Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1895, p. 4

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rpc tlj- tyn i 7 v xton ftm vtss tiurithimv miiicnu ji ih hr ijoung j c i its nn tmks at it kl rr rea inr li cuo an lit uul from iii kr11 alll an uhnii i sen u thrtsliul ut ill n nllltly lo in r i t aeallrr u ll j oauw ll ii- uaytl u year mlil do uottpfl dat ootubor will nil lai frlfrflfsi igme jailor nopi l her hark u ukaa r llriol iroui liits intnl ilara a luiatake aomewhar jira a warning roiu trout hlusi rolls itiuti iltirttr rlclu anil loll ai ya beltati listen careful for la teutlad lir joan klio sposeedalla audt what la maalni up or a in nililty la flour ao yi won i iar full par a a mliukn aiuim liar tl jo ttxima uamiblu ihtallm rip do niicalia obrofrten t kf so iram in s fora to no elaariu at da nil rrw lovln ilka da invar del i lrel an la irua kw truatlu in ilia wer fur lo on yo aaloly ns luialajia ilia lljnr heres the man of it i ceti t for ibe life of ma me iww women ran be ao rain nonsensical and fond uf ortismrnl ooufound ll uia train ol i bought was au ldouly broken off by slicking bis qager through tm badge r ilia punk social club which ha wea fastening oonsptounualy on liia voal baforn lha mirror by the way llani i waul you to alren i ha feather of my regalia ami lor the par aja nasi mootb iolabtm thai oharm 1 won al tlio raffia t i want lo hanij it on my waloh chain imilledolphla tutr fibbing children a chicago kindergarten teacher aaya uiat mothers come to liar au often eaklug bow they aball break thalr children from lelliuf antrutha that aha haa almoa ooroe ui llnuk that lyiuic la a national evil boa divides children a falsehoods into lour classes the aral ia i ha ilo ol rkooeaivo imagination and iba treatment hi inculoa lion ol exaotnesa of observation cither by pi or lu play the eeoond u lha lia of egoiiaru the remedy fur which ia objec live work that will take thought from self a third olese of ilea la evolved through fear of pa n lab men t and sympathy ia the care la all such aaaea uio kindergartoer adda the child nail be ibowo iho jaauoeof hia pudiabmant tba foarth division incluaee children addicted to the jealous lie a baying that tbey he thing which they ba not because the boy ai ootid lha cor or liaa i bom the care to tbia instance u love and appreciation thai the child may understand that he does not deed thee oovated p to gain or keep hia friendv all molbere will be inta mated in tbla matter aa few are not called upon to meet tbeee child tah prevaricators uont be ioquiailive about the affair of area yoar moat intimate frieade don t underrate anything bacauae you dont piercesfcjteure iftir nil ihnmii r iliirrrlii ililpwritfy i niitiwei- ij ry horrrn tiiirha hllllii uf llhil ijilwj lli omat nn 1 hiilrav llrlii rrntlujilrn mnllnal dtanircry ia a mivumlkn vi miily in atlinia it la aitn jflr to lailm up both tlnui mid atnnulh whrri rcdiii l imlow tlio atniulnnt of lunllli l iitmiiuiiuiiln r linn nvrr tti haunt inj frrra it in iho ltit nriilve umli ltiitwn f k b nimriaw kwj an i rt aara i ihlnli llii- llniacii mitl iral iilacvrry l ll hrvt ninlhlim fir ikiiii in ihn rliral that i hni trr kmion i mil anond ami wiil an i i own it all 111 tho hi if xllbua tin 1 1 r eat m in it a mi isia notes here and there tama or doners intaroat to