Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1894, p. 3

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p- ja t j 1-7- r indaj oprice fiattixpon j nri lin ur ijcoooo ithmmiiyit rum wmuui board qt directors- eoflm 8tuaiit t ituoul ireaulenl leeireaidant joiim pmoctch dan koaiii a t woo a ii iwm toronto uu ntimox u i tuitmlulicekhor j ii u utklllknant ceuw ii m w1thon ii agencies hm 1 1 ton illartcnhil ful llertln tdieeloy lidchnbw mllii iaornotiiwb mi ajoiim fi owen hound iurl i- lulu him wlnghai alluiun i ivlown iignvllh mly i itwj ti iraiicnvl toroi british oorraapondontn ion don national 1 rovlnclal luiik ol i m etmtllull amorioan goiraspondemts mtw tokk foarul national ilea il pw mulonaf ha ok itorttrclntentethmr l true co kuyvaua merino hank citn uia ntuimirnutksrniiboii ma 1 nioti natione lank dmrmorr detroit national llmk ka cltt nulopal iienk of commerce agentn in montreal tbejl nlcbiiamu to georgetown aqenct indil savings dapartmant depoellb of e and upward receive and interest allowed from data ol dapoelt to dale ol withdrawal special dproaim alko received at entrant rata ol inioreai n u li infjhtonl agotil th e methodist church acton okv j b howbll il a pa tor fereonage dower jumdi 1altmebervloeeltfcaoam andeson m hun ur eeboalsdo lllbloclaaaronduatal by the pular amoordleljjr invited spactaclos and cyo classes in gold silver nicklc and steel frames we cirr the largest stock do you need au spe rt paired or reframed 1 f there is anything wrong with jour glasses bn ng the in 1 11 to hynds jewilery store spectacle and eye glass cases all kinds all prices geo hynds acton ont thursday ncuembhh 1 ibiu little local brieflets which causht thw eyea pr eara or rran prau report era thla weak lut i tjb i wm hallo wo so november 11th month of tha year of 1u04 john maubewe ia about to retire from hot boar end load store mr j c ulll baa greatly unproved tha appearance of hla atora lately th on indian bummer weather of the peal week baa bean generally oujoyed three weaka mora to fatten uie luranya tbanaagividg thnredey clod november oak villa rave all ratepayer who paid thair taxes bof ore lei october j diaoouut of tan par cent early lo bed alao to riee a man both healthy aod uae wealth be d bain tbe prime be mt to advertieo take a poetai oard ouo a mouth or ao and oa ina dwi from your locelitj r n it up any way and we will pat it in shape lor tha print loat on saturday at a gentlemen a gold aaaj ring with lady head ou aoal kinder will be loitably rewarded by l at qrindall a wnrfiti macb shop tbe muton auxtxon la ao ruabod with ordara for prinlinjt tbal it baa found it expedient to pat lo power a water motor baa been iqtpodoobd to mi it nay make but if of qktn t fur oho tommy nut 10 your jacket brown why do you hang iu tlm beerh not tree oh i ro waiting for brave jack proat you aee be will oome very aoou to oat ma down laiog broa of aoton gave a phooo- graph oouoert in tbe lecture room of the matbodiat church on tueaday oibt the aodience thoroughly appreciated the cuter laiamenl ovieuuiijfr it ia rumored that u oraugaville hotel keeper wu about aelltug out laat woek and iu order to rueh the ule provided a uumber of the boy a with guarlera to boom the trade while the would be purclucr waearouud shh the 1arry hound sttr lu tmikhrntral iu twmiy jtond bililldjti the ar la oonauutly on the alert lo ad vance tbe internet of ila town and the ferry bound dutriol generally and lurnn irarea rejoioa in iu uroeperuy liave you brothera aod aiatara atay from home t how could you pleaae them better iban to aend the kbka ittaae for a dollar a year t it will keep alive lie m larceta iu the old home and family and will be tbe moat eagerly looked for iamt they receive the lenipcrauob evening at the b worth iceufue 1 