Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1895, p. 3

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u lsamk orami had iibad orriob iiaulttoh ntrfririitir nxj ikikttvh kill wcnofiu board of directors- ohmhtiaht a itlitttat r lnaitniil icott inn lilln ilnwron din hum n a t w i a ll i kr itoronlo i ulllaul l i tliimu iulastilnr hh hthi-hi- ai oiiior ii u watson ijibiimuft agencies ha in 1 1 ion iluriuii hlia hsal i ml alluloit llarlln cltcaloy lintolowii uriiiialit utnw i luck now mtftimi uourit forest oraiicrvlllu wen bonn i i urt i iliii huiilm- tunnl i wlngtikiii british corrooi ondonto wtlhh national fmvtnrtat llaub wl kutf f- amorloon tjorrenpon4 saw york f fourth lfuant tank a hanover hul joel hank iioanrilnurnsti ml trmtoo llifrraio4lertii liao uirrheuonalueuk of commorco agencu in montreal tim llauk of toronto qeottqetown aoenoy notes il lamented ami ail nice sflsss iwtehf hrftm wtuiia aiut savings departmoqt d i wail or fl fetl iipwanla recnivwl aui lalarasl allow front ilalo of duu to data o withdrawal hikcial dmositb also iseelveq at currant rates o luterest n 11 iimnqrtonf aflent spectacles and eye glasses nastooltn in quid silver nioklo wo can mil you we oerry the lerteet alodk we repair hpealaclc and tfuxratiteo all our work t school ilooks rnvelopes t rpen iads account hooka wall iapor window bhsdts curtain rules all prices iive ao a call head guartrts for wedding and ilirthiey 1nwnu ozo hynd8aotoiiont ffilji uton jxtt rrss thursday r bbhl alii 31 ibjl little local bmeplet council maeling nut monday evening several t mcc lt km subscriber ere paid up to 1hi sunday school wcrkers acton woi coma oa cordially tha now protbylerien church will le opened an i dedicated uext sunday tus cocaaaioa line in mauy place ara badly oat ap with patch holm the county honda y school coaveii tloa opens this morning al 10 so o clock tha loa harvasteni an boxy bplendid crystal loa twsaty aevon inche thick baa bant earnersd una weak sand your children to the sunday school uase meeting in the town hall at 3 o clock to- morrow afternoon doee the data of your ubcriition read nasi the present mouth t if not tuodly renew and save dlaooutmuanoe guarlea campbell corwbin ban beeu worn id before ilia honor jodfle chad wick a a county cooalable fur welling loo she aaked no iuealioue yat hia atale wbao be returned ahe wall did know fur eoolb ahe did investigate bta footpriuta iu the morning attow tbey wabbled the baled land in rraara from laioa in flallon count takee place at the ourl uouae uiltou on taeaday kith april at ooe o clock autoii baa but an lota ihua to arrearv light youog men of ijreedbii ooulribul ed lfl to the flnanoea of that town laat week for violation of the u juor law in buy log drink on sunday the proprietor of the hotel waa alao fined the firm of sale marlau oak villa baa diaeolved pertnereblu tile buainea will be removed to toronto aud a oenaider able dumber of tan n era and bag makera reetdlns there throw o out of employmont the atock of duruo a co waa bo tig lit by meai t t o t t btrtt uaeweek at a3 cent a on the dollar ihia enterprising qrm baa added 5000 worth of new ktaple and fancy dry gooda and in ihia tseue announce i ho whole to be aolii at ban kr apt prioee ad teemed anbacriber at a diatauoe wboee aubacriptioo expired aod in cam pluuroc with our oaab in advance ajalom wboae jtaper waa accordingly atoptcd wrila 1 nicloeo 1 ou tor another year i niuel have the tin intnn 1 be weekly now a from aolou la worth to mo lr more than it ooata me tib tatemniit of ttm tiao ourn pondeut of a ueigbbortng t lu lu rflocl thai tba remalua ul tha late mra john watauu were interred in the 1utte a lield iu fairview emotery n kioorreal the i u torment wm made m i ho alugle plot eeliou of the cotnolery where the priae iaid for plota la bigber or loot ibau