Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1895, p. 2

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i -v- p yyjllrw u i wleitio h tiirjla jnl april l ullmiii ill mill mlimmln liirdil thursday april iliiwir lkrink wilson of a ami luriftt ac llinilr beliinlav april mil hi wife f william llsilay of a daiirlner i ifiium in hdmi mills mi thursday april lith ii wlt if llnlaww iluinuie llm i iiirll lltnhln ol waliirday mli vrwlv w luabllft r will luuifclriuk al hpelllill hi aril umllnnmlimc kduimtrjumi ofiion i i uiiuiii purest on monday trod april llm wile ul llav u llevan liars oeeli ki-lrr-i- on hednssdayapllj u residence of the bride uier w usdlson avenue taronuxy he w h hrm lather omh hetde it i liar demll lo uaccln orlrin llo- montaron al milt el the wl judsoitruaa lurlram i itcywe o illklng ion u ktla yuungeit daughter of ura ueo hurler umlrlelpli fki vm in rtalinmbsn en friday ui april jantnt u wiml see 4 w miiiki in kaat owilllmbrtry on friday bm1 april janewrddal widow ol ibe 11 csmn waddel aged r year neeimhudenlyax iloouflrld n j on day trod april mat only daughter of ur j w kobla aged smooth iunmv at montr oo pl lunula harry ii c l- jod 61 court ol montr 1 formerly of nocswaoa agwj jhbhpus manitoba bohool cnadmlilon at nawfpundlanrjtho rrohlbl- b lion neportcot of 1 ho votari lint news of th6 conmoona ottawa mav 1 considers bio progress wa made to itio llotiao yesterday tho oppoviiinn was unusually aclio and arvoral pi riled disoosairmie look plso tho load iru ipirstions at liun wrtu tho newfound land conftrrncfl anil ilia cabinet ohangti jim ministers claim thxm will bo no uuncot xasry daey p f ho cover p men t in aribwwiyn tin ijanil tnrmi al prmonl tho yifhlnol la in acaitoii twioa daily and nrmrly all day hhirdaj ao thai iho mmulcra aro iiratly well ooooiml hi xi tihia hiiikh tx ko far aa tho kinnnnna la ooncoriiml tho uaaitob hchool aao ma i oonaldurtd aa alielvoil for llm pnaont a noinbnr of mlumi boarii on tho cao havo lice i aakrd jul m i t on lho uul thai th addrttaa haa iwn uaaaed the mattrr ia nol likely to oomr up fct unlil afur a reply haa been reooirt from lho ualiitoba government ttu imprafalon ia gaining flroqnd here lliat lho rrply may nolberxaotlv what the hon mr hilton haahwtp tellingtha people of tlntarlo it rllbmqt4an examiala-tfana- h puplla of acton public school suooaaaful at thtt annual exminnllonn tlia miimnt rsaminatioiiw foi niinolniil lore iidiii in all il srl nioiilt laat tvrwu lliu iianira f lho varimia piipila wl took atrp liljter nru ftvcii mi hi or u r ut irril ft follow hi worn 1 i imiol- hmith daiay m kiln mabnl lt ara ciliuui mlimin ilarrliiift uaryl avail fdft ilulmoa lorn mnnabli lottie i lhaii kjith nicklin morlha kmimht jatio clnrnoy lva ivrrymati llnrrk ufu r 4 m ditli unrwuk ohvrr nok i ultra hdir willie lninl arthur mpdoiiftld john arlhnra john huddiik itobert wiuon rhnmaa campbotl fir 0r ijoorko cliarlru loorun arnold jdnliio uokrniian itorlha willi ma mjrllo waloy joseph lllbcuu ida laird joaio hlrjili iraiik maton may woitlen leorf ilynda aluie- wi httnl mllla jar khbako in jtil tl i hilt ihoman 1 va mntthnwa 1 him luiidirwiii lrnrat irarngu itobrrl llolmoa dnorun loyoya arthur hmyth i rank maltlmwa luxtrrlok mcumald jllary llarvoy amoa maanii isolde wllito alalxtl imtrt lopp illhitbam wilhrrfaranit 1 rl ilda ihlin fora mnia kfallttoah itahlo kmkt lerlrgdo w altera loorito molltpraoi pharlio ilynda mattel roiior lit mel nnlaon hyder wonlny llirtkham lllldnnliraiid i r atwenweare thb 8xojv of a wfllk ntlwn pncnvillfa coun1 v man nhtflirnntlnm ho let tho i ort for tiionly vonrn it rionlatnd nil troatmnnl and lffortj to din- lai it ttio pntiunt ticrnukttly dlncournirod uul aotinr on ttiti