Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1895, p. 2

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1 wxaiiiii ww j7kd j fmi maplunlltqii on haiiinu ami march ir ularnaon i- reeuian aood a tear htluttyx l ill tim 1 1 11411 1 tl rltpti hurl widen of d riirtoii pw uuy hhtli fnlrin miconil dan kvai kiimk til trafalgar near all ton nn wi1nlr mli unrrhannm hr dbj oct anatlu hwnrlininr of luimon in bar yhioiphjm thiiradav tli hilrmry 2 lion htirlnn aeeonil dan nrn x11 mordenaailcraaiil ityiwi kvai kiimk in trfli wnrt oct thetubere will ilar- trout llo imiim of lhrialmtliar rlwaeibaiier i to jinroblll i piiitrv on friday hli inl 10 a in 9ije tton jfvn rss ti1uiihiay maik ii 7 1hm notes and comments aw- iituauijxxlauiil v alloy ucujifll ad id ry a lino of m lor violating the luteal option in and ho jatlrd aftr four daye confinement he waa roloaaed on payink 171 30 ilia nonunion vutrr hat fur tll county are- now ready lor ilia inn r the ijbcrauhe a moat decided cmln in iho liita mil ion rhrmrr i he conner vativm make precisely tho nmo claim reaped in the now bate tjipcc 1h73 ailtfcr haa fallci flo wiioj to 17 penoe par ouits tlaiika mainly to tho over production atim a la tod by the u b bharman act the eilver bouhl and to rod nndnr thai act if old now would entail iho loaa of mllliona of dollar mr ilaroourt lite provincial 1 rramrer prevent d tho budget to tho ontario iia latum thuraday and explained the roven ura and eapeudlturoa in a lonu peach noticeable features of lha receipt were tha tarua incoine from wood and foreala and tha declma in huor lioenaa revenue cunad by lha gradual reduction in iho number licnae iu force al thuraday 1 iuulatura lr ltuaeell muvod lha iila ilia lha manitoba hlahcr nirtbnr fi utiou afllrmniit tl ady to 00 tin i altera of the itiimaii catholic uoluoriiv will a 1 law of puviiliiiy reaaonable relief 1 he tiuicriimeiil vi appoaod llm resolution wiiilii wa aupportod only by tha member of llio opponuoji the japanoaa are having all tha tflory hd excitement of war without any of tha hardship and trjihnul mury mimh nfiu dinger it la aid that duriiuf lha abola oourae of tha war they have not loat o raauy live aa wcra loat by the aiukink of he hi be the war haa not beeu much more fatal to them than la 1 nolo hani a auuiial i uurth of july celebration 1 ha juhrmit 1 1 cumittrrrr aaya tho ktir uy of tho woatlior recently all owr thia couluiolil haa inernaaed aa 11 alwaya dona the number of ore unfarm property the claim made for loaara on thia rlaaa of lak are unoomfortably nuiueroua the ttra are very frcfjuenlly traid to itauipa who am a prolific aource of farm loasaa hume imbtftnoa cam pan lea are declining to do farm inaorauee any longer lloury clowfi lha groat now york banker in hia iaal oironlar remark that the reopening of an international diaouaalon of tho ailvar ijueatiun aoggeated by the raoaut utlerauoea in tho untiah iarlia meut and the lcrman luncliatag la a hope ful nymptom ll la an evidence of tha growth of aantltnool in favor of the rioubla atandard among the lutlueuual oommorolal alemanl in kugland and tha land owner and farmer of germany torontos thiudfire simpsons flno now bulldlnu nnd the othntthroo cornorn of vonao nnd quaan strooto another mi dollar loss iinski mnrclt i toronto was vialtnl at 13 ti iatrnlay nmriilng by iitiotkar r i n ii- jallon in llio heart o lh btki iirk centra nl tho nty thn tliinl within the aat two month l le caan of tho llrat two flroa wliioli involvwt a loti- together fi million and a half dollar thorn wire at rang iuaplojona of liinoiidiar praaent ira appear u leave no loubl thai it waa thn work of ar ry j 111 ro wlilflk lvl r about a 111iiii011 jojjr orul it in ih large new