frna proa roadorp nvjoiblt iiintmrimiii are die rnoil iqalilitm jhmaratil by hoi i htraapinllfl abovo all it ourilin the bloo1 thna tronnthintt tn m rcflulalca the dltcalie nrfant infiitoral the kldne and liju- lonaa and tiiild up the enllre ajuin uurna hrrofola iyt la caurrh and itlicumalliii mt lloo-t- and only hood a hooda 1illa cure all livrr ilia biliouanra jaundice indlrirallon fick hnadanlif tf a if alt the rich man warn etilrfprmiim and liberal and all ilia ionr tern itrio aobcr and mluatrioua i be hard limia would made much easier llial ihn cruxknra wool i ao bailut fur lack of a trxt srrnirl nlllm iu- ullia 1 had audi a acvern cuuili uiat my throat fall aa if acrauo i uliti a raap on taking norway iino hrpl ounl hia ftrat doe uave roll of and llin fecund itoltlr completely cured mr ulaa a a lkway manulio int the dovil can bcliatn a- well an an tel when lie hilda it lo liia advattan an not he heat i l hltiluhili zuricli writes 1 luu uoluf ibumaa klectrlc oil in my family for a number of jeara and 1 can taftly nsf lial it cannot be boat fur lha cure uf cruu fresh cula ana aprainu aly little btfj liaarimj attacks of croup aereral times and one doss of lr thomas klectnc oil was suthcient for a parfaot jjure 1 take groat pleas are in reooroaadiofi it aa a family medicine aud 1 woo id not be wit hoot a bottle in my house an english physician from the tight little island hb is pleased with canada talks about canadian people he sah we hate too many pale and halfdead women hi8 eixperiencl utj i h paineb celery compound i liinkb it ia tne right mod loine for builcjing up wuak a si women lu tba rerly part ut januuj u kulili ibrmciau ol high standing and oouaiderabla wwaltb vteited the pnnoipa cities and towns ol canada after a uar in tho united utatea u wtt eaoeedinly well plveaed with what he aaw ia the domiuiuu and arnp lu gtowiu lerma of the good nature aud bcwpilaitly of og people when aaked what he thought ij uot nlamu frorn a dbyaiologioal polut oi view ha replied tunre whole- oo uave a una aturdy popuulioa but there is room for imprtve meat yon have splendid apeoimeua of m yoar woman generally look heejthy and vigorous but you bw too many wboare pale liatleee aud half dead looking auoh aa 1 have met in lha united iflulftn ob yea i i know eooiolliinjf about 1eine a uelory imnoond i bava used it ocoaaionally myself and know of its beiug need lu england 1 have moommendad it to pale wank nod ran down women aod girls in england and it baa produced very aatiatactory aod plaaaing reeulla from what i know at the forma la of iaini a celery compound 1 have no boaieatlon as a pfareicieu in preacribing nj l oaeae of gaoeraj debtuly dyaiwpaia nervous alien hone kidney pd liver oomplalnu and general arrakoeea jfonr pale wb uj hailnlead women and girt bava a uus uiboilding aeoi in palnei celery compound there i no othwr preparation i know of that it ao wall adapted for the uonblee ol weak females i aw pleaaad to know tb p- cal ary oompoand ia ao popular in your midst 11 really daeere every mm of praise qom- reoaiired from the pabt0 ostenlatious luxury ouiiuiucd witli ruld beartedueaa lo pinchiug times ivoa ctlge to the silly ravings ol imported socialists and iheir indigenous imitators only those who have had eiper euce can tell the torture corns cause 1aiu kith your boots on pain