Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1895, p. 3

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lz f vr x 1 i j v sank- of hamilton tjtte news at hfme iufxp orriow f jiamlltorj the col n try apound georgetown inwr itpmbtsupplfpd hy corrwu n lo clynm and imnuoniaanil gxohnnitqi board op directors- ohs htl aiit a uoisa proaldent k i riot li juiih iltntrrnh ltn himi n a i v a 11 urr iruruiiloi w jt iivrmi tl tc 111 11 iili it h titlvl agencies hoimllixi nun n bj iwsn hound purl kiliii inshaui brltlah correspondents iondon ilobl provincial hfhk f ruif end iitu r amorlouv oqrreopondonu von fourth ar nallnt i trust co ml national hank of illinois ami i iln national honk dkrlloll dntrult tallotial hank kaxsaacirv national hank ill ouilm in agonulrt jjonijoal- tli hank of toronto georgetown agency nolas lllmouildxl mill alvaliea i if lulu on null kills securities lolljlloni inmln unit jntlu ixiuglit u i aoli oneitacesaalblopalnuinraiiada tlnlho mtm aluajmitsda w i hngh hir oiiriniianfluii mi ikrul iihwiiiij of tlm no jumlt win n thtrrtntiira1l0m of tfn uli first nm and ol hi ill n aiihorlbffrin mil bn hold tii v m in u ni oluthii u nlikih dm jdbln shuol lluird will morn noil wd- iicda nt onuo uojk or ortm tli in ur lli hilirtr ui yitir tin if n 11 if flt hire acton i o i no hit ilttlu thu foil iwuig oiiiuhk lor irtj a i urn laxl rnmilar tnoaltiim in- tli j 1 i inii m j jet favorable li savings department darnell a ot 91 and upwards cihk vh interval allowed roui ilslo of 1 piu it to ion withdrawal hircul dhlomth also r eoaltod at current rsioa uf luterovi n si umnoktonr aoi geo hynds watchmaker and jcwtlur clocks from i oo upwards watches from s200 up tluf finest ttite of watrhrs clocks jeweller kogt rs knives spoons uul poiks spectacles in sttel n it k i and gold 1 rami s repairing in nut hue promptl dune 1 11 st lass work cheap ami icisou ililt wedding ami mnthd u presents gnc us a 1 all geo hyndsaaon out tuukbdw jvm ku 17 hi little local br1eflet which cauiiht the eyes or ears of froo proav report em thla week winlor n here in earnest now wood u cotniiitl ni rwsl jronii tb axcollenl aloih lift ha ritrn ml tera goo er ally kii enlivenod air thikgml uwmi llnhr ubulmkl by mr john u lou i a inturo m jooroalum thv urmt a ol l lit t ourtli division court will b iidij lioro to day jndga buidor prlntiti tall whoal ooi to ue an ujiul lendeuoy it told or ihi in tucijh ilim week lork briuft tlio annual mcelintl of actuii uotn oollurml aud aftrtcuhural bocioty will uj hold on wednesday auvruuou ilrd inal kt two o clock lu iho town lill tba hpwortti loajtuo o itio luiuk cburub viiusd the lajuo hereon iuoadu veillug the visit waatnijujed li ttialtxkl mamban and will bo rooipricalod at v una la lure data mr qeorge tucker i uui m i 1 elect wu found ktnly u lursdaj ml ouolpb of corrapt practice hi irnaiiiii votera kt tba election in weal wcllitiaii and l uow ouaeated a dofootivo quo in ilio louio ocouinful by mr william lwrman on willow utreat cmoafrd it a hro alarm lu bi xounjotf on tuoaday aftarnoon lln hro m axibikuubod with alihl dartiao prof wtu welb ilireiioloial v ill daliver leclnm in tba 1 own mall i n hnltir day and muoday ovouink lie i a kraju ala of the bow lor t wolu ibroiiolukk al liiatilulo n bluor oollthli in on sl it day evdtiu a flood thlun to hunk t ui il bettlnolnr of tbo year la to folio itie ub crijilion for your looal nr if on bave oot raoewed or tlio t ui e 1ninn ur inataooa make a memorandum bcur uu lay down thla paixsr to nciij a mat v t w mcoaw u rijfto -n- od iba bene til concert hero left lowu wilb a number of imiu miaeulixl he tiaa toovn w b wuuki uiul lionoaty a better joby lliaii tlio ut uo purauea