Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1894, p. 2

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t j r- rr- t t j2il aj j ok in fxiumiriii on himfuy isfntstnmlwr 1h wlte ui alinuir jew o a mm t 11 t nttnriiiaolnn m tburadsyrlsl vein linr tho winmf limn eletitynn uf so i ivttiiiiiii trlfi nil thursday 1st vovminw ihiilof john uiilnltrx itul ur uaso i aetm m turstlny bill wwhini thi wif il anthony masnii a n ma itttirn iiahlr dll 1 l7ritihnlihjtt trallir yu iu allaltr irrstifpiit lliplll tlinfrrrrn and llirr ut the broom irr uraiii tl itllrwn ui lai mi ih atlit late reallrur- art wimit kumi hainlun mi tuesday muilwr xh ir 11 kdclsufflilln diilltforoirv ol noivat- hll 1 vatttial tort ltowil on wedllrwlat ikwibur 3u1 itoujmillil fclliluasler hi his trill 8ijc tan 3fm press tiiuilhttay mw mil it k ulu notes andcomments municipal elections wir held ihruuti out england on thnrsd the rcturtn om llt boroiinlniiw ft li- on r ituni tyottftlleiwut antpltlimo or iho world dqlnrja durlnu thn wnnh 1 li ii l ann ulluraltl i ly usllhhl ahs i onlha imp instil iihi i in fori pupils v lsian tut h hillinu im mill hnliy liult i airoit i la i v ims ti or mi ml in mukoka that tr alblookpl- oii 1 liiiidriv irinihiit last i iip output ul hiilaiii arm lal nr w tl ikhmhki i lip hiirhv ralli nrr p irlag u i rarti ha breti sold a auptl m lor ji htmi tt ihifrrht w htm imi narruw rsoe ritinlpalruriltmrhr ftrrf l week iliurmu vurtntxr i iihh im i prrt claumod ihaukskiviuk in ihr i mini rltnlcs ii in aanl llio i lilllnii liitii flultcnt ha sold llio lbrahl i nil r i lllralte i japan 1mb aal i thai king humbert pi1 qtivh margaret or llal havo takrn to rllluk hxiyclm during uat nmtilll 1 dot iipnii it north nktllr wrrr ropptl lv ittf llritialt 1 h tii t h rr r i in i ti i rootoobn-pkmiwatiawbr- thiiiipln who atood hlultost at thi piiblltrohool bxttmlnotloith tim inmltlily rfxniiihtntkni i niiiu in vnton putilln hohimil w li lit ul i rhlay lli nnlt tn mult 1 mrlimuit 1 miviin hnimi ii mrtiri lain 7 1 ukk wivllm lu i claruoii liiiklirarn ui ii i- m nrl jm it mi ui i- hi wait 4 liaa mcjan i ui i run la win mownrl jit i i ihtrwt lit lirli- v him li in i inra obtain lit i lionma llnlron 1 i limtahinilli ju rk 1vmi i mni hm u- jlrilim kntftul jw moiincu i urk j7i tan uorm j ml rka llil i imii iu i iupi iihm itilina nlu ill nlkl m hr lnrlir llrtfrtics in malr aumm jit mark iktjlllla u itm wilur mlitnlil jl liilin itihliluk mfi villi 1 tint oliver ook im mftrka niaalhli i 4k p nil lnlnr him ii nilii hvjof nil luuw ii rlha lieeecameaburden the wondeful nahnative of a patient 3uffennn thn aftnr effoatn or la orlpo di- voloputl into ihrtarytatlan or thu luph lind chronic dronohltls afttir four ynfir or suffnrlnu hfinlth in hlmont mlrnau oual lluatorod v mra armfi t lontinr wlm raina no all moiitnalm ktn mdnlrnal liaa riahnml lhroiili mii rwrioino whiflh u wnrth nf ft wilojirail jiuliirtioii fur iho ixiiicllt it may pruvo to oil a tp u lour yra a do mr oloiitini limiltti krt hccirvfimhf but at thai limn aliu fcluokoj by that ilroafl aoouruc iahfic lvrrr all aiooa itniwithatanillnk brr drn in oit it alia liaa brnn alhictml wdli uifl uluilaliol of llm lunia trhiuh wnulil lriiiji tier to thn rormrtauf iloatli una wu oltowad by limiicliib frtr llm roal of tlin ynar ii r bronchia lulra te allmitml to aurli au axtoii hurt it wm m tb ilinloitlly aim oould brcwtlm ini j 4rjjit of nutaldn air would rnajtn bar oounhln llio rnni dlatrnio iiik mniitr tlioro wn ld mrs i loutinr lit lh rnnnrkir a coiiilalit rattling aonnd in my tbrokt nil fti llm tui i u hi iloatl would liawo been a rtitlnr i nixihl not ktlntirl tn my affafm tzzz- tt i liail irnolli 1 rllol i rmol y what would havo brenmn uf mr ii wi in vain thai i irirnl tin- n411hto1i rommllea i van hid by varitua doolora and wlirn i think o all the money thny ooat mo 1 nan lint but rrmt i havo ovrr tried lliorn i hail road rrruontly or the cure r ice led by dr wilhama pink 1illa and i roll that they mtul conlkin iho truth fur li ihoy were untodndod noun would tare to ive the on mo and addreaaon of iho er aon md to bo rurod in the publia manner in which tbnan aro klven in thn newaiwjiera i dooidod to try pink pitta and noun but thoao who were aotuainid wiih niy former oondltlo can ondcratand tbo uo i havo derivod rorn their uao wluoli i contmuad until j felt thai i wai completely nurol a a proof that 1 am aurod i may tell you thai oi the urat oocaaloiv of my olni out after my reoovary for i walked two mtloa on an up hill road