Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1894, p. 4

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i tt y h rar- djiwmoh sfrifc rj55 tuuaruay iatomu ji 1hdj tflji ijoiifto hoiks a mutitna i cum out hintilay n mm lull mill smiiii alwiu ufa rwutiihl n a rein i tinootlajti in in liiilli ivlloru uuuu may lll ir lay forever onwpl luwanl tlio ma 1 1 br i la a homo ubi niatj hnn in li fosat la apriul pi i lull llie thirsty m im in iiiiiikti otto im fiil ml a llinluor it loflnjj n haeli lilrtliflsy rr tyitilj aloiir you tiy bo lililml by a lininl mora pownrtnl than your uwii dial whoii your iiilrunam la it ait ttmtimaiiirrbktf mnntiam iou ii fllitl the hlaaaml rtuula t cuuio i 11 flvn wnrol piurci jar cttre tlari woman whu in tllvd ninl linn lirnfy rnrnliik ilfiivti lumutnllnns ijuiln in thu tinrlt- nil liinilndui jlionlcl tnko wninlmk in tlin l rll llallj 14iii ho slaves from early morn till late at night work woitm and nrstlk dr horns ltmiriln tnhrrlillnn is tlin ivtit tnnlr mid nirvliin nt iiiih i j hip iih n kji- llvti icmotl fur nil lrrpiilnrltk wi-ik- ncawn unil ilunii menu if hi ftii in la j urn i th imu rltllon cur uhirntinti nnill palling nf lh wnmti lniiforrhen nnd ulr inn debility ulm alautiir now ft nt jmnrtlfiu ii ft i fpj j a tiik moivkim itiiil tii iiyks mr i jnmtu v yi f 1 hml a new i 1 lr nf tttist nt ho am bfltiffflt from yivnr woddnrfnl mrdiilnn si w mm itiftvirt tiik plan or nimtsu mtit inkh jmifto fierce notes he3e and there lloma of qonaral ntrtt to fvi pros ftonrjorw o ihgil load to nervous litis tratfulni tut i vuhnsss ohmuiu iysutta mid en minor hood a harsajmrllllit la t remedy it tnnon up hinmafli rrcufri tmull iii i i tnnt hiuulllm rriti no umtur ii i in mihimiih nmn l i inn kli hoi iy innlk i in r luldrtni it iihmihihlnmlitl hv1 llrluw rifchl lil llmoii h v im i ilm all tin r tir ukih ulm untt duiii vv4ufli lf nan lio d llif tudiltfi li lxt i irnrt in rinnnli will imnh nld ll- 1 iffirhlft- t wm bllffnrlni vnc inuq from dlarrliii kiid hiillil ot imlldiijj to rifrn nio a frlomj tlj in a of dr tuwliirii jxtrnntnf wild hlrawliurry d n f ifntn complotly on rod mi tliotiku i mliniiimiuiu mnn hit tliat mjiirfi to ihi ihu liuixd uf ft jiirt will ihxl ii ihmiu dimcllll to iluac liln friuiiu llimi lo io ida fin ilr lo a wtiriu hyrilp enrob ml n mow vnrritniif all himln in elnllnii ir adiilli inmjt h 1 o h doahitu fu writo wull 14 lo tlinik wull lu fcil lln appotitr ard ivna a rnltll in fool ilia up iiuro tilixxl and rlvmt hiallhy acliiii to all tlia urn aim of lint iwnly i ak iiihi1 fur himmi a karhiiiardu our iloodaiillnui iii u results nervousness sleep lessness headache dys pepsia and rundown constitution hainfcs celery compound i m tl wife and mother s salvation von health and strength and a new lonso of llfo aof tho home ihouaauda of wivra and mother a wtiu tull from early morn tijl late at night dcaervo oomfor ohoertng and encouragement tho daily loll worry and builio in tlin manaemopt of home and childrou la to oovero on the vjmt majority of mothora that ihoy become prematurely aod and brokon down lu body ihouaatida are tier voiu aleapleaa dyptlo dca pond out and melauoholio uiilcaa aorae effort aomo ruuwua of raa cue b den and for aavtnij these dovoleca aud alavoa of home life tbo dark rrave will greedily engulf many wearied and worn out molhoja leaving mourmuk huabanda and helploae little