Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1895, p. 3

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v i 3 jl uli bank of hamilton head office iiamlltoh boabd of directors ollh htuaut a t iumha 1 r wl intil lci lnm 1 t iuiin turn lull li 11 iu 11 at wi 1 a it 1 hk turoutu 1 wu ini a 41 i taiinui i llul ler ll h htfi iii n awl an i r ii m hatjbon i ui agencies lumlllo 1 illarton fit x i- oat i 1 1 alllnlii llurllu 11 eslny h ruotowl irl ui y mm wnl luokuow mlt 1 lioiini ptiranl urbiinvlln laen ho 111 i i tt kluln hlmoojt lpruulo vunqlism british correspondents i ondos national 1 round hank uf i- iij american oorroapondontn naw vona fourth national hank en i llaiiovar national ileus iiobton in terns tloii i truatoo livrrato marlnollank clin xno ae ho at illinois aud union kauuiiol r honk ua riioit detroit nation hook kamiai 01 ft jalloual hank of couiuiarcn agon til in montrool nunttnk of toronto the news at home mqntli of n loonl chnrnotor and kffr intnrnwtlng cubinvt minttitvrn cnmlmi lu xtrfjtju a monitor onsorvalivn rally lias bom arraiifol lo bo held in luelph next tuq may mural till on tlio afternoon of that day a invention of houlh wellington oiisarvalivos will bo hold in tlio ally hall to lolrol oandl ulo for tlio ridiug at tlio pext election in tlio evening a maen mooting in ilia jira bonne will lie address ed by the following minlatera hon john 1 ttkkrt miniiter of hallways and rmiiln hon dr montague hon b wood flontroller of inland ilayontio han larko wallace controller of cuilomi 1 georgetown agency notes hdolin all i aflvallmh i vwrnm mmv mlof i- utoi a lxin savin go department dbjkmiii of 91 an 1 u word received and intarmt showed trow daui of deioatl to ulo of withdrawal hpegial dki ohith alio rooelvod at outrun t rales of interest n u ilwnqhtonr auoiit spectacles and eye glasses it gold silver ntobia and hlcol 1ramrn wo oan iutt you wo carry tbo largest stock wo repair spectacles and guarantee all aur work 80i1 00 1 hooka 1 nvol pes nolo iapera iada account hook wall paper window shades curtain lolos all prices cjivo uo a call uoad carters for wedding and birthday presents geo hynd8a0tonont ffil juion jxtt sprees thursday rlbullary jo 18 x little local brieflets iwhloh caubht the eyoe or ears of freo proa boportero this week lent la hero again march winds to morrow road your label tbia morniok yoalorday waa aali wodueaday valla ara tary popular jaat now tbo next meeting of taqoeainr coon cil will bo hfld on tbo 35tb march at tbo mooting of eiaoiug coo noil jaat weok arch mopboraon waa voiad 31 tor sbeip killed by dogs -ffiiki- a fawcordi of ftrean mpla body wood jour fool iodk appfy to h i moon fain fun offloo eitr ooplei of kha fui prkmh may b had it tbia oibeo wreppod redy for malltng for three oonta oaoh crows arc doing aoou boro and thoro about tbo country and tbo fact la boiu bailed aa tbo aign oe an oarly apriiik owing to the opening aorvicea in knox obarch the naual acalcn ol council on monday evening waa poatponod for two woo a tbo millinery parlor of miaa wblto in mm secord a block ara now a pen and ibe ladiea of tbo pommuoily are invited to ui and inipoot tbo aeaaou a faabioua wo republish tbka week the well known poem daaatiful snow on the flrat page by apeoial rcqoeat tbia la tbo third tiino it baa appeared in the iukk inciia tbo lorealora reoeivod tbo oheijuo for 13000 due by the policy on the life of ibo late jamea sharp and handed tt over to mra sharp within olovcu dkya altor laa death with the county sunday school coo ven lion ou tbunday aud t riday and tha kooa church dedication aerviera ou banday and monday acton baa had almoat a aurfelttit good tbluga tbia week owing to tbe extended report of llic opening aarvioea of kaox church and the nvpayinriai xxuuuaamry junrmni a moptink of lha quelpb ireabylerial auxiliary of the womana torelgn miaifon ary hocloly will no holdin knoi church on thnraday