 1mss sent tu atldi t ss on the ciilih nt to tin i ml of ijt fr 115 v h p moore attun ont publiaho it i k littetl call il stocking tuiula nl 15c per lb vv weekly free press ardnit mr- ttifa llnaopiln u a lilt ilnll ii nlll ol the fl al tbx ulni v1 ll w rctoinuktiidltl b llir itwi all children who am nil rulj chicken pox bu rfjulic1 lj f iiiaiii at until they sre wull a true bill ioh mukut ibe fall aaneea for uu nut flltnit opouod uunday aflt moon mr junlno macuahou preslillua mr willlain i omit g c toronto la coiiduutiug tlm criminal cases for the town and tlt lot kl an til lordahip int ntd it in charging urn craud jur ia almil in llir niilnr uf i but aerioub lo lliaraltrr loimltliik an it doea in tlirn t bariroa of loiiil uu 1 dim ol murder tin ullcr la thu elubrnlnd nm luilinm raae lu whiit man hartley 1 rhatfrd h ili mulder if imr buabanl by adminiaterir khbiii allhiihh it ullio tikltillia lkii ilm i c drat came th furo tho publlu uitlir ilm ulnrnut u 11 la rnal k hurl nri dl i kuroa being hjtl ath i u lbo aar of uusaia wti nxpectod at any motnenl rolatiuna of llusala and fuglaudare a lilllo atrauiotl but ll la got orally ounaideied that tbo death uf the aar will materially atleot hngland from tho fact thai the arwilcli haa tuuiuaua a uiuuu mure irtnodl rola lion for knglaud vhau does the jroseol ntouaroh whilo tho breach between krauce and itaaaia will booonto wider uormiiiy will also share lhj kl bf o oiolaller the weekly average price uf wheal ell bcluw ill shillings a tiuaiaer in htaiid during iba week oudiug feopumber li thtfolrcumsunoo u so mcopllnual ilia bo laiuduu krhimut calls special atteuliou t ll 1 ha avarage price was lua ntl a iiarler no such reoorti ul clieapooaa haa hoou mad aioco the aixleoiilh beiitury with whnli o course com pari son a would bo very mialeail inir owiok tu tho dilforcnl relallouahip there oileto1 bolweeu tho value of money aud the value uf com mod i ilea lu gouera lbo yearly average ct 174j and i7it la given at i id and ll i- kalblo chore waa a week or reks lu those yoara fwlmu ilm weekly average waa- nominally aa low lu proportion tu the prion of other articles tho loweal weakly average iwiordod from 1hii1 to irwj inolaslvo la jls jd for tho wuek oudiuk march ih im13 previous lo which within tho knod named it was only ontt under jma and uu that oooaalon the pneo was i7a aud 111 look out loh cold wfcathth uul ride malde u the k lootto lighted and hteatn 1 1 rased veattbuu aparltueut trains ul lhachuisj0 milwaukee a hi paul lullway and yull will be as warm oiuuforubls and cheerful as in your uwu library or boudoir to uavol betwswu culcajco tit latil and mliatsntu- u between chicago omaha aad hloux city iu theas luiarioualy appoiltwl trains la a supreme sausfiotion t and aa ibe soma what auolent aderuauiol usatl to aad for furibar parlloulars awo small bills hsinttii- tm lanmjf j w11 f accapletl for slspiu oar lioksu kw dsialud ialurmalioo addfoas l iiiasniit ftlsllll ail ty w n i forootu qfli n ilm ll lutllior will many from ll uuinllj ibt ai rum or id tlo an thai llin i iw i- mm