without freliiik tbo inaal fatittua or the leaat pant fur breath and inoe that time i havo eujojed the ixrrt of hoajlh iaat fall 1 waa afraid thai the iuflaromaliou of the luutca to which 1 bad boon aobjeot at that period on former yoara mitht rot or u but i bad not the loa ymplora of it and never felt better in my ilxo ynn nan imiin lh qrallnrl t- tiwil oshawa one pains in the joints cautxod by inflammatory swolllng a perfect cur by moods saraa- parttla t it nffordii me murti jiknure tn rwarryrhtld hood b snnwihirllla m 11011 wni a ici will i jrtrty p t rni fiffllyiyi w pjpil inln in trie joitim nppntnmnpd ollli rkpiiiiir nihmd umt tm poukt tii t crl up ln tn bpit lltinut r raw linn lnmh ami kiirm i wm trry n minus atiiiiit liirn aiijl iiuviiik r ml hoodsvcurjbs an much alwut ilooda fianuipivrtlu xl deter mined to try it and rot a hilfdoxen jiartlrs four of which entirely cured idm mnao a lakk omhawa ontario md jtc flurn to pt llaoda harmparllla hendersan co aoton agents for standard lattenib lladiuarteis for all kinds of staple anctlancy dry goods mantles millinery boots tier shoes boys ctotmng and groceries voulonatnwaft91ra taziaau to havo your watches repaired p symort wot witla the cold weather we rfre now having cornea the mmmij uf iuudi wu l wu illl slluwlllj lig range of ladies and girls cloakings and mantle cloths tilt j arl of correct styles and marvelously cheap our stock of heady made lintles is complete good stales good fits and low prices our values in ladies underwear is beyond comparison iso a largl range of ljtjys and mens underclothing practical watohmnkor and jowallor liaa atarted buamcaa lu aouin anil la prepared to iva till rnoat camlul paraonal atlantlon to repairing watcim clocka jowelle and hpaolaciira all work warranted a p 8vmon sltta bbniiwnwnte acton flou mill chcyne chevne proprietors wsliava our rollar ram now in oojiiniata ano atlraouirv runnlnanrdar and ere in imalllon u luiinly ilia wauia ot tha mbllo attli plour bran shorts amtallklnilbof paad at riost pkioes every onlar will rpoalva prompt attention and ihhh valivba noru r pit tl pt hip i iiumi hal- h the mioiatcrialrau h i tkir is ludo pendent 1 nn 1 kh iali1 nd i r t 11 iii 1 brtu liaa lalrl btet dpprd an rcjeut draire to improve the cooulr roula in many diatnci ihrounlitml the dominioti of anada and the norlhrru butea and the almoat uoivrnal crj ia for bettrr road law and better meaua o eiiforoinu ibam cjulto frriguciitly advrrtueiuentk apppar off or i nj a reward for the return olrticlr lot i or alolon and promuiuit thai no tmeationa will be aaked hir john thorn ion a criminal uw tbat bctb advcrliaera and pubhehcra who aikrui in mrtr6uwrttrautteriwrt mm tw inti jeol 10 a penalty or l ru over n mm abeep have ao far junuk the present eaaon been uhlpped from mont real to lpliah orta our total ei hirt to the molhtr uuuty for tbn whole of laat oar amouutei to i opt than l bead hvidontly we are about to ii nd aa kood a market acrrxa he atlantic for our heep ai we have already found for other aricloe of farm produce it tl now laid ill at the deatinatlon of clin b flw t u i ou rict matead at pern it ia reported thai a serious a tale or aflaira exiata in goal a uica and that the dntiah conanlau at punla a r i h fpf p t q rnti lnafi hm beeu burned and looted and iho consul carrtod a prisoner into the interior of tbe the i ate i hygienic craui 111 pari u the uao of porous la for window thia la declared to poaaesa all the advautagea of tlie ordinary window frsminf and while llht is as freely adnihled aa through tbo medium of common glass the porous further admits air loo the minute hole with which it la ijtlonrctcd botuif too fine to permit of auy draught while they pro vide a healthy continuous ventilation through tbe apartment an ontario visitor to the northwoat write in a private letter 1 have dia novered odo thing in the woat and tbat m tbat the row in ontario aud quebec about racial and religious quealioua out here is pretty much confined to those province in tbe territories we haven l heard a word about dual language or tbe separate school aud n uajiitoba tbe agitation appear to be dyiuu out the people seem to be too busy making a living to bother with auch things i bo public laate for iho grew some la shown by iho lis ale with which the prurie tor of a toronto museum is eudcatvurtiig to bava a was figure of lbaltello prepared for exhibition vvhy people in their souses aboold wisb to look at a wax representation of this diaguatlug brute is aomethiug of a