Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1894, p. 3

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tttv i jh f n l r v- hbadorriok jlftulltoh board of direotobb- john btu4iit a ii iu1ihu jo vzsr no rw a jl la toronto wm uiiihon u i mhnam oatiler ii ii watson lili r aoenctes hamilton illartou ht 1 a- paat 1 irrt alliatou uerlln cliealey leorgctown orliniv i iirnwi i tbuoknow allium mount korot tjraoimvlllu j owen thuvl i urt mln hlmcua 1 orontn wlnjilia brhlah correspondents ahiorloan correspondent nkwyohk fourth national luuk mi tlauover national tank horon intern 1 1 1 trualoo uvmtm uarhinltauk iiiiau national hank ol illinois an i luiun national ttanlr hktii ketrolt national honk luxmi cltt nallotfal uattk ot com moron t atipnln lif montreal tim hank ot toronto cheoraetown agency ail ufcamihia ndlnu tn canada rmtert huim wui1udi llootloiia madaauul droll buuithi ami anld mail ujfckuibiandlnulnc titt li ami tli e tuoal favorablo lunpi savingojbopartmont danoalli of l anil upward rerun mi atil interest allowou from data of iniiiolt to darn i f withdrawal wbctal drmohith alio rocofvod at current rate of inturest n u umsortonh auoltl the methodist church acton rev j e howell u a iaraonofia itowaravon public borvlee 10 30a rn andsmt i acbooih 30 llltile claaarolmliiflu- noatpr alloordlally invito spoctaclea and eye claaaes in gold silver nicml and steel frames we carr the larceht btptk do you need an l- paired or rt framed j ifihtit is anything wrong with your glasses bring tht in in to hynds jeweler store spcltttllc mrd byc ci cases all kinds all prices geo hynds acton ont i tirrjradat octoblh r mil 4 little local bhieflets whloh caught the byut or ear froo prosi raporton this wo rontly of n looalcharbqtsr and evarv item intaroatlhg a urcat i irhl nt rota inn mr n hi id riii ha a groat crop of politot a tliln yrtr a buyer alauu tliat lu- hn n lrgi llulj whloh avorngca li bfa ti th drill whiohj 10 roila in length i ihh would nmlu ovrr m bag io lticro al tlin prino mtnuca aro now nailing 4io io 0c tills would mak nbaut 100 rwi cru llu lim u jotato whicii wfiflh i ton n j two alioot ii mhiikiii ami j which iiiftuo a bnhol r tlwnhrfi jix f ht sfhnt 1 ur tin kihi fow duya thcro liftvn ixmn a uuuibitr ft cliilttrvu a i ui iidinj tllu piililio n lihit lii rru oil pc toil nlthclilckoti w j itoilihcrfii whlui 14 n vory miul oho in mm rtlmluaa ijmtu rontaiiiuiib nnd to avoid aijy niriatt of ihu iiiwihi tho aoltool lload at uib mtotnkon monday ounhic acted wwtily m dtrrrunc that all chhtlrwn w gfltol nbunll 1m uniyoiitcit froiy nuomt my mhml until micll timn an thoy arc frrt frim tho dim km htirl ijir5il mnfiialraia pff uuniillon liaa mlopt oil n inotliuil of nirircuon arrintc ydutlia wlnoli lia n uuntriinl iii tllol lllll hlftus itiialiinn imnilnm thk country arou wun until but ih ir m renin wore nollnrd that tho pmmlly wtiulil bo reunited if 110 offender wiro dpiiiatoly pomaded accoriliuly tho falhttru apphod tho tano to i hem iti open rutirt ami naved tho lino iliia in vrry diffitniit from liantlin child rim ovtr to an omcial to receive a tliraali in it la as much a puni aliment in tho uekafnl prniil an to thi wilful ohild a scnmimprr currttfrw llaadm mr a i lliott nchool teacher at llautiockliiirn liaa novored inn connection frtim tho men of lottrri to ontor