nous i irfirtntlat-pim-tirft- ritttumi in nmsaunmim on homlat y ft rtholl liltflut of a nt anpouoma ot tlioworttln dol n during tho wetou ttitt itilni searjcnt th fanl ilnll liter of w lorn it nmhiim nit uvmslt irl isryl lluuimiil wlfip hi nrv mr ohjc fatan tcc tress 1 lltlllst vy i i inn un 7 1hu notes andoomments it m lalled to hi ulnba i ii etnisenim day 1 ub llio ontario t pkijtiim will mt or th jaapaum o business on thursday rbrudry 1st i lie i lilted hlalealhbinei at iu aesslon i ruin j doiilod tu advertise or fthhjooo ihhiof bolide of many can be floated hinintim onervaltvra talk of proloatmk mr mivrt a election 1 tin boat local moll of llii part aro iippopl in i ho pro i est lalhi nl l i at ottawa point lo n early lliitmit i hi ovrriimuul appear in ijo making io preparation for a suasion -of- ohf pottra of hi parliament o in imrhliik nd cum tipprlant day linaii alp pur otlawi montrt card fro i hr lowuship of mono i pcrhnpa tin only municipality in hilarlo that baa elected an entirely im coum it this oar not a hiiikio member i laat year h ounoll lit t be found nl tlu ureuu tabid now ihu hawaiian ovetumimil la aormusly coiindeim lliu adtlabillly o putting lo death tho itoyaliaia who wore prominent iti tho nifiil revolution against th reppb lie queen lalloukalaul will bo banished tim quint fittih which win dulivered lucaday shows that motipil tho measure n t fl landlord aud tan iut bill wulili diioatahlishmout local option tlm abolition of plural tolini aud the amending of bo ovarii incut of iundun ij mr i i mil appoiulid by hir oner mowal to ortfue before the privy council tho appeal of llio outaiio government from tho recant decision of tho hoprnmi nurl with refer enco to tho powor of ihu provincial prlia tuonl tu jmtit prohibition i ho pcoplo in some parta of llallun are waking u atfalti i the advisability of pro hibllliik the sale of liitoilcallii llijoora nclaun township council ha pasei a by law to enact tho fxical option by law with in lu bound a and tho oople will voto upon the tpjerliou on monday the 1 itli of tho newfoundland provisional cabmol headed by ij j ureeno premier have re ik tied after belli in ofuco but little rtiore than a mouth it la ho third abinet the colony hah bad within a er hir william while way will form a ministry w ic ihlu nth jiplri for placaa in the abiuot lly an ordor of the man tor of chamber at toronto aix aldermen of 8l catharine muat within oiht daya ahow oauae why boy should not be deprived of omce thia year and hciiahned frum runiiinn nest it li aliened thut tile aldorriilii failtkl dur liih ihj4 to collect a certain iiiiu rnjtiireii to be rained lo irovliie for a aiiikluk fund a drag nlcli from w aaliiiiktiin iuiyi 1 here in no longer any doubt thal nekolia llnna are in prthireaa and about lomplntcd fur tbt aalo in sew 1 nrk of ftloo mm ixm three per ujnt tinrtv yeuri uiiula while lbs propectke iurchaera am new ork jiarlicu it in known that the itonda are eiptcled to tu dlbjxjtiedof to 1 ondon bonk era and ilial they will he paid for entirely mill forelki hld 1 lui coiiiilea of ducir wifr of the uilrd iarlol diiuic diid tiimtay nt niit mr mlvlii mclhorann wa killed ueur kt calllaiiiim by tallin nut of it tree t holiira fiaa broken out atvoniudtiunpla and mam la innii lhal mirlarn inaraiitinod memn moneraon fell 10 fool near hl iuhahna and broke liu nrlik laat i rltlay auooriltim to i lie latoat roportn l ij peoplo pinahoil by tho 1 urn dlaaalrr