Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1895, p. 3

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rvvt wis2 ymwavvwuffy 33 rrair ljlfjmrjtjlljl iibad orrxan ran ri turn iknnvrvoxit total aaakta h7s0o0 vhuiud board ot directors a uauita ildfllll vnul uuttiltf ut tlin lu jifsl aokncies j 1 mil 11 lot illarton hi a lat i ii it alluloi lovllri fltiealoy looruntown tlrlnml i utnwl mnkniw milton mount hoiwl fraiullu twou bound port klytn million lortuio bingham i onijos nunel pj hank ut i- nil iu1 l a corrcnpopdontii aw yon iwih kiitipr am nn hanover national hank 1loti- liieanialloii i trualgo hurraxo uartnellaiik muxio national llatik of illinois aud i nlou national lank lrtipit itolroit national llfuk kambaa lin national j lank at commoted agon to la montreal tho llaukof torofiti georgetown agency notes discounted and advances made en autl abteeeourltiaa collection mad athiilnfu boug an i ol 1 to a qraat 11 rl tain and lliecontlneutot huroi upon moat feyorabla erai savings department denosila of si and upward tneelvod and interest allowed row data omoiioall to daw of withdrawal hpkcial uriottth aeo receivm at curmnt rata of interest n u umnqbtonh attsnt wall papers ceiling papers from 4c to 50c ier roll window shades mounted from 25c to 2 00 cich curtain poles mounted all lengths from 20c to 1 75 each the largcbt stock the lowest prices the bmest assortment a oeo hyndb acton on t bb ttnn jfm fss thursday aluil i ltflh little local brieflets avhloh caught tho eyes or ear of froo proas reporter this week bioyalea are to the faro again council meeting neat monday nou tag wheal aold in uanlltou lo 7o couu nn saturday the harvest uf the pan lei ud i haakera at bend a meeliug oi the flro brlgads u lieiil lest wednesday evening messrs henderson a co bold thou spring mluinary o pan log nl batnrdey 4 storey a tannery u ahut dcrwn a day or two this week to permit o repair to the furnace mr geo j thorp baa ahlppod tbla weak avail oar load a ol potatoes for no i urk uuelph ifrrcwry tbla leami to be moving waok a large riambar ot families have beat ch4 log tbalr abodes officer qrahajn i able u u auvui again and la proceeding lib hi aaae moot dutloa tbla week then la likely to be a tiouao 1 amino her tbla apring there axa uot ball a down vacant hootea in town now mr ocorp statham haa opoood no- grooary fruit aod ion orcam iiarlor in mil ton uta anton frieoda wish bun aaoooaa tba raoaption aarvkoe in the mothudiai cbaroh on sunday mornink waa praosded by an abla and lmprasaivo diaoouraa by tbe lieator maaara i torguaju a co have ra moved their atock u now hani burn in order to be nearer tbelr main atoro at stratford the boll telephone co era pilttlnk u two new tele phonai for arnold uroa oua will ba put into their glow faolory tho other at tba tannery bode on the maplua ate roddoi m touch od by the hoat of the auu h bladca on biltaiile aro aprinkiuh lbo wakruinu of apriuk baa bciuu tbe atook aalo at udar litmk um laat friday waa not vory auocoaaful 1 ho look failed to reooiva biddarn up to the aijuree at wbtob lhy war valued arranuamenta aro bcuik niailu fur a claaa mealing- convouliun lit uiu oollii with l ho dialriot uootluit u be bold iu tin mathodtat church boro neat niunlh maaara ocorga mulholland and h lrl auu uroa liavo let tho ouiitraota lot uow barua to ba huill the uuuiiiik aumiiirt i replace tboao itrod by llhlnluk lanl aumiuer it waa uot absolutely uaoaaaai y u- ut up every pare i which you cuoouulrod un the aldewlk moodly uor waa it coiupul wry lo hfok at ooudoajad brioka no matter buw inkeuluualy tbay way bav beau wrapped