Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1894, p. 2

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t i 1jv mu ijp jl uonnmual llutmji jnrt xnveinliar tin attft nl al inrdnii f eilatiutilnr nxnn uhitvi i in flrxlnrtcli oir tmj nm hi joiiliiulijiiiljkiv4i rox 11yty in titottontowji on vivuniur 11 kbtiio luuaiirir jilw tt mvik hi c5 at ti7iiltilirt of ii1i1 ii maltlntw llownr avpiiui artin oiiumu uih iff uf jalnr iiih of llralidmi ijc tan jfm 3rrss thiikhnav nokmhkhl 11 1 notes and comments 1q dominion revenue fur llm fuur tiiotillih en i nu jutnber hat is wa b slfh7lmm hum tor ilie cnrrnapvtid i pi period of lh- iho i apomlmir has increased over ft 100 100 argument wa baituu oil batutday at ottawa in tli a appeal case taken on llm pari of the domiuiim from tlio ttndinn of lha court ut arlnlralluu rulruitrtt willi ihu malllometii nf tliu ill puled uulatandim nn i it il iliiminmn ami tilt tucea of oiital il gut 1rtmter turner submitted rhe hndtit statement in ilie victoria parliament at melbourne last wcoft tim lirtxcti at i ho end or jgno hit amounted lo ijiw which with tho previous defiiml maker a total of l 1730ou tha govertmlnut pro poses to establish a n debt oomraise lou do the huflllih model tlio writ for election in london render eti necessary by i ho olovaiion uf mr it meredith lo the bench haa boon issued tba nominuiun wm held on tuceda and the polling will take place on novcmur ioth the candldalcs aro m 1 h hobba liberal and mayor haacry conaorvnlivr ohio bos just paid ijillloo for tlio wr noes of tha bulo militia during lost um miri big striko chicago haa yet to deal wuh railway claims fur damages amount inu to an vera i million a littlu common sense aud a desfro on the part of tlio local officials to onforco the laws instead of playing lo the mub would have been 1111011 mora economical in mam lob if nine juror agree such anreroeut oonstl totes verdict in oo tano unauimity of tba twehe jurmrii la insisted upon the manitoba plan certain ly teems to b tba mual aetiaiblo one it ehoola never be possible for 0110 or two sreak minded cranky prejudiced or poaalbly dishonest men lo thwart i ho purpose of s long and costly trial the fcilrllah liberal have dually do cided lo adopt the abolition of the volo power of the house of iorda as the first plaok of their party platform and will go to the elector with it ou the uext appeal lo the country without the power to veto the house of lorda will be powerluaa for good or ill ii will however bo aumu time brforw tbo flriji of tbo lorda la lost at the late aiano at kluloii before jude armour a mau who bad been thrown from a bumjj aa the result of a oollismn with a cow on a rural highway bniukht aotion v recover damattes auainal the township the plaiutiff was uunauit od the jude holdluit bat the municipality was uut liable but the owner of tha cow was rarmera will do well in view uf thin declaration to krep their cattle al home while doubt a are eipreesod by ibose who are frieudlv to china in her war with japan aa to the authenticity of the japanese reports of thair suoooaaes and eapeaially as lo tile capture uf purl vrthur china ilta reported la so far dispirited by the failure of ber troops