mystery yet tbe nimum will probably be ui rouged by those anxious to get a sight of the image the streak of morbid cujrioeity running through moat people ia a bad tluug hamilton hcau the abrogation of the old reciprocity treaty belweeu canada aud the h tales la denounced iu tbe november north amen can by no leas an authority than pretident kremble of the lioaton chamber ut com meroe mr hero bio say this abrogation waa a serious business mistako and s political niialako a well tills atatemeul cannot however bo laken aa indicative of publia opiulou lu tlie ftcighborluk itepublic there aro few american cities 10 whioh the value uf canadian trado la as fully ifnderstood sa 11 ia 111 uoatou hon ueu h hotter canadian mlulatwr of lluanoe haa boon tutorviewed by one of iteuter agency a correspondent at con dun hug mr foster aaid thai 11 was the intanlion of tbe canadian government to ma total u tbr dominion a oxoollanl hnio clal oondition prudent management at bona and not too ireqatal calls on con duu a mooay landers had placed lbs nn ux a luorougbly aatiafaetorjr oondition in ao far aa ila ciwdit went canada had 110 intcutlun he said to urn upon ureal uritain the ueceaaily for oautbliahinm a pormaneut hoard of artti tratiou for canada and the united hi to ii ia still asserted at tbo hlnrse isga lulu at waahinitton with more emphasis than brfure that the fall of ivkln will not ond tha war they are lint prepared to belie vo that pekin can bo laplured by tbo jaaucai but ibuuld ijulii an ovelit oocur the kuiirur it is aaid will betake hi maclf aud bis household to a remote iulut hi tbo interior and hostilities wltl continue as before the japanese it is said must overrun the whole cmptre before the lluoaro will sue fur ixiaco i he i egaliiu ofllcluls atlll ollllg to tbo ballf tbat llio aevurtty of th now rapidly approaching winter wllf cotiikil a ueaaaliou of hoslllllles until iioxa aptiug whuti the chiueen lorms will bo belter orttauluml ami mure uapatiln ut uppualng the invading boats of jii card of thanks mr aud jura ii it mrumah desire to ax pre t lliolr slncaro llisnk to the many friends ami neighbor who so kludly ton tie rod sympathy ami 00 in fort in their rorenl baixavement omlug aa it did whan they are ouiliparallo stranger in ac ion this kindness is all tha mure fully appreciated a iiikimil i 1 t itrtttf rl to ijel lit in iu- of ibt cranl i ruiih divertisj to ttil il lh rltiii iron of ikvil 1 1 mr imouiil in 1 ttkt hlobali wihl1i 1 r ceal mou llian tn lrj t canaiiiaii vcrl l ulioir muu lu ilrhrini sea i his p 1 i ins aid i h the larieat lhii 11 on rtl ir i kent count prixliilod jhi lh- luilrl of beam last nr nnaidrralil otrr half tlir yield of the entire pro iiicp 1 he 1- ruit li rower aocintun of omttrurwnr iwa m binnitrrfwrtnjr ojrillia december t and 1 llio total valuo of farm laud- builui atock and implement in iho i riviko o outario la nearly sjll lhk hm 1 11 london u tl i utc w ere a i ipi tn tin lists under the new ail for llm ciiiiriil election to the ontario utilalurt- thore la a abuiet crista in hill ruw lug out of prritideol monti s determination to have the conversion hilt passed the title of cuuul uf the holy homau empire is inherited by mr henri mercier eldest son uf the late ex premier of quebec anoth6i ih city o f kqh frt llo pamaua no 1 i dura report tha discovery of tha ramalns uf an ancient lollau city lu the ceutra of a mahukany swamp uaar hio grande they couifirlh bundrads of lara wall built stooa dwalliux and ttirea temple j each ona huudrad ralloug fifty feel wide and tbirty ova teat high the alranta r passd tj roiot ura ooartl wtirjuta liiohea of soil the late count mercier a life waa sured for iji 000 and that constitutes the greater part of the eat ate left to hi family jacob dolmago postmaster of laoombe n w t who awmttowed a doae of lauds- num wheu found nhori in hi account 1 dead prealdollt t itvnlajld la aaid to havo ohopmi jo pounds otf his weight during ins vacation he f riled i roes and cut the firewood for the family in laabrador winter has a i rosily set in and heavy snuw storms and gales are rag ing ice formations are on all von sols ooming south to canada iaat week 1 jo 000 barrels uf apple reached fcu gland from america the canadian apple were much iu demand and broaght good prices mr and mra john hughes of ulaoaslook durham county tbo parents of inspector hughes uf loranto oelebrated their gold en weddlug on saturday i ranots callauau waa killed while board iuk an brio train at hutherford n j yoaterday