for the beat family plole it la due tu the irienda of tha deceased that ihia act bo lcrmoamlm miaa wauou ul 1 or u i ini frieoda in town mr s coie ofrreeltou apail monday with acton frienda miaa harriet iriu of juolph iiud frteoda ben laat week aiunuillor wrlkgleaworlh of alnvt- waa iu lawn on tuesday alt aud mra vv d 1 riok are ifoeeta al tbabdmeofur 11 libbooa ura 1 1 m uacerdtpent reveral daya during the week with uuelpb rionda ura hubert muoie and datigbter uf huutavtlle arc vialllug frieuda in aolou air j af uoorr tnauauei clurgeluwu jientui a pent mouday with acton frienda ur i rrancia la allcnding tbe aeaalun of the craml lwdge a i v al torjnto una week mr and ura jno waldie tit loruuut have left uu a trlu to california and will bo away about nil week a a latter thla week from ur neleoa mar i in of vanoover li c aaye f am yoe are baviafl very call weather at noma the weather here ia very fine ieople are working in iboir garden a lrluliug flue iriutiiig nau art and whou ytj are having any priuliug done you mutul well have it well doue tbw t aajt laicaa jub midting departmaot doea work ul the ooeat quality anil pricee are alwaya reaaonable try ul with your neit orflor rt the news at home montly bf n local charctor arid every i torn irttorobtlnu commlins i tnhauaaainil wtiifch ndiiif bai been freely indulged in lit ru uiu laal week iho hillu in thu icln it bai lieen wufl jiilroiiinod by tlib cuaat in ibrough llio carolieiicbe of aoinu luro liam imcii tcvoral accukntk v marrkd imlj had one of hir lliumba injur tnl and ui of thu lada had tuo ur throo front tcelh knocked out iho fun tlr homovr continued unabated onfurio h huttilay hchimlr the eiilrl lucuil ot lite hmiday school vaatkiatluu of ontario at ft meel nit al toronto on monday decided tu engage afieruianuiitullloo in the uknniug who wae recently apfiuinted heovelary of the aaaociatiuu will liavo bcr office thera tina with llio ilmdii new journal the publication of which waa commerioed in january will vastly enchenow tbelntarafu uf lite aaiocialion the sunday bchoo worker joiieraly tbrouliout the rtroviucu will tlioutlh three medium he kept more complete in touch with tho grand work hukfg hccoropliahed by the esaociamon the fhnoof tramter lyirrrfrrrr of a iruatec to ftti ttio vacancy cauiwd b tho death of ltev g ii cooke- waa bald on saturday tbo interest mau if e tod waa not equal lo that of a mu nicipal election there btiug but 1w1 voten polled al the two polling place of theae the three candidate received the follow ing adam cook ao ii crindell 10 and ii bwackuamer rmk tho oaudidatea were all hkd luuu lutereated in the education of lb tr own children and well qualified to ifi ou the trualce itoard there waa coiiaequeutly conaulerable difflcnlly in con ctudipg for whom to vote mr swack hauler appear lo have been llio favorite frrm flatly f untt ucthmtiitth one ul the grealeat jalheriiifja yet hold in nudum lie i hod mm will take place in toronto i nbruary jth jflh and jttlt in oiincrliou with the annual convention of the methodist vounj ieoplo a association of ontario oung icujile a sooirtlna of any kind in connection wtlh a local melli odiut hoffh are entitled to aend delrgate from muv province who will be welcome to the enjoyment and privilege of tho con ventlou it ia cxectfxi uiat every province ip tho lomiinou will be rcpresonteil by laro delegation at iho coiientioti he duood railway ratea are accured and a over 300 d arc aure to be present ibl be singlo faro lo toronto and return jlriua urajmwug inc churchv o rrj nco with our 1resbv teriun friond that their new hurch la about completed and rra ly for use and hov i 1 llowdl m from hi pulpit in the fflllodlal church last huoday nuxl huuday cveiiliif a aervice hero will be with drawn and we will worship willi them tbt opening and dedicatory services