to resial the advance uf tbo japanese aa to have alftuqed ber reidluesi lo acknowlode the independence of coroa and to have appealed to the european powers to put an and lo the war a despatch from montreal saya tiov era uoaton and quebec capitalists are 111 the city in the interests of the scheme to build a railway line from quebec lo the labrador coal a short hum auo it was reported that railway men from the other aide were negotiating for the purchase uf some of the abort lines running out uf quebec for ttie purpose uf eileudtnu ihe system lo the ooaat and oalabliahin a line of steamers between the ooaat terminus and liverpool 11 y this means ll was said that tba oosan psasske could be nxluoed to three and a half days a surveying party is being organuod tu no over the proposed root and report on the scheme durtok the last two months than haa bean a nooi demand for canadlau tu kngland at prioea wbioh have warranted shipments being made thither ou a more extended scale sod aooordiuh to lai advioea from london canadian etus bate met a profitable market there as wo1 aa in llt9rnog manchester bristol aud glasgow auboogb ihero was scarcely any demand for esua iu ureal llrilalu at anything like prafuablo ji notes a vast obauge haa ainoe set in fur ibe better aa tbo receipts of anadlau ejiga 111 ureal llntftlq tor lail fcvtiutember kccordiuit tu the irtuu uhiuuh wen 1u7 iu doxen against i30 ft wo dozen fur ilia corresponding month last year being an tnoresse uf over ipo per cent crewsons cohnbrs it has svery apcarauoo wuilri tills week qulln a number from lime silotxlril llm huuday bohoil tmveiitluii at the buck church last huudav evnnink itev mr habliis met with an atxtdul last week he ilrlvliig hiitiii rum guelpb when hia burse gol frigliuinm and ran a way upaultiuic tbo buittty slid throw lug mr tiabiue out sovonilf hrinsitin bis jn bocuunt uf llev mf rfablun iu ident mr i t aim oomlucled servios u huuday miss addle majluu is vultlug frlutds 111 lliemariik mr john crowsuii hr has hail vnry xxr health all fall on aooounl uf he anuw uoinlug on so early a large number uf the farmer 111 the vioinity hav uut gut all their turnips up hollinrake av son milton talk of the day an epitome at tho world a dolna dtirlna tho wio ilt jspaimse hv rapltud inrl arthur lairi sad ll alxrdin nriml hi nw wtriiuiiiiltr ii miihii i rnik nuin wi 111 i 1 biij it otlswm fr n aldiiu 1 ilmt nnpak l on hi- lii it is tepuruid that i ini pmipli b h 1 11 killil ry alnlti lb 11 lib 1 cttf huh hhiriff i rrgtimin kiit1n lulit- il aie bud ks iip i jl i did ii nr- k 11 mr wlhno cmliitt 11 l tiai nk ni bi ni inn in ksdi nil mil luihi uiit l tbo if ir iiixikv 1 ul ul iilttrtrs nf iiip pnlirr rtpprrtmnrt f t lns n to tm rtirtirirrt 1 idv cixrl iw for i iwn fr1ts hi brarld friii llirtiiiiikbsni mabamn in iiniioliiii jllh tb rluiuv i th tr oihw limit r llr l pun to lb oftr ir si tftrlmri hrti u hilt ix triwnr rnl 1 conm wli lili ul i lr itli nlliiln t- ln 1 w nf inirnniti itllt inif 11 i i pruttii tiillly f at frplinv brllirn in w 1 urn contract iliiriin the wm k ilja snil lilt i nidi stale gnu nimi lit will at olc nk now york brink r for another loan if ku uk0v mr w n andoraun has btou appomttd