mr call ana n waa a street rail way millionaire j tear old the minister of justice declines to in lerfero lu the cae of truxkoy tbo murdor ar of constable lindsay of comber who is to be executed on the 1 ith lust mr job mitchell uf dorchester town ship haa just celebrated ins kllsf birthday anniversary hi faculties are undlmmod aud he reads without speolaalea 1 here was a lajsr of snow three liubes deep over tbe entire peninsula of miuiiikbii on tiaturday the ihermumatar stood at 10 degree below freeciii poiut peterborough schools have entirely adopted the new system uf vortical w nil tit and the students are said to lead the province in eflcfeuuy in the system tuberculosis has appeared to au alarm lug extent omoug uattle lu tho uoiihbor hood of victoria ii over 10 aro now in qoarauttue including six entire herds tho four u t it conductors imrlos tamblyu hloue and mulligan liave boon committod for trial at montreal charited with defraudlmf their employers by moans of for hod tickets at llrochville the othai day leorgn tlrewstar a married mau ploadcd tjuiltj of lndooent assault aud was sauteituod tu oight mouths in tho central prison at bard labor ami to rocce 40 isabel mia orr ao iiilwut of uin litum u 1 dustry knitoo out will be 1 10 vuii of age in a few weeks hhe enjoys good hoallli her mind is clear suit stie can tell atones of youthful days as earnestly a alia aver oould 1 lie coudui imr uuiikialultea mi hosier auawtlau r uianoo minister upon bis suponss with tbo auadlsn loan tlie buooosb it says shows ijoudou s coot denoe in tha essential soundness of cans dtan tlnaiioe and tha prosperous future of 1 hi inlnny til james praabylerlau church loitduu has decide that h ore tor 111 ailminlstoriiik holy ximjnuuiou eauli oominuniuaul will havo a oup the ayalem liao boon 111 ouo in itooheater and other places across the hue but hi jamoa is iho llrsl aliurch iu canada to adupt ii j htauloy woodtmrna hie youn i n llahmau of uualph who oharad a iinn wim pan loos wllh robbuim turn uf mmj has been 00111 ml 1 1 tj for trial fur porjury aud ui young mou ware aluilled wool burna mads ailempta on hi own life aud is euppuewl to be oraay iho four bi pa king liouo fltui uf hwift armour morna and llammuml f t buaitu nuumhi by liliuuo ui kouio rum railway uorporalliu aititiitl them iho oraiul iruok about mmm 001 allcll dxloaxi rule uhar 01 meat h immk thfcv wthh no r napping allemd tit rtiuti villa tnluva olvu toronto dutatatl vue the slip 1ahiiu nun i lltiossmsrlhm wit received at the attorney jone lale un prlilay ui the recl that ale nan of thlovoa ataa in hiio at htrtwta villi- li iho liouoe or bii n convict name frank ltutled the k was supposed tn liutlud oeorvo htuuo william lllaok aud others dateotlvea mortav t uddy davis lllaok harrison purler and veruey will high hi table hurst uf llrampum went out to hlreets villa on the c p ii irajln on rlday avonluk lvory man was fully armed and auppllod wllh nverooalb aud railuua for a ulihl under the starlit beaeusr they arrived uu lhasosue safejy surruulidod the houae waited and till day httht when lo their itrsiomutura ami chsurin it waa fouud that bo bird j bad got wlml of tweapdttiort a lmnintii miuirmih r i i j i it ip l ot i ihh i inn swn hlimihrnr 1h1 h m 1 i tnra i i1 i t i in 1 nirl murks pohsiiil 1l it 1 1 ph iix lathr hjm n pi ti i i mini itmllik 1u2 ih i rwia 1m maul t hamlmts l hismi pr 1 innl mophprson 1k1 parl slwnrt im0 i kiel t nletuan 170 isvmivim l p 1 1i ilob l hi 1 111 itingham uu amur ii rum 1 in marvu hiaaihle jihi m 1- sn irnbr s the republicans win tho unllnl stotoa aiiaiii under tha policy of protoction m in n iv 7 rblcrday tha else lions n rviri npiitatlvp in uiipxesa were m 1 111 all th imatrs of llii i ulon wllh the 1 xr ptioti of mniiip rtiun and ermout wlm li had in nil choenn ttiair f ongrcea- iiiph i in gnnti st interest has qontrtsf on the nsiilt in new ork state where tbo excitement liaa been intense and the fight die hntlrst and wnu h 100 000 niit tbe returns show an overwhelming do teat for the dtmocrats iu nearly ocry stale in the nion i he election waa aocoiul only in importance to that of the urns mi far to hand teulauvoa has gone oly republican ccordliig to tho re the house of ltepr distinctly and dec there can be little doubt that tariff con aldera lions havo effected the change when two yoara stto tho nation declared iu unmistakable terms fur fiscal reform tho shadow of the great depression was inrwndtug tho unoertainty aa to the extent to which tho tariff would be