with them off pain night and day but relief is sure to tliosa who use holloway s com cure it never becomne entirely dark lu iiiumi who look up caurrh llelievcd u 10 to no hiuutm oue abort puff of tho breath through the itlower aupplied with each buttle lit lit agnew a catarrhal iowder diffuses this powder over the surfaoe of tho nasal aagna 1aiuleas ami delightful to use it relieves luatautly aud permsutly cure catarrh hay hvnr olds headache bore throat louailitls and deafuest m cents al j kamiawin the man who does not look ahead soon baa to fall back btckle s autl ouaumpllve tiyrnp staudi at the head of tho list fur all dlaeaaea of the throat aud lupta it acta like magic lu breekiu a cold a cough is souu bubdoed ughuiaaa of the cheat is rohotej while io receut caaea it may be said vovar to fall it la a medicine pre pared from i in active principles or virtues of several med icloal herbs and can be depended upon for all pulmonary ooiuplainu the road to heaven would bn crowded if it were carpeted with velvet ttcaauns lur sur the auoooaa of norway 1ino hyrup aa a care for oougha oolds asthma brouchilis and all throat and lung troubles is duo to the fact thai it la the best slid pluaaaulest remedy over discovered and occbuhi ita morjoirprorapl aut cerlaiti tberv is a great dlmerenui betwucu oi lug the world aod being uio aerwaut uf tliu world al brat aucooo intku a name nfiui wai j he diuu makos tho snoooat the mod 101 uo lor liver ami k ninny oomplalul mr victor auior ou lea i uko great pleasure in rm nu mondiug to the geuvrai p i olio isiiieleo 1llla as a euro fur liver and hidney uin laint 1 have ducuxad for the lial thron yoara with loadiujt phyalolaus and have taknn mtf pji- nl iiish lrllmnnvlllr clrinrut ut fr j wa uin illhtn anl nfi r nil ilruut fallod triil ihn loph iirstl lliitr1 of whkh liui0 lill rmtorl jmt lo monl luiliil 1 n mliiinpiirl it alao fur ill nimj in illililyi vi ll lltllm 1 bllhilll h hllrclm f n hy kolltll i n for lliiomna in ihiail iu in i i hii haul ih ml ll ilin iii i i in lirat it m irnally h i i h i kan hlalfa roarlrra aah psckga i whiclv lim f liintlloiill is 1reparatjnnp una hi a rniilj v iff aimiun ijlitlinmli until hi il niyi luw lo i 1 ml rrtnarkalli nod airly iiimuk lieiirl t 71 naniu uruggil tlrwrrrnrrnirtar unhr bn i iwr at tlulr auici6rtl tlirt are it aud fiqf it an i are not luaa niixlkt hi more limy 1ivllm mir the kinu lluir own ililluu uoilh itiusmnu if yon mm to hny nr noil r tiirni d vertlae in the ton nto rrlty lmi that paper roaohrs 110000 rurmem lioun tirjrwwkxnitinritiivbrtiiiniiitiiu annum mfet tho aye of iomoonu who n niiui u pur ahann advertfspmrjnls ot uiinnlnsharn m aertttd in tho toronto llrrly lmf for tliu le ai b cuut a ivojd foriitu maertio itlfloliil tornutn canada aillr j doctor wiiatiajooci 0 iforclcanisfl scalp and j t hair i seem to have tntd f i vcryfhnjt ir itn n despair whmr3ftfver a icsllhmtfispalmotar sojpr it is splendid for wisliinjj tljeftciu liprewendryntjs ihus pu5 an end to dandruff t pd freshens ihe har acciy 5 fom laa tablet 1 wo kraiiiia cnii not i uk ik inumu j i n nut iihivi m i itlu r fotugi mtx1iii ik lha cuvr jf whl li fnfin iihiafurn fur nun ttnw if iminnli ti n ifiwtiirrhhai hn au t rlga ami nil kinds of ott mi pm niinthtir in cspriulie fronj lu j i i i hiinrliosry rloarj wlikh s taon hit ii