aasistaui proviiu is 1 renaurer 111 uiccra ion to mr l 1 amerou irtirge lark has iktii a lit 111ml 111 hamilton lo 1 inonlbt 111 tint i mt ml prison for sttnluig n bicik tho wrratb sent b qtin mttiria lo ik plaood on tho tomb or the lata nr ih ltt feet ui and a be work of rl heavy flood are prevailing 111 vailons paru nf great britain nbicb in mitny can have broil nil i busin i a nland till eleven hurea vuluod at f hhi utiru burnod tu death in a lire uoar llawa tuesday the auimala txtlouged to mm mcuuire uf new wh the gorman lovoruuioiit tin iauctd a circular lo tho municipal ouuoil rtruin mending the purihane uf dlphtliona ncrnni for the tike of lha jioor itov l i hewitt i almauoliaaikllmlle jvdaeidd to leatin l p o t itrooklyu tabernacle congregation and accept another pastorate or enlr the evaugulistic bold the kurd are rrporttd lo liavti mssta cred h kki armenian including nottieii and ohildren 111 liirkntli annoiii nl troyed villa ihe i nrkisb iii la deny the rtput the tinhin 11 tt nf i ct mb innlitin an ollrr of ftih reward tu the pttmuii or jiorsons giving information irtadliit to the real and conviction uf tlio munlem of b late kruk westwood at nramptun lat friday joil mib gave his decision 111 ihu giles pool room ae finding the dufeudaut guilty of koop ng a betting bouo at port redd one polul la reserved to bo argued before tho superior lourt ibe patron of autre wellington lv nominated mr 1 gnrdun of pilkingiun for tbo i umin i burn aru uow ihr candidate in ihe hold for llntt riding mr homple i ibrrul ud ir uruvo m artbyllc mr g r auilif maiu i la tlst public eppearaune aa leader uf tbu oppjiliou hi tlio ontario legislature at a nicolint bell last thursday night in uulon in upporl of mayor 1 aaery the unservallve randi date 111 ihe bye election in 1 011 do u mr marter waa given a groat reception ihe hit inlllug ukiii voter in hal to prove their proftcienoy in reading an 1 writing before their names can bo eiitured upou the register contain the iiamo i hi majesty humbert 1 hullrago in llalj i dependent upon an educational tialltlua lion john ulauloy wood burn tho luglisli man whu charged tl e dan lay bi ith robbing him of 9lom a abort lime ago noar uunlpb aud was sent up for trial 011 charge of erjury was seutouced 1 uesday by ills honor judgo hadik tu an niontb in the ceutral prison knatchbull the eulerlaiuiiiout bald 111 tlu n n school bouse last 1 rlday evening under the auapiccs of ihe huuday holioil uf cltal place was a grand iuciah the buuao was well lillud and a good programme provided and enjoyed by all proaeiit thejtev 1 amy of the naobagauja circuit haa ounimouced a aorir uf wt 11 aor vices in tbo 1rwh111 t hurcb may in labora be crownml with aucuc once mure wo boar iho iloigb uolu 1 mg dig they loll us thai wllilet i iire again allhuugh iho lelgbiug i nut irl da sumo are making ue uf what haa uuiile mr j anderson uf i dei mill a 1 mla lara ailauisuu ol saagnejn roluruod home rum orilli lat ihurday so 111 o of tho asagawua bo who sen trying then iu k at dcoi hunting 111 the muakuka il lair lot letoined tliilile gsiu lliay did nut bilum any 1 the dean eilauin with llieoi utohottown 1 bo iron work on iho pajmr mill i 1 idun waa