ouoa botiiud tia a fearfui picture but novarttieleaa true n heaven a un aliiuoa on earth it la well lo know tho truth it la our duty lo utter warn lna in tonoa wbioh caouul be maunder our weary uarvoua faint weak and broken duwu wivea and inolhora muut fol low the example uf a multitude uf thoir latere who have renewed and ohaued their llvoa by the uae of 1aine a olerj compound nature a true and infallible in vijorator and atrenfjthenor oh i ye overworked burdened mother your duty la altar vour huaband and doar ones ueed yourpreaence in tho home for year a lo oome lay hold of thai real kwallh builder paine a celery compound at ouoe it will give you new ufa vior itreurtb and lengthened yeara iluebanda yon have a duty to perform a true devo hot to wife and children will compel it porformftuoe bee that your devoted wivea and ohildxod aro applied wath tho nuuli cine which la eo well adapted for their oon dition nolhiuk but iaiuea celory com poand can bring back the glow of health to lne fading and pallid cheeka nothing olee can make jour weak ajid deaoudent wivea bright vigorona aud happy saved and cured women in all part of canada have aeut lo telling tcalimouy ro harding tho life giving efleou of 1aino celery compound l following from mrs joaeph loyd oanauwjue out will be i uteres tlujj co all women 1 feel it my duty to tell yuu wuat lainea celery compound haa done for me i waa always a aulforer from norvoua de bility aud vory bad headaohe aud found it imposiiblo to obtain rrgular aleep and real two yeara egu 1 read uf y 1aiue a celery compound aud bought a buttle uf it after t hatl used tt t found i cuold bet real and ijuiel 1 have uaod allogather eevou buttloa aud niid uiyaelf ompletely cured your incdioitio putinoa tlio bithxl mo regulatq the ayilaiu aud 1 wuuld uut im wilhoutt in my huuao if it tuok my lut dollar llefore uaiug 1aiua celery cumpound my weigbt waa only 100 pound a now i weigh 1 1 1 pound la this nut somoioul ruoaoii fur luo to praise the compound liitfhly iloforo i knew of your wonderful modi oltib i waa treated by tlio doulura but never reootvod auy good i ive of ill y friouda are now ualug your valuable modi too bluue uioy have aoeu what it haa duu fur im i liil yon lu um my f aa they may be i oiicourattoiiioia lo other a i ho undent litypliaim uolloveil thai iron way uio btiiie uf 1 yptiuti tlio onrmy l oairia and for una rvaauu it iva i ed impure fho olio could uao it oveu lilt ltld uiult ordinary rrajuiruiiuuita uf hla without polluting his aoul who rniihlu ami practlgal woplu mill oftrn take partiaiilar pnuia lo hkitn oi a patoli of bubble that havoriaeu in the lop of tliolr tua bocauao ainw liau uaul it la n ntirtt ain of money flhnumatinm cured in n dny south amoncau rhoumalio f urn fur ithtiimitunl aud nuuralffla radically curna in i to i days i ta notion iijmjii the nyalem la romarknblu anil myateruiut itfemovva at once thr cause and the dtanaan rmmndlatply dth appear tlio fir it dune nrntly bonrllla 7 coot hold by i kaiinauin druy gint tvlli iiq built ull li d wiih mi ii rll 1 an i 11 li i a t 1l 0 llimil it nlud rhlu- nin th lmiru iimmnml djn rtfupntiitfrt frntn itirj limn bitor tlit i h ithel unl blood iv lu daily fil huiib be pure and oi n and pure ooi dpialil win lltlon the bloud will give clear nrs aud color to uie com pinion ami itoticra1 tone lo ihe entire ajaltm th valuu of a medicine dial i