ueaday night waaprult atily arranged by tbe hoc la i work com tit it tec the audreeare of the lteai dent and hev mr flow ell were practical and lo tha poiul the hymna luartattet and readtnga were all appropriate mr n 1 uolam liaa purchaaed the pnmrty of mr jubu aheru uu main htiroei lhi ia a floe reside baa alwaya bean regarded aa onu of the moat home atiraouaa oaoea in lawn mr molam appreciate it all ihe luort becauae it ia wltliiu law yarjj uf lili birthplace ihe rliuiual codn providaa a penalty of au fur dealera who aell pillule or air guu or ammunition fur tho ama lu mr aooa under aixtnu jcr ff ag deajera who aell audi erlicloa lo any dm without making a record uf the purliaaer name and aome mark by which the weapoua can be identified erasable to a dud uf lit the iwjijh of notea of lbs fulluwing character axe very encouraging tutho atr lbkiul when all hfmrat effort haa been mad o aiqel box uf atauuuory received and content ontirelv aatiatactury we oaunnol get anything dune here that la anywhere ur your work for alylo and iuality maoafter 1 radera bank mqritly of a local charcot r nd varv itom tntwioatlntt klllrtt while coapltmg cmrm cliarlee k davie of pal mars ton who waa employed on ilia rffl of the tiiui twit au leu ynare j dtlt tn unum ly death at tnu ialmenton tuail by being craitiwl whilacoaphngoarelaatwaek hav eral year ago hd left the printinfl malawi ehdwu employed on tha o t hallway leceaaod wa j7 joara ojd and ifeavea a wife and family of amell children ule father waa a faithful employee of the a t ii ai ielmoralou for a boat twenty ttc irrnrtllti i klelmrr itreitml tha luvor of itukun lied a moat en joyalito eveniiitmonitay at tha town hall ihe prdaenlatioii uf david vof per hold txckona favnrtlr atory by mr jrenvillr f kldiaey waa u i only a literery treat but tmdorod more realiatto una oifcitlng tale to rli oat who have only read tha print- oil paga lha impersonation char aclora wilkina mcawber iiaherrakh feggoiy i riah ileep and mra micawber waa very cleverly done mr klelaer u ft ounii mau uf ability the member of the o i tv have ihe aatlafectiop t knowing that they provided a vary woriliy eutertauunenl uriek church i of i h lha etlorle uf rev lenry caldwell b t i on the hherioii circuit are bearing good fruit oapectally among the you no people a week or ao ago an hpworth league of chrtetian hudeavor waa orjrauiaod with tbe following ortccrj and a fair liat or member hon inair rtn ho ii t aldu h t u i nraiikt mlu amy italia i k lita 1 xamolo and jolm hinder hi i nt tint sl ill hnydor tut il itkii illelianl jutiliaon ihe kuciety will meet regularly on mon day evening a pociel y pworth ieagne rhnol mqtmn bomk arranged for bunday evemoj lltb november lemthut m 1rll ateumn farmer tho new a of the death of mr 3eme a i ikon uf lot 7 cou t mm on bunday morning waa renetvod with muoli regret by all who know bint ha had- beoo afflicted with cancer for aomo lime wbioli rapidly dovelopod during the jiaat five or an weaka mr aitken wu a native of 111 ton county and remood to knn about forty yeara ago ilia wife waa the daughter of mr j sibbald now roaiding in toronto and with flg cll i h mi a 1 alia we in evrry respect an uprigbt honorable man aud eu joyed the eateem of ail who were favored with hla aciuintarioa the luna on tnrailay fmrnnnp tfi fynftnn cemvtary wa very largely attended ctar charche anil jmtar the aeoood anmveraary eervice of knot church ihct will be held on sunday 11th november bov mr home of 1- lora will preach kev w ltryer preached at lden mill laat bundaj even ing he went yi lergub on tueaday to aaaiat lu peciat aervtcea iu the methodlal i burjh lhore llev j k howell m a gavo a brief but highly luterealiug report of the provincial bunday school uouvcu tiou at belleville at the close