Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1895, p. 2

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u imlh ilmwltonl john taylor nfeabn nurnmiln ktiukh on j may tlm wife of klrirkland mitnnld nf rtatiflhlnr uakkihl intruiitowti by tlm k llavld a mr vanmemfluitr l- llalllnleahrtvof rleaivlh ont ke mikimmaiiyat agnrton on wednesday way i john montgomery fetfml 11 jaara 0 moiillib and iuuab iii uminai nt tjwlliarinaa oe tutdaj way tm1iu1 launta lluraon aauw knot clmvnli in ills luml ynar mtcmumiiv on htmilay wh uir al lila real infio i hillburg angus uaeunrehv sr native ol aryleshlreheollatid airad hh vaara tiiim1hi1lx may 11 lui i wote and comments mi ii clrrinit rciliil of thn ilrd the budget presented a oofidit or 4ao7aoowmt n- duoocl exnniuuro nntl in- orsnsod dutlo nat yoarft novonua win mt all dnmindi duties on bugn and whiskey otti my h llin minfulor of 1 i ion brought down hid ltulot on i riiuy and till bm aioco boon tlm nil abeurbliijl topic mr 1 oiler a budget speech very able one ami bo lacwl be deficit ufj the year with courage nd ixwif ealnulntod lo inspire hla follower- with opnudenco in iho country and tbo rfx ment in power the olimato of roveiiit ho amid tor ihw w w 0 actual revenue am7lfjl duivrrmco of sim 307 and ft ilcnw f a ll7 lh5of wliloh l7ww was in custom tito principal rwlnolinns worn iii coal cotton manufactures iron mid tccl msuu facturo pr m wood ami woollen goods whllo lite inereatoe were not large the rflvontio for ijj olally accrued and estimated k ncoruf will he my j7 h00 mm the talttnatod iwltcnniml of revenue forlhujli iq l00 000 ihl la nn tho taxation aa it exntte lo day that would make a rat an tin for ihti h o i 0001km1 aa lo tho expenditure mr voatcr proceeded to ilmw tlm cuts thai hd the dstnict mqctino lilt of ho mlnlatorlnl dologatoannu- th homo whloh will eritor- tatn thorn th anpnnl tn retire onnlpti thatrldt it tho molhodjt chiuctijrill mi lild lirrs nrxt mnndny nml tnoiulay i lio lit nt itilnialnra- mill rolalionrrn in prnaniil and lltuir itoiiiu iliirinu the tvvu iluya la aa fnllnwa 3 i hoihii tmiii ditnll attll i bfthmih i rllllii tiirmili willi ii hloroy ml 1x1 hhlntlh k wlllt ji uuv hantooi h4h1 1 iii iliihli wltli ti- t uihin hv jnllln llai 1 nmih hli jain h ltiv ji ii u unt ii 1 li ili willi ho ulhpok nfllal ii v u ii t11 n 1 nu kiln willi 1 uitildmk luv john 1 m rim llli ii 1 llmr ii haiinil ror lllora illi lln 1 llmi hit tt r llo rnin ltli ni llaltli llterary competition rf throihundrod dollars of- ferod injmzqs dv the dr williams medicine co of drockvillii ont tht alov amount will bn dlviilua amonii tht wrltcirn lit ttu uuut flvo orlulfwil ilrlou thi com- imilitlon op tin lo all uoiiu rilo rottluontti or junnclii willi a vmw to aaalpltnu nt 1i111 ilnvi lop nint nf i her hi- v tajmit in annda i in i r williania alolicilitio nf ilnx hvillti out will wanl prli amiinmiiiik in iihi ainonn llm wrlttim ol tlm imnt llvn iilnirt triuiiial aturina nnlimillml in ihr niinli tloli aa followh inr tlm alory pronoun i tint lirnt 1ki will be riven for tlm hiiooiiii lmt f 7 knr uic tlurd itnat till 1 r ii foiirll u fill fur 111 llflli ixat sj tlm miiihliiinn 1 ihti to rmnlmln nf tlinjtnimiiton of annda wli 1 itnvn mtr won a nanli pno in n tiury roiiiluiin nnd ta aliliprt in llm follow nil rt ai h tittiry ui jdiiuin mil inir tluui tltrpo tltoiiaand word 1lo wriuir or llm ulnry dull ih jmii uanm uilllau of molto 1 ini or r hlmwa lint pains in jhe joints cauded by inflammatory swelling a perfect curo by hoods 8nroa- pnrllln ii iillnru 1111 linn li pli nvurr lo roriitnmmil ii in 11i 1 hii3iiiirui 1 m tlm uai nflllitrd aiili baa h joy broiight to another hom srhkrin and iain akk hanisilki iainks ckleiiv nihioinii savkh tiik likk ova toitonto lady mrs 1 wicket siys aflcr i sins two norths of lie compound 1 ivcl like a new woman a firmly established fact clocks s w actios jowolloiy spectacles silvelrwaro cl o- 5 31 tj i cd a q 0 to fancy goods