of thu new kaui church uill bo held next suu la hov 1 hoasack i i 11 f irk lair ji preach at 1 1 a m and i p in and icrv j 1 howell m uui at i p n on monday eviuiug follow lug ltev win ialteraou of uuke a tliurch toronto will lolutr hla lopular lecture ireland and tbe irish the annual mectrug of the vnomene 1 uixlgu mission ary hocicly of lhj cuolph ireahjtur will be held in hum hnrcli alioii on tbuia d tlh march hci v ice will be held in st joseph a hnrcli at h b m null sun day l nut cad of 10 jo as usual hcivica in oeornctowo at 10 u tmmrrll iu the jf burta the last hcrvice in thu old 1 uildiug which haa bceu ubod by tho cougrogallou of hnox hurcli for the psat fifty ears waa held lul hunday evening by tho pastor ltev j v itae the old edifice waa liowilud to ita utmost iascily and miicli i n err l was maulfealetl in tho the elm tng around tbe old chore h during ha history of half a century were tender and fleeting to the ulder member of tbo oui grrgatiofi tbo i tv mr ltae took for bia text thla lace h loo straight for me give place lo mo that i may dwell from which a very able apt and eloquent die oouroe ws preached uofcrenoe waa made to tbe early atrnlcs and ibe succeeding history of the work of iho lord in con hoc lion with tin co n relation and the great lueses in deaths and removal aud great galna in being the church mother of a urcuil of prosperoun oongregstions 1 torn thix church lia krown tho iresbvtcrien oongregaiiuna at lloatoo ualliuafad li mo iwju t i iiemberahip lias boeu retnarkable having swelled from 1 at the inception uf llov ur umi pisturato in 2hj al present enrolled ll ib fitting that tho now church hog lil tie ownod in tbo jubilee yoar of thu congregation in iho spring of tho orel limber was cut and drawn to actou preparatory to tho erection ul their ural tliorilt ibe building wan not completed until the following year tbe fiamii being raierd in june imt in march the ltev v llorua prrachel the ural aoinion llev jamca 1 cameron afterwards of waa iho tint regular rhinlaler to rl rr the cou nswaltomabutirtllad by corrat- nondontb and exohaviaas ttmhdebi liivv feb lllth tho ice- on tho pon j uu year is splendid and a mi if her aro gelling in lliolr supply tor tho aiimmrr thnre was un soliool bora on i ridsy as tho teacher was attending the convention checkers seem lofhave gone out of fsah ion here and tbo checker players are deep into llio myatoriea of clio mr will keuiipd lin of tho inct llirnn aototi ha horn pending a oonpli of wooiib at hia father ri homo lie went toduelph on salurlay iho valniiliui eimh wat rtlhor over dune horo lal 1 hurslay erin a la woo two month wx mint leh ill h arrived home laat week afl villi to friend in chioagu this village la bound lo be like ita neighbors in tbo way of having a band a week or two ago a aubaarinliou hl wan set uu foot and about thrift liniidrud6 subscribed towards ftiruuhlug instruments laal week a moeliug was held when mr thomas oerbfry was appoinud nreatdont milllee lo ordain anff rbninil tllfw movonidiit mr it bomrrville of aelon vialled frjenda here this week an enjoyable old houga concert was givjn on tueaday evening by the mo llio dial jhoif and 1 pworth league burlinoton m mu i ob id iho anniversary aer vicea of tbe molhodinl church warn hold laat sunday 1 ho sermono were to have boeu prnachod by hie ltev j 1 ijvnooloy of llarrie who waa unable to gel hero ou account of tbo snowstorms which had com plelety blocked ibe railroads llov it j ullqtl lie pastor was avnpohed to i tko tbeserviceshiniielf ot the following moo day eveniiiutbo annual c in cert wa lveii ltev mr i iu ny waa blllel ui deliver iim irotorr iho duvil of namrs bti waeun ible ch u lh choir of the 11 i blreel church hamillon consisting of ii voices rotidcreil some ncol lleiit l nunio and miss 1 llio taylor ol luml iltou