Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1895, p. 3

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f lb -i- r w i vi- banko eham i lt o n jifadorrioe hamilton uaritai i ami ur hbskhtw putin tot i amkts aliflonno vrnjuo tmimuhll board ov dinfictohb oiimhtuaht ah itamhty 1 mailem nil i iiihtuh 111 a ii 1 m roriiu r l 1 rv iu ii at u r tl llnhli ilmliirr ii h htki iikn at cal lor ii k uatttos i i r aqencteb 1 1 hi it ton illartou hi a fail i i aiui i lerlln cliealny llboruot iwii irli 1 y 1 lal wx mount kirol tirancn ill jlokouil i lrl htfln hlmcm 1 r il al0iui british corroopondonto txid national i r ifil ii m f j- t mj 1 1 ul american gorraapondonln tw yon fourth nstlt nal lutik i hanover national hank ii laratr in torn tl i truakco liurvivyalritii hank lun auu national hank of iiiioi anil i iilou nation flank usraoit detroit nelluiial liana kajua ctry natlunal liana of cotiimorro agontn in montreal tim hank of toronto the news- athome rvforttly of a local chnrnotor and rvorv item intorobtlrje itrtfir tfnif to iir inririii hmii llnnxfmlcui i sr who retired from fsniiiug i inn or totoars ago ant settled in vi ion hiail mded to return tolim home- at ad in hlatif ird township ha ii reinov ttiktlimioo lltio wmk mr rlnttto ildatifrd tilmn i liia nlnii id tlio interest of hi orphan iraii liwiua wiui hive- imiuii mailing willi h m iiiiiih i hit tttalli of iholr pa re n la mr an i mr hm i hi a f rum in in aolon am btirry in ami i in m leave lllnir it lie residence ecqualtov around mr mill hwaimiani mtlio i mr k tilth georgetown aqency on all tocsulblo qrau ilrilslu and uiacoulliidi a x savings doparthaent deposits or 1 ami ui wards rwwtvod an i interest allnwail iraaai date of doiwll to dam ul withdrawal hi kuiai dmohith alao iseoivd al ou remit rauta of luleroel n u ilwvvttqnk airont wall papers ceilmir papers from ac to 50c per roll window shades mounted from 25c to 5t2 00 tldi curtain poles mounted all length from 20c to 1 75 each the largest stock the lowest prices the im nest assortment it geo hynd8 aoton ont 1 irm irasod fur some 4 vicinity an i take for abrrtueit lo wall italian itov 1 1 miiint t milton favoratth1 i 1 1 i 1 1 w hi a call on monday ho u pillo rltttol uvrr his success in being able lo aoniitioncn t ikratioiiyel once for the emotion of a find new edifice for jrsce churrh a noil as the fact hat lie has nccurifl dm services of 1 onl aberdeen jovenioroennral lo lay the cornerstone una important ceremony lake placo the drat wrrk in juno anl no doubt will he alien lud by ihouaaiida of iiailor from all naita of the cmt tlio coleman mill t lj qxtan vit llrcss 1uuiisday m ahch 2m 1805 jf ht lo ifflffiffcetsr vhloh cauaht the eyot or earn of fra praia re port era thla waak all fool a day noal monday april opona on monday ucii a number of farmcra are bnj naking oood b riday l wo wrcka irijiil to behircl il loslal alm lauaa ibia in oaftibonsa4bit poojilo wattl adttrtrae it wisely and ll la aura to pay the warm apnng daya wttli their brikbl innabina are appreciated tbe balk of tb now weul oil very gradually an saturday and bnnday mr john valdia haa declined the nomination of tbe halloo liberal for i be comrooob mr j j kelly haa purchased a nco tral block at imattavilie and loatfea m a fo daya to take poaaoaaioo tbe oold anap lbt week baa not a i eel ed tbe pricoa of egiia and butter ircah ogg are 13a butler lio after ten weeks of contluuuua aloi lag ibe moat of ibe alei and cutlara ooaaad to ran on batnrday a number of property change have been mads in town lately and neftotiatioita are la prorreaa for olbara bilu armstrong lata of laruato haa opened a dresa and raautle making nub llabment in mra seoord a block ur john warren will bold an eaten elva bale of tboro bred atook at bia farm lor 30 ooo s tomorrow afternoon the rrgular raeetiud of the couuoil uooday aveninn wan withdrawn uo buai noaa of importanoe