up mr j 1 vrordan who jia ta4rktd mltoboil for aome montaa haa relumed lu aoton and opened a barber ahop nel dour to hyuda jewellery alore jack la a oral olaaa barber and baa many fneuda u aolou wbo welouma bia return tba burloaue entartatnmeut uiuu haaoeen in pre para it on for to oral moutha hn kopwara and wurl montly of at locotcrtaraoto and oveytahtamlntairoetlno cut hi knee while chopping mr uaao tinyder hrln met with an eooidnul a ooupln of waeka ago whioh liai ovor aliioa iuoapaaitatotl him from doing work ot any kit ue waa in oampauv wtlh mr wallaoa lby oukinr raflera iif j tho awamp wlien he mado a miaalep and urn mi uii around the aharp odtfe cut ting into in kntm cap lit m likely lo tie lama for aoinu timo at a reanlt um lirm in ittmir hrjilyinu lo a mimlicin lu the iruvinntal luialaturo on mpuday hun mr iloaa a d tlip hiflh i urm waa novor prohibited by tlxttbrulaiioua of ilia i ducal lou al io utrliiiont in i ho public hitlioola ol ontario lor audio yoara uia truilotm ot 1ubuo bobnola in uiiiatawna and inoororalad villlaoi in vhicii uiith school were ea tahliahnd wrfra allowed the option of with drawing ihe liltb form if thay aaw lit to djj ao thdl offtton haa been withdrawn and a fifth iorm la now oompulaory pro vidlpg i hero are pupila oualiflml lotaka up i ifth rorni work thia obtigalion holda i heellli irreapcaliva of the oar t incite ej by lh t a fcirmrr itrlilcntm smcrrm mr d 1 mann ot montreaj waa here laat week to apnd a fnw hduaa with in father mr hugh mann prior to leaving fur tho nor lb waal to enter upon hi con tract in th on nat ruction of the hndaon hay hallway i or many yoara mr mario haa b one of the moat aucceaaful railway builder in tliottorlh wear tt waa alao one of tho contractor of the c i it abort lino through the state of maine to hi juhii s ii mr manna firm maun iibiater andf ickenale have re cured itio oonlraot of building thet 0 milea nf ihe new fludaou hay luilway from wiitnipet to hndaon hay at 1000 000 the road l1 he oompldtod in three joara ilia acton friend a were glad toare him and wiah him auccoaa in lite gluanltc pillar priara smrrow t itcmim front frrn litj on lueaday cvnmij aa mlaa ukkib wilaon dauifbitr of mr jamoa vvilaou and lier little brother aroby were return liili from a viatt to the home of mr wil ham plank aqroaa j airy iake tbay had a narrow eaoape from drowning id lb twilight they inadvertantly alepped aaide fioni the path uve ihe ice and upon the thin ice at tho point jgher jiia inn puttor had been at work a fow daya before lu an ioalaot both bad gone through the ice and were at niggling in the chilly water with oorameodablo prcaence of mind miaa maftgio aral reecuad her little brother and then auccoajad in drawing btiraelf upon tho firm ice they wallfed homo unaided and though ihotr clolhea were froaeu at 1 11 are none the wurae fur then bzctliug oipsnono trtott tvidprnncr tulaa after a apirtted ejection laat rod ovening the followinit offloora for tlio cur rent term were elected in auton tempo anco t uioo irnaldeut itro ii joan v lea itva itru h tiuuffbf oocratary hlatsi ida ucnal i aaal bhi yllru ooo sickllu treatumi hlloi a hmjileuo ha lain i lu r 11 hi tor a tlluvsi ro 11 llauar tr lit let uwu nul hui tlnol ttr t troiuir tho arrange m ante for oul uiinoelioi i with tho uuarter a i 0 aoniowbat ilifferout to tboae iu vogue ihe iaal year tbe memberahip haa baau divided in to two aectlona captain ad ree eot ivoly by meaara 11 joaua aud w wllhama bach aide will make effitrl a lu provide ill io beat profraiiiiia aud at tba end of the larm ibo oritica will ttfo ihoir docipion at t