laat premier jroonway of maiilliibi i- anf forini iron- a evrro nlink uf rryaljwua in the head uucon a avcutio mellipdil church and wuelt hall were bumoj at london hat urday ul i lio number of tcraoiia drowned in tho i itw la omnia ly nuurd at three htimlrl and ihirly flwo the l4mluii unfnniijjmfety accuao llio hlreel uatlway hocioly of uninji boraca that are unfit to work john m jfurd ex treaairrer of land w eat ha a p loaded utility of atoallnu l700 from the municipality a dunpalch from aylmer out alol lhal ii vo new cbioaatiiftllpoa have brokoli til in malalndo avouuu in germany llio nuinur liat boncurr thai h6io meat in lin uaed in tho ciaitvrad moala acnt from a mono tirrwt major bmilli had burn npxjtntod nltun iio hrti boon y jean honlir fuirtia tliarl h 177 loipl litibeim hli dmirun oram h1 interineilntle miumi uuuer 181 i tliia hwackh 177 illa marpunald nntl allxirl jllmuton 17 j luui r clara 1 libl imi l laird and 1 rank muam 1xj m lbhne 17u mrltti pithhilili jutl it pterh lnrhrr who poiaonml her relalivea to roouver miaiiraiico liaa bean aeiitenccd to death tho chineau uiivoya aunt to japan lo negotiate for poaco have been aent home ttictr orodeiliata beintc fuuud imported linn ecil hhodea 1romlor uf ape colony wm on btiirtli vworn in s member of tho lmmirial privy uni ulepa will be taken at once lo rebuild tho queen- avonun molholut tiuroh at 1 ondon dualmyud by lire on halurday uiuhl mr ihoinaa j tidon j 1 fhualh domiultui indian until i died from dn in a doau of jwiaon iu mistake for it icitlo hecrotry carllalo riecta lhat the lulled blaua thia year will have a aurpl of twenty two million dollars inn toad o a i hu uaporl t ado lo ho ulim much uf prommo and will p ovo etlentlve in rehuvuit the nteu o dopr eaaio i whlcl haa o loutt uvor read the mil utr y in thia pro vine i lila may not bt roa hod at oniu hut durnik lie licit oa or o there atioul 1 u a male lai a prela iuu u valuea eajirtiially taken in c on lieu t in with the lt that tirncdldk ban fallen if o aharply diinnil the laat i wu y nam ihe domau1 for aiiailtaii hur hta hi 1 uu d la licrca luj auu whil av mtw iriura rmi vod ro low in ynpall y w the el poallluli tthjm n iih the lorynto rirmm i kktuuio whuther ua papera niitaldi of 1 ofuu dlly or erkl ae 1 ill to i ho wntir who u in any nenan lit fur ihi leapinaibillty npujr murk hua l taiu h rniiau to bu at ll condtaoiidiiih either in hi thoughts ur wortla about provincial uawapapm jua papara uf ouiaru ai4 uf all auada outalde the nitlea are improv lnt not an much in tone for their lono waa alwaya tjood onoiikh but in opacity for duly lly people who kuiw nothing of their uojbbora aometimoa aneur at the pioliiluulilii wlnih lio wuckly jiapera kive u the iniivauiuiil of uiiimpurtaiil indlvld ual man i aeliiom uuimportnnt lo him lf imiplo hitvo an imjkirlao whinh their f rn iidx rconuii ami the i oiuilry pre an of litilano l hat harjlni a palrlotli dm wlitni tt doeh it tiral to dignify the life of tho uxiiiuiiuitiih whih ii or i lularlo bu prolutbly a uitlur iterm of weekly pamira than any other uoiumon wuklth of ciul ait j in llio anglo riaaou worhl thfc bmpihk bavs goodbye mall and iil plro ai t1ii htad 1 oilny aa the daily ma 1 and til riplro 1 hp loruulu aiiiyrr yea tar day moruiiik maduthofollowiuicanuouuooaaent uood ii yo an artajyamatlon havluv been efloct ed between ilia hutjnr aud th torouto wiii both of ihoao jiaioraoeao publioatlou iu their proaent afaapa tu day aud a