requiring atteuliou the advioe of a hiahop to a ouui praaober appllca eiaally well lo an adver user llave aomathiug lo aav hay it stop the will of the late lr eiarhaun freeman milton waa probated last wrek ii la ratals amounted lo between ull 000 and 11000 the aafa in the c i k itlou at brampton waa blowu open huuday mybl bat the crack men obtained uoihmg lor tbeir trouble the metbodial huuday hohuol uul ira supplied a conalderable narl ot iho proframmo at a tea mealing in 1 vailoi tuesday ui ici4lit hid auu of prion stloiuod hiu and he iproug ou apriuit an ude but tlio clrmclila tbay loorucd hi m and lbs ueil day how 11 an owed in iba ppriuit ihs juuuk matt a fancy turna lo love aud lender souuets but the maldeu meditates ou erapa aud dreas and new bpnum bonuots officer uraham liss bcrn uuiounl lu the bouse th rough lllnraa iba past fsw daya ills brother name down from erin to per form bia duties for bim 0 don 1 yoa remember aw oat alice ilea iloilt hweet alice with hair ao brown aha pula as much cahoo now in ber lae as aba used to put lu a nowu iheioeiuen are about through wttli their ha r yea for iba aeesou an uuuauai uantlly aaa lakeu uh iho xjuda tieie ibia year the let on mlhhlrf i w about thirty inches thick iho nasi nioulh clear as crystal a aploudid double oomninalou aervioo baa jual been purchased from george ijyuda jtiaslir aolou tor kuoi church it b very neat aud ohaate id design haa two flaguua sud foot k str aud la mauu factored of die best juadrwulo plate llav j w uae avo all esoellaut ad drrm qu ibe foundation prmciplca of our order al tbe meeting of acton trinwr aum union leal friday evening the l lara aud the mesa bats apprtolated the address- of their laleutod rei r- i imlhr ot ilirli1ltn who lian the coiilrict for iho ureotiou of tbe now church aay that ihry mill imvr iho work uuiubcil b hcpt lat i ami ihuirtl nt limit h the mcmooru of the i oca i hoard of i tral hi met last i- r i day ovenin in ilia council ham ber for organization mem bora present fteeve iraraon clerk moore audessra w ilkenney h f moore and robert wallace upon motion o ii i moore avom dm by w it kenne hob ort wail ico wan elected chairman of the txmrd for the current year arrangement were made fur tiie annual inspection of the municipality to commence ou iho 1 0th may of which duo notice will be um laler i he dcaire of tha hoard la to oon imuo the oioollont sanitary oonditiou winch haa charaoierikod acton in l he pa i and they hi po the rcaljcnta uf ihe mm loipslity will all aail tlieir ofllcnrau aoc thf iturjc at the i t a reecpliou mirvioe hill lu i olj in il me luxliat churoh nest iunrfky moruiiif rheii llioae accei ted on trial al the close of the njmiciel sorvicea laat november will be received n lo full membership llev v t miitnol of milton paeached olrpien niriiiuiii i nowi itoma supplied by corr rjonrionteflnd xoriapaoe oeongetovn mr a mnnnleer of ioroiiu ia drtavorim to iorm a clae hi oloeutmn hi the esseabor ia buay mi ina ami round i he annual aprim entlm horrn ojinw vtmu be bold in ocorrnlown on wcdnela jllh april tie council wlltanppi ii dfita tl water power at 8m per jusr itev i rof ahicfirl m a or wyulilfe lolleur lonmlo dnhvprnj liia popular irfl lure a walkltik tour ihroujl reemt in the htiitmmil of hi rn a liurch on luswlaj evemnit itev ii aldwell of acum rechcd in ihe mthol hurch last timid ilia oil friendi rnirn pleased t hear him akiu limehoust f toronto taveavrry hi mieaioiiary work ihycbtrian church on itev ir uoflatt interesting lecture t ill canada hi the il bunday taal rev mr motr of ieorglnwu preached in the molliodial chornli here en huuday laat ilia hearers w7ra much plea sad with i i ii t- r ti i r comltmuaotrcoikror yinltare to and from aoton an varloua other porsdnn 1 notes ky inru invite all ii llila coluuib if oit or joilr irlaihla i i ti a luillds ull or if rou have iii nt jou imp a enl to lle fnrr mr tbr l i ib