to tho morlta of aach a hint u i april juke in monday oveulug a iaitclli t men were acmii wonling their w ay ml the o a ltu man a loditea jointly will bo given in the lowu hall on laalor monday eveuiuk ijiii in at a promramoto uf fuu la promlead a public meeting will ba held by tba ynrk coutiiy intan aud bavi malthowb hall tiajit tburaday event n g apru lltb at i o clock mr joaepb ihillipa ibe iraaituut ol loronto and other utlloera of the oinpauy will addroaa bo micllok iho public la invited mcaara jeana a wurdeii roooivod a due order for au aaaorlment oi their uiauu faoture of kid jilovoa laat week from a hamilton wholaaale huuaa tho order oamprlaoa thref llioaaand palra 7hl firm aliipped on t nday a bample order to a winnipeg bouae of dfvy twu difloront linear bd talmer livarymau noal to tho royal hotel ta bound to keep up with tho prooaeaion a regarda que turn oula ilia lataet addition la a aplandluly oiatoued team ot dark dapplod grey a aud 0 year old they war purehaaod from mr jobu hltoblr near actou and are drat claaa drtvari uaejph hnalu the laieet rrcuol patter iia41al a and uouuara will u ahuwn at miaa white a m hi tuny opaolug noit tueaday mr boooca block ihl to i with a look nf ctcvp anxlely uli their o luntonaiioca till furthor lliay went lliogrealot iholc wonder grew why hail they bcm aotit for and what could bo wrong however with that undaunted bravery peculiar to their ae they pluckml up courago enough to ring ibo door boll limy were kindly received inlo the parlor when tbe nana commonplace converaation about the weather road etc ol lowed am went noil until tho apeeker of the even lug very courteoualy eakod why bo bad bcou aont for when to hla great rmbaraaa i n cm and to the rat delight ol ihe jukera mlio by the way wore present they in formed hhn that tun errand wav only an pril fool one imagine tho feoliuka of the noble piarlotlo aaili looking with a aly lauou at hla dupoil friend with tliai cheap lixik tliaralorinliu uf au innocent child however each one puyed hla rt well an 1 dually returned home aaddcr wiaor but fnollug much cheaper with jim oonaol log the ihroo luin ajlng ii tioya we have tfoci tiatlly fixilnl by ihoau iwu likkalri mt filenda i ill w won i bo again fticy uleiuuly doclra ihat they will yni k i j laia with mum mary anil nowi itomesutlpllod by corrua- pohdantai and bxohinnoi ertn mrara c it walker w ii travia and wm wilaon were at stratford laat week as witneaaea at ilia trial itf challnlle mr len young waa homo aom toronto 1ittvualtr tait week trrnihlnr up hnatlh and atudy lur the odmiug aaamiiiatinna mr lelar i to it i haa moved from tho old homoalrad on iho hlh line whirh ho aold laat fall to hla now home mai oraudval mr oilbert sinclair r wilji hia wife am family are mmovicih from ihur aim on the luih line v uolpli whnre mr hin olair inlotida foil winx m trade aa inaxfn cltgwbonb conmers gmlo a numlyr trom hrrnjiivu atluidcd the revival acrti in hrld in iho llnrk churoh llioiaal low worka we are aorry lo learn thai tint mr hahine la again oonqnol lo hia hoiieo flfroiigb aen ua lllntaa ilia man trleuda hero ho pi that he may oon rrgain hia i mr llvyora nf ado oo sunday in mr kabn pu i priorlnhl li wnnl m toronto- mr win and twenty acre farm iieiflifl friu the rnk paraa lnvt- iii tu r irjbnlo in bbia cnlnmii if to oi aro rnlnn aw on a linliday trlpn tr frill da vlaltlns ynti dro a card i ilkaa mr ilert maion of mofilawvall vihm1 frinnda hare lail week 51m harry ktmatar of milton vlllol relativna here laat wook mrs alei hrcnrd viilwl frinml iu ittkkwnod duiine ll o wrrk mr jidin mr kan went in milton on