now papar to bo oallod ilia aiiy aitu ami ah jtr will maka ila aral appaarauca lo mor row i bar la ovary axbrauoa thai tho oew paper will faithfully maintain tt policy iu political maltara tulharto advo calod by ilia iv nwiiaporlom fit 1vruuui will now hv an opportunity lo oaru autl pay dividvutls to atiara holdatu a thloif impoaalbla ilia paat half johd yean dofeoit mary shrowabury died in alburn nl on halurday ajud 11 yean hho qamo from liijjuryj and aetllod in cobour over t j care ao near omenco on lliuraday infill 1 hon oter aeizcu an iron oker knockoi wm faulkner down and beat audrew 1 aulkner ftlnirm io death at huttou 1alla ijue mr william ilatea woa atruck by a train backing up fur water ami manled frihtfully dyiii iu about an hour hev i p hammond evan haa boon holding meqluifta iu chatham crowds attend the aervicea tioven tiun dred and ovar have prafuaaed cunvoraion about iwo bundrod delalca roproacut luk ontario ryouuj liberal aaaoclatloua bold a convention in toronto on lueeday and decided to form a provincial fader ir lioraoo lliol pom wo murdotwl m detroit on halurday morning lua brains be my hacked oat with a hatctiol iu the sanda of william ilruneaa an alleged par amour of hi wife tbo london b i reel hallway company hoi made a now offer lor an electric fran chlaa it embraces ohoap fare iflvmi tiokeu for i oeuta and workinnmon tlokola elyhl or lb uenta tho prinoea of waloa amvod in 1 oudoti i ueaday from uuaaia where alio haa boon iu oonataui alloudauca upon her aiater iho widow of the ar uf lluaaia she wm lven a very hearty weloomo pdlitioua prayintc for tho rcdreaa of the ttnetatioea of iho iloman athollca of man loba worn placed for lynaluro at the duora of lha varioua atholic ohurabe iu loroulo ou hutiday aud very largely ikiiod john williaroon hai been arrcitcl at lauanimue ohargod with louapiraoy to oomtmi bigamy tbia la the aauie matter with which mr dempster now bwbuuk judgmctit at urocavillo la coihicuiimi mr 1 l kilvert toll color of uutuma at hamilton haa none tc ottawa to lake the place of mr 1 j walter vho waa arrcaled the other day ou untrue of n u appruprtalliim inouey beloiikinu tu theduv ihe ltuvluulal llunlih 1epailmtiiil l tfoell nolinoii of tuore nmallpoa uoaea in the lowunbipol malatide i lm uolj ii la thxihbl that infection may have uroi bmuklil into the lhiality by a litiol llntt jkidlar aoine litie alnil i umikxl la ulitrul up vn dm ii ii u aoinethlii ioh lilln the buiia f a ohtid in a tire in the woods made by a the pupllo who yvnro nt tho hnd of tholr clnanun ilta u tu uuutl 1 1 1 tt t i u 1 1 poplin of arum puhll hi hu ilui k placi hht 1 nu vlth thn follimiuj i nil l mmi il hindi itnlll ijrrjiinn mi mmfffim nid m 4 imi l uih wm srawrt jill inhii monro j7 um aruoll lm hu w art ami i nmiu holima j7 hon til ua l4iny nnkliu 27 1 mali i ittr jtt lara ohtmn i markh m loachtr i m h mor 1 and ito uruk mclhma d j pi 11 nnelt lark id lllo 1 ul jtl john ilaur mi hoi l lllmrl and 1 a porryjnan 211 intern el hit ivtli aottm 1 nod mtnntr artlmrn 21it tu til nil rttlurc jl la ira pllcli 27 jtinlor lldijh war i k ii 7 luhn aftlior 217 1r il uihfs 211 i neph ilnifilifti i and 1ilt o moo r 117 marks pis iblr hill m hail toniiln r i imum ituddi h li 1711 maud immhiri ii int ruimlinui luo imattlirws irt watholi hl 1 tlih him uni pcirl hlowi uor pi 11 mjrlle vth hmtth 170 vf m i siih canadian phtbb asbolia i ion bth buci i jinil linportttirt nth held 1 hu thirty i llio indian