i lv r aol hliiusrh forininu a r f h itfill lriiitinnl iral lira i an ihi u i i mmfulth ihy do 1 t j pilln xlkl mi maiitixhnr imdiriiirk 1 lo i mm ir i itt i nr iirikltii fnr iuiii uin u i uii1 in iiuo in lake j n lilt a u 1 ll milium jl nlrr i no imigr itolk abniil tin kii i of a il nt iiki man oiljjit in l lull u iil ii- anil mm 1 rl il inn rl slllali7 i lurdr n i iv mi hi in romti i i tilliwi nti i it raar- 1 i i in il r nil to plru rl tor din llld ill i lllnr lv uul 11 old mb mnrufulm milt inmmjuio be faced generation aflnr inirali juimnv meet ifum uiitli uio od 1 fanr hj lha help uf h nu i nul- 1 1 whsltiouvrr that im uilliiu u- llisl fitil lliiukn ilcnlro an i aniuiati m m in llimi crffstial ii i vi no and c nw nrtttjj tilipcr iiliublu rmloilo f sulllliil fir illl- many writoim tannut waalliw ml in soil will nail vnth pluasiiru tho in and valuivblit subaliiute lsoljays lucr l iiintim lhn do no i pura or gripe liku pill hut bimpiy asmst li a tn cfi to ujfnrm the natural fuuc itnnl i hoy are 1 emits a lxi or liuxra fora dullar 11 arim nl lu an mako a in milton lllhl ilm 11 ii lfvojurlil r- ii 11 i limll klm f r i hln ur aituew a curb foi erfect rchtf in all rat sympathetic hrt im and apoedl rllirta a rui reinoily fur ialiitsti ilroslli hiuitlieriug swlls 1 hlda sid all njiiiploms f ii mir i duo i m olivine hanuawu we tako care tf our htallii we uy money we mitko unr roil liht aud ui clothing oillllielil but who jiruvulu w inoly liiut ha shall ol lo uaiilui in tlie twl pmi rty til all ricii in i uiersui rnii ml till ijrr spni amta oxer tnj bark and clioal i unjk three ihitlleoof ur itur lihk hlixxl llittem and am now mrfectly ruroil of i hrr j nm 1atut 1 cau trulv aay that i think ii ii it tho bael modnnm ovur diaoovenil i hlclc lumiltm ont i ii tin bol iui ly human dway 1 uukuliuan aa par mile a itolabtn illls mandrake aid laiidollou thov our and kidney omplaiuts with u oertaimly 1 bc alao iiinlam it herbs wlmli liavu ai ill virtut wauderful iu thsir autiou o and bowels ur 1 t ai tb uuly twuiaoh hhakc rileo 1 islde 1illa an excellent irukiiy foi and lcranietuttita ol tlio 1 used lhcin uiymtlf fur soma tin miudrd lo mo withnt rcliel takiug eight of iariitaloo ill ju1u ndtoved and now i foel a fi the disease as bofura i trouble ifiut afle ioua diahos old jokca worse tbau llial hln r lliiu 1 iporftmco lq a jewel and il hilh need to imi so fur it it uflrti itiruidmi at nu in lliilln rate tlio third pagu of dm lorouto mul ikw in noloi for w nut ailvorli rfimniitn if yon want to buy or soil anthing if nona machinery lxlgiuga if you hsvn lorn or foiiiid any thing ur if yuu want to lnd out wlmru anyone is advcriiso fc ilm to ronto lixity aftut and mad tliu akiirlii meiita on the 1 turd nvjtr f that nmr i lie hanu in i wu aiiu a word oi li in sorliuti addrnsh rir unit lorarltlu au ad kendalls spavin cure lo hoir urn iltttur ll luiik may hit uismnmull riroaiiig ivcr iojallnwlhil with fluilsti rlrn ml in tho wi mi t e lo hie iirrfnllin lu ll ib anatla of nam lull thai m hf i lul any oj jutt rtotti n m lif iluiriihiih slid iivrr cimiplainl ilrad auio u nrii t i iluftloik imi holiiino lunbhali at niqht ii iiulu i hollnii funerl srtina n tiljlu i i li i lily iromc in n rk i it iti irntrth latin from a lion i live t nv ilii mimu f in sew ork brfuro thai but the wrn c ji pnlixli lew