nompleleil 11 week ibe fork i pruuuuucod by judgo lu be subalantial and aouud ihe bridge la now ojieii tu tlio public ml wluull will wb wmiiit tfl ber ho mi in i oh uuui lluuku k- i uel ihurbtu tie a tv s nutdun of jttantlmihe tbquhbinci councll a limit lint of armiiiln bntul nl lual mtllnn llm lwiitliip liil mullal iituk inl m 111 bt mi i 1 it fun r- b t im 1 tit ill r hi- if mi i li mi u in mr st in ihit i lx pi id 1 1 llir i l 1 11 jiuitiulllllll i- i l i tm i ll 1 i ix k 1 11 1 irt hi 11i1i l mr muuilby mi -i- wiit1 lib id r r mthiwi nt t n ih ml ii 1 ll i tlilh 111 mil rtr tlovid l mi- i i l wnrri ituil lh inaaiirr l itml ikrcbv untiiori t i to pnv u fdluwiuh 1 h h ih mil imiil it rrai lb l lis lu mod by mi ihl in mr i anllloriavtl a postmasters story iw ion iiniiti thin in if at down in pr n r antl a stranqe attac1k and th e ihcy tin 1 j rn frnjihiiliy piy tint liiiltbst dink hesulttb that lrllf n rrliai 1 lar- in nit ulnlit ka i followed mriiiuimib bpia gut itw ir tluch naltort shqrpbr bttirkvlllo toll a tliiuu 1 liiiblii at g ii itytii v a tf hin stirrorinn loat yo uao at uoth hnmln nntl foul itnil win luruuillujivulip buulnuti tliu tlmnly anllon of n frlmxi ptilrttncl ihu way to monnwod aatlvity i ill t ii b 1111111 nwb mr hnlurl hlmri is a will know n r 0 innt uf htarkvillo durham oounly whu lias imntnlvfiig in tusila fur alniiii tlur fm yrb met is by trudi a bta khimih mid on romliik in huh cnmiirv i ull iu ih tuwiialupr lleldliiumiil tounty ilf nnrtlliimlmrlaipl after ikiiii thrrn blinp afhturkvlltn wit rrtir workwl at fii trudo and nll th a on n biihim lling imih cwurii n i ohhing ho h ppnii pnslmitrr lhtot4a 1 1 wns lit tho bosl nf health and will llm irptlunuf 1 alight tiling imublo 11 nu eimplaint of htiy kind in tbo inmlli nf majoh iwli be attended sn aurlinu anjii 111 tbu neighborhood ami ntiie home 111 tbo oviniiig aiiparonlly all right bni dunwe iho light was takiu willi s hilt sr m aim 1 with a violent pain whirh irihnily irtw miirna and before iiinriuiig no nvnt a do lor waa aiiiliuiuuol who id nl him frul wbioh ttneiiird in roll him or a tnnr and noil day bn scenicd u ttnr and the duotnr told 1 tm hu wnnld be alt right iii a fow tiyn this however wan not vurlued and although bo could go around he waa mil failing in health and nt tune would bo in an agony p n doctnr stul bo had sclaliua and unother told him hu troubln wbh rhoumalism n the spinrr and tbak ho would never bn belter lie tried many modlciuei but nil failt 1 in do him an good at tint ttulf lit- wa nt wmk ibat be rould only bobbin aruund with tlu asuialajicu of two u and had ul givt up work i hit pl mi oiillmitd day an 1 mull i and nnally bn inst lh iiho nf both baiidb nnil fett ituil hinged fur death lo rlr liltn ouil aulleriug vtmiit iln tiitut mr sharht wrote a ktttr for i1111 ti a friend for ulii m lie had aorkod when he llr i 11111 out tu ihe ioiiuu iu iln friend mint bun a niple f i tf hr wiuiir pink i ill nriut bun to 1 giidph it lfo l ui ir 11 u fur llmr good lrintnif 1 kkprintiiiguai url and whun yon art- hot ihr any pruning dnui you mthl an well havt il w ii dnr i be i lit 1 lt job printing depsrlmriil work u 1 ilunl ijtmlily and priut aro always rumhoiiablt i ry