priss a tho 1 arhamuut huildinun toronto las wboit waa a ro it hurcon auda couiilimou ouhmeratiou nf th u ii a fnatll pr ludilk f tho o th ford ihn medium bad i practical theme wt 1 ha reception of hi ilckuilzlo iliwel oomiuiou and nun douta and member ami added inter- i u illu itbllllllrt the rotunda of th of the aaotihoi were mada ty hir mckonie iowell hu 1 w lto4s mr ioldwin hiuith and n 1 liavin m 1 1 he electton f iioi lenullcl ful iowa a was a hupny event ii ihu proceudinijh ihurnday evemut in toard of irale lluild icccasful iu lliu history tbo principal ipcechca prealdool bhnnu tvuikl 1 irat vico ruldeut 1 h mrlerl rtiomaa lx will oruwall j h willirun lu n 1 hitman hlillird h mplioi ham and a 1 ndl alt messrs j mrkr wtodm a itellaiiy l uluhutruivn t hat il 1 fhai and who tlrjirrtty nti n t them mid reluruuik without tt a london lhuhlh buhnho ash ttit l m v oil 1 ou i ihe i nee n aveliua melhujlat t liurch waa burned tu llierouud halurday night together w the wesley hall 1 he lire is upjhied hi have itartetl from the furuaocs ilia pipu ortau was the uuul wuil uf toronto and wai valued at ii i inm1 lleiidoa the piiw ugmi twu jilii iwu class urifaus and a uuuibor of musical iu trumeiiti boloiikiuu tu lliti oiuhoatra waro dastrojod lholuaswill bo tukh will uraiioe totalling 2tl faj litthahy nbt ihu muat noteworthy feature in lir ii llj for obruary j id aud probably llm miial valuable and kouarall itilorealliif feature to bo fuuud iu ilia ourreill dumber of any of tho eilodloali is that vhlah has fur ila aubjoot iho dlaturbauoea lu urooklyu ihu re aro alx psee oiled with drawinujs o tho pariluipauts lu tho alrlko of tho forces uf law and order and of lha aoauea amid whioh tho dinioult iueitioqs at imuo wore put o the lost of amaraaut and of oharos and vollaya tbo drawinra aro worthy uf the utoot havlnn been mado by t do thnlalrup t dart walker h m ashe k w rfimblr w p hnder and others w im y i j m u ti i w hrouilllt f mi milton o halurday murium and arri btf rn macjlrats kouuoily and harbor ilur with milt ul albert 1 iiriier with n unit to do riov ou h hann lln w bu up for trial and alibi iiei lly hallo i walker mutuan a 1 wlu ie- nhwxi ihe slhh of me uillmm mel end a co lno take lo and now open to the publiu r hrank j harbor kvo o tiolliu lc imitorn kclorn li the jiuioh loual i bncl ou luonday ihri one dred k uf wot i 1 i in i uin and othtr ie f uumdnl were ixwi mi r 11 ri u u1 mrlhi wii the nlboue ol ac p riornc- laxsjvfpc linlnrouirnrrrtfisiltlddhnfoimontliti j27d upont in mufjionl trout- munt without avftll hur harlv doaoaflo lookoil for nn innvlt ihlo out irrmlth find utrunirth i ivo upon norttorotl i r tl siitil 1 i list full when tbo ivu an ncoounl uf thu miraculous aur nf mr v m 11lroin tlironli tho dhi of lr williamn pink pilu fur palo pvajile wn had lllilo idea thul wt wonl 1 bo tailed upon tu wnii ngi a caiu ovm morojatnaikablu um t n nfrrrud uhi tlinl of mrs luhn nni i whonn euro has boon tlf y tlin in littlu iue iiors or hi hi iho juir rcjiorlor waa mot at thu d b mra mmi nell whu thoo show fi i r noes o i ihuj miifturinn alio lui mi loraiio moved about very uprightly willi appsrontly all ihu cratitudu of a mii tiutiair imic n savud out of the dee pom alll olio mr m on i tit i avti lha following aooounl of im wifu miraculous dure i have buuu iu iht employ of iho c p it at 1 ironto junction for iomotimo in autiat labt ytnr aflr con llnotiiuiit mv wifo took a alt ill utid ivhil