xworful to bin id up the blood huuld be rnadily nppntibltd fur tin purpose lliero in nothing hint r laeljsye liver lumiibi a 1 cruls a box or boioa for a dollar ihe only woman in i nglaiul li i proprietor ediuir aud manager of a ue paper la mrs omyna of the fnhnrt wtiii ihu circulation of liicii pajr ia julxm weekly im iii llai l i the anbalittiten olfrrd fur llio only nri o and jiamlea- uorn urn i attend 1 twit than iuliiain tandem lorn lilt lor for aoru producing auliatilulin are ujiiirril juht aa good aa itiliiam i orii i uractor nobleineti lu acoroa ciu uimli i 1 hriatuphe a ucgto ho i tiled m out ieror of llayti frntn ihi1 tn ihjo ainuug tho title conferred worn ihono of uuktt of martnaladu i omit of lemuiadi and 1 rl uf brandy that most successful remedy for man or dkabt crrtnln in rttrelm unil nnrr bllaum llead proofa iwluw kendalls spavin cure 1u iurrnuiillpoucrbudo til rublt m in ii j luixtj 0 wr ur i 1ar m i ir if t hnrm j rfli11li i d usotllul bs joi jjiiltl euml lb vour unity luu imnuj i kendalls spavin cure il hntil4 tt jiior i teui7srs ii kit u ih tivl uxliuotit i ftir tunl i la r- h hi a kjmla n1 him t iih rpaiia- iu w mihmhixi ii tu 1 knrf il hi- 1 ifu tt rnrnaialiy all drurrlatanraillroi lir ll j km i a 11 l uxvas 1 noaeuaa rlcs vr ltd 111 addir di dny in iirf1 hoiith am ii hiiimy i or i im now rutin l i n it unrpciac ilid tcliglil lu plllbllili- ii ntluuiil ul itir tin irli i hnlm iilni prtofllii irinnr pi in t u or fiinal it rnlinypi mtrntmn of ui r unrt puln iii iikoiii j ll iiliiuht hniiiudluuly u yuu win juick rulicf and cure tin i y roniody hold oy j kannnwin rioiiie ileal ro la iietiombftr tn wp lift muliuu lie wikin rual want urn aiippn uiuat admit those of faucv ok 1 tore a nl io unil h nppmrid nflrr lulug fi wood jiillirv uuol ioiut h tt iks iii hnttlohut llur flnorgini lliliiiif n ii w ii ly ofaorrtl la uui j wmwmmtt i- wjll you hood the warning ilie higuul i i hiif tlin hiiro approach of tliil mon ivihif you can aflurd fjr tho aukli u mining ioi to run tin nuk aud do uuthiug fnr it stf knuw from mtonotie that hlnloli a cum will ciirn your cuugli it ur faiu hold by j v ttxmmwiu it upon ihundmin r in tin of li il nnd i hat lliinki li ikui 1 irni of milk in k nlkmaii the n an molded a hon lo hormiiuu ono imitli of luglihli hpaviti ililimnnt omiplutly ri moved it enrh from my homo 1 tnkn pleasure in rlooiiimtimliiii ihe ruuiilv an it nrtn willi myhlorinii pi ouiplnohh in the nimnrnl froiu liomrn nf hard wtft or ral ntiaeil lump lihd npavin nplinta curb awreni htillt n ami ypmiijm orgn itobh farmer alarhliatti out hold by i v uao nf ivnr wlito 1 ooll i u people laugh tiiorn than lvit u im i hold by druggiati pronp ril givti advue lu tint nlllulct aa iaritielcti a ngitablc i iu mkun mandrithe aud liandrllull tin tin itwt nnd kidney ninplainlh with tiiilrniib trtatiit i hey ah contain h mil llcib- wlnb bvc oprnat virlnr inttj ant bowilr ulr l a cauucruaa shake hpcarr w rllcn i ctlllhider iarmulet illl an eicitllcnl rriin ly for ililiotianrhs aud deruiigeiiiiml of uie 1 ni having lined thrm myaplf ft r oinol important announcement rrliriiijj ivimi jliisiiicss in fiiorjjitovni r goods b 4 illl 1 1 1 lt in ll iii iltlrtllllrh llltu lur 31111h ui- hiitf ili icied to rttirc unil uc ntuiii our iincerc tliunkh tm hit iiim ml ami genir- ihit j hi t lull fff llnttiu iii i1h ami wi ticir tn nininiinoc 4i flonr- iiii- miip