Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1894, p. 3

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h v tv r v xl jscj bank of hamilton najuut hamilton tiaaaava ktimi tatu aukt xsftxi 07100 board of directors- jolututuaut ao iuuhav lrealddal mou1roameiu jon jtauurmn- v a t wikiu a it lma toronto v um linnoh u i tuilniluluceahlai the news at home ii uhtlclliknaaet caalilor 11 u waikcs uu agencies ilenillton ilertouaua kui 1 114 auutuu lleflln jliealoy laoruotowii mrluiliy i talowrl laoknow mlllon uounl rraal oreiibitvtlln owen hound tort i- lulii hiuimm toronto wlnflham british gorreopondoqu london- national provincial uenk ol lihu and itue american qommpondenta kaw vobju voanb national hank ami hanover national flank lloetohinleriiallim i traatoo jurrau uariuatiank t- m uol0f mil ati majjaaataaftkoi lllinou in i union niv nuurr ue oatpm atwbet iii aujflme cm national lleuk of cauirnoroo agontn in montreal rfbelunk of toronto georgetown agency vota aikuanlad wid advance mad on atri- mlim eatmrlue li 1 11 1 fj 1 rn- 1 on adl aomaaibla ihuu iii canada 13 ulnd hute qraat itritain end uiacouuuiiroihuro 0ku in oat favorable tenua saving department depaelta of 1 and upwarda racolvrnj and lataraat allowed from data of jajioall dale ul withdrawal wecuc ukiobitk alio received at aurrenl rata o interact n u liwnohtonr ajjeut mfethowst gfluuch acton riv j e howbll il a ptor teraonate uoweravenoe pnbllabartloaatojoam and 30 p in hun tar atthoolalo illbla cleaacanduotad by tlia paato auodrdtelly invimd watches the sale of first clash time keepers isan important feature of our business and the reason we are having such large siles in this line is owing to the fact that we sell strictly first- class watches at extremely low figures w n m moptly bf a lbcaf chrdtor ajid everv torn intoroetfna a iiciitcnhte offence lu another oofumn will ba oand ati ul vorliiennt fraiji ilv 1alhan haley wlio haa bcraii niuoli annoyed by the action of uiino iiioiiljiiiimw or evil dlapoeed poraona ho liavo repotted ly broken stained laai inciowa in hi joaaph a church tina work la ilaeiioblo and aoara punlahmant u llkaly to bo mole out to the offindere anoacttirrfi 1 fl c h atmlvermary i ho ounn people a hooioty ol c li rial ian 1 ndcavor of knox liurob haa now boon araulul two year tho roftular weekly tneotiriftaof tho youim kooilo dunnit that ttmo hava baan of ntnclt value anil inuroat to lliom and hava i von tho mom bom a keener aonao of ihcir ubllgatioua lo to churou and thu ca mo nf uod than would ilhorwh tlftvu umm raaluod tho aeoond annivcfanrv will ho aiarltud ty a urmon in behalf ol tho aooioiy on sunday evening next by ltev ii h ii or no ia b of klora trlon fjnlon plawtng slateh the tlrt annual match of acton union ilqwjpfc hooloty wilt bo hald on the farfn i mr pelarmann lot 3ft con 4 kaqoaa ibg m auum 100 miii ba nnpn in irio ma liat of care folly prepared mun a and twiyn olaaaoa tan apeotal pnw are offarad and the natoli promiatia to be one of much inter eat to plowmen and farm era generally tho fluid ia convanionlly aituated about a mile from aotou the ofuoers of tho aooiety are ireaident john dufl vioe leiu moltpnald b ro j k corry treaauror a t maun hot ii lit il ttme aptiroacttem with the rapidly approaching oloaa of the j car coma aotlling tifne with many buainoaa men cuatumera ahoulii make u a jwiiit to auare up aud atari tba year oven with the world if poaaible it may babul a email aum yon swi 60t fhjrra aro doubtleaa acoroa of other aroall inmi due the merchant an j meohauiu and their aggregate l a large aum pay up your tpart and help lo keep all ol the wheel a of buaineai moving where accounta aro run bolwren individuals they ahould ba render ed every year at loaal and a hajauoe