is commonly known as milk leu when i came homo irum i k 1 wart infurmod of thu fact and nt u momlnn called in thu family phyaiuiun 1 im limb swullod lo an uuormoiim nie i very moans knowti ntlupted to reduce the l fill am malum but without avail hihuihuk phyil laui worn called in hut all thu hntlh factum thny could lvu mg w4u thjjsf l ucjiiullkb vikcil duma ikut a tank wa rirtitl up it loi of rubbiir hoio altaibud lln sluclotl hnih mid it u watur allowed lo trickle down tllroiikh tho pipuik l rulluvu thu pain and reduco the lollimmnllon above ulu knee 1 ho lnf wm opmid nud pcrforauid a tube i liner tod frnm lint ililti lo thu audio with the iiiihi that it would carry oil ihe pus whrh uirmd lurlve luojj union iioillj i watched lha ciihu willi dopmr while iny wifu wan oualilu i i niovu herao f in bi i at ihu und of lhal pi splint a thu i idl i nplc i htt tile plj aiclaod h only hope was in ihu rciinml lo the hospital after a brief t she emphatically refllied lo hat if ho had to die uhu oiwmihot h r on a hi lifu l i ihu bj ml itat i atst lotim iho could not put hi r fix th l v iht v lt jh11 stlllctlol lr ahu 1 tl mr id whe miiicol i tout health but i to a living sktiloloi in thu live moiilhi i o all human iiiu tolue it was aimpl n so f waitllli the vyprnl t p to line litni 1 hnd 1 alu pe aualve them uf dr iplo n llus willi mi 1 ink i i til one day 1 cmc it and determine 1 us tw lha n from the iiinclion at ttus point mrs mi11 h ll alury of the mar vollou t mi an i c rrulti tiled what hor husband slnlod mtlmim he said after ulon a fo lu i u walkon crutchuii an 1 aftor their fulli uau i throw away my rulchos and am 1 mt all my own houswork ihu limb cnliruly healed up and the curds which iho lerrlblu ordeal had bean forced out uial sitliin and lo show h u pie thai i iuvd rcorud m lt wulil n tho potindn more i now weigh i nda i p it i 1 gimuiih tlo uo uf 1 illu aid mr moiuull marvelloiia that my wife a wan cummlcrtd j at by una wut lulful iiedmni tu heallli and stieu i the ciiihi mr monnoll is uiu 1 clerks at tint r lln to lell of the here are liumliuda ruth of his nutea ell t 1 11 ii lid 1 1 hoods cashed ottberlpalled sowfulo in tho nook bunches alt oono now a success i ron i clocks co i on i ii man i f 1 1 hint i cmiiuit inycnouch i ol ii fsirsipiirlllji i iirntni r 1 i i ir nl fr 1 hh n rotmi lu my n i inm r nr i in i di i ifui i mo an ioolanilwlun i eoin mi ii i 1 liko hood 1 hiirsupnrlllft tin ta wiwa lrno imncliea on m ncck no soro uiai i could secures tho slightest toufli when i had taken tllu or thin mcdilut hi bareness iind ml lie i iro i hud ntilshei tho second tin i h il i utlrtly dlsnpeared ucvscitc aiuim mirwiii maine 4t if ywthiltwiilti llttk kmwp ftaraaita u any other hoodu plllo lu hi j iiuilllu ai grand clearing sale 25 per cent i mii mi irlruuf all my fall i nl wintir ntcck con aialini of scotch irish tngliah and canadian tweed suitings beavor rvfolton tweed and nap overcoatings also a good assortment of pant- inera v in n bonnar mer fnior perryman a block rino loomwnitulkfiio iroen ohlce walkermcbeanico of toronto aullfciisorb lu mimiouti mc uo oe0rc610wn our great clearing sale is a great success because we are doing as we advertise bargains in all lines is still our motto for cash only if you have not been to see us yet call at once it will be to your interest silks lirt i uifje of colored silks in pongee china iongor nluiil icgular hg 40c weffcrafr jjcy utai u uhblks regatar price