marcb 7tb oammencing at ii jo a in tho mnruinf oaaion will bo dnvotcd to routlno buajnnaa anil tho after noorr to sddreaaofl ant reports of minion ary work at ihia aoaaion mra llarvir of toronto mi bo lha chief speaker tho dedication services tho now priabytorlnn church opennd and pod i on tod with improbalvo uarwcoa and immense conureqations sunday i olfnmry jltljhi will bu rrarddl an a tnoal in orlaiit data in tiq biutory of knoi church acton by mom bora of tho cony rotation during all ibo oomlitti time 1 or botwoun forty si i fifty yoan thoy hail worahipril in tlio pld ohurcli and tlioir voraoval to tho lino now structure just complottnl l an cvtnt of much internal ll at tho morning a hic a v r i a ronton gregntiou banc milled and again in lha after noon hut it waa tbo cvenlnr that new h trrm nlnn ilininlwi the narvlng irnwrorxcwn in cotflitty muurniim prcwont in tho gflornoon in tl o ovduinp rs uallon rjaaniy umtqcy wa liava been obliged to arowd out tin weak a large amount of interesting oorrea pun d an o t uert peine of uuolpb agui la an approntlceatuoldia s milla narrowly oaoap lingjila life saturday afternoon by his clothingsalting caught in aoogwheal an other workman tjuickly stopped the machinery but not before young 1 olno s arm was badly mangled and hla side in jurod au luckpioi i uro oallad out the brlgodo on moifiay fwroiiooti tho root of john arthurs rcbidenco over matthows hsxucsa shop caught flro rrom a spark from the chimney and with tho high wind prevailing would aoon havo oanaed a diaaatroua oun qaitatlon a low tiiomonu oinrtlon ei tin gut shod ibo llamgi and littlo damaga resulted ioreuuj mite ilaulan of kcrgus vnilod aulon iriouds over sunday mr james laldlaw of ueurgoluwn visited hero this weak mua boll uuliuaou uf luroulu viaitod friends heio durlug tho wook mrs 1 mcgregor of loruulo viailod relatives in actou dunug tho week miav blrsphso of jlockwood ajwul a low days wib friends in town this wock lt and mra drydcn ot itoakwnod were queitt of frlondi here on monday miu nolilo mouougall left trlday to ailond lha inilliiiory upcuinga in toroulo mr aud mr j alexander of mil tun pout a day or o thli week with friends mrs dr lowry ol uuuipl atuudod the opening servioos at knox tmroli ibis week mra a hlarroti uf hamilton was the gueet of jutloa iruode durioe the week mr j j iearaou of rurewwj baa boni visiting at his limn or a faw daya uaa week mias mclhuraon una murat mra dlaok and lbs miaiee anderbun uf mllluu were guests of acton iriands ovar sunday mr j waintmiaat itoyuolda and mra it kuowjea of brampton apeul a few vary ploasaut da s last wrok with their ilttsr mrs jsniri wsjwu ilr aud mrs at i kjmnerty ir guelph ipjiit savaral daya in towu attaudlu the opening services at kuoi ichurch and oil joyimk lhcuiaelvm gc 110 rally u uirtr old 1 homo i lublic meeting will no held intcresltnk ail urea sea by prominent workers in tho church will be given to which all interested in the mum of missions whether ladies or gentlemen will ho admlttod a trip around tbo mjjl mr w k lumaay who ia making a tour of canada this season with a now entertainment entitled a trip around tho world has bean secured by the can adian order of chosen friends and will appear under their auspices in the t wn hall acton wednesday evening march u fho entertainment oonsists of a humorous description of a tour of tbo world baauti fully ill u ira tod by scenes of all the important poiuts of interest aeon during hla travels mr itamsay will alio inlro duce aovoral of tho latest london songs and sketches heard whilo fil i urope white mr kamsay will play tho national airs of tho different countries as thoy pass through mr ltimsay a coming will be looked forward to with interest ail mm bion jj coi is resorvod soati i ceuta arwa of the churrhcm the annual missionary meetings ot ibo methodist hurah will be hold on holiday 17lh march llev i- a csssldy mission ary to