Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1895, p. 4

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l i i ffbe victim 3frtc rcss thuithdayi haltf ii j i hub fflrr young 3folbg a 1m1 or u 1 10 sink lo ib aald irl bald and no i iibvj m i in lu 1ml w iimm alio aim kl liui lxlllllrtiiilinl ly mo ami l rikki v a ixl nuraa in beailo llio crib atut ihiu beuaaih tny clln a lilli ami fnla mo chlckin lirotli ami la with iqmi nlon a it oan lie till glvae ma dimtclpa lo tekn amlaajr ilo bond lor itljra fcw kla laualia al nrrrjr llltlo bwtn an bellir l n lived ltl oolrttfiir all i hmn mn in tlm blaliknut rolled imt i ahoaui eeleti anntlinr cold m mama mrom ami alia uy ion and britica mn idol lira booka lo i and mail urn atoriaa truly truu aud lovely fairy uirtaa loo aud uiou wo make bolter aiiil a wa ii lake a journey jar away we oal my c0l a 11 tlio boat tlia hoot a laka on which w float and then alio aliiga a wy aootf to cheer uuto aall a j htm an1 hnlti mn in mllrli halifit llllt a h aha warn a j 111 id like mo mina jual aa ihi aa aweet can a mtly laily air aud ana i am an fllail that alio la mitm and iami auia and aaka ao say how la my llula pat today t haaaya i ii anon la oomlng town and aouiothliik uloa lia ii hrtuft irum tot a ii it tllcn llo klaaaa ma aud gnaw and aara ilfl pauaat llttla itoin i think ita nlon lo ho in atat and ban aoutnboriy aland and wait to atiul tlia door and briaif did ilnnka and watoli tin taka my forty wlnka and and my band k rati lef and amy ttiat by tomorrow i nam play a boa i tfl lionse and ao you ana it a not ao vary bad to ba a little alek aatd curly head and jtnttmdrtattwtntrat ja true hero 1 he trueat hero la ool ba who doo a inula l rim i tired but ha who acta nobly hi tbe daily avenla of life the fnllowiiitf ajiecdola from iho daily iraa juolurta true nobility in a faithful follower of the meek and towlj jeans tbare aald a notfcljbor jmiiuliait to a village carpenter there a mat who ha done mora rood in thia community than hot phct pgrton who ayar livnd in it ha oonnol talk much in pabtio and bo d not try lie n not worth two thoaaand dollar ead it l very little lie oan pnt on abaonplion paper dot a new family never tnovea into the village that be doe ool bud it oat aud tflva them a neiithborly welcome and otlor them aome aervoe he ia on the lookout to irrva itranjten a arat in bia pew at church he la ajwaye ready lo watch with a atok tihbor aod look after hi affair for turn i believe that he aud bia wrfa keep honae plans m the wtuler mainly that they may ba able to bend little boaiueta lo fneuda and invalid he aod time for a plaaaanl word lo every ohitd he moou lie haa a fenlu for halpink folk and it doo me good to meet him ou iho alrawl off and on a lawyer noted for his uooeaa uu n examination found hi match in a rroeul trial when be aaked a lonf buffering wit nn bow long he ha1 worked at hla bual naae of tin rooflujf th answer m i have workod at it off and on but have worked at it toady for the paat twelve year how louft- off aud uu hava juu wor at it buty five yaara uow old are yon buly five tlien yon liavn boo birth r no air of o i 1 i then why do you aay that yut b workrd at your trade sixty five year decauaa yon aaked how loo off atd i bad worked at it 1 have worked at u off and on alxty five year twenty year on and forty ov off here there was a roar in the oourt room irat not at the axpaoaa of ibm witoaaa aod bis inquisitor hurriedly floiabed bis ejtam ination in great confusion harper t jkfapouim the other wav round sir said a student to a watchman in the was etna hoar