advlou of prloiln mndo cn moro effort which wh l ownud wlttt buocoou rrwlilthi llrixktllki riiiun lhoru kin smty low iihj oldur i oh i daiit nf 11- wcllin to win in lho nitiiii of win hli t imih 1 ii wlin marah ul mnrnukvillir whh lor thirty yaara a momlxr ot tho mxinnl ol lho unit ad rjuiinlit n ola an i lu nil and on four occaalonn lllli d lho nlhcn y i mardin i4 the nliti hit n mr 1 orn ii whit ntnili to wlunii tltl alao wall liioii i horinitli i and la tlii m criikvitlo r r m lunl i the ttut li ia wllku i mr wlnl marah a fno u llmvlx hta lx1 i millarer for many eir frim ihiiiiiitim irom the ihraldon of whidi h uh now lortun alaly boon roluaaid mr whllmarh tella how llila waa uruiihl aluut aa folluwa for over twenty ra previous tu l he winter of ihj was atmnat a crmtlnnar auflerrr d holly incapacitated fru n toirifj ulnd ii work alter lrytn rmnoil all kind and doacript on a without any brncol i al laat oamo to tho oolicluaion that a ourn wax unpoaaihlu lo lho fall of 1h1i3 1 waa tnffurintc i i ill ad miwiy km fiiinld not xjul dy or muu beveral nf my friotidi atrunly urtod hio to try lr wllliinn imk 1ilu aud reluctant ly i muai confea fur 1 had itiu faith in all mod lot ne i bv o dn ao lo my htfrpnaa and ftceal auttafaotiun i noon bejjan to mirlnnce rohel and lint fooling hrow tu uua al poailivo aaaiirmtli that che malady that ban madu hfe miserable for ao lbs trokttnout lly ihti time i had lladl nine buxca of im it 1tlla nul a lwino of rlioumattam remained bill u niake umdf iidfl ihiublv aur i conllniird lho tr ut maul until 1 had u i i nlvi ixiiua of lho pil una waa in jinuirv 1m ii mnoe whrn i hava not had the llliunl traio uf any rlmmuallo pain i am aalloltod beyond a doubt that ur wllllaoio 1 ink illla cured mo and 1 tan conjldintly rcouiti mend ll on to all raliuiiiatm nuffi torn pralyla locornuliir ntnxlu nci v n huail aehc nervous pto it ration and illaaah doiiduij on h union iii llm bloo t auah na aoror c rryatpglaa- rtoi 4i rtta- appear before a lair lrealmoul will lr wilhama fink 1mu i hay jiv healthy klow ui iln and ailluw cuuiplrki na and builtl u and midw tho mitiro ttalvm bold b all dealer and poai paid at ate a boiurn t ri 5 1 by i1icik lho l willlai al d i f i o it took villi i ik not ik imut i- 1 i lako oino aubmiiuui j mini ol jmiil wh limtil lt li uj 1 tho aoirrxau llulrl i klratfurd on halurduy umruiiii llo n it illn- of hroatrr john alk of hull- at ygui ifaidrn llol i aul ll a l litiiatrtla ln ltmirrda kxl vai ifftltra and h lor l nml h the bargains of the season r mammoth house valker mcbean jfe co sun r to wm mtlliod co fon va s cd cd a hnu ll twetg htllt or 41 ill aiinillairl wi ihi hull- from 11 at u a huki iiu k v tuili if i n 7u y ailr tl mhlillflr lint i aula from la ru i unl r frm i up i a flret ciumm rltnnd labont stylr and gorwl wor kmanah l ouilran lurid ural lanu trlmmlnu uaod or n j bonnar morchant tailor mil i httth kt at tin wanted 000 kkkt lo i ii i whitems shoes jlst notice ploplcs icct and s if ou lin find any tliit look nilcr or more com fortablt than tliosc n t ast cl in i pan of our i50 20q or 30o shoes ordered work and repairing receive beat attention good assortment of truuku and valioea william willi vms xuiisff ac ljighl yii optica 4 u summer millinery opening satueday may 6th and following wook vou all know or havo heard what aiicceaaonr aprinu open in- waa well oqr a imme oprfntnk will even eolnae tho formrr one clocks wntohes i jewellery spectacles silverware fancy goods alao lepttlilnit of ii n witrhoa oo 10 bymon ptncucnl wotchinokoi ardjewellnr oq m plica led a t syrnon tltta abbfrristmrmc hoi sk to lkt oujoiitahi f an i root il ii r i hi auulnlllii huatnl oil hill httnn loll in int aptily to tliuma iiiiiib