anvmi athr buildltig utnly eiri tfeymuohattiuipaoo ai quocn alrcata nd ocoujied hy h dopartmonl alorp tbo flr waa djtcovcrpd by walohman in a ourner ut iho baao maolof the building far removed from the boiler and what add lo tho anapiciuna thft ll tf ej of iiicriiiliariim utlio fadt thai about hi limo ltif re was dia rcovered a load t ploalon oceured the flra rapidly apread throuyh tha large build lugnnd iwfora he flremati got fairly wad in work on it beyond their control ivmn uimtfcoh m m iu uih oolllhiq alora jamitaon aljilo huilk weat oornar of qokh and yoiic alrotit whioh wa ruined butohflo a hon linary and dry ood immodiatoly north of jamieaonaon loung atrcet wu gutted with a toul ioj of atnok 0 molliecaan boot and alitaa next dcor north waa half burned houih of himpaou a on vonga aireet wanla- lha jnweilaf aufferrd eterely though the front wa nut much hnrt neil ixivr drunjlal angered allghlly over jamlcdop a tore rplollo hiuipou wa what i known as agrfoul lural hall the properly of iho ontarh agricultural and rl aaaocialiou iu il were a very valuable eollrction of record of cattle mmllgrcea alul othtir ollicul atofk breeding rcootda which en 11 riot ho ru placed all wore a total lua wlh the building jurlbir wol wua llio tjuuaii atrert front of buulhio 1 bunn which wa kuttwl noll rmno tin jueen alrtl fruul of tho t baton company- grnt drart inrulal ealahliahuiliii winch was but lltllu injured acroe yongo alrrol tilt ftrengnu did rrcat damaga al llio north west corner atood the llcuduraoft block oonipiiil by j ilonner contloniana furuinhinga and uiaa m ll itrla1a tnillinory both worj bnrnedo t arfam f came next norlh and their roof waa badly burned and their mock uijurtil h lor at the aouth caat corner of 0110 and quocn tho lnirrial hank building sjipet aerioua damage in the lower part hut 1 j brown with a iftrge block of furmiurt uwtaira waa burned out and mtltiu u next aonlh atove inerchauta wcro burtifd out and m llenilcraoii ixt aljoinliig alo loat evorvlliliiy idjufloll k o gcnu rurniahiuga and llio tn moot lloiiou hotel fartlier aouth wore about three ihri f liar torn bill one atrwl eaat waa tho 1ytluan hall whu ii fotlovo1 with mouldiqgit a deapateh haa beeu reoetved at the uaparttnaol of trade and goramaroe from ihi flnlnnial oflloat intimating taotative agree roan 1 between upaio and great britain under which the mother ooootry aud all oritlab coloniea enjoy a minimum tariff in bpanlah poaaaawiona haa beeu extended lodacbltoly uoul a formal treaty baa beau negotiated or until either aide feive ail 11 ion the notion of withdrawal from the interim axrmngemat it ia expected that david honderaon m i will be the oooaervative candidate for hajtou lu the 00m lug elections for the houaa of comuione john waldle ex m i could have tha liberal nomination if he would accept it bat be fix gone lo call forma where ha may remain until after the election are over aud will not be a candidate the liberal will meet here on trdraday si a rob h to mot their atandard boar or aud iho caujmjkuh i unable to make auy forcuaat aa lu who ha will be oo thn uurth of march la a it iu day it oummcrioal circle knoouraging report were givau by whulara regard oil tba ot ill tl of mirih paer that day a hnaoy iloartiaiu in the iiuiuhor uf failuioa fur tim mouth proceeding aeltllug day la notloail aa com pi rod with previous yoara and allow thai the ullcy of whuloaalameu lu wordiug uul the weak ouooerni haa had a oeuaflclal rfloot n trado geuerally it will be aomo week ba tba impriy xu trade will he noticed by the publlo lha volume uf gooda aold laat month la hoavier lhau laat er and aa aoon aa thon are dallvarad aud ttt ratal ittra itanda thr- chaugo will lie viaible the