of the morning sir i would like to ask you a ueetlou qo ahead young man answered lha dignitary that is what 1 am bora tot wall air does the law permit me tu cavil a polioaman an aaa you bad better begone immadiauly or i will look you op the votary of aima maur advauoad a few stop on hi way borne but returned and aakad humbly but air la it per mlttad to call an aaa a polioaman r the law done a t ay anything about that yoonx man it doesnt eh well oood mormon fr polioaman women the greatest sufferers ubank rkhimjts oftkn mciih lu all casvh i nmes oelfry iiiinil cures and lie stores icifwl healtli notes he an thebe itnma of din5rl intornat to frot prih raadnra i uiiinnii nji- khould 11 iiael 1 altampliim u iii it very diaajtrooahln ilianasa oalarrh iinpiint blood leaal apiiliimliiina ran ilo no per a oalarrh ortiittali f lit impuri tile blood leaal applidattons ran ilo lanentgool i li oonimon winao moiliod if ireaimcnt f to pptify ihn bhod and for thia purjn llifrn h no prrparall in urr to llnotl haruaparilla hood s iltls cure ooilipllii by malor iiilt prrislallta sotion to tlm alimentary canal ha who marriea a pretty taoe only i llbn a buyer of olirap filriilliiro im vr niah that oaumht tho ry will not riiduro flrciide lilaaa lliru a- 1j f it kiven to tvrry pliytidiarn iho for inula of hutu- uninlai in bnliij ilo acorct but noauooaaaful imitatiou haa ever beau offered lo tho public only jeara of riprriciioe and aluily can produca- lha boal tliereia no day horil oul nutlfs iirr a alroko of muaio into the world aud iniu ltaclf all tha way thronnh a imftrrrut urllimt many of our customer aaul our our druutkt recently are aupriawl to know that they dan rid thorn aelvoa of coiiitipaled or biliuu condition without belnk subjected to the wrakonmft rflocta of pill or purgative kaoljay i rfiseiigoa do not weaken but tone up the dttfeative orifana oion which they act they are eold at j3 cenla a box or ft buie for a dollar by all drugfpal a good word ia an raay oblitfalton but not to apeak it ratfutfae only our atiauoa which ooala ua uothliik rar a brail nf aiijihlnji nie rvr i mr john hitxer merchant waterloo aays i have ittvon stark powder tor headaohe ooetiveueaa hillimmoaa and nouralttia an ostonaive trial and find them to give the groatrst aatiafactiun my family i can very highly recommend them thoy are far ahd of anything 1 hava aver need and i have tried many re medio hold by all druicmta at jc a boi 6 boxa for nice lo take mediate and permanent much aa worthy friend add to the hap pine and value of life we mual in the main depend on ouraelvea and every one ia hi own beat friend or worat enemy if joor children moan and are realtee during alerp oouplod when awake wilt i cm of appetite pale countenance pioki of uiq now ale you may depend ukin it that the primary cauae of the trouble la worma mother uravea worm loiter mluator rffectually removea theaa post at onoe relieving tile lidle uflerr a reataurant keeper in montreal adver llaea for a sober girl as wailraaa tho driqker seems andeairable for almost every position in lite uardock illl do not grlte or eickeu they onro coutlpatiury and hick head ache lha mary pre it luu nutlced awfu tiuutb lloadaohea are varlod in tibaraclei uf freaiueul occurrence aud are pruduoad by a vaalrty of mums lha ooinuiou beadaahe la often produced by aome indiscretion in dial or do vial ion from ordinary halfta of ufa we have also ooaftmliva beadaohca rhaumatio beadaohea aud bilioua aud imtvoua naaaacael worhab kr ofuner tha victim of iheae troubla ihsp men whan neglected from day to day gra and fetal oonsetpiancea often ooour hemecrr tbaablaav and boat phyaiciauh freely admit that iaina a celery compound ia tha tafaal anraat and beat medicine fur every character bxheadeahe indeed litis oplniou is strengthened by tlia thousands who have given tawtiroouy in favor of peine oalcry compound naadaaba being mora prevalent in the hpring season it is uf the uimoat i in pun aooa that every auffarer should know bow lo act oua bolt l of paine celery com pound will often permanently cure tjalura marvellous bprinit inaxttcina will at the same timr ulhl up thx nilr falkm doacli t ahr a boa i thai but ll a bu way aha drop her hi dreaaiug rbeumaiiaiii co rod avmcrioan kheuraatic uie for hhi uam aud neuralgia radically cum to 3 day a ita action upon the ayauini is reroarkablo and mystenoua it remove at onoe the oeuse and the dianaao immed ately disappear the aral do uraatly beoeou 76 muu hold by j kan nawlu llruggut there la nothing more foollah ili t advia a man to grin aud bear it if be bear it patiently he doe auough without grinning afchit hut- mr t j hume olmnbu ohio wrllea i hava beeu afllicted for euro time with kidney and liver cotnplaiul and and par melee a tills the beat madiciuv for thaae disease thoae ill la do not oauaapain or griping and should be used when a cathartic ia required thy are o eta tine coated and rolled in the hour of lionrioe to preserve their punt and give them a pleaaant agreeable taste alwaya to ibluk the worat 1 have o f ootid to be the mark of a moan apiril aud abaaeeonl flollngbroka there i not a more daukenua ism ul dlaordera than ihoao which alloc l tho breathing orgeua nullify thia danger with ur thomaa toleclrli oil a pul t non ic of acknowledged rfnutoy it ouroi lanioneee and aurenova wliou apphod ai tarn ally aa well aa swelled neok and crtok lu the back and a an luwanl auecinu puasaasria moat aubatautlal ulalms to ub lie 0oun deli oc a proad man ia aeldom a grateful man for be never gala a muali aa he tliluka be deearve ii w lleeoher there la danger id nrglli ij many who have died of ouusuuiptlxii dated their trouble from expo ore followed by a oold which ae tiled on their lunga ami in a abort tiuia ware beyond the kill of the beet physician had they used itickle s antt conaumplltd byrup beluro it was too late their llvoa would have been apartxl 1 hla medial do haa no njual for curing ooughb oold aud aftouliuo a tlia throat aud lunga ltture trever mwrn any tinttl irtlly bttitt aud geueroua that waa not alao lender aud oumaaioiiate houtb lxtugh old rkira lkiat aathuia itronchltia and all 1 ung tnublna are luiokly cureil by lugyard ieclural hal coughing fur all ihc ailment uf iliniat and lungs there ih no uu m uuick mul pinnuiuiu as it u s tuaii nf i oimnnir oil -u- pulutablc c i y mi the uxnl deh- iaie ntumacli nnd cffcciivz emulsion stimulates tlic itpjcutc aitjs the digestion uf other foods cures coughs and colds sore throat bronchltlsand rrtyes vital strength besides it has no equal as nour ishment for babies and chhdrcn i who do not thrive nnd overcomes any condition of wtutinff stnj fr mlkht stt t fmluh hrrr t44bsmbl4tla auorsnlu 50cftl two operations botr faibojibs a cnbo if klduny complaint that would not ylold to surujory or mudfolnnuntll b b u waa trlod grvifukh atler having undergone uvo njhiratroiih for klilunv ooiupuiiit alt wnrlirk tlrlt rrlt- and- hearing lif annul remarkable our a mvde by ii ii it in our neighborhood i deci iml to try it i tut given tip by the iloclora after ihu deration a uihd ainl it u provulenlal thai i heard of ii u 11 liter ihu uaoofalx hollies i eirlmirtd