of ihe earrioe in the methodiat b b laat booday aftar noon rev mr o haley of wyolifl college toronto omcialad at bt ajbao church on bunday the uarterly ooro muuiou aorvice of llio metliodiat hurch will be held nrxl bllnday morning tbe paalur knv j r liuwell m a will preach morning aud eveuing kv ii cnuac imprtivtag tbe many friend of hev o u tooke will be pleased to know that he 1 gradually recovering bia health aa tbe followlug uote written on monday iudioatca liain ua euiton i i ruui laal uauo of ilti kukki rtal uaucwd a kludallualou u my dlatna lujf aud oftllouid cuudniua but 1 laai uia relar- siico in aumawbal ullalaadtng aa ui ilia tiatura ol tiiliik utrouali luk ol dalldlui lofunuallod i uilklit uiiullnu my trouula la acuta faruiaola tt m ol tha ulca ol ui aluiiiacli wlui aicaaatva kcrallini ot uiucua troublaa ariatng fram aaliitiatluii b4iil oervuua db4lily no tar luy list baa ixnit only a llltla wtoalaoil milk but in atmlliat weak uu aciamlattta liote my condl uiin ulll le luimvad auffiolaully lo litdnlga uia in miihuiih ui ira uuatauual i ii hill vary uak at i muoti rodueail tiui uiy nil r iter i u nil km i irinuda ualloi they weat mlaa addle mllon oslaiai lioroa fur a few wcck mr howard m ore loft laat week for bracehrldgr- where lie ban aeotire i a good poaition ilowar i a favorite among tha you people here a will bo greatly asmgbove mia mlol william and mia llkrbara ho mo of georgetown were guest 4 of mia minnie nixou ou rtundaj jr nixon of trinity medical ullage a pent baturday and bunday at in home hriend of dr ii k mclaughlin uf hamilton will regret to learn of in aerlou lllneea mra mel auhllii who had teu vim i itul at the borne of iinr iareiila hore waa called home lo hie bedaido mia itetale dick acooinpametl by liar aunt mra william hunter of lira m pi u pent baturday and sunday at home 1eler milroy wlui svaa a brother of mra haury lulfmaii iliod uu i liuraday cold which aeitlod ou ihe lung waa the cauaa of in death ho waa about ycara of age an i tin wa the known to be th oao tthooak ci icki oct xni lni ihouuanimou prayer of mr cook a many friend is that he may b apeedily re to red to hi family aod bta pariah here am tutoyablo trtucrmmt via if a highly luloroatiug time waa a pout laat r riday eveuing at ihe meeting uf acton tompereuoo union tbe event waa a viait from the uuud templar lodge of balllnafad ao exuelleut programme a carried out by member of the uallinafad iodgo master joe aod mlaa hmma adam ang eeveral pioooa in a plaauilug manner another feature of khe eveotug wa an mlereating aud lualruclive temper an addrcaa by re i 11 adam at tho cuicluniou uf the prugraiuni refresh monta worn aorvml h member of oluu 1 ulou an i tho uioeuug waa clused by lugluit lit- national aulbem ail went idbiiiiu thai they had recvivod rtluch i kiel e iiilercsled iu and inufo uolot iiiutod lu aid the tempcrauoe oaoaa the tcton fjodge i gruwiits rapllly a oril all ivauluh paaaea with out duculliug m uuuiber of unw uembera uboroetown 1 ii ainpboll baa bought lite webber farm at blowarttuwu tor 7a m 1 boa steele ha been appointed secretary uf the meohauica luetitute to till the poeltluu ot the late it t harriaou ibe he jaa wuwyck b a ot ham lllon will prnacl auulveraary aermoua in tl methodiat ch urob oeucgtftuwu on no llth nawa itomnauppllatl by corrui- dontfontantj bkohangoi purlinoton in the pretence of abuvit uk invited guaala on we lnela leal at the reldotioa of iter father mr a lam hpringar nelson townahip mil suale noble bpringer waa married lo mr tljcophllue m alton bey j ii collliu performed tho ceromonj after the gueile tiad enjoyed a bountiful upper aponohex were delivered by or buck of palermo btv mr collin mr springer mr alton nit mr ainlormiti of hamilton and nllmr j ileal and ihon the newly