miis ii criawhhul iwkllli to lkt t hi on ilia north alila o ilia iloullo i uiin ualn hlrmt neat to ui hn luimnlltal lid of it l u tha flri f juno unit fnaaonahla apply lo aikiiiiiaii t aupiik1 i si rton jrcc xt tllllhhday mavj g notes and comments ould bo and ibal mr qreeiiway may neither aocept the remedial order m it alaoda nor refuae to obey ll hut may btrget a oouferrnoo botwoert the two pmnmenli with a view lo lho adoption of v and brim youc friunda with rldi llol a the one diaplay of su7avtefe h6hd g6kr iahti rk to lkt tialvna of- rawrl ui taka a tho una deoiaioo of the brttiah oovern moot la lo refraip from active inlerterenoa u the china japan treaty but with the paaaiva aapport of oreat brttair japan feala atrouft enoaith to reeiat the domanda of itumia gatmany and kraaoe a deeualoh from tii john a newfoaud land alatra that nawotiatioob are pro uroeatnit with roprrcniallvaao lha ilrllleh govern man i canada and newfoaud ian j mprunmc lha itranliiim of au rxport bonnly on nawfouudland oodflah and trua thia ia rrgarded aa tha iuol expedllioaa method of aalllinit tha k reach ahora difficulty a doaiateh from a reliable aooroo at uiroahima raya that the japaneee uin lalry have adopt d a rwaoluie attitude agaiuat ituaaian diulalion they deny iluamia a riht to interfere and oven con template n defiance of kuaaia behovlor ttre tlik ifauttwll oimwiot xihm the deapalch from newfoundland lo the montreal oamte which appeared in thai paper on friday waa read in the ilouao the aame afternoon by mr iivtea of prince bdward i aland who ta very anaioua to nt aome information from ihooovernmoul aa lo uavpoalllou in which the neotialicna are al prraent and alao aa to the term a of lha admlaaioa of the colony lion mr foater in 1 1 reply ateled that the nrifotia itona were not yet oompletal nd lime fore lite ttrma which ere bclnr dlaouaard oouu not be communicated to the llonae lie aaaured mr daviea howrvcr that the uoverument would lake tho ilouao into ka ronoilenoe at the rarhoat jijaiblo moment and bo ventured to txpreaa the hope that he rmffotialiona would rouh in ih aduita aton of nawfoundlaod rite riuiuinitiu at lal and at uug i lia hoyal i miaaiun on tbe lupior iraftlc haa made tta report whatever differaucea of opiui oracle ham bora minnie molhonoi marbw harvey horenco kotwr mauk arthura ula uantblu mabel lbbajjo wllua taylor t no atore in the dominion can oil r you anch bargain id new rooda u we can when the curtain rolls up con t nm auoacrra am lako a nunilwr of tad of atuck for putura for thaaeaeon tbn inmlm aro ll iplyatn illce in toshiii iihliy on hauirday morning the finest dianlay ever a at walker mciwi a co i hal ion oottnly cart be liraud pearl hi- wat i mina huddiok lhomaa heunoy llowland lliown maud ohamlxira alice licnonby myrtle mattlilwa maiutlo wild- i iliol ohimau 1erqay w ar wirk marv abraharr johimln mnllcn aiinio mremien kdith wilhama knnaal pricat moaea oaiftllti i l le s xress goods a the now drnt oooda and hcntch cbambraya boots and shoea ai ir in idor placed willt mm if tho larkrat and in n d acton a in jobeo lo bo dalivorrd wilbiu three weeka yiq o jji dirt ui t uf uur itoodh thnrrforo wo oau alwaya rely on a ttitij tbe fuuolain haad i k very beat valuu for the leaal money at walker mcltoan a lo notick to trespasseji8 nt rbxlvn that all nraona an torliddan f ir jt proila ula uwlaralhdwl ctlhirr in flahlnit nr mhoountf toiionto l1uf co william miwtbn ukolulk piioctoil andrew bcott 8- im reward i lualiclooaly ml ilia nrnaniaiita on my tanoa itoata on iwl laat krllay niitlic irtkii lie a 11 1wi1 k 1mu itiei tttjii iniliury fuiw are not tuwerfut enough to enforce her de manda orcnl itnlain took poaaeaaiou of joiubi in nlcararoa taat week for an nnaetued art root a proposition of oompromlae and immediate evacuation of corinto by the llntiab in now under oonaldaratioa be iwean indun washington and managua it ui propoaed that nicaragua pay great britain 177 600 in loudon in two weeka the british forces to be immediately with drswu and the oilier claims to be submitted to a lulled oomnilasiou lho newa from newfoundland ibia ia of the ureal eat interest and importance i be immediate eutry of tbe island into tbe dominion see ma nol improbable and it uol beyoud tbe poasibiliuas if both tbe dominion and newfoundland govern menu are bold euoojh lo act promeuy and decisively ibat the union may be ratified by both the dominion parliament and the newfoundland letflalature in tin wbiob both are at present bold ink htr macksoaio liowell introduced the luaolvenoy bill in tbe senate on monday in dot nk ao ha reminded tbe i loose thai tbe bill waa so far advanced laat session aud bad been so thoroughly considered tbal it woald not be necessary to refer it to a special committee tbe present measore waa inlrodoced fn uompliaooe with a promise mads last aeeaioo ll was almost identical with tbe bill that passed lbs senate axoapt in aome alight detail ur foster presented bis estimates for the neat flaoal year lo parliament oo moo day tbe groat feat ore of tbe proposed expenditures is that they exhibit a cut of x 103000 aa compared with tbe estimates lor last year and a red notion of tls7swbo in the debt a pre good indication that thia ia tbe last aion of parliament is evidenced by tba proposed vote ol 9u5 000 to meet expanses of elections tbe io demntty lo members ia redtjoed lo 113000 aa there will only be his members of next house the estimates provide for total expenditure of mlxta 417 rfaw a to t u x p another liquor ma i pay fuu tbe suit of burt v job neon did nut dome up for trial at toronto aasixaw il having been settled out of ooort tbe plain till william burt of bramptoo was suing j amoa johuatoo a salooa and res laursnl keeper at guclpb for ibe eadao tlnn of bla daunhtar millie who was in jonaton a am ploy ll ia understood jul os loo who is a married man a to pay 1700 to bave the oaes sallied m alton liquoh licfcnaaa over i idu lluense corn m last uuera tljfco- et al lha court house millon laat weak lo ouuaider the application a lor hoanae lor the ensuing year the members uf the board ware all present col campbell in the chair tba following are the applioanla ulllon m h ultobell and job nrrterx 3 tninor xlman a aplloa qn rgexo wn aud ll a loth lion laid uver okvdle m william if hln aud io knd 1 ld uer w h y burhnxuhi w urui it it abuuh laid over j as lluderlok aoluu it auew o i l id over j p mullen campbellvtlle k htdllv horeby ur ostrander palmaro cut off bta wart town 8 luddler dslllnafedt a 1 tbompeoo urontamark trills bl anna jobn bnnlon nprvalm k oarbqlt tba itrformtr sava tbe com mission ers are bound that tha hotals of ualtou be properly ooudaated aqd ibe liosoee laws obeyed or else run lbs risk of losing tbair lioensse allaeelber in ibis ibe oommle aiooers wijl be backed up by tbe publio sentiment of the ooanly a leading choroh member of wlbniiot happened lo be oat tat tbe other ntgbt and when passing bia ebarob going home was saloaiabsd lo and tbe orgaalal in bar place playing lively raoslo to which ibe mambers of tba eholr wsra balding a dance a new organist and ohorueer bave bean advertised for a thanrimty rrsoll of the rnmixaion there can bo no question as to tha industry of ha members in three years ihoy have managed lo collect enough evtdenor and lo oompilo a suf ficlenlly long report toccupy any ordln sry mortal who tried to read it for lho balsnce of the oeiiturv lho report itself makes fifteen