much relief and bq- great a dial gn for llic better that i felt itia good rflocta would be laallng aa indeed they hava immu ihn lovenih boitla t rfelly rtiroil me ami 1 bid n iw atrongy r and ikuer than 1 wm imifir inpln ito taw mn ufre 1 kkik it i ii d who net mo now can a w lv in hovi lliit i am the linn permll katnou ltemhanu qurur iji knrrow ia a kind or mat nf miu which every ntw idea nunlributes in l passage to acour away johimou stark a powders each pickago of which tmn prrparatmnw nrin in wooden box the oover of whlill forma a mcaauro for oiioilea ait immediate relief for hick headaohe anil htoinach also ni ralgl anl all kinds of nerona palur arid aim t her in oa panic fniin w of onn ia ait ordinary doer which acta on tha itowela liver and htomach forming a never failing perfect treatment for all head and stomach complaint they do not aa moat pills and ao many other medicines do lose their effect or produce after oonatipalion and are moo to take l cenla a box a all medicine dealers t- thero la a wide difference between speaking to deceive end being allent lo lie lmuonotrahlo voltaire itelief in kix hour iiatr kid noy and illadder dtarasea reluvrllli six hours by the j real south amenoan ktd noy ure thia new remedy ia a great anrpriao and delight on account of iu uxceodiug prtunpluoau in relioving pain ll the bladder kidney batik and every pari of the urinary passages in male or female ll relievea retention of water aud pain in paaalng it almost immediately if jou want quick relief and cure thia j your remedy hoh by j kannawm drag giat koonotny t tu dcatruy wqi children or adull byrup iho mm h t ta as unwise a exlravai jnlo i o liia neigl bor a nuco ai hat loon i i his4wnrl who oau brum more bitternnaa into liia life than any outside enemy if you want to buy or bell a fmin d vortiae in tho tonoito hcrjuy iaii i hat pawr roaolie 100 000 farmera hornet vary weak and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants u pui ohaao advertiaemenu of this alaaa arc in aerted in the torouto wtfuy uatt for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions addi the mali toronto canada never talk book it ahowa u a knowledge uf human uaturo oh what a luutfi will yon hood the warning 1 ruep uf tbe sure approach ul tlia in barriblo diasaao consumption ak your elves if you can a lord fur tlio sake saving fioc to run tho risk and do nothing for it wo know from oxpertenoo thai bblluh a cure will cure your ooogti never fall bold by j kaunawlu a ueular 1 rung agairjch t wwoof jr fbnnl ptasttr 1 my wiff jjot mi jons itcurj ilk mjlt tteeauaa a woman t igti that ho should bu i b tluu b a than rfcut relief li all caaca ol rtai hympatlietic lirrl klaraix n lit ml and apoodlv rlfrcta a um it remedy for plpilhoi hi breath timolbaring kwlla 1 side and all symptom of a dxeaajd heart one 1 oouvnioea hold by j v kannamiu peri lr ma ul lu i oil 10 i mid seidulll insu of king dnrat ti but lriiix- ud mud or liuii geilr rally piu lum xn i hero oovi and ill in ilia ul whlul lie i t hnr the ei y naluve if many curatives being auoli that cm better ma of other and dilleraiiuy i llaaaaoa routed lulu the aystem of the ellout what would rail ova one ill in turn would agkravalr ibe other uu bavr how cvar lu gumiina wine when taluabio in hiund uuadultrralrd alate a remedy fur many and gravmua ilia ii v u tiajna acl j i tin i iua o ibe frallnl at alenia arti ithl kilo out valeueilie bud alrej gsli by ihe liillueiiiio which cj il i ll i lie exrrta in nlliro jwii ealorativca it relirvara the drooping jimlla nf thm faabu a4t morbid deapondonuy and laok