krnincn litery libeein n 1 olbora abuuld ba toar 1c i in it u ralatloua with inm an lllaatraittkl itwtui will t- m oonoral lloolli a llarkol 1 nj i aoheme by u btolxiu of tbo hakalidi army aiaialod by tbn inxnl haniaihii urikado in llic mell idiat hurcli mi i day eoiilun i ver uni allrrin mniic l a jkiwerful hlarcilr uu ii iuvert ami alum life hi 1 juil in will ba aliown tlit uuili and milk urju wrly ia iopular atnubcuiunl in inm y ilacea ibua who make tuo iarly aw hi down uhiu i lie family lo lr uriribpl willi a li of ourii meal and a jujf uf uioliaia 1 in uukli la tot lu lull ll o liiolaawa ih luliiml lulu tally and abuiida nlly jmiiii 1 awea rbakd aiili iutd kud lb uh i catoii aluiim willi tip trili milk and r 1 vniam j malif kind wurda liavu ihiii aalii rr lotlti 1 uaa 11 lfclfn ul tin i i ihc i m ton an it r i h acton i uta ukib ui laauc 1 ironi dial oxoelunl aul well timnl i lllio ri neat oajendar fm 1u u la tcracrd with i wall caecutwt nbulo o the mhlor mr ii 1 moore ihu ri 1 irrrfa la nuted loi doldtt fluo wurk and lta uf il an llal die aatuiile befuia ua ia i u mrj riau unix i m i ituii- juiiiivt ur i si a urn cimib liniilalii 1 1 riwacfclialiuimr lm hir 1 h ullli li t itij mo ii ii w i i li i ilim r w in 1 1 it tin li i niiiiiiil man ittuljicndcat eurcalcth uurl ohm ilranuh no tlllw j o i acton i h chil ho luliowini olltccra lor tin ourrviu lorin i lr laa i la 1 ii ii c ii win uclliall i it n ailuui e 11 it b tl t it in k- i hjxli 111 lli hoc i tim n 1 air e chat j la lulnlwl hr wikkiwih 1 li iiaml jr uikiiloaril v i nik hr lla ua loliii mtiruilith jr ihudlu j i- i i i i llll iai1 ukkioi ii i liaclnii hurth sfnit nt interest mr gilbert luviaon of rnuity olleji toronto ulll comluct strmceii in ht albin iiixl hurfduy kv o w john htnn uf i rin trtachod m ilia melhodial i liurcli laal hundaj lvtiilitt in ilia abaliicv of lluv mr llowull aio wan pruachuits tlm anntvormrv rormnn nt oonmraby mr lolinalon la a viuini man o ability ant lirimiao m itorinun- wt u aula eihaitiiii uf iliu u rdn of lnl in solo man in 1 lvinia suqw ibyaulf a man lha value of truo manhojl uaa liiitreaatd ami yuiiiii mni nnrally uro cxliuitcd tj be munly men u i- ijfirc tttl ml n trinloi i it aiini nu miaan ii si j v hm t th auulalluu work ul ul aourulurilculron the 1 ominioii imiwii on nt for til to- mill- and minua blla 1 ll m iiil lihud kcllvod iii iiiilu praimi fur uxir uniform cacliiciimi fnmi hi iiindin ll n demtriimiiu iiuriat i a fmtlur ctnkt of ttiu uklinfncti ry chnra ir of the kocvib uilillcl vjtaa urtived by mmaru slorcy t sou laat wcrk when an uinuihi lied order came to hivid from llm ih iitrliiiriit of aiilltm km i if ni fw itkmi imiira of iiiu nil mllt llu irku ar ll nv uuj ii una order lthlr alall t suiriuiiil tiudjl llm wtuther miiida i j hi mttlliih of ihu haltin i arnieia liiatl tut hclil in iho i wn iuh mra oll at t n t i 1 h 1 ir i mr w frrtrt p aiba ret in 1 11 l in i in lu mil tliu 1 j h itu j jli i 11 i arlt in 1 liiuu 1 lujuu ix s it aulikll nuil luintnsht ird iiihh i u nut in allot i mm i ruuilncnl fai in to niu jjiutwut l diaoiiniioua uhu the turiiiun tojiira prrnunti 1 vcro i roe i unga cl in iho p ibi uilolum la a timing w f i noral uitiat ml hut hall mil il i a l lie th rn rrtvtic i idi a l trh lem of llm moult ol ii iajlt alloiillui tu llm nlatnmolil llu h the rounda of ttie proa thai the uae uf ilia private poal iard i y allmuj a one cent lamp lu an ordinal y lurd la i w leal in i an la lie teccivcil auili a card on jan en 1 foi which itc chared four ueuta lu wtolu mi mediately lu the 1 oat ollim luaitcttor w hu i ephed to lha oil out that tba iiiblruotiona retain lily to irda uf hritiah ori ao thai an ordinary ljinl 041 whlih