il ninji here n commenced for cslalo of j so j tjurljb has just becu much of interest lo tha aunual thorp seedamst reotivod it cuulaiua ranch of farmers and gardeners in his address lo the pablic mr thorp cm pussies iheew atalcmenta 1 i am the only praotioar aewdaooan in oaelph j i impart all my tredt direct from ibe uri h 3 i pal up all my nu acffctable and flower exiifiackcta bud a 1 buy for eaab be long to uu wed oomblnblioti nd can undersell aiy other eeedinan in canada mr thorp offers a numter of ncellent priaea for competition al aotuu fall xbiblliou for tooti e krown tcom bis fd albatll ctinrch last ban day ihe evening aermon on the e lac oon ot a vocal ion had many oioellent pointa itev ii a moir s t i of george town preached educational aermona al hi loam and the other appoint menu of that circuit on sunday kiv mr caldwell went to georgetown itev it trotter of i india who reached in tne dsptiat church laai huuday lelivored a very able discourse the congregation waa delight ed with him itev w dryers preached miaax jary aermona on 1 rsmorn circuit laal huuday llakcbmll to i c4 ttjlm 4mu judging from ui tnlhuaisatu wl iu chsraclbriaed the moetiu bald in iho council chamber on saturday evouing for the organixatioii of a base ball club for tbe coming season this game will lead among local athletich iu 1hj olhcers were elected as follows hun i resident m t wulxw i mallrut 1 tranoia ico i rosldeut uarr joti hecrdr tluurve uuii troaaoicr uurray ucl i al mauaaer tioorfio nlckllti c tain tl o koiil o urtlnii jr t- haraoklisu ar vt i u l ai i jauteal uulliu the club haa secured the aerviot a of a aok i ilchor aud hope to play a nood team j he matter u tbe orgaaisatluu of a county lea rue waa debated and correspond once ia in progreta with thla lu view in tbe eveiil of no county loajtue being formed ajton will uui tbo wo tor u intermediate 1 esgue uldtftaht mcebmuu ih 4nla ihe thieves who visited several laces iu town bunday night oould liardly claim ihe old adage the better iho day the better iho deed williama anoo a tore waa entered fram the roar a wiudow beinf pried open with a piece of maobloery lakeu from lark agricultural ware room tho dariug barglsr lighted a lamp aud disai rauged a conaiderable portion uf tl o alock iu search lug for what would suit bia fancy as far as ascertained oijly two pairs of sixe ti dongols kid boots were lakeu mr williama desk was also ceu backed aud a fow cents lu change and bia luaurance pollolossro inlsatng thla m tho fourth llono aiuoo he oomineuced buai idm in aoton ihl mr williams a lore haa boon viaitod by burklars karly mou lay mornina tbe bar of ihs commor lll hotel waa also entered x c fleet an entrance a paue uf glass waa emaatied in ot o of the winduwa on tbe oast side a bii all aoi i of money several noitloa of liquor and a few ciara seemed lo satisfy ihe i uuaebroakers the public bchool waa alao visited between haturday aud monday aud a few trilling articles bioibu nuthlnft ltk teafavr aolou la proud of hor numeruus isalhai in auu factories appreciates i heir import auoe tu iho commuulty and rejoiooa in their con 11 uod auooeaa iurlug tbe aat week or ao two uew industries have been leuulhcd mr a b nioklin who for a number uf tears haa held an imporlenl position lu the moooasin department of the canada glove works baa cotntnsuoed tbe manufacture of moooaalna and shoe pace uo allows some very amraotiva sample auolher buaiueas which my develop into importance la uat being eslabllahed bjt mr w o trick late foreman of tha valise detriment ul messrs tfalo a marlalt jakulla aud for ssipo department in tha buaioess of m j r mctiapui a co hare his work waa alwaya admired and years ui service has 1 roved it to ha kallattotorv aad durable the large and prosperous mauufacturies locaud lu onr midst alarted from amali begiuuiugs and ibe two new ones above re ferred lo may yet reach aiguilkoaul prupor