proviucukl budget waa proaeultxl lu thajojlilaluro on thuraday tha ratim a led expenditure fur the coming year amounu to tjtlu blkl which la about tl t 70 loaa lhau tba amount uf the eatltn ate for laat vemr 1 hla auui la niailo up uf civil govoruiiianl iji4 htj lagialatlon urtlioo adiiiliilatralluu uf juatico 417 wlt wl t p tira llooa 7n7 agrioulture 1b1 hi public building tiluril aud refuud lit uru ru all of whioli auoia are aoiuowhat more than laat year 1 ha groat aavlug however waa made 111 tho luiiaixillaneuua expenditure which ia tl 1 1 04n or hki ooo leaa than laat lanl yoar in that on crown landn which la tlu7ruu or 11000 leaa than laat year and tliat 00 ouloniaaliun ruada which la tnjo or thooo leaa ulan laat year 1 he docrcaao 111 iiilaoellabeoua rxfieuaoa la aocountod for by the faot that laat fear the election ceiiao woro catilnateu atthuuuw tha dthtratttr tot april ia called the hpriug auuuuuoainent number and 1 au axoajledl a peel u on uf tbia uioal popular woman a magazine uupplamequry io tba regular leeue nf paltaru there ta a ttmaly artialo ou biayellug wiib illuatr i km of coat u me that will interest all lorora of the wheel tha paper ou tba voloa whioh were interrupted by tho ill naaa of the aathor are reaumed and there la baguu a moat pratloal aerlea 011 preeerva llou and rauotaliou the drat iuatalmaul treating of tba pulling aaay and ear of furs uogin a aubacnpliuu with thia number the subscription price of tha dilimtitor ia ii 00 a year hlogle wmja 13 osnu addraaa all ordaralo tha dellu astor 1ubltabingco of torvntw rvl 81 iliobmoud blrsat wost toronto ont llal damaged 1 he tliio 011 federallou life building waa alao damaged lo the cxlcut uf aeveravl ihouaand dollar the two feature of llio tiro after thn tiimpaon building had gone were tho iuca lion whether laloua great alum would in ved aud ibe burning of knox hunli atceplc knox hurch lanila uxt to bun peon a on 0uoru atrcet on tin tonlli kir a firebrand lit tin lliu httplo about half way up al 1 ll n clock and burnt atradily fur neatly an hour without making auy great blawta i he 11 rem en 1 mid ool reach 11 sud it waa a forrgooo couci union that the alraple would gu lu an hour or two thouaauda of ioople atood around anxioa ly gaxlug upwarda a h re man tried tn h cltnb lip carry i if hii ffxtiiiiimht f ijni 1m waa unaucoceaful lu tho attempt about s 15 oclock the toe pie fell into tho atreet the bellhaving fallen out a few miuutoa earlier with regard lu haloti a i he alnrc would undonbledly have beeu burned hut for th all rwl ll ira lirig1 ij ii f he newjcnox chunoh ibobprlptfon of thn hncttort lid if loo- tlwi nni amon of contrnfitnru coot oflho work tiiatillawllij t1inaftp of tint now hiiildlniidlifiniol ti tliu w irwliip uf uud hy knox churoli ngr wmtk will h valund hy filrriila r uhiiii away from ai 1111 111 woll an hy mi in hern of thn ewijfrnjilni i who will prnrvi it for fllitn ruforonr i llo iiiiporlruituru ih vt i itrml with pruauoi brick and row i umhi n iilotio foun dulidii ihu tutitrior itppunraiuu lu of a lioal aubulantial char 11 ttr wifh auml cirooliir ntclia front nnd ui lo gthlia and ortiiui ll lurtm itml aut i rnon ii hoight i nhtiufnitr i al t t tho hidtwulk i hu truin hnui nl hi hiiiuinit u thlut -fwi- i-i10- audithriiiiu it uvbl fint wlh trafooptn adiuj iii retii ah n mil a oholr rttxuu iiiulur mi jlliptlual itruh ih feet wide and 10 fiot dcup bahiud thu pulpit tho buudy bclinol and loeture rom lit 11 feel in to pluouj m in a available an au aunnx to thu auditorium un tipuoial uooajtoua by jiniiug four um of doom dlrimitly opioute thn puljill over tho irrturo room mill rxtimding arrnati in nudltoriuui in n drop jallor t ably nnrr luvw tlul pii fc nhiaattthrhh