only a uno cent stamp iu alhieil ualed in i atiada will be rated idler kalm and duubla ibu ddlliuui y uliarj all readers of ihu 1 ni i i who may liato buen niiii 1 by llm crotiooua ntalomoiit pru oualy i ubhalicil will ilcnaa lake not ice ot in utiuu jii in jrfijin on iliuraday and i riday janialy ii unj 1 ubruaty 1 tlio annual moeluix of llm unadlau 1 lua u ooiatiuu will be hell lit iho 1 arliainiil t uklln luronlu 1 bo ui lalioli will uien lla procu tllim at i i a ti 1 i nrailay and llm ihnl pari of lb lay will l devoted to urn reception of ol 1 iiiumbcr i ivc minute ad irenaos will iti ilulivtroj by n number of the plat proal dnla of iho aiaotialioii muludlny till ma kuucie littwell iu dr k 11 do wart j j craliba and other among trioso li will lulivur addraaoa arc 1 1 ii i luw 1 j hlopliduaon bat bam w h liu htratford j h wiliu l ui 1 a ll kitiril ui luck lu liin ciiiiiiiik baiiiiucl wll t hell a i lar oilmber apeakera uf i oliii n j ulali will aldrca llm hon iii l uhou wllh uo elctluu of iii m aul tbo ullrrj u a uimbi ut paper ub l of lularaal i lb i 1uxur li llit i- ur t wllal i t 1 i it i molt dlni i tiurili i ir utu in w nn lal il b many dulira of lua larjjt winnria u lahoa tin i jh ii the following kludf caeii a to tin lite jeaam itrown who a a in n i ii in i bin churub for lha 1 uu ih wn u kfoat aukerer and fur li hit iii auomud hauftlnti in a btlanro l 11 tmi all klm ourulawl uo re lent bio am tri btdnds higu loh hnl aht printing txiauliliil imr uoaulllahliaaa hrtat like bur ill nibl in i vlaltod iter duruh tbo paat an month a votf f rriuquuy altj uanr inai i imila murmur i aunwer lo auy bii rvatiihior pi ml l an kho would always m ji kn iw beaa 1 am rolu on linn a low houra bcture paapiu away nl mill kfi mo til rial la in i no and 1 am ii 1 1 i liu and hunday hchoul ettrybody i id joaam we alu11 misa hot iiiuit n ia her ui our lare minora cnfewbons convjcns iiikiii i in 11 ttioannunl tiir niit tut in oiiiiitiiiuii w it li tliu milhndlut hun f1j hi lion rjrtt wrt hnl i inst i rnlnry nijh in li ink awlmi mi i il uiul tlm rlmjhin vary do t llii uli nilaucii w an urii our gin win tnkuti in nt ibo door a u nil ini irainmo wan proboiitml 1 iil atldrtaai h hy tbuauvcrsl huvcieiid imlh nirn tli will taou i iirtcau luh u i tin v ion mithimllat hiuiday holiool orilnalra ura tlio attractions nf the muiiii mini c infills and mr n m 1 iiliiiii bciiiiiu1 tbomsdlvea admirably iiiimiil llm uninnn mr j a hit ir ul hajpy mra 1 1 tub- nl i or into i mnilui at mr w m rrtottinao jtlra john hrnnlt him l n iiuiih ill ahnii tlm dial i of lmf llii bind ihesliwia uldm of n mil itift tbo rpniiltncfl yxmin u monro burlington tirwii jan li llm wrrh of prujuf wis obaurvud last week hy lliu mulbhbat nod iroaly icruu burclua m union i ho metiugbwcro bwhl in lb mrttiniti and i l nnr mi s iiili rhu wire wrll atlmidu1 ibo tenth nn 11111 aim nil in nt lha nelson lnivnaliip hitbbulh hi bmil ahhoci ation will be held hi llln i rimtij t inn church on lhurla lira i7ili mal i lrro will be two vuidiix nno at 2 p m and llm other at 7 ml john mill r tlm p ai dout or tba haaocialmu and mr w 11 hub bljjillj hilary lasl sutida lliu aiiiiuat iluhlninr arr vi wrru hold til tin mellmh1 hurt li lluv k uehdira nu 1 kuv s kmm sort ul iu miltun wire llm pn ai burn ilif preaibnl l it hi rtuiiin an 1 tin iboir furnintiod v rul muai 11k lur li jjt wem larki llu indrimiiklnl orhr i ollhio k ilmir iiuiiutl ln pill ll v niii in ooiiikliou with iii iiiktullkti ii of the lowly clrrud ultlem ihu i tav nuoiwall of huiuu made ticolltt itlmllmh 111 ihln lo ahu and 0 in makm m i ml 1 1 hock wool 1 htt p- one h l otun un iti iuiiiii lonoli ol ltxkwoid alxmi noon htm limy were eampoww by ui