monday for a wrek or two r j v hauird nf kimberlry spent a frw data thia work with relalivn hern mr jama held of ilurllnkton made acton frumrta a flyinit villi on 8 iturday miaa liljulo haley of arthur ia a lunat al iho home of hpr btnthar itev i ather iuey mr john o itonohqe of ktratfutd ia in jown to attend the funeral of the late mrr flrorife rtorr y mlaac jennie ttiqmpaon and i mma oraham of qlenwilliama viaited acton fneuda ihia week m 0 lrm frr i mr iral 1 bcrt alien tie following are the th amea of thoae who tlgured hlgheal in claaaea at ho apring ea mmatinna 1 claaa duncan scott aj waluoe 8j0 andrew arlhura mark obuluablo 100 hi claaa cheater wallace i t berl molaaao jw willie mulhn meurka obtamahle vro ii laa caain mulholland in kalry 1 m joaepli 1 honij a in marka ublaluablo km pi ii joeeuh klcy i v j carty loc marka obuluallu jlmj pt i lonoaii kcilh um carty h4i joaepb muliiulund marka 300 le oorgmo limehou3e la from hero at i ultfh school waited i at lor their train laat triday some accidrnt do layed the train and it did uot arrive until lata in tho aftcrnoou wcparo glad to bo able li ldi gialulale mr it 11 niokall on hla auoaa at hie o college toronto where ho ban jut ooiuplalad hla course a now croaaiug lioatii laa bee diuu1 by tho u t it at tho lower nd ol the cut aud the placo haa k much aafer look tho following elippttir from tho no- ork tihira will perhapa bt of aome lu urtal to rvadora uf tho run i i a trick of t anadiatr glrla lo k- ui- baud warm iu aetvore wallicr ia wuitli lotliif lhe heal a number of ailver dollar ami allp them into a uottnt jiurae canting the latter lu their iniilfa the loiib trualcd in thl way rulain ihe heat for several hour and can bo utiliacd thitial inaido iho droaa lo protect the cheat or put about tbe throat or applied almost anywhere abt ut the body whore tho cold la most felt laugh 1 that mia uf mrs j it 1 luda- 1 iiij t r tu i o tho 1 bo little i ajla ran j b huuae will bo carried on the oor by w 1erriko of wilaon n burlington review day lu the aud cynalderablo ilie review uf the ma i let tiunday waa rluua hunday uohooli luureal waa lakeu in leaaoiia f tba al uartar oovering au iiiihjrtanl fmriod in die hfeof cbrtat ibe sabbath ttoboula here ware well allsudtxl aud tho varioua plan of review adopted bu much of internal and profit at tbe plaoiploa school ilev mr stephana con ducted tba review tbe aohjool aa a wbolo taking part a geoeraj review alao took placo iu tho llaptiat bobool iu the malhodlat ihool tbe topic aud guidon tekta wore re tea lad by the aaboul in oon act tbla wan followed by au lutareating ayuoaia of each laaaou iveu by a eoholar fmm ft of uie twelve int and aenior claaaea tho primary oraaeerw bhnded with mi hesitation in a general uateohlaium by ilia auierintendaut ou iho koldeu liu lur tbji iuartar in knox hut day hohoul the reviow uf tbe teeeoua waa made in aach ulaaa by tbelr reapeotlve teachora it waa very through and proved vliat the loeauua of the ueur bad lu no wiae been taught iu ain ibo review aervioea of tile varioua aohoola partook ut aome apooial feature in each oaee apirlted aiiiiug uf auitable byuiua havtua au iiu plaoe lu all 1 ba attendance- waa very aaliafactory aa the following will indicate bapliat tfx cuon ot riun -j-t- dihcipl 42 mathodlat illo pre by tartan 1 4 total 3h thia aggraapito will we voutura to aay be a anrpriae lo ttoe who havo uol looked into aoton a sunday school populattou run hu imported buglult hoad tor itteyola 11 ik heat grade kpd niw- 1 ial till price tot oaab a genuine bar gain w stark aoton 1uuuug jriua priuliogli au ari aod whan ycu ar having auypjiollni dona yon mitiht aa well hav ii w doae the fw iaiaa job priming daprttaae- do work of ftu flneal and prabm an alwaya ajonabl try ua with ivmt uai ordor 1 burday oiooing a letter from l a llopo toioult waa read aakiugtlin n loil um of fl km buuua in aid uf a muahr hi luduatry which he propoaca lu atari in ihe village jamo muiuiucf o inol i li hii a ijt haa ujiened a atoro lu ihe premiaor lately occupied by wm shaipc ioyal llrant lodge log canadian older of odd fellow a met laat tndey evening and elected the follawiug ofucera it stew art n u tiro okk ro iat riarolia beefy trea uro ootbree p n 0 doom lecture maaur uro l ii s bawford warden itro in tie l tor uroa ltobinaon iheut and uainlurd truateea and auditor miaa iatriareho whu ba t tuiu lu toronto returned laai 1 uadaj mr t 11 rlliuti on uf hot it j hdlloll baa opeuod a job pt lutiut utllu here 11 o baa at larips cipouao put lu i hue now plant ooatpi laitix all tbe latnal deatgua lu type in tohiuery aod piiiillii material m r kllioll ihudh y uuug man la urauualo of one of iho beat nrtntiiik ofboea in onuu the wowiatock stmlmrl km h haa caonlloiil taatc au t aklll and 1 caable ol moetliik lle alia 01 the public in all claaaea f tit 111 burhtitftou haa luug blood in i nnl ut a good prlutlug otnoe a d um buli eaa n uu and othtira hero will no dubi gjvi mr klllotl iheji jaliouao coming and going visitor to and from aotorr and verlouaotli rpi n ot o adnra i a nn your frlanda if ynil liava in llin knan -mr- c taylor rotorr week al the home of mi tig homo tueaday mr n h nrowu and mla nllir f iftnaiuit were iineata at tha homo of mr c speight thia wrk ilev j w itae waa in toronto on tuem day attending the mealing nf ihe qqneral aaarntbly habbath school committee mr or mulholland had a aad viait to ht rat ford thia week being oelled to tmr dcatlttied of hia aialor mra georqe klorey mr arthur i aim who haa been arraug ing pbouoftrapli concert in ihe htala of maine for aome lime baa been homo tho pt few daya mr 1 t scott of nolaon hliou mc arlbyite candidate met wtth an accident laat week a rib waa broken and he waa injured i n lor u ally but u ia to hoped not ly- am jobu alieru aud family removed to tl li the frlenda here regret their removal iho mada glove worka ttiaa kitty v nr noalliou bloomsbury ao al h 14- no j naaaaweya fur january februar aud march plane ihe following pupila i the head of their reapective clanaea i cla- w 131 m w iii claaa si haw 130 m ni jar by 111 ii claaa a uichar ckell 190 1 thill mark kmalble mhl oeoboetown oui 11 4i hliool rceetvea il iln 1 lir ce it more in aohool grauta hia oak villo fur tlte iatl half year oak villi re oeive1 tido u aud ueorotowu i82d hi the ildiiuetl huuae waa aold iatl weak by i ubllt auction lo mr uoln ilia ruaeul icaaee forth000 ik 1 be lad lea debate at the tnealluk ut the nooial club lu the ungregatioual church ou tueaday evening 1 u ihe topic iteaoiv od hat ambition ta a itroniter incentive tu aiiiou than a rculioii attracted u large turn out r nine for the ii irae sale lo be held on da ii m l i a ocial loud kllda a el lllu mr iteit lurhor atlled lur a week un aome important bualli nee t ion with the brut f wm ilrt gui jntbrfeiters at wuhk death nan hutiamiilag pjoneer on thuraday 9ut ol marob iheu dlad at lot id oonceatlon c baipiming ana nf hie townahlpa oldeai roaldentitmr soaeph standiil fiovmly wnif- tra a hi father left fntnn p county ireland and bli wife and hia children came to canada and remained for laa year in tho lower frovitioe they thrn moved to the farm aliove noted and which waa hia home oon unooualy