llio uowlh uf ihocostuni is due lo reviralcaties ihn m f unqral is itio fimmiaiin and it meets the convei it ncn uf rt mtltli rratcr number of ft lends ol ihodasd ultli tla uicraaaaol societies and i heir gowlh in memberaliip the loi a day or i all a dav in atltfiidai ce al lha funeral ut a mem bur haa enmu lo ba a aer loni- tax andtn ttits rtwpuct ihn nlghi iiincml iiiakm a savinj of tune lu in mill llun ecoiioiiiy of llulo la c decided oh an co v ilhlii live or hi y ars uf the cus- loin with ruifd to pallbcarcra 1 here art i w ihrhapi twriily fnuirala will out al limrir t oin with lln m soma of thr mijit riioru ate hoi i al home soma at chur i it at cliitrcti the bo i j l taken aft r tliu m tm s lo the undi rtakor and ihorv kept until tliu bunai if at iht liotifti tlio body may bn taken to ihu uti dtruker n or it nity remun in tho bonne mcr tntlil lh in irnm service aprarr by 11 o ilur u mlii o sltcndeti by oulv tlit luiuieiliatu iiitmlxrs uf the family itliu uruillil uk li ivu uf the duk1 aluufl 1 he luuiftit nl wool i u witlit nt furllht i v t at tin griivo 1 hn niiiubur fuuirul bcrilt held at umieruki r n ii n made fi lha x t hi lnjp fur tin pupo ll lli must successful ftjudy fom man or oeast crtjll id urn rltnt- a ibpwi umi itewl on aendalls spavin cure iluignnvr l l n jan 11 lml ir il j kubiu 4 llniaplll ahmavlb is ibituf t j luml katmulfs aavld uum tl- npm via u m- aad i hava iwen oftrml ijj ft ii urn b oa i oaty asd aim ntna wn k i anl 8i rr tula amruruurf kandalfisi-avuicun- ytniratnilj w 9utiuu kendalls spavin cure dutijii ulcu uvc is um dr n 1 krauucu so i ba wl rur k o ull s in t u with od u tor f m rb u t- h nr itul 11 1 tna tieal lintnrni i luir n umi yuoralrulj altfdhl iaaiiaalcb ir ai sr nttlr fur halo bj all druabl r a 1 imi or u j k r it 4 i i t 1tmt im mr ru 11 hur mayor of avellaiid experience lu my own lai too illicitly of hiark io linmajiala aij aa w incut bellioa by aulcsiilen has mi them one by olio like tl autumn fall a tilths aunff out all w i it lccky lttllef in mi hours lit ney anil hladder ills a relit i liuurs by the lrat houfli aim ney cure ibis now remedy surprise ami delight on at count ol il uicecdiug promptness in rrlmwnj jiaiu i the bladder kidneys back sud evury pai of the urinary paaagefl in uialu or fcmali llnhovos rilciiliuti of water and pain i pasniiii it aim ml immediately if o want ijoick relief and cure tlna ia uu remetly hoh by j hunnaivin n an hid a kfoal i lm itaea acho nuural itllloilmrt all i 1 ivrr tronblea i am li awre of our l ubdi hi our uwn towt and uci 1 whloh have kiceii tur d hy them sf t r il ulimiu had nuflerod ft arn hadliltd all kinds al rrmrdifb and timt bmih treated by for turn titxi li ilurui u prnpa h im iirniijt in hb tnti i trouble oli- hatred ia hie 1 aras cured of a ad c tiard ilnimeul byduoy 11 1 was aurod ul lu u lluiuieut yarmouth j of iho io1 e of by ml t i l ly olmards riea i lummor al i i waa cured ul boialica hboui miuarub 1 luinioiii ilario mid t a uullur atlanrusuauirri cerrs emulsion tiic trcam at cod liver oil wklt uypophosphttes is or cough colds sore throat bronohltla weak lungs consumption loss of flash j cmaolatlon weak bablss crowing children poor mothers milk anmmls all quid shjj scesateyalta 0reain hta4 rforwiy iitib cuida elo what ubjiota o liolt1 ll u uhik nuut ll l a f r i i hlllloo