japan who recently returned homo on totloutt pre momiiifl aad evening tbe sacrament of tho iird a supper will be admlustrated at knox church next sunday morning the pre paratocy aermou will be preached on saturday at 1 1 a m by rev john mutch of chalmers church toronto 1 lie an uual mealing of tho woman a toraign missionary society of the guelph presby tery wul be hold in knox burch noxl thursday tho cbnstisu 1 ndeevor hocloly will moat en usual m kuox church class room this thursday evening sub jeot spiritual death and bptritaal life leader mr n bonner all are welxime the annual tra at llrick church tbo annual tea meeting held at ibe brick church last wednesday evening passed off very successfully tba ladles ot tbe congregation provided excellent re r oahmeiita aud attentive waiters saw that the friouds wore served in good order a very fine programme lot in wed which was enjoyed by all rev mr christie of victoria t mversily toronto fava an address on so cocas in i ifa rot mr amy of naaaagawoya on habit rev j l howell m a of aoton 00 ibe inlluenoo ol the pew upon tba pulpit aud mr ilarbrree of naaaegawsya on the benefits derived from iho sunday school tbe aveniug was interspersed with musli by tho actou urcbotlre and llttams quartette club a large nam i ir from acton ware preset it attotaptbil leoendierj j- j re last monday evening as the audience at tho lecture in knox church waa leaving tho building the ore alarm bounded and it waa eaoerteiued that tho cause was a blaxo at the residence of mr tbomaa laa too on river street a few shovelfuls of snow by those who ursl reached tho aoeue sub duod tho hemes the summary control of the are revealed distant traces of incaudiai ism tho stable doors were found to bo opoti aud particles of bay scattered olojig from the stable to tbe coal bduae whore tho liro originated and inside there was a manlity unoousuiuod mr and mrs r as ton were in bed asleep but were arous- hy ilia tmip nanr nt nil hint waa announced for 7 oclock at aix tli people wore pouring in and half an lioui later fully a thousand people wen assemble i no more could find slan ling room and at i ij tba service was oomhieno oil 1 he usual congregation was not only swelled with tmt tlio methodist huruli the rjvening eervico there being with drawn but tho people cainu from tho stir rniimlitip iniiniay for nuiy iniletnd scores of familiea in town had friends as 1 i1 n- lu r t i- hraiiglit out thnl nhlla lha landlords collect hi 000 000 per annum tar rent tho conn try waalea iinooofloff per yasr for liquor hla nut i voi i own of hop i has id taverns i imc aoon the r vanes of itio wlnukoy curse in my own oor land ho said i ponk carneutly on this iieatiun and i don t earn who ot you it njsy hurl if you have li juor in your housn send thu dsmuablu thii g nut of your homo or it rnjy m nd you or mma of juur loved otirn down in a ilruuksrd a grave tho wato of trm pe rati co is spreading uvcr ilia land and there n a brighter futuro in store fur iro lainl for with it tho word of god is wpk scsltofod btoadcant and industry loyally and spoialy will ot prevail lvcry sen tenco c the portrayal of ireland and ita history waa interesting it abountlod in fmsit ivfifveei tuhhv tub j0lhthn annual flnan alal stalenioiitof tfii village j jitibllall ftd fluuvs kiln i rnniple fi i hi i tnha we been elitljii lm payrnonts fur hie year tfi ro 10 111 leax mr tto ii mint u and fan ily left last week fnr their 1 inw 1 mo in iliu virlnjty of mllk iho lluud uvji n is nru 1 xlcfdllgl good at hi a am ml me uih of iho iip of lriu i niir a homo hot mtv 1 smes car irice is 1ropcn5rerr the bouse the ovtdsnoea that aa attempt lir j been made to ore mr laston s home were clearly roanifeet and this opinion is shared in by all who viewed tbe surround ings on i uesday morning aoton baa vary seldom hoeu the scene at incendiary attempts and the council la taking prompt moaaurcb to stamp