uuua the ouuiiieratloii of our various leather luduatriaa may surprise aome of our readers wo have ihe largeal luva end moccasin factory in iho doniluiun and alao iwo other glove factories doing a coif itderaua volume ottniilnest turnuitt out ably anmenlnl no atriuha or oi jual now the lime liloa aessou a i rade a oonaiderablo number of oak lugs bsve beeii put hi at the saw mill of tbe toronto line co during the winter borne fine osk lumber will be cul the oomini season mr itobert oarvln has leased iho farm of mr a ii wrlgl i near acton and will remove thence al once nassaoaweva we chronicle this week iho death of miss mauia park only daughter o hubert sud vary iark of tsanwjjsweya near k natch bull who dioi st moffat on 1 uewiaj marili ulh aged 17 osrs hlie took sick on iburwuy 1 1th wilh ii lummalion of tho brain ana novor ralltrtl the luiirral tot k i taco uii 1 hursday lat tu iho bene let ocmolcry the itev mr del hers of aherfoylo preached iho funeral tcriuou the bcreacd family have lliesynipathy of all miss annie buti housin is viailiifc friends iiulmlub mr it h jrhliyu f cahbum xprnl lot it n t wti mr mil mm aunitifj uf olph illrd rrlalltps htrn la i week thnma wolliail uf toronto vult home in a clou ihla week mr kainurl jiihntof if tortlitlo ajwtit evrral taa lal aittk wilh uund her- mrs lliat vrinatronii ufooelph apen a day or imi this wrrk with friends here mr a mcmillan repnasmlins the lororlu sir called on live far ikkjoi on iieadey inortiinc mr harle tenner who haa be softer i tig from inlrammatioo of the luaga tbe past week la ounvaleecinp mr and mrs george grornmrlt of naaaagaweya were rarsla of mr aud mrs william anderson several days during the doatld of education mr swaokhsmer tho ndw member cntarctflpon mis cuttas the ii anl of trust ret of aclon iublifa bchool met iu ihh rortncll chamber on monday opening the tall rt tbe chair man mnmbers present mrsir geo ilyntls rbaimuui t ii llartlinfi itnbrrt wallace ftnt itourl irolmrs mr iliiam hwarkhanir iho member i rlrrtrd to rnmplelo llm term of the late t itev g ii xikn aulsiiletl to llm declsr j ation of omen an i look his erst the urti of the taal meeting were rcid an i cot ilrmct the nimmltltn tn ft nance prrsjnlrd their rrpti i re rt rr mmemlinfl pijment of aonmtiilo as to iowa 1 lntiall jjann vixxl smi l tin maa knlcff rcfatln a tl jol n ii uslltiewa woo1 1 t ii i iloarp iv jhklf nlr 1 tt pring see the new v ttllo i itllr m a t alcaltllk u it t k lie 1 uid b an attack of il damn all u uf iho langs he ia recover a irei e voumrest t atihtcr iff mr mill til lannern kile leather harntss ami iipwi leather and belling sll pla of glove leather including buck aulelopo moolio h res no ruasell sheep and kid and the two new industries named auction saleu hxnoi ii 50th mar hale of catue and hueep at agnew a hotel lbs properly of thomas martin hale al two oclock torts cash wii hkubtskkt sue tioueer wtisor jrj april kale of btoab and implararmtsttbeproporty of 1 bom as arlhura al lot so oou i naar aoton terms iv mouth t w huimuu bub- tioueer mra tjioa wood ia laid up with a serious attack of inflammation wo hojie alio may soon recover itobert w luon lias bo ihl the bouse and lot formerly owned ly lwd ouflleld bden mills fur ftu two wild duck we o h n hd at kualcbhull monday nuu miiki 1 in is surely a ngn itlal sprin ti uol ay far distant fho sale ul it til h 1114 v a lali aurcrss stuck fetching a fair tlgtin tahile ibe grain went high 1 ljj bto ighl 51 00 per bushel uata sik barley wk and 1 ay 1 1 00 per ton the h t of 1 i hkwthxl l- im mills and kuslchbull ouncila wml lo hrookviue on thurwlay eveuiug laal with a view to organising a council in that pjtco aud were not disappointed in their effort tlio name uf iho new council is prospect james miller is select councillor john vudorsoiit of kuatchbull com tuo n rot i ihla week uu his rounds of m nj wilh clicu ar an 1 engine miaa