for three uartera uf a ernlury 1 orty nlnn years ago llin deceaaed married caroline cook who hurvivea him their oliildrnu were tn in number only eight of ihean urn unw livintl jovph ol half fai william- manikiba k of i riu otpritr of boalllo clark of cal gary j mica wlirj lia ciiaige of liomealead t mrs ii ui aud mia rjrli wh komr the deceaaed waa one of a family or ii f teen only two uf whom are living mr- krank kinrtial of aahllold and mra lr mi iilliui rw ljnaintf u the diactiudauta of joarph staudiah were oounled 11 ia at a tod lhat flv hundred would not be an over estimate of the number mapy of three relrf in thi locality bile othora have moved to more remote rectiona ifrrl if ynu want flrat olaaa uuelphaeah and doora at guelph price t i bbaiia can of urand alt reaidra at tbe jld l ardo i nn pm tho time lo get jour printing ia now th place ia tho ati- fnrk 1kkiui job printing depart mem t will onr frlenda cvrry whore remember that we pi int every ihiuit in the printing hue killiar call or wrilo for price and eample you will be gratified lo find how well how re eon ably lid how apeedly your order will be oiled we try lo keep every promiee lo ihe hour 1 ll4imfi a narrow escape took poison by mlstako oaid crtecta entirely eliminate by hoods saroaparflla i i 11 hhi a 1 1 urll mw tlentlrmrii in attl i ut ltin uie effeelaof til h nf itirji linln takm in mtauue for anotlirr drui 1 m it la 1 un lu hi- john it for leu dnj after tlili i never aeeroed li rrrttln nij i nnei u altli ami nmuniially aut frred from tndlrratl u nnd heart natpiiallon fur which l could prt no relief i tbouabt 1 would try iiihhi a haraa peril la after laklnf one ihiuic i fell a llltla better ao ron- tlnurd ualiib the re ineily until 1 ltail cenaumed li bottle i found myaell gaining tronftb hoodscurcs and fleali ercry day and un now aa healthy ax i waa t e ore taking tbe polaoo y v waiimoiu repreaeuilnk the acelr perfutnea jo mrllioume avenue toronio ontario liver hla coojuldatloo k headache indlgeatloe y alvlllil it nasbauawe v mooting eld 1 woli lb uethuilal hurch laat waa a decided outoaa i io houee waa oumforubly lllled aod the h ograainio oou alallng of ainglng by the tboir the kllclilug family of tirwhin mouth brgan timic readinga and a recitation by mra walt uf aorwbiu waa excellent the addroaa from the llov h handera of hamilton form orly pastor of thia urcull was aomethiiig grand i be bo v ml amy uooupled the chair and llll it well iho proceed auiouuting lo til go lo the sunday soiiimji of tbla place a oreetnory la u bo atailul t rtodum by mr coctourh or tnaiimh will coiuuionoe early thia aprn r va boat rite tho tlxee dauitbleruf mr and mr ou bdou mlila died uu bilday oongeatlou uf ibo lunga and waa burled on saturday at t o ilook p m m tbe hdeu mllla comotory mr john taylor ha omiioid black aiultblnt again on iho oueiph r 1 al hla old aland the monthly fleeting uf lb- u 1- ol l 1 of the hbencaer hurch will hereafter bo hold on llw ural sunday atoning each ingjv uuruliik muutti ckewebkl etwi j t day aa uaual luberl h 1 alug haa movotl lo campbell fllle 1 ho w ooil movca to hllbrid ihia week while mr barlow ol hamilton oca on it the place now occupied by mr wood walter i aing of 1 don mllla lost a liora of indigestion laat week bum pf the tooal weathor pruphota are liruphaeyiup a late apring tbla year a junior bp worth league la about to be atarted 10 lo hoancaer churoh with miaa clara adadoaoa aa au peri u tendon i ot the department wo wiah llrtjon itoattli an j life endantfflied v unacrupulofua daaisrfl wno pur- uadu unanjapaotlntt people to take i ml tat lone some point are worth ramemqsrlnu rw lusdluina that la uot of mora ibau u jnaf y merit auffora flout luntatlooaor aub atitutra ibo fact lhat ao initiation la ollored is ouo of tho atrougeat proof uf lha aioellout jualitlea uf the ouuiuo atlole lite lr willi ma mod 101 no co la uontinu ally try inn to impreaa upon tho poollo lha fact that lr william pink 1llla are only atild iu aocuuilv scalod boasa the wrappor aruuod which la prlutod 111 rod ink and beitra tbu icjjialorod trado mark dr william i 1 ik 1llia for 1 ale 1 u pie nulwilhaiiiidltik thia oonataiil wartiluj lliure aiu unapru ul iu doalora lore aud there who dtfrau 1 tho i ubllo by aelliug all lutltaiiuu pill also colored pluk either by the dojuu buudred or i y ibe 1 unco a i leg ilia that they ar juat an good ur jual the aamo aa the gouuiue or wlllaama 1 mk 1illa 1 uia la a falaobuod and tho una1 upuluua dealer who uffera i tic nulla lluu know 11 but la more concerned ot tho cilia profit he make uu tba imitation tbau fur iho health of hla mi lor i una la victim will ll public in thou wu interest boar iu miud tbe following facta dr william 1iok illl are never aold by the doaeu hundred or ounce it any dealoi oflcra you a ptll in tbla form no matter- whether oolured pluk or not he ia trying to cheat you aud ahould be avoided the formula of dr william ltuk pill la a aeorel and la kuowu only to lha 00111 pauy therefore if aoma dealer tail you a mhaliliiln n mat h aame ot uat aa k be la aimply trying to deceive you because there la larger prut i fur htm in eellinu ihe imitation when yaa eak fur l williama 1 mk 1llla see thai the trade mark la ou the wrapper uf every peekey and do uot be jterauaded lu take auylhlag elae 110 matter bow plauaabie a atory the dealer may tell imiletioub in inediolu aro alwaya obeap alwaya worth leas aud often dangerous aud people wbo have a oarr for their health will alwaya refuse them dr williams 1tok in i la cure when 1 l iuui at in vlil in iiutl blnpuy 0 t 11 1 ltha tiuoili mlkrl lioot hh hit uio iumi wrup iuui k y 1 do xlf tiu 1 tuki n 1 lim spring see the new canadiananf american wall papers ceiling iapcrs and borders also our new window shades and curtaui 1oles all new goods it the lcst prices at the dltlti stouk mammoth house lanarmtrbeanisdca successors to wm njcleod s co 7 60dds i j- v ramnawiw thorps sickiik row if you want the beat timothy bad alaik locerne white dutch banfnin o crimaon clover a at ihe very loweet poaaible price go to thorps the aeedman quclpb he imports direct hie care seed oata three i are seed loa two car seed barley juel iu bead grain uf all kinds jcjcd conm soc to 00a fkr bvsii oilcakk 01 so fkft humdrxd 1fli cotton sjoco ukat 1 30 fxb ioo lbs groundsuljiiura oo fxk j oo uis bkst roller tiour ft so fkr itmidrxd 1mxst rollkr oatukal 8 k fkr sack geo j thorpe sandman grain doalor upper wyndham street cuelph acton 11 very grand millinery and dress goods opening -on- tliursday 4th friday 5tlj saturday 6th r and r das red letter day georgetown bum i i nl 1 touull lull m ii 1 uu iaa at iua j lio attd lafoemt ht m thai wall equipped and btytlah rig aau a way be seoured totulortabls i ua u and tia n i isn fully mat iuhn wilhlamh powders i sick nraojicrfv and nmav pwroe e ow tome t we give you all n most cordial welrome y n wit aen the lateit dealgna from fart ui will fancy yourself in a heut i our milllnrry opnnlni ioidon and new rk str i it line and thai will lui tu walker mcbean co georgetown thmo 1 u uo uiitnoth llouhe in foronto special sargair frind i ir each day wsv ajul mi ieod block uot all aold yet llargaina for all whlker mcbehn st co georgetown and toronto amafkot day cvory thuraday 99 upper wyndham street cuelph laudiug tailor and fumiohoi all the in c cuil i 11 ii 1 ui 111 nc ujiw 11 mo blylt mew spin sec ii oul ictl o to i n s siinv r 1 11 ls sllll lo si nbv oiis now glovtib 1 1 mil i i 1 iiini ovi n ilil4s r e nelsui thiikaua i friday st saturday march 28 i sl a 1 l hui 1 null noni i i lto to 1 dl 1 1 ullj 1 uol ml t icllc di1c- and tilt or vurioty 1 till u wo lu be foro uludu spring mil il he rv opei ui ic i di ja thursday id saturday iii j no l lilin nil yntlutiiukin k kuluit i uuik t huiide i putue i u know ol for work ol c und ntlc in ttiiiiuli l nkjtti r i mil no hi 1 inurit it itro thu mluula uuliatat cerea cold etc tj leth- imitatod and lhal ia why you aboulfr in tlat on ttlud lha geualne used apring medicine ur williami ilnk imila aurpaaa all utbat medial no ii foaling nut of auru give tbaro a trial lflir tcvulatlau al airwnta la eraduallgr relegat log the old lime herb pit i a draught a aud veara table eatrauta lu the rear and briugiog into general uaa uie plamjt aud affect a li iuid laxative byrup of flga to t lha true remedy aee thai it la meaafael ureal by lira aliloruia fig byrup co oult for aale by all load 04 druggiau pollltn wo til laknnl ti york gitiing lduun will gn cltortn oui mish tiur beon to now tlit vor lututt ii 11 lior bent a a dad from t ally to wwi op rlintl tbaee i the pari a v kfo the long wiia tbay aak for ibeir millinery v oordially invite you lo attend oar spring opening thia fuj ut kreuub 1allern mala i act from europe we will alao 1 and we go to haadqartera fur 1 q b rtan co queli ild 1iluc k rt th6 right house lllb uifcnino day for tba diaplay of new import t loo at the hi 1 lu l immu vei hi- lal liwday tbooaanda of oar citiajene and ooaniry frlanda have crowded una satabliahrtient gaaiug who admiral ukju tho beautiful aly laa ol tba various gooon displayed oajouina worda of appreciation were heard 00 all aidoa and tho verdict- of our fa ir f riande waa that we bad never done aa well before thia will vpur ua on lo belter dead a iu ibe future au i our oouatanl a in will ba to place before 00 r ouetomere tbe wrv laaeat uoveltiea aa they appear in the furaiku markau we are iu au oaosl it i poaillon to do thia a oar agent reeidea abroaa e r bollert ov co 36 and 37 wyndl im street ouilfb cut muanlauaiatebtlw daadrtik many oaae ol novel tie and staple good are yal lo be received aud u tbe on urea of a few daya our imir bt very aomplale well made rood aod guaranteed aaliafactory to the purchaser are appreciated a poo tally a dil moderate price thia ia the way ws do basin al tbe flight llouae goolo auantbl d io t tk pnintfw wnnkitatk ae alooh wul heu thay ar 1 lib altbn th uxlljnxsry dbpartmbnt 1 now ready for heater order in addittou to baviuw all that ibe fominini heart can desire in trimmed nr unuimmed uulinery we have soma ol the moat r mkkihnuu triumkuh to be fouuu in canada oapea aod jaoketi uianufaulured til tba mintlb dwpartmbnt ally ejolpped with leading uove pari ixmidoo and oerieany this deparlmeot la tjow ready to receive orders for makum dr1s8b makinu dbpartuhnt la andsr the obarge of miaa ltobinaon who ha- jual retuti re she has many fresh and novel ideas or leading style iu coetamea homo of thorn a he aocured f i hiooabje ureas modiste then x mail ordbr dbpatrmbntlo our m lihftnrm wld oo fell pwoau bdmmbtlog lo um fkllm ol is ulty trisuil writs lur hrmuloa miiic1iiii iurkdlii tin maut uouaii ktrm l aaal oom uuiilioon uauillfou llroh 50lh 1803 ttr a t c watkiiasrs

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