i i tfif unu 10 pur l lit ill tuiill will in lm ii tin in it tin i 01 lull uliou nuuli nit mnls in li hold tor mini 1 11 imiihi i ik iihiiiil wool lint tn 1 im 111111l u lii n produce in iiki 11 11 im thr1 omit off pro- iiiik nh 11 mil i wv niv 11u0 t iii hm- t wintfi mitnrhs at hull pruc im dironuiu fl tin in tlir niln 1 inaiitlus no hi or a aud uu cuugha otc il j hyiup alioiihtbc all ihrual i rouble uard a llnimeol j od of a bad uase 1 was ofired uf nanl a liniment bago by mi itev win hruwu r radio by dr h kil back tlve lungs by ml mra h uaaters printing r kinp prlutiuglaau art and wheti you arehadug any printing done you tijghlas well have it well dune the nt 1iiaaa job priming dnpartruout dues work uf the un uaalily and prices are always raaarjnabl try with your next ontar lurfcml s lltiliurut ftif aaln errwui in wales appearoi this advortlnemeiit mr and mrs llowollyu having taet olf clothing id every description 111 vile peraon i- ree aud eaay cipcctoralion immedititcly relieves aud frees tbo lliroul and lunga from viscid phlegm aud a inediciuo that promutes this la thebvsl mudicino to usu for cuugha colds inflammation of ihu lunga aud all afleotiuiia of tho throat and cheat this is precisely what hi kle a ann consumptive uyrupls a specific for and wherever used it ha glvon utilmuiidod satinfaatiuu c hlldrtm like it bccaue it la pleaaanl adults like it because it rolmvc and uurrs ths disease jiio aclthutstlu aaya tll lo iy rxl make una rood hut uuti rod will nni timra make one rude boy uivtl harm arid tioalda ii un fooallialo aa ul injure yoillaelf in tltta way wo can suggest a romudy that will wo lak from eierionu- aio relieo y f 41 pain and luutkfy heal the wound it costs but twenty tlio icnla fin the naw big bottle and is noltl by all irrtig ak fur 1rr davis 1am killer a uk night nnd tl who i ii ho tm mi hi i oltl hnitian retire 1 llrtin ha villi hatl placid i il ll in luuidn b vegetable reined for thn awtxtv unil per luanutil tiuto ol tnimiinm hruitohivtn stsrrh aslliina and all throat and i tiug alluulibna alno it ponitito uni rojlical cure fur nutvuun debility nntl all nervous uui plalntu after intvintf ubiij un wondrrtu lh till s kufss comes before having a lioiilc of vik davis oit f k 1 ftoui lb body uiil th 11 idteaa octet nipatliitit li i i no irilfo ikgo 1 i tad a bail allak illt tibiirna and look tine bolllo tf lion nrp mi ha lie iilleniigfr lor atne pt hj of 1 ower of llio bo nan j ull is recuvorlng friuii bia ruisea but haa lual all allh 1 iieriam htark a 1owtlrra caoh iacki moaaure fur uue tloae an iuiiiilllate rrlmf fur hick headache aud hltmauli also neti ralgia and all lunila of oeiiou pmr uitl another iii capsules from t j of on i an urtflnary iluse wliu h at taoo tlin llowcu liver and huuliaoli i ufa 5 2lvllk watch your weight if yuu im influx hosh v 11 nysltini li iiuwimk i litfiil stonjilh soilhjihlrii- k wrtiii i kn scotts emulsion iho crbitm of codjlvor oil lo kivo your tystimi lis iifiui- d struilgth liml iflsl yun loalthy wolku physicians tho world ovur oiitjoil 1 dmi hi bqihid by sabslltolssl hull duwdc iwiivilll xluriiiil mi a loll il lua lut li i mini it knuwii to ll hli ltllik inlluwn vitiitit liy tin tiiulivi i ii wnt to buy ur ilj 1 1 u j lihu iii llio lunlluj rrkly jiw lllt r nji 100 ww 1 annum huiitr ry wodt outi yuur d vurtiuutuuiit li j n tllihlt lilt u of ullleiillii wliu wliln