m 11 hamabaw i ll k kn u a id friend a in iowvillc isaura yuuiint daugl ti uf wi aud mrs iiuh akliis is oon ft net i u the louse with some unknown disease borne uf ibe farmers ba o nidi nocl their sugar ttiaknif i sst week jowpli ai jiuv uf 1m gawova appiared before mayor mcllom mlltgn to anwcr a char of aaraoll laid agalual hi in by johu klpwii h videuoo was riven to ihe effect that amlrewe went to hippon a barn was admitted by the latter and without any preliminary talk attacked him strikpitf him aeveral limes androwa pleaded justification alleging that ulppen had aland oral his wife hlppen la advanced in years and andrew ia a young man androwi was cuntlctcd aud fined fro and costa flint jalnra mclstn attended the of the grand ciisnf tbl toronto ut week aa the reweseniativn of act ti jrcle lto a ii itanlou is st present conduct ln a series of revival services in the first m b i liurch at its cine wis where itev ur j r farmer a former actoaian is the is tor a rreenl uambwr al tbo vanronvef 11 c fkitg ii rl contain a very lulerwating letter descriptive of honolulu aud the hawaiian laiainbi by alex c tarnpbell who was for several year foreman of tha h itik pbijh ho ia now in llonolaln the i utrrmatn mat t mi fl pablwbnd at hi boats mo in ihe i of the world wifle hqdjuv bchoofwork rd the bunday bchool association of ontario by pving lit lis curreal u umber a doablo column mrtrait and brief btograph leal sketch of its prevt intit mr albert being left last weak lo mas a tour of ihe populoui oautrn of the utaln of maiuo kivinjt phuuorapli oancerta the i ung llros are very saoossafol with ihs phonograph and have now throe maebioes t work their csref ul altenlton lo details enables ihem to entertain tbe public where over they go with niwli atiararhon n thsl ii hwacjihamcr be finance commillee total the report was adopted moved by t ii llardii itobt wsllac plaoed upon carried the annual report of iho anil prrwealad sse bwacbhamer thai the auditors 3blishn in pam lilcl form in with the municipal counci rrrl cat ril the hoard iimii adjournal something above tbe sverajje are ibe bargains tbal are offered at llonuar s this week bee ad canadian and american wall papers cciliu papers and borders also our new vindow shades ind curtain poles all n w coods at th hest pnvcs it he drug stoke like a miracle consumption low condition rsmuttsj from ts hood s barsiipsirltlav burlington ivcnlug burglars h ulraoce inlu th ufhco of m l notary aud couveyaneer by breaking ths front door with tools procured from a neighboring blacksmith shop 1 ho fact that mr cleaver did uol look bis safe doublleaa saved it iroiu deelruolioii aa tho burglars were evidently making read lo blow it bpou when they louud it open tboy so tiered the contents of una drawer over the floor bat failed to gel any money mr cleaver had held a private mealing lu bia oljlo on friday evening and ho thiuka some one who kuow tbo nature uf iho gath eriun expected lo mass a hi haul lie never leaves mouoy lu bis safe over ntjhl tho death look place on 1 ueaday lai u mra murray mccay one of tho oldest and most respected reside ute lu iba colli meulty hhe hsd been au invalid for jeer iho immediate cause uf death was parslysia tbo funeral look place from ber late residence on thursday and ess very largely alteuded on tiunday uiormug a memorial aervioo was held iu the me tho dist church of which she bad been a life long member tbs choir hsd prefared apeoisi sud sp pro prists music aud al the aloes of his sermon itev il j t ii loll re erred briafly to lbs cbrutisu life of the duces sell onl hursday eteulng tbs hum lei isiumonl of llie season wa given it ihe luwu ball under lbs auploos uf ihs 1 rof byterlau uabbalh bchool it was lbs ucra mrs dessttj alenudbrl flrtt apprsranoerbefore k uurllntou aud too oc uhs furnished ibe entire protcrsuitd each eelectlou being heartily oooornd to msiiy uf which aba responded hor rendition of 1 ha hoys ilowman was a meslcrpleoe of elocution tbs hall was crowded ths serviors in tha methodist t huroh will beol a pedal obaracler heal huudsv it beiug the anniversary of the ep worth beague appropriate sermona will be preached and the oboir will furulah secial musio on mouday evening tbs leaguo ill fjiw a nn in hi rhrli lr oral olssa snd litersry roiramme wu bs fwm mi t or elocution at the badios college llsmillou will give several resdlors mi james mortimer who haa been daugeroualy til for some licua ia fast oua valosciug mra gray and dsagbter wp ajnul iho winter with mrs grsy a auu lu llarnalon have returned lo i heir home in burlington miss illbokatock of hamilton is lbs gassl of her friend miss rdytbs iane more n j uoonsr iu sites all people re luirintf apy ordered olulhlus lo call and iospswi bisjtooii and prieve bsf ore isavtuk tbair erdsc elsewhere ri councillor snd mrs andsrsoo bad an eu yable family gathering at their home on itiwcr avenue last friday tb goesta present wera mr snd mrs james aulersuiisnd mr and mrs tbo webb fden mills mr and mr ceo urammei nabaataweya mr ii mssalas muskoka mr and mrs wrti audersoo mr and mrs i tit l i imberl sud mis jeanie mssalss aclon audiew m ttxa- j umflalo dlej al bin home in that ctly a bust ibe nasi of use month hd waa fur itrrly a resident of ontario but baa fur tile past 10 years been oouticcted with a mercantile firm in uaf- fal ho was married to a daughter cf col bervos of lurtoti onl and his fsmily have long held high place ia pell ileal life in ontario tbe dr passed and mr s a beoord s husband were both nepbews of tbe isle hon jsmes crooks of west flan bom and ibe hon iwmacy rooks of tbe hudson s hy o ra- hi k the l- p worth league a muaioal and lileiary entertain men l ou monday evening tbe first of the series announced ia an lodes of what msy follow ibose who sllend will be well aulertained and ihe member of the t p wot hi boakue will have just cause for congratulation the school room bright sud b aulif ul lu its recent improve men is waa oomfurtsbly sited and i be pn gramme throughout was enjoyed by all tho event of tbe evening was ibe able address by ltv d a molr b t b of georgetown entitled flranufnl uanda bvery aenlenoe was well chosen and srsry psrsitraph erapbasued a poinl of vain in ibe building of character and in socoesaf ally soooeautitbiai god a will through life at its close a very complimentary vol of tbsoks to mr moir was moved by llev j w itae aod seconded by lie w br ye tho oborusss of tbs cbotr were mooh enjoy sd tbe kunday bchool oreiswra played ajevoral elacllon with credit to themselves and to tbe pleasure of the aodlenoa misses msggie and nellie matthesra aan will lbs angels come and carry ms lluule very sweellr ustsbr jo tab aliens wire on a ilt to a t mlewart a big htors in new york was rehearsed with good effect in a recitation by mtae minute neisoa afa eaosueat resdins a delegals au large illustrating tb sac ccesful work lo be aooompliabed by tbe look out eouimllless uf tbe yuan i aoue s hutjelles wss read by miss lottie h tipeitfhl tbe audksoos sppfwctatsd ll mautfesuy itev j k howell m a ibe paalur presided ablluhovb alia kiiiiut arrul la vlltiu i j i uulh mr lw slutjill u r ion da here lunuf lh wk mr and mrs john itrown have removed to uramplon llev henry caldwell presetted mat bod 1st churoh on bunday mr j ii nikon hmm purchased a uer bard ueinlsman piano several of oar musician pxa prl in the eutertalnmentarea hf tbe waterloo i a iron a of ludastry on friday avsjnlnai b very number was enlbaatsatscally enoorrd but wheu ttic oysters can around il was tbay wt a tfid tbe snooting tow l of tr witt nnnsnrrlce who was so severely acaldad a sbocl luue ago i iwoovetlug crkwsonb cohnkrb m1 i ll th ufa ifrfnnna it vol four jeara nc w i ilr in llir ul m t kn my laugh r 1 latin i uarnlaa from the hsltfl in 3 trry i w chmiiii