a truck hugh a roarao wuuid aavo many perplexing troublea whan ealalea fall into the handa of the exeoutora thia ia a big alep to warda aetllemonl that oan bo done witboal mo oh money ar holler mill sent our goods we carr the largest stock arc you thinking about buying quo oa na wi nan anlt tpq head quar a lor wadding and birthday preaeau rooara knwaa bpoona and forks gso hyhdb acton ont bc juton jxu jrtss thdbsday novembeil w 1hjm uttle local brieflets whloh cunht thai eyaa or ear or fro prwsa rsportwra this weak council romtiag next monday evening o ay fewka day on monday without xoturoant tha unwary baa fallen couaidcrabl daring the weak tha worooy batlernul ia not what tt ia ontolwd op lob qoelph oaw ih 000 ofmra houw ww opaoad on monday evening a obaaa and o backer room haa beau opaoad ovar the floor and lead atom qalta a oold anap yea tenia y morning wtrnw waathar prom lead for to day two pounds of butter ia worth about aa mnob as a boabal ol wheat uai now a bmaaals youog lady haa been aned a isllef i a n p dont bum the laavaa let them re main on the ground they will do jour lawna and gardens good tbe usual gate and uuaavory pranka wam perpetrated by miachievoua boy a on hallow een- mo acreete waio made tbe all war oh am ball left al dr mokaague a ofnoe soma weaka ago renaina al this ofnoe unclaimed the owner can hava it by calling al the pass pasaa offlo tbo oold weather baa made bualueaa briak in the pork market and buyera ate getting ready for tbe aaaaon trade krotu fo sfr to 6 60 per 100 ibe ia the ruung price tbia week tba milton rtftruter use paaeod ila niolh birthday ii la a bright wide awake vendor of tba news of tbe county town and lta industrious publisher mr r white deserve credit for luauooen il is notioaable aaya an oborvaitt man ol bnaioee that tbe morohaut who clings to obaolele method 01 edtertiaa is tbe 000 moel ready tbe progaaaaiveneaa of hi onmpeulora a social will be given in knua church on tbe evening of thaukagiviug day in aid of ibe build inn uud of the new church iuv j w u milue ol manae wood will deliver s popour lectarodarlng the evening jerem j 1arkin of blayuor who haa been on tbe 1ata 1aaan aufl tbe past yoar r turned in hie home uu monday in partnership with a friend he inlands an taring bualueaa on hie own aooouul aa a newspaper publisher mr terkin la a young man o ability end tact aud the fa as paaas wlabrs bltu every suooeaa while al toronto tbe other evening uie editor called to eoe miaa joaete llrowu daughter of our lata townsmen mr w i brown who haa beau vary ill and eluiual al deaths door acveral times during the peal yar bnahae ooosiderably uupruved and her many trieuds bare will be pleased u kgow haa now very eooouragiug proepoota ol teing raaiored lo health mr aaa hall who haa baeii apoudlng a month ui with friends al leuotauv orlllla and btuuqvllle haa returned boms 11 was at leustaug when mr l a uaji and family euorred lbs loea of their deaf lltue eon tile utile i allow waa with bl paueule at tba 1 nulla uchuul usuiibtii hem during lbaaonirotwid hie waa the ural death wntob liae ooourred in die paraonnel ol that nappy gathering mr j u meacbam poslmaaler of uaiib villa celebrated bia h7th birthday on 1 una day tlie old gautlemau 1 alill in lair health and give dally perauu attention tu bia ofjloo duttoa the editor ol una juur nal remoinbere with plcaeuie tbe genial ywwt ualure pi the old geuilotueu 10 hand lug o h oheriabad laitars to hia aohoof boy patroua back u tbo seveutles aod r teude joogralulauuna upou bia reachm another auuivaraarj ihii weak avtsmtiuk beruaa bunautka those heavy working bboes fur mau for t00 wa buy direct irani msnufaolurera no shop woru goods l b nslson v lo rl von wu ttrsl olasaq sash and doora al