Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1894, p. 1

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h v p jmmmmla fftsp j volume xx no 18 acton ontaiuo tiiu usda y vovkmhkit i jhu u 3 bkpj5 trtitsaio en x s 4 i 2 v j lank and miiwmii mi tlii lull loroteh a pall of atr ja k i ml un at lnilrallilt or jllulllothor blui ou dauuiil linn tlrratimiill nael i be giuitl loyety ipuqhlnfl- til o nrry ihiiti nu w dun paila ho bfdly hiilnnt tl ii t ii ivi hit i la 0 v irohui ni ui ndiiiiii ttnrirallitwnbtiri would lp i ilil mint day thai ha tin if urn jill w way r tatuhlt pi mt it lis be retort vtt press ii vomtliloxu- evkrx tiluhhday mounino free proas steam 1rlntlnk oitw u1ll htitkkt actus ont timila or hunhinimaitono clnllir per year trlqtl iii advance all aubserhilhiiib dlaron unuad whma ui tlitin for which lliey have been iiald hu axnlrod tim dalo to which every dtsurtntloo u nm ts flu tinted on tlia addreoa labal adtmirrthinn iuttranuin advertise- llllne aaaus- mfr llita foi inaartlon ooktuct lutmtim following cablo ahova oar rates for the insertion of advortlaouieuta for apwelriad periods- t j i tu i a uo j ijia i luo ftl arttviafiniirlnri mjh lolnoho 1 1 noli 35 oo i u on i h on i 3 no jo op i 19 on i 7 no i u v boo aw u an i no will be lnaartdlfo7biuaw oliantwl accord inajlgr transient ad v artisan an la luuit le paid in idrmn adtartlwmanta will be chanced onoe saeh dion lb if daaltfad for change oftanar than ohm a month lb a composition mail be paid for at raajula rata channee for contract advertisements mut be un uf hy a o t n ruoonu bdluir and propria to uunittfiifi ffltrrrtorp t f u1u3n m d c m ofboe and rasjdenoa ournor mill 4 krodorick je wilkinson d d 8 l 1 h buhjjlkon ukhtint graduate unlvaralty of toronto uniilir oi ufa royal colics oi uonul hunjnoui not but antelaaa oparatlooa mrfornim1 orrum oror urn urujt utoro actu opa aar day troin h a ui to h oi m bow ala a phra clean mclean ihnualto ba coowaaanaa home sweet home tlnii uliiililil iii tio ntlrli in- aa a tllnmr imhlnff lijinr mill rorlalli in rn iltithltiu hint will litllittui it niillkt kiilri now wpcll h 4n thp6r tin yiuh la ii tip kcr dim i tlln iiiantlty uti lriarlialiti and tlui irn wull thai oirr atronijdal kiiiii atiihan uii sen nr youranlt no troublo to show goods days hook store cuelph the traders bank op canada ailul aullirlul cl i 1w1 ailu lll iii v itoal h ouelph branch iit imii mi miiiii f il ami iti 1 in lb hi ullillvllmu dokiali ititnlina itaiitil fannra mta llrntl tbn rollodtliiii ut anln a run oral llaiiklitu boat day soils cheap bank 6f montreal capital rest 12000000 0000000 a o ulii intrral auowwtr nt currrtil lutra ja8 hfinlay unsor uuklrif hiuncll p of try ii akhii i a st maitkilt iti n aa a injur tnmlor mxl lrtlu oh lm iiiihii ibonulitfiil of nidi fvnr in iii- ti lin unlilln ami at nil tnfiil coiiallojati iton a until wam aa if iimhf oulil in llavlii itiailima a uivnraa tin of i ut tlonlnrtul trnmrisilf tlmm wnrn fitw- no anlf loviilcl aa hon ll iba m ilialrra iilliiitaoil linn would 11 corn in llii way lovnra luaru horrma by woo lb carta oaaoaaod laiiiiinu to uivo hor a baiiy auriirlaii nillhltnam tbn lirlulil flaal in liar nm your w hrftta funda to loan ooloa town hall aoton ww a mcl4 jmo a mclux urrtcia 13m qhhu ht iarkdaln ictorla cbambara rl vkciurm ht toliibooc w tunotto jonn dot ut ii a u tlmiui t j mcnabb clark fourlb dlvuinn court county of hal too convoy akd oor asoot rlrskod lifo auunuci itaml eita4 agwnt mutiny to loau etc orricm uatthawa lilock actos ont jhiltom walluuiuobd stonh uarrtatara ttollaltora ai toaovto amo qlonabtowm i aniltox n a wi waixeaiixt u htonk tvtariuagl l1cen8eb j 1 c1ia11leh laauor of uarriac ilcsnat offlc ibarlaa co a on mill bual rakl8 hdtcheon loit tturvayur mutl civil ktiuliieai adloldluit j a uowala wacfoinll uiaat qua i nil otnoaadfoidliit j john day architect ouxtim omoh wyndbaui tilrawt h bnry gribt tiw qlmlut bolloltor of 1ataou lor lovnutlun praparaa application for tba caiiaillan anmr m and knropwan pataot ottloea and ror tin jutrallno of trada uarka fiaud for paoi bag and kuropaan pataot ottloea and for umulnllnn of trad uarka fiei pblwi tblrty two yoara aaiwrlaoim w u ubmbtbbet liaat adctiombkk for tba countlm of walllngtoo aud llaltuu ordare lef i at tba vun pnnaa offloe aotoo oi at mjraajdaaawio aofetapwlll te promptly at taodad la