out any teudency in this direction a reward of 1100 will be paid by the couuctl for evidence to oouviot ibo party or parties guilty ot arson aud this sum mr 1 as ion himself supplements by uo t a run i kantfliiiauiial jvojk lire actou coruot baud is reo lo tha seaaou aud to show the public thoy are interested iu providing first aloof enter leiumoule have arranged for the appear aura of a combination of canada loading artists in the town ball next wedoeeday evening uh tbe trio ougageit are wall kuuwn entertainers of ability and are ur loorge fox the ran o wood boy violinist miaa annie loutae while elocu liouial and w 11 hewlett chior master aud urgauist uf carlo too street melhodiat i huruh toronto mr fot baa played before large audi a noes all over the t rovllice and 111 many oltiea of tbo u s and is rocogiiiacu aa a young man uf extraordinary laluiii flo aliuwed musical ability when a mere child end under careful treialug and development now taiika aa t anada a star siohuibi mr he jtbt 1 b ability aa a lienu aid organ auluisl baa been proved by i in hpulanly aud tba many oella for bis servile mis white la a iady ot chantiing mirbti lollly and ploatung preeauoe whose clever versatility as au elocutionist waa proved during a moat suocasafal tour of the provtooe lost eoeson she poaiesiaa lha ability of mimiory to a remarkable ex tout ropreseullug a wide variety of dialect in pexeoualluua with perfect ease the baud is gasng to large expanse in pro vldiuu liila niiuiriainmaal ll la bjped tba public will ohow ihair appreciation by turning out ku large numbers mui kiln hcqumo of itoekyood visited mies mtunle holmaa a fa day mr a l hanutreet revived tbe aad nawa on tueaday ot tha death ot bis eister miss hannah hems tree ol milton the result of heart failure tree will oh aha had been troubled tor some- itoer mim dam slreet waa well kilo aeteat she had tuatfy frleadi waa a taergeleo ihrlilian waiktritnul beallbteiladaael will be very much inisseil la kw aarale 1m which she rnqved tave fiuierai xiku 4aka plaoe at milton ibiaailttpexw the opening and dctluxtpry ncrviocs the morning service opened wiib prayer bytheptstor ltnv j w it to rv i hosuok ii b ol 1srkdale prosciod the dedication sermon taking for his text acta m ji atid as ik reason oti of right oumieh lenierance and jujgmouf to come i sllx trembled in in introduction tbe eloquent preacher gave a graphic picture of the customs in 0g11a in tlio daya nf bl paul an 1 of the city nf caoacrta the trial before i rlix wan vividly portrayed and the presentation of tho cam against paul b tertiillua the apocial lawyer from jerusalem and paul a defouce were very impressive i aul s reasoning ol righteous neaa temperance and judgment wan shown to have a visible effect upon felix and the queeliim was asked why waa be not con verted ihu rnamiui gien for his ail uro to aotjpl brist woreliiu dilllculty 111 giving up nld habits uf life his prldo and his fear if publia opiniun busutif il and practical lesion wore trawn from the ox ample of fein pitiil power was shown to bo in ins natural endowments hk grace of god in hit heart anl his consecrated seal with this power his weed wore liquid flrr the speaker closed with an eloquent peroration on t lie ncocuiity ot seeking the same fft t ni i our spheres preach the same hfint he touchingly referred to tlte new building and tbe certainty that tlio gospel of jesus cbribl will be proclaimed lltorein then in solemn prayer dedicated tho new ohntcli for the worship of got thb sermon in thealtcrnooii was preach ed by rev j 1- howell m a poator l the meqindiit burch it wi bwxl upon matt 11 h lo what purpose is this waste 1 he keynote of u111 exoellont im oourao waa that religion fajs in this life without taking into cniibideration the blessings promised fur the llfn u uiuir it was shown that the building of clmtiho and the sustaining of iho mean of grace enhance thu value of