uowipnpor dimi ami to llkia onii hon lou nut ilia plant and jjikki will of tho wiratoii krlm tram mr h ri who on account of an trill it j- hn ixwn- liffahl u ruru trout thu ltuiiiinh mr i hunt jiormsin ontor uif upon inn ntw dutloa at otico lia i a yiiuiil timn of exottlcnl mural landing ami of good lioauieaa ability wo ore uilro that brolhur i lliott will mcul with bucixhh in inn in riitnrprun and that tha siplo of u mrtoii will lind in llm a enil man wurlh if thmr roaikct lonhdoiico and pilrona ilw ir will iiniu mi in drjmmlint atlfttidn tttr vritrluhlc ami moot ruji laruiura liau takuu 4vmitau of uio vory line wnalhcr of tho pant ton daya and m it r t i rr li ohruttnaa two montha from to davj wo auroly are havinx iddian bummor tho low prloo of whoat ib oortainly dn oou rafting to tho farmova if you want aho lucal new vvrry wrak abtenbe tor tho 1 iukiui noticaa ot birtha marrianc and doatlia aru intertod frea ol ohargo in iho b m i plikh if you want to incroajir your huaitteaia for a trillinti outlay advertim in tho i i 1 1 i nana a bleating of tho je iro brimdo is uallml far lonlht a kool alieudanca la is queatod jamea plratbook liaa piirohaaml tha rrocery buainoaa latoly carried on by mn johu arthur meaara w ii hloray a ft in m recti nr a new bo in houao in gonnrciiiin with thoir tannery orilua haa put in an luoatidoacanl leotria ayitam of atruot lightnik with 1 4 rf uropa at a coat of 12 000 qoldon tinted iomtm now carpal tho idowalki and thoir ruatlo ruajtoa quo that winlor fa rapidly approachiut tho now prmbyterian riiurch la boinr puahed rapidly forward tho bnok work wkb onmtnanoad on tuoaday morning mr jatnos ltrown ahippad i000 foal of drat data baaowood lumbar to now york and aomo 60 000 foot to toronto tho post low daya mr jamea gibbon a won uio good opinion of tbo rum iiikm atafl tbo oihor day wbon ha brooflbt to them a boakol of one atrawborry plplu apploa tbo a o u w aro provnlmu hier ary treat for tho peoplo of una vwuuiy in tho onkngamoufc of granvillo i kloiaar m the town hall uexl monday evaning tho tr rimaa acknowledge w thanka tho receipt from h b dawoo qaoon a printer of a copy nf the dominion fllatulo for 1wh m and 5l vicuri 1 lit julm jo lot 1 oiui u liia fraia loft at ihia ufneo in monday a potato woiithliiti i lh j ox whlnb wai grown on hta farm ilia htau f the ioerloo avoy variety tt moot youthful child of uio il ipvmsl and na orrhasened te the bxpec tat ion booial no programme of tho pro l b hil l a al up- poaed to eswol that aomalhintj llraelivo will com noat binoe monday aeveral chaiiab in tha oonduatora both wool and eaat ou tha 1 t il baa taken plaou iho old fauva or tbo conductor of a week atio wilt bo to ui a robe rod but not aeen 1 lie following aro iho oliauttea iii thla am tlon lmiri klopfol llolltniier llndtte and or in will bo on tbn run imiwcmo lotootw ailutk aton meaara liioltia and andrritiu tx- twoan hamilton and toronto u in tor iiardoo takca oouduolor undo a plate w it liitl iltmtlna placr and mr mahnn devlin a jilacn waal bhin tiio animal fay tan wcdnoaflay aud ihuraday aualalord ita old reputalu i r number and emlollcnco of rtlnbila but tin altiaidaiilo waa lar heliiw that nf pinvioim yoara tlmae who uaiiio aoamd to fully ntiloy theiuaolvrn mr j 1 mdaay f n a kuml u mn l m iraviaf l plare taat week mr ioo lumlcti or the