unalidi prioea tt5muaoeii 011 yoor ordac at bia nlaniug mill the refitting of a a ton flour mill which baa been in progreta the past six mootba al very groat expenae la now 00 m pie ted and mntsra chayne be proprietors are well satisfied with ibcrssuu thfijf aratainiaav out roller flour ol an excellent grade and the farmers and others who are dealing with them prouounoo their prod a ate and busiaes metlioda both entirely satisfactory now that acton ha a roller mill equal to any other in this section it is hoped that not only tha armors will give t their patronage and aupport but that our cltl cane will patronlaa and cnoouregv mo im portau i a local indnatry tbia ia only what may be reasonably ox pooled from residents of acton and snob loyalty will he ol advantage to tbe town both directly and indirectly sftccl services in frogroaa much interest is manifested in the apodal ovanrolistic aorvicca which were commecc 1 111 tho methodlal church on toeaday evening 1 he attendance at the opening aervioo was very encouraging being larger than la unual at tho inauguration of spool al eervicci here the pastor has associated with him itov a ii ilauton su svangeltat who i highly rstcemed aud whose labors hsvo been attended with marked s cooes ho is an excellent spoekor a spirited worker end his method of conducting a service commands i ho attention and interest of the cxingregatiou from tba opening the song service until the close of the ma log tha auhjcot on 1 uoaday evening wi lhe in against ibe holy ghost it was very ably handled lest evening the topic was a bin nor on the uun and this sveninit it will be mephiboaheth a oboir of thirty jvo or forty voices is a very important adjunct to tho service a auooesilul work is hoped to bo accomplish ml a nestly prepared invitation card aaya come to everybody dvrtght l moody l toronto mr u wigbt l moody the famoua chicago ovaogellat arrivod in toronto very juieily ajid unoeteuuttously on batur day inoruiug hi inaugural aorvioea on sunday brought together the largest crowd ut people lbat avnr attended similar mr v iota in the oily tbe great massey hall waa packed tu ibe doors and thous nda aro aaid to have been turned away tho soooud day a meetiugs were also at tended by immense crowds they partook vary muob of tho sstne character aa the huuday aorvioea i he aral oudravor in mr moody campaign ia lo get urn oh rial lan lorobs with whloh ba is tu work oiled with ins own enthusiasm to this end lila ural uieeliiihs uao been devoted as bia drat dinoouraes were on tho alemeuta of lirayor bis second subject waa tbe elements of avaogellatio work uuou thia text be apokfi uth monday alleruoun and evening and frum what bo urged upou hia endiesme may l gathored sumo of tha secret of mr moody s aoeoesa about wbuih a good many people areconjocturing 1 wo old rather got ten toon to work be declared tbau do tho work ul urn men boos use while ibey were wurkiom 1 could go oil and work also hsch auoosasiva servloe qnds tbe hall in oa iable of acooinudatiug tha crowds the metropolitan church is belug used for overflow moating a number of our nill sona intend vlalliug toruuto dunug tho the coon 1 uv alluuplu nq4b itomotiuppllocl by corrua- pondanta and nxohongo mltdn ihu annual lowhiumslch will tako plaoo near milton on tuesday noxl lr i morion hsrhar retnovml 10 acton last week fc the c i ijl ulfurm urniah the uwn lib grato at 57 00 a car jamo mokonxio of ho boutoli i j lock tig was found guilty u assault uu john hchunrman at tire last asalxna and allowed to go on suspended sonlenob wa4 arreatm last weak by a oonstable from ouolph for 1 alleged aassiill committed on ttphuer su at the last 1 reclton 1 air there is alrnady a g mi i do i of munici pal election talk hare