atal ul tba luija lu cichanu lliuir jadid it let da for if nil i ilea aud ttieir uariolu for a hh aflcrwarda ihnrr ill be a will al ml til it ik hi ill k lav it 111 f it utid j n w ill 1 k m i liajtet 1 llir a o n koukwi od 1 v l foi ml pa nkol which bad ihii ila ml tribuio to the lata jivli i w liiplayad al tbe lmnli 111 tputlol that nu illmr pnriiianeiit panlor will uu upp lutid in tlm ouro if a week t a wn are now mi mi llm tht uirtlu of tbd aeaaon tin mulr hi in far haa been a nmirkaul llnu oiiu in u t tlio old ailllera nay ihul llio tine wu i i wtulhcr ban been without irajlul mr alison hmith ipfl for new tk l monday lie baa entered the inj lo f hoi tin tto iiiaiiulaclun i- i ul bnrij mrs hmiih will umam at it r hums a ew day i i i lla inn t a itel r a luw parol its be ro bho hor a later mi a itl mi j obi ii j k n wini lt ml s 1 lal ll 1 1 uullalo ml ul a h ill law days a t ll ie1 111 t ml a llii ihu llrill wei ltokwd xjmiuda uu uullda iajlt nrmuua waa a uoliodlijllmi in our hunday hahoul wlii hu was kf rally bcluvut imaa hrr in lh in nun whrra father nothrr brothers and alalrr ball a bur jio m re in thli life hut joaalo a nut lea i ahe liaa only chalttted garniimts and thu i what una ul uu oouily ooilem eapoqt lo twariea ia kind enough to ay 1 u jlbr orir fi i wh oompaullou for huo atl punting llm aotoo flu vutmt atauda hl a hood minpla la tbo caleudar recently laaued or ihuo it ia a orodll ui the olucc oakvillo mar tbeoualpb dally wr a mr 1 moure editor ol tbe a hun 1 nt i takm baa laauod a buaulilul caluudar fur lljuu it itllcuu cfodll uu ulu ulll ii t iba maiiuor in wbioll it is prlalod workmanship la ooal ud lasty a llral olaat ilkadom of tbo suitor aurmuuuts tlm oftlmtdar tolptbor with the annoimoeinoiit that tbo vnuu lmm only 1 wr year i apparently djj nut cuino very fr 1bro l i w b pm fjn tbo iiwb blmrdluilihuumniwailr i ll llirro la no ahadow or a hi al ttimpttpwlnctnutahmim 1 an jan u on 1 buraiay horn ittj an uuaii lbiful atluup w made hi lliu the lew i rtii urlliiu and kkathii llink ihuiarlyur partiua broaa a hkb in thu waiim ruuin and tbrvw a abuvelful i 1 hardwood luala un iba lluur but ll failed to nmte ihcrs weru several boloa bjrucd in lha floor coals could nut llvo lonr on that innar 1 tig ao tbe woo id be- hiatrtidhwy ml an 1 all- s m i il i- 1 l 11 m miaa a isl i i i 111 ibu niatiac 1 lor r 1 rt hear hir we bve a i tuiortatiuii in uur village 111 a ery uneiiv lable r pulaliou halt iplu hoforo a j 1 and tluid three lllima li on yar sow thla individual worked willi jamna hniuth the villain buloitjt and roumtly a haiienttl itrforo 1 y t ir u waa iiabar for una oo 1 uol 1 r li voue im publlahoa a lhillllii aloiy lo ihc efloi1 thai knonnh at hillma uut1 t a tw 1 rntn iubt- liuu auvb a lr in us neckjaud olherwiae diaos selatid when killed iieouub lui mil tits luu p and liui1 ll full ol multer aud au uu lhal hobt wrber olftinlp b iiad umxhl thla animal and on liudiiik tli in i ondltlilll ll waa iu had relused lo lake 1 away lie a la led urlhar that be llaa alao ilude proof lhal two youoy men lu iii hero saw wiiiijna toib jan hav it ijuft of clrorilowu proachud in llio conroalion tttc hm b morn atuluiuiiiil ttmi bmnor hroiland will 110 an outor tninmcnlin iho to a n lloltvirojvhnwn irlday im atlh isltnt hi jtutlivon mcdonsbl tliu jroat kotthh nliitir ilorly ahxaudir ubrtmpioii boy dancer of 111 ills lhiifi miiiiio piiwr ihui uikblalid cm 1 ii citnpboll of ml forest ham pinn daiiuur at ilia world s 1 air ilio animal inielink of ihc 1 atieniiif alrilitlliirnl hocicty vrrm held in the lnn ball last 1 biirndity afternoon i he olliccr of orion lodo no 101 won luatalled on monday avonbig jan lllli t hro ico hillmor