huudrod ijpowrltloti j k or about half a million words whilo lho evidanoe collected oils live lojtjp bluobouka which aggtegatfl about 3 un laea or 3000 000 worde the wet nf the com miasion baa been about 70 000 au fat and lliere la a good doal more yot lo oomo aa lo the conoloaiona al which thcoommiaaion baa arrived tbey wero forrtfuie tho majority ot tho co in mission rcporta agalual prohibition as ll waa exported they wonld tux mfaiti arruxl tliere is alao a abort report ul lui 300 typowrltlou ixxgra from tho ju ur mcleod the member uf tho cotnmiuioii who dissents from tho rinding of tho major lly in which ho declaraa himself in fsvui uf prohibition and against hmh llcouaq or ibe adoption of a gothenburg xyatei gives it as b opinion that the in come for tbe dominion government lo paaa an act prohibiting tlio manufacture importation or ealo of iutoxicaling lnjoont in ibe lominion of canada except for medical aacra mental and acioutifto pui poses- mr fliul m p who la lha lced of hie prohibition party lu lha ilouao hi given notice of a resolution lu favor uf a prohibitory law as aujrgealed by tli dr mclcod but mr flint has bocn a utile more liberal than the doctor sud lias included manufacturing in itia oxoinp tba lion or montague bccrvuiy uf btale was introduced to the huuh on tuesday by the ii oo j i patlarsou and mr j h uarahsll u p for kaat middle sax the conuubmng hero of ilaldi mand received au tmmensa ovation by the hands of tbe house one which has seldom been exceeded by any mom bar un his return to tbe house si let osrryiug a by election tba redoubtable ductor la not only performing hi owu dulloa tu tbo house as hccrolaty of blatc but ik also representing the minister of akicuilure whose scat is in ibe beuate in this dual capacity tbe new minister ba bad a good deal of routine work tu do during tbo wook in the way of aoaworing ijueelioua and making ai plan alio tis and ho haa acquitted blmeelf lu a maimer which haa fully jualifiod lim pruplieairn of bla fiinda 1 1m press gallery held ita anuual lu u4i balurday lbs following ufliodra wero arolad u u uoiiod peaiduiil w tfsokouxtc her kid vloe picsldout xurgn biro peon utot sccrutary ibe axetullva la aa fulluwa a j maguru tj j h larfco alvrrtlmr ioodot u 1 ay lie hi john su a olivier l il r lo dr monlaguo allod in bdgar that ibe reoeul cxifiuaaa in n nactiun with the dominion vulera lial amouoled lo ithwmj lor revlilun with a probability ill i aboul 113000 would bo added under ihla hoed and l5 0o0 fur printing lha prlutigg hs1 uol boon swarded by leader and a number uf tho lulu llama 1 rank holme lolllo uej i lu alloudaiico at ibfl horaa al vvedutmlay waa nol h lre aa waa it for gom prints printa mill lho au e iui lot lloreca tbo government prlul llieo in toruuui u01 lua ablimhl iia7 mm wuitl i ki vulluraj i opiomania lo aualrajla laal year aud only fd ji75 worth lu lho united hulu r mllla annapolis pruposna thl 1 tr llaliienl amend tlw h ranuhlae an i ao ka tu withdraw lha rght to vole from provincial em ploy or a dr uclieod ibe minority uiamber uf the irohibluou lumtiiiuluii report a that the net coal uf tho liquor traffic lo i ilia country la nearly fl33uo0 01m par iiiuum the mental ooilapae of mr bourassa i tie litem bar fur hi john s county is uno of ilia deplorable oveuls uf parliament tottonvnsyeara ur llourassx baa baei a ugialstor madame finriar hold her first reoaptiun of bo session in the ltussoll uousa oil tbaraday night it was very lergely attended hir mackouais llowali end a nam bar ofrothrr prominent members were mr davin m p for kaat aeainsbut baa given notios of tba following resolution in favor of fentsja suffrage that lu the opioion of tbia house tbe privilege of voting for candidates for membership thereof boald b extended to women posse asing the uaaltaoeuooa which would now entitle men to lha alaoloral franchise 7yftn lubilod tha usual i f luttt laroa will bo hold here thr ij ir h itlrtlida lha apctilal aorvioo in itio liftiii liurili commence next blind- itov ml itallah of uillbur iod huiuh on sunday a auoial under hi ial uiu lj wurlh leauvwill bt held in the bascieni of lho meihodiai lu toll un rnday even itig lu place uf llm ono announced lor good rnday which was kialurd a guud pioirauiiia had lrii j r jh rnl the iuhoii a in full v- tor day a uuiub t liou lo llo liu llmroll altuudtjl tbo iklor crl at ibe homo of mr john waricu on triday hij ii 1 xihiii i i lopji t 1 auolhar 1 ouo on lha maikat uqutrf lha oommlltoo of lho board aidud by uio toachcra and pujilla uf i lie high he b uol are audaarurlu tu cuauio lb planting uf about 100 shade trraa on ill aohuol prucrty un aibur day 1 lit book of thfc 1aih llwl ibla la a uumui i ll no hrait of hie ouxkiiat 1 h lite atnk ilqiarliiioiu ul the world rati amply illuatra j and vividly de oalllc ahoop pig au 1 kultiy alo due piuiniiiui o in ihair arluu cli the aahiblliou of live slock ope lally of huraca aud horned cattle was uuduiiblodly lho beat aver witnessed in lha hulled blataa and probably in the world oflmr fair does ll auiplo jualloe the closing aftea uf thia number are davolod to aulhruulogy and ethnology and lho record of uiau a condition progress aud achle mont from prehlatorio eras lo tho days lu which wo live aa ooo tallied tu the autbru poloklcal building rocel vodolallod atloultuu the itou at lur jrir la tho only work in any wise attouiptlug lo rrproduio in print uio great oxpoailloti entile ll oonsiau uf 1000 pagee ijild laaurl tu j part a i jl 00 a part address the his n i mim publishes audlturuit bulidii lilcagu 111 lui i oh i atol l uv kloioa un money haul i jrroi oj appoarlug in tarirr ii rtl o proas lho vtowa uf a wiilcir whu ovldeully bulds will iroanteil lovalaud that whai is oo- uoodod in o than aliylbliih las la a plain aud aiutpla uiwuiulalloti ul llm sfuiimil lu favoi uf sound mouoy ilia wui is juutod aa laken iruui tlio 1 roaid ibltar of april i3lh addibcd uehm theory of lh34au i i kubiou li ui uuplij all tlui it a hbctilvirm hum 3iltiitlfl matti i timer y ut tha igl i ai a aubfool whioh la al present atraotui4 lho atlotilioli uf kltiiun infill ll all ru uf lho wurid i ho chief iuimrtauca ul tho larm ihrur imwtivor la not thai 11 i dlacaaa but thai it points out tliti boal moans lo no oil ploy od from whatever aihiroo tlioy ooiux are lul aud dawl in lbs blood ilia blood 1 cusr lit uliuulalluk to ovary pari of llie body la auto to atiallei diasasa ihruugli iui lho ysteiu wliooov i il la lutpuir tbo weakaat anil inual sliauepllblo barla butiik ills fir i lu iilflaf it ix itruauao ul kirulul lamia iii the i loo i i loatamm lliat lha akin booouiua oovnrnd with arup tlona ll is lul1 a id lu ilia whi whioli bood does uul aujijily ptuper nouruhuionl to tho iiervsa that jicopls aull r willi eases e m other can only bo effect ed by purllyliitf lho blood and absolutely destroying all genua of disease no intentgant perevttroatl inntir- njirilooitr haraaiarllla haa actually aud mruiaurutly curod many thousands uf cam of aurofula baumstiam uervoaanoa- dyla sud other troubles sud its proprietors elaim il la al ucauao thia modlome pariuoa trie blood aa a matter o faot hood a haraaiiarlila la the only reliable blood purifier tbal la before lho public lo day and parsons eitlicud with impure blood or any of the great variety ol ail moots which it causes will ho most certain to had relief aud cure rtt hood a haras par ilia because it possesses ihla peculiar power lu purify auricb and vitalise lbs blood aud destroy ibe germe of disease wfhygoo hki ill us paid lor informs 1 hon vhlcb will mhure conrleuoii of tba vocation of oruauiaula friday nisi acton april rui ll y eiee kmu on hill rllrsel t h htqiuev 1 hat is lha cry now when we can do better al the mammoth iloo t l w i lis f ablic n reallxiiig tl uirjy go lo lorouto they hava la pay for ihrlr fare and loofc a whole day il aimply mrana money out of pocket by trading with us it maant money in your pocket tailoring 0ost successful remedy for man or ocaot oartala ul lis efforts and nmt blutcm nndlirsspavincurl not e ohmw lundova c ia ra u tk i n n j kuhujco i imr blrm llrwaf rnd mwd r l ku4ia and 4i ibnulirnlitl it tuai kwujihabcunllx rj urm u u i tuodarrul meueln- t umui nr tul l4 aanallbala and fln uhu- nnl bar i i inllml kwvibouwmaud yuma trsly iken cau imwxu kendollsspivinoure cxxroa ho apr 1 at um al llan r sgr cl iy rrwmls w ar i wn uk i rtrk- ll over lho country solid lit j ti i k a 1 hoy oi re i ua because i hoy know tbey can eve a taw d jlaa y bvlng lbm loilios from m aid they know wflon they take their suit bom that il will 01 them wo appreciate those who deal with us and tbey are always sure lo gt ibe beet vajuo fur their money aak lo aoe lho ilaralua li i urtalua and carpels heady tu wvsr suits liuyn hull aay down paul i dj lu mmt 1 a ul l uo agtxila for tho lelobratod htandard paltarna call od re fasblou she i free whlker mcbehn st co georgetown and toronto mcaikol day every thursduy 2im crk ka1ui for sale pill- uilaralsul ilaairas lo sell bla oh aero 1 farm lot ti con 7 r rir it li 7h acrca uortarcultivetion and liaa mmriant bardwon1 and radar umber tu pat ouebalf tbe vi xake1 fur tba place ii la veil walarvd a new hmtsr la now nailer construe tiou for terms and itaruculari ap ly to kl y ukinon jxiloesly p o st iainleil jersey bull om service or for sale this hub animal la sis rlerrd for sals u tl haiutlh itaker a 11 old 1mk iarsaparilla rh um ttmin cout n ulii btroful mi 11 1 uipli hi bristols sar3aparilla i i s ml i ll mill 11 i i ii mil ristoivs jidrsaparilla 1111 i is ullll 11 ml ii i l 1 fiirt and ak your druggist fur bristoivs jsayrsaparilla q bocerijlis at low irii h ii u ill nliuvi a i ill nnili ua crgceries provisions ia fim are purili uuva fur tba twu and 111 is runav oiiosimt and will soil iheai u ui larao luan ll ualusluel slila u buy 4ttr atuck is fnsb and wstttaaortad and us louiera who favor ua wllli their alruisbu arti uallred eutlra satlalaetlisi low pricqs for cash aways frotluom tsjpa um caaa qeorqe adams f i 14 m t i j hill tlj 11 1 ll llllt v i c 11 s till oulil ili t ltjt fll i 1 lu lllli tj us ll th tin t iui vtid lenf iuti i tlit lilit u will njti i ou 1u oill fl l f us savage 8c co gv7e1 fi i acyun i i kky ih ik c udufulu ruc v jil lijulppod and htyuah hlgs 01 ways be secured uhiiu a ooiifkuall i u in ins lwlmii b a ill autl tlh p ui t araul attaiitloo glveu ui every urdar tbe suts ul t mnuiorelal tratsi lets fully uisl lolin williamm i 11 ii ml i i on t ul marbla icui qlielfh onl tlvt uwwla ulmiu llahlklm grhnite il bel w ollmis hujuxiiir w nh uuaranuii jartle al hall otliars piutw tall early h xruatua j h hamilton acton saw mills ml and wood yaltuu jhmes broiniln i eat sill wihhi alwaya iii atnok an 1 protnpw lllli umlt lirrlrt ai liiuks in lilt klltl s d oist svjffer no trksiassing ibe crvsk ruuuiiul uinhufti lbs west vrt of lot an east and wast part of lottjbi and aaal pari of i o 30 i n tba 3rd oon ut ksnueaino will ih alluwod all found guilty ut treaiwaalng will bo pro with headaoa rf una 1 1 itatute pro v idea aiwll dltli jjlll lt sii ik cur 1 i hcdoh a in i sure ll blic notice n ibst aaluog sul running uirosgli i at and tb west part no proliltiltd tmiaaun srtll lie pro under ilia ontario gains laws u htaitk tclmi apht lllii irau ei t l- i v 1- 1 1- i- t- i yicm thoronhl n vio aicd liuttlo of smithb 131 x j i uul bult cuit qmkou othl i u smith 4 ot hursts and lmpleiiumits for a a lb itlt uijwmliiwnl deairoa to sell by iirivata bale i matched team awnla a and i years uld sullabla fur beaiy carrlakbor ouach 1 rrasli milcli cow i yaara old balf ayrshire and bait jersey lumber wbkuii aouftlen seed drill iran barrow set ul uaam harness aprayera and various olliei farui uleiislls apply lo b uor 11uos goean bt aetoe 2m ukwari oliipensinq chemisd il mdltiuildld bt- uiuuiit will be paid by u 1 p talis af uie milage of anton tot uie o iiclioujf lbs party or iiartiaa who did uial icloualy iujnre tbe proiertiae of urssra ktorey and uesab til ii ktreet uu uie aveniui of ula 13rd awtl vi o take uiu upiurtuulty uf firing lllli publio caution iv i irm i j l jjw stock new prices but old managoiu ucl eouselaaa aiid llfu iulrucliu pulllo euted to uie full e lly j 11 ffmlnul the auunobeat ugbl wheel butlk weighu a3 to a lbs prloes 80 lo sllo also oolumblaa and ralooos thsso wheeu have a world wide itapu tauon there are do belter built hlrtlal un hi grade ladies w baa la jd lu aud a lu vluaud fttl weights rtom lbs w stark acton auknt holt acton ad llolkwoob o a ll ill b ml dill tl e ij blull 1 ii l i i i u l 11 j a speight 6c co rea ou there will be docided ohangea u th 1ndik i t a 4 ei aktment thi ual uolioseble owiug t i lie bard lrm ut i ra uflitif the prion lu all lines of uffliii sake la ami furuiablngs aud will supply ibe rlfoe out fll al any re aeon able ulfer you may make l weliavouo oouuaolluu wluu rtjiy undartajtera oomblno aud govern our own prioofl 3fe vj x 1 1 j kfe baud uutob e stil dlaae of al fair living protll buggy whcqn its a zi j manner and at prices peril w a utlisiowc llemg under vi y nail nieuu m carrying on nur bualueae wa osn rsrtaluly ao t very luw juiuoa tu the undertaking especially we can du thia aud give rnliru lal lafaollnu j a speight co wl sssw rllevit hua every urmof vatemal or internal pean auminibl ha1 oh no ikk to rkditolln of tht uta julr spoiyht aul aruaudlug acts uial all wnuui baiug plaiius ajtaluat ibe aatatn of lulu hpeiutii late uf tba tillage of acton in ibe county uf flalluu m tnakar deceased wbo died uu i r abuut tha isui day of june i ml are ruual mi or baton lbs uui day ut juue imu lu u 1 by puat prseid or deller to joseph aileri rmtuht adiuiulalrauir uf said deceased al uie said dllatfe of acton a elate men in wtiluii iiulaluiu uielr uaiues ajlre and llie ireidpll hi sul full leutlculaia uf lleli laln duly erlqad aud tba ual u re uf the set nil ii au i eu by hday tt uuu ie i lh ksld ado it die salrt ui isttle eullue1 ihora lo bavtiig recar1 only l til e fai than abail bav iia1 twllce au i will uol betlabb lor uta tald aaeela i uibuted n auy hiei hvmtah kotllk u1tijucmu arc rbqokstkd to comply wttfl tub puuc1c health act notilat 1 liurebj xlteii tbal ail reeldawu uf actuu ato rsquirsd liruiwilh in rleau ii etr irate drains yanta ug atyea water li et aud ul bar uutbulldiuua aiid iwouiuh uiuee iberolraui all dirt 01 lb luauuie autislauca sbicli may ii ii i- ublbi health aud lu liava the same nm leted latcal by the likb day uf uy lie it uu whirl day lha benltary ijiswuw will oonineii ifeuaral iawcutn ami furuior take uoiiee thai lb a lubla health a1 1 inhlultna be mlvh iwlal ta balf ataaa of wesar er tauslug water anil regu alilclly anfnrcnd ly ilul will bs all reaheuts ai oaruns ly riuialed u keep lliair plwuiiaes ouuatalilly ho uk it 1 al la i h till aeuui wll llh liaxt hiakrda llnlaitul mira uitsxprr rthkiftitifx

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