httle crowding mid iil 11 u ol ihu lotturu rofii acuuminoilaliou 1 au be given lo nvir 1 0410 paraon ou thti kahliath cvtuing iff tho opliimg of thu chunh byniluil loiinlink ovor 4ihj chairtt wuru plaooit in thu lunliiro room anil ilo luaidca tho kullurjthurd nro two large clan riminia or ladlcn pirlori owir the kcure room aud hilbo am apptonchml hji itmrd loading from thu two aidu vottilxilt n whiiih uluoguo at h lo thn liurli an i luituro room 1 1 m miniuur u m airy ib lilu v thu ibotr aud 11 direct nlnirwaj kiv 1 tmunii lit aacoul lu tho puljl plftllurju it fnti ifctl ih td uhi lenglha varjlg aittinca lht n and ut ll lulu i k 1 hu lllll ptalf an i fioui of lu d iillihcl oak uf ahapod mialing j j lt and llpliolrttoreil diairit it 1 okwitnl fuol n iiiullsabjt thu door anltlu choir gllmy ija ilircu rntincn nf reatu rnoli with a email elovaiinn auvu thn platform nnd ih arpar ta f w-lffw- fre t a biaullfiil ivlonjx1 rnxl pipe urgnn of choice dentin an i worniiniitthip adduuiu h ihu tramupti art dfu led r 1111 iho auditorium b iilu mikrt 1 mi irun colon 11- hui thu cihug la duibd lulo mt hv lli i wet uittn of iho rf pnucipilri tin iiidauf wlmhrialutiimh la ih windowa 111 h with lloclm duaiua of laltl iilhulral lln i he onliro luillliig i citel and lb llnialird iu the intci tor in uuh tilled and vuruiuhud i he walla aru hnlniid m atucc aud are coming and goinq vfoltorato nnd from aoton and vorlouaothur oraonnl nolon rini ifnrr tjikonjuw lill iu inohw t trlli 11 u to ii 1 in eoli ir hi or rr li in art lng awny on a if j rip i r 1 ynu liti 1 jri ml tlaitliif 1t11 1 11 rnrl in 11 1 i 111 1 im hi miss nut ho itryut 1 1 viiilin fn 1 1 1 nt ilirkhilj mr donnpli oli f hirul u viailtnn ha noiu hon artdu tjinra mooru i i boon minliit thu wuok with fnouda in i urmito mr tuvlil hmllh f milton villi il if it brolhnr mr a i hi hi thin wtwk iho mlaana hillr jronh wiravtlu giiiiili of mr win mutl ilufjtlu 107 ulii w uarlmrr npoiil tiju dayn thia wli npotil tiju l in luwu u mhamtyjio llrovn uf hi lr iwun vititiug at iho linmo uf lr i 1 pnhl wtoh miaa allco joodnll of jlmihtin linn uoun tio guett of lior aiator mr wi nltitn tho paal week mlau a n 11i0 monxbb rotnrutil immn in it wcok uftor poiidinj n tiiontl r w will i l i h j rim jn froulu brttaauginilo limb wliolin- lnti unit lug lior amtor nl oltawa for nnino hum re ttirnod honjo 1 11 lb in u uttudcrban m 1 wn on tim plalforn a tin mooiinj of vlmul muitblcrn a quolp tuesday tuning muaara jumna klirn i i ran u in a b phmiauii 11 i minnhl and wilhnu lynd attended the naij04 at m1h011 thli wink mi liberty cookoixn who hnn rtmdet at tho ioinor m i for num lime in ypfy luw with intig troublu hi falhor ltov tiliiiiiii and otlitr frian lllr btllbi 1 itusi i 1 ii woll m a w llr mil li 1 dldwt ii h 1 i mmhn 1 olllo i hpoigll nul mnu ii m uihu wn nm mr ii i m uiro allondol ll on v nil 1 of thu muthoimt louiij 1 uopk 1 hmialun at lorotlo last wrrk monra v 1 hi tn 11 i vi hi rent li orindull j a hhtl 1 moore mra a 1 htontre 1 itsiilitoy and mlas i lliu nlumlod dm funiiral of thu litiuiiah lloiiilroiit nt mi tun 1 1 lli tim fuv r loiniihtiuiia itham guurriilly a fuw liiur kiftr lht jniruthni liss ivgii l givun 1 id hii iitiprovrouiuut invurubly imi i ouiiiui iiulklalik hut iho truiiluumt rmiut i limvi il 111 ilthl luux lisiu vftor ll ru fnr from what i vc uuiil i iliulfu ll11 l i uy thn rii ihu ui i 1 for i un j mi fniunily ihi iohmhiiwh twl ith nihi r axniiiliii thomi of tjiphihru pniiiuini jovor wliult tho i a n hit 1 tin tonirol 1 ho ttniihuii phy iuian lo ttialml mnny pnt h uud linn 4int lmt a j uigj no wlinru til tceatmiinwwna l 11 urn dr i llirrn ildyh t mm diiunar ilo in lni llloili lnit inl rlu1rf1l allli mil l in i pntllall