ofiokvlltf i i u m au oystrr supper ooncludo1 tbo proccudiiiin knatchbull ii ihi o i j lb jan hun iliininmm itn riiit on halur laat mrs coijb boiln uf nnnaauawoa colebraled 110 ona buiidredtb annlvarshry of hor birtb tlio centennial birthday cake was rtido by hor gran i children ami niiiabod by mr bla i ham of vuiou and was otic of ibo linos t that could bo imaglaod oakrono huiidrod per ao us called to boo the old lady and con coming and going i vlitfwra to and from acton una vnrlpubothgrporbortnl notoit gralulato iirr 011 tlia k age wbicb 7111 had attained and to wlah licr continued striuulh and health itova a blair of hudom sol 1 tmy of 1 honexer ware ltiestn and a they ulkoil with ber aboul her trust in tbo i ird ibey tecejved tbe nuawvr that her faith and trosl were sure and ateadfaat mm god firumnull had the misfurtuue to fall tbo other day and iractnro bur leg john i rank who was skidding luge for titer saycrs hail tlio mmfortuno to slip liclwren somu of llm iolb tlm oiler day breaking bla lr i bo fraclure is a bad one lobn mid it lla ivltchiiil of kahaaia nn and mian ida hilchlug u orwtiln will mr and mfh t ii anderson leave lo lay on a vmil lo r lal unit and frinndn in huiordinu ami liliiul milton u m h th jan ihvlamn oui i i r irdy itiapculor i- u inulml t itio imnd ol llin imill in hi war i u 01 joyable atmiisl wi in id i kimi t until jik1 iki1 luraday u one f tlm crui k ahola of the jolh 1 kin- kitli itr it i ontliam wboau buliio is iiovl in wiarhhi i mu i wj an nccoud hriitmaul in the 3jud ilatt and la now al i ondoli lakitik a course hi tbq kynl hbool of lnfuitry there a kin i ten mrtiiig will l held al tlm 1 iely leriau huroti itiali ouluoaday jin j j a 1 j roirumme is ire j irnd 1 be bull in liiiiiiiillve ol ittacn burub haw acrptfld the innder uf iho tilomau 1 latum mill i umber x 1 id uf bur illicit i lor lhr proponr i now alone church 01 ilir nilr ll i 11 rami one whluh will u rirnomid i natda the rear uf thu churuh pro edy nl uliliiir an n hunday school room llu iicm- chiinh uill aeat uk popj an 1 1i coat ekclmivouf the aoat hit si 11 lhr arijiilrcl mr tlbsou uf toronto iitt nupvrintenol tbn bqihltok iimratioiib winch the contractors under take lo c im lulu by 1st i tuber nil i bhin l t i ul he of llu i lu tj li im hotui la 11 i ii bviii uu iluil lu tlu hamilton any lum for live or ill wfihi mltll an altiik if inalancboly canned b ba i health bill la now reoovorcd 1 im atiniveraaiy acrices in lire imou hurili at oultlkliy laat buuday aud moudav wuiu iiio- audluaahil luv j i lluell m ulun preauliod a tury able arriiiou on huaday oveuln lo a large an ltoncn nic a number uf dcnumiiia li inabriou rcprcaenlmt on monday even 111 the tea meeting brought uul an audienco whnli crowded llm church ibo ladles e ioo i it dlhemnelvva lu tmtreioellont toaand iho programme waa leugtby and interest nii so lens than novuu of iho ntno aok om tnviti i were prcaenl ai4 spoke in iho following order itova j j klllutt h a t w johnston or strongman w hal lah mr ii i moorr hoi a b llaluea aud j i howell m a mra w 11 bmire ilmiitioiiini ol bingivillo iad a on mbcr ol nolo iioiib which were enjoyed by iho ll hruui llm llluaui furnlahod by iho llu of itio melhoillat churih alnli wan ihu fualure of the avaulug iho nilluiiia iinrtotlva and malodlea wero of a vii i iiiietlui charaltor and won the i llu mt hrthod i m i 1 ptobiloj wilt ability undkai 1 he otletiuks of hunday sod the procieda of llm tea nmolinit wore su ikirut i i ll iidat llm ramaiuipk ludobled ie ii bnab i h ke1 ibe iiiiih ulrnllj imneflplll rttrrtw antl wen iitia dud with uaunmlil ailit bul uow that ii 1 goner ally ku iwu that h tup of i l well itiformcil people will nut buy other