uf luteraa in life iu a disease and uy rau diakmea in anun i and refrrafi lug sleep imiarta viuur lo lha action of ills blood which brunt alimulatol ouuraea throughout lh vema alreulhinu ihn healthy annual luwotiona of the ytrm ll vroby luakiug aolinly a iircnaary rrauh alramttblng the frame and viving hla tu the dlgeallve urgana which ualurally de mand liioroaaed aiilmlanoe reuli iiuuv rd apmllla north nip v iyman ol 1 onto h itven lo ihe uhliu i heir auiwiiir qoinloe wiue al lbr uual re an guagad by the opiillona uf pi ienliats lb dhricious mazawatteb teas 15cq0000 packets su annnally in cri thisob wcllexidt lulrt 1 i ii iiimltih if 111 iimr old count y ffi i lu amj i u lmd plkkt al 4j jo ahd 60 ohhto fbk la for balli bi henderson co acton thankful iu day i h a 1 hb im whil cltuu of iyilu iv tulla huw huinutl cumil hln ol i ulumlahuy btt bl 1 i tj 1 am thaukf ii ll 1 ruugli ihn um ul ll ii ii in i itoirfand healthy to 1st i v kiublel will hcrufuu an i hp i ai ul minhrii 11 over my body lleing rthmn i lr1 1 t r it it it 1 did aud ai i mltml na thai l made a per lri1 hiil i li ill ai b ft i in very uoocwul an 1 boin 1 hit tkkm half of the ui d i aa to j i i i well i rainimelil ii 11 m t all imci iom u i llilull hi i noy mint- t ii tu u on1 sail make up with y lu ui iml late utih lirl ur b v do lo ikm i oarly rua ly i u lav utobudlau ni p i i jl u lo ui bod oarlv no l mn t ill- do u bud laui d retora an i ill hollv i j l but uuaeth tfuri ll mkr lat f iui i ii i i i iii i i ltll ihn in 1 ifhilt i i i itlklo in ll fin hii linl i i lin r- an i f krmra mrnhfwlhl liikcaoif th 1 in r i f it i tlw m i rit pi i m iulf can nih i i iill n lit f hiuviii mill i t 1 fd they t hi i f i vi rirali nil rn fatllna itnnii iii i lit fr lltrr ln h tkmhi iii iiih llitn h il winiinjl i itil hii wlilli t if iii i b hi r misiim i f a ilian tha s i i i i y what hu s 1 ihu ii h tl waa iflnlual ilo uu a i li olnn ty i- hi n ul iliiltiiihji ii l it lur if nii iiihii i k f r irriiie- lit him forgilr i i i 1 t uuih ho will lnd ik th ll ri mnu 1 nv i hjinhan ii no lull uf rowanlico a id ahum hi i tilkly ver had ihu omnrlif lnmiii it uliekliir it la iuuui tuftr tu hhamhui u uyumy ijuiuliiji ni i h w m of 1 ll 1 nil ha ill ll bu ll lha lion if hu what oiir hat b tl a that rl- l iiikn mtv and am a ten is hiiiio tl r htlal divine otto ii uutlv ii ilkn1 able rit ti products of science for home use iteiuitifnl ami kiilliant olors lllli ail lirou i rk and ihn rnnultn ro tin i aat i d i r otl u 1 irkiy ued 1 mk mmhi i nrplr heal irani olifi finui and olhni 1 lit i n k l ui waatiini iii al re ii uoap budu will not cauite them to fade i f woiiiii v ill aak for hast dlamoud djtrrl otton atxl see that they ket ltuni iht will be able to lyn any uf the above cnlora a tin itutoly fast an 1 uufad nit culurnwlii h if ill rrmalii until thngooda 1 aat ixaiiionl if for otton pio grand nu 1 i rilliant color u i i carjicl rag and an llirrifure invaluabh lo country peoih v1 limit iu arih-t- iho popular iv nr lr al en i of all oth dyeltilln nn i ninny lr do houitua ul them i illnllj i iimin i atk i i hi mil ill i 1 1 1 ttt ll 1 k k the ttd i l limn 1 lr e1 ir b illiui t and ii j k i it i e 4 i 11 aiiilam hri t n 11 hie i bird nt i tlio lorimui ti aluit la noted f ir wnl advertlaumenut if jou want u buy or sell any hung if yu i want a biluallon a iuelimiii a h ntiaa machinery lodiuia if jou havu loat or f mn 1 aiiylhiint or if you want to find iit ulurt niiytnii lo advt ijmi lu tho i itutt lh i m tl a itl rtai the a ivutlu iintn ii u lliri ymtcr 1 that t 1 ho oiiik in iw tute a word ooh 1 addiona ihr m t 1 won to a ada f hi l fn i it 1 iw i f u but i th lua a a i ulll til i i h ill ihi ilaalllw i with 1 i 1 i tl ii k i ill 1 proarb al all you ant goto sleep n church it youve got a bad cougn a quick is j 1 foe ah obati nik rv rv bmncbiit fynyfeqokal j i bio utirit 2b 8ph1nq spring capeb nut many but nhnica roods jnt aj in allchoioe btufln richly i trhnniiidj no mo witli appliijiie f spring millinery s i hi mw miiiii in in thu linn rii 1 our mlulnara hny irrpnriiu for 11m opnnlnj corsets lll riiici i a iii ii 1 ohhi tb ii ml loul 1 r mens furnishings h our i iiiiiik iiim or mon nroh tloi t 1 tar jflo anil 1 i racli hthi uur collar at 1 fur va spring overcoats men aftiirun krrcoala at juat bunt liau lliolr valar nil i llinni j d vyilliamson co rmfipn rlil ntmtm 1 rsprrri mall piprtaa uall i a at urr t j7 ui mlai i in ia p rtoliir v eat jail in all 1 6 10 j ill loiuu t aat 10 th a lu an 1 0 40 n tbla utm i bin wont utliftu uilliil nu ml intl mil oul tuna far hlrif n new firm neva- stock 3stew prices but old management i he llrm hung buaineaa in acton ao long under the name of john hpeight a bon has licen tlibcoulinuod but the old buitlnoaa will go oh under the new name j a speight go -l- i- there will lie docldtx ihau in ihn undertaking department thia will be mimt noticeable owmg to the hard times we are outling the price m all i u cuffins aakela and furnifhingn and will supply tbe whole out lit at any reasonable oftor yon may mako a wo tluvo uu uuuuoouou wllti ay inderutkers oomblne and govern our own prloea jsl railway time tablm grand trunk rallwoy tthm irtirrv irj imi fiirlar nf ail mptmers who ruve useo dalmotahsoap aow that rr 10 the best babvs soap tor hetlinfftk uaof til ilnrtl i 1 the mm tl- inrvtl lilii iientm c tula 4 ma mi4 w siatlf u only he ilig ua iiulihiav crwhtaa gu will be r iu 11 7krslltl op a carefully aole u a uf lurmlro v- rx 11 i w rx l on hand wlieh me ill dupoae of at a fair living profit buggy st whcon era jl manner and at prices perhaps a little lower lining mi lot vnry all oininw in tarrying ou our busiueia we can certainly ael at very low price in the undertaking especially wo can dn thia and give entire j a speight co the nicest and most refreshing fluid for chapped lips or hands or for use after shaving is our winter fluid the cem of all cough syrups is o 4iikkky balsam 1 1 a 1 1 i i njuli ui lou quickct ll 41 iij pit l n iiion ih llu mar feel imtaai to lake and doci lib work thorough i mi j t i dm nu got i ool c blltl h 11 wlltler j i 1 if aud hlliv l iii ill an i ll i illla aft r 1 mr ur 1 toll f n lni iodic hat tll j i r m lie 1 h great i ll p wr 111 j nu a i ll 1 lh i i u y- ttmrni wvnv tavtir ite tduvh cllltrf he botl nn he allm on i boa babll hollow y a d i iik r i i m i 1 r m mjli i uu an ii pliytnun tire ilnin pruciiu ia h p m hla kwo u h lutlla mlaaltuiai ihu form ll of a aimplu ngntahln rnmtly ftr the v iiaueut tirunf uiirumpliii lironchili alarrh aathuia i 11 ihr l and 1 uug bflrctloua kim a hiuvi oil radical umu for nervon l bllly and all nnrviua ou plalula allrr ha hhi tale tq ft uu rill nil it lua jluly to i lake ll kn w n tu all in unrriug fallow tintuil i y tbla uoliv aul a dnaire v tell va human aullinui i willarid frr rlrr in h who lrair ily- rraiih naui rman i rinh r iiiii wlneappr lu ihe luaraxt an i iirfrrtini iliitsllla mll of i milltrd uuliurlit utr iiauiirtilf my- rraiih mli rman i rnji r intlii it i 11 t lr k u u ail b all n gl up i hiiii l i pair v nmi wlvwra tlluok houh atrr n v 1 t i k it n w 14 km m l 1 i i iii fit minute i i i u llrth li