properly prevent en too aud pauperism and are s pre reijuis ite as well as a support of civilixatlou it is a matter of economy fnr if vie hod not the christian religion ether forma ol wot alfip would be in vogue and these are in variably mom costly hriatisnity pays beca ibo it ensure the prtservaiiuci of our country 1 hern is 110 better guarantee for aolf preservation than tha building uf churches aud suslaiuiiift thorn lo the glory uf god rev mr hossack preached t the vast audience tu the evening ills diaoourae waa a masterly present ion uf me truth and withal so simplo that every ouu could undorauutll the text was mall jl ia bon go work lo day in my ineyard aud overy word it contains was successively emphsaixod 1 be gospel he sail is fur every one and the man who ha teith mill work for the i ord borne refuse to go to work because they claim there are so many hypocrites lu the church othoib because they iro luke warm auotbor class object to tba form uf worshij and atill another depend upon tha long drawn aisles and dim religious light he con tended that those who are working can do still mure for the lord it is god who gives tho 00m maud a wealth uf illustration enforced the truth uf be various point presented lu ins dosing aenteucea a loving oxborlatioi to work faithfully tor god was given w a al tbia elo diai w i jh appreciated by those who heanl the and will long bu re mem be rod i fintrihnlnr in l f pnuitt who heard itav mr husaack even ing sermon waa moved lo oompobr tin following beautiful lines as a result of tin thoughts suggested tulin x in ul vltllo i tiiiu10 sui 1 low a lui tlw xii vi wi r 111 1 ii u ho tallu iroi ui dviuis uf llrtiiuliig beak lh orrli u wlio liava sons astray llllus lu itia oaraldes k rot 11 tlio worts null i luiliu0 wlllj ilia wsyw ll land rosl touoa ul luvu lolliil uioui ut jaui ai i it o it iuio iihiu worklugfoi tlie uuui caallng orrur djwu wluultui souls tut jaaus jsoal ur four inibu hk 1 he lerviols continued un munda j ing and agaiu were thoy charactering wlll iiiarketl auocees a bountiful ta was aevved by the ladiea ku the old church from o mi till 7 jo at lhe latter hour the new building was crowded tbe proocodiugs opened wilh a briar organ reciui by prof leopard of toronto al eight u clock rev mr ilaa took the chair lhe ohiir sing an anthem and ltav j bimtb b i of guelph lod in prayer 1 rof louperd tljeu aaug thelrisji luugraut s 1 iiiont alter whicii mr itae lutrojuced hev william patterson of oooko s church toronto aa bis esteemed college oleestnal itcv mr pattemon delivered bis eloquent aud luslruulivetdcture lrolaii i aud the irish his opening to 11 to 1100 waa hoi ore i basim to talk i went lo aay a low words iheu followed hoexty congratulations inon tbe oumnlamoa aad dedication of the new church tba lac tun was a general history uf ireland from its earl lost daya through jl the troublous tfrnaa down to lha present with a funning common i upon the beauties of ibe country iu early sol tiers their 1 ion is religions and modes of worship the sooncssivo changes of catholic aud protest aul rule tha in flue nee ut the kiug and qoastis whote power helj away its great rosui at home and abroad notable battles traportmi eittee lis twruiaolgusacuuieut us characteristics fchrtgariatom prodlotlons aa to ita future 3bu cause ut iralaud s poverty waa traoud to two aouroaa uuj lorduia and iiitaiiiperauoo ibo land laws were oiplabiod in detail aud the fact iiala of irish bulla and blun derm i lise were many paragraphs of valuablanfurmatioii given ss a result of pareouej atudy and obaervalmnaiulaceoni pan y ing the whole was the rich dialed in which tjia ultcjmieej of tbo lecturer ware couched ai tire cloee a cordial and unanimous vote of thanks waa moved by jlev j 1 llowall and eeeonded by 4t w itryere itev mr hrnilli of guelph spaki i imm u i hu iib i ing and the pastor gave a brief history of die work from its