hi nlhl op 11 hig llirn ih vv hi h i wb4 in vtry to in it iib t tliuniffiii lllulliluwl tlhirllat t re w i nni i tift- llnrlillh v txhilit that iliprniod look il 1 ih i rt 111 llio nmittii hra altanmd wit can 11 t 1 1 t intn irn tl raiih if wu htnlo hint wo willannu linvealuiirtlianiulit montm of during nil mm a id thin miud hint nan be prment fur irealmin tltihug the fin four dnri orncktitu uud ihu 0110 uf ulul hitioil in uttfiil miuriin will bo alitppfil of ui trrrurn youth iiincirly 1 riiapii piul competely paralyzed phyblcians are astounded uv a peculiar casb a y0111h canndhin strlckun vlth parulyuiu whlln in now york ruturnodto ulu homo at london onlnshobullovod lo dla thn manns of runuwud honlth polnt- tid out ty n clorirymun who vlo- lloil him hlnckiii with lnutlryn irryni mil ytitirnl i liat inuauii hut littlo to tho nviriigi la man hut it uinun a tniratlo lo aphniciiiu km h in thn 1 xfinrlottco uf j itillimiir at priamit a vuaiduiil of mnilimin i nnd n rare otjorionk 1 wn itatliiu that 1 nil lintiry a p xr nttii hftui mr llalli ior to llioreportir ur olnu the uionl 1 lot nlod phyaiumna 0 linhn wurti uiukn i lint i hnvnbeo un 1 in burly apan 1 with thia 1 iraiglit nil up nn nlur ly d pruiiiibing bin dl itiilniu an t vli rod amcricu mr linn milne of hipluy b ou in minniinoururamnti hum lu hut sin tern mm a bluphci mth ian mil iu fur a wcuk or ailluo tptlrt ilia bojlioxl tlnya i ami 19 11 uj i 1 xl tiiin brio mil 1 burnt i mb i jlll 1 he cttdg i gal ion dug tho all thu atone cxi apt for ttw cou ruing alitf upplled all tho axntl lor iho buildup uf the chun h iho vamua co lr ta wmu aa fullown caimxially drilled hi ijoiio uf the katun employcae tbrao were early on tho pol aud with mtrenuuum rxurtloiin playing on the roof and fruula of their building the lire waa pro van i od from spreading to it ami otlier adjacent to it 1 1 wo about i 50 before the lire waa fully uodor control 1 ba tire apread to st mlthaela hopl ui and tho mciroolitu church but only fur a lunmiul being furtunatuly ijuickly cxtluguiahril tba eatllllaled loaau nod luiiraiiin am tlf uk ll r eaton a co la lurluilhi tl nk iiu1 i una lttlo aubm upturn 1 otui imtiii in it til i nt cent of vthih iiiiiiui thlrita ban already bron pnl it u tim pur wo 1 f thu urccl nheda with thu prucvda drrlvim tho aalc id llio old elutt i ml ila oik i he onilaiiiuii whu h 1 t liuryo ik lit j halrinau jpln mahor 1 ijii llcheagm s rilarv i ma ddloiiall liarlua i l 1 ill ik t jllti liiluru 1 a hull of aucoui ihu ounty of ii hoi tihlii 11 poat eiadilnte will bt apiircelaled roadora hmh muist keb 1 id ihii lit mn 1 1 nui aiuiik tho mnny in lorratlng bi 111 thia city perhnpa not tho loan luutuulira la tho lnalltlltluti lor 1 11 focltoun dmeniiea which in in i or llin duet frluu of luf k k1 nn i wlmru lh new trentiimnt for itiplilluji la m iwii tonlid lodny 1 1 lied li o inalllulion at i wa ro on 00 wllh ciuitaay t thu mijjiu tun dcl li h tnl li hu ilv alt iahniii of the kl aill ri uiuoh of urn tim out uirulteotia nod uulhulurt alalemon a p iwared 111 american paporn ro una truntniout i thought p mibty iv mili tlftmuo intaieal to your 10a iota ti imv fn in iu noar a 1 gi y thop have t us b iho tl origin of tin mnthol bo juubldlv lu a col nan iibiikii llnlitng iii tunuvoi but an anplli atu 11 tu ihi huol ilm lluj whluh la injtod ml llui iliplithnn pntloul ia pruparud from tin blood uf thu hurao nnd la called tint llmloirmaua 1 tiu method uf pruparu lion ib aoiuuwhnt ulnboralu but 1 ahall 1111 dcavur lo cvc oil no uuteehuliinl accoiml a iiaittily t diphtlmrctlu hxiiou of kuuwi ironglh 11 ji licit into a honllhy tiurdo i hu done muat bo inro imiuh l nuht thu animal ill wilhoul iniaiir ilajife lu a tow davn nlur