ashonove m mr willutm cok was the guest uf hit ovr huuday mr- j wngjlonortt vtsitol at toronto junction durimi tllo we mr william mooowjl hal 1 iii the past week but si ulwul 1 improving on wednesday last mis har mccol was quietly inavriwi to in relativ ejmirl ia thny 4 itiaulnd with the it hi mieatuii ttles lenaae raj rlo seems to be a favorite rnrxm of km hallow 1 vo uausl oomplniuent hi s cross the highway coon hunting amusement witb our boys this all have yet to hoar ol any captures mr ilea wriggles worth hot 1 a sale of stock on i uosdayl tho loso of one of hia farms having expired mr allan molouald haa rented tile thompson farm uu thn fifth lint 1c hamilton mclatitiht die 1 al li home in hamilton 011 tuesday of wat week tho remains wore broaghl up by train on thursday morning and iulerrod at norval dr met mithliu taught lor two years 111 lbs public sob tox iioro audit- time ago and during thai time ho won the esteem of evnry one ho waa marrirl laat winter to miaa bella hodmen of tins place crwson s cornerb ibj members of the choir of tho ohurob here met at the home if mr o ii llrowu on wednesday evening laat tu show tlioir appreciation of hi services aa 4eader of the choir mr n mclaughlin read a vary neatly worded address snd at the proper time mia mary moore presented mr brown w tb a handsome plush ahaving case and a beau life i pair of kid love ux brown ataa complolnljt taken by syr priae aud in a few well ohoseu remarks thanked lbs oboir for their kiuduess and tor tbs warm feelings whloh exist toward him refreshments were served after which a yory enjoyable evening was spent in music snd social intercourse mr and mrs brown proved thomaelvbe most bos pi table host and hoatoas mr cbeyne vwitler of vctuu luvtavaiu able oow at the railway crowttng hero laat week he was bringing the oow from qoolpb and while crossiug the railway aba tell into the cattle guard and could not be taken out before the express train came along and killed her mr george obey lost a que youug cow with inflammation the other day mr john bennet a new stuns bouse la about completed tho mssoo work is being done by mr darby uf uden milla and the carpenter work by messrs druuo aud lambert of briu mr uourge vvoet who haa boeu viailmg at ur ii allen a for several weeka return ed to toronto laat week there was no aorvice here last babbalh owing lo juarlorly meeting boiog hold lu ttdeu mill a auoceaaful shouting matcli who bald al mr 11 niokell a last knday j rockwood chu huuday tbs iuv knatchfiull lav ur heudersou ul ude nh ljuoational aarmous in uu the nessageweya cirouil 1 viujr of naaaaiawea will uocupv tha pulp t in iho norfolk street mstlmltat huroli luelph next buuilay tbsrs will lo au eularlammeut in no h aoliool house uudar lbs ausptoes of tba riuuday uubool ahortly there ail good limes oomiug aud tbia la out uf thecn there haa been aoms great akirmlsblng iu ths nasaagawoya vamps iho ji w by town aporsamsui we hear ibe guua uuiog ulf but not mrvch game fa being taken 1 ho black wjuirtils sewm tu auflsr the most aa they are very plonuful lu tbe woodaahia fall tiuow hake are avail flylug around lu dioating that winter la nut vary far dis lank juliu aodsrsou thrsaher will finish bis esasou hirsahitm tbia weak c ah vlaltora to and prorn aoton and varlouaotharporsonal nota fr gaorttaadsrab is visllinr f rionda in ur snob ridge mrs it it jermyu visited nor go town frtonds ywstntrtay r s mua lmme mr 3f oova eturhol fo tor onto on salurdi mr al k molftuu of toronto wea home over kunday mr 1 henderson m look a trip 10 fetor bo ro on tuesday mrs w hunter of ilramplon vlaitd frienda here this weak urs ii i moore la upending a few days with friends in hamilton iuv a u- uantoa evenirdiet i kl guest of mr i biiris