amend ed aggravated the situation and aa a cod sequence thousands of men soon found themselves out of emplu monl to this day although the tariff has been sot hod for some time trade aud industry have not beeu r os to rod u their normal oondition thoaa who have suffered aud are still suffering have couscucnlly struck at tbe party which riichtly or wrongly i supposed lo be restkiubible for tholr misfortunes it is a case of hard time ooming to the assist ll co of the opposition the hudson bay railway to built nent fall 5 may ural dtftuiti he manilobi e of the informa delrgatos says thai iway will ioal lively be built next yoar and in tho ynar fulluwing thn rutul will bo cxtendod to iho baskatchuwan as lo the cash mr arlaiid says the government will give as sistauco by guaranteeing uiiku he says the promoters of the road messrs huther iatl mann isbisler and met oy havo raised lliroo millioua and 111 add i lion lo this there will lie the manitoba govern incut a imleagu oiler asked if there waa auy buigritlinii matin incoming lovoru men i control of raits mr garland i oil ma ted there was none infurer ico tiotw con lumber man ind thu grand tr unk authorities lit hits 1 is os 1 nov 1 1 he k uuk lullway hail a c inference wllh iikiihi lumba 0 mrati rs uf oi itario leru 1 111 thu 1 11 oil a wbeu 1 it waa rangoti that 0 lv 0 1 in lumber ratva ould be made until thu iotli april heart ml if the trad warrant tl some advance ughl tx madu on llial data but a furtbor itilofpuue is to i hid i between theofloera f tlie 1 1 k and lumber mar chants some inn 111 toliruary with a view to discussing m iitsliou and agreeing upon a basis for isurinx summer uperwlions ofllc littraaby notta 1 he methodist book aud publlehlug house luruuto will laauo on the 1st i ocember two new and mtureatlug vuluiiics i ha cite and times uf major general hr laaae ufuck uiajloro of anada by d h head q will 00 n taiu an auxiunfot kir laaao iiruok s early in lory hi jolniutl his loriuues wllh the kalian i jill iteuimeiil wliloti rendered valuahlo aei vine to ihe uauau of uada iu iho war of 1h1j itrttck service in holland au i at i opeuhaan and hi axulling li in ausda from lha lima ha entered tha uloiiy aa colonel uf the jill p- lutjiiiiriil ui his death at quceustou uu tli lath it l lobur ifilj poaru aud 1 eilt i- r note oj mu old naluralialby pa ill naio ouolry 1 uo ol lbs ih 11k life knl 0 lie old n 1 l p iim lo l iiitfitin il si ol ul liarmltitf out froi 1 it ip oadlau ml lf dsa1 1 vol un lie l 1 r tu ruy for dr williams pink pills and i roc commend tbem to all who will heed m advtco and i do not tbiuk it possible for mo to say too much infavotof this won tlejful remedy the use of which in other case as well as mino haa proved inval uable a depraved or watery oondition of the blood or scattered nerves are tbe two fruitful sources uf almost every disease that afflicts humanity and to all sufferers dr williams pink pills arc offered with a confidence that they aro the tbe only per foot and unfailing blood builder and nerve raatorar and that where given a proper trial disease and suffering must vanish pink pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent by mail un receipt of 60 oanle a box or tt 0 or six boiea by addressing tho dr williams medicine co brock v llio onl or hah 00 00 tad y n y lie ware uf imitatious aud always refuse trashy sub atllulo alleged to be juat a ifood georgetown 1 luua biid a pet 1 ligations aie 1miu 1 trd with a view to making an addil uiial exit at lb town hall auuiversary services will tie held iu tho methodist churoh on huuday llth mat beemons by luv js van wyck 11 a 6f hamilton no tea meeting will be held but a liberal thank ufluring is asked fur a no mbor of lha mom hers of itloot hi roe i presbyterian lioir ttave an excel lout concert in tho pioaby tcriao huruh tuesday evening ibo oourijslqwu jymnaatiu and a urn i olio club was roorgauiateu at a mosliuu held in he noil s hotel llio other evening tbe following offlcers wen oloctcd lion pre t- fiuuy proa w v miliar 100 pre j it mocood st lra 1- h good will lo uuimiiuhuliiiikkmiioa mckay c mc winner w mckeuxio aud f h goodwtllie uu mouday ooriiiin uie olhoial li rd uf the methodist church carried ida foi lowinx resjoluliou uuauiniouily whereat in the order uf diviuo piovilauu our recording steward uru uobarth lurn sou haa beeu removed frtoi our midst by the hand of death and our haarii have beeu deeply moved tlrereby therefore itesalved that 111 his deatti we have lost au efficient ufuoial a