li imi otuto ilvarttncnitililii nl unit iilnh un 111 cruii iti itio liirutitu i city j11 fur 1 ivi r1 uli cciiih k wuril lur llu innarliii th auil lorunui i mmu 1 tlln nl 1 will uw llul i i 1 11 ill 1 lirnt fid 1 ollfulll llit liiul k iv imioiu ikiillll i ll lui 1 lllll 111 ol dllak iiinil- lllil k i nl iiilituluiixlv loll illi 1 lilt i hi hit luifil u llli tlu- utlici dlf itiiiils hi jfl 11 ml till uitmnilt1 nt- intl- lur niu inll i i niiiiirtil liml miltiii in most nt tin 111 iii the lllhutl- ltlilll ui hml tlutiiloi tlik iilllii- uu mil jia thu lull lilii lit til in 11 wt lill i ii 11 c 1 1 ll i nt it llth liiik unit silk millilub ntt millinii nu ii in nf i mliiuuil x- kiiiui i 101 lthili n- ill 1- mill snltn x nt n on- iiiitint n- iiptt- iw tiitiiui in tn l 11 it tiling too ihiiii 1111 tl 111 iltlill din millm 11 miinll- mill i 1 1 un k 1111 1i1 hi rl im nt ere ii 1 1 in li tl 1 hup in 11 ill 1 1 i ii 1 il tiling h 1iirtii nl 11 int inir sluiie im inll milllieit ninl llienn linnli u in i lili ill he h ii i llie j 11 un i jlll i hl the 111 i ih hlllll kltll sll hi i nl ill mil ilk ill lhi jliilii 11 11 mi rml i hi all 1 li i 11 4 11 iol 1 1 1 1 llllli it pit 1 i ti put llium it nt ui ll lint nl uulabci us pnllll 1 i llkf hiilf hill 11 ti inn in line nut iii per tut llit nliiit suit art tt 11 lull ieil piiliil- itiwhtlt lliut tit 1 11 ir tn hike ptit ni inn uf lllinilt tlio i iijllllllllir or iki r h iuk 1 liy in uiii tnll ii i i 1 hilt illl wm mi lbou co w a lois blub x vctrsfso oxford sr furnaces ran all sing or viidiwat gapacilp from 10000 lo 8000 cubic teol cyclmnu sjtiul itadutott oxpodd wood purnacu woodruhnace adapted for wood b tlsavjrslavl plate plre ilea dems aum radiator which hnui qnlckorand arc more dumbio radiator of modern cntruo una and groat lloatlug iowcr- j larooashprr 1 coal furnace mtlotttl rira pot rotating dar dunn deep ash pll c l itlfuil guaranteed capacity ft qatauklltl sjmltirruiokuu book manufucturod by ttho curhev foundry company ltd toronto qrcam book free our new cntaloc w n grand portfolio of all the fatcst uld best style- of urfiatu ui 1 jltntim it ihurtratasbs ami gnci tnitiiufiu tiircn pru tn on orpnna from 2500 up 11ml ihonoa ram 150 tip it shows hoiv to buy at wholesale direct from the manufacturer- aid gov over 50 percent the cornish organs and pianos giinmutced foras yra uovc been played aad pmlaed for dearly vj ri tuilny llicy urc llie moat popular inatrainetita made socum our special terms 0 crwf framed to uti th timu remember this grand book ia mint free writ for it at pac cornish ov co lartub- pearly 80 yrs wwphlwfltoii nj railway timb ygg- grand trunk railway rxnroi 1 iji 1 1 m ri hull in oj llhuiumr lsr 1 it i ll t- 7 17 a it 111 a it f pubiiaiio ttijjmriii nuliill u ist 0 it a in ami s 10 1 111 cjolic lust 10 ti a in kml 5 in ltn tliia tliir table wont into itami irnil 7 uuoet h a wood encjftavejj 10kinc-steast- tim aching head pi a i- i hod hsire hrntlnclio for thu jinat thrco years nffllot tvej j iii tinnh of lit 11 main iid 1 must nt nil ollirnt 1 lilt uu iood try bbb huliim il in the beat mcdki tin mm nnuh 111i i t k thriii hnttlcsof it with tho rpnult that it linn rritnnletoly ennd nu 1 think jliirdoclt blood bitters iklh for in aliiilicu and no a blood a thu best in the world land mil lud to rcniiiimriwl it to all my frlcnlu mltujijita m llnitj ulou soiuian onu powders cur- sick