tins week mr and mr anion hmllh of ilrsmp tun tiailrd irielid hare this week miss mabel thomsa orguerph spent a day with her a clop frienda last week ur ii b ii under eon poalra eater uf georgetown waa in town on tuesday mr william kdmiaton visited frienda iu fergus and vicinity the last lour or flvn jajuui 1 uuductor buy de r has iwoii trausfared to tho toronto tu belleville division on the g t it mr t james moor of ooclph haa been elected to the presidency o f the city teacher a association mr and mrs 0 t coo of the g t it llmehouse are spending a roupla of weeks with friends al jgntreai mrs a 0 ii card more aud cbillrvn of toronto were uet al iho borne 1 1 mr ie ii johnson dunug the week dr hhaw ol hamilton haa been elected tu the medical council as representativa ul tha burlington and home district hev h ether haley cfl tna funeral of the late james osket of oualic on sunday triore was a vrry large altoudancc mr john thomas baker for mr harris has ouo to salem wbnre he is tar ting busineaa fur himself ilia friend hero wish him every success mr jaa cohboy wifa and son from hrandouman and m w ii maluu wife aud children from boons man are visit nig at tbe borne ol mr j u matthews lieou col kerns m p p ia one of tba inlliiaynnnillhanf mu appnintfrfl f aaaiat mr maxtor aa leader ol her majes ty s loyal opposition in tbe local legis lature the friends uf ltev a j uolroea of msumora alien win regret lo learn thai he lias been suffering from a savers attack of typhoid favor the past oar weeks a note yesterday said he waa slowly mending but still iu a precarious ooudition iuv w birka uf wood ham formerly of tbia county 10 tends to retire from tba active work of the ministry al the and of the proeeat church year thia la due to falling health ho has purchased a real deuoe in toronto aud will rumovo there union actr am the following are the names of thooour ten us little gentlemen who acted aa ireaident s aids at iho recent oonven lion of tbe provincial sunday school association at belleville masters arthur johnson u h hakins ted conger david price aod lareuce lie id their assistance was of much value messrs dump jk co have a uios aaaortinaut or gloves and mltta manulao lured by w jsada acton glove works they are uios goods and exoallant value w have still a law pairs ol tfaoaa brated maus long boole al ii ou also a k una al ii fto hee than il will pay you all other shows correspondingly iqw1 b nioncu aa ibe auow ia lalhug hero aud xy thing indicates tbe proximity ul winter it might be mentioned that the akatiug rluk will bo ous of our cold weather attraction a it ia lo bo under the man age men i uf messrs murray uillllau mr c mccartby has put m a now aud vrry brilliant street lamp which adds greatly to the appearauoe of lite soollou of tb village iu which bis store is situated f more of the business meu would follow mr mccarthy t good exemplo the nightly visitors to our village would be able to dsurmiuo when they were really lualde the hamlet s umlie mr rnnea who also bss s slroel lamp attempts iu thia way to dispel tbe darkness which wbeu night comes naturally bottles duwu about his 1 udor the sblo auperviaiuu ul uoir teacher mr john ulraoban the achool abildrou are prepaxiug a program mo which will be given 111 tha hall uu thanksgiving night during the ouuoert the oertittcatea will be delivered to tbe aucooeeful caudi ilaloauf last summer s dc srtuioutai otani luatious bumo yf tbo luuai vuoallal ul he mssculiuo gauder are fuimilig a juaimillo club they have beau praaiisiug lor soma ume back arml they will appear at inn ooooert given by the school obildreu a uuuibar of onr oiuxotia are oumeui plat lug the formation uf a club ur parly to lake in ths parformanoos given iu lbs opera