did licraelf credit as an eloculiunmt mr i ancoley will lie on band thla ovenmg lo d ehver hu lecture ridehiy oumil it t i it i ulted the lukvilic diiucii on 1- rids it ih ii iiiiii i y last 1 league a debate look place tho miiiibrra resolving thai i roso has more inlluence on humanity than inwlry th o dobalor- did lhcineui4rcdil and would do well to have more evening of th 1 ch racter an they are vcrv instructive a ild ole tall n on tueaday laal ilia lln a bll purchaaod by iho council was put i i the t nwer and hat boon ringing alinott 1 niceaaa ully over a i nee when it r nga a in re alai in people will be very apt to pay no attunt ion to il mil i on ii i i b joth a coot ot much interest lo read ura ol lln i ur i hinn hero ocourrod al trimly mcthodiait hurrh toroolo last trtday aftoruoon mr ii j ilollinrako now of trie firm of llloaadell a o married lo mis rihartue shore of i ml st eorgo nlrrrt the cere moiiy wus per or mod by ltev lr bri aaakslod by ltev w l wilson llov j w tlolhurake u a uf hamilton aaaisl ad tbo groom aud miss i avina shore acted as bridesmaid ibe niaids ol houor were mis marion brandon of toronto aud mia mlnulo mara ul 1 on don messrs n u gash percy ceadloy allen shore and charles 1 hulhorake wtru ibe uilion when the wedding wn aver a reeeptiou waa held at the liouxo i iho bride after which the bride aud gruoui led on tbo 1 jo train lor new york tho vule of the elector uf ncimm no the local optiou by law will lake place on monday mtbmaich tbe balance of tbe lazca due hern or ih 1 1 will be collected by tbo courts ltov or liriggs of toronto will preach missiouary sermon in the methodist churcb uexbhunday levlb bmllh one of tbo boya ol thla town wae severely njurod by beiui atruck by a toboggan last tueaday tho married men of kuox lurch had on fuosday evening wbat thoy ulaiiu was a jujjy lime a jolly programme aud a jolly supper there was a good attendance lho teachers conveutiun laal week was well attended the programme waa meat lulereatlug to the pedagogue a uiovoment la on loot iookii to tha oatabllablui of milton a a port uf eutrj oeorubtown wiisiui ioity iolh iho louoty t on von lion a aoton una week will attract a oouaidorablo number ol t sunday suboul workera ind hardy are huill en raged baulinflfirlok i thuy intend building a i must on their lower tho coming summer a number rom hero will alloiirl tbo sun day school convention at aclon tbiswenk chewson8 cornbrs 1 1 km ivy 1j tho storm ha loft the roads in very bad onnditloti there being au mauy pitch holes thai il make driving very unsafe mu liytxiq cuoinan ul 1 oroutu is home on a inl mr john wonlrn ar of aeeorwl line i nqucaing in aoiihuod lo his lied through the entrtflta uf a paralalia slroke which be hsd ahnt in wfml klfo it lr be hop mi he will soon be around iqaln mr js itamahaw ialted hi home in liwvllle over rlunday cisl suu lay was the lirsl- sonday in three- week ut aarnico waa held here this waa on account of the bad road and tomy w rather rockwood liixiiv feb 1111b among the pa aengers of the ill feted train laat friday on jlt11 1 lll- m l rirpv tav or of hramoat fortunately lie uiuined no injurir by the accldonl mr john mctjueon intend living in part of ttic academy for wtnta till ho oan build a house i white half a doxon of our village boya wore coasting down llarris hill laat friday tho toboggan came in can tact with a tele graph pjlo with the roiult that two of tbe boys kncaon womi and lrnut sabine received aeriou injuriea il was feared thai eoncusaiun of the brain would be the result of urienin juries but title hi tfran a varied and both are progr easing favour ably mr urry abipiiod a car load ul cattle fmm thin pw on monday mauler alex munroe i ooriousl ill a lib oiigetlmi of iho lunga or j few vslcnllncn wore circulated here laal 1 burs lay 11 terms that una ualum