with your n at order have nlill a few uirii those rein liitttr i mm- i nni itmit at si ihi txbm a iranj boo- l them u will pay t all olbr h urrrbridliigly ll i ii nil on tin 1 fi 11 fui 11 i ik tvurt ion lit lt iiuu hit li tier un t ur cbshid aiurthi r hnpptj in hnim the story mr hhnrp t niillnned lb 11tt of ihe f ink p 11 toronto ontario ag weljjis ever after taking hooda saraaparilla cured of a scriouo dlsonoc henderson co acton- ahm fr standard jittxrns i li iliiiirtc rs it all kinds uf strpjaihl lmij jdry goods mantles f millinery boots shoes boys clothing and groceries k v tlic told wlitlier c arc tl ju hiin conies the iillckbrt of prusidinn warmor clothing we arc showing a tug range of kadics antl jirl cloakings and mantle cloths ilu ur i iuiu 1 mj mi in mi juimjx llll ll our stoi k uf kead mad manths is coinjilcll good sl lc s good ills and low prit i s our dm s in ialu s i ndcrui ar is ik oncl omparison iso 1 largi range of hoj b and mens underclothing 1 iig l mi la qun hoods sarsapanlla 11 a lnil kllll u uanrcr tn ulvft inn ini nritltil iiriwnil fcllnntlnn riiunnu wuliilm iikj dowullftry ml hiilltt ka all workvahnantcd a r- svmon tu i11im0 your watohub repaired a p symon practical watchmauor ontl jowomdt h hl bu flciu aubcrtiscmtnte iionk to 10 n oka in wanted luned i iruiariit to iay hit 1 rl lor nil hind uf grain war h 11 bi g t 11 slallou kills h colli lluyer kvkm tl ul 11 jj ill saiaa onlnliillig 100 j ari nrr i oiilih l ullhlo and to- 111111 lur li ti1i r liikli bi 1 1 naliirx on tile i i 1 vor adult jhu iubbcmiuii tat aj mar i al mens imported natural wool underwear a idinputt rinc ol lidics bldck md colored kid j4str tttrritwrfe itovs hih prthfi and kibucd caklunt-tt- dlld wool 1 ifjsllfy son tin sptlial 111 lit lo i m ti til and 1 h u u t buxt ll whlill tlllin lu hud toliilrtl w and ha bt h tit tttlbit trtmt wll iu is 11 to d a wa i da a j work nud 1 hud in hi prt in t ur llh wondtrliil link i 11 a tb n mi hirk bo 1 ltd 1 1 lit h irttiuint half 1i1 tml i 1 1 1 i 1 1 klni ti tlrtl ii 1 1 i 1 1 i i iixuirr nntl attire 1 i 1 1 j t ll 1 i 1 1 tiriniln o11l ruto t ui li and vtnltrd all tlibl mr hharj h 1 hbi1 and rcfrrrt i th rrpilt 1 to other in iho iiclhburliu id who kut w iho circuuiitances sharp iwfnf would not think looklud at bun today that ho had come thruiiuli the urdtul he borfi as bo tecnia the tcry piuluro til inalth and built hf and mr- hhar atlnbute lb whole t un i pink pill ur william- pink i ill tnkt at tlm ioil it tin iirre di 1 int ll from tlm y trill ami nttirln llln jnllrtit lohullll and blrmnth lit caacr of parnljai apinal tronbleti litcumoior bibxib bi laltca rhou iibtlhin iikiin t roftila ln ihltn etc ihcsn are uwriur tu all ibor trtialiiirnl fhoy art- alo b npr ill ftl llm trouble win h nmko tin hwi of n iiisny wuuinu a burtlcii an l ntlilj 1 itlirn tlm rich c holll t all hhvka mun broken lnwn by overwork or wtirrj will llm l pi will gita a woe pi u reduolluns iu all liuqs of ftouda from now till new years vrlday aod saturday being apealal barkaln days with us we have bought a tarn lot of ladiee pl d cloth in vauerally and prioea are put away down wa have cut tba prions 00 every lina of jrooerio from huffar throughout