obe holel krin t rwliriiim from hutol lilo alur tin tnouth nd will aa hia furniture uerl uonjay artarftu- uktil hi usu tine hi heavy working bhoea for iiiou for tllhi wo buy direct from manufacturer iiu ahop worutoodo l it nriio- i u prliiliiih ktuo priiitiuu la u and whan you ajbviii any prlntinh dona nu mivbtaa wallliavolt well done 1 iuj 1 uat- lakh job urlutiau dapartioent dora work of tbe pneal quality and price arojdway raaaonabla try ua with your neat order viuartl unlm ul ruroa iiialrmtht ilnl whlla tha itimipi and iho amall vpnlatilc ora rtrraivlug duo carundaratlou 1 ho potato yield la a good one and greatly 111 oxecaa of laat year both in iuantlly and juality notnitbatanding tho groat drought dunug tho iunimr montha tho rain uf september mm tha fow week of october cnrhcd tha root to taku groat atndca tho latter turning out hot tor than ua at ural aiillcfpoliil i b vego i n lik allow n nl tha fall fair rvldtmco kl eaai y it id vlutgethor hit iropn urt l kil nnd if the prlooharo anyway fair ihuirop will bo a raniunvrative ono for tho farmer a inragrufth nt north tvcet itram ilia rum tnth ha lt received the fuiluwing uotu from mr li in ton i talk nor of haakatouu n 1 our crop tlu year ara llghl owing in ihu oolilinuod ilriiiiibt but though tha yield per acre la nuiull tlio aampla of wheal i oslra una al the linlubtnal i air lonmto tha brat sainilv of wheat on uabibltlun came from hen and wan grown by uotiry hmitli and aeiit down ui ilia tr of produce from iunoo alurt mot of the bral vrkotahlcb in l but lur wiru f loin ijim aultlomoul our tail lair io k plane on uodiiewiuy and ibiirdv ird and 4th inta and on i hurttdnv uiirniiig wu had a viait from hon wufro lurw aud guullciuuu with linn on tlillr way ttack from 1rliiej albtrt i i in ikila and garden prixlnm ware uipclially line lino in any ijxae but npwlalr ui loiitndurin iho lrv aumiiicr i luipkiii vi lttrutia ot h wiv wall up bora lt i udian um uior woatlilr at pruaoiil ri iwfii ue mr hryora ewe u plod tha mutho- disl ulpit at 1 denmilla loal habbttth even nig 1 ho llerlltl nnm apoaking of the lduualiuual bcnuuun urcftoiiod in lio lnuity mtthotliat bur h there aaya in tho moriim tho hot j i howell m uf atttjii u former pmtur occupied the pulpit aud preaohad a wntiun which groat ly dulightcd thu cniigrcgatluu ilia aubjoot from iho wor la why la hub waalc waa elourlv ban lied ami abuwod that there am wbbu i what appear i to u waaui io aocuro lei iu1 result 1 hi i i be n will llir farmer who throw hi eed in ih h an wlh the aluleul who b ifm u ury an 1 labor to repai foi future life an i iibufiituo monty and inno in many llur of life huve u t waalol to nowa ttomasunpllod bkigorni- pondoptajnnd bxahnjiao knatcmdull l what will prntinhly bo ono of tio largoiit aiicttun itiin of thu vicinity thin anaanu will bo hold by 1atursiaynr on lot 17 con 1 uoxl 1 hum lay i nth iual al oto o nlbrlf a loun litl of ptucli lrttilomont graiij in in bur lo ia dvortlnud wp iitimtrooi the old reliable aualfoneer who haicjmrliapa i hold moro aatco in llalton ami welunglou than any othpr aiialionoor at prnioiit in boa orai will oondiict tho nalo ofconuetowtm laat wadulhifty jttariin mr norman t rownu uf nirrkliii v huilth- liuilkiry w inarrnd at itockwood to mia atinio thompion i ho inarriagi wu pe liy hov mr hjiknr of v rlou i in- oolip