la a thing of the pisl lawyer muwal of goelph ha a of late boon utyiuil irrqueiit proiotsional visits tu tbl place 1 hate are ibe uutcinae of tbe hrotigh v joints ens- which aecma to have an riletoncc slill in in si werk a report ol tbe magistrals a ciiirlhure ibe aoiount aueil toll by aw son was was j7 not 5700 the ft i of i ranceri vri a tirceu in every wsj t xcept hnsitcislly mr cam iron muvulsej his audience with hia bum orous jiiocta and brought them lo tbe verge of tears with his well rendered pathetic srl cc ion milt malcolm humoroo vtci latum were well delivered and receive j by au apprrtlaiivi audience urr c m mc larthy made hrr orsl apitcsreiice here and her audience was dilighlrd willi her pnrticulatl and atrotik voioe tbe male ltiartrlle lub sun sovural itecei in their uanal ool style mies f lo p uv nl the aicompaininruia to the balis ldiou ol all mr p tshiy wii chair mm and tlldpuad ul hi ou aeon duties in a creditable manner u the south welliitton i iiou y 1 s 1- onvention hclil in uelph mr john ilurni hotksrodd was appoiuied prmident for tho coining year mr hums rra1 au able pvprr ou the llation of tho society to the hurch in oenoral which was well received mr jeremiah ol onnoi alaited ur u cago a few days ago a very sad ovent occiiired on monday evening to john ihckteon toeofllr dick inon h rainoaa iu company with hi father aud a brother tbe three were culling wood hi the bush when a tree just out lodged in another one aud bruko the top of which fell and struck the son john injur nih him au ocnoualy thai al 10 o clock four hours alter the accident bo expired hla rcmaies will be interred in johnstons cem clery kramosa on wednesday afternoon ho wan x member of tho r creators ot it ickwood i odge aud tbia is the aral death ibe order here baa nuataiiied the ead event haa cait a gloom over the com muuily a the young man who waa about ji years uf age waa much reapctod nmiimptiom uuk1 an uld physician retired uroat ptuiuue having bad placed in bia hands by ao hast india missiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy aud per mauent euro of consumption bronchitis t elarrh aathma and all throat and lung mr lly td tin people commedpirittiu wotnnaprti irtth ho was succeeded by ltev hamuol heady a sludcul and in ihtu hov john hun afterwafdaof ilrucellold wasappoiul od to the hold ltev john molacblau waa iho rrsl aettled pastor and ia slill re mo in be rod by mauy of the older member ho waa inducted un iho it til august nl and the church hail jo communicants ibe boautifal new church will bo dedicated tail sunday with appropriate aermona at 11 a ui and 7pm by ltev 1 maid hosaack 11 11 uf lerkdxl and hov j 1 uowoll ma al i p m thfc b9ok of the fair i rt tbe bancroft compauy an lilorilim lliilldiut lucago 1100 wr urt una part treats entirely uf tho won derful and varied exhibits of the irenapor utioii building ibe building ttaelf ila various pavlllloiia its wonderful aaaurtineut uf vohiclra for tranporlation by laud and aea are given iu a wealth uf wo like aud attractive illustration and higtily interest ing letterpress 1 bo moat ancnnl and primitive and tlie uowcat and must com plala article are exhibited aid by aldo and sbowu in sinking coutraat iu tbo tiovl tj- or this ii the only work lu any wise attempting to reproduce in print aud picture the great t hi bit too out ire lu tjii reaped it ia without a comb tilor the work will coneisl of louu tin pi rial pages 1j by 10 inohca in bo taaned in 4 parte of 40 pagea each it will contain over j 000 of be nnoat illustration fix tu oflloial tbe uudern invalid ubairmau ol the higl school it rd i au fllorl la being hor ilsa taalea niediainally in koapinc with other luxuries a remedy must bu ploaa autly accsplable in form purely vriiulo eon m iu oumpoatllun truly benoflol tu alloc and entirely re from every objoc tinnable quality if really ill be cuuaxilu a pbyaiotan if oonatipaieel lie use the diu family tajative byi0 of lia loeoao for ceorgelown mr n brown 6t tlya old thomon house is iho applicant ibe i uuucll appoiuied mr scacb ssaeaaur tor lui by motion la that the legal mot bod of eppuiullug aaeaao wbat about ibe by law required 111 such caaea ltev a j irwiu ulnnl an i ch- loogb of hornby poached in the uetbo dut church asl tiuuday to large oongrc gallons itev 111 boqimoll gave a lino address un i jun secretion to tlx 1 pworth league ou monday evening a momurial eervlce will bo held in tho uolhodiel church noil huudav oveuing 111 dwiiufy of tha late john 1 utile who panned away muuday morning the llov l perrin uroauhod al hon by last suuday morning the ltev mr norton preached the autil veraxry sermons of iho llaplmt oougrog lion laat suuday hla mauy frienda weiv glad to ee him looking au well llev ii s magoe preached tu oluu william last sunday evening anniversary sermon wore preached in lerra colls last suuday by tha llovs 1 a aloir and r 1 thompson a itoso hud mission circle haa boeu formed in iho methodist hurch anniversary services wore held to the anglican church slewarlown last hun tbo ladies aid huelely ol iho disciple church inland buldlbg a social at the real deuce ol the paslor llev j 1 stephens on trlday oveuing mod inst ur and mra alex cuiuiutug left un muuday aflerucou fur their borne at 1 ley city dakota their visit hero wan much ou joy oil hov fa 11 hleveus slid wife bsvo to iiioveitfrom leorgelown lu port llyroii n k t whero mr slepbeua has secured a pas tor ate lluwrdi liulturtitfurntleetcrtwkeie afleotiona alao a positive and radical care fur nervous uebility aud all nervous com idaluta after having tested its wood erf u curative powers in thousands of oases baa oil it his duty to tnake it known to all hia aaflexmg fellow aetnaud by tbia motive aud a doaire to relieve human buffering i will aend free of charge to all wbo desire it thl rooipo in uertnen fronoh or log lub with full direotioua for preparing and oaiog sent by mail by addreaaing with stamp naming una paper w a nuiks ioo lowera block hoabeater n y ftimii 50 cordo green hard wood ksfowhedge pring ewrnfrt and improyvim anrl niu to pcriuf mil iijuy mmilj wlicn ihtly uvrl tra maivy who livw bet- u r ih nhoriaiidei juy lifoionic wilt mjituco by tnorwtir iloi axiotmjituca by inorw pwmpu lulnptiufi tho world boat prndaeta to tho ncetla of phyaioa bolnf wlq trat tho valuo to boalth of tho rwra itqnh lntnlivo prluctplok ombracad la tha hiiuclly sfup of yifjpj ita excollutica 1 dtlo to ita preaantlnn n llio form m art actoptith j and plcaa out to tbo taste thernfrahinfratid truly bcncfioiij prtipertiee of a rwtrfect lax atiro effectually el untieing the ay ate m diiclling etilda ben inclioa and fetcr rnd ncrniniicutlr cu ti tf eonatimtit 1 xi l- ahivciiajtliafarli n lo viiluwml intl met with tho ap r j of tit tnedica rtfeiiii boruao it acta on tlio kid ntnm livor ird jjic vritlioufc vrcak amnjj thom and ll a pt rforlly fra from fvory olijoctio abloauhetnuce by nip of fia is fur aalo by aq dnif- kt in to tmumlct bul it b menu ctnrrd by tho cnltforiita pig byrup co only vrhoaitnnnio in pnnuxlon ovrry packago also tlio nim by nip of firb and being wrll tiifurinod yna will a i ooopt any uhetiuito if iffarod weak luncs sfiitim oc piwlcttnj with i t hilildtid c liusl protector all sici it tlic ditlu store j v kannawin c j rand s our pant sale ann wc htiul 1l w ci 11 graiid huccckh fur tit jig o ir ietiitioiih hut vro havu mill 11 number ol choice vattertib left and wo have decided to con tinue the tutlc lor it few dajh longer bo 3011 etui got un uhuui firstclass pair ualth phnts tuulu lo oulm lui 295 thursday sal6 of 4rtv goqpsfr durno cos bankkuhi s1uck of dry gcobds groceries hts caps and