married muple left for ituchoater followed by tho liowor nf rice and good whiih ol a larii arowd of friend aaeani bli ui aoe them oil fliti wnddlllg prniila were both numeroui and valuahtn t ocucri1b rrrtmpmq tile farmers ui tho vicinilv have intuit ed dialling potatora and am unw huny taking up their turnip mraara korben and c nppn iiavn larld their chopping mill here the aielea of the methodiat liuroh hero have been carpeted laul hdward and adam kinabury arrived k maliillih nlt wt remirt time ery dull i tbe north iiterrnl l azwe haw still rwpiltlrnri1irt cert hraled man loug boou at ii it alao a grand line at 11 ml he them it wilt liajt you ifllulllflfjtig ourreeponitiiixlx low l 11 nxxaqx al co oral time ho wak tbe remains were sunday ureuoau the football club played a lojuiji game aittalltrmfiul on- haturday afternoon l-he- ecore waa i goala lu nouo howevor the boy do not leel very bad ovar ihdlr defont as their opponents worn a much heaviar team knatchbull uue uf naaaagawoya a local jjiiii ou going lu mill a lew day ago took bis un jong ui iry bin intk al duck houliuk uu the mill pulid uo aouured boal from the mt her aud ot a yuuii ld lu hie boat willi hlin aud eel out lu look for lha duck 1reeautl hu haw one aud took aim and ilred at tho duck which ho killed while hu got the ducking ceuod by the gun kiuking him with auoh force a lo upaet hnu uut of tho boat into tho water 1 ho wood be bporlauiau had to awiiu lo tho abort ho had to go huluo in a grey aull uf olouie iortouately br waa uu worse fur hi blh mis mary i ay lor ol naaaagawoya left uu lburaday la fur a viaii lu irloiida iu iort huron mr jaa anderaon uf b den mill aud mis clara a lamauii ui nasaagaweya are spending a few day with relslivea and frieuda iu uuakuka the far mora havo boon takihg advantage of the una weather and hate iwou liutrying lu their lurnip wbiob are a vary good crop una year the quarterly ouuimuuiuii criuo uf the neasageweya circuit will bo held in llio lbeurxar church next sunday at b u m iheluv mr amy will conduct th war vice mr w j budd uf hdan mill pulled a llnimib tur lhf wighod 11 lb and measured 3j luchee lu ciruuiuferouoo laat weak mr b uarbaree uf n aaaagaweya ia havtug a new bafn orocled lu place uf tbe uuo da troy ed early m tho summer by lighlniug rock wood ou muuday t liar a wero two c lioaid by buro utrauge i ue ural wa uor a light difficulty between w beuuott aud joliu and jueoph c reweon oiiccruiug a dog it eaeiae tbe dug has a bad itabil uf barluug at paaaere by and aumo ol the children are lucliucd lo icuu il a tow night ao i ho imu riaauu buj worn uasaing lieuuotl a gale aud the dug as usual barked aud rail oul al tho if beunett went out aud uaugbl one f ho buy aud gavo hlin ralhor a aovero aliak ng tur thi assault iteuuotl was lino 1 aud coats ui all aiuounluig lu tt 25 ho to lused u pay ii and hi ouiiiuilllal wan written uul allur itiia lie lorwardl ll o 14 t9 but it waa refuaod and he had in pey l 7 j he waa ibou lulurmed lhal if ihe doiuuilltal had guue to tbe cona table tlm aatra ohargo would be fi uu lu ibe other caeje a local apiulsutr waa fined ii aud oua la which amounted lu k3 mj tor diaturhiiig the rauo bv euurriug one uf the aturoe hure aud raiaiug a row with tho proprietors lb turuip ahlpplug acaauu lu uuw uu aud tho ahipiueula ovou al ihi seaaou are oonaldorablo i l wmuii mi job stewart uue of lha loalata liora ablad about aliiy cars 1 bo other dealer ul llio village did eiuauy well in their alnppimt p4r j mot sou of major mulriu fij 1 1 has uee as ibaohor tor jc by tho school aeelluli in wlilili hla altlnr l 1 hvarruw baareloiuod lu i ikn u frulli nohraaka wlitrn ha hae bnoii livlug fur ihe laal lllleeii yeara ho toll a ol lha greatest auficruig oijiorioiiood by the iu habitants uf that