lamtlvoa which aal fur a tlwa but ulall this animal ruiiniuu uu tin run i noma lima previously and remarked this iniiiimiw himor nuw i aaw mr toft to mlil and no man will dispute bla wont lie say a his auimal nuvcr ri gn the road had uo lutup on lu ilkva and his brollior aud mr havbdr will ootroborate the fapt tht mr it a r ber sid not purchase it and then leavo 11 on his bauds koouxh says there waa nu lump uu tbo neck of tlio animal nor waa ii otherwise dlaeawd and that tbo atones of tbia youth are simply fabrications- lha younu men who aaw tbe animal with ibo tumor uu its neck runum- un iho road saw ona wt let wo can dud for them still alive tartly fur kaouih s baueut whoia injur od au alao to proluol the kramuaa hoar 1 uf health torn the imputation ul uileel in tins case 1 am writing una atld lu ians log may add that kuough u tbo tml butubei wo have bad bam in reoeul years and fulfils tba law to tint autlia aatiafouiton of the lioard 1 am v ours truly ihshm uwyjm urtu torontn ontortii as well as ever- after taking hooiiu sarsaparilla curud of o sorlouo disease tlm hukn piikjo luvflos all lis roarlojt to amy irllmiu to lids column if you or your rtonla i anilib sway on a hollilay trip or if vou have ri tula ilaltlitu jou drop a card to the i iirh i ltll a mrs lrr a 11 cooko returned lo gliiosgo on mondsy mr w munabu uild friends in roronto ovor hunday mr arch mcnahb vinilnd frionds in uuorgnlown last wook mr it j ournny viailod friends in ouoljib during tbo wouk mr stii mr n fr monro viaited rola tivoa in urln lost ock miss lixie mooro of iimohoun visitud friends bore ovor hunday mri rod tanums uf toronto vunled friends iu towij laat week llov g cook man of tort dover hpent a w this week mra laroy and son of itollon was tbo goujt of otou frlunrta during the week m kfod booord left for juhnstowdn on tuesday to commence bia seasons warbi mra john osman of toronto baa bwn the gnoat al mrs lliomae 1 uoofe tub psat week miss marlstl of waloiford baa boon a guoal at thj homo of mr alei hooord tbo paat week or ao mr and mrs t c msddook cntaruitiod a company of young people from uuolph on thursday night miss auguata cook and master john have risumttd their studies al toronto and tort motc reaped l vol y mr warren tollard who waa ai bis homo in lorouto duriug the holidays re turned to bis dutloa here last week mr john uuhb who was a guest al the mo of trinoipal moore for a mouth ur ro rot ur tied to aurora last frlday mr orurge a llemstrccl of miltun was in town a couple of days ihis week aaslst ing to itialall his brother mr a i horn atrect in busmcas boro mr winter who haa boon inlelv aaaocl ated with l moyor oeutll of it will cartllnilo thu jirsollse uf bin prufenaioti with or u ilkiuaou of ihia lowu mr ana u a riiiiilh led u mouly itntrtilnj fur new 1 irk where tie has necur d a siiualitiu with licinu iti i o llu was with linn linn fur b liinu al bt tatl mn llm homo of myor holm a of lha a t ro 1 1 ii ton hat boon nno of sorrow llu past week after eight days of lutuiis suflonug ll aster hobble ibo h year oh son pasnod away on woduosday evunlu as a result uf bloid poisouing lie was bright promiblril boy and a favurlle wit bis c npani mr wm met ramy uf uuiu u i x m t or halloo utility mado a ilyiuk litto a itn yaiitds many of his of kksliiik i k wr mj raney is nijciin liettor health iliau lor some tune paat uo will ruluru abortly tu the pacific tbe following iootrcript oonclmlcd a prl vato letter from mr isn lawson o hoy oiuir wyutnllig to tlio editor received oil mouday oh say 1 nearly forgot hob waa married on wcduedsy jiilh liem bar lu mibb sarah oordun uf this ully oaiiathe uity ouo thai a left uf all the family uli well lie a older and