huuae uuelph during tho season iuv fathef haloy aoluu vuium the l bur oli of tba baorod heart here uu bun day laat miss haley aotou vtailod itockwuud laat buuday miss j soaulau ul korea i is spendlug a few daya al the homo uf her mollier hare mrs c cook is vialtlufe bar daughter and ullior iriauda hi lorwulu tbia week mlsa h fieri uf lluflalo paid her brother jobu s visit here laslawoea iuv duuald utreebeo preaohsd in lleselar 1reabyurtau church sunday ilia pulpit beta waa ullsd by a studsnt from luroutu who gave an eioeueal iuv donald st radian jr will dehar a lecture lu the iresby loriau cburcb uexl tuesday aveuing subject my iraveu lu europe illbla booiaty maeuuga are tu be oooduct sd by iuv uyrou bryant lualgbx in tba iheojnlsa church evertoo and to morrow nigbl at kdsn mills a simitar service waa held iu tbe prssbylorlau church here aat avenlug t 1 he brick lue tbe new cheawa aotory baa boeu pleowd au tbe grounds the sstviasm uf mr james blank suu uf mr hugh ulack icremoee have been secured by the trustees ul eden bahuul nsseagaweye lor ibdu at present ha la attending mitchell model bobool 1 r uugh kennedy leaonar al h u no i has reaigaed bis poeilluw snd aoaeptad an engagement in bia old sobool 8 b no hramoaa at an advauoa lu salary 00 mr l stout sl lramosa is undarguing cheap eilects am oioalliiica produood at lbs uil new ovsiwallty and real value aauple are olten lead into believing that they are buying uheaply when the goods though low priced are really dear not having quality lo justify even a low price by a bargain we always mean goods that are under regular prioee fur equal quality be they high or low thais tba principle of our buying tbst a what a eoaursd us your confidence that a why this store is always looked to for reliable goods when wa advertise bargains they are genuine aid not make beliefs nolo the following specialties in uuelph s most attractive stock of dr6ss goods knowledge fringe ootnfnrt and hmprovnm8n and totida todcksmial otijoyincnt when hjhtly oand tha many who livo bet tor thau it liort and on joy hio mto r si aa expqiituturo by mora prnmptlj adnptma tho wnrlrl a best product to tho needs of nhynicn being will nrrt iho taiuo to health of tho puro llqunl lexanvo pttucijilo niabmcud la tllq runn dy rj nip of fig ltatjxcolluiice ia duo to upresoritintr in thoorm mft accopuhj and picas a it to thoteatoj thorofraaliingaiid truly beunqcial propartiea of perfect lax aut n rutnotuauj olvnniiiiifl hie yattm diapoluliffeohla bcnrarlioa nnd fotcla tl li i it has given antinfnr 11 to luillicina and met with tho k 1 4 of the modtcal pr fcssioti bernuno it acta on tho kid nova lnor and u u a wilhout weak cning them and it in 1 fn tlj n from every nbjocti tihlo biiimiuii go by nip of t iua is for aalo by all drug sate in 1 bolthc but it ia mmiii ctiirrd by tho cilifi nua fb s3 nip co only whom nninn 1- printed nn o fry paebafit nj thn irinir fin pf pirs and being w 1 i forinotl ynu will n t aocont any auluiiituui ftcrrl kctdn dress goods in ill the newest htylts mlkls am sliule a few of tin prist well worth jour while seeing- il 5 o 25e auclup to si 25 per jird a spe 11i line of cishmere 15 in wide for 3oets v flannelettes iroin 0i up to 13c- union 1 jinnel u yds for si 00 all wool from i2je up to 37c j im announcement itot iiint inmi hlisinovs in ionimlouil tt mantles and capes millinery qur seeond irnval in milltnerj to hind you will lind our st lib and pnecs corect gents furnishings a full line of dents i urmshi nes s eciil i weed caps at 25c groceries a full ussortment always on hand rew rms c cmklctl i issut 1 iper in ul tla leading shades litjoks 1 he largest assortni i 1 lll illwlst cioodt i he best priclb at the drug store actun kver amillh wlimt iiriau