regmu thruu ituvorfy and waul 1 hare are be aay great uumber loavlng llio uoiiutry and many mom who wiah to learn but have uol ouuugb muuoy to take them out uf the wrolcbod ureal chaugee aro being made lu tbe bomnee buuee on the corner of main aud cf uelph atreuu i ho barber shop managed by a j murray will otupy tbu place left by ui trariug down ul mr ul ailhy driving abed mr j young ha been cu gaged to trausfar the barber ahup troiu tfj preeeul to lis future ailc and ll i- tho ill lollljuu iu kci open uu the regular uiglila aa usual uf william llio pant week mr 7 1 snyder managur of llio trader bauk i linira ioiit a tow hour with aoton irieuda laat week mr john moore uf limohonfto left on saturday to spend a few weak with her on mr c 1 moore at lencaator ohio uu ua laird returned home lal wook after atwiidiui ovbral euuyaba vroek with frioud at hamilton and niagara pall mr joumu b jarnoruu roturuod ou 1riday iroiu a wook vuit al tbe home uf mr l sham h it or i dan whoae mulbor llhieu terminated fatally on oct jlitli mr john b oameronleft on saturday tu attend thrt funeral uf hla aunt mr humilol shaiu one nt ihe old and highly reected cotllun of siorldun on tlm middle ltoad halton ounly mr andrew 1 vlleu who ha hmiii1 nevoral uara al tin ana la ilovo u irka 111 iiualifjiu bimiiell id tin work of a glovuuutlcr ha cuinilolol hi llmo and i now apeiiiliin a fnw wruk al in homo al helao luadera uf llio 1 uu 1 ittan wlli omouibor thatlaatapriuilmr j no btall t 1 of inigal frn il nf actuii wm obllgod ul undergo a pat n a i opsrallun fur ill moval of a cancer from hla lower jaw 1- somolime ho aoe mod to improve but latter jl has aufftred inuoh and in tnoraf health wa very oor lelb eiijeh h auflerliii isjii wedneaday mr btafluro liu been with hi brother ok rirtuu was preached to the llr m til j hi a i hurch sl town by be i 1 mlgnut uf mlluiu uu buuday altornoou ihe 1 adlra aid of lha preaby lerlali burih will tia a ural olaa concert uel 1 uosday uveniog lha lie llavid a mow will preach a swcial hiuiim to ihe lieugomeu uexl luaaday eouiug a social club baa uuou orkaiitaed lu the congregational church with uio following ullloera proa johu b barber too lrw w ii rue seotreaa birlio cuaa guartrly mealing arr vices next sunday ruurulug lu the methodiat hurch a lady worker frurn ludia gave an u teroaliut addreaa lu the method uu burch laal bunday muruliig mr lalrym4e won ibe silver cup in tho lonteat uf leurgeluwu gun lub 1 111 ymuaatlu club which was lu oa isuuue iu the wlutet of lhjj will be re bev a 1 d st oalnav4 and mr l4 d jarreu atleudod lha meet 1 mi o frm uap- mlaa d bailey aud mtf bailey list cuuvauuan avsithoma laat week uedrgwaowq vrvfked bockwoud frieud last luv ralph duff aud mr i- rank liar be r atleudod the provincial sunday behoof ouaventioa at belleville laat wreak thuy pronounce thi prtmaadloga highly j oureat iug aww ihe ouovenuou a grae rlnneaa hr and mra mc col lough uf herri ton cominganiusowg visitors to and prom acrpn una varlouaothorporoonal notoo tho pfikm ri hh luvhtia all iu reader lo irlhtite id thla colliuiu ii jihi or yntrf frimul q giillig sway in a liollilay trip or if yim liavu frlimhvialtlfiupou ilyop a oard in hid mm iltl mr jamoi hintlli ia vuiling trlonda iii trin mr j 1 yfc o llarrir waa iu town ttn 1 ueaday mr william 1 hiott l v uf lonnti pent sutiday in town dr llrennsn of p p nl sou day viailing frieuda in town mrs 1 biyco and mr i iwi 1 are viaitini frioud lu llauilltoii mr aaatin swackliamor ol llaunuu visited frieud in una vjotnily thu wook lfri w h my mr lfr pupic v tailed friends at bramplou on 1 riday or moniaijuo m p for haldiinaiill i ajtam 111 and hi friend are aniieu about him mr alauaou moote of am pile n waa k guest at tho homo of dr mokeagae lovqral day the paai week