llio tlruta lavo pnaaol j k tirowui ttal 1 1m glial hulk uf urn i fngllaii aud meruit 1 i aailin l biiabiw hj lait been ruaihvltia the ulj iwaknueil tu lb ire ptoteutluu aud liavi law tire rtigman ll mrah v no i ba ilia a w hw lor nl aoourdaiiua with it uuliui dlaouaaca in- work iff variuua alale leglalnluroa llin ly three uf wlitrhl were in aeaalon during jauoary and 1 obruary iho 1 w arllcla glvoa the revult of reueul norma lioiideiioo with u ulcer aud member of tluiattflgljalivo bod i a lu all part of the country thaia forming a iuliue cunlriuu dun to ou tran 1 pollllaal itiforuiatiou tba jt remnaul of the laballiou oddly enough a forgotten epiaude u idahu h la- lory in tha late aixllea la ihu ubact uf aji amuailig atory by owau w later in the marab unrici it lltla la 1 ha aecotid mlaaouri oouiprias and beeidoa a poker playing llalalura aud a ouot beaded iuvoruur the roua mpraacrited iuuluda iho rtnuurceful hwaimdu jouoa kuowu tu fame through auaaral of mr witter earlier tale id i muuii 1 ml tun m i m it till j 1 uobeil mdoi in in liihu slilhr ionald n la xunlit idoiit m i h mlra lit 11 iviu w 1 m h ho h diphtlu ml ami lm oilllilied lhlrl itn u blx it s i ih i ui ul maieli unt he eoittu 111 ti when i wii iti now i urk oity that i ilrut foil aymptum of my trouble iiammntd 1 1 itoul in ffottre npal in iuh lulling lu hiiikrl me i contiultcd a hynninii u ho liformud mo that i had eviry nyinptom of locomotor ataxia but a uf 1 anlryn paraly bib nnd knowing llm nature u the liavnou nduued mu lu atari i ndn i k up my worh and on apnl lat ntartetl for uudou out woll hluwu pliylclan wan on nulled but i trcw rnjndly w n ml ou halimlny tl nuvoral phjat held a hint i ttua at dualli n door having but three tu mix day to hvu but i at ill lingorod ou ly hub lunu touipkuly pnralnol my hnrrdb xnd fcot being dtnd i couft hardly vvhijer my want and could only awallow li udu oh the nilbtr of thoao muuictita atu ltntl nil dencrlptiou aud death would rmlly hnvi ueti n weleuino viailor now euiiieb thu part hint haa aatuundod uuphjb nni- lev mr lundy a oiory hi npc rl till m t ih maivelloua 1 nn f nrnljbin dial liutl boei piiiloriuod b li wtlmin 1 nk i ilia for 1alo 1 k i ntnrted to tahn thu plllu about anl ja n b week after that full an tm pinciuctil in tn condition i hrm wx a warm tinchnc nciinntlnu lu tim llmlm that hd b cnlirulj dt ad ami i aoon began 1 1 un v my feci and imndo iho luiptuvu in nt tt until may if hut i waa lakun out ol bed lor n dilvo nod drovo the him ujmk ll ihu boliniiiu uf july i nlh iiublalin ikiiuio and pnld a p a success ol t a d cd rt cd q t xi d 3 u9 our great clearing sale is- a great success because we are fining as we advertise bargains in all lines is still our motto foi cash only ifyoii have not been to see us yet call at once it w be tn ynnr int silks a 1 a larfc iinc of colored silks in iongee clnna pongor d surah regular price 40l we offer at 23c illack dress silks regular price f 1j5 for si 00 jlfii 00 for 79c hosiery vvuol lluv tegular piitc 1 1 1 lil li iils in nroioition ab lau ctmimoru host hcn joi jm lr pan for clodks watches jewellery spectaclqb qilyorware fancy goods alao repnlilng of flno compiicnled watohou oo 10 symon prnaucal watohmakor i and jewallar a p symon ilelu aftbrrtisrinmii notick to dkbtorh hal tl notloo uhiirobt ulvon hint all aotuuutb dim llm oalali ol thu lain julti hlielhi toi anttlml i hi f urn thu ilrt lay ol mat will lm tilacwl lu u10 linuila uf our nltrltum tor col loo tiou t a prefer lo oottla with thuao owing llm nalate iminanall and enuaorjunntlv oxlsiid thn u110 uutjl nlhirn dalo it upiat be lltliotly un1oniljoo huwnvar that u llio lal til uay ttin aituh lobi j a hm ii 1 mm ltl itfxt 1000 reward w ll