ol 10 buabala r u in mi j krarlot ulll ullor r hfa t 10 cpuu xr 1 ulitl riour tskan chut r cubh 101 wheat thkwh kl ut ui i r nrl m 1 atun henry hortop durnoco cor mill and main streets speight db son ntirt mill i ri lurn oiir nim thimkn im tin liln rut ami ji m r hih ulthumii lustnmt mi u jincl p ipou to siniuititk ncluir- itili hiik i lin nliitk 1 ier ililt ilhlollilt will iii ull oh tin liui ol tin jmmilr 01 hill when niiiile oik iooiih 10 in how tor caali ui pruiluee iiilludiim uuul hut no iim 01111l u hen product ih t11kt11 ir no ilntlounl oil pn du uhon sohl u e im u tiulhiifr 11 iiiilc line ul w nit 1 miuitllh 11 f halt pi t 1 no 1 iim 011 lit oil lli 111 1 in llii r ihuiiiuk lit per ul nil im in hut ill funeral directors furniture dealers assortment qomplete prices reasonable personal attention everything satistactory aul ow out j a speight manager c5morbus always promptly cubed dc perry davis painkiller i h hind o a boots mind shoes llimnh i1loi1 in linstimfh im n- fir1 mills i lmw ilw to niiuiiiiil il 1 lirn lul i iiiihh joo lluirki il lit i ttlu liront l iruu hi 1 nn 1111 liil i u ill ili ntliir di 1111u lu 1 1 1 nt oil kiiiiiiiii 1 1 i m our ni i nil mmi iiirl 1 nun oiileiei tlie fimnl ol tin m iii tlit illulrtl illolu vm llllll dulllnillll this 1 iiuiil uu ulll et tin lull benefit ol in m wcllitne lieuutilul n u orel g001u mill silkri iw lunleh hn islw mlllllllll ftrn iihm ly nev ijuiltiuiiir niw kiimj iioih i c lotli lliji ni tnu lis mill stntii s e v luutma e larpelt sew urtawis 111 lul mi things 111111h run to 1111 ntioii dm hlhii ri mmitl mil drt smfniikllie ill nitliki is win iker 111 htttii slniu tu tnin mil propel sljls or i ml 1 lotion ilepnrtpii nl in hist i inss hluipe our kll mlllllim mill dnss iooiih oj i nine iiml l he iilii on tin j lli mil jtlli ol sept llm ila ol t lie lilltsnir full slnv 1 i i leul ill mil s ill will ineiii tlinjsilui in nun i i 1 111 i all in in s li iv n in mils mi lespttliill n iii si il t i n 111 in us in in tin tllt i o loht i 1h possllll i ll s is 1 i lk sill hut u el in i in ni in mi i illsiom i ul u lilt i 1 1 nst 1 1 i r i u 1st s 1 in ri llllll ul i llt 1 t t tllkl j s ss 1 il lit ii i llllll ol lhl 1 m l i it i i- i ii isn wm mt l ttu a lu i9c 25c 30c 45c 65c 85c uleard uajawat tareaiaiau au oparation lo the uuelph general uoaniul alia 4oak fur lhe removal of a growth from uie uf ot he abdomen ltaiwiil nnttl hfl laardauaiaicut rnrca duteapor u in moltleu rflocu very ulcs li in bilk bin pea a bantam 1j in heavy berkca and twacda n in lllatjk aud nary korkts wool htinribltaa t f y nrooad 4j in all wool rrio lrt uooda agilandld ool rfloja aud uol clutha h ingaul lluk llanil14a lovely ialorad lleoruttaa heavy wool bcrge ell m j valuaa at thia imum wa oflar a u tf uf lltaoa and colored droee biuffa uf nob tzteot and varteef hie we oanuot attempt tu enumerate uanj dl itasm are well worth h lnontn parable range of 11 lack uooda ti in heavy tweeda aud bargee aplendid bhot r fleou riqh 1 wlua aud tteqp lu qua oolore wa commend lo you oar uieaamakkug room onr atylea aud work have a reputation all uver tba land we dou t know anywhere where you oan k kuod dreaamakiuk dupe an obaaoly ljwer pribed f vca poealhly hot ao kuod aod ao cheap nq we luvilo your patrunek and mromlaa eallafaotluu millinery and mantles we have never had au huay a fall eceeou iu milliuery aa thia our alyee and xloea are feoukulaad aa tho moat allrac tiv no wonder wa offer the uaweel good are alwaya in raoelpt of nuveltice tlou t buy uur whole acaaou a rwiiirimeuu alouellme and liava the beet talent lu trade lo trim the ourreot atylea in aleutlaeoifr trade la aimpw boom i nil aud iiuiwilhateudiue mild weather aud acarce tuoney tha number of manttee we aell each