mra john juhna o the arlington wiar luaat ul mra ut llnlilld the pe ballinafad liaiulel la i i ory oju alnnu abq il k u in mid lha a rather jiiliiful au 1 i ul i pnieil lal t riday mr oaii hold one t iur black smith bad tho mlaforluim lo have uue ot hi lege broken he wont u aaaiat in raising a horse of mr james ainpboll that had goi ol in a lurrow in tho held and the horse in trying lo get up felt back aud lruck mr bold on tho log below the ktlct breaking tho larger bone ho la doliii nicely under the iroatnieiil ul lr martin of i rn 1u it leavy working shoes tor men f lve buy lirect from iitauufactu ihop worn gouda 1 it n n o t glieap kilects aid annieuiiira pr duuod at the mauil due of ijuailly aud real value i oople are ofton lead into believing thai lliuy aro buying choaply when ihe goods thuugh low prlood aro really dear not haviug imaiity to juatify oven a low primj by a ilargain we alwav turn tf that km under reuular prioca lor nual iuallty be i hay higli or low i bal a the principle of uur buying that a whal ouaured u jour confidence that a why ihi a lore i alway looked u lor reliable good when we advertiee uargaiua ihoy aro genuluo ar d not make belief note the following apocleltle in melph moat attractive tock uf dr0ss goods i9c li k holtloo 1 llovl i i i j in bilk btnpc a bargain 25c ij lit heavy sorgaasud 1 wda il in huok and navv sr wool llaiiriaita 1 1 y llrnu 30c li li all wool htm l1 tooil apleudid oul intiga al d good ilolh 45c 1 lofcblil lllak lt ililu 1 ovoly ol rad heuri heavy wix 1 scrgea all 65c iuuh eloul aud variety lhal wo uauuut attempt lo enumerate many uf them are well worth h qn incomparable range uf black out good cn in heavy 1 woeda and sorte nplelidld sliul i lleou rich iwill aud serge lu ftue colore we jiumoiid lo you our itrosamakiiig loom our jo and work bave s rapnlatlon all over tlie laud wo dou i kuuw anywhere whore you can got aa good dressmaking dune u cheaply i owcr priced f yo iwealbly bulao good aud au cheap uu wo i n lie your palrooago aud protiua atlfautui mr joe mcmillan htllaburg was in n laal weak lillmi mqdoanll of goelph vie tied friend hare laat weik mlaa 1 blull and mr cuthbert am apeotlaet week with mr bo mot i pan a few da at the bom of ibeir ol lkijuaaiiuj j noibar mr btull70ualib ileal millinery and mantles wo havo uoici bad so buay fall acaauu iu millinery aa tin our alyloa and pneoa are tuougillaod aa tho moat aurac live nu wonder we offer tbe nswast jjoo1 are alwaya in r cool pi uf novellioa dou t buy our whule aoaauu a re lineman la at one lime and have the beat talent lu tiado lo trim ibe correal elyloe in mantles our trade la simply booming aud uotwitlistaudlug mild weather au i aoarce rnonojf tho nu in tier of mairtlra wo aell esuu week would aaloulah you stiup per almoat invariably buy from u ftfler looking around the city trade i adlra 1 ur ape ro leprqgcntrd lo tbe very boat polbl d vantage ll the buyur style and nallly ouiialderrd ibey are uul oicollod liy anything we have aoeti and in many we llilua yuu wlu find our noa jl lo j5 per cent under regular irada prices genuine bargains no credit e r bollertd co ub and 27 wyadhem fslreel jlli i tvhukvtnnn hi t rgr nnv llfii after the grip nx strength no ambition hoods qaraapsrllln cavo perfect health tlio f flrtmiu irller li fr m a wll llutn nirr huil t ill rf si i n i i i mr i kl i ill mini i iiiiiibti i mi i hi llnl mo h1 3t ni iii mil ii i illli hi i n nr i fl ill il if o i i it a a tin jilu l nl 1 inflp m llli run- ii i i illil ll i ii j 1 1 f otx utli mid ulll nuil iii h 1 i rurvimdmr 1 1 lr hoods cures nktliili rniiir i l h n u t r i 1 h ah i urn lb nuh irvijnrlllu i i my li h- nil uu it n in il i i n i i li irtr v i nuo ln i hi hi i i uu i li i i i t il ik 1ililil nl tlirit i ihihvmiirt ni