the hat llm innmt a hum uillqu a til lid eojuji 1 and tba phaksant flavor gentle acth ootblor afftjou of byrup of figi when in ottd of a lviuve mad if the fatboi or roouxr be ooauve ur bilious lha moat grml fylnl raaulu rilktulmteulbllllll lb beal funlly raotedy known md every family houldjiattuboluson hand 1 hi day id 1 hit iotu ihe avira uhoil lal moolll wa j10 a vilnr hlcuurl will t h i i llm town hall not muudy at 10 a in nold in uoiruuwn mcthodil uburcb 11 humlay rev jb i wyih 11 v hamilton irnadrd b anil piufdun 1 ulioico iiiubiu was run icrod by tlio riitillcit ebotr of tlm church look ou r r oh lulu wkathlh llul rllo ilibido ul ihe ijcotrc 1 iliml and ttteaiu hrale1 rllhulo aimrltnuit irani ul the jlpcat mllwaukru a hi paul tallway and you will be bm warm coin forta bin and cheerful aa in your own library o btiuduir tu travel between chicago bt paul and mluueamiila or between chiaagti omaha and hloui city 111 these luiuriously apoiiited train lu a supreme aatulaolion aud as the some what anounl advertlsemant used lo fad for further iiaruciilars see small bills hinall bill aud larite ouee luoj will be accepted fqr paasak ud aleepiii oar ljh k wmelt4alemtat0n-stfw- a jtaylor oauadfhn laiaaonf r- aitentf tokonti on i tmlml miial 11 mi m- h dhl l ml lwnuii that llm lfmiirr bo alltb ld tu pu w ml llampbhirt and lull lliui hnlh si 1 rh lot winiuik in nil unit tbo llm tmstwmi ilit hi v 11 nu the jnd id odnl m m1 t ml wil hi y m iltnurl llinl till 1 uuiiljj do nuw dj un until il uduv k11 pmtwrrd iwh llbhahl nol ilit lie f hovel 1 icrnth rntn ih i1 i trt of tho inhi in tbu nino 7 illublrated with wncrnol lk 1m ell in uharmimt aahiou i hthlnl i iln 111 1 n in urn 1 ivhttriitli oiitm ai nuli artn ir on i ho i rtiilatuio uf tlio lctnail 1 uplru la uotilholid l 1 uf llircrwt 1 i 0i1ii1iu ccdiw 11 uuiy iiub of iiwliru a llltflfntllifc fact tn litn tiy rranhhu mntthrw roti soroiim 1 bn napamii irra uf llio i nitrd sitth ihr i urn an i i day ib vividly pi tin i by hiduoy whitman prof n s hhalr urilca iu ipular bi uf ihpvalnu if ttuloiiial huirncn li man hit blurt i mil hi f i hi 1- hruueht i t 1 i 11 ivbi u f i tm ii- 1 h ilu11 thn hlln u i11iu llllmlh i iii ul 1 in ioh i iull hl1 i i- ittn ltlilhllil iilt v ilh major ftrncrnt tt tl ii o want 1 all attraclivn foblur 111 umiiuk ll 1 abln 10111 f mm lr- lliplnt luill btxv i i 1 dilu boumomb linen n 11 1 f unni i llm d imwi 11 01 1 uiinl itutm 1 111 ait 11 if lliniuuuih 1 i 1111 dilui and r yn fu ivru lrr iii 1 very v mlviil 1 i ptonrlrlor jihi ii it burithliv an i out rtnii i in v 1 lor play tuilillff1 v mi 1 1 miuiilnclbiidu i1iih1 lit mldrd ii w 11 td ib bllliulo oil j bo juu me llomn by ut luhin ltint 1- 1 holv inaim and ni v at 1 i iltiintrntnd by several vluw uf jpalutrir i tin faabion intnrr are vry limm lb irluul allraciiuii boini liuaiiiiftil worth walk liik ooaluiii bnwii b huila wi m jbcikal and mull aud u t lyl a vary laklit tliiuu b anolh t dnivm publl alrtuauu ll 1 j 11 uyan t lu of ltitilph itlrv havt only no piiuu and whan ou roadrr ton stdur the lrailitffui too uf tin d alto that ihey ku ti tht fouiilaln head foi tholrtfuol 11 i tuadily oii vbv thru lure i kuah s plensant plane to in bualuoii