pcrhai a wiser hie be lo al u iil iil ptt 1 liutl i 11- u1 i sir hi mn iiisrll p i w lliu in i t r l wiij lurli hint llhi i jill ittvbta opi l n i itrui i iiilhwo- lll tnklthh misi atitrllwl lu hi iap ra 1 d i i i l hy u thitllt i found hoods sarsapanlla cures hl uu i 1 t p ho 1 t hittjtf i ht if i i i 1 u i i iki i i u dial l onili t ti ul i it lunitili iml g il 1 i il niiitndrruciriilyel t i ull 1 1 all innjlil- oulesla will be eollpnod 1 y 11 bunlniss stirred into lifo by tbo i imurs i oh cler7a tl fu s ji we d no ii leu p extra tvcrtiluk nuunoctneiita wi will i akn i ow pkioto i i ustouiers iii 1 ouaial uu smplus wlnlol kwili jacket nil lit lamal ovet j aeasonn tut tuod new alyhk o i i i buy sow mantles rum ua heap i ton i buy anybody s uld ntooh jia w iao i- an tr i ur ja kt r ur iliarh i ut mull 1 ur boa a 1 ur i apa we bohl bift cloailny luta al a bargain bul over bought mid waul to unload wo want to hl wt la uhi many mans slid llujs ovatlihta wo are willing ui t rid uf i hem change ihrm into munny assurlcd hi 1 rieo ileavor 1 ma wursted nd fancy ovorooats for men and hoy a llh we have too many tjoods of all kinds but wo havon l apace to onumersto oiiio oapociing llargaius and i tollable goods thai will not disappoint you knowledge bringtrcamfnrt hn impmyomanb and tfliitu to pvianiial eiipiymcnb wlien rightly vml tlio mnny wjio ut bof tor lbaii ui liorsjuid on joy ufa tnoro wil jjdj a by irniro prnrnptlj ailnpcing tho worlds boat prmucta to tbo nm la of physical being win ttanf tlio vnluo to itonlth of thrj pnro lupnl tnsnlno principloa ombroctkl in tho rutin dy rj nip of figs i lis oxaoibmoa is duo to its presenting in tbo form nmat accmtiiv and pica antrto tho tasto tbs roiroahing anrl truly ixniuficiij pmpflrtios of m perfect lav atnoj oftoctitally clnnnsing tbo systrin diajkjlling col la hcmlnclioa and fomra mid pi ruiaiiontly oiirmg ooitaliimtion it hits glvon sntiafantinii to millions wid wfc witk4 el tins n prufuaimi borntmo it acts on tiro kid uoja lnur an i hum wilhont wt al oiling tliom ami it is ih i in t ly froo from fury ohji ctuil uhloaillintjiiica 6j nip uf fib in fur salo by all drug giss in 7 bolt lis but it is nmnu fncturid by tlio cnlriri i pig sjrup co only n imso tinsuo m printed on e cry pookngn alao tho njiini byrnp of pigs snd bontg well informtxl you will n aooopl any aiibatitute if tftored weak lungs lnmilil le lulu leil 111 lll uul ih sllnl ltof ah at ifrc mil t stork j v kamnawin clearing immense clearing ocbxe for thirty days of winter goods during our first three months of lumrss m acton we have had u very satisfactorj trade hut owing to our limited store sjjucc we must clear out our entirl winter stock to make room for spring doods note this i3 not a sale from choice but from necessity as we must have the sjaqe look at thli list oiiricrs cotton apoola ia per dux tins lo per paper honey crnnb toweling 4 yd all wool grey mannel worth joo for u l anoy jlc for 15 canton flannel worth ho or 5c s 1lannelottea st a k 010 and uo cotlonadesat 14 and 15 worth 10 a 20 canadian tweeds at 25c worth 3oc double fold herge drees good a all wool jio worth tor jacipibid ilrocadon worth 17 for th tworfd pcoaa goods at ill and i m worth th and o all lineaof drota otu are reduced 21 to io ier cent w lilk shmere gloves at lo worth 21 hibbed cosh more hose at jio cheap at ao kvrry lady should fee oar kid oloves hoys knitted top shirts at 37 worth so men s ti msimeletle top blurts j vvc havt ut deep intti the prx e of i ruler wear our former fine fity ita been ruavcd still finer in both ladies anclmens cixd clothing uuths ijj s and mens suits and over i uits ht t been cut iwi down in puce hdv two piece suits we sian