i 1 niniukk l 00fa plfls i lv rr 1 ilr nnl oitima iii ui ihi h fuciiiu wrn important- jjlcton l dress goods infill the newest stylos makes and sliidcb a tlw of the pnu s well wurtlt your wlule seeing li 15 oi 25c and up to 1 25 per yard a speeial line of cislimere 5 in wide for joets flannelettes i rfwn il up to i e i mon i lannel n ds for 8m on all wool fron i2jc up to 37e anhottoceinent i jicliriiik i loin itiisiies in illllglidlvii c 7 m4xesrii4 millinery our sccoflcj atrlval in millinery to hand you will find our stjlcs and prints corcrt gents f a full line of cjcjiiv 1 urnishins sciil i w cic ajjs at 25c t groceries a full assortment alwajs pn hand coal oil i ik in si v ill 1 whin american coal oil 20cts per crlcon at tin drug store ct0n kvkkhlin vnt 1 lhaf r aau cbh rjf vvhoat i my m rl 1 1 kill y hi 1 tl tim henry hortop durnosco cor mill and main streets s i see that 8 e4 it stands for suponoiity stability and supremacy also foi silks satins staples and sundries likewise for satisfaction sincei ity sagacity and selection and futthei more for snap science ana system mantles 1 hu till i htlccobaf ill mai llti hen a li lo iho hintory of itio ion wlij 1 aror block moro variety heller value ireauih poem whatover you pleaae irico ui mill all porketn aiitl hi lo u aull all taalen a atyllah lriah i rlco jachd lieavnr ltimmnl ape illar fur tl ll lriah rrlou aatrailiaii i riiiuno apo l ollr ftl i i ollar ery havy 1av r iracli nillig ijirge llevere f r 91 ll l kid gloves boat value in lha lrla i hi i til a 1 i aiil 51 1 our 91 vu i ui ual fit j i and tho other are n proper dress goods all wool hergea al i cetita hpuulal valuo lu lrca plaids heavy llrraa i woeda uliol elln1 at jk a lark aaaurlroetil ot ihe novolliea i jroa uod wiih 1 rimming tu match overcoats about a doken men a overcoala at fti ai almcl j i loy overcoat left at i rrirxa i later hlorm collar tweed i mod for li 7 i nee i later 1 weed lined in rty i- awn and brown for u at alao at j i ot 910 0 and 911 00 in all ahadra lllaoh iruh i rirzn at 91li 0 kpcoial lino of ape walorpr h1 ol at jh ix llonhlo ureaaied t riero 1 lalera li order al j10iw wool tweed holt t odtr in i awn droy and lirown nl 9 lf hpeclal line anadlan i hh1 holla 1 rdor ikum 921 lo 9j7 h iuh 1 ol rtmi l ba cleared at 117 ik manufacturer job liallta 1 weed il c at tllc j d williamson a co hoawkldtrwi illunuw clm i il 1 hd1es aisl ull ukhnb boots mind shoeb h i 1 tl ujuu liuciil lutn hi i uuil km v ii iin th- l t i v in nu oi h tm tluwt in hhot tin liases win 1 1 4 tit- unrtoi i nu nt in uiiuriiiiill ilioin nuil wlnu i in t nitbi i for lln- ntlopprr wu nu nt aim mlu nt no old ntot k tiih hit i upnl null n in i tins iljui i illoilt ivuj ml loin iu luiglil ami nlj llnll tiiul i apt in lit huiiitthin oii aii in nuil ul c i ui hi i i i i i i u n i ii i ij uiipiti ici n valtlth huh ivtu uvju i tin ma i la i il t uhinini r- an will jikanul tu i ojilliil whitttti t t tm o to liihtnt vl ink nbj hi ha ln ilont mill lu nll ihnt oil will t oil it luliliukahu ii t hi ulll i llu loi llioln iiml hlimn mil aliovi all that uui iooiu art ttull an i ic cnuil v t im ll w in i m i i mt i il piulh t i onilunl aim ni in liuount tiltn 1 getting tin aitiu mon am m nin tli uiiliu out k v iii k nakth ni imii tin in a nitti uul iiih ii no iiiattt r hou m au t iiioiil tua in 1 1 v ill pn n t t htn onu hum i in i with llui llun in mil miott luilirtll v t3 ryan 5t co gwtl r 1 1 goods np llaviiik heen ih imuiih iiero for m tftih wu hnm loi nlod to rclin ami v mh imp illuttu thnnkn tui tlm lilurul unil imir dili phtrollllp illhluwufl iii uf and wi liujr to an in ni in e u it nr- inu hiiil i liu hlim k h it r ent dim ou nt will rivea olt the tiiu ot tttu iroodh oi hill u hen iiiinli out jfuotth lo bt hoiii lor