r 41 iii mipllod mill naiji txittln ul llr li hl 1 wlr lillua tl l lluiulaut ol tbu n aul 1 i ai i lll tu bc t i uirtnil and pliiuaully ouili h t i iii fldl i um- i li a 1 l aim i vi j ivroau i tin i n ktrrdonly t w i smith a ca vyikh ii mil macdonald bts 1 lioraoiiieii a tloit i lii s i i i a sett oh harnetid robe fur coat blanket whip ig 111 lilt llit fu i lllll llf i in j hmattiio x i tu ij t 1 uk sunk f single tin ittist i nct mock ol ih uid 1dim s lh it t i l iiiiil ml il k l 1 l ly lllwii ll suil lilt i i 111 a uiiprb mammoth tldlobtapli 11 rake a ih iimlnmim artlal uawl hun uvrry lib 1 fri i u an i u lnrlni whin and will tw arail rrr- ir in i hi tmmr tlrlrm llad ih r i no olikini inullful dlmtdad urll rl i in a warm rirk rur lined rloak kukri ml u lolla in hau tl ah pnlu ta m r i i ul li whlla lr tl balv tahw i m ii- irii her enwka ttlua lut brlih anl r ii i in rctiillab area park la mttli harp la drllabi yae aentvwlllha arm it i iimii r q pnmlt la tall oar frlrn i i i rn i ii ftiii la tnti or itlrer iw a uiroc ui ull trial ubacrl iliki lu the whole family itulralral m nlhlr maaaalna with ataarwa 1 in rill awl all artlrlia ol lnlrrt m author n 1 uh i mllun rnalaala moelkiv t msiunmarbt- ttoatoo ataaa vvoodengitaveifi 10 kincsteast qf toronto 5endf3r fr1cc5 copyrights h an 1 obtath a patbhtt vera nronita aturtrtir and aa bmaal ortnuhlwrtla lo si i s n d o artio hava had dearlthu tear siimtcnnelnlhe palrnt tkulnoaa tntairtaaiea- ii hia alrtrtly nfldrntial a llaadbealt of in i riiialliin nmnrnlni ialeala ami triiw ta o- lutl anl twiiiilde lumln mill rreo 1 atuiita uikrn tkri ak munn at on raestre pctiu huhroltiltm t irntlur awrrlrau and ii ua are bruuebt wl irly belciro tl a nil ik artlb- ut in ba invcttot tin pknll j jarr ivunl waaklf alrau tli lllutnir bu hi rartha larvom airculali d ul an aciruilno miin in tbo warld 3itmt fi oul ina aaut naa llulmlna ki1u m m it ir fj0a tear tunt ijilaa ji niut itnj i mulni rut it in bnau nil ulalam iml r ami pti4tvrta of mw ihiimwwiual- b b b dyspepsia scrofula constipation the secret ol the iilirvtloij sut-t-l- of huiii hkhxi hittcra lies in it stiilu m in pijukcr ov cr clry orj in ol ll- t- the li the wood tin howik htv btomiilh thia kidrn- ih- skin iht blllr l nil pirt- ol lh- hutixmx syhtun art n1ulalid purilicd and reitorid lo wtfa n tttirul mtion b this median 1 bus it cures all d iasca affttltntj thisc or other nirtt of the tnn djspepaia const ipa lion h id hlood llilioumitss h- id ah kidiuy and liwr ilomplunl ohsiuiilt humor old sort throfuiji rlithtiuitiiiu ntr otis or gtntra i dvhilitj and till irnyulantna o tln system caused by had blood or dis ordtrvd action of the stomnch uowiu li er or kidneys itiousnnds of icti moniau wurrunt tho ajcrttpit that uu u it tho best spring medicin for younq or old k t llm 111 0 t a- v t lendulsspavincure i ki4rt ji in wl i jyumr i l illlho i urv llh h l i l i an llrrll tu u i it uimv u w kw l kaiauaua hi aaad all uu uuir i tlhiraualj iliu itwui lenoausspavincure kwtailaafviu m ui nuaa lai ria i mlak ll ll itvh ijmm nt i nr tlartn- iw ii- a- ilr r hhrmlhl 11 4 annrnlirhirrtr ui kiie kucitlt iu fur hal i urhall i r oil i k r 1 ir ur ii jkm l 1 1 f i tjmt t x j ihil3iu4 rlli vx a cirra contnmpiloa coneha g throat sold 1 all rucslmi on a ooaraataat for a lkiaa sid ibclcrclie bblloh porads plaatar will gle prr- f ailfacil aa carta shiloh b rdsiser lira t bhactlincbattoivocntonnjl uoh vdcirmvxd uvirm t nmiitlruihbttriaajufcrar1ttrilttattdttrm fitwruatd krirlltipcpallitotorh titmbioltiiiocla 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