and dossil i treat al ull lu rave ufa from tlio rat f 1 la iibblor hum to win a klud hunt uk huxid itinera tures all hood uiacntin hrufula blotohui skin j lac a sua rlt by its i lie 1 lulloof hi la tho vulio uf the attut aud uh well aud die able alternation a uin lthro i k 1 a with agree surf ion amnion in tln mtrll of lion t atlui mediums haa betii very auul f procira ax in politic abd religion the difltouuiea of opioioo ami tbo indn fflualily of mcu have bceu parent lo tliu lla by w llial i the ataiiilard if lllvau boil e bavs elevated ho with moat ill our lauu us preparations lurouiual hi illuatrsltou of which truth atsnda tho tvurld lamuua rem edy tu general debility an i laug nr jiiliiine wmo and which lion oblaiuatle in its keumuoslreiihth la a miramluua matur of appetite vitality aud aluuiilani tu tliu heuiral futility f the sy stem l iiiiiu winf and us impruviuiaut lias from the llrsl dlscuxoiy uf iho mrluc of ijuiuiiin aa a medical a uei t of hie moat thoroughly lilscunned iouioiibs cur ullerotl lu tho pubht it i one i uio h tonus in jon v i i fiiinn aaaata iwtljirortwuftairdswseiai i 1 iwmir in llijror ludocgr ct 11100 li eta kcatarrh remedy nivayouoiftirrh tryll isltenwdv itwiu ihiciuvuly rojlovu and cure you lrloo 0 tta i liijut t r i r it i a i nfifol treat men i la lumlfr- 1 i rrlill hatlpuwmllc btild ou mu naii 1 ill bdtufltcuoll th what u stkoi opaii than within a buuc it brioa ill attendliih together inaluad of spiral cbapb or h if h j alii ill uloii tl il he rnrefiilh i ollecled ih be fh lathe hhnillj lw la km out put ill and boile 1 to a jelly lhi warm ram water maker be for wanhlug woolen j jocl which are spoil e1 if sop in rnbu 1 on tho fabric hmall iiim of uult wiap slould be tulted ui acani with mall unity of milk then formiil into raken an i utimnl aaldu to drt till re i f r utc nr ork it h hon falnt htahtb j i di uuiael uihii 1 liy be nrlcnbllloi- but bi- d ii no will lie nbalilea roouili lo yuur hirms4 with out iuruliii any fur yuu ur your thiukiui up ui or y urmii n matter if your pelting la a little oak kneed and your rh moa nee i titniui if you havo soiiicthlug tu eipresn i ipieiii it nr try anyway and when luu ham louo y oni beat a hiitae oibiiijj ou it and away it tme and may hit blu of m wleuuue m hi i inn if iu uhiujii lail u alfuct the adu n an i mo inuri uf this parlirular u ly you will al loail have lakll a atop lu lha art uf eaprueuion and ljl ucd jtouielliiug lr lajo llial vill be of uao to you aomu other lime llicru art a ood many girls lo the world uilmi day autl yuu know bulls ey are uol mi io by ihu young chap wl xtaldn ith ilia iuiuds lu ills pocket k ing at ihu targj1 i uku a ood shul i i lublomuf alouliiic a day innliu it rymfod thoy lonlalu hi ulle a well h outd et itiem i tia thiiik to ihu ruail lio new if- t- re jhiwerful 11400 1 llignui o and oduoa unit thlnkura aud ii up kod ftleud as iii nu mailer what mlrary nite u iwu lliy look lot lliein ull i wllatertf will pay to 1 bt patli hurl one i fill ii 1 bout body v hiloms as 1 1 i of tb ami hfu gn 11 u aluiu till u liul ii o uld oai profsheiun have been m u palled oguiie aud re scribe mean r nor hiup a lyman of toronto have kivrn lu the pi e 1 mr a 11 ou of their juiro ymni 11 wmo the huat ca re duo tu lla ii ihuiui and in fact or all coiidnipns call- i the market purged of ail tho dofwn which log or a quick and effcctlvo i ktlllll nunrvatnn and n ienliflu 1 pinion i mtmrllkmemt stujf- ivmfrt aaut ha pouted um iu loo loss rft prupar niauip uamiug una wper w a not m of the past all vrugjtlsu sell it jrto lowera utuck itouhretar n v will jou iievd tl elapu tlieure terrible lii mumpll u aolvea if yuu can a lord fir tin aaviug ttoc lu ruu the risk su di fur it we know from ei pur ion hi 11 mi ure will oure your unu never falls hold by j hauliawil ulllu thai 1 nip i ullllls i u h old physi bating bad flacei 111 liia hands by au 1 ual india miaalouary iho formula of a aiiuple vegetable remedy fur the sfwedy aud per maiinnl t lire uf on- pti ilionuliilm alrrli aathuia anil ail tbioal and i uui aftrllioia also a jlll aud ratilunl uro fo net von hiblllly and all neivuuu i on plaints after baling tested its woudbrfti uuratlvo hiwira in thouaautls of uaaea baa ell it liia duly tu make it known tu all lua uflrtiok nil lows actuated by ibis muliiir still aaud fl o wha all whadeeirw it this uwiw iu larmau i rcucli or i ngllah uith full direction lor prciariig aul uatig sul by majl by addrvasiug will amp uamlug ihia lhp luleultuualiy treail i on some line una aud liuw puckly it sproads aud verily he la the- meanest tuau in earth uul the uewa pap r man nilndolh l 11 it for bn i ujod u such thiut u1u00 sfn w scalds r tf x i pfffi f n huuiism subtlictl ut tjucu with perry davfs pain killer it takes out the firp reduces tlic in flam- mntioiivnyd prevenls blistering it is it quietest mill most effectual rvmudy for pam that lb known ktxrp it by you tt what is castor 1 a ctt ir samticl pltchtrn prencrtptlob fvmjcnfliiics nnd child ron lli contains neither opium morphias nor other narcotic pubhtonco 16 it n linrmlou galtstltats for paroirorlo tropn sothlufr synip nnd cantor oil ik it pleasant its guarantee u thirty years una by billlloiih ofmbthcrt cantoridohtrx3hvormjl andallaja fccrinlincfls cuiftoria prevent t vomlttnp boar curd ctxrca ilnrrbo3ia nnd wlntl colic -castoria- rellorea teotiinj troiihlct curett ronatl nation and flnttilcncy juston t rshjiifllatcajtjio foorl rcgulatch the ntomach ant ikjwciij ulnrr healthy nnd natural xleep pa- torla it tbo children pahncea tlio mothers friend castoria coii on it up v- j ri snail of iht vrloua luatl ml wlnb cm lrroyliiali ir i ml i im by furciuouii i llumtl j tcauuii lu j v kixtnfcijoa castoria rsatorl- 1 1 i r- i inn n1 n 11 ulapl nlto elil imnti uierlur toajiy iimkripuon ii a anrnia x d hit- oifljuruolio n 7 t r phrarumis in ton rblklrrm s lepaftr intut 11 i sjti bully of tbelr expert un i i i ik ir wutafajo leoctlcn villi ctatofrt i jvhlkhih only bavn tniimj n r i mi ml aiipllca ltu ij knnirn as reguwr prwiuctm yet an ore rro to coafeas thai tba nu nu of amorta ku won us to look attn iavut upon it lxrrau llwrmi ud diaraaaabr uoatoa maea ouuway ar iluw c rerrn pm tato gublair osnapamt t7 murray strwart herwr ynric cutr hormen attention n i 1 1 a sett of harness robe fur coat blanket whip i ii in tin hoist furnishing hut u nu t i j h mattlie vits 1 ka a lugl ialock of siiiil 1 lloulili i i inn inuli of tlu 11 m a bldll 11 lilt- lalct i it lllflt stllk f 9 tilmkc li mil kous thai ir i inn nun ai ton pi u iu i down ui luil tlic timt hjmlytay ttme tablm crancl trunk pnllway olll ii u inmul tl i i u a niprb mkmtn ik