paid hy the councji uf thia inunlel allly for thaeonvtctiod of tho tiarty or j whu wilinh- and iiiallrloutly not ore lu tim riuultia o g tliomaa knatou ou itlvor kweot on ii m lay nveuiilg x5tli fab v imoi i ly order j ilikaiihon al tuj p l y milh hoovo kkiit sale in eaquextng knnn hrorl nnrt implements ti wpmi l ige i mr wm saverg lo wll u 1 ulillcauctlun on lol 11 coticcwlou r uing on wednesday march 13 llo clock abarii llm folluwing pruiwrty kamm hto h htrae hunn ol uod hiinmin bbocpaiwl 1ik ii uiiual tu tw in lamb imrkahli buoepaiml i ik itl ll brwt bronlluu i tablings and napkiiia v new itnt ol lablt i iiildsvci theap a special i j napkins loi i 2 worth 1 65 c tnnnot i iv jncci ticrc but we have a large ran iiilii l inul jipobc uf it uiitt irile accoidingl 1 hci j im i shiotink oi 1 tor j 1 iaiil lo bl 11 ib w 01 til iftl 30 oi yc jh lb- ofii bright sugar for 00 j of granulated butjui for 1 uo ouuo ilka it nut jirukluualv about 10 hen imfi khkktn lou duuiocrat mn mlrlhlalaiimi umm binder wla hit aackt drill uaauty aulky rake aprhitf tooth wr innnuui mill floury plow n u btin plow tiovou rakfi nut tiuiir artldla alao alxiut kb nr j ml liuatmu if uala il hla ukhi h tut a uautll of lltintl tcim or sad illar an 1 imtkr cw r that utn ti iikiuiii en iii will l bli i uriiublul iiin1 jtliit mil hf nr ct tto lor caah ay uralii m i loul caal 1mk1w a hfmhksah thentc it t i hli wl 1 ti y 1 h cam ol htuul ml n rem ti k vi il 1 ondun for no w it u o tuu 11 n id bicu my vvor tcnlu un mi bt jl lhl1 t rod u and y i iltal al n i muilha 1 c 1b ii 1 a a lu boyond all doubt mr allii luie- in tid if lolluwl k b lvit m i i- ola le ha llim itt thlll 1 u 1 i at at 1 i at 1 io li rucnliic laleti em 1 ut a il ti u i i ol 1 it in i u hi ibctl befoiu mo a i it noiaiy t i 114 fori nk llbll ieuu lha tiu bluud unlj t an ill jn tu ui til ub li bti ltll blu rraatlrntlnry riitb irrol vaflel troui cnuatiiu i of llm hirnu and thu luunt of th malt mat uijt tod tieti llilx con dllion a fenubed a i ouni lurahlu lliou ml fatal amoulil ol t lood ib vmiiiiravvu from the juuntar vein of iho horo and not stud to dot i in uluil upptr pat t whu li ha i h 11 bt i 1 trrn i mdllli la i i i muara alao m ll ll ll ii liaon wu i haukl ol ou uy 1 o uluyi ir mai i ayi 1iro deelroyed iwduu worth ui lumber in tba piliutt krouuda uf oleaara uilmuur a iai al iruuailu aovau mile north of i ottawa john i own of llm mll i itn lo willi two aaitnnta j liy ml i inch wli aou wa inakiiiit up tho ompioyrta jay laat i icbl whan llerl hhurlla lately pnv ate dcretary lo the mauainr of tho null fnlerud the oftfeo and picking up 51 r ixiwa a revolver abut wilaui in lha ido nnd llred a i iiy kllilutf imn initantly lxwa arwliit iho murdnier a objret cauuhl up the a boar a anil rait into lha vault pulllnff the duyr axlui luui mnim ieboef tho nihtwalll niaii ooiniuu lu al ihja juncliito hhortia ahul him dead 11 then attempted to enter the vault aud while thua euitatfad a ouutdc of lha mil ureiiieli ruahod iu aud ovarjiuwiiratl hini wilwii ia in iviliual oonrlition 1 whu haa bouu ill rvusutly la alartn a wyak itlu llm dilllltlt pill nl upon h li mm trutllll if an nluiul u k n will 11 it b i id ll i kill ikpi hie hi- inf i null lolt ll ll lnlk c 11 llaui humolb li tl r ii 1 h t a 1 1 hi lilc c v lu i ln llo a pact ll foi ll il lo hi i km ak a tut a 1 1 h ll ma and 11 fo ol vteahtitn i 1 v b hid ii lm blood au 1 lent it ll l w nalih u pam nnd anllo tilt ha ll u rn limy rttuct a idl t al tn in n 1 u a ai nllllt flun in illa1 m mtihm jlmia ar oo lit t lcu 111 ivin ih f thia moudorful uiediclir and 1 n u ckou lo childien iv ilh lfe t utrly ll 1 ill at iiiiu tlud h llie 1 uilluni m i tu ot ipli llruckvllk uill aud aic aold uul