igr i- for st oo 1 00 for 7c hosiery l 1 iv wool hose regular price fje lii j jk i jiilju n sizes in proportion a sjhciit ladies llack ii u hum lut foi jot per pair i and napkins new imc of 1 able linens tr cheap a special in n ipkini loi i j- worth i fj lauea and emjjroliiox lets tih uiiut tt pntcs luie ldt we have a lart 1111 niul cliipobt of it oltcc lllecs aemidlill 1 1 1 it ml 1 i in 111 utork in 11 walk r mtlttui i i m llulllll w 1 m i i a i llhillr stock hwountinc io about 20 000 7ct k 1 mel 111 i fol vued by ii homed fl a oiled by 1 1 j jcupuh hiii jjjji tlsrlorlv old lal liuaid hrty rj- l h r lion fll on ll ifitl lur of it ii moi we the paalt lly hid iid 1 pl 11 i t mile rnoillj rejia ut cifllfcr enoe authorities lhal ho ui irlunid i this oireiilt for a hurt or ii iws t itiooidiuu ktcrlari v jailur so il will le ci 11 i r u ausplaa of hi i pw rlh i ua in thr methudll i aiail u xi mtt l u hurti nd npoko of the terehet a wll hij- rtattnttrmnttikvjrtitb fiympat ii 1 1 tie in tin hn the iokr to k p of measra walker molteau a i o turonlo who purahaaod tbe aloak ol umn wm molood a oo iorilosii at ou 00 3 u ou lha dollar haw taken oaalou and ropud tin alora walker mollaau a co do a larfa oash bminoai at m hpdin v toronto aud they jjjpii luliautfoo lu ig hlrtrtit rk uuniidaittl by lha botuaoa uui of 1 r ont 1 hi ally to be am wn a lha keouaal byre 4a- j fj tbd pomiuiuo i uluurd alluiuiiut riire ruhlietr a tua inclik w tu il 1 tniwi last mnnduy v vilt- u ui t ho- i trio tloir i 1 x krods about t tlthl at ton itkmfcmuthbu ulou and surruuuditift uounlr y i u ill oe ho have oalarrh and desire to be uured llliuul risk o iubiiim their money we will olid a joruiiclde inhaler and medicine fur of thai dieae without asking a oout of pay lu advanoc altera tair tl lal lha patients own home and tlio roinody is fuuud to bo hoiiiiiiio 3 lit can be soot uo u pay for lha treat maul however should lha remedy uu prove eatiafaalory lu every way lha idhaler can be relumed si our aipeuso and uolous cout uood be paid could auylliiut be mora fair iuu have everything lu italu and nulhtti lo lose if iho remedy is not all olalui wo are lha losers uol you just think of brlith oure1 uf catajrh fur ts 00 application for tho rsmotly ou above liberal terms muat bn oladj witlilir ho days f the date of thia paper wrilo today lid thn small inldmi u rlfo and motlier tin i ii 1 1 ida 1 rb 11 to ih olr ihu pll lrn tlht inerl 1 lull i mm wlu hubert 1 oil ii vl 1 it 1 1m big discount flu- httilt i tli- hour vtliiii tinlu illllt n i11m u k n ullilu- u i 111 uk iltiu n lli 1 1 tin moi k iiml mi nihiitlio iiiuriiimlt tin lout- ol tl maui th iloiitu u n lli m i hi 1 hi thioiig im 1nn in pour in horn nil iuil tun v 1 lul ih ptxipk ui in hi i u 11 mm 1 1 ii crowd w 7vc 7t o x m 1 is i m fc houst 1 in 1 in tl t w im tn 1 11 ij t ilr ml um mi mnli 1 1 1 i1 1 htl11 an i hiilj mil i i tlniil i i ii ithuutt i i ml ii h in i tl vcti nt i it n 1 1 i- il l 1 1 uc im a la ml lulullu l lui u uhill mi n s ill il flliikl in is nli 1 ti he ull hhccln oll lul 1 1 1 iih- to shlllh vortll 1 o foi ijtjc lls ul mi blight sugu lor 1 00 3 lls ul mnulau il sugu for i oo i ik l bll um jewelleiy speotaclos silverwqi a fancy gooclb 3- 5 tn of uq alno jopalilrin of lino complicated walch03 oo lo byion imcfjcil watrhuinkoi and jnwollor w h p htbi aljcritsrmfnls kaix wantkl pill utidirlimhl is jjeiarnl t n t 1 ii1i1i ea1l rh f r nil kltl 1 f h rlehverml at hi nan