llmncraph in ii enbtra ns llir lutldffulihnl amim maul llunipbrer lib 7 t l litis anl ii in ir wile ami will l ami fr- if nn lell tor frlrad it i rails iimi ae i a l i hair ihlm uojoi with lrkla mrrril hurr in urllvhl avltlb anl t inhiiuiii if u r i im i irll poe riirala an i v t 1 1 lit in ani r llvrr for i uirw m mtlu irlal ultl 11 iu u the whole family an lllulrolr1 m ilmlv nwuln lih anril m fl 1 n 1 11 aril ir nf li irniliv ba1 uib r an 1 ll uiiimi a e nival oiosthlv lutulll l i ushuuimer sl lloaton llaas you sjljfls 10kinc-st-east- saxlflaa mts cavtrti o i iwui hahkssej wjr copyrights hi i sn j l t 1 art aithh limi duarlsrirenr k kt si bo tt 1 1 lenuu w twl r inter iran and rr bueil mh 1 fnil ti i jul iiiuiuwar just spend his four quarters for a bottlk w burdock blood bitters as al i sinsull i il oim h iii ull vmm ii i lll h diml iia bosblllaiion hii iiiusm ss had hiooii and all dimasht l ihi suimi ii i ll kiomih 4d iiiiwii s higos of worm ituiung at the ii me syrup is the bl w iho lua of tbo potltlu a lb ilrli m p p cum llh ii ii- riablo aj petite i j a worm m ourhain in i i luo ot mr u 11 f ou utmlav teh huiioi n ally u areii will a louiedy tuual le pleas do iu form purely whole wlllon liuly uneflulal hi ely iron fronl nvory ubjoc i if really ill ho t- the rup of h nnd saltly al v icry was uul f ordi i loll iveilber ronllll oxford zr fupafr tt fob all sizes op builoincs gapaciiv from 10000 lo 8000 cubic tvj lylloni illl uauiatok tl if ouo vtltou i i ifnacli wood furh 111 aw uua1 i ajliuil lut hi u that siclt irrli and itbdlalw v1 tinkkerauj au in itafmaioitt mi1 i uuuajr ill uattul a 11 111 coal furlkace lnrrecmaitlcn crrarri laaic flro 1 r al muj iaw lai luailnu laua larc fojl dcof soouotwl flra pof hlaltna uo- i s hl ijlu asm ill fob twenty five years dunns baking thecooks best friend largest sale in canada catarrh j3w 1 iruaui i t ii 1iu thirty days sale ii iuii vl uul li ii k ii 11 1 ii h lh i i hill 3lil ill ilulj ll lilt 1 i iii i lu j i i si llllll tllull luiirintlcd lamicity i six nnomi aji cturod by t tthe cuhney foundry coupahy ltd torohto it in iiuljd ii ollint llliitola iu ll at loboilnlele ill i ail mi unit lb iui of j fatally hurt b a wu i fit lianla ol tliu hired uiau i rlflo 1 w a notaa when yi i aiobaviugany prlulliig dolio you tnfplit t witthave it wrll done the knrr im aa job puiuij hparlillewt do a a k ul tho flunst quality mid prins are alwaya eaauuable l ry us willi yutir nest order i ta ok freei i i 1 1 thirtfulio of nil the latest and i i i ui1 it hlimtratca lcariuca t orran from 25 00 up 1 i iii 1jiii ii 1 11 li u ti liuy ul mliolnul 11 1 11 n ut 1 mivc over 50 per cent 1 hi iorwish organs and pianos 1111l 1 11 yrj in t been played anil mdacd lbr rnwrty m 1 v liyno ui iitiml powu limlraineiitii modi cc1 i tflvs fc cndit from n titt tin t it f 1 til 6a it al frce writ fir it at cmtt iiih ivoc 1 uib ncltrly ywrwhltutow nj i i 1 111 m ll 1 i 11 i1v mil in pin- liu 1 a l h ii ii 1 llsms i iniiiil ciiuiu i nli ill 11 i ill inn- ol mil 01 ki 1 in i 1 i ui 1 11 01 ll 111 c 111 1 1 r l lt iii emstreet tb 1 ii ll 1 1 llll h 1 lbn nit ur jtl iw lwi a iom will be urtuoj lu fin 1 liv m nnd how pin 11 y ur linv r- ably in will be tulol uu try til on 01 1 the hour 1osiiu uuliu ul ti ihifiuit r rt- c

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