in iiuili loaf 1 tuj tin 1 tu n lralt marh a ti wrapper at ttt tenia a ih 11 hi jj u i imy li bj ih 1 a 1 1 n i k lnit b mull 1 i u iliun m dt in t iu ltk c ash um henderson 6c co hcton the old story coats jacjketb p capes i fccl to new muuii ti low jklouo faleibura lakofiold division notice to contractors skalfcd thmttttlh ndlreahhl lo tha tiijor hiumk aud inilarm taudar tor trent canal will im reoelvotl ai ttiu tifflno until noon ou balunlay cird uarch irtu lor um coo true lluu nt about iu uilloa o tvanl ou tha 1 otor buru and iakanslil ulvtnlou plana and ikicincatluua ot tha work can bo aaou at tlio ufflca at tim chlnl knaiuoor of ttia depart moot ut itailwaja and canala at ottawa or at tba huiwriu leading liutlimor otlica 1etaruoro ebera larma ul toudor cau be abtalu d on afttl alter uundev itah taororr uua iu fh eaaa ol ftrraa lhar tnuatb attach wt um actual albuturo u tha lull dunt um nature ih oocuatluu aud laoo aud roaluont ul aacu uioutbar of lha aauio aud furthar au nooaiitad bauk chruo fnr uio sum of t joo uluit aocoui- iany the louilai tliia aocicod oliauo muat iw audoraail ovar lu tha u lol iter of 1111 way and cooalautl all l furfollod if llio party taudar iptrtnfcllrteaeritetlnylnter f w iho ratea aud uu lha teriii laual lu lha offer ubiiiulotl tto accojued ebotuo ibua hilt in will be retuniwl tothn rcahcllve iaruaa a utian lauder am uul accnptatl tha luocnt ur nay lou dm nut uocsaaarll aeoaitsd 11 urilar i kobrua ihm iignilu am e 310 panta or do jnu punt to be panttt iints no is the opport i j d williamson co i tin of j antilt in tl k l diphllmria flilv ltu inalta of bu k made in the bo ly of ih pall nl la ado in iho body uf nu ai i prtder ly llm liorar aud limn injaulod into llm putionl hy ihla iiioaua la nvmlud llm bultttuii ihu hum wtmu llm kioi filllu ill iiy lllu bncljrta ajid ihu luuu whuu lbs tlaaiiua uu pruduua 11 o uelillal uiiik autiloalne a delay dunnji whiull fatal dimakd niay be dune tu tha body ab aoou aa um dlaubbti la reuo1iuud au aoiuuu uf thia fluid ae1 rr ia ujnctod bumalh llo kin of tha patiunt ueuuially nt a puuil uvur um nlath lib tianto flttlo awflluitf rvaulta but ammdlly uiujiuuhe i i in millinthy show rooms mill stroul acton miss white in lo muliuory bliow llooiim now opm tu iho public ami oitendl a lurdlal lovilalluu to thu udlna of aekui nod vieinlly lo latur hrr imlh all al any hum ihu nf h ui ai yijla tiiliisery kind fhnc goods are bumu h wi and mi whll will her htineinoj navlitauta itula cuiilldanl be will uu aula loirtmuroaalltfaolion lo evrry au nicest and most refreshing i i for chapped lips or hands or fur use after shaving is our wint6rfluid selling off hooks station kr vnv goods ktc uui ul uaroii uoreatrara ami uthura who buy lu larger uantlllaa wit i have octal hiducemoula uooreu liibk aud lu all uialorul rod uplluiia will ta uiade school books copy books drkw1ng eooi ih u i uutt jtitcll tiliio koilcaii at 1 iii h t luatn si r t u ikul aud uianta wr ream jl ibwl rule i a cauu aud ihilui itialllun n ruhi u ion kfau j i f in by 4 rt lur t o i0iin smith fine watch repairiitj the gem of all cough syrups is our cherry balsam it toj h a uouyh or cold juickcr tlian any oilier preparation m the market pleasant tu take and doc its work v thorough 11 ins wnrijc prcphrsd oislv b w g smith co acton cor wvmlhain and macdonald btb ouelph i uii hum out tl in st jt wt u anil i i springs imj havt a t st nnproxttl latlu uul tuolb foi doin yood wotk and u uimoth to lil si tisfit tion savage co hamiltons maililc orkm iiaulltun llhw humeri tultl lllockl 1 ltiktrdurm u u ml 1 1 lif nurlulk trrta nuetpn onk john h hamilton proprietor ml tllrw luihrur ll iiuull t hmti

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