tanai raon alao momi to loo ou ua uioal favorabla twrota and hi tb lowwat rataa of lotoroat in am a of auoq and up ward a f hanoi8 numan hookuindkh aoooant hooka of all kiuia mi pariodlcajla of anry ilaorlitloa oar llotlnr naailt and promptly doua fully t uk palach baruuk 8 hoi mll1 stkkftt aiut h it wohdkn fropribtor anouyaunvo aalyll r out waluntfuin mutual fire insurance comoany kmauiniu ihio influltanok n mutual plan auy cuhuu uiibdi turwardad ui my adlroaa hot twl i tlapbuua oh will l promptly atumdurttj john tayi ok auant w barbkr bros paper makbttb georgetown ont mui a rcliltt machine finished book paper jii tllolf ueadfc wickkl suwh a- w1x b4kuei llob gaelph bust- i ness cellege udu ttllna tbu rating of ita patroiiaud atuillii llrul hrilii lb kaat u llrlttib t oluiubia and allfunil ntl iba mbat but tl alao davulopwl into a boat college of language ii iff lialni iut inmt lu mim muoi uiauuotlon in ill laiiuoatliia llualuaaa cu1ib ik canada nan ob for iu jatro omr utli airmail- torma i lu ainblllooa widr twaka luahiaaalulo11 will attalnf fhk watkrlotl mutual flp insurance company ebtadlibhco in 1003 head orrtx waterloo ont aall aaaol oirtr t hhi mm k i bi kkrricato amount inatirad hi woal orn utitanu la over i17l000 00 araplu aaarta for all liabilllloa all lionoat loaina honorably adjuatcd ami promptly paid offiderb akorak randall fraaidont john shuh viae pntwidont c m taylor seorvtmry john killer inmpvctor a c bicc8 agent burlinqton p o hamiltons marble works john h hamilton nkw fall oolis wl ut kiihuml suitings trouseringb ilatlnik shule a overcoatiiigi ll iilu at rlnsu pruci sc dui iu w 1 ii net kwi if unlauncliu tl bhnt al 50 cts h k nkbson uihaiit tailor anil louta furuialu 09 upper wyodhtm bl quoib skason- lhill inti all arrauhniuaiit with it htawart lualpti to knuprouatantlyan hauu a lull iluii ut lba sash doors etc frames of all kinds an irlrr tl 60 per u pumps 11 itbi oil orvro i loull tuoh kb ii age manscer acton would be more than pleastd if u brought her home a nice new lamp wt have a puiulii stock to choose troni and the prices are awa down jivr us a cull bond st co evnrythlnii in hnrdwnro guelph the leading shoe store i lu leading shot sioit is tu tin front with ccij dcsir able line of shoes foi 1 ill and winter wear our store is ilmrouhl renovated dn made new noyv shoes and new pncta lower prices wo bavo urn uiofl aipatialfa kliiiln but you don t naod to buy tboui wo liavu put ui a imrst atock of atalila noodk aucl aa auy olm can aitunl to buy uliona tfi0bt at tils liwnal caab itlcgt tlioan willi aoltlat im huiall i roflla and wa art not afraid to warrant nvnry pair tb following ut h you au idaa of lliti nl atautlal reductions blltlrnn a hull button 3c ir pan loe lloota fioo iebbla itutt fleol or hiumu atobotinta r pl uimi nor r mit hull tv llrli hcboul hikhm nil ii till hi ill ltlln uoiimila llutt pi u kltior doouola hint 1 i iol it lcod hoot allni tl 1 aim a lonu top uxu hi jm c3 i hurritaja ieuled v11l1 1 ho leading shoe but w mcttaren gb ov may bk interested aa t uav wo roapootfullj i a- i t unit i on 10 our uaortnotit ot fweedi and lutha fur tbia bomum trade lllat 11 will il jtaro favorably wilh any u ibe olty wo fool ullo culilblenl altboutcb we tin not adfllim xiraout in prion drat ulaaa lallorain onolpb wo tblllk tbat out ruild juatltloa na hi olaltnluk ui bo lallura whuae itouda and witk re oiiuuontly aaliaactur we do ii i u ixru wllloi f oi yi u r pal ri atd to outdo ua hi auy r rod il able wi tluulai we lv 1 a d a k j f aa an in a atu a nil liar laon j ut it i tl 1 shaw turns excursion t vei saturday ac 1 on to stkaggi s iopulai lui iiiiurt stort ttlliml i very haturday la our hiu bargain day iui on i put ihast ofgoodh thai would tost ou 5 jo ai ano tin r stoir uu will have jour uiilwa larc if you buy flolll us and 1 will ie 3 ou a few examplt s hldeliihir 1 2 1 lliulnu cbalia v ml i i arlur sulla xi oil w 00 parlor holloa ul m 00 ilaly t arilatlua at t 7 liluyln net tl tl lludruuui bulua ftuui ell i up 1 r us out v and tu will never leave uh p sprhcc6 turw btor sl cuelph the pooplpa popular umlturw btor upyor wyndhftm sl principal mccormlck glph ont job lluntlng im iuuiku hooka iampblata poalarm hilt lluaila lllrnulafa ao o aiaeulod lu un ii i uuoitie rb4ltur and tilalilua uralera gum ill auuiia i puriumm h m fusaa offlc x auiupa the star baken m