ii ttth consumli n rrt t ir im c an i in ru n i weakartlnn ihe lnarl tlio rrii mr m i water to ihla rqiinlr wrinr i t mnkr ii t ir i better ir s wlillr 1 i l rpn 1 i worse and for ll afk site i i nil if i osttbr led khr rtrn mitwl urn i tl i- lost tbe use of lirr ii mt a and i r twirl t l and if she mt i in ihi i i u i op with islhrnn i1im inns said 8 ho was past all hcl aod sstd me 1 wnd in i tl r ilr i ijararabtea hut i sal t as v t d at i i j i 1 any band up site aboum ik t r w r tl r ir hoods- cures v mammoth house walker mcbean co succctwrs to wm mclliod a co 7- bieip cook t v tl sv grand millinery opening wa cxund a liaarly iuiilalion lo li pablis tnrralljr lo out hpnnic uillinory hbninr whioh will uka place on tharsday 4tb friday 5tli and saturday 0th of april at tbo mammoth house v kawwaw thorps sekds grow if you want the hest timothy lied alaika xucerne while dutch banfoin or crimson clovers al the very lowest possible pricee lo thorps iheeesdman ouelph ho imimihs direct rite cars bead osls three era heed ieas two cars bead i tar ley jual in hurt grain nf sll kind rxkd corx obe to ooc pxji ousu oilcajck 1 sa rtui uukdhmd lms cotton skxdi3cagl 36 fkr xx lj1s q round saunur 3 od fxr j oo 1bs 7tst rolsjm ruoxju 0rtfo pir iiundrmd umstt holucr oatuxal hi fkh iacjf ceo j thorpe 8oodman grain doalo upper wtndham street cuelph new dkess ooods lmportod from luropu bila l o acton iivkky ml of tbs nll liljh i lii auull lie sad inform to ire her flood a harspn rllli shr 1 crttlni strong wslks ar n 1 bt i im r ei ry 1i has no trouble lib rr t i ii nl n n lf rll r r in ss twuhliir ah rt mtra t- tt marten blrret tarkd hootdb pllla 1 rl rcrlitte m f harm leas sold by all irucsuia jvlllll ioi y opem h i i j t ulil ill i lit o t nnug iid d- luj ul sllliiii drtrmuoodh jllkn lui cm spiliik cuki fmity souiln wll cquippd and btyuab riga oau a ways bsseoared ii til ttalilw a oonaftwtsbl liu ma trains batwean a- m aad kla n tn csref a i alien lio give lo every order th want of oommsrclal trsvsl bus tall r mat john williams new ribbons lac us uubrbllas ac oc boots knd shoes we are upeettinjf them all al the prices we are selling well made so i lioota snd bboes koen buying snd ready cash tell every time thilqring dphrtment our workroom resembles a dee hive jast now full will buy band larniui oi fins anils tbia department haa far eaoneded oar rspeaiatiou mr millar is kept bui all day and lata al night cutting out the garment for his many aaaialanta o as not stop lbs wheels uf tbo workroom we are turning out more fine oloihing than any i lbs largeal tailoring establishment on king htreet toronto our prices are doing it worth tl 7 heady made to ten dollar on art clsra smt this is tho l utaftrm 0 i 7j and ii jo 0erall mlllai lull tui 1 o lea i bun auj i lo et a auit for tne boys carpets carpet j ii tftwtt of u pet lace curtains a ir sll at ib rate of ml cents on tl amlker mcbehn ty geopgelown and toronto maiket da every thursday vv1 neist hats powders c- sost nbadmctm and h lu ao mtmurmm c d tuncur diui lllium lain nlhis k t wmipasion ill voiy lalebt style iliiiglibl uiid atxieriuan hdts all the newest coloiingo exclusive styles it k jv ki som loading fallor and furitlt it per wyndham bt gui l liki w nip tuko mud i lit0 thurtauav friday saturday march 28 wuud bees r now ibe ordes uf lb aiouud ber and lb farmer ar prwptnug for their spring work messrs ivw colemau and it 1ttfklos lofl last week for owen bound where ibey bare secured posit ion for tbe essvaon on lb northern navtfalloa hlea line mr joseph coleman al llatatltoo wbo waa wlsi kass last wsab ha rsiaa a llsi nm ill tun mr j hlaveciaoa aoonm t uut t imti i und u jtromlau i ltttrn a linpluy hilly up t u usual txcolloncc und will punt r vunuly thuti wu liuv t tvti lttfire iiiudu no t a uim w a ltl yuui or don bicm uitl muiitlutiiklng lit oti koliul o work by good skiltul tiiiitdn ul inttn imur