other hand it la wtiiapnrrd that the itrliriirn will utlor leslnnuny cjially glartlliu and wa ml loou tnu i m bill bdaloat l ao ul 1 i tomurk od by moro litai ul ima prnaoiil in so aerlont a cniil hin inliinin irern roaobed so rpvadly after tbo finding waa in a briuf oonauluiiit lotik placo inlwr i tbec id tb tlm ault ol whiuh waa that lbo trial ouiilintim ml a v hi yestordsy miirnlng mr ii 11 oaler q i ol lorooto dolumlliirf ml harlloy ami ilm iim will lake al loaal iwi ami ttouably lb rrn ly tlluro iu up warda ill mki wiliana niilijhinui i lb lluuiv m hi annual l itiuii f the humuy hchml a ah alix of uoln ooenl lo httdui hlilmultilil ilmnl luiliuvlle n inualy tuoruiuc in pulul of uumtiers attuuilaiire and prnjrammo lul galberiua tile anipmaion ban nvm bud many luloraalliih pahirn wnie ullpn iwm lilt on lha life an i aurruunliiua ol it young mmiil ol tht uiurtib who arn to lit lbo moo nop wtiinnu if ibl t well i loll ililury 1 bo ollii b ot 1ilatjnil haa i foil conferroii upon mr ii 1 m t i ll acton 1uik iu tho ground lib i ii- i will tu over will lw oollixl l ll li ol maulling into ilm mm- f tji t v a lbo imhtrlaut of luatbuif a g nil v lift llr btwt way uf allalulnu i ll and tlli nvla thai meat tut ahuuuwd as i tlui caaa- iu all- such ouuveiitlniib ciunaligo or nplnlo viewauf oouiludtin schrul wurk r tt to alreuglbnu llio uabbmlh huliool work iu tboir dullo lltirnt and bit b ri hf an mini ill i ut lll uhtlrd nt hi tifinral eletili in 11 an tut tb laat ku rnl i lot turn having rniikin it i u nt hi nil nr11 totr i lb iorth llnut of lirooli lie has btlii in hi- llrnt in hon inn uu ih nmtul w rkr the nsarva llrlr ml mailr m a nm of thu ulo ih i in mtilr of lltttulfurd uu id romftiuj tl l1 llllltlh rr nod laatroug lift- an 1 mill nllll nr iii 11 ahhll a mr m ul i ii a lloent and amy notbb ini i llnui jiibi pnbllahod by llnrpur v hi tlmrn hy lb luttlnl atlrai lltiman of a uuwll ol topi mbull in lor i i- alihl alnrtliij iutartnluii mr laurrnn uutlnt loryti mlltniltuti ol aaelv 1 iht fntr of ii onl mm and wumou ol all t oh nil onn ha ban louk boon nous in he un lu of bin privalu aciualul li ami an tx ntal aa uiikjio m iu pu uiil iiikiit a brief luatory aud rvu of it 1 lo if all l loi tlo public tbo nrifint liiitratituaa 1 ling a niuil uanou n ilm r i in 111 f tlmm 1 fuihii u i il lia iulli uullu ol a 1wliitawl whth tlhl ll ln1 nmbar in alwav a i inll lilim f u in avonle mattali tl n ll i- full of in uniall i ll many f llio olr li h ii imll tlt lu ut ihu clin lion an i a tkn an kmum lj- t lf lr1 is k th hluno an 1 tlm laplom n tm 1 fl work ami i rn a 1 i 1 b 4 irual w arllti iiilhh f r pr nlnl m ilrnartl i illeg lw rk i hit in ilia nubjeot of ai ablo pj bj ikklualu of ii th r in a pm i 1 h ipfil artlclo on 1bolo n it ton iiiug an rnp i fur women ii inillnl lb ptr of s ntrma ou tlm uolaum m 11 uf 1 mo omn tb ubj i inirtin ilm m ond in lul until nl tlio lloonn dlnillarn malt ulo mall i f i no m i lhu ool onlion if wllll t 1 ii i1iih 11 l j u in ill tuvil tint ii ih i lai it lahl i 11 a i ii i u i lbolt a a aoabl aluif hurt an arlclt lor um an 1 1 t i 1 w r fa km and iiomk for 189b sloo h both iahtks 00 knhuirttl and lniprucd hiishrlilss kitniil iupfi ralm nljmbth will luniain advautvd n f vvuruumu 11 i ill i no jay lu intuitu ul hoods cured after others failed buofula in the nock bunches all oono now sl hsciiihk now wookly lrtto piuuh il hitrr rhhl hrbbb ihintino co i tuition ontiwlo main street planing mills acton ont john cameron i architect and contractd n ma i ill 1 1 nl- i hi ll i at i i u inn i wii l aui i ll in lalbb ll ii m ii i miilmr i i 17 uuo wlui 11- lahllaralum sauna ol tflflpwyj we ha b allll a few oir of tho hrated ueustxug lloou at tl u also a grand una at fl ml rwtiioiu it will sfooei low th u naaaom a co health a nl in infill and internal oleanll lira win i f lltw- ihu use ul hyrup u i u ink own lo lle for wlio have not proiroaaeil buytuid lhu old limn medio i una ami lbo cheap mititilutrn oumlimcs offered but ib ant e by the vkii informed catarrh nrfsal lulin gulck itti urn hoylhin t in ikin hea1 r t a kaiiqorvllli- maine 1 iih1 a l i ill maas utollluol i irrl tliatt tnuui 1 ju of ho l a huraapluiiu 1 i fltn ui i i lutu htn tiuhktt ltl sirolili ii y i k luidliitual bcicril kinli i imdiuuii whiji i ucd did nol do uieii il nud b n i mm liirucuil ui lake llotl a suaapanlli llmto wtii urgu buiiclica tin uiv utjk ao aoro tliil 1 coaia hood- cures not bear lliu llglill toiirb when 1 had tnken oio ho tlio ol lllls iiiudlchm tho loruucis hi i c nc and tieloro i tiutl flulilicd ii o arc aid tlio bultctica luid euuruly lillalipoarcd lllakulia a in in saiiprillli maine n 11 if you dtrilt thjko lluotia baraapa rllla 1 mil ho tutlu rd tu buy any other hood plllb rut lhlloriyimr lus llio iicrlnlaluu acuuii ol lliu ulluicttary taiial irniri john cameron proprtolof ik i on mills r chbll ui wlirtrit ubtuy hobtop sppiglit cfe son funeral directors furniture dealers assortment complete prices reasonable personal attention everything satislactory f v acton ont j a speight manager beehive yarn 3 knots for 25cts wi hivi lot ul ijarnns in dress cjuutn our stock i i tlu lall ulii wnitcl is now complete piles of lilautlful goods correct styles urd patterns cheap for cash 110 v wanted osh inimlli n laklni rnrti if uio lloiaui and uiakii inn nit k llaetul aiiplv atiuicfi hit slklaflt k frkk iu mam sr2i paptr- nrtiult k aaliipln gihhla old ly amid liij 10 it mhori to havu oir uamo luartotl linr tmiia lireetory which hoea lo publlati urm an i niaimfavllirurb all river the l h and eauatla alilraaw 11 iiahty sawtou ussa miss axnmk tlrten teacher of violin fui rrcvlvn tnlu tor liiinirtini on the 1 moliu ulior nl hurlioino unluwhtroot chkvnk hr08 roller mill running 1 ar irtiarnhto molu o nil all onion for oriauuh fuuifaotlon fiimrantcott oik sb iiuoh cattlk kstltay l tlm lltli nf ocmlier tlin tim ohiiiit mayiiavothoau n ami wliii all uknaoa 111 iau jamliellt j henderson cfe co tl i ul 1 yoiih lvflhlh and 1 0 we havoti t iho flncat stock of optical 0 ifooda yuu over looked at if you ll dou t pronounce our stuck due that p 0 will bu proof poaitlve that there la ii aonolhliik wrung with your glaasea j nol oura and tho heal think you t can do will bo tu lei us fit you tu a 1 new pair your asses savarli co j wcllcri llli i ii the oldest drug store in guelph t splcmllil assiiulnciit of lnlll mil ii llin hiushes uoi kuijiih ami hon i nil- il piccs to suit tlu times in perlunifc ii ill lulling ill iii i 1 11 i ii- 111 imttlcs allll ll ll sn i liuiiils skins lltlll 1 ms lis anif 1 oil t lulsllfs in ih 1 w g smith co cm wncliim and maiilonald sis gui- i ill horsemen attention ul ml1 a sett of harness robe fur coat blanket whip limlniik in i r j il matthews ii lias ilwls 1 lir sim k ol single 1 dmlile llirnss marl- i ll b sto k in llif latest style kaicst stoi k ol lilankets anil kous il mi eanu- into iton pncebiwaj lown losuit thetimcs farm to rent ioi u on naagawtia coutaliiiuu 1uu j at rrn ll air nol which la tlllablo autl ro uialiitlor uiiilur htiuli all i iiaaturo on tha ir iiiixn art fnirly uvhi liiilhiiira mtwwl orehard ami a nat or fallltii prlni tualou lal of pkoikim in ksyrksintj for sale illl- ultaiuil nmralor aalt ilia irwtv 1 un wmi i l j on i kauoluil lmwn1 luu loim hhtrttl oilailti ami plaalarn inaltio one ami iiall torlo imnl wall younn urvhard wtdl micr1 llio rrwrly la all ofnaro1 aiil ill a u0o1 lain of cullhauoti title india nutahlo rnr part miliar apl at tla orfloe uf v il1 iau iiii1ionh ali ible kaum loh bale bklsi ili ri itafl 11 suiulwr tell r111 ii rvnril of lriu torn i f wiliiili11 oltaliiliik lot acroa more ui luaa tilt hiuli la uiudtwl a tioo1 liuuao arst olaaa tram hnru anl xtltt lilllltn- thorn ll on th fain a umki t iai 1 anl in acrua hard irtiiu arlot onvoninl lo it- 1 l illco and ilinh kor jrtl ul al lorn apply lu it j mcskhli uuiu oi juhnhtos liltoh al tioin salk farm stock and imple ments i i un1 i i lm luattuclatl by peter bayers thursday 1st november liorwa a4il i u uluiu llioroit11 ml liiill 1 ikuurkliiibu floara 1 aluula flluu i tuia utll x uwr calvoa a i uiiiihil of buu illlilmmmi j kuiiul oauli i ml til biiu i 1 air i 1 i iunj i maiul h nlr i toroiilo iiumoi i ma i t iu i boll inul lunini itw hart 1 k11 u lt ha fork ilarmi i la ian a- i lair oodeu harrow i jl h ii i in- floury ih t iii i k ku wliifflo tttwa i liai- i iall 2 iralu nah- ttrt n nnttt luniuf li imillihk li li ak a i ajl imm kin lllaunvf jajtl an no iu u ii mi iwi noni tiu rt m itrmntiirft bargains lin iii iii m l wt if ou wulaij lolhiiig now i he tluin lo jol ii ousrcohl to suiti ncb nr i h ih i anadlan 1 woiu i hi 1 ibaiiusilsljirifia blhc k woht1 isd t o 1 in itco sji oolohfcd worsted jl 1 uu r pt uu sij 1 tnic rtlr j 1 irftn lit 1 ilill kl ulkll on ifulu i lllnnl twu loui wat o fruo llai olll boiler repairs steam fittinfir etc thos 8arceson i lolhriiu i i bad liro lirlilll i ihiiiui an i ll liotllllutf hulliuai baa it ttruu1 ui lihii a i luanl lo it 1 rpaira iu steam uoili h9 of all kinds utbam fit i inu uiiy dooqr lt ion in a wuhilatiory ma l al ul rt aaouahlu riuua adtlrfa- ti uiiw thhb uahocbon s gobryajluwn 8 q ki

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