weak would aalonlah you hhup iiara el moat invariably buy i ruin oa after luokiuat around the uity trade i adlra lur capea are reiroill lo the very beat poaaible advantage to the buyer htylo knd unaliiy ounaldered tbay are uut oxcallod by auythlnii we hava aoeu and many we ihlok you will bud our oee lo ifi far oral under raajular trade prl cenuine barcainb no credit e r bollert oo 115 and a wyudbam ttueat ti i n 1 hlme lupin tniliil hurt hccuiiic kt ui n an the pllicc i t iii inu oe turthtiht iu mine purehuneii wherl the urtment in unuhuiilh choieu unil whuru iouvuniutilu for the ohoppei un iiioitt abundant no old stock elngn tho ruput ualm in this ikpurt j inont cvury urtklu m new hrifht und nt hah uml vtr apt to he homotlnng jou are in nued ot wu huve ipuied loi u ll tu lo in h i i vl i 1 li j uinparieon vuttlum huuih uvun hllor thl ia 1 a lutl uud einumner aru well pleunuil ui i ordinal whutti ue un o i liiriuruon hlgli nionu m worth llu he n doni illi im i hilt unit tu will hud it reiiiiirkiihl um t pu mil 1rinn lor hooti und shutn and ahovi all that oui ikmim uru exattl iu n prenuntcd pii wo btlllcvt l ii loilhtunt unil is to 1 111 pro i v ultlt i y gbtllllg i lhe rfiiinc uiotii and m n up th in nelit our hj it i llu i gondii inakin piiixhuming them u mutt und ouhj hi i no mnttrr hovr m nrrt imtnoy miiv l it utu pu ou l li lo btcoiiie tituuhiir with tho pi hum in onr shoo dopurtuuaul v iri ryhn st o gw lh bargains l 1 tilt ih ii m i iho 1 1 mo i not it ousfjcohtb uit1ncs 9l f nner prlcr i lolorqd lacorsttu 1 frfth1 in u i r at he right house our fall stocks are all complete yvc 1 i m mivod il i ur kail hhlnmetila and have rehalod a uumtmr nf ihcm alrvly 1 tu baud every oek ao lhal tjarre la nu danger of uur lciuj ml ol any ttood aellliik uur fur uy loull ul the llrlliab aud i uropcau hanulelurldtt ulroa ta an mrlrul aud lhe traua portal luu uf merbaudla cuuuueule thai l takea but a ouurpera lively ahort time tu mail au ordor aud raoeive vbn ouda 1 i rr a n 4- jl tn f 4 i- l 1 lulwawu ilia heay winter goods aoexou ont 3uan aa ulaneta oomfortara flaunela flanneleuee wool bhlrurnja at on a heavy knitted wool qhirta and drawer cad lea wool vealli aod com bl nal ion bulla tui capea omu aluila and boaa heavy winter mantlea and jaokeu ahawuand wrap atantla clolha qoll ci aeuna dreaa tweed a etc are all of the boat known make- aud um prioee are the loweat thai bu dlreol irani the makara and uaylii aut oaali can produce our letter order department bur uut of towu ou atom ore who oanuot oonvameotly oume to do their vhoppnik haa klvenhbeh aatlafaaliuu ui thoaa wbu heart triad it lbat we have cotilldunoe in aaklutl oihara to try it l wo f 1 ur aapreaa ou all paroala of j 00 ur niuro tu your nearoat ilallway titaliou aud aonj aajajlla jnlc i r t k other luformation on reoeipt of your luijairy for aame millinery lreaw uaklnu and mautle uakiui by eaperta at ahort uolioa fur reaeouable prloea king bfluirt kabt doruer huithaon ulrret luintltnu always pab li i j it ii iu h w is i heie 1 lio t i ptinn t 1 1 is i u u tl j ii til t lit dt s ulll liumiu ss ulll l in iii i it till 11 i i tin iii ni im t si l ill in llu ul i i 11miil ih p ii i lli 111 ul ll ulll il is till ni un spilllk f i n ih piiliuc ills tl im ll pioniilii nt 1 siin ii mil lh m llllll 1 iv i i llu i i i i ti s l tiv t ulm uu iii ii i i uilmilet win thl i tills j ii t iisl till opportunity h i nun im oui liusini s lit it uu li im lti u h n mil inviiusl s1 klllf tohotwt a s o wtkijsrs powders curt fifcaf ato0t an1 trunlkia l o mimurmm alu e il 1 i i nrak itill iumi i tn in llw s tall iwi id liver mil tliraili i i u liiulala lv buaalv tavmrwoe co r vwiqa- bcrra t pwpej rowaav

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