it i y ovt rt outings j 2t mt ll s y sun- i y 50 shoe dephrtm6nt vvc have put the knife into this dept deep lvlr3 perbon should sec oui shoes and be com meed of the alue we are offering l lie lube 1 c 113 tiling we atltt hlblou tail i i u in ti 1 motto cabh or trade and one price and that the lowest l mmdocks produce ttkeli cash investigate g b ryan cos carpet and house furnishing sale which started sat jan 5th olli hilallba lb llcclltliy uui ol jlk la licbh and clean aritslo lu tloai ul at tliti o d ut thtt boaui vl 0 ll r0 ll 11 will uul u uu ti uul ti 1 1 l uu tlt n en dullurri thuu liy ptirtliadlti noint ol 1 1 1 i 1 bultiorth muluurk all our gihmlrt in ilain htireh wa uv i mil i w 1 111 a u 11 11 ui ll ih u olear tut irom tin- mliuil prli not froni u hult ui li ua o w ul koilvlu jll in llu j nl wt tin k tlol nuilitti will ni iiil nim i u ih j ll tlu killi l lllrtt wlllll vtj nlt lllu uk uiul uli illli vltlu uli liltililt til 111 u it lilt i ritu 1 u4 full luih 111 iht luturi uuil tioul un nciorilliijl 1 in lu ltll h ualumlil u 1 liii lttiiitiiitim tli 11 mm il 1 lu i 11 hoiibo in gnelph c iri kymti o t j cuklph atth6 rlghthoust mlaanal4sluieut rurea duinwr ihnradai jan ird isle e r bollert a co at snd 37 wyndblin stioel uueltu oht special january sale thfee b bargains 1 i bhrch1h a manufaoturnl slock uf liuea li a i u ll udorwaar bought at a itte dluooui 1 irum regular prtoaa which 1 n ji us to sell thla newly mado utiderwoar at lass man manufacturer a pnoes iba whtta oot too usod iu tbls underwear 1 uf ic lilaltly and will give aatlafkotory wear good oiling shapes and thoroughly well mosde up wo will sell aa follows oora overs ljo eaoh two ur ju lie each worth hlo joo eaob worth oou so each worth ftuo nitil urowaes rfbo worth 7f bhc wurtli ji 71o worth 1 1 uu 7o worth ii uu hoo worth tl 13 ii uu worlh 1135 drawers j60 worth 3mi 30c wort i0o im worth hc houilsea jjo worth tuo ioo worth 1o0 5io worth mo llu worth uuo 6tto worth 7uc whl 1 mhroldorod hlrm 23o worth ma 11 iw worth tl u also many other batlar iuallua in each of these lluaa hvory lady abou aoo tbaae underwear bargains tbav are remarkably obeap and are vary much lower in pneo tbau you cau posaibly buy tbe ooth and om broidery sod malt tbara sp iso 2 brrcrin p chhnc6 seldom off6red a a lock of nearly 1100 piaoea of priuta in uaw spring pat tarn a boagbt at it dos not matter but s will sell you poo yai wide prints for ilo lleicular retail price of tbese prints is im and 17o per yard thsy krs shown in a vast variety of prat iksltarne also a lot ot new cretan one at ihjo rsulsr prioes loo also a flue ijuolity of ciintbaiiis in pretty stripes and obock will bo sold or llo r yard well koowu uraoda no 3 bhrck1n i whit vrutrof tbe loora white collon at loo par yard iwiht aoobor white coliooe st ldo per yard also a apsoisf wbib uitton our iride at bo per yard ksab of thsso collon st mooh lass than regulsr priests sod it will pay yoo to atsiuia lbsai iorty two inch 1illow cnttous si far lass than raaular prions only so pieoas to sell tbaso sooda sra circular woven tins lu ualit tod heavy in weight aud ore better and ulnar roods tbao ws usoally asll at mp per yard tba nrtfa pi tbe bargain itllow cot t ona 1 loo por yard iordbr db pr rtkbnt habaplaa aant lo any address on applies lion treikhl or eaprasa prepaid to you ilway slit on ou all pa re hues amauntlok to ti 00 or upwsrds ws rwooramsud our custunicra ootside tbe city lo yive tbl uksresl railwy u h v pltu of sbopplnk a trial tims snd mousy can bsrawvsd by it and wo kuarauloa to gtvs aauslaiotlon fllh uiui1t uouhl king al oast oornsr hugbson at uftiuutoit thomas watkiasrs

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