Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1895, p. 2

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fswtt i j ffljy rmqtjjt7viikcaa itottlf wtirki kit at lilmnlinumi im fpnowuy xirrl april thawlliiof llnhort ivhoeu ol k idii tlrhtftiwn in sminslug on tuesday urd april tho wife of jeinoa aloknowu of ion jim hit iff i imin ititn kimnal tho melhodlit parse nun ooaruatuwm on tunedey airll 17th i iuv i a jualr hti unhurt 1ogaii hs margaret hut led no lliiliwlllleiiia 11 ko 1 iikkmai at till linino ht marys on thursday ittli april joshua rremnan agod u years luluimat iunl h oil wednesday ittll lust ahl i 0 uftrlwr aged tl yearsi ft months ami h iuy rurxinoai 7 dreut kt murrain n 1 on thursday ihlit artl joseph ii mankind founder hi the piikk ink aged flu years i kabt at tim homestead nelson the mais dm no of her son ie twin peart ou wednesday april j7 auuliosa relief of tho late maker peart sjred wu yeacs ie kttan xtt jress yillinsday aihil j5 ihofi notes and comments the dominion government has i icon re picalcd by the imperial author tin la tend ul kciil lo ijondon to discuss with 1 1mm parliament opened fflp snooftrt from tho thrabdnd tho usual dbatatha hon- orad qnd houbb of commons notes ottawa april jl tho fifth session if the sovenlh iarhamoiil of canada wj aprmed hvat thursday jiy mia lxrolloucy the governor llciicral with lha umtsl ixro motile tho weather was magnificent tho llrat getiuiueaprliif day lbi year mid ilia attendance holli limflln arid out u i do i ho parliament buildings u larger ihentiaual in lha oommani fully two third of lha nidmben worn prchent which i miuih moreihentho average at oiiening hon door uo i ioator took tho plao if tho late hir john 1 hompwii aa him lor of tho hoitm alongsido mr foster aat flnn t m daly and tho othnr ministers present ware kir adulphe caron kir churl in ilibbert topper and ijan solin tteggitrt on th liberal side of lliellonso lo tha loft of tho hpoakor nil tho leaders wero present except mr l ii davie and mr william muluck mr lauriftr was in hia eoei and around him ail kir iliohnrj certwiighl hon ievd mills juhn chart ton jenics tiuthcrlend william patterson ml lr innlnn owln to tha alwonob of mr w j haaly boorotary tha amunl piootiiir nf tho oallury wilj irtko jilnoo nrxt hutnrday tim mnnltuha lahool cnio h not boon lonf in fmfil2tn tho uotlrn impar a mr rhnrltop and mr i trjvlero imvo both jivrn nolloa ojjjilri hea lo jijh i no hour fur mipim of imrn lrtnolly rvcrlnn all tho pntltiuti dtqiitiiiiia and uthor ilooii niuii in whhih httwi not alrmdy ihhi hrouulit down acton municipal council a small pockot of puulnuon a id mot on m today tiiiim lalixik lhi it i ho prcaont f onncillorh havill william i rik1 and nnkhn tho niliiiillhi of last mcitiiic worn road and oonnriiiod v ihtl oiiuihuto on mnartca rtanilmf their fifth rrport iia fnltowa jaiii llrtlrihli uniikk lur lurj i 111 i ml hxihk li 7t motcd by john willi mm acondod by a i niukho that tlio roiorl jtiat mad 1 ado ji tod tarnol au ajjjicllgii wax ruoolvod from it a uh f tire bargains i of the season knowledge bhnpp onm rr nml inij invrinonfc iid in la toim i il o j m t vhii ijlilln il 11 o tnni li livo hot mir tluin i in niaiijc j iy iifoniijuj nh i n dtiji 111110 by hint a pnnniill wltpmitf tho nrltl ihni producu to tho in i dn of plijsicil luldr nlll nrtptt lha vuhto to it i dlli d tlio pnro tlfil in iiuo hi mi la cmbrikud tit tho mi d kiu of finn hh oxoolluiico is dim u iu proontinr in tho f mi in at nit i pi 1 j nud jihiui nut ui tlotajilo ihuridiuidinircm d tl uly ixiikiflcwl yrciiortlcff of n ji i f ot nt mm efticd milly olm- i i o njntdii h i h iv i- lllmh uir 1 ni i hint f i urul hull- t tihmutl sih i i i ni in in f ml r 1 a mint claim mt and latunt stylo nnrt onotl workmnnshlp outirnn toud first