failliful frioiil a man onirue aud honest purjiose ot port imod ut sound udgmeut prom pi in klioi faithful lu nuatlers of trust an oarieol ohrisliao worker and au ardtot uor of mothodlsm i list we leel y sy uipalliiao with tho widow aud oblldrai who have been nailed to pari with their chief ooun aollur aud support and thai we caiueally beeoeob tbo 1 alitor in ho von ui urail thorn the oouaolatiuu they so much uoed aud whtoh uo alone oan givs rii in behalf oi tha oluaial hoard gnoona ii kairu dam a mo heoretary pastor the aea ling oaaoity uf lha mettiotlisl hurcb was taxed to it utmost last bun day even lug clialra havlutf tu bo placed iu tbe aialos tbo occasion was the anuual eermou to the graugemeu i lis ilev d a molrproaohodfroni proverb h 11 tbe quarterly services of the metbodi t huroh georgeluwii wore wall lleudod lare uu 111 bar partaking of lha saarikitieu u kannawlds gheyne a cheyne money to loan hoodo pills easily yrt firontptly and ajbclaotly uu tha liver and bowels uao- mens imported natural wool underwear miss annie ttrten teacher of vtolin a lompktl range ol ladies black and colored kid flow cashmere dlovcs and plain and ribbed cash inert and wool- hosiery soniltlun special in hosiery for boys wear call and term mail id known mi apvluuou reward ill uliliailcd gait i ply stocking ai canada unlj 45c per lb lest in beehive yarn 3 knots for 25cts ill lloini i t imi r r inti runllimul 111 inol oiliiin a th on r j s uiffirff ytikaorirj wc have lots of bargains in dress goods our stock foi the all and winter is now complete piles of beautiful goods correct styles and patterns cheap for cah valvaajvavsia y sa x a cn book rr fll rrin tuntay m i aiy nmy well ort r tn lam their hrutnuu num r ber if tl ia year aloiiffoliln any rh- ulitik p mil u ett jsk xir any whim t li o m2- l tb ixhk itmlf is ex iruiuely hand h mo the cover i nod l mr j i hit 1 hll of tomnln ii 1 1 n if llri i ii l ikrllllatit siki nllmctlo tl l the v u f i or over ilma in tho ir0 tiltv til il slaail of on nn kit il away with tl r siimlmr uiu iar and luomed by iiil t inn hint haa only to be m n to intlnilrhl tho rubjik1 1- a krnup of 1 ilitniillliilni l tl li nt it nna painted ti l unl 1 h r xi no il lure uort- khhu ii ii iii rl 1 jl 1 1- irrfluliih tbo m rll ir r r hill n iiienitwr harlnk l 1 niil i r nxtiifr1 in 11 c ihiirfu olor- f rxl ufa bv lie in 1 j 1im imi1 irot aiio1 floxolitliikraihy ll l it rtl pi 1 ii r no 3uioliiiieiil llay henderson co qrnkmenthl a hi it all i h reward will lie paid lor ovloeoco which will lead to lb ooovletl if ibf party or tartle who have beau kuot of uirowln stono tlirotmh lbs windows of lit joseph achurab tho orfsnee haa b a repse til eevoral tlmos snd must be discontinued ukv v iialby acton kov cui wo farm to kent ot m con t s laaaoaaweya eon tain ins iso of which is tillable aad rr premises ars fairly rood boildlns rood eaebam and a eevar faillns iprldi 1oas 1st of msrcb apply to iildll uetamhil lloi aeton tattle wanted to winter rhh undorelfned are open to winter flflamo or j twenty hisad nfcaitla we bsva ptanty at apply to li con 1iox is dalllnslad 10 cents ma la a iliaiul l- rjd a iimr of dolni col rl k s 1 hi id uk and white called iini i it i rl k i ll rlrl pitmlar repro- tii ll n nf an olil i i in ii i x i iicrliik by t ilr on hi iijurj nf lliu roprtht tli h fiwrd is lit mi hiul a llnto made of v i 1 1 ihcy rc pmprli lor rr beautified even is beauty when defective sight is relieved by tha right pair of glasses we keep the latest improvement iu frame for spectacles and eyeglasses aa wall aa tbe purest lass the greatest of care is exer cisad iu fitting glasses to tbe eyee skilled opticians only being employed ni ti whtl lib tin n iilwr fnx n tulj l fiuo it tjii no i ih uutlnt th ilinfl pitun iiao iwau luilrv1 h il wlnl mio ih m tho load inn lor lull 0 1 t rutiniii inulr is by hubert itinr nil nil iw- luld with jerono k jeniuu in r ublulii i the london idur but b ll r known tu i like hlmrp whone wrlutip n n l tlo ir mill r fruu faiihwiv ills 1 ri thn ln t oiirtxiilp occuploi fifteen l-lt- 1 lo i l luiu in aitailn and lha llln-lrhi- aro nplul other surrl are ih niaitu or ll iiu hy rrtmru mnr- lo 1jmii ii i i llinni bnllh why jiluuiln u ot iu k hy h1ihil y hlpppnrd tlo i tliikf ilnwkhh lub han hy alaffiarel ii ml nlltnil liiuile hj jkidark savagje co jeweller culii ill ub f stauips and we rasa lu tbo world post- paid a eopv of lilss ilreaine famous and en uraoeinl love rotnanoa lord lisles dauohter1 llandaninaly printed and boomfc tilrtisss i1imsoj keykhaco u pairview bt waterbury caan l ba wanted i oca i sad travalllru halssmsa to baodls u our hardy canon is n grown nonary block wb guarantee satlstsatlon to re uuini and ouaumner ournuraszles are tha ismset in th dominion over too acres no subetlta lion in orders kxclaslve territory and liberal terms to whole or pert tiros aaats writ as btosk a wkllinqton ilaad utnoai-roroatooal- itbaonly nursary in ca bsvtaa tsatlnc orebords accounts must be settled at once hsvidk dlpo must rji uls shall call oi ann abtiiuiul pipilb a frpn th flour and toad buslnaes will be ouudiiuad a full liua of all kinds of boar food iubbl bran ate will be kept on hand jdhij ajtthinitl pianos nril iu it tuul kipihil tlurearalk4l hiiiul uikftiom 1 hero la alch a d- j lui tirtt class hell piano tht i have uu baud a large stock uf bccond hand piauoa of diftereul inakoa both upright and square takou iuexohauito ranging lu price from 17 r to lioo which will be icld able look out mh lulu wtathth tha hi lm tult f october 10 1mui prints a tinea column reply lo hen tor fdmumrr dolitrfbuifon u tlie tariff dlscusion in nrpr mnjitmr ut febni ary 1 he nurluus fact ia nut mentioned thai hon a tor i itinmf 1 arliale appwsrad in ftitrr for february immm all ktluk aro said tu corns to lilin who vrail bil few wrsotis havo ttoan obliged to well all years for an nwer to a paier ou ih tariff the proktee of tbe wurld depart uieut ul lbs llntrw tffttrw fur no vein bar oenids cuvaring a wide range uf oltlusl adlliiliilrauvsaud oumstllultolial tupion uf timely interval lu aui in view nf the approaching elect inoa haa soma artllieut note uu turuieaii politic aud editorial iribtflre u the tneutury uf dr llnec wcndill liuluia alid 1rufsasur d swiitr uf cbicant their i ulaartl unlturni tires llnrut rtr hut ride inside of the kleutrn lighted and hloam lltatcd ostibulo aparimeut traius if the hiufcii milwaukee dt hi paul hallway and you will bo aa warm oom tort bis slid cheerful as in your own library ot boudoir lo iraval batwaau clilustto ut paul ami m liiiieahilia or between luuako i linaba end hluiil ily lu these luxuriously piuiiitel irani la a supreme satisfaction and ss the some what ancient sjdvaruaelllenl uw1 t e i for further particulars see small bill hmall bill and tarita oooa too will ba accapleu fur ieaiuup and aloepiug car uckata for detail a j taylor coad foronlo onl caurrh ilea n ajsitlve cum hooui lug miiicer a taut halm qui cleaiiain lie bxauilue aud aae for your elf that the prion re right or xhoeo ttsnuolette from a oeuu up at i it nei w j co norway pine hvrup atrnitlian the fungs and onreaall thrust truublactiuikbe csdds eta printiug kin prlntiuti is an art and when you are having any prinlin done you might as svalmutveu well u th fuss taaee jtfb priittug dtartinout dues work rtoaeonabu try us with your next order acton uvkjky j jrr iius 1 ink tbe uu tu mm ll ml fuaioufully aoliuu the ium atlef 1 1 ul 11 an inf rui ll oin liiat well equipped and stylish kins mii wy be secured al iu lal lus a ouitortal i- i un iiipp i rail tralweaii v in ami h ih i rat i aratul auellloi gltni t every ordai the waul f innici il travel urliill lut john saa vms t will du well lo uall early and w keljys music tore d5 i iper wyndham street telephone 78 waters bros are fy ipwrial bargains w 11 i jllb j5 llslouiit ofi hpriu prir ci uvk mubt be reduced new pictures new frames new fancy goods the picture gallery near post office cuelph 1113 1 tht cultivator ultiv iii machine and repair shop grindell wright agricultural 1m plebabnth at i luall kuil i htbam flttintl holtsavbhobino t aicmerax blaok9mithino itl- sth kull tleuhy 8 lnpluuents and uu pairs qowdy h oelbbiutbd lawn uowelt hint li bilid crlndell wright uiiain wantki piif uillrslau la rrol lo 1 a 111 1 lilnbaal raali rle fur all kiuill ul st in llwwluiik imiuhi at t t k staliou aduii juhn j collltv muy job printinu intluillmj ilxtka paitphlat 1 oat era lllll loads ulr ulare p o ksuciiuhi in ilia tkalstylrriharaluiitrta prioa and uu liort t otlee a pply ur sdlr 11 v ajookh ragh vaasaumce aetou 1 lb btht of tht vnrirrthiral ekhcs hrm lrlips and proasllss hortloulturo at r- rultqruw lrie llvostock and dairy into tvhlle it olio luulule allinlmir ilapartiusou uf llural lutoitut iulii aa tho 1uullry t ant kill uiitaut hon hwiiui iiauliiuaaanllrai trlni kjllea fern quetini and alif ton klrll flailan looi i 111 iu kel rtlwtu sis uiunuilf ouuiluala oualiunull alloullou ia 111 in thu iruaiwcu of llie crops sa tliruwlu lluli l upon turn