a aro aptflidtiilt tiniir huuny um ut at ilunta villa uuakoka al llla liouia of mr crow on fathom mr i a joouiho iv a of liulon ttigli hchool formerly nl enrgotown i mill inlercalod in pulpit work lln preached io iho i o 1 hi uttluubtlry htreni burcll clinton lait hupday lliu juhliaoti kmituy oiilorjitiiiinpnl mi friday rvnnnm waa tniiat iicucwfol jflio cominojindgoinxl nber all wna ftiwdcd to tin do nt from on m in poinla limchoube on monday 11 mr i newton hpped 17 i harrala ol npphh til ninlpog 1 hoy will lu from htiro to loronto and from thi ruby thn 1 it io their tloalin atiou mr anl mr j konnodv and daihuir uf tueljili apout sunday with frlunda boru mr h hmilh uf acton apent 1 h ir day with 1 imohoiio friondi mr g 1 on who ban beoi aiifforiug with qninay for nuarly a wueh in now recovering rev dr hinith of lm ljli protiliol a very inurroitlng hormon in tho i re tar an church on riniiilav lil kit wa well c hotel and hi adherent wuru much pkaaod with him on monday of laat wuk mi mnmmta nickoll mvi with mi i uii i t winch might havu provod tory acrmua wliilo getting iho tea lm fell down hi tiaji door of tllr inllni lilt i lilt hpr lira mi 1 aru lafa t nth n in kiii pund money nal uietllullolia i uro p r pupped oioii u proaoh the loap i 1 hi ijhilvc iiliiienl will i mary pn tired uptiu thu litmd of icaua wm an ai t il n i will utivi r be forgotten ho with luiatnub uf tin la w hal thay k f md liraea will v fall of lnl ktuili uov 1 ii ala- prrnrhnl 1 kuttday avuuluy u a goud atiiflunro in ttlo ptnnplo mumh hi twtk i it hi lejl j ihn i i 1 anil i if i be ifftrtl liptrrrm tbwefth wtlrdraw til e uulo i 1 ho irriulicr ip his t harui trr lu iiiuiuxr like tut i lrlnt to a real muliii l in inuili a a mahnulatlraula rcl and imjiarta so doea hriat iho iiudltllec littteudil with deep tlitereot and appro latum lu the llatoirre all through al the m 1 th loniin a well kttoiideil irayir tunetiiu full w1 mr alain haa led i f r in nt t sunday veiling talk lhrial m wurh iho cvdliing tmrvito iiu in ij b thu ptor itcv j liaa waa liirl to by a very largn congree ti in whiib apprci i sit ou of iho remark gift ii ivihitl i j lh niloiia intercut miilfratr 1 mi it i a lear alil forrlblo ape ker ai m ilil l i in in flkh i aikhi abhtihovh ml aln ahoiihurat f lomulo vivod i ild luniid he to duriuu the wrak mr soinii aliiooii uf loronto v ailed ullvra i ere iho past waek ur totor milroy i au ill that hi life i rr f i i till liouiti a goodly number of pr w h tin 1 air illy tied fn air air j a ouleou cuirrd m n n team a i ruproaeti latino frum hornby niviion alteiidotl olatnrt maolihg at dmakhon ihuraday at tho ojwu meet tho veuliitc ml miunio n lon ao a recilatiuii and the orobeatra which waa out m full lore pjayod overal time a now addition t it tb n trlatihla jud a uaual toy caplurotl tho buileuca mailer wilfrid and miaa ida t auleiou of btraetavilla viailod friend here batur day aud huuday tftiinrittwiiinieatniriaip ctmivtinif tho ivoyttompara gave an intermtlni open meotlok ui thoir ball laat ihuraday ovemiiit ilobt wlllmoll jr of tin town left laat week for philadelphia where ho in lend taking a pat graduate oourito in tha iennay ivaiua ijcutal uollokc llutlarmilk haa beoome pnte tho hpu lar beverage bioco tho cruamary commetio od operation i ho lord hlloi of ni w present at the a m nruto in draco hurth t huuday and liolil o ulirinatino t it m at hriat liureti oinh and i p in at til hlophoii a borth llo 1 1 by on uio oonuocliun willi tho projd now race hurull buillllik when it wm renolved to proceed with tho buildiug uperalion coin inenoiiig during tho rmiiiiiii winter wlion atone anil other material will be i ouvny cd to iho nita of the church 1 ho following gentlemen were n lilted a build ihh coniimttotj iho huutor judke si idar john hunter b lluuoant win 1 anion and 1- w iloyd mr jonhlia ilulterlltht l mount 1 rei formerly manager ile hank of llku iltm hare apiwared twlori or itooaium j 1 laat week charueil by am m dorian uf trafalgar with hvii iku1 twelve ii- ao delivered to htm jdurland a number omormd olr know i m then it he f i god lh only wiliifb matuinetl mr d land himaeir li i w titled lhal lm wrut to the bank an 1 p t in nolo f c mill to hi irtth t in law mr iwhlnr- m in lliiauci dilhcultiob and rocfltvnd from mr dutlerllnld tho note thai have inee been provuu to bo forono iho cxami nation occupied tho whole aunrnoon and al m o clock on adjournment waa made tilllucday nov lllh whan tho cm will be reanmorrirl r httttertlotd ho mla keen aorved by mr dorlaud with a wnl lim ing ij ikx lanugo arnlnt out of iho inn raao itrl nun visitor to nnd from ccfton and varliieothor paraanal nooa r- thn kimrt imt invito all i la roadon to eon tritium in tbla column if you on your friend ajd iihiaway on a boll lay trip orlf you have iritiiiu tlltitm iltii a eanl to tho ilikn 1liraa mr i y lor of hamilton vialled acton frionda tflli wcrtk f master jilw i muoru waa homo from hamilton over hiintky mm n wobor loft on a vlit to liur old homo at lohiihlnn n mih htlla ktnnody tutor nod from a viait lo frionda in miqjiitnn laat wook mji dr payor of hichlnhd mw i- a good at hor old homo hiftlrtfrjaiid ill mr lhumu laatoti who hi hen ill for abveral week in able to on around a mr m oil ban who ha been foreman of tlia parry hnnnri stnr far homa time- u horjio an a abutt visit mjaa ha roll molhail of now york haa bocti tlio guol of hor mulhpr aud aiatar hero for anvoral week mr arid mra john rouimdy and ilkuglilar uf uuclph viaitod frionda in acinijand limehonae thi a- week tiie h e maddocjt lry ciooas uo mctonont our opening last saturday wafi a grand success but we are not yet satisfied we are anxious that every buyer in acton and vicinity should call and examine our goods and compare e rices there is ho need of going out of town now as you can save inoney y purchasing from us ourdepkrtments rockwooo on halurday ighl al mr j 1 uft h huro tie al pa more wl lie ho went inaide to mal ome ui li am wbeu ha came u ut he lid no it td tbo animal v cart h w s ii blltille ai i iho parly uwlla upn the in ro lo k i aly luward aeton ihe id vidua u ulod of ha iu atuleu be it jrae mm au tie iug along a tow feel thaa of uio alee 1 ho uwiio k back in bu a bit fa lm iii go it luld nt be airealod it aeem that tliern wob m man wuii al a aimer a abort illlailoo iron hid atanu if dkutuig whu wajb anucl with a intil in barreled hutitnu laat jiiiiiday wa no ll v o y k 1 tlo railroad a the no i bruit uu li k repair n limtw wolo put o half the bridge and die rouiainli hall la lo bo repaired uaxt tiuildoy about fifty men ware enitaiod on the work an i it waa xbu ulituxaullk tvj waluh i 1 bo moal akilful wurkuiou ou tbr oraud 1 runk aro out ployed aiming lhueo url ijje rq tbo 1 ramoaa anticuluual houiely have a large luin of in one y to oxpeud in lm proving their ritllbitiou urouud llu tin l j iho gruuuda i lo uuletu rejiwir ami a new torn i u be bilill 1 be new io una llllllx aji jl mulling bofnro ii li needed al for lh iratli we are lo have u lould bo butler than llyr uroul ono an i 111 n il bo imtrlahll and r of laue lag lm up 1 arly on mtiu wail broaihotl i uf liiloiiae ulferliimtauael bj wiikafmn uf lie long he waa taken airli lal vvftl iiaalay and did tint leave itn b d aft r that tor a uuiubei ol year mr 1 euwoll uarriotl lb mail hero aud wa alway tumid tu be a careful au i obiiklu man in lit buaiiicaa with ltl dth tharn a k- d and ueaful life 1 lio luuural which took place luiwllay alterit mii w larnoly attended 1 ho bury mg look place at tho uamalury wli ith adjoin tha gruuiid if tho 1 naiia mualiug house mr h motjurry uuelph ki1 1 mlay iobi jeilli frlunda in llookwhd mia mary luuly alma i timtiutl frtouda in tbia vuage mi aaalo llbbyo la audltih hor hoi idaya at the hofte s jilhlbjlh hpro mr ooo olarkon viailod frieuda m torunlo thia week mra dr payutj of itllhlaud dhij awul friday with her aiater mra ur drydon tlnnnttlintnirm cum ltortntrir mm ilobort tcnnwin or hholburno haa buuu a guoat at tha homq at hor aun mr j v kaunawtu io paal week after n abaotico ol about two yoara in chicago mi a mary mooougall haa return od homo fur a few montha vacation ajdermii nouon aud 0 ii hyan of uualph loft luceday rooruing to attend the provincial uabbath hiliool conyontlair al llollovitlo hes j l howoll m a and mr and mr ii p monro toft on mouday morning to attend tha provincial sunday bohool ouvoutlun l liellavillo mr william 1 orbo of hunuyillu hail removed hi faipdy lo acton where ho ha purubmod a iroerty on ouk a tiurvuy frum vv p lutipbell wu are plnaaud lo otatu thai arthur 1 oaraun who wa uiloriugf rom diphtheria lit iullo onvalractml and lhal uth pro oautiutia were taken lor tho prevention tha npread of thu dlauaae thai kioto in liuw no daiior wo have been ioloino i of tlio eriou nature uf lie tj ii cook lllo4j at cltleaj it waa thought tlat inn ailment w catarrh uf ilia lotnacb but now hia tna ucarali aro ul llia opinion that a i i nf hu a fr it uvhjml i hib atonibcb and taken growth car itolic uid i being admin latorod for tho purpoae if poeaiblo of killing the germ ilia public hero aro union to learn uf hi pcedy recovery jold in tho hoad naaal ualm give in laul relief speedily i urea never fillu if you waul first ulotut j uolph aaah and door al juolpb prlli- 1 1 mum can lliljoor order m ih t unm mill 1 i j an 1 aoe lor y luutalf that tho lilit fur tlio ilaiiiteleltua up al i h nrinos jl i o oh whale lh villi juu hoed iho warlilm 1 lo perliata of the uro approach of that morn terrible diaoiuu conaumption ah your olven if ou can afford lor iho aako of anvliih 0u ui run tbo riak aud du nothing for it wo know frurn oaperieuce thai hhiloh ore will euro your cougb ii never rail hold by j kanuawiii clothing cents furnishings dress goods staple goods tweeds cloths hats and caps house furnishings glove and hosiery underwear boots shoes and bubbers we quote just a few of our regular lines mi st ji aril spook i i ts i ich 1infi at i rt a jiipcr all wool socks jiciv j two purs for jscts c lstinilri lois in hi ilk tml l els per pair iiiuv m nun ktti usual prut si for i all wool rc 1 i hum i i jl lis 1iiic ioiil uool hosl fill i lllll s oils pi 1 p ill kibbul c ishniiu llosi fm i uiiis usiiil prm 11iis j l in i tin ll s si i s 111 sum iiopoi t liiii ll lllll ii 1 ouils i i uh 1 lllll s isls liil sit ims nul innl l l lol y spll llllld hi l 1 lilt 11 1 llillllf y ts iijinl oi fnr jr pi p i pilcl illll l h he c corsets best 1 on corsi t in c anaih for sjl new 1 lannclette lop slnrli for j-t- kiiiikii undershirts and irimis for jf ilcav cirev top blurts l in d and llu misses wool boas frori jin up hos 1 ints ki pi i pair lios suits from i 50 up men s suits i 30 i jci luriains from m pii p spit iwlul strong shoe foi j a in splendid strong shoe for missis it h5 hti shoe for bo wi ar at s- mil 1 up a p anil i ijti our mens boots and shoes cannot be surpassed for wear quality and price 4 you are always welcome here whether you buy or not we are anxious that everyone should see our goods and compare prices f same as cash t mis t nay be of very much or uf very it it use ll may eontaiu much practical mifuioiaiiiuii ur it may annul y he uu exhibition of tho oinbaratice of tho advertiser verbosity whoti au ad vortiaoinout meet with uob a mailing resimnae a came in ait a v or to our mantle halo aunuuuoenient oj last week 11 au evidence of the public faith 111 ita reliability hard in people ory and yet uur alan tie hale havo been euormoo iho eilraorduiarvaheapiiasb for wood of such style and uallty la readily appreciated by the purchaser wo waul lo pre home once wtiic ihe fact that our manila itoom ooiilalnn the mrmt attrnmittv noods and prlcaa that the trade of 0 uolph oau protluoo 1 imxiiallv haiiilbouia i our lock of ulldllhn h oath niprinik tha entire aamplo raute of a herman uibiiufkatnro al una third oil the usual price iiu in re and ee uur mantle bf ore you buy 1 lie i i ml wool i ndr it 1 hlh 11 7 in ii rl 11 j i tl f0 iie iho tteal ihtd al tlio jrire dwarflnsticaj al 1 wool hohr al jfc jfjoc it- vc ami r- r maniifacturerb prim iobb iban the mlasea heavy al l wool hohi aud overatttcklitb apooially nhaiwil aro all very cheap tfood at the prion wo k hoy heavy all woll ti i ot k 1lit dutibln klirr heel aud toes at 1 1 i r v 7ft and h per ualr aru vary ond gootls alrong and cheap kbout furs in it of 1 l cale dcallni kill a in il reliable nharautar aeuultug the draaaed akin aufftikvtng tlism made up buoorilliik to our pattern and uu aiuro huarkuldoitik ahaolulaly ovory pieu of goods an id golnu to dllluroiil iiiojiufaiiturer for their purtluular liliu aud sellliiit al clone profit la 11 a wonder that people naturally turn ui ub when waulliitt anytbliitf in thai hue our look ut ladle 1 ur cane is still very lartte and uf all laadliik atyloa and a prloas ut raw skill have advanced very largely aud many doal are havo had ui put up thoir prlcaa lei ua adviae yuu to maka an early soloo tiuu while there i pick and ohoioa at the louveal price at which yuu will see limit tins easou e r bollert de co sb and 37 wyndhom bbraat j the h e mrddogk dry goods co i german mantles coal oil uu m mil k in linn foi- i it intrii itnik u i 1 i titcl lu i i in n k ipi i ill id just in w t tin la i uiii lb it ti s l it ul ll k ll i huh t- st it t t lull till 1 1 