inception referring lo tba liberality of- the congregation which made il posaiblo to open and dedicate the ohurcli practically free ot debt dr lowry of guelph presented lha new pulpit bible and tho collection plates j h hamilton ot guelph the baptismal font and the chmlian i- ndravor hocioty the communion table theoollectioua on the babbalh and the pro eeil f lhe lecturo aggregated about iboo 1 he choir saug a number of anthems and juaitclus during lha aorvicea which added in the internal of lhe proceedings in referring to tho erection of the new building tho satisfactory character of tha work of the various contractors wss spoken of special reference being made to the carpenter work by mr john j iawsoii iho 1 lastering by mr joseph anderson and thu stonework by mr n chulas 1orbca qeoroetown iuit lob mill lluvgeuikotufn delegation i tho bun lay school onvoti tion al acutii included itev and mrs d a moir itev mr stephana mr il d xui muses yomigmnliod thornton and beeaey rev w j hhamun of toronto is oou ducting special meetings in the disciples church tho mechanic institute will hold the urst of a series of iii cent concerts to morrow ovemug ladles aid social at tho home of itev j i btophaii litsl frills y ovet lug waa ijuita a success willie modowall wbb run over by a delivery sleigh jeslerdsy afternoon he was very badly braled bit is reoovenug mr john mcciihkou of 1 11 dot has bran vi friends lu town iho post week the modrrn in all i lis laates medicinally in keeping with tier luxuriaa a remedy must be pleas illy acceptable iu form purely whoio me lu composition truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objeo tiunabla mality if really iii be consults a pbyaiaian if constipated he uso the gout id family laxative hyrup of f l cold weau01 bargains urn ouulluued cold hco up the m tercel in tci ignore lhe fact that the weather la till cold and you bave to protect bloata noltbcr oan you afford to ignore the very tempting induce moots our special sale offers you aud the tool that you oan buy wkuler goods from us at discounts varying from io to oo per cent io du yourself justice you should know how much tnoney we will men s aud bov- overooau men a and boys fur japs woolen underclothing lined o loves and mru ladiea and mlaaea jacket lcaotlm and dolmans fur oapes mufis and collars ladiea dnderolothing woolen hooter y and q love bod quilts and blaokeu wool dress ofalertou u later and jaoket qlolbs rvery bargain vrestvo you t a mutual benefit graud valuo fur you aad red uo lion uf a heavy spring goods and advices of shipment from kurope ore coming lo baud harly millinery imports are ol ready here aud novelties are ouu ataully arming we want room fur new goods aud money fur duliee e r bollert co 30 and j wyndxtem atrial ouelom out mioliail wa spjkiiutcd i real lent jos momhi ico irssldeut 1 gter mcult secretary and ibo ol i board of dirocluis were rosppolntod 1 1 svsa itlidud to hold ho show mi lursla april m the direelmv mcut again on saturday march fhank lsaacc pains in the joints oautted by inflammatory swelling a- porfoct cure by hoods sarsa- parllla it nff r li i ip 11 1 cl 1 irnsurn to ree immeii i hood harmi nrllh mj 1 1 wn nhurtr i willi crr11 pnln in tie lit ner mj mile i with trellli 1 i n 1 hi it i n c 1 i i in t grt it stair kiel l tin iter ulli u 1 i 11 li 111 i knee i wax tery anxious about lilt 1 anil hatfuji read hoods cures o much about jluvd santnpirllln i dtcr nilne i to try it nn i t i a imlfili reii bottles four of vchlcli entirety l irt i blin mitn a utk mhn o ji s hjmajiqrtlu npily a weak lungs flshrld 1l pi u c 1 il li iml l li m i 1 i uil 11 tin moki j v kannawin dhl ic10ijs mazawattee teas 15000000 ulturd llulweut ut itbeiuaati thesfile of durno fe gos rhnkrupt stock dry goods groceries hats caps and mihinery is creating the greatest excitement ever known in the merdantile line in acton notwithstanding the very stormy