u aq wo know ol lor work ot mpiul inunt and tlu in cunudu uru thu puiuttt wo ii ri our miyts jaknnox wlo liar boon to now york gt ti i i very lulott lior ihs steambobl ifwatw oo lake onurlo ll ia reported tbal lion mr laurler will eddr a liberal meelin lu uurlpb neat salurday floth inal ii is bopad that all will avail tbcmsslv of iba opportunity tu hear oo at tbs reals or s tors and at teaman uf lb dsy tii nee the winter is almost over at bear souse ijueer storbba and advent ares of souse in lb snowstorms sad pcrtwalarly iba mm of oo yuan man from krtu who had to go bone rkbt ms rasa borne to see but best girl and ooald not gat bach foe two wssaa lis had a splendid time lowr and wiabaj um stormy was ibex wuu laat month iduub tsffottlt uii rilu oil bont e r bollcrt dc co ho andsv wyndl ambtrwet qublpu oht ulaartll uttlasmlt t cilktadjaat spring inery opei in aiii b tlyan joii v ijikr jay hursday t lc iaturday callii sulfio dly lo u lay of krooolt 1 alt ipo lihat lb d ot trom hurtipe we will also s ui m a nuk nf dy are o iptad from those ov tha parlava and we go to bead uartera leu r ml line y we u t yo k people ibe long prtoes tbsy ask for t sir millinery w dordially invil yoa to at und oar bprtitf opening ibis week g b ryan co jcuelpl no second l i nt x t right house lb trvv ulltbtl utmmhadvuwad last wwak ace golu out rsldlf i 4 t a uu i wo alike aaaod tut lock lo day makini a flue asusatian of the latl tondon aod tan nulli a gojutlly u umber of ladies who want lbs novel rflsots are having dresses laid ssid pending the return of our miss llobiuson brad ul tbe manufacturing deparunoul wbo i al press ut viailiug lit f sab ion otnlrcs to new york nl w silks opened todhy fancy figured bilk- ulack sod colored burst ulaok aod colored marvetlleaua 111 aok uu do bote ulouase a beautiful sae id our wab1j d1ckbb 0oodb daparttueal we ar siiowiug a variety iuf boole h zephyr in obeoa strip and fancy fleet which need be swan to be appreciated new doqk drills dl nitty and organdy muslins iritits usun and b tonus i great profostoo new klau tqgllsh aud canadian alse uew palters in hsu nolo tie hkutuig xi inchos wide with l roar ssjurig kl im pw tim la iba sam saalt may be seen spec tain in gray and white on ton hheetitig pillow casings towellings 1 iwcbm kub ttliw thh1 u5b nthlipltand whlu labia pajding for us under lbs liunen while lawns india muslins wbit bali a cboks and olripas snd aa immense variety of embroideries in both cam brio aud bwtas mualiu oar coitrjet stock ib as usual wall aasoned in addition to all the leadiuu stylos tu canadian make wo have many makes in amariosn oorsau whlob sr oonnned aaolbaiswly iq am w have a uoat finished child s wsiat which we sell l lie any lady may ba sore of gwulna utaxtawb oomfortab fitting outsat known lo tbe trad by m ber select iou bare al this ooaaiar is alse shown a large stool of lsiwamiv avl cbildrasi s whits underwear cloaks wraps draasca and anything required for infanta wardrobe an eapbtwnosd wadiau in odatws of this department in today lu cases of ladras woo bbtrvlvootk sto innklns iba oussl collecuou of tboas goods tl at wo have ever bean abbj to show seoond floor tab iba slsvasor wsbmvs bean disappointad in not twosmng oar mantis which wo sxproled some ten days sgu bnl now have ad vibe dial tbay will ba bet tbs oral of iba wwsa aud w safe oar frauds aud tbs public generally lo delay purobaalng uuul ibey hare ssn onr stottk yon will bs oosm ill tin your on intarista by looklog thruogb oar caqet aud lloua kuruisblaf departmenu if yoa purpose i uytng vnytblng in that lio ibis bbbboo llbinpj bwak10 any liliilbsa apouikppliokaioo fralgbt and aaprtas prepaid toujour ueaiesl railway station oo all parnhsassi anoaating to w and apsrarda bausfaotion gaarajtse thu maiit iiotisk king oast oornar ungbson uamillon march tfth 1b95 tsoffasf o atbijsrs

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