plltci z whuh in iiu idvm i i u i tuj wtlut i llu tiiiuliiin lh 1 1 k t ps mn m ml it kimiin tilh tl tu dk i mowing hilt c ll li wt lion liiinlalmii li lieillli htm ii ilnn mn do wc maintain a pt rnianc il t ui lt i 0 for nothing tly thi cnrerfirzc wc oli in ii niutr m tiul tf tlil iilwlsi ht it i in all dt pirtiih nt noiabl in m unit s and j u kt is tin llu n it oft oui olt iw m i l lu l i it ilkllllllllllti i lu i li l will i 1 the ll i t i hu h a joodi 1 his suml ha st lon iilij ilit leading isili m nj iiipuittnt tiadt ami has so satisfattoi my antu ip ut tl t ti dt in ml on p ti t of tht pu hlii that a fi clin of tinhtltiu t in our rt sourci s has ltt n in tll and lapidr dt vtloptd nul this has jnmii with tlu- inert tsin giowth in m uuli tradt wt ho not sa that thtrt ail nubthth mantles tttpt ow n hut t do issrrt thtt ou i t rj thoi ouli nnd ti t ption il tlloi ts to uu nothing lul thr 1 tit st ind nmst t ishiuiiihh n tut nls at it ti dml 1 1 t list uh th w tstt d if vt t an not i t ou in ttt i st it t iioiis in ui in th in mi w ill fnu ill lit it t 1st wi filial i nl t t ou stllslai pints ntlt k i tlu it o b ryhn c5tco o v tl i iii lust ll i mlll american coal oil 20cts per gklloin at the drugstore ct0n t the right ho our fall stocks are all complete tv i i i l i kii shipuihiiiii iod i ava apckted a uuuiber of them alieady 1 be i haii scry apck uml lire m io iin i f nr i em ut f anv good rllinjj hue fur any loiiin if thn o n the nrlllah nnd riiripraii ftlaiiufa turn t et ire i h n i lb trarilturtatiui of uioruhati lit an ipul 1 twet kit linen i ill i it take but a mi araliv h ik 1 1 liju t mail au 1 irdor and rccelvie llu hood heavy winter goods ml i 1 t i in i- i hi flu i it e wool bill ullh men hoev hull 1 w at uluwri i udic wo i v i la mu luuil nait ti r tut cuprtl coaia mull ami iloaa he ivy w mlei mini li j uli arid wti uitilln i luui joll l1 ukluga dieaa 1 wt otla etc rr all of llo i al kniwu uiki pi ild k the lowoat that imyuit dirrol iron l h maker and paying jhii lbbii oau produce our letter order department fire fire w williams loo s shoe bloht acton lh to ill lue b li i i slot k as soinewhat duiattl anil disti i ant d 1 h in tin nli d to ill u out all its i ud shin son m shelve s al i t onsidti ibli li elut tlon 1 11 i ili i lm in i positlyll now to itli ml to ill it p iiiin n quilt il w williams ac 1 on tried i thai w havs otilldunca lu asking i conveniently ooiik libera to try it two w ptfwl reiwht ur nipnaa on all panels of fu ih or more to your nearot utlway htatiuu and end am a 1 informali n on ruoript uf your lu piir miluncry oreo maklug and mamie making by oipert at abort nolioo tor reaaouablo price kinu h i hi ll taht uruni lliigliaoti hlruot llamilluii tecoivt a s c3 wfiktikrilsrs will quickly cur dirimi er q ctups and c j job printing 1 nullum no itgpka falupliula timlsr hill llsada t iroular to a ffecutod in llia bust atde uf lb a art at inihloratu prices aud uu rul ut art do apply the star bakery m c harris 1 uatu afliat 1 baki tnuk tlrlii suit ton nntiiilly aaur tin pulillu every m a harina stark powbers cura stgx hmaoachm ail wmlcta imomkifrti alw lmit 1 n hill m ijliilllm i lllthlllaliu ruipnt i lr ml lift lit i mvmllal snulaljihs uiwuib viar ioa ro rarar rmtom aapmrnrm or qmua broaaa

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