weather opening days the store was crowded with eager buyers thursday friday and sat urday and the rush still continues and will do so as long as the stock lasts just now you can buy goods at the corner of maip and mill sts acton as cheap as anywhere in canada look at these prices come and see the goods factory cottons at i t r t 7o were 5 g 7 h it oo white cottona 01 1 loc former prices 7 b j 10 11 1m table linen at ui i jo a a njc were jo 2s 10 116 i uoo beut white twill sheeting jo a jnc farmer prioe us a 40c gottonadob 1 ik4 jjc worth jo i l 10a prints l o iju turnrrprwott 10 a uc oinghams at a kjo were l v ljc best cotton shlrtingb at kk you know what tbey are worth towelling at i 1 c l a uc former prioe 6 7 8 r ujc towels at i i h a luc worth m uj a joc black all wool henrlottan at n to 45 50 it two former prior 40 ao gi 75o and tl 00 notniutf so staple as blaok i henrietta aod caahmere now ia the lime to save money on lliem all colored dress goods oi w ff former prices and many lines cut lo f 10 a ifie worth 4 times tha prioe blaok silks at fj 7fi uo and j-x- wore 1 00 ii 35 ft 36 and ii w rlanketbhne white blankets at 11 60 ij i and f j 7f former prices 93 m ta 00 and 13 w per pair cjrey flannels at ii h u i o v jc ware 10 1 j jo j 10 t u mens felt hats at iu and u former prices 1 00 tl j u l t rfl thay moat go furo all storm collar and in f at half price all far caps at half price cloth caps el 10 15 im i rmtr j r 10 jjo soc and tl 00 groceries cauad an reiki nd granu latpd sugar white aud sweet n ibr for 0110 dollar block tea al 1 n worth hk best green least uc worth 0c anl every thing else iu the stock at m noy savu prices we recognize the fact that when we make state ments to you through our advertisements we are expected to prove them and if you come and test us we will do so duncan ferguson cc co corrier mill and main streets acton why bother your head and tire your eyes sewing sewing sewing when yqw can uu lu o b ryhm vs m 8alhj and bu i atlici kcady made undrwcar unapei than uu un bu tin miunil and huikc 11 our bait will lonliuuc 1 tow dii k 111 special yalae in ladic gownii skirtb li l 1 special aluc in read made wrappers special due in corsets bpcetttl valu m while aud liiwy uiu u 1 1 1 nd 1 aill ou c uoub etc special alue in iuiila special value in white t guilts special value in i mbroidencs no second price g bkyama cu8lph v rt xme hou great special sale sf underwear ffihite gottons and prints u stilltothe front ihi8 undlhclot1iin0 ie newly m aod will sell them at far leas vbau manufacturers pru ode and when aiamlnad will be found reliable uods we huu discount in pru corset coveh8 ly trimmed with km broidery and laos ita each two lor oo 16c oaoh worth u6o j6o each worth 56c jaa each worth 6uc niohtdresbb8 60a worth 76c 6po worth ttn 71e worth tl 00 76o woslb tl op 80o worth tl u ii 00 worth tl 36 i ohawrhs trimmed in ariou ljl joc each worlb jc 30a each worth 4o bjo each worth joo aud mauy others lu belter u all tie old country ih 1 lb add 4b ll 0 pacrlbts 4t40 vqatomcehrsltfrua for bali by henderson co chemises nicely trimmed- via each worth 30c jboaaoh worth 40a 16a aeoh worth 60a 4o aaeb woath ooo aoo aswh worth 70a 1 pvery lady shoald seojhese underwear bavrtfalns vo lu possibly get the ttoltoa ad bmbroidsry aod make up lutril order dbiokrttwt railway ibopplog tilt hiout 1iou8b white bmdroioerlid skirts fiue each worth too uloajy tuokedau 1 embroidery trimming tl 00 each worth tl lo aeaertrnci t trimmed with laos and hmbnudajy and many other in better qualities they are remarkably cheap and are murh 1 usei b l4t bajnpbje ttnl to any ad drees on appltoation r riht o aatvallm stoxtsmrob w7imia3s oor cuatumra ouiaido the city lo k thl ol a bopping trial tin and money oao besawj by il and we guorauleeto give ousfoolioo king at oaal corner jjnghaon at ii am il too jli if

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