iiihii or proninc mi1uiiii unot hut no dnnoiiit when prudint nt tnklii oi no ilimount ott ro du ulun noli wi art itlnu h lllll 11 llltt illll lit wllltl i mitntltj at halt price m dimouiit ott tin in die otlut iimnflch 10 ntr ctnt oil an littoit in noiinit d alno a iiirpc lot of ti resit oooiim miirkod at iidu uouh1 low im en lny iirt uu ludi t nit tin oijn r dress oodn 10 pti n nl of kcnumli i ul iul our vu 1 all ioods iinporhd and onliild liu iikil of luni in i lie imuh toi u nd ditldod on tills t hlllil nil wjll ut tilt illll htntlll o iu c llllt 1 iiiullliil rt lrr cihhu and silks nut muiik xu millintij ntttt iiohilq new i uilliwtar new flint hiu new lothihir new twieiluiiil suilii ft u ovc ujjiuc im llirihlu new urtainsv in hut i cv thingn too nu nu roiii tu uitiitioii oui milhutrv mnntl and drlsrtnitikini deptt rlinctttf ere never iu littler liapt lo tuin out pitipur nlyturi orduiid clothing dejuirti mil in in it t lass tiluipe our hall milliuei aiul dichh jooils i t ii in and dipla he hi id on the jth mid jtith ot st pt ihe dnv ot llu kiuemng full show 111 pn mil dim uul salu wilt hiiiii lhuisda niornnii st it 1 tth all in in- h i ii a wtinu ait i en hi tl nil i iii fit d to m thi tu as i tin tin tut it oi tolier lis hlllh i hi- lr ii t ikl mill hm u 1 iiiu mi 10 per t ot iih ount nil p v illll t it llhl ll pi c 111 let h i ut rt hen thill wi i in iot to taki j ohhlkh ion ol nhuit itn i tinuin ol lht v 1 iik 1 i in to u 1 rtn m ihu i n wm meltuu ov co gtomqtron weekly free press am farm am homk for is9s 100 mh botm mapthtj 0q kularircil uml luiiiiil lliili rliui hmiilh ilipci balh numbbh will contain lui li i lii t ii l i l sl list itllth now hhbfc- phhbe pmimunl lu bcirgcuiib at i ne higlit house our fall stocks abb all complete bh t i u nu 1 all kliipmciit am tiave roxatod a uumber of them alrrady the j hai i av a i dial itirro i no daiim of ilir lliig otil ol any good aollliig line for any lotigtti of urn ke ltntl id i- oropcaii manufacturing utitroa la ao parfeul and llio iranajiorlaliuu of mercliauillae ao ciiitiuaula i lal ll takoa bul aooinparallvely aliurt time to mall au order and receive tlm good id iwatji lha iwo heavy winter goods a urnpi ont suutt aa hlani- comluilirt riannola yiannelouc wool hhlrunga men iloavy knitted wool shlrta antf drawera1adlea wool vcala and conihlnailon halt lhr oaiaa cbata wuna aua uom heavy w la lor maxiue and jacket bhawuand wrapa maiiue clolha ooll ch aklnga dreaa tweed u- am all of the huai known inakea and our irlcea are lha in weal that buying direct rum the make re and paying apul oaah cau produce our letter order department 1 or uut of town ouatomera who can not conveniently oume la do ibeir tuopplug hai given inch wtuifacllon to thnae who have tried ll that wo have couldoioo in aakiug othera to try it two r t vl- relghlor eprce on all parcel of 9 i 00 or mote to your lie area 1 hallway btaliou and aend aamplea aa cs j kt ni her information ihi receipt of your inquiry for aania milllnery making and mantle making by exaru at abort iiniioe for reaaunable price kino hluhbl mat tsomls o watkins i i 11 tilt iu 1 lu vw ii in aiil at t lithim tiowl ihe lllllti itt trl i oubwcoktb ml hl i ii l 19 f nu i in t l 4 0 9jj fwti mgs hu l hevul 5l f out i fn ajl si l h an alladlbii i tiu u 111 linn than oilal prii r blhck worbtbd jt former pnc 1 eouokgd worb i 1 lj l i i inner price 5 t rder urn proinpl uuiiilion i erfc i 111 a lnl 1 1 lilt 11 lo uh liln k two luorn v ol uf t io proau ooili powders j cw- sick hoidaohbt and newalghi ta- a- etrawfweh aim eaaloj jtbiwue tjt era- lltlfuwvh i ilulollia il k loll till- ton loillllvar ul lirralli ij ui i i tin ttuiia ilia buwuu wamv niobt to rraj rthgm so cmt mx omuo erowew

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