uf thu must imuurt ant of all iiujntliins ban ui buy ami abau tu sull tl is lllwrally llluslrala1 and oontalos loir raaillila uialtar than vu before ths ulflit hi ll ptlt a i mi par ysar 1ut ws offar s hi kl1ax itlilucriyn lu uur ojvob ratw8 for 1695 two subscription in on auiituuica 4 fslx flubsorlpuons du du 10 ton subaoripuona in du 16 artoll upa ubaerlfwr tor imu partus lu advau now aaalil laud m uainr waakiv from r icnli i f lb retultlaiiaa to january ut lnai wltliont cuarya lahi a iss uoris kaa v lutuehtuoktrsbon isitillslira albany n t acton saw mills coal ahuwoou yalltll jt7tbs er0wis mantlrnri usx am ls4la la luuibet tu huluiiisa coal and wood cialslit hwni biwbb iii slimik aal itowplly daltvureil to auy part ut lhauiwuat rhinallu prirs if antwotxt snit ulsuaeut storrntsngth alwsyi on hand jolasbono euuiaiuauatliht main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mauufeclural of hash door kiauto uouldltig lu all siyla dhxx1unq ma rc uin a mouldimo iropeim in es0ue8ino for sale t uk uodarelaued o sara lor sola bis property oowost n lot tl con 1 bogus in uuuiarisjna uilrtaao aftw on tchleii la anetad a bwad lc liousa board ad outiid snd pl lud om and a half stories oood well rcwsts orchard well fenced uie pro party 1 all cleared and in a good sutta of euluvouoo tiu ladls- iu table kor ttartloulars apply at the oabos of henderson aeton or to wtjjjau ulullontl aeton april tstli mm valiable farm for sale kin uia wast half of l nunibur teu i fourth poor nasi uu towualili ul brtu louuty of wbii1uuui oonuiuliia 100 acraa mora or isaa on whielila arwottvl a sood hauaa bret olaaa fraute bam and outer bulldiuga there to ou the falu a good ondianl aoi ik acraa bard wood bush the farm u well aalarad by ilrwui snd wells tills is on ol die imi trin in ui eonnly altuatod about it iiilla tumi luslpb sad fttnllaa from acton tiuvaolmii to schoot imatuolee and oburch vow iiarupuu uenobti actuu notice to debtohs in the uattkr of ths est ate ot john bpbtiqht son kj otu k la hareby b to all who are in i i 11 h lo tb estate of john hpatghl a f- n tbat inaaiuuoh as the sotata is required in la to ba wound up in order thai u olalui il iba hairs of tb late john ttnatihl may 1h i i all who ars iudablad tlilruio lller 1 u its or bookaocount are mmlrad lo i llin reo- tlve suiounto due at one fltaunneil- ralwina out to all ouuearnad 1 iiil- to o oiada a tilraujhl at his reahuur ii low alroal aetou or bv iwlilen1 llti a1 im lu aolou ioal oolca alt a aula a by the 1st uf january li- vlll naeei oolloeladby uthar tiiawa j a mpmllmt a 1 nutbtrauir ii 1 uoolth llalp a i urn mui sll lien httlau john cameron proprietor boiler repairs stea fitting etc thos sauce son isaluftttliid bum bas returned to joorkauiwii aud is prepared iu lda ralra i steam boilers of all kind bteamhttino any daaorlptlor allslaotory luauuai aud al moat i emu ills addraaa al any tlula thoa saroeson oejorirsitown p o the star bakery m c har haa oitaned his uaw bajtac awl will jkslivar llrwad cakea huns sic oall eualotners ih aeton end surrouudlna eouutry i liavaa nrslelaae baker of luue speh es and san eunaduauy wasara lb publlu avry eeltwf siaei ii read st on sals at matthewa grocery m a hrhib trbntchnwlj i lllui ijtkr lllrlsluu iclstburu aadlaaobeitl lilttaiua notlct to contractors cfalkl tkn1h- lt lu the uu tar a3 aiguod and euduis t fur trent raual will ba rarrva attfila ofllc untlt boost 1hu4 for th ru lit u of a bout ova and a half uillosi i anal i hi taka ultla 1 al leu lor tha couslruo lion of ahou ll thru aud a ha if 1 mila f canal uu tha louliiroui hall niita or canal vlerooru slid ikaflald division f plans and almoinoallmib of tb jrorfc mil at til uittoa of lha thief fcuunaa haiiartuimat ur ltailwa id auala al ixuwa lit al lha hupartutautliih kaifluaar tflca tetarlkiro whiira forms of tandrsr can la ab taiuad in and after kloiulay october smii 113 in tha ha actual slouaturea uf th latura uf u or uuuu and f aoab uuiara of ute aalor aeapled bank lbu tor the foumfianv lit lander for i clau must iw i u funtiar obj loretjouniusi li hcliou thu tb ratoa and iiiimi ttteaooept j returned ui the itulslor nf hallways and aiiala aad sill be fohollail it tba part lndilo daclluas antoe iua lulu don not for i tonus slatvd la tliaoqor ad cbotiuo utuaaout lu rsapimuv porllaa who the lowest ur any tniide ot necessarily i esptail hy urdwr e j ii maldklttt ikuartuiuut ul llollway sihi tlawala ihiawq qptolwf l mlaardt ualmtut fur sale eicryahen

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