sold hi all dual 1 mit hv 1 paid at a cilila b ihu 01 nu it j 1 tiy bddie th ii w mmlicine oiimy lrbkill h lolirtlad n tmarn 1 ml and bubal allr 11 j 1 jf iill d rfnrlriil yol ay acuon mju lj allurniiiii c isl kvttoaft dictioxilti i i lt 1 nil 1 il sltt kill 111 i 1 k i iii beehive yarn- 3 knots fpr 25c ls l it ttirtilcnl l tin i i y 3r ati 1 ur v1 1mb book or 1mb halh 1 atb ricccodlui number uf iln l jid publn atluu seetns tt elcel tho lant in it description of the world rh p rt li i do voted to h irticullural and fruit ox hibila the forfblry buildup and it aura i n ten 1 id i ll will inelalhirif many hue ll exhibits ituil deparluitiiit ur tho loiter pre des rlptlitn i twulww and lliawluilivt iluk of tlm i lr i- the ml wib allnmplluk to rrprkloo 1 ijhniliun entire lu till without a uinpc lltur i he ninl uf iimm imerial lolio par- t t 1 i no ho and la imiiuif issue 1 in iiu io pala racil al tlio pi it n t i hi i- jjiarl ll ill ooulalii vor jthhi ll illu trail hi ihe ilanuroft iiiiibii ml turium llulltiliik hi ill tl publthr aufc imihuvtb i t yoarr it hi ucld ol ille and rr vat aiumiul if valnnhlp ul nil t4hullu ft m ullawll lul luuu 1 alnwlwia and of eihisil van i llat iii i lliletubl ailk ru b n t inu i f 111 ftuill lie i rwpwlu fo lb r linn of li fonrtrrn asrial lnrir a wealth i hurl lone bkxllr huiioinl- h i h mil in than 1- f iho illcbet la rce to jiiur llat dalo ll illiiblrlml tl ulk olds vgughs quickly yield to diplomas j certificates photographs pictures ttamod ul very low piicm rtliuea irom 20c oticli coruicu poles v5c cuiu pldte artist material waters bros tho picture calory st cuorges sq cuelph main street planinc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor john cameron proprietor the oldest drug store in giielph wt have i sp nihil fvsoi tint nt ol lnlidi ind i mull ii til mlulh lvoi klllilx i inl molll jiiiijs il pints tu suit tlu turns r in perfume vvt i hi all- iln it idnil hit nth 1 tihbli and aim in an mtki is mlrotllcs and l tin oniu i sonlts hanmi- skins halh iowlls math mills and 1 oiltt retpiisiicb in ljictt anti oolh tu the huad naaal halm jives lu lunt relief speedily mrrw novrr uila st g smith co ctr vvyu uh am anu ihacdmiatcrsts ovrr uila k i gu15umi v liasc lots ol buounb in dress rood- our stuk lot tin i ill and wintii is now lompktt piles of htauliful ioimis oircct st it s and jiatterns cheap for cash henderson cfe co horsemen attention ll t 1 1 m hi a sett of harness robe fur coat blanket whip i i il in tin huisl lurnishiiil ink u t ml j h vcatthe ia a t mm it til slll lhls l i li nlil 11 un in lilt i tlesl mj i k i lilt ik1 tt 1- til iih m s llli it it ill i ktiljet tliil ivn iilllt inlii lltin li u t i 13 clown tu suit llit tunes ornamenthl llaiiiiod wen la beauty whan aslbbu is relieved by tho rilil pair of laasoa wo keep tbo laloat improvement in ira mo for ircolaole and eyrklaasoa as wall as the puroal kssb 1 ho ffreatost of oaro l eior clsed in tlttlux klasaoa lu tlio oyo sklllud uillulaii uuly bslu employod sav w il i r i i i i s i see that 8 h stands toi supfliiouty stability and supremacy also toi silkb satinb staplos and sunduat tntfl wise top satisfaction sine nty sagacity and selection and furthbrmoio