jvcillinery bought at 33 cents on the dollar with 500000 worth of brand new staple and fancy dry goods added all to be sold at bankrupt prices people of acton and vicinity thib iu your grand opportunity never before did you see such a sacrifice ot drj goods golloiis blk catiiimtuetj cottonades gloves table lintsiib dress goods shirtings hosiery pillow ootloiis flanellettes prni ls blk slllia tickings ginghauio table napkins you muet come to this sale if you want to save money conic 111 uul mc foi ourclvcb itid will not jiappoint iu voks open thursday morning at looclock durnos old stand corner of main and mill streets acton duncan ferguson fe co 4 lines after the grip no strength no ambition hood a snroaporiilu cava porfoct health 1 1 i 4 iu 1 u ti i ii r 1 ti m a nrii knows ur li i i il 1 i 11 lie nr i i 1 ii li i writ ml i ii 1 11 111 iir lilajlr cilu n ii i f l 1 ysulouiu utrr llw uglll und had j il 1 i t i hit uu 1 mu tiaiilli wfra verv bhllal iu ml 1 fee milllirli 1 ullj lllulilcllmj i allmhoun linnet utlli 1 hmuuauxui or uqiei hoods- cures noaicti 1 m l i iv i 1 i r hi 1 ul il m it ot 1 tvirtnimrllla in my bousi i i t 11 vtlien hhu uiiilr ll lu kef 1 l 1 till 111 i i lldnh hbihlv of there mi l m- w li jtn x w hoodu pill iu imrij veubkandd i taaiiurgvfaluur grtpt ttual by ull dr igfttu friday and satukl ll iiuvc u gruutl suit sauc wlu 11 uu will give jou y 11 clioi o ol u full rmige ol btai ji lllltl juiiaullitii luuedn uluo hurgun etc ull tlio lulunt atturiiti und gunuinu good cloth uindu lo ortkr lr 1550 remember the date and place e r bollert a co at and j7 wyn4nam street ouatlfu ont f boys clothing boots and mantles furs notuu vo have mude jiriicn iali t in g pjwer of our dollar l tic reuse 1 out 01 il 1 ij t i 1 1 j i iltiviu ulid thd quoation tor jou to hjlvo ih not do 1 itooil iliu gooilit i 1 lu nth will it not well repay mo to take advantage ut once ol valuoa that 11 i 11 t ipu wixluirav1 niwl piirhuuft iigiilimt fulnrk iiiumih ii to ae money by ttiiyiug to day iiintead l a inoiith 01 two iuiuu iu u ij tdicct tuon von cunuot afford to mitw at lenat inspecting tlie allien vi oiler ou lor 1 rliort lime in thumu depart in euu it h like finding mono to pu k up h li goo4 at the pricuh tlie nru now marked at 10 second price g bryhn at co oulph tkt thg right house great special sale ef underwear u5hite gottans and print still- to the front 1hd uniitailtajlulmj i uewlv made aod when examined will diaoouul in prloes aod will aall theto al far leas thau manniaolurera prloea corset covers niohtdrtssks n oaly trimmed with km broidery and oo worth 71c u mo worth 860 lto aeon two for joe 1 jo eaob worth laa tia eaob worth 8a0 uo each worth u0 7 so worth 11 00 hoo worth 1 13 i ou worth ti a nd tellable jood wo boujtl llioili al a lai iio each worth 3o soo each worth ioo hsc each worth soo ami many othera iu better ijnaliuaa chemises riceiy x uo aaohv worth sue inoeavah worth uo wo eaob worth oo tic bsnuh worth quo maa each worth too white embboidered sk1rts- 5uo eaob worth hia nitely tuaaedaud lrnbruidery lnmmim 1 00 raoh wortli 35 aaaortnieul trimmed with lace and fcm broidery and many other in better qualities atlaard a ualmul nmnpeatulaat every lady should mo thau unherwoavr bargruns they are ramrhably obeap and are mwoji lower io pritm thau vou oan nueaibly at tha colioo apd mbroidary and mama orz mhil ordbr dbwket7wtbiht bamplaeaaut u any address on application treiabt or etpreaa prepaid to your oeareet rallwav alatw ota all porohaaea amobounk to 00 or upwards we iboommand our customer outside ibe oity lo tore hie plan of bopping a trial time andmouey oan be saved by ll aod we guarantee to xive altetauliuu till hiqilt 1iou91- r king at aaat ooruae uifcebaou ti uamiltoo rahoijfias o na7-obziisrs- mwjwsjefri

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