claaa trlmmlnc usotl op nd bonnar merchant tailor 111 i hi it i- f i alton wantk1 mammoth house walker mcbean co sui lessors to wm mtlliod co goods 7 for clocks watohes jovellbry spactlfclus silverware fanoy goocla alio repairing of flno c witchfln ddlovmon prnollcbl waichrriakai andjawajlar am k ivrr oc oq mpllcated m a great combination sale pi new goods and mcleod gos stock a p iltlu- jvtiufrtiricmnilr llfnikii watt v utilllll seed ikas kuit aie tltk iindnraliiiinl haa a uantlty ul dratalaa unl ma f aali aily allo jo oun 0 i noil nil or ki 1 mhh tiiomah hfndkhkos i hnolou o tvtsttitk to let tho polnla anadian ralaod in oonnootioti kopyrtkht ijucation the lioanra oorimlaiouara of north oxford have ordered thai all bara within their juriadiotion bo closed at u ju each evonitnt mai ton commiaaionara would kin for thtmaelvra the exalted opinion of mat y if a tlmilar order wero paaaod by their hoard v lhe anuounoement that a kituian jiitil wll vim i rorlamouth and that r ilninh llmt will viil cronitadl thia imnrder m an ludloatioli that lha urowih of a new power in the kaat la forolnu ancient enenima u unite for mutual protection aatiit what threalrna lo bo a moat for miutlo rival ihrro year to u thought atiada waa diini a bii thinu iu iiporllri nine and a hall million dollar worth of uheem- but laat year our oiorta in ihl hoe woro vftjuad at h64j0ooo tho indualry ot wtiloh tx hpeaker ilallanlyne ia the hed oontinara to bo one of the raalrat aud moat protfrraaivn in tlic dominion iiurooor haa il that tho preaidonl of franng will yhortly vja i ho gnonn at it aidt bjrot u wludtor cutle and that tho prinoa of walm l ooktemplatiuk a trip lo america and a viiit to newport dxtpnit tho aoaaon than the latter atory ia hardly likely lo prove correal bul iti circulation ia tumoi ant to oauae a flutter of excitement among uuroeroua oirole riic 1rohlbttloii comminioti iaport liaa bn proaeuted to i be jovoi umenl the majority of thn ooromiaaionera have formed conoluaiooa which are in the main unfavorable lo tha t in mod la t euaotment of a prohibitory moaaure some people hunk iheae conoluaion warn fully dt aloied long before the iiivratifjationa of the commiaaion a minority report io favor of prohibition will be put in tbo uatl ami awixrr aaya tho mult ot the war botweeu china and japan may ultimately lead to tha boildlnk up of tha aaapart lowna an the weatern abora of ihu ooautry in the aame way aa tha dieoovery and developeraent of america bail up the kreal seaport of britain the two ha tern oatlona revolutionised by our iradinji and mdnitrial method wo old apeedlly become to america what america became lo hurope the new lork charitable aaaoblktlona re ootfaidanntf lha plan ao uoueaafully carried out in da troll of baviait aome of lhe poorer people onltlvau potatoes oo tho laoaol lou io tbc oily limlla there am aald to be 17 sal vacant lou io tbe city ooutaininft mora than 1 000 aorwe delroi had about 7 000 vaoaul lou repraeentlnii t k acre which were banded over for uultivalton by their ownera laat year tbe reeult waa a production ot til 000 worth of potato for tbe poor canada chief market uow for ow i jraal prtliornd it mjoirea oar aud kill to ovaroorna tbe dlatanoa and land tbe egita in rood order but ail tbe care aud kill ia vaio if lha aft ia not freeh when tl reaobaa tbe packer farmer will do wall 1o reaiiia iba importaooe of marketing their ewa promptly aud regularly wbilo they are at tbair fjmt aud morobaula aliould diapoae of them promptly and regularly and not impair iheir value lay wailing for lamer hlpmenta or holding or a riee n pho tbe- vlome of ihia baaineei le uow large and with the oo upsrmtlou of tha producers local deajera and exportara it may be indefinitely in year uauadaa export l uritain have increased from vu 000 tu mx urti anadlaub do not need io in cunvinuod that newfoundland will prove a valuable province of the dominion the are well aware of ila worth lo auada klrat and lotemoal there are ita two hundred aud hevru ibouaand iiiduatuuoa frugal hardy ieople of lhe aamo raoo ame rellifioiia aame aperoh aame waya of thinking powera of aelf overnnioul a oun newfoundlanders will take thoir ja govarnioti the dominion aa naturally aa duoka take lo water and we will nave no cauae whatever fa fear ally new or embavr raasitiij mtluanoe auch ai would be certain to arleo did we for luataiior oontvmnlale aihteiliik kaudwlob ulaiut a lhe mulled htta doea a uarler of a nulllou of mr i lull men and women wb will be auadiana from llio atari make a very welcome addition to lha caualuan poupia on tlio ciovernmi tte moal uoticeabte piano which laat aetaion w the termor a manilu u the dcak bearmn lha word a uroen waa the of the ua the uoi mnjitt6t amoiini fir nun li ordiilid by al pillow iikti iii mrinury qittwant ayitibol of the regret whi h wan in the muida of all ahad in their enjovment ot nicotina friends and aoquaintaiicra lha liberal aharo tlo foeliiifj uf the conarrvatiyo iimi the ifcalh of their chief lam and lhe gonnrrvaiivi a xak kindly wordx of him wlimn plaoo ukii lhe 1 ibrral aide wai upon whoae drak a iv idoncf aptrllrd on h r ttiiiutfi n i iillsniil 1 of llo tn inul i i on j o kil that lb hon 1 olu mllri but reiucmbornil ilird nbllta boru mmortellrn waa lour but tiafaction al hioelloucy nd lamontcd llio krualec hai uaual and the aooi than iu formnr yeara lha only m uniform woro hir mat koim hon mr angora and hon mr all lhe olhor minlauira al tended with thn fafthful lmiiion oxoopt jfou j iaturaoii and hon ir moiiugua who had not returned from hidimand the om mom being summoned hi hxoellnnoy ope nod parliament with the jj lccch tha aubjecte dealt with may hethua briefly aammarixed after an expreaaiou of u meeting rarliamout again ii axpreeaea regrol al tha sudden death of kir john thonjpson and refercd to lhe drep and hoar tf oil aympathy ahown by her majesty inlimatioti la given thai ratification of tlio french treaty will be exchanged as auon as ncoeaaary leginlation has been paeacd reference is made to the raoent action of tho imperial parliament enabling the tarious aaairahan govern menta to enter into preferenllal trade ralallona with tbe aelf guveruluk uluiiloa which is an outcome of lajt yuar a ilonlal lroiiferenod tub llamtt iu m iiimii l rris la iiiontioncil in hie following uiruu in oonformiiy with a moon i juditmeul of the lord of the judicial limmiltou uf the privy council to the effect that tho dtaaetillenl minority of the people of manl toba have a constitutional right of appnal to the governor general in council agaiuat certain aits paaaod by tbe legislature cf the province of maul toba iu relation lo the eubjrol of education i havo hoard in oouu cil the appeal and my decision ihercou haa been communicated to the legislature of the said province i he pa per on the bobleul you vill be laid tli arcaawd io three uf etojb to urmal henry tllewa it new york laukai tbua refers to the nqw upward iinpulae in afnerioau trade and nuance in his last ulr uulsr ha aays all that waa tieedad lo afresh upward spurl waa abme uaw con apiouona alimalua to lhe already azlatiug oonfldenof thai haa been fortbooroing in lhe form of a auddeu and remarkable rtaa iu the price of pottou petroleum wheat ooru and beevea flvo article sabloh aupply fully forty per oanl of the entire value of oar si port a there baa been some diffaraiioe ot opiuion aa to bow luferenoo is made to tbo ildni n trade and strict eoouoiuy prumibod in ilio oxpeudituro the visits his hxcelleuiy iias paid to did ere n i part uf the dominion ar alluded to aod a paragraph is devoted t tbe visit of the newfoundland de leu ion tbo legislation foreshadowed is the luiol veuoy and joint 8 took company aita left over from laat joar and amendment to tho insurance aol the domimoo notes act lhe dominion lands aol tho indian aci the north west territory and itepruaonla lion act and the act respecting the laud subsidy of the c auadwu paciat hallway ompany iba reply tu tho apceuh rum tl 1 ti waa moved by mr itennem of kaal rillmoc hi opened by a referenco to the death of tiir joltu tbompaun exprcsnmg heartlell igrol al tbe loan austaluod he dilated on the late premier a abilities and declared trial had be lived ktr jotti in all proba biuly would havo made roputalioii aa an lmoril cuuuoillor mr ilounou co nounood kir john a talon tod pailiaman larian a brilliant premier and a inlrlolk man mr llolloy socoiidod the addoeaa and a spirited debate followed in which leadiok members uf both aldos uf thn iiiiiibb mri paled lwlj abanlocai tmi itdy 1 w uuuplej asala on tho floor j tlm uriug tho debalu l antauuo ro- elected in huldl cootrrion kouph vorohoru utu liburitl cob llm four byu clectiona i lultod bb follows old j li suui 111 1 lb majunty i jo y ii f wi iku1 i i ic it n ihoa mctjftwvj 7 nibjolty mr lhh waa snpiortcd by tbe i iberau 1 en i roooutil voa mcureevy a mnjurlty of 7 kik iikhkh joe iboflrion lib ma jority aliout 100 tlacherb too vounu a p ouial aiimlital vouthundl j i llat i of cai lildal i tbo leahlug prufcasiou be n loan than twenty one was one of ihu reonmiiieiid attona nrjeti upon hon itoaa mlinslor of 1 ducatlun by a deputation of tcauiura i iiialatiug uf mcbsra k mi all later a mcmillan and mr i arkioaon f lorouto and mitjtieon 1 oudon aud 1 intou new llaiubutg whllh nulled on him laat week lb mn ikkuou saying it oul i irlvo al jh en til uf llm pndiion he vera i hiiukottioua rrkiliii iu ll anoa taininalioiia woro also br jugbi to io iioiuo of uio minuter including thoau lat tbe geography nud history pamrti lould deal with atiada to llio extent of ro tulrds the editors story nlraaaed him ml iivu a wuukuiiln luarl mnny rarr foro a luri wut id it biik wb hoi thai iroductlon of the bank lion luto lha work of tho laal m the procuring of llio laical wui ub joel liiiieralivs lhe three lorunu mimlwi isvb do i or mined that they will anpjmirt no lueaa ure framed with the object if ton lug hope rale aohools in manitoba mr v i macloau will iiitroduiu early 111 tbe aeasiou his bill lo oolite rallwuy ooninloa to euip thalr biigines and utra with air brake b111i aitioioatiu xiiiplara mniud hlata veaa fur tbo praaoul llm tho yukon dialrici tluuad until iltare ivllugo of utbbllllg i i in mile 16 apeaauuv intluenoe aod lo oatural oauaoa there can bo uo jueatiou that iu tbe case uf each article there are lrhimt al work and there ia aa little doubt that ihoee causa have beau lurued to account or speculative purpoees the feeling how ever ta geueral tbal pruvidiug tbe ataaji no uf the financial situation can im de peudediiihju this ouulilry la uu lhe tert of au sra of vety uuuauat prosperity thirty sis lbs bpcbl yellow sugar or ii 00 kiineinv rook wood i makeoabfostpliotoaat ihuoper boa a smaller aiae manlillo cabinet rt ii so i olbar aixm rsduoed u luatuuw i wvaohiule fur itin wlrtino lhe goveruutent have iuiiokihi tho mounted polloo lo lake a cnnaua uf alburta ibis is duuo with a view tu dividing tbc province tutu two electoral dlslrlota 1 ho population at preaonl is about ul mod the chatter aud oomuioiion iu uie gal lory al one lima wbeu ills licoilouoy was reading tbe address was suoii as to neoen allau the genllemau i alter id the ulack hod lo calling out ktlunou silence 1 ho batiato raalauraul proprietor thi4 year has ititruduood lhe lutiovatiou uf wajlera iu knee breaches and powdered wijfa the dignity of the upper hooao ia paper men u llvl v ua publiahera lo pri it fn u week t week wurda f praln ajhikaii ii of piiilotai madliliti ii la in vfiey ki1 llm adltut lummcu ru it im 111 l j to y a h w 1 in behalf of mhf u lllom preparatloiia and yet l uowa pajkir man ban a liily fnui u tun it h m should o d make 11 kniioii lu ulatudeii aud iii un porliapa j ml uul to uto of llnii lhe road to renowod liohh i h edil i l tho r boll voa it i br i i- duty u ay oorda ol praiac i ftii f rly i hut liaa i tod aji li all iiabh ihmhi u tlui on lha part if llo iiiot r t ll reaauu lo know tl ualntt uie modlolli editor of the tlrrr thai dlalrcsaiiit cu ooly ihoao wholiu can kuow bow mu rd p in hy t hn1 lu n aiiinf mot mill tho v pifi i 1 nia lntr nil h t nl oniifr i htm n i if ii i roo frmu in 1 j 1 il o i i i bi ni n m f i h ntldrtig girtta ul 7 hi t it is mm il fiu i ii 1 1 y i i i t by i ii cu oi k i 1 nil i iniflimoi ry tutckflii almi tl i n in s i ji i t i- itn and h ni ii i f 1 l v ill li i aucuiit ii y aul rftiliiiu i tin ask your druggist for 11111 kkkt williams shoes 11 st notice- great nuuceaa not i we are leaders in head gear 1 a1m j 1 1 jul jesiurili watiirnd ai ly at i co aerer ad of atock in i f you have iiol booked your oraor for thai new hat or llonnet aoo our latct stylos t i n- yor al nricsai just about halt what other a to re a charge our millinery show itooma have been tike hives with biwy buyer- enchauted with our styles and pricoa ln 1 1 1 1 auti st c it i lind in that loot- nu i i oi uiiin i om- luil ililt tli mi tlmsi en i ist tl in i pan of our dress goods juot opened up another hipuieut uf lovely dr toods all it dieas loinmlia drees dillnroul prices ranging from ii i0 a length lo 110 00 capes capes notick to frkspasueah v j i k x i r i y uvmi tlisl all mraoiia an j1 liirllddoli li tiuaiiaaa nil the jircdiiaab ol i tin uu ii mini ml i ulii r lu nablnu or abootfug ioii0vtu li1il l u liam newton llrolttlt- ihuctoit amjiikw hcott 160 200 or 300 shoes tho rory ltl b ritfla tr n uouv ii hii iv l li vi worth 1 1 j w r r d tb o otii uoi auoh kbekutiriil mtm htr hi hlttn iuoiitv hut tlmv wai ki it moiuan i tailoring reel j rrahkelhoy only bo had 201 cke faifai for sale fpllh i mdcraluid dnalruh lo anil ilia hal srrti 1 laitn lit a on t i- rill ii la th am uiidrt nltlibiluti and lias utndniit hardwoud ami cmlar tautior tu pay uuetialf ula pricu aakad lor ibf li- it la well lorw a how home i iw uu inr niiiatriietlou or temia and 1s murray lanmans orderod work and repairing receive beat uttention ooad aaaortmonl of trunks and valleea ivthttaiw- w l m m i ho greatest run i iu i j ilii uu i charge i1h00 in ihocitj for e are uiltn fnr ij i0 c ir oy otlorn bul u they oau save from fi 00 to 11000 a sun by buying thsua si the uammot14 ii0sk tho news of our tailoritig iepartmonl haa reached from the atlantic to tha pacific ocean urdnrs are coming iu from the i mted slates right and left lot them come j dau 1111 ihn 1 j a a fnr the s s al ueorjeto enail -ynwr- st liinilmit icrsp bull foh bervict or hor sale rlniil r arrvlca at lila alal id urjiuktibrcd ikmllgriwd any lull v iialla alau ifturril for aale m u hmutlh llakur palll st acton florida water mai jty floral lstrai i ltandkerthlc toilet and bath light on optcs order and you oau gel it when yon come do week an orders are filling up carpets gnd curtains kxtra hands are being taken no trespassing q t low lltll k gcuic a tiuiixb i if vuu want either carpets or certains see our atock vv u a w u par cent by buying uow fhe latest carpel slretcber for ou l a dkisy jgulur price ii 10 an lay your own carpel and save your money boots and shoes illh uiiil l liemlly liotlllml that ui uauiuu ir abouuuii un uiecmtk runninu ihroubu ula saat arl of lot ji aaat alul l mut wf lot houull jy ami eaat iart ul lot u lu tlio ird kaqiinalng wilt iw all wed all found uullty of foi t lu ogula no ilouae in tho dominion can sell you aa auod ui jhc ao we call oxfurd tihooa for u5c regular price ii 2j oxford dho price ii tl all uthor linos sold at same proportion agents for the celobrated standard pnuorrm h very lady buying a dross gels a faahon book free lo show bej j in in her dress whlker mcbehn co georgetown and toronto market day every thursday il hlic notice 11 alnxitiiig un tin atteaiii runulug ibrougl lbs oaat ihtrt of lota ai 10 jl aiidtlie weat part uf lot ii in llm ttli concession are prohibited trnaaaaora will iki iroaociited uudar tbo ontario iir 1 low prices or cash alwayt it will pay you s ii riht lifjl i uui optics lb that whlcil t iics lllluull spllllcks lltttl u uui ts l till iii t pm lllll it s- lut ii is till lllll titl mill i ll 1 11 llll ulll 1 isst s tlf us sdvage ju guel fi i loll iklntlni iml i k 1 blulil lata i li we are right in it for spring nil h i r j rl t tiudt liai i n uoods are right uu will i iticlii in win vlfitjm 1 a horsus and iinploinents hor sale inr u dsalrov ta toll bjr urivaio mala 1 matched team morrala 3 and s yoarm nld auitahu fur heavy oarrlatfa or ouaetl i freali milch oo j yoan om half ayrshire aul halt leraey luuilior wafcuti multlan seed dill t iron liamiwa act uf loaui liarnosa 3 prayer aud rarioil other larm uleiislla apiilr to huon llltoh quoon si atuu notice to debtors iisai cai i in ml mod i hid tatatu uf tlio late j olm hlielilht nut belor uia llrat dr of uar imtt will he infer to avtt i all and u tier ar out ul ul t ti tnfer to avttlo with ihoao owlob tlio and uoiihxiueutl oxtaud ui dato ii must ho duurfcuy tlio lal f lis tho smtait notice jlmu arb reqdsbtkd to comply with thx p0bljc health aot ollin trai ind oil i o iuui a tliorvl uliatauco hultli an latest 1 tlio llllli d tho baullary inaiwi luapectloii am i of laol a h till lie i tnt dyamipsia and mi alitillwrly troublod uiitary tin irouhie llih of full lieu an i iintd i nil fil li uld and hoavy of ln i au iiiuiim i i llio aumibuh only laiievoil by hi mil lha food which ha had taken lln n iso i r with lialiillat if tho linn bruogbt on lit doubt hy llio dyap nuutotoua lemoditia alleged lu euro d ysxip eta ware tried bul without euooaaa and lin iron tilo waa apprimohiug a ihiomu slate at lhe auggsitiuu of a friood tlf vvhiibiiib illla ni relief hill ful loa had tbtu exundod to the basement iu ijuile an epfircoiable itiauiiox aa leader ot the house lion mr i us i or oocapia lbkutl of hir johu 11iouiiaon hir jonu ukodooahl aud other provtoua loaders the aoat adjoining which haa been ouiupied by mr luster has beau takstii by tilr l liar lea i upper mj- m block te after the downier ueuarr al tgalu aud gives notion uf a bill redjjpe hi salary ibis ta tbe aame bill which mr uuook introduced 144 year arulwhioh want uudar in lite slaughter of the kino can is al the oloau of laal eeaaloii al a inoetiug of the executive of the 1naa ualltry mr jen blmpeun of ue otute waa appointed bfsroiary pro inn lowed thoir use aud aflor a few beau takuu aie oditur waa able tu aasert puaitively that he bad been cured of lila dysepbia by una remedy that has prood ao grtat a blobaing to mankind lo any oue troublod with lha ouiuplaiul he would atrougly looouuuoud dr william 1 ink lllis lo newspaper men particularly itlfiev wll be msl thi thing in imparl haalth wa11 pa phil depdi luicjiil waters broo cuelph out ttt georges vuam uu mi i urinn i i withprovcrbs 1h hil t u n up alliigei rr ins in i t 7z n i k pyny pectoral hi in aud l lu the whole ayalum aud ui them lo pursue ihuir work frwi fr in llutl tlrod feci in i so prevalenl among the craft the ediuit uf llio lhc dimly beliovcb that wllal they havu liuiio for ill hi they will do for others aod ho m lrni lila hearty and uuauluitvd oiidoraatlou ir willtama 1illk i ill ro an unuil lug iuid or all troublua roaullmh fn in povoriy of the blood ur ahatleird tiuita aud where glkeu a fair trial they never fall tu oaaea like that above related hold by all dealers or scut hi paid at no uuuts a hoy or six boxes lur ij u0 by ddrubaiug the ur williams modiolus co llroukville ont or muheiifoudv n i bee that llm nulslera i trade mark la uu all packages i i uid atylul t way be bouured lul wll 1 i mh i ii 11 vmm lots 1 j murbi llo liuelh oni y ii oilu ttuiulan iilh u 6 grhnite a ll ia a all uarl j h m amu i on cffiesrk ntbw firm mevsr stock but ok aotftevvmftrst nt prices f 1 ttiklluailm lnw stl lttjh i brlnton lh uu r lr lrl t hi u l i rl hi i u out cjp to date goods nc hills liuitiis latest new slnnvn un- newest nc oloieil mm is ei i litine new niiiiiiis and oieriunliugh special i lilaniiili itll minis at oo teiils r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 09 uppor wyndham slrool cuelph ty rivoii thai all roaldouts ol ulrl fumlivlth lo clean thslr rda plu atyoa water cloaola ind oil oi nutliu dili nux and promisee aud m iuuii tliorvlruui all lirl ii i th uiauuro u other uliatauco lilcti may uudauuor tlio publu hoalth aul u have tlio aamo colli il elcd at 1 llio llllli day or may iiaxl uu which day mltary inaiwctur olll coiniiiamo ueuoral pectloii ami lurthor taka iiolico that llio on ul tho 1 unite heal ui au prohibiting tho iluu of boga ujimoou tho 1mb uy aud tin i nutomber oiuoit in khi at least 11 tool i auv dwollluu houau and 30 feol fruiu any it of laue with the floor ae t free in in llllli water ami rouularly claiiml wilt lu atrlully euforoml all roaldeuta sr iuiimii n ihi i i hiwi lali iiieiniaea conaauli i ivan an 1 thuniutlhlv laluroclod lultikii i l i m h uangbb oaka uhimi irmihhhajllioaaolt tli altnil aud oiiduraod ton luta tin lauoiil will im roooivod at tlila uth uoou uu tuesday aitli april ltu lor 1 1 aiiddajlxau ul tuuog harrels or au ttiaraor of iortland cam ant nwi aud oruis uf toudar iau im ol talmxl liartfoa totidorlug al llio oftloe of ll kuulumr of haliwaja aud lauali iiiu- lu tha oaae of iruii uino uiuai l itual alunaluret the dmiuiiatli and i n i tli uatura of the dmiutiatlui of oaeh muuilisr of tho amount lauderthurfuuat iu amy ll loo dor tblaaucopuwl jb limit t- eiuli rse1 ovoi lu ilia ululatar of ltalloaa ai i anal aud will bo forlaitad rftiib art uiilriiinl de if alltiirlllm int yu alee and on lbs tadrtua tbe autioptahl uhinjua i sd tu uie roajioltlto ji ot aeoaitsd tli la iii arli icni i staled lu oftvi iiai itkufmlp been dim kitliniwi but the dd bualitaiea w 11 eo t j at aw lb j new uajte j a speight co i io itb in some respects thorp will be decided ohauges in ibi unpkltt tht department lhl wl l oolioeable owing to the bard limav are at i ouuuig uie price in al lines uf oofnus ussketr and forniihlpga aud will supply tbi whole out hi at any reasonable offer you may make wf l nitiilffp th uny undertavkera oombtna and govern our own prtooa i- inualtning done when required al slinlilly i uharge will be madi coat aud if uul satisfactory uo furnitur6 caiefully seleoted stook ot turuilum u hand which we will dispose uf al fair uvumi profit buccy st whcon stsjuh mauner aou ft prloe pet baps a little lower ueiiig under very mall eapeuae lu carry iug ou out biuloem we oatl ctwuloly ee it very price lu the undertaking eapmlejiy mq do tbla aod giv entire j a speight 0o hitfli untie wlieels are clieaitst in lite mini tuila ttiu lwlubruhl st earns th bu idgttt wheel built welghu 23 to 34 lbs piloas i8t lotl lo alio ootumbja and lraloona thes ythe have a world vrtdn repu allun thuro arc no botlar anilll w stark acton ac1e1ht foh acton aho itothouu fathrrfr-a-

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