tui snap sen oce uiq sybtem e mantles the hwtury uf tlm i lun why 1 rjtir puwilla bimuvvi uu plaaau prims to sntl mil poctath andtftytjti bull all tasloa a tyllsh iriab i noo jankcl heaver lrimme1 t an ullar f ur b 1 w lnb i neao atrachaii trimmed aw ullar it it lover loth attaoliau irimhiotl ae liar t m erv11uav htevor valracliao 1 rim iiiuid lirite llevere fur tl kid gloves il v in ihe trade in ktl uluvo- at tl flt and tl i our tl olnvo la u ubual tl j aud the wilier are in prupur dress goods all wool horrs al it ovnl hpooia value lu dress fields iltuvy uresa 1 weedsrr alut oiioli- at a lario aaaurtmeut y ihe nitlliu h druaa tuudi with trtnimlic- t iimi h overcoats about a duaeu man tlvcrcoal- el tj 0 alwut ltiloy ovuit- lef al 1 frleae i laltr hlurul ullar tweed i kl fir ti 7 iriecu imatrr i wed 1 uici in llrov i awn and itriiwu fur t alau at t ml till ri and tlj ih iii all abadea llluk imh 1 rioao al till ik kiwoial line uf aie walorpruol i oat at irom huuhlo hreaated kriece ulalers in unlsr al iii ix wool rxl but in order in lawn fley aud drown al til 7a hpeqlal bus canadian 1 wood hulls tu or dor al 1j jo til to t47 hootch tweed bulu to be oleared at 117 00 manufacturer s job haliai tweed worth 50c at 800 j d williamson dt co quulpn rtlk wanted 1 o winter pin md im iii intfoiio 1 iv nl i i 1 ill v i i 111 job pltlxtint i hull i miliar tlr ulod the t ht t1nl ih n i nxl rsl pries ami mi wantkd 1 ur fur ly aiiallun irowii silrurv rtlk a krniitr mf bfliiu t r n atiulalivna ii7i iviiiilui r so iiriblllu l i h nl r i nlinit territory anil liberal nu in i lint r pari muio nt wrtto n hrol llllc toronto out tin mill siirttn tsiinds hnnnit testtnir v vimums miisl w settlid vt ollh in hll all alrli uilh ir sruuiiuu al one ass itit1m its flour a feed roh fciale bmm ii half if i i nuiiiihii ibi i- mill m toullp f hrui i mil 1 lluiuii titliiiim iml bern uiiir il i hi uli i urni i 1 uhk1 lu ni lit 1111 mmt 0tlt iu it j n0t1ck i dissolution of parnership vol it 1 i inr lv kit ii dial tlio wrlunrbhl1 i lnn irnrnmiiliulh u huiir trln loll an all t r ulfchl of tl t lllafar of acln ibilii lv thu tlmmlfthlly uiitial imiaeiil 1 i l i llur lilohll u all llatllltle notick to debtors in the matter of the estate of john speioht son yillll iim1 all wli are liidobl thai liiinihmilii al l r by la- it i h mill ui in rlt r unit un claim of iho loir of un ul iibu hkluhl ins bn oat 1 all li art in 1 1 tu1 iii r to allli r bv note or ikmiu bccoii1 art thoirl ki nty llinir reac uili ul lu 1lruiortl ryuifliiu u iw ulntla l j ri l l hi rildmi- whim trsot a luu r lv r iul rl lih r llrtl tu hmi to at lou i tt uflli llrhl iu huu lllub lllt bbtll i i remt ckmm1 onthal rjho i ii i mil r nliil un tin mlniro ul i illiii un i klm lii ihu itilruul ul ttirnn nnrt n half iiillna of rnal i l i ilof lkuia i acton saw mills i dm ntl uuu1 yaltllh jhmes broinils t riiiii jn actosi- uvkry bis i ink rii un i ikltlimd rtakhiutill i tlmjialruii autitil llio oulolu aul li lu well equlfrpod and htyllsb hlga can a ways be soourod at lihatahllis a aoiiifiirtsl hi bus mnn aln hawasn u b hi ul id u ui carptul attviitltil vm iovoryorlbr john wiillvmi

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