c harris hu nioiil 11 new ttkotv a i lellr llrna1 akua lluna tl u all uvbli tt iu acuii aud aurriiuiidlutf ttiuuuy m a hahitm bfind today lotereat tborobaa rwoantly iwmi iliiyd aud la now ltr aala li tbu tin 1iiii a hull wuodartul hall lli aud c n tib ioii wblunloii tha ilr iruwo will arcuall hi ala woeka by vim uau of till woiitl rtul llali urowd4- it will alao piuvnul uo ball from talllnu lly tba uk uf tbla leuii ly tiyi talaa an aanl a aurprtalii baal or bair have ii luiiiml lalilj b uo uaeof tbla iuli llrnwui i alao awl a ouuiileuh wbtatutua lbat will lu ouu aklft oaji 1 uiatb wt uevnr knew a laly or kbuueuiau to uae two bottlea ul uila v bjumin riiruiuy all aay tbal outtir cbey nnlabod tlit evonrt bottlo ihry rre aa wtittffmhtiey whim sudl j w after tbe uae a thla wujt ile kluwlll iiirwoar ivtalu iu colot ll aao re- luutaa freuklea ot ul tbti hair jrowvr n 50 can u lr ikittla ami uiu had wblluiiluil dooauuptr botlla kluior ul tbeau ranladli- wlll aell byuiall t lmll to any ail ilrvaa ou reoeliit ot price ailltoaa m1 urderk f hvjln jju tilntow- ht ottawa ont h svo taaa i qutfl uuia aa oaab butiaulleaorturllm b utail will tioutur a tavnr by urdarlog worth m ll will nmiiifre tbla aaouul of tbe tulutlon in ancoinplmh altbor flllou ii will irariiruiijj uraclollil plavllljl ilia ptrf dally bla love bn runlmul tjiille uictaniorpbiiaoil inlrulb all ida flue cblvalry laid on tbe abilf all bla thuuullta dally devoted to anil laiiuajt ul atrooseari would tall toelpn wl t i n h mualin ioio aunililii anlclilllod by tb ibe krn prremetillhirliill wbeii alltillvi an kind ihaararnloaa ami blltpl wi lui bur klnu auiotik men b abehaluiiurliiiailtii tbat bu iiil an iillfclinl an 1 inillrlurotit bo uft nbu ojiculiim w lial a lover 1 lual lien 1 waa uiarrlril to ii n selftt 3fnnld rraiiinfl a jv1ilioi- sto liliu valluy will liuvo forjoltcii 110 u rami tragedy wild tbu malroti i bo lo urand wore ono of tlm ural iivmilkit in tlio place ami it waa woll known that walter lo dranil waa very nhkry with jamoa march for preaumnik to luipiru to bla dauubtcr a hand and fur weary 1 nt hrr with hla atleliliona 1 hu evening the tmedy ooourred tlio two gu ul i mil mi woro wn walking tokulhur mt 1 u tranii returned to tils homo alouo and not lonft ufltr aome sillara found tbu boil of mr march lie lnd boon killed by a pmtol atml in tht brcaat nuvur hail the mull court room bit 11 mi rofvdud as h wub durnn the trml of mr ui oritntl l vei urar ibu priaonur aal a alight iilusii veil tl lluurr l last am id a brraihloaa nil t nor u vrnlli t waa prolioliqcoil mil i kiwi u or nd llirwbatk i he vul lld ia av into the nolo i around llitli hluflok up h r urina aliu ci lultiid 111 utrcuni louca llofore god my la i he 1 la nut guilty hula innocent 1 lion lurjixlful uaturti inluipuaotl and amid the aoha aud tuara uf lliu llatonora uiu poor irl waa carried unuoilaaioue from the room uj wm over noliiiiim had tratiapirod ihm oiild prove the prisoner iuiioxii04i 1 ho chain of evidoucu waa complete 111 the cyta of the law and boforu lunh aitin lrf i ruitd a bcuullful dull hh tor waa lufl iilutiu in lliu world to litur the dla jrakii of her falhira loath and crime through nil the loiijj yenrs wtiluh alurtchod out boforu her lolllutflloonetr lcl plana llelou in rami led tlio llluo of her buth it wm then i ural met hor 1 am a outrun 111 tbu luldruu s home w lion my father aud mother dtod i brought my wealth and a whole heart full of love for attached lo the homo it a lioapiial for the walla who daily mcol with injury in our real city lu mt oanie ono day a you ii j and very beautiful girl muy i stay lilre she wild in a sad low voice and help nurse thoao lllllounos homo lb nib 111 her faoo charmed 1110 ttiul cotliary lo my usual prudcnoc i ranted hor request without minli ijucalion intf hho looked vuj yooii even with all bcr tipplltik browllliair bidden awuy uuiler lliu nurse b ls i and tl uiuocd a n dual of coiuniuiil iiuunu ihc ottiors who wero inoal of ibeiu as old a myself but iticj hoon haw ttiat ontnow balpor wu a work or ami tliouc 1 uu hltlu obldrun how llioj loycil her one liny boy whu fort iiiicvivlii a pumimiia to fonllicaa lor lid 1 x i xi h to all ll uuen wilh ua aottiu lino whei ou da aa ithi iraiitilovor lltllo icrrynbod ilttdlny and eiplalulnij in in aweul 1 icar voice a cliap tcr from tb llible 1 am the lus lit huboua the mindor and palruu uf uiu home liiuktintii u10 room and aland alluull belli nd bei tibalr llaloiiliik u all loved 1h llubona and indeed he waa a mail worthy of every uiic a reih t and atfoclluii llockouiut lo me bo ijultlly let i ibu who is she miss lloo ho askctl mo lhcn 1 told bun all i know of be and i tnjjhilf was sorprlattl to itnd bt little 1 know but hllle auiul hot hi kubuua ll 1 tboi 1 said apologetically and i am tfunorau very imrtiuular but no olio toulil tcblal tbe lovely fato ur doubt but that ll was au uiiihlain of sa lovely a boat i 1 bun too 1 saw that sllu waa ouu iijhiu ivlioiivtod a hand bad taalml heavily dr itulmll a nible fate llusbrd ua he uu judnli ntflilly aa you always tlo miaa lliu for if ever u puro oharuulcr iiuiid out of a woman a facu it tlooa in in hor i punduiod hia wonla lonjj aftor hu loft lr llubeiin was a yoiuitf man pf a bunt thirty live y i arly lu iifu be bad turfed upuii the iiiluialry and with a uurtloll uf hla laiju ortuuu had urocted autl ondowod nut institution 1 had never rlliuutthl of him aa a marrjlujj insii but aa i watched him converse uuvw aiulythaii with my young fiioiid aud aaw how ilia interest in her sou mud lo deepen 1 luitau lo form romantic plana in my miuil rime went on mlhnugh ahuwlug alio loved ins in every wunl and look ilelcu tiuvrr told itio about horaolf or family ur why it was two ycuts itufuro nlio bud 00 mo 10 inu lu audi ttvidttnt tualicaa ami liiiplunil lllo tu give tier if hi is ucmipatiuu 111 whtoh through doing gootl an i haliilng otluirs alu inlght wurgot and bo at tlioao wrr hor own woida ouu day it 1 ml writing in my room atuuiu cauju lo ie softtluff uuraulf uou a low stool at my fcnl hud lnii iitr luml in my lap thuiw alio was wonpibfi what ia il llolop itakt lhcn 1 inarneil that iliat iliorning our imulor hn whoao nnblo tnao wsa ttia lltht ami inspirnlion of all who know hirnliod pliiml lim hi urt in tny yoimu friend a k iioplug ltd ma rnngralulsli oii my union i 0rwiiiud riilhiilii her icr will a ihtthiuiiax ghluri nil piinhtd ftwajyttlytltltlrtr nay ratrrrwiai thnt i hml inrvrr twnn born kurpriarjd linlnurii and aoon 1 know why tho pmir ohild had itjwoja niirh a- aorrowrtil look in jmr ikuiitiful oyra hn told incif a jouth upciit ivith no brnthn rr nlatf r hut linpplly in thn rnrn of a ill tricinl winrwliom riorlmnilf hsu ittltmt hur n kin hor mother a death wlion i waa aixtacn 1 rcturiipd to my father h home aha said in hor low mournful wiieo i waa well educated c complislied and kpparnntly with n life full of hojj a nil onjoypont lnfor5 mo aftor a llttlo ttrrio tliora camo one who pretended to caro for mo i did not lovo him and i lr ituboua went lu titja aud plsnid hi alromi arm alwut hor i know then that on co found ho would iiovor jooau tsr again i waa right tbn two who once mora lud mot thriugh mutual lovo for ujo child whnsn suftrringa upon oarth llioy had liilprd to lihloii worn iinvor parted again rhey w ru married and llelou ciok hor plar aa our pastor a houorail wife yl il it only within uvo past yoar that jitl a- i ojuu tiuaa 1iuluibvl moliriitill hi1 ciprcaalou i hajl alwaya nulirod in ilium karly last spring a nolrd rnnliiial oonfiaaod to liaving kllltid for more plunder i bo man of whoto mnr di r hi r fathnr bnd twon aoottaoi i was prcnonmbhen lr habona tint broke tho nawa in hla wlfn htni kai 1 l a told him bo hiil a til i ua poraiatdd in coming at lust i appealed to my father to civnix hi m to ceann hia annoying 1 in kit limltus my fatlur nbnked him aud lofc tho hoiiuo in bin t ouimimy mr marclio huh nuvur blii a itiiii ahti ati futhrr nn iiiuthrnl limn wftfl ncriincd of having hbu briikn down and inalltidlvi ly feeling what wan coming i ilruw her into my armn hl alitnldrul oh l a so horrible they jiklgfi him gufliy f mnrilor ami ho winnllind to din i dul not apeak what could i aay llu was not kiiilrj for hla own lips toltl me il lim inntkjnro fcihu wailed a mo ment nov miaa hope can mi uol why 1 have refuaeil dr kubim ovrti though it brraka ni in an to do ho hate you told hull your story holm 1 aako1 told him oh no 1 could not loll him itf tbn discriuu that nhniti mv life aho cried wildly i mutt leave hero and go far away whnre hu uan iiovor look upon n fo again wail a while union i not do anything hiuilv ihrowlui hrr arms arouu 1 my iruk she kissed mo my dear fnrlil uid blea uu t r 1 your kiudiirun to mo with i bra word aim i i or hho did not wait a i hail coiiuat lied but leaving no word drpnrltd a suddenly and aa ill nli rlinily an allu had ootlir how woall mistird irrr my co work ra of mura kirw m bluk of wllat bail llp peinl so 1 cltey wrre h ml iii 1 1 fir lr whilo little irrry tlxi ripplr win lovr i her an lib a mtcoii iverl hi alial do mihb uox- will we novel r be any dr hubria ame in a frw uj afl aim ball h and mllni 1 aaw bow changed and grave his face waa i felt that it was my duly lo tell bun all i knew he beard mo biimui though the atrnii linl which loaned uihiii tho table tiealtle him irmnbled when 1 bad fmiahril 16 aid miaa 11 pr n kflow thai bv bei and thai no pain il dlagraoe in her life could lliakf in t aobt but tlrarei to me an ou tiol help me to itnd tier ab fhlib helen i think tbat i id love as hi anything 11 make am diller lint i cooldlell i oolblik aa t bn whcrtiatouls 1 bo groat hooao acenitxl very dllleront lo me hofore halcn onie nry tuttea lisd laken up my timo and uiiud lo the exclusion of over thing ikibuih how lliu boor a seemed long aud when i palod through the hospital ward aud my oyea ss 1 would remember the vce ful figure which had so often bent llmro breathing a wool truths about jeaiia in word suited lo her liny lialouer a con prehem al length a clike foi ue wure erne to lorry i ho hoapital loctor shook bla bead gravely hn la not long for this world miaa hope he wliaperoi jorry too commit uuimuui wlj it was lua breath came no ftvbly ami bis utile body so f ull ut nlo i ihikliit ll lot dr lliibon oo dav he said in hla ublldlah tulu dr itubcu- 1 am iug to joan bt lunh wqn i you pleaao llud miaa union ao tbat 1 can bi her k be 1 be 1 ll tiled and li inaui t a1ul bla ltopta had all brut ai lai 1 tiaiuug un tbe txiy h aald liuakily i iltle liny pray u ytuii ita leaua tu help u lo brum ml- helen l 1 thought i uk lhl ulghl and at ll a pruect uame to mo in lliu mil day a papura i tiauaed una ajvoi liacti un- to 1m 1 iltle juny i jjiom iu u to helen 1rayur fully it waa wi iiton aud 1 thought thai if aho aaw it purbaps lor jeiry a sake she would ouine hut it luust be very soon for jalor grow the irans parent tlcip and more pituuus the uipros nluu of the pall drawn lips ll was noon lliu in y lay uicll in hia whllu bod i hero wbb iouo bealdc bun bul msolf utir paalor and the physician aa tifouiaiiy wuuld uclle bim all around waa an u teoao alloauu hiiddeuly ttie llda opened uver the dark oyea 1 hikliit atraight lowardb hid door ibu boy bald hho la born i leo u loll helen ul ootpe inlckl lo itiry ho wauta hxr an 1 he palhelic iumxu trf lb laal wur 1 btoughl thu uuis bttuallltllg down my obeeka wo bad all kirl tiur dllluirul ways lo llud bet and we though t child uiuai die before ha w her he luvad ao well uol llio door gently oponod jerry was right it w lelcu with a low cry abr hurried tp the uoucb and ilnued her arma cbuui tbu dyiua boy 1 itlle 3urry hro a rtolen i oh 1 1 am uol tuo lato no not too utr once more th llrod llda illicit and jerry saw her with a ihl eflort bo raiaod ono liny arm and rtrqjk9d il aullty around bur neck tbjuij o losing tier eyca in a faint voioa ho ookbii ooo of i tie aw ret tiyimia ho had learned uo upon a llllli tlllltl he aald the wat line thou lua voioo sank and witla long drawn imiet slgti hia tin jullm little head ell back up jerry waa at rust there waa a solemn ailno lltii with autm china a nd jjtpjin a corfia i thank lod lbat my father a memory i cleared al laxl nov i can be really liapify groundless conqratula- tion8 tha flor snrd latlr buhbjoa and nverllowa with kind oxpreaaiona for tho anfctroriii the itflipita my tv formatoriea of brooklyn n y ttlt tifjuor bollom 1 1 kaya are deeply inleroated lu these unfortunates and proof of this ia tho fact thai a part of l bo money received fur itcntinoa goea to their aupori it aay a 1 lua simply ahona that litjuor aollin contiibutea largely lo the maintenance of tho treat philanthropic agencies of iho land how much don prohibition con trihtito i he vraii mif vraojfn tin reikiida llu ti paid by liquor dealers is not in any tcinte a tienovuluul cautribtllion but in paid hot aiiao etuciotl by ho uw of the iii lid i hoy do not give ll to relievo any onoa buttering aim havn nolhiiig to aay aa to how a shall be applied i hoy do how over help to maintain charitable inalitu tioua aa well aa jalla pemtnuuarilm an i reformatories in aoino prohibition placea the uila can not be kept going for waul of prisoners and nothing aecurei a steady aupply of criminals ao certainly aa in tot i cat lug drink htatlntica ahow that more than four fifth- ot the tnmea the wr saya ninety prr run for wliloh men jo lo penitentiaries are traceable lo drink a urge proixirunn of iho so in maauo ar inula the snr bays fifty per cent are thorn through drink many asylums and hot pit- would bu fiircutl to cloao wore ll not for tho supply of patients uintribuled by whs i pr tlijtilnt i ntribult ivn ma answer thai beaiiltia payiiik linn tnini a thing whiub an rrcnut 1 kl r red lima ahow mam charitable work w t hate be u count i uvnr the mioplo in our city who am itirnli lied with philanthropic institutions anil nm lulcroatod lu noting thai ao many of lltftm arc onthuaiabtlo advocates of unnpor slice wo have ui mind a suore of liberal coolrlbulioun to nuoh inslllutiuns all by toinhrauo people there may be some auuh cuiilribuliom by men iu the lltjnor bul he i lit bby anc thfc cuh 1 he boy waa nailing fruln the tall oi i of boat btiutioreii ab ml llfly fool out iii tlio rioi and a policnmaii un atiore waa wauluug him what are yu dou ll allel i h olllnor when be saw th b y paid no alien who are ou aaked lllo boy wub an eye on his hob 1 whoi l mil i a otllci the otllcer thought he had oaught a run away from hie t anadlau aide aud qon eluded to play him a bit betope hauliug whai at la dnltolt mlchlh inpllul lla hko wuh tl ihlioun and llio boy rinuotl what a your name john btnith lbe o ulcer won bai k i i ii arc you sure asked the bo of coorso 1 ou lo know i ame ouxtllu i 1 hure but a imy u i uti toll i uipkr know b lll he lolb him woll 1 1 hko to know why 1 ouhln u know my own oamr kod lb otb i olte puuled i j t tell in 1 h- t y 1 i l tell orkboi wliy y u dct i kl tw 1 n when you oe i am i duiu nolblug and the buy slapped uul a liab bikjui flail liutie ill lolal id lbe juuue waxtm i ihovbhbb hiateiiess lbrut upon tlieirt and itum luy a wlae camlulale will lot a voter ubeol him in a boas trade aclaluhlll lllo backa uv tl ill that can i at latch hi back about lllo bi ul thu m t i 0 with auaiky la to hauh h ii ill a rope lb nu pa ird tlul lei bul a ha i lltiil- uttatel pull ill- k ia pii lloldin a ptty together sin 1 noil it g l hul lui li country lugetber a pulillshaii bum i go miicli use fur lliu hag eioefllolo ahoo votura llfntrihe potts with 1 i bar wooden i be culiy leaa talk ou ills tirif of wunmuit was lu poilltuika circumbtances altth lastb 1 n iaris where blgyollug tias booouio vurj ouiuuiuo an ardetit whoelman was lately valinllllg llio odvalltageaol hi- lavor 1 aasert he aald llial the bicyolo la lu every reeteol more aerviuqable than the horaa aiiuyj asnl auolhtjr ros can prove to aou i ha contrary by oiling lo you a caae what yoo would have niuoh preferred lh horse what uaeu la that i ha aieg oqarts f you had atlampt rd tu sat your bloyulo than 1 think you would have found it pretty pour picking iure blood is abaululaly ueoeaaary lu order to enjoy perteat health uoods bcraauarilla putluea lbs blood and auuutu soa tba yaliu what will bo tho outcome of tho p retool atruggle uo man oau foretell it m a atrugglo for principle at bottom it ro iluooa iliclf to this has an aiatio nation the right to ally itsulf with western oivih aation 7 olilns hsu almost unlimited- r ourcba hut hur peope are unmilitary und il is doubtful wlialhur aho could coulluuu a long war wlllmut boiug disintegrated -japll4s- itliivi baa liaaruly adopted modern oivilixatinn haa llirue hundred and twonty thounaui mini irtiinod in mol em taollco wilh arms and hiiijih of tho heat kind her military propanttiona ami education are at leaat twenty tiara old rile oau easily afford to kerp au army hi tho quid for aaveral yoar a aud u doubtful wiwrt oh ew nu i ou if alio aoems jo bo a rather too enthusiastic propandiat of western ideas au agaiuai oriental stagnation it uiiiat not be forgot ten that alio rspreaoula aiviluattmi agauiat aomibarbarmm liiroiiuaniam aa agauiat akiatloism ameriuaua whu are not ao prone to judge foreign ijuoalion from the aland point ori ratio aud commerce win bn vory likoly to hoe that the prosoiit conflict will laauo in tho independence of curoa in the acknowledged right of both japan ami oros to accept frcoly and fully wuslorti cl vibration nj tho beat kcoping of inured irealius and iu the larger aud richer pre parsing of ajl ania lor the goshl of loaua 1 hrimt william kllmt urifti i i in iho f virmriiiiuiiu fur oalober datfcb back to the dayb of moses 1 atnolu lutoa back ao far lliatr it is im noasiblo to disoover when ll waa ural prac ticud but it was one uf thu practices uial wore prohibited lo iho jew- for lo lavlli cua xix in thu following uahall uol make any culling n your lldr for llio dead nor print any mirks ujion you from una il may be inforrtd thai talooiug waa prevalent among the tribes in the days of muse ll ni a- oualam that pro among the aavagi nations of the earth and talooiug it p radioed to una day where clirtiiianit and oivjlitlion haa pui a top lo it it wan al one tuna years ago an 1 is yol but not to audi a marked dtrou a fad among aailom to have various dealgna placed oti iho body tt was alao a fail among a certain claioj of silly women to bavo their lovers naiiit tat ooo 1 uti tho arm or tho breast thorn ar sudors in almost every seaport at this time who ore williutttfor a consideration to plrir inures un tbu llesh of any who are fooliah enough 10 havo disllkuruig marks driven lieiieath the urface of the akin wilh ueedl win la dippud into coltiiuig matter wtlghtbof metal cubic fool and a one inch aiusre bar will sustain a weight of lb 0u puunda broue weighs ijfi kiunda tttuabity lb uou wrought iron weight 11 teuaoity io 000 hard alruck atetl weigh i tjo tenacity 7h ihhi aluminum woi ibh tonaoity it 000 wo are aiuualoiiiod to ibuik uf metala aa bruih stroikor than wood and so llioy are generally apeaklug if only piecoa of iho in o sljvo be tealed when eual weitthta of lliu two iiialorlala ate uotupared it is then found lhal aoveral varieties of wood are alruugcr than ordinary a toe i a bar ot pine juat aa hoary as a bar uf tool an inch ouare will hold up uo oou puunda the beat aall 176 ikm1 putliidn aud auulo homlook 01 000 pxiuiids wood la bulky 11 ocuplon ten or twelve limes tile apace of tool i he best castings made for tho i lilted hla tea navy havo a teuaoily of ooo tu 7 ooo pouuda to the square inch lly solidifying buob castings uudor great proas a iwtatu atoanmut- -id- houuo -iu- l0 kx pound may bo obtained jtuict jtrr sjiuilant silllnebb riwoel harsh bswyor s dukly slater quid aat niuglug swiftly utulre ham sou howard a son iiaui i rolled sinuklug sorrowfully noeklng bwoo buau hod douly apviug bad utiaan billing aiuging san aloui bud alowjy blraliug suullowera oaring sweet huaan si an alartim auroochod ham stop ale tvk aoino atalo satidwicl nk lowly ho hwcel isaiah sauntered she sprinkled some ougs tiaiii atlrvi hho bed all nil atop aobbliik almg ntlow swallowed id sho atl luveiod ilioru i tidtleol o auddonlv ham ahodilcred hontwhat cat tit 1 huaan aald hweol ham alla itui aad hunday acbthi an ham uog ouoaafull cluhfch lit ilt unto g v nitorla payi it woi uol up into tlio ajaska has a liabotl bul nice in i iverpoo 91 ooo i y billiard balls are j ally iewspi whuh i pub i oil i he bwult visiting car i 111 i hma oblouu piece of roil amr auuil four wide and eight luuhoa loiut with the iu blank rubber ll la said that u lakes km uiou lbe i uiror of lima a umbrella are many people tu this t uilr y who tha broil- wan 1 ttj mlb picihtb iriaoner aald llu jtil bav j mi any ooiiliaol 1 haven t your honor auaw iho man on irial lor itualuig a ham i iiavo r i hen the oourl will apiuiiil mr legy ludofondyou 1 ho prisoner looked al tho skuiuyt nut n i oyod soopithoulclerwd jiellihikgor pointed out by the court knd rose lo enter a protest jatigu ho aald i m ontilleil accord lug to law to a trial by a jury of my peon v i- uu are replied tho court i boo your honor rejuinod tha prta i imi drawiug a nhmy ooal aloeva auruaa lua uoae i thiiir i ought wkavu ajaa ycr of tho uime kind tidu t thu ladlaa wlo oalle1 leave cards 7 bridget they wauled to ma am but i told them that you had plenty of your owu tunl bet lor i too uti 1 rami uluiblliiu aftt i ml bslsiirod true with i why yea iulh jack my ilarlluu jill wt ii buy with earn our htiiutnholtl nru old ben it a going lu bo cold to night aald lack tho burly hired man inmuig from iho hnru nnd putting out ii n great hriiwu hand toward the tin hoy looked up from li in book and nodded i pity the man wlio will have lo k tar in tho wind aald lack and tho horhch loo oh jack ob homes can atunl it llioy ru umd to being out and llieir kin ia thick waa the aiihwer itioroaolil hon hell got under the true and kaup warm 1 hopu you 1 avcti l lull iteii out ex olbinud hoy if yon have you have dune wrong eur lien ia a faillifu horao and imvir skirka a duty vnimala havo fouliug- aa woll a luimati being aud thoy serve ua well when we are kind lo them uiyll i t 1 tv 1 bi hrti jn inavn tell out to night i it ii toughou llu w aud besides ii was tuo cold foi old to go lo him m iho luolli of llio wind mid fetch hull in ll- rtiily oiil night hoy see i ni hoy ahul tho book hul it old iteu tho bl hand on lbe arm naid tbn boy titiickly wo abuuid be kind to dumb aiiluiuli 1 wuuld noser have thotikht lu4vin the oil follow m thu meadow audi a m aa tbla it ia juck mad bed no repl hot looked i thu lioy autl having at it lire wcul up to lbe all ill hoy niofti and walked tu lbe window already itk a pretili lion wcle b ii lulhlltl a col 1 winl w rattling the windowa ki lb i i no bouai and ludio llotjola lulloily ii i were abuu fat i 1 hn boy bartl the id i with a limbic i 41 j uud tiv ho ad pped loin tbu house and wvni to th bam taking a halter from a bom obi hen a aldil ho anil down lbe lano that led 1 the meadow he could hartll mi lua way ttie night wu ao tlalk and the wind net llird to blow through hla bum lieu n iiolhloi bul a brulu to jack aald hoy lbe man can t appreciate goo 1 acrvlco until ll haa bvmi hauunried tutu him what dooa lu tare for a froce lug in mo aa long as ho ib linked up in a ho readied the bats and called old lieu in a llllle while be waa auauerod by a joyful wluiiii and tbe old hore camo up ho halterod hull and role him up to hla la 1 1 1 ii uovrr m back on vim old follow aail llio boy paltmg old ben s strong neck and when lie had put hltn aafe 111 the bam wilh a good food before hltn tnr went b bta hmlv 1 hough old dan waa the awiftoat horae on it e farm tie could out dialauce all tho others and wlieu apeod was necestary he waa always tho choaeti ooo llio wind roao i lichrr aud lughcr and jack frightened by the atorln aplang from tho bed and ell headlonu down the alairs al uio boitum uf which he lay badly hurl and call uiu for a loalor huy a mother examined htm and ahook her head iho act 11 u got hei tin for tho d he l lli up net jack lo ride r lbs uc burned ntt and 111 a luce he waa ruliiik the faithful obi lit 10 over the 1 uunlry road at hie lop of hi peril i ho uul inly made ct mlorlable i ul lu life waa avid hoy 111 i lo urn 1 ih lohlspalleut ll old hon ha i ueeli 111 the meadow uialead of ill hla 111 joll 1 old a thei ml i 1 lis til i 4itrud pw oud lullkml mx ill 1 oil hell ml i- 1 ft ui lbs del i ader t 1 big jack llio farm baud held out hla band and took ho a 111 hi horny palm 1 gujoa i need a iraatui i this sort aald he lloiollti if iboiu ia to beany irrex uiu in he nipduw it ahaii i be oltl lieu it lay- t 1 km i to luiub aulinah i be iop1 t k ft ban i aud kindly vo and stol ready 111 a bumble way lo repay a kiuiliieaa a tlliiusaiiillold tttill i forkol lbe dumb inhabitant of uotl a beautiful earth irit impthtuhaull nuifbh w hoi a woman lok- uu iwhl filing over lay autl all lay s uul nflur your it m luimabiblc ftn hor t be ill 11 tod 111 tjio same way ul tilt lhiiialitll i httaclo ur ai ream or pain an sho irna al hie firel 1 huae who it vu neat s ion lly nli 1 king 1 look fall to notion u ul hvnt though llieir curs iiuvd uul uiiiuii lull if lioarinj ho tho porpetual aigbt of u kueas uud d is use osrclallv whim 1uc0 tn pau lost by au itlurl lo represb t moliuu must bliml lliu liiipul aivoiiuae of bytiipally hul ufucl the piirllv pcrcuptivo nyuu nt the iruiiiod nurae are far muru likely lulkii whal la the natter with the luuiunl than ihoiu uf 110 kttiuurtl invxpirlonced spuctulora and aba plactiilw apula ll- ueuda wblub abo rollevcu while the sjllii r la ucurujy pro fuao in nn or her mpnmonk of emudol eiiuo hoal concern ul the pa i it of anutlior is apt to ovajkiratu if thu butllu uf aym ihithy ib lillownt lu nuialu ilhcorkuil i liiul lliu c uiu so 1 btckllittlho hubblea uf lundarncaa ami cuiupsaainii la ml upon htnn fnlfttt ffhiin hm- f turn how auriy itiovjaru tu sou him liitauu owl hon a b4 day uow uot alwa b dark morn lug

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