hcacmlchtl mn nctjlcts it 3d mimurma ill c iisn nr- 1 1 1 11 v i 4fueiion pmtok sa cr re r oro crasa jji ft rky davis pain killed doyoukeejwpttiugpi ifttftj tjf ikdijtlt cmoixr and bowel cqmuuat its effect 13 luclcal new fall goods a complete line uf uw dress goods also a complete line ul staples a mithfl mammoth tlnlnsraph in n roinrs bj tho lllldsulhl rtli llatxt hiimphrrt it ai 1 rrrl luaa and ii im bra trlli- aoj hlllwarat a tm if rea i fit vaar rmruaw it l rallwt i r imrnn- and h wi a traulllul ttmiil 1 larllns hail in a 007111 rlrh ruf llnwt rloak tari anl umhrrll in bat 1 ih ulta tbe tix nnml ul h xbll- lrr k iin hair aaln nrr lit ih uiihl trr rliia tiluah wlib orrrllrjav 7m dvllabt jltntrsili ba ftl a la idtl l wnlon aumii allr fo a uine imnilii trial aubacrlpllua lu the whole faatlly an llliilrill monthly naaaalni win alnrfaa ann ii- ftl n f ll ant i lulrnr mcwisu iu a- 1 1 in vuuibkir ac uimiaa maaa copyrights ch i fntl a lttktf fr a ll lv ai ml a innrtlnnl l ll lllij m i it i ltu tns toliii ami aunthlna when biii r f 1 11 atinl ihiuii 1u f thai uil le luilin -ll- ll 111 if uitiun 1 lid l vii t iinl r li 1 u h iflin ii 1 ro a livmaii if in lb tiuralii of iii h 1 rkil j i i he i iil i11ii11i w uu nilil it i in all iniimilh 1 jiy utl 11 t iti lkwl rimlcr will i 1 f ilo ceaiu sklloh vhyallixer mrs t hllawumchtittnnoocniqnn ta wttlnha krfrlwrnikji 7f ifjrf t tmuhurit itml r jtoluurarllljbrlatufrnv i per uard tor im ipuma uvurur ikiduuj tmubkiltaicda iriltoscla lilohsilcatarrh remedy llhtarnulimiv tr llnlteamlr it will rilji ly mllvto biiu un o rrlutihuh tll intpr itir it nui nil irrntnciul itimiktiulfee ill t utl riiilllillmnmlu new pictures nl w frames new fancy cooua the picture gallery near post office cuclph the star bakery m c harris m j hthltll acton saw mills j e3rown jn ew flannels flannel ottes cottons etc trail millinery ilit latest in milliney durno co i 1 mill mil m mi s11 t ladies i nderwear slightly danu s hi boiler repairs steam fitting etc thos sarceson thus sahoi bon fjuqiuntuwtl p o stlhiih crfeat repuction den ladies fine wool underv t worth si 26 for 75c k ar in lb a irar f inate hidhs pure- milk fb rn vr 1 mtm 1 luai iuiv llil fur hiu1 ulll juith no tbr ira marktnriy atrial rnl mm luiltrr trntn uta im will i ll llir 1 il 1 tin milk lituail h had 1 ll lariimbu ol lunuoqa tiairto rir- milt ii u tier can luulu ooa pian os llite is i demand t 1 1 irt i laaa atell 1iono- ihm 1 liavu tu baud a lariio k ul humij hand ilau m rut makia both tirihl juaro iritui k in jk1 in li will bv 11 til til ll i ii l 11 rlj and tluiiiiii il it c w keljys music siore u5 vpp wyiidlidtn street tolophono l 7b i i k l i i ll lion wool iltbhptl and nlueh ritia i li m bnl 1 111 tit- in irhi1 w ar rt iraul lu aaserl thai thmo 1- 1 im i ktxida 1 will li iiittt m r 111 to iuiiiliirl lu wearing 1 im nia is simply 111 1 hltl li itiai uall ntmly tlanir1 and titiall 01u n in a karmaiit liml n ilhl til btrlarlly imllcoabli i all linl llioy uro ijuitilimiit at mm rate ul iron thr 4 d williamson co rr oymru lame backg st nuralgin pltuillsysciatica r k vpyltmenth cured every time acton iivkhy lus link well eiuiipoil and uljllali it 1 wuya im socurtm john willi ulh i ll you waul lu 1 1 l li tliatil jwwta at uuojih y 1 luuma eat illl uti urdtir at in ilaiitua lull mliundauulnir in rfa

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