boil at t ii stall 11 aetoli johs k couu jliier tcinlcfs imh- carclaktm pl mlkllb lll ih rl 11j to not 11 nt 1 trlriv llli llrurt lir ih inii o rart taker of lle ti w i rub f rlall bltrcl tltltlea in 1 mi n i miidai ihll lnl wanted- ioi tl nl trat1llii hsl niru to handle j our llrly aunllat rein suraury block notirk to ukihtokh in tho matter or margaret qoorg- ina darno trading under name of durno co acton nl hill jr aid luaoli t nll h auliu rcuard only u hall have bvati uivdii atlllu will 11 il ihi mmhi for iho aaauu or im 1rt lit to aim iwirmin or pursuit il wlirm ill li ir rial ho ahall not vv ii altdlih moitdj vik sale jh valuahlhlot in acton r o n f s hi 11 llli ar on of 1 tho m 111 be ly tmlllsiu it mtrnot aue ln lnj tl jiil its m 1 imlr 1 n lui ii r iai i ill ei loii n rl 1 toil lilt iut am 1 irh 11 ii 1t ll i 0 a to uvtlla u lui ir ei nl a in inrcl 1 ul ale k ts lala 1 utors anil ui 11 j ucsi erk aluii rtr u kill m 1in v u ikas uuol 1 irieiiderson 6c go rcton come with the crowd un i icuia uiiu 1 ll iii i iuii i i i i tllortt dupartm mr w a millnr o ii ii n nil i u ill ii nn i ou kikiu n i n i ii i nil i in h i iiml in lliiliiii ii mil u y ii iiuih n in i ii v 11 in of all ihe i 1 i i i 1 lilhur 1 i hi i i i ul i mill till a straight tip your port elgin nursery flout northern grpwn treoa whyp uooauae i hey are hardier becauao lhoy have raoro vitality boaumlhalr suporlortty la acknowlodg od by practical rruitgroaar baoauao ihoy are northorn ijrowii and not only so called in catalogue uk vllalll of lliat er on ll kh1 eater il jularlu u itrl iimhiiik cr n in no can iirow in thu ii a treea tn th llc to aland tlio i aril rirali apt uiwiiih riill mine make a r ai i hnior knmli j h w13ner ftopriutor pt elgin his ll l 11 h si don i i actou hi i i ii lnit ai1 riu ltilo tn r t and ov i b i- n nil j 11 hi illt it buy at suit the li01m hmi u ison ilmiit it wi jjivi u a pointer t woy ou wcidivnda li lull by thu hev 1 amv harle iluebnl f uuuaumtlu n vv 1 miss hntrletl i aaturbrouk dauijhter of let 1 sletiir ih ul n abbmifuweya i lie bride tvaa ilij ll ul by her siier 1 lua thilu jaiiua 11 i band brulbor ot hie brido acltl a k man ihe little was ihu loopifliil of many useful aud cually itfaoul wo wih them a11 ihe joy of wmldud blu mr wm auow of nsjwoyr4 had the misfortune lu lose one f bis nothing horse on huuday jan j7it it ltjmcd w ou tho me and lrku la le i that 11 had to be kilted ll ur deborah 1 selcrhiooh of leamllji l illv is viaitlmt ruuvosand friend in naaaaa li soolll boots and shoos dry goods tti i u iniulu in io anil huh ii n i l luiw mrs jwlah cit drill u is iu frionda ui naasidavvvya ui ami mrs wauou of nelson pel jk few doyi with frionda in nmwimii this weak j aulas moure ot walkwrlun uamo lo ultonl liia slater in laws funeral un iriday ual walker mcbean c0 georgeiown toronto r you watlt ural claaa caulrkaaahaml doom at tlunlph prtica t knnitll cm wuntrd ijuluiit i urieilaiiiltiir j d williamson a co oiii cilm iltl horsmen attention nil m i i a sett of harness robe fyr coat blanket whip iiiylhmn in the liorse- furiushiiii line it will paj even sharp eyes i ii 1 iii 111 1 ii llll ii ill 1 1 1 ll iii ll 1 ul is ior l st 1 lull id 1 1 iiiiu to ilu i in i nine t i sfx j h matthews hi- lias jwjji a lirkc stock ol single uul uoublc ilarncbb made of the bem stock in the latest iylc- largebt btoukuf liluiketi jucl kobeb that cer came into acton prices away down tosuit tho times savage co ulph