m atoo ropalrlnk ol line cornplicaind wilflheji oo lo byrrion irnoucnl walcrunakor nd jttwallnr all work wrn u a p symon fltto abbrrtmrmenle dwklung to lkt lmlft twuliih oil llm 1 i 1 unmiimnl nn xibiii hlrix t noil t u mini innili liaiblnn of nmnlnii klvnn muimhauily an of llm liuu liy llm nrl ol lutm ii nt naunall aly to afulllirajn i auciikii notice aid arlliiiwllmi mr ill affmw iioibi knirr aru rcioihliil ut aoltli i nnui of cull m r i- lorn hi- 11 of julia all irtlr iiavlnu any r slm xiamal tlm aall it auw rnjualthl in ircnt it on m imlnrn tlm ulil ot atijriniiltitn raplyinit to uoaltona by rir john kinlyiioli aiul mr itoberl katithai mill in llm llrilili lrllamrlil aatd there wiia tm 1 liaiifco wlialvtr of lanadlauoattla iwliik nnrratrmmlh adiniitml into oraat rtrlialn inn uaaon hit william hrooort cliancfllor o th i11 linpiar antiuiinco1 tlm budifet tat lluiradav in llm imllh iiimm of fm imiiib tlm rcvdiiuo for tlie jmut rar tio had tmmii luiiihiooo tho rx torlb hud irn lllllulh mmt tlm uriliii ial bton l 771 uimj it i- atatad 011 ilia baat aulhurlty llial hmi llm iipaialura of mall hob motrti una wruk dral willi ilia hrpiraui haliuo miller ilia anu0r lo i h remedial ordoi will it no and llm lovnniniriil wil i lino ill mil vo llm imtmliiliirt and bork at rir axioti of iiinion 11 ton lla an lion pproprfslloua tflr flfl i uovuriiiiittnl wuri tvory nnalbu waj it led ia 1 i ha itui in vii pd h ranon and cjermalij lo ai joint note atatintf tlmtr ohjectiorib to ii trol of fboo belwrrn lilna anj japai and ibat tho latlrr iiuutry be noil hod that tlm fwet of iter lunonih ihla note warrant arnird tnlrrvrntiona on iho part of iho power wblch niii u ttio supremo uri tin weak diarniaaed tba apwal of iho dominion mlot tha provinora of ontario and quo boo it a judgment tho mm of mm 000 is now avad to the provmora repreaeniintt tha ucom of intereat on dobl to which tho provinooa wrra etiilllod half yearl far tho poha botwoon itifih and 1ht1 among iho liffna of the rovivml ol tnule la the increaao in import a al tho ort of toronto laat month iho lolajduty oollaclad waa ajoj31 aa aiaiual tjuh sal daring bo bam month laat yoar in march th amomil oollecied waa fi7 401 aa iainat ittlfi 071 during iho march pravkoua ard ii february 1uu 4aj thii yaar and isfttl 100 last thia ahowra total inorvaao tbii year for tho threo mnnlba of fh6 731 i n monday tilht a rumor waa cltoulatctl ttt ht john newfoundland that iho hank of montreal hail uaponded and tuea day thero waa a run on ovrry bank 111 tha city haali tiank atood by tho olbora not heailalni to redoout eaoh olbera note and the pinlo waa allayed tho buainaaa people took uo laft in iho run which waa mm flood to tho poorer olaaana 1 ho rumour waa traood lo a number of antl coufodera lion fattallca la tha yr ibtm a law of divwwa wu paaafd in franoe up to ibe and of 1hu1 a porlod of eiuhl yoara oulj from ibe data of the paaeiok of the aol nearly 46 000 divorce euita wore instituted by die aaliefled huabaude and wivaa id about 40 000 oaaea deoreea of dlvoroa war granl ed and the nuueppily married ooaplea aet free lo try tfaair luok ajratn in the depart menl of the seine which of oourae inolndim 1aria no teaa than i7j oat of avery 100 000 married ooaplea oblaiood divoroa laal year ior the whole of frnoo the proportion waa etichtyooa to aery 100000 acton municipal council a brlof saiilonvary llttla dual noaai raqulrinii attention iouimtl met on monday o u vlook lteovo in tho cliait trancla and nioklin abaonl minn tea of laal ineotlng txinflrinoi the jtlh 1 luil kluauoe wu prveoiilod aa rilluwa it at ciraiiajii klaa r u hmi ui liovallltiu uw on j v kaunawln omj oil hit alrwiu a la mood by john willi kded b woorka havlll llial tho report jual road be dopted carried a letlr waa read hot ajujuiiiui nick lln rctptoatlnb leave of fcbaenoo fro11 the ounail for a oouple uf inoiitha movod by leo llaull aeoonkj jul william ihal the rriuoluf a l mlckliu for loavo of abaenoo fur two nioulha be ranted carrm moved by j 001 kb havlll m w john william that the lerk be uiatruuod lo bdvorlla for tatidera for the uae of tho park for july lat iho higboal or any under not neceaaarily to be aoovptsd carried aaaeaaor t rah am handed in hie aaaoaa mant rott for wi after dlaouaalmi tho ahiaabilllv u pianliuy aomo mora ehnda trwre lu ihq rk thu rtiuncll adjoorned eaqueialnn townih ip acnl the bbb roll of ibe lowuehlp at hauoeilik waa returuwd laal week by n olulob baaaeur from it the following taota are kleaned the tnui value of real and peraoubl praterty and u labia inouma ib i jfmim7 toul acree uf lud 00 b7h olaarad 31011 wood laud a am waata 1110j lu orchard and garden i lfli under faji wheat 0 obo the popntatloo of the townehip i ujul doge 403 cattle ls70bbaep toil huge 1h1k boraea u 4ba liberal prlzbb i boao of our ruadora who are of a literary turn uf mind will appreciate the liberal olfur made olaewhora iu thia laeua by the ur williao modlciito co of llruokvllle out who aiinonuoa a aortaa uf prlaea amounting to fvmi fur the five heal altort ordinal alurira ithmittod in the oiftuuj litiou the amount otarod la we believe tho i a rife i ever awarded 111 a com petition of uiie kind in anada and any pert of it will be a liberal rvuuaipanee for ft atory ol the louglh darord wo will be glad lo her that ftiiy of our reader have uooecded in oapiuring one of the pnaee dtonmaiiuiriltj puhl tl uurvicea going to loiiiomi ha ft id a irmiii or 14 tooimm too ruvemu op lo april l wb joibo7o7 the nnmdltuf o fur u15 anio period iiilu5h otal actual aud oitim atml espenditure or lfu4 1 idh 100000 expected tlolull ftlmtooo mr i onler baaed na caloulftlioiib of mlitimlod rovenut on ttiir ylmrrtrettlwr m would tmprwvu iho laat iuarlor uf ihh aa compared wtljl 113 4 to the aiiiumil of i1117ij llm roduttiutrof eioujitur aa oomiretl wiut lrfj14 would ho iboughl bo i1h1111 the oovoriinnitil thuuyhl u win to intol tht drlloli by alllttly ittoniisliiu llm u aliou aa biuineh waa itnpruviii aud lie oplltitd i ha i 11 had umti dncidn 1 lo lu croaae ttio duty unu imll cunt jwr jioiniii 011 raw auffor attd twritly oenta r ialliiii on ahibkey which aro llm prnilliai tncrvaaia mr roalor oonoludrtl lia lw bourn jwl1i al li u uluot lhe tarill rtunjiutlouj were brought don lu llm ovenln apiupoa uf the report that the ti will move to auam iol mr mcureevy from the houac uf cunitnoua bulh may modi laydown -44ie-rimuia- tbat- farliameot can hot creaio a diaahility utt known to the law tbe house may cipcl a member aa often aa 11 hkee but in each caae a separate and dlatlncl rcaolulion aettlng forth the reaaona fur enpulalou would have to be moved 1 1 la not llksly that mr mcureovv will be aako1 lu endure punlahuumt ft second lime or the uiik offenoe iho ull prohibiting tlm uae ol i by mom bora u iarltaitieut has bcto up una weak but m finding few aiipporteni mem bora uf 1arllamonl play at parlv with lroniendaua earneatuoa u louj bb ii la only the bubines uf the- couulry thai m under oonaldrratiun but let a aacrilrgioun hand be laid upon their miloage or whicli ihoy have a anug placo iii then pookola next tu tho aunual taaa aud party ihicb are as uplhitig to them limy stand together then like brother bkhnltlsil juttim n li muulaguo given uulice of llw liu lu aruaud the loiniulun eloulloi act mr hproule ib the author of a hil ru blbitlug tho feeding uf augat to boon ibe 01 poo sea u tho uehrlug bob arl irn tlpn lbtb far have boon ltl ijl imilud lilg 5 000 for ooutiaoi etw the montreal hoard of liado u parliament for a return to the jiio oanl rate tor drop letters in cities the dorrtlniou uovcmtiteul li trucl1 an omoial invitation tu pariicipata lu an iuiernalioual oxhlbitiuu tu be held al bordeaux ibis autumn tbe ten vacancies in tbo iiouate will bo filled aa toou as can convouieutly be done thin waa hon mr boater s reply to an interrogation u13 otltor day ureal satisfaction is exproaaod by military member of tho tluuao at ibe anuouuooineut ol the mimslor of militia that annual drill oampa are lu bo bold thia year a bill which hi hiuborl i uppei lutro duced is lu allow lun110 ounviuta tu bu laketi ih aaylunia iroin penitent larlei aud whan cured to bo no turned to tlm penitentiary iron 1 which ihoy came ii t mln iu v llniwi i lei fasinn hut lutv i ima j halilno it k w 1 wl jlniry caldwoll m i i- v rim am jlron j i mow ii m a im i ii mm 1 ryt anion at limim r 11 a m1i1 ii u lit mliwn willi i tiii 1 rn 11 ui tv i lo l ihrnh altollu- ollb i hb nhwb or- lie l a k it 1 1 ujioi lad that thoi e tic i mil ae 01 whooping ouugh at mo jon luan oliver 1 11 noil a thlrtonu yoar old luy waadruwuod at auburn by alippiii 1 tlm dam killed in atleniu44ui lu huaid a un dug tram tht iau i1imii l utu u t duller u hi ilea will vtat 1 oudou ui the guaati a lllrthday if the iuj ll leg ill 1 ciil jjii the provlu m laat yaar lit i were iglaud in tha oilv u ottawa lhe atoamar v louitl at kl 1urlaga front itatny ulvdr laat jock the rarlieat arrival in lau yearn at tha toronto aalaoa on saturday clara ford waa aciju iliad uf tbji murder of frank waattwoui ibe verdict an reoeivod with ohaera the broil re statue wliiuli 1 ui aurtuouut tbe bir jubu maoduitald memorial lu be ereotod ou duunulou htuare wai put m datwi nt h itolwll 1 wllm at i llvh ii i in addition to the above a uj roptrnii tativu iroiu each of llm ativatltneu clrcul will bo firoseut the ind day i boy will bo hillottii in tho hoiimt nh tltolr rojec tbo uratday po b ill be dool1 to titinistorlut mattora unlil llirno o t luck 1 ho remaindei of tlm altaimmtu and even lug will be inkiutip with a clavb leaders convention to winch the public generally la welcomr general illil i and t ucull bnli will ociapy the actxjoil day mid lh moelinj will bljournat the oloae of th afleru 1 mt tui i ok h i abl c li k wtloitt aayllih ilal i xk untllloil iwirri llatkr a itrollmmi la ol kitotual u til guttural public whlili ta ileepl cunceinutl lu lhe welfare of audi roprccnu atuetlcan fuundatloim but ll nhould be added lhat by tnoana il ey full lllklla linn incltidlilg largu general ilum the grolipa nf college huildlnn a vivll liltprrta ion of wlo harvard princeton ami uiumhla la khoii lu th 00 who ar ntl alrcauly familiar wllli urn arclt loci oral feature mid dm ctotnalai i uiveratty lrfc ol ikr ol iho pi and hall nn d ilh tlm uaurlpl a healed in vtjliim uarlug 011 llm nut md n llm pon utuir iintialn or uioltc attanhn1 in llm atury and ro itsinitig tiinulu ll the full nantv ml adlrrat or llm writer tlmreof wo iitijioaa no limltntlona whatever as lo the nature of lopla writtuu upon and llm aceue of the atory tine i not noorn mrily bo laid in alalia altliiui oouiptilllnru 111 mil tie raalleula of cu mu itl abivn alatn j htormt on lore- 1 in th- o impjlilion muat ixi wriltrii on out lii or llm pajnjr only and wlivo iblo hmil i tip ty powntleti m vtiumripli lo be aool lul or i 11 1 not rollud all atoriet lor coinp itlim muat tea h tbe or williamt medioim o itrnckvilk lint fiuor liefiiro tlm llrl day uf jul ihi 11 i hul i th mirko 1 i r i iter try j npnl ih lhiitliu wll bo 111- i aa tollc mt ator lea aubmillod will bi inferred lo a 1 am mlciil do m ml i lee who will decide wlinli am lhe boat 11 vo at irloa i imnn alorma will thou bo ptiblinlm i 111 oamplilnt form whin pamphlets will bn ill irlbulu i lliroiiu iit tho doinlttluu and acli will 1 111 lain a voting paper upon which toailnm will be invttml to oiprai ihetr prallrenue 1 hi slory blilatnldk tliolitghehc iiiimtur iirvolen will be awarded tho oral prlr llm one obtaining lhe seen 11 1 hlfhoit fiumtmr wih be awnrdrd aocond prlur nml n it unlil the live prieoa are awardnd 1 ho voting will cloao on llm urol oay i ijocciubai ihj and tho oolilliilllru vill thotl publllt the mm n ol the auccrnsfllt comptttllora and llm unlet of unu it jiibiiotiuabful itiaiiusciipib wltlbtoruluiii oil when alauia am aeut for hntage tlm live atorldