Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1895, p. 3

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r i v 4- 9ank of hamilton udad oprior hamilton i un oon jlkshiivbj pupil 1173 000 totai aslitb m a rjhto boaiuj of direottthb ohn htl allt a nltamnal 1 resident mcnl nwhlm uh i whrroll li luutii a t wi a ii i kk toronutil h itt mis it i it fcl wathon luiu r agencies hamilton hariotihii isal li i alllst n terlln clisalny innraotowti tlriuialiy 1 lelnwr i uckuow ml it on uomit forest uribvjllo wa hound 1 orl flbtn hiiikuhi inroutu wlngham british oorrobpondunto lonuon national i i luclal llsuk f hiiu jmd il1j american gorroapondonta nkw york fourth national i tank mi 1 ii over national hank hobtoh internal it rualoo llurviomariiinllauk itlormi llauk of illinois will i uluu national dxrnolt bolroll nath uaj hank ifank of coiunbuo sltrusloo lvrrim marine llauk hf liauk kansas oitv national ifank of coiusa v agon to in montreal ho hank of torotito georgetown aobnoy not discounted and advances tiia is an an tbla securities collections mods and drafts liounlil mil tu i loiuihl firnt vlrli nl eilifty iti ibalutitl jliltalii favorable terms savings department deposits of 91 md upwards tilnslvml ai i interest allowed from date aedapualt to 1ati i i withdrawal hi kciab dbpohitb alio roccivod at ourront rata of 1 microti tt 11 limnohtoni- again we lead others follow 1 ivo hundred holla wall 1 ar ijc poi roll borders free with alt our papara american ceiliug 1apot c jmr roll timboed paper from jja upnards una hundred window shades mounted joe osoh j curlain piles com polo from lfo up the nejfcs ahome montlyof a locfl chtpotv and cwrv itmtjn jntorastlna- inrlnr canvfrt ilia ii y i i or 0 i will bold parlor concert as stated in tut ifllue on friday itvtiimuk april jrth at tha homo of mr i aim warren at h o clock tbo program la full and varied tboas who have ao ktudly consented urtakopart are kir w htsrw misses nioklln henderson and 1 angfard and tho pastor of tho church itov o o ladgford for singing mra lr drydon of hookwood will preside at the piano vthjier u oil known skill and anility in accompany ilia singers and alao to render selections of lusiromenlal muilo mr jjinrold of mo master university will ira proaonl ut recite 1 bia itantluman liak wiin a ureal doal of fvor aaan oloontlonlal alt rn woloonio ailvar oollecllon a former llultunlfin itoenamcif i aal tburaday mr joabua fnmman wtio was well known by many roaidonla of acton and vloinily diod vary amldsnly at liialioma at hi mary 4 mr kroeman waa a boo of lie lata joltn 1reaman wholivod fur infttiv jawrvan tliahomcataad adjoining tha viluft georgetown uta w ho aurvivcx him waa a daufblar of the lata alnaihlnr lirown ar of aotoii hhort j jl the c06nf rv around nwi itpma supplied b y corrci- i pondenta and exohnbo a8hqrove b wooka with after li roarriatfo in 4ti mr freaman romoved to ht mary nd battled on a farm on tuo limit of tha corporation of that town wlioro lis baa ovor aliia iwen a renpeotod roaidciil ho laata two daugli larr thu eidoat bouiu the wifa of tto mr iroloavui of aylmar and tbo otlior mra mcl a re 11 manitoba alao two iona one of whom ta marriodtlio funeral at ht mary a on saturday waa vary largely altandod hunt vmi t intercut luv mr jodjou tha new pastor ol ht ajban n liurch wilt preach inn inauurat aormoiia 110 xt humlay the induction or menu conducted by llialiop hamilton will take place on monday avenuik a atari rot l will ooouny llitf plptt of heed mda onkfalioual guurcli for ha laat time noit sabbath aa 1 leavea for wat ford the lolkiwmm week haviiik auopld a oall to labor llicro 1 ha itlv ir br ikk of roroiilu wilt pro oh ainiivaraary both una 11 norf lk aircel melhtxhflt church nmlih nuxl hurtday lie j h moore evaiualial and mr john m whyta of l ho wlijlo itrotliera will com me 1100 a erica of muotiuka in tbo daptiat churoh uooritalowu on hunday may ath itav mr 1 emott the new paator of the conjjri a i tow altfhw roh r t araptdtywjhti mt- i ua- hrarla uf tha peoplu ii li mlnialratioub aro very acceptable mr macnaniara of wjoliffo ajilcue occupied the pulpit kt hi albau d c hurob lait hunday tbo oeoritotown hrrutt aaya it b reported that itav j artfo taator of norval and i 11i011 1reabyterian ihurchra haa aenl in hu roaitfnatlon itov mr lullah uf fein will preach m tha iiaci huoh 00 hunday moruliik hov mr hlophena koaa to i rin uuujil jwntt m i rcttj ittlirluik at a mruliiiff uf trrronfrootluji ol h hur h lanl week it waa decided to offer for aale tha alio ofthe ol t church piourrty on maui alicet and erect borae ahads in the roar of tha new church a good mauy pooplo feci that it would bo diareapeotful to tho momorilaof he past half century to have the old church property utilized for tha looatiou of omo manufactory or dwell iik when mr iuililau kennedy of winuipuk waa hero thta weak be augfaated to aaveral of our utuena that the propoty i puixhaaod aitbor by the louucil ur a ay ti die to of mdividuala and be ooliverted into a little ark for tha lown llio loo hon la bui tabic for thin j urpoaa ao 1 audi a i inn would preserve tbo place aa uo olhar woul 1 thofe are aoroe very fine roaplca on thopropert other trccaoould baplanlod acuta arranued a band ataud errctod and when the waterworks which eecvu tear aoi roforrwijo oil the buatliik helng lu evilablo in n vorv ahort tiino maturialtxc a ainatl f 1 uitaui miuht be ldod c would then tutu a allot little nark jioaaibly more reserved 111 unw wmya than i roapect iark but which woold 111 no way detract from the larger one 1 ot ua wherever poaaiblo preserve the historical land marka mr kennedy a aukitesllon abowa that his inter cat in ttio homo of hi outh continues uo abated he may havo aouictluny to aay to our roodera on tyla aubjoct 4icth 11i the touaiivr vf hiajlh- iicmm mr j u hackink the fuuuder of tha 1 ti i a inn died at iba bomauf biaaon in law mr lianry b 1j ill ifudalo laat ilioraday after a leuithy aod paluful lllnoaa ilia ailment waa aoiuowbat atuiila to that of tu late luv t 11 cooke and ho wrote lu tile editor of this journal from winnipeg on llio hat october laat aa futlowa i notloo a reforeooe 111 last laauo of llio b utr iueaa lo i ho ill uosb of itov mr ooke 111 chicago imnk a truck with the similarity to the symptoms in m case 1 am ourioua to learn fortber partlculara as to iba treatment halareccl itik ould you favor ins with hia address 7 or pubbibty you aro able yuuraeil to supply th itairod lofuruialiou toouira here aooi to bo 1 uaiod mi uaokitik waa fur many yoara lha publisher of the i lauiwol i in 11 in whlab was larhaiia bla most auouosefnl ontorprlae ha auld tha llai tin about iwoqly two years ago rnmov ed to duolph and eug aged in tbo public lion ol the vmlif aitvcrtltor witu mr it i uiult uow proprietor of the w l ogham p r aa foreman i he competition lu cuelph taa vury keen and events proved that the town oould not tuooeaafully main lam utree dailiei mr hacking than turned his attonliou to aolon and after ooiiaultaiiuu wlllflho buaiuesa men of ibe i laoe louud ltiat a local uawapauer would be welcomed and waa prom in onoourag log aupporl on july ut idto he ianuad tltc dfat iinihnr id tlm mrs carrol la bpanding frionds at alton miaa iida aid miss annie hail of uuolph ape nt ishi weak with iholr coumns mtaaes maglo and ida hood mr j ii thornton la doing ipiito a ftah bualnets this spring conit durable bn tiding will bo- done in thin vioiulty during the aummar ainont othan mr john wilaon intends treating a fine brlak dwolling houae n one of hi larrria ya gnppa flnfld hath been buay of lata in our peaceful hamlet and left an vara i iotlma mr alonso thornton bjia gone back to hia old ailoatiou with mr mnky of cieorgolivn nssaoaweya mr jamea t iluibaml of naaaagawnya has bouulit the blaokamlth ahnp in aberfoyla formerly owned by a hiokloy heveral farmer have commanoed their spring acoding the land is in fair shape coming and going 4 visitor o and from acton and varl6uothor pforaonftl note xlionkkaliiksb invifwsll its rnadars to en irlhuio luvils ealunin 4lt jou ajr your trlomls 3ialllns away on a holiday lrl or l you uaia rilfila vlaultig you dnip c to ilia rnan i litaa fc onlumil miss keller 1 ipggalt vjsitnd friends for work 1 ti 1 run f mi in icrvicci at ittvllls vicilod friends hero laat week llev aud mfi town thla week mr asa hall visited friends at peru during the week mr it j uurnoy p4pt hunday with fncad q mr kobt kbbaga left on taeaday morn ing for uloveraulle n t miaa hlmpaon of llerlln lu a gnaal at the meibodiat 1arsonsjte mr laaao hndtr jiwn la vrfry il with inflammation oftrfa iupa- irs itev o 11 cooke will shortly remove to ouelph with hr family mr m h mogann of torpnto apent jk day or so this weak at his mother a home miaa nellie llrowuof uedina haa bran the guoal u10 pal woak of mra dr uren mra w v campbell of father vial ted bar daughter mrs wjp futbaa tbia waek filounvs tbcattu arrested on n charooof appropri ating gaoo town fundi wixnaon april 9i ctflmwrrtwihlloui ex treat uror of tilbury north will appear at the iolloa court hern un hat on ay next obarged with stotting the sum of kuoq 41a waa arras ted at his liotna in hloney 1olnt by uatoptlve oimpaii and haa bean roloaaed on llll 000 ball he was treasurer of thu township for over three years but was discharged on jan i th who examined hia book found of tha sboitage and itoeve hamuel swaxa out the warrant wall papers all new goods r ewe8t designs henderson co china open to all ixtxihis april aa a despatch from tokyo to the crtml nrtr ta in view of t ho various turopsao misatatementa and miarepraaanutlons iu regard to the china japan treaty of peace the government affirm that th ccmrasrciaj ooncasaiona obtained by japan wsrs not exclusive bat extenwrfl to all treaty powers japan aaoarad tbsaa prlvllegm for tbs general good of all eon n tries aod therefore ax poo u her efforts to meat wltfi friendly appraci at inn tbeamoom gwii papers jrom c a roll uei ther lip bordcrb tcjnatjj given red with every ftpfc no ii your chance tq becurya bttrgain before the assort men t is broken at the drlcji store new goods our dress owjus st6ck is nflw lompkn icurrccl sljlis and cceuional valiurrrb tht tuil iicxl lace curtins we have just lo hand a splendid range oftlusc goods some bargaihs we picked up this week and just phti i in sliw it lrlny si 1 i in in iii fill uu a w- ll qeo hynd8 aoton ont tim only iioro lu hum hi lruklna ilka ihl ffilje ctntr iti rtss thursday aluii m 1hu y little local brieflets vhlok cauaht the eyes or ears of praa prs ratportatrs thla wank firat of may next wedueaday tb pretty wild flowers are now 10 bloom in tha woods the public and high hchoola reopened on monday morniiij officer urabam has cuuin lit uaoftlapring at reel cleaning acton home circle will bold ti eir moi ihl aocjii evening to night 11m pi ices of wheat ountiuuoan up war i lendmoy iu the western cenlroa the next silting of the fourth diviaiou court will be hold on the igtb a ay 1 baptist parlor social at the borne o ax warden warren to morrow evening fcarly morning oonatitutiooals are quite popular these que spring morninga tba anniversary of acton temperance onion will be obasrvsd io the ball ou friday evening the beautiful grassy vorduro wtiiub now pr vails is appreciated ou all sides by man and beaal coortahip and marnago iu ur hendaraon oiejpb molliodjat church next monday evening mr will stark haa just rooeivod a tine new k3 poand b learn a bioyclo ha has eoared tha agency for thla section the bowman ville stuie u uuw paper office was destroyed by ore monday night loss 32 000 insurance b1 000 this weather romotea a feel log somewhat of discouleut in the individual who is coin polled lo labor within doors mr john u matthews la improving bis residence on ijowar avenue it luoku better and wilt be much more comlortable there re uot maiy free hmhing points lie res boots for the coming season lieu d arson pond is generously upeu to all comers cycling is likely to be icpular mtli ladies bare this season una or two ladies have purchased wheels and several others have giveu orders mr james oraut guve his loft band u ugly scratch wbeu loaving his work at tbo tannery tha other day he has beau off work iu ooosrijueuca mr taylor of o 11 lty to ooelpb is at agnew s llotol lo day at ow ing lam plea of oarpols mi wool bruaaola moquette and utou ibe poor success uf autna llaliei 1 next wednesday will no doubt t duo ui the fact that they bail their breath if tenor than they do their book councillor willi am uo camp elad and works like a charm whan neatly painted it will add to the aursclifa appear a do of hia remises tha people in hits town ar uow wall acoomanodalad with barber ahops i ha striped polos of three tonsnrtal arllala dea iguats their owner whareauoule til rough the oourtesy of mr hem v jllll the rnas uiaa la to rooalpl of a copy of the mammoth illualrated odillou of the htuunitctl llttjfai hx which gives mauy lutsrestiug glimtaea of tha uaflalo of to day tha 3ausdlsu horse bliow boll m toronto waa brought to a close on halur dry ind pnitail a grt snoos botti the methodist hurch or this circuit will bo held ou hunday morning may ith at 10 0 o clock the llev mr amy will conduct tha service m as jennie haw of huatohbull left on monday last for hcrlin where ahe haa aecnrrd a situation gardeners are busy villi their seeding and planting these fine drya angus mctaviah last a fine frrah ml cow a fnw ilaya ago limehou8e miaat i indsay haa airived safely 11 i nglauil i i e presbyterian hunday hcbool com mencea next holiday mr and mrs k h itrouaiui uf duluih minn are visiting friends bare mr anl mrs j kannawiii if acton hjniit hunday with friouds hore wo loam that the public school ixiy kl urgauislug for football tlio sawmill ha been ruontng week and some one timber waa cut tbo ooda are full of wild 11 wrra aah klahermou will bo up bright m i early next wednsslay moriitug it la a favorite pastime with a nubcr of acton and 1 toe k wood high hot too i slu danta to walk to t imehouan after aoliool and take tho tram here lor ii milton mr ij w nickiih left jesterday for ixiwell mich to spend a few week with relatives them mr adam wing o juolpfi apout hun day in hie old home hero he is about lo to ilramptou mr and mrs hiahard hemstroel uf milton were guests at ths home of mr a ij llrmstrnetlast week mr icorge ltitchle who has bseil living iu acton tlio ast ear has removed to the hcoloh llock sod returned to farming mr a i petri ud miss 1etrie of ouol h billed from australia on saturday ami are expeclad i otrta about may jill mis hill of uaen douuj who tud ueeu vislliiig frlooda at li troll oti a day or so laal week with itot j 1- howell aid family mr jvhi luft freidoul ui acton b xhlblllou auled in tho capacity of judge at i ho arthur spring bunw ahow on wodnraja councillor and mra 1 fraifcla viaittso itlrnda in ouolph over hunday and atlmi t od the huuday he into i auiil voraary anrviue 111 dublin htroct church mr fl gutlirle q c ouelph has bean 11 ted 1 get your garden held and flowsrwaads at a l 1 1 em street s aoton good seeds good varieties and prices to match j v kannawin parasols of medicinal agnta is gradually r legal ing the old time herbs pills draught a and vegetable extracts lo tha rear aod bringing into general use the pleasant and off eel ivo ll ufd laxative byrupofrgs to get the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the california pig hyrup co only for bale by all loading druggists in repairing watches hoods cured aftor others failed aaofula in th neck bunches all corns now aimoii ispccw of itcliairy uhions for from point ol retfoipts aod attendance there waa a total attendance of li 3h and a burplua of ifl 000 the haulauijua cirole has just taken up the aludy of geology ou tbs present ysar s course- dr winohell 1b tha author and the subject traaletl in a most interesting manner tbs cirole is talking of arranging fur occasional geologiuaj excursions aid l llarber of uuelpb died last friday afternoon from paralysis decern d waa ooa of lbs most extensive oattle dealer lit ontario at did much to promote the lu uresis uf the trade in those jvu ulljlcmliilaailiaiiitfj us to th oily as wsll a in i he circuit uf hia buai nras dealings iu writing up tha buaiuesa and profess ional msn of i no the uihuu has this lo aay of ur wllktuaon who visits that lowu ovcry wtduoaday ur wukluoi is u young gouliooisu vall recum mended lu bis profssalou being an honor graduate uf the toronto uptvoraity and itooor k uf the lloyaj college of leual burgeons alao prlxamao in 1rutioal ueutstry ueaa given entire saliafactiun elnoe ojieulii tiorc hiiaiiage porn turnip carrot uaangoij seeds at a l hxusiulxts acton imatcgularly appeared every week ilnce wiiboul mterruptioti lu ih77 mr hack lug dlaposod uf ills youthful juuruallsliu child lo mesra moore a uolbralth and returned lo dualb ougsgltlg for some urns iu lbs job pfimlimk bneinees hub bchuviiiiy he wetil to clifford and establish od the tirua hhoruy after this lbe activity 111 the commercial capital of tbs nor lb west a ur acted hi atteutlou aod be removed to winnipeg aud secured lbs xailion o foreman of the trrr r job dapartmeut which slluauuu he riuad succeaafully fur some lime tut several years his health baa beam failing and ho fuuud the severe wiutsrs uf mauttoba very li m l rrlc cw he rsi 11 i lias siuco rceided there his first wifa died lu wluuiprg so vera i yoara sgu 11b bubeotjueurly married a miss allan iu lhat city wliu with three daughters and two anus survive him j ii hacking was a ural clasr primer au upright aud uiusuieuuuus business uiau a lovlug bus baud and father and a worthy altioeu of any oouimunity wbero bo raaidod ills in israel iu actou waa always manifest aud tha suooass of the j uka itiaos through out its career was a matter of persodaj graulioatlou to liim his rota sins wora iutarrod in tlia ft roily plot at lixtowsl the homo of hi early mr on halurday 1 b apiluit allow will bo held hi 1 l j biojcle agencies are plentiful i ere ihla pring tbo 11 l uuit d ul t by it cold mine i- mi 1 tig tub last ju o uvo growu lo be alghl inches long 1 lie club inlands having a nursery pond made and putting iu another batch of fry ill la apring lealaloti haa bean given 111 favor of wllnl dt lt of llio sloe fclorj gal 1 si tha tow i w a 1 1 n b ml ilia toronto horse khow laat wuek mr and mrs it j hollmrako 1 01 onto wero goesta at the homo of jamea hollinrakr fw laat week the milage clerk of hurl lug wh wu in lown lost week circulating a pet ll ion for tbo release from penitentiary of charles davidson who it will bo remembered waa convicted before lila honor judge huldor of forgery nearly twu prs ago crtwsons cobnehb ilia farmara around here at a u 1 11 ibeir beading the largest arl of inch will be finished tlili week itov mr babma la still uuu1- 1 ltd j to his dutirs hts put pit wbb tit tllle ullod laal hunday by mr li 1 mtx uf tho actou b 1 rt im i a successful hart alali h loll o the farm of mt v u mccutcbco i l con 1 lnu isat week r vcrylbtng wut together without an accidont aftor the raising lbs tuaa sat down to a well spread table provided by mrs mccutcheon to which ample justice was done messrs 1 ewi i ami and m crippi have the contract of the frame work uockwoud council it i of 1 will hoi 1 a meetiug here next thursday evening ind may with a view to organising tamper communion scitiocd ill tic uelu 11 ll 0 methodist hurch next hunday hot j hough of cuelph will j reach si 1 admin later tho nacxaincul mra it w nlckliu wlu ha bwi leu lug vllh her biotlier mi oliver 1 lsby lately leaves ibis wk tor luwell midi qtohoetown m hun j hpcight h tu j uuutraot of aupplyiug walor aorvloea fur tho council or tbo aeoauii uf ihjo lbarmii la talking of putll a water motor lu uu its maohlurry iba public school trustees laki g a puiutat from ibe high hchoul llvard its o spo luted a couiiultlov lo mipiuve iba school grouuda a ii 00 fills wo ld l a olllaau lul week foe using water 01 i i nrighui s hydrant mim hull li a i uiiiuii high bchool alaff jxct huudy with her brother mr ii 1 hull o a allege guolph mr wllllaui lurdy lied at lla home bars on friday ho waa born 111 mellon mowbray in ialcwslerature bugland and came lo this country i0 years ago and settled lu georgetown where he resided until bis deth for 10 joxr he was a trusted employee of tbo harbor 1 per utioug diaqa itlvh ho had been in ill health from an internal troublo which caused his death he loaves a widow aud grown up family of flvo 1 he eldest la th wifa of inepcolor hlark uf the lonntu lo tool ivo ltartni0nt one tramerrted daughlsr lives id george tow 11 aud tbo ouiy sou la furo uiav of liu woodwork depart t of tho central prison mr hardy was for some yoara a member of the town oouuail b pedal cr vices will be oommeqcod in tho ilsptial hurob unhunday sth may lhy will bo oumiuctsd by luv j u mooro evangelist mr donald gutbrie g t ex m 1 1 ta b uwu lu si lleglstry jfrtosw for the province ol ontario in place of lbs hon c r- raasr douses ed mr uulbrio a aoceptauto of this ofnoa wui not necessitate bis removal from guelb ll le mr guthrie a in ten lion to continue lu rmido in tiuolpb aud to prautic hit profession there a borauduxja ilia sou mr hugh gutbrie haa been iakon into wrinerslnp by tbs uld nrm of culhnsa walt tha card of tha imw firm appears in this issua a wall assorted stock of groceries crockftr glaaswars soaps etc at raduosd prices ihjrly iba good sugir fur f 1 00 xmiuxra aolou ihjrty 1 i a 1 ut 9 ii dcrod vacaul i y tha doalh of iu t b mr james ont wo and mra john alallheaa went in hi mar s un hrnuy to attend the funeral of ihetr hroltior tirtaw the ule mr jo- hum freeman mr w a mclei liarmlo will give s of readings on the ilui llsuuls of ltobblo ilurrrs in hi andiaw s church quel pi 1 ibis evening mr laohlau honliody of winnipeg atent a few days llio put woek tu renowln actual tanuea lu tho home uf ins joulh tlla friends bore were pleasod tu meet hi in aalu mr o f 1 li wliu ba iwa mi htratford foi some tlnia was liuma over bundaj he loft on monday rooming fur itoaton whom be will remalu during tho summer mr r 11 harding report a a most enjoy able galboriug of the houa of hoollaud at niagara rails last woek ths local camp oxortod itself lo give vllllnjj members a good time mosars harry and will jeans returned home from uloversville on monday ovoniug they yoporl that iholr father died suddenly having been at work aud feeling unusually woll the friday before his drslh ur wm may nerd who fur lha put u years haa bad charge uf the branch of the aoadiau liauk of commerce at stratford has been appoiuled to succeed the late mr mccoukoy aa mauagor at guolph ltav mr coddeu the new peatoi uf tt albau a church arrived with bis faiuilt from allendale on tuesday their parishioner and our aitixeus gen rally are exerting themselves lo aid them in feeiing l home at ouoe in actou the news of tht uav auplloino of tha world s lol m during tho weak 1li oilaid canal opeucd un bluij hleiifl iruyi uf initio and addiu dead till doal lis dally 1viu j fc 1- 1 1 1 period from hantos ilraxll mr bil tiarbouncau waa j uunl 11 ibe pine hault creek ucar loi broke cauada ablpied 1 10 hurras tu j at itrllain last year au lumuwul j ft over imil a couvgaluwu 11111a i iwau quad ti fur stealing wklcr fr in a neighbor s navlgailui upci t 1 m 11 1 1 cjuiula un halurday sin oat 1110 lb mlbt than tbe 11 11 miu i- ti k- 1 u a house of common ha been ere led a viscount join llxij hid attlu dli wall near heeler ul n halurday ly falling oat lb a i lot haa u jto aiaj lu 4ltll ttie king of curea i 1 favor uf hi nephew 1 i hhun yun the jv 111 rrwn tho cuiiaeivallve 01 gnu of winnipeg has been sold to mr hell of tort willism an uukuuwu niau throw blntsalt in ituui of an krio t huron 11 it ttalu aud waa hlmira is making preparation fur tho oejobfillng of qurous llirtbday the muaioal society haa tbe matter iu band iho csfy of toronto a new stoauier 1ux feet lu length was launched jt owoo hound ou halurday tor the parry bound a new york paps say that ate w jx vandarbdt rsoantly a socosssful applioaul for divorce la to marry mr o h p llel nioul iu loudon a little girl at ottawa uamed hmma thomas waa trylug lo tfet throngh a window whsu the sash fell ou her and ha waa oboksd to daatb mhfb l a f u iiv 01 lbs shore of laaa outario nsr wil luglou waa foood in bis barn friday with a part of bis head blowu off thomas itussalk aga is year waa arrested at loudon fas placing a tie uu tbe l d 1 h it ii in front of a tram me admitted lbs aul aud said that bo did it for tbs purpose of stopping tbe train aod getting a rtde haa oqx nobby tweed suits wad lo order at 10 00 htiosoos a 1 tailoring houa 1 took wood 1ura taanla syfuu at a l meawtrcele aoton it uf armors uiaka these goods will b found in cc client iluts this season loth plain and frilled hrgc lot of choict stufl just 1 laced ui stock to da boys suits don 1 think that because u do not our store that wc dn not keep them vvt range in i scpiratl room oft the store see bo line 1 suits in splendid mens furnishings v c u particular strong in this dt uiuilui lihj it i hi out stock of mtns mats nul caps is espet i ill well assoited customers will iwul us showing thr best iiki most stylish goods see tui ibex collar wirrmted pi linen i lor 5e and the newest tilings m nlckwcai it hmih mil shk s if lor that he roust ui res ted lu hu hanttervllle ualoe i mimliiro loselluaxx enlleiiieii i tec i that i cannot say cow i ijiur of iluolaharsanarltla for nve year i luio ihcii tn ul led wllli acrotul in ray neck an 1 ihrial heveral kind ocjncritclnes which 1 tried did not do me any good and wbaa i eoea- menced to take hood ruraapartu tbsrs wera luge bunches on my neck so acre that 1 eoold hoods cures not bear the slightest touch wbca 1 had taken one buttle of thui jnedlclne the soreoeu had ffuue and before i bad ftnlsbed tbe accood us bunelies had entirely auxanpesred hlacna arwooli hancervllle maine n il if you decide to take hoods fsaraapa- rill du in t be induced to buy any olbcr hoods plua eura r iisupauou by restor- lai tho jicrtkiaiuaacuunol thaallmenury tcfjy 3 li aii departn luaatb 111 uljvj4lllbly h 11 i lil wliata mors luay oon lain u t ll luiiiga thai everybody wauu jual nun carpelb llousekcapeta 1 h sell the best ai it value 1 u 1 u not old pattern and tyloa r rlwi over from season to boasou boautlful no 00j or lugs aud designs made to oor own order 1 orb pa a few too many lu mime tinea nd that why we ar mssinji this itarvslii anuouuoetiiaut right in th bo g in u ing uf tha season 1 atestry arpets jhc utu mu uic uyki hoo 7jc ll w 10 lie 1 10 11 00 1 i 11 31 ll l 7u irjiats btsir and f- 1 oor 1 adding ovirtains ws lilt pur tod duuua 11- n 1 soe cnrtalns that we evr bsiore vento 1 lo buy our buyer struck moat lemptii g lleuoe the sri 00 attraction curtains from jo to 111 par naia that wo bars ueynr cijuallau at one bait mure in price ourtaiu neu hwla nets iot muallue hllkali choap hwclal disosunl hia osut off niaiiutaclurtirs hat laos tn 1 uibroldorod hhidoa great dress goods this la department n 1 i iu which llargsiua prwvail this waek talk of varistvl iu useless lo attempt tu ps liaulariae we oau ooly speak ou general teinciplss you will sm ihw many fa1 nf ll aod values in our huge hi s goods stock ikin t think this only 1 plies lo fancy dress goods to our 1 at k uoodh stock 110 words can v applied that would speak stronger thai the goods and prions lhamealvbsi havi you scon our boautiful rbamhaya cru 1 lea cambrics rtc you uubl lo if uu have uot e r bollert cv co 36 and 27 wyndbcmsuaet oubzajph ont work in pnnglos shop guolph all tho hands are obnaen lor iho pari of iho work they aro tu do by ihetr ability kach uno ha hi own wort bench and thft acids used iu repairing jowolry do uot get chanoe to get ou tbo watch movemuula aa is often the case kvory job little and big cheap waloji and dear watch nickel alarm clonk or h day clock is thoroughly examined before it la put in its case and agaiu after by pringle himself who has tha k possible interest in scolng lha every job la dona well ibal you may cou juo tu he lila cualomrra if any of you have a wauj ut liutik 1l1 we have been nnable to make run id mil yon come and get your mousy back we aak you in all honesty lu do thla prinol t h s go p b uui mis stone is wsiimgihc iui d thla week in search of novelties of all kinds for s nriething new for we aie bound to le ul the tinict pen look 1 prolcssii i mo u4 i suffer with he ad ac 1 l honiara to match every wall paper free at tbe drug htore n j uotiuar luvlta all w t la i luiriog any ordered clothing 10 call od insect his stock and prices before leafing their order else where m 1 l sin uslll ll si ur h in a s 1 1 uil wkl- powders t sick hmadachm and nswravfi in o smursa cuitd tunua dim or 11 11 iuiiiik 1 in in 11m si la canmiuaa tu 1 war 11 t llresih i aur cu l ala teuala llta b null viffr mta ro yakm roa oarwra ar oaus areas bld iuhiiitu and j 1 jyitcin ihot ti li le t t itll h a inttle of mitrfs 1 h 1 l nm a suie eule rrtreo on t i jl smith jc a dispensing chemist a udl and maedonald ats tiui 1 l econc nv is wisdom vao aud yuu uunt dlsplj h lli 11 1 by hi ui miiuiim uuig this spring while we hat number mm jtargalu luw aaiy uue uf ll am uai ni u woru i luoa almost attss old but goods with lbs imprwsa of lasts 1 and alioi ail alim usu u pat away a fsw dollars lu bottsi ad a 1 u thai a few sticks of furuilurs mora or leas or a faded carpel rug o em k us happiness or comfort tbsy dn and i her a no ues ignoring lb fact our 1 thai it b j us i suoh things as thesa that do tusks boms attractive and enjoyable wo 00 hslp yuu tu attain ibe daalrsd end tu day wo aro selling oarpeu it a member ever lo have known for instance ws show a handsome brussels carpet yard we ibiub it will 00m pare favorably with euyuilug shown iu tha city at l hi f 1 00 for will we think be a surprise to you lu point of value or yoor money we aak you lo oompa o 11 ill wt 1 1 is bom shown at 11 ifl then we have ex hupor all wool a r pels si utto lu tbo greatest variety and 1 rei lest palloiii wa ever had colors aud designs all new this apring wool c c at ftoa splendid valoe this line waa id in largo luautities at 7uo laat aeasori 7 uswui tins j 1 ailher line if yui b are sbls tu undaisoll l br il all all 00 u petition lu ibis wkv wa auuuu i from the mill iu largo quantities having reoefvod over 100 ilolls already una spriug you oau reoo ly aa thl if wc deslt ihruuiita whmeaale hooass carrying llllla o xm slook but taking ardors from ibau sample aa is frudiitly done wa could not offer vou the advantages wa now place before you dm this if not our way of dolnn b laineaa r pets ar an impurlsnl line with ua and wo show you tbs greatest variety of ohoioe pallarns and ths boat valuda obtain able there is uo doubt that w tan sav you money in oarpeu aud house rurulsbiuga gl b ry1u ccl crimlph ii jiiimd illce t thg right house lllr opemnu uav for ibe display ol aday liiuuaaods of isw imiaurtaiiuus at the high l uuuad baa been very suooooatul hi 1100 itlaens and oouniry friouds have arowded i hi eslabltshment gaxiug witb admiration upon b utlful stylaa of ths various gooodl displayed qaunlne words of appraolatiun wcra board on all aides aud tbe ve fa i iriaode was that ws had never doos as wall before this will spur us on bbsjtsa daad in the future and our ooua x t aim will be to place be for oar customers the very latest oovoltlos as tbsy anpajst ieylluj oraigu markets we are in au eiool lei l position to do this as our sgeut reside abroad ai m sasss s h u is h urrrtdi f- 1 j ty ir i il u be very oomplsts wall mods roods and guarantaad satiafaotory to ths pujrabaaars are a up recta led especially whsu llisy are sold at rnodsrau pric this is tha way wa do busina at ths iughl uofta ooodb uuauantlupolitr allln tioniiugeb modkllatt tha mhilinebv dbpabtmbnt i now ready fur csator orders luaddiliou to having all that tho feminine heart can desire iu trim mad or uo trim mad millinery we havs some of the most ljcpblllbnchd 1i11mm1 hh to be foun i tn canada lbs mantl dh1partmbnt fully oiuiupod with leadlug uo vol lies iu capos end jaokuls uiamulacluiwl iu i us loudon aud osrinaoy this dspartajsot is uow ready to rsosivs ocdars for waking up dbbss mak3nu dbpartmbnt hi opdsr tbs obarga of miss itobinaon who uaa just returned from now yoik hbs baa many trash aod novel idaaa for leading stylss iu costutusa horn uf tbsm she scoured from tbe most fablooablo urass uodlstas than mail obdbr dhpatrmbnt for oar many oouutry tnaods- write for samples aatlafactipn guaranteed uhsrgaa paid oo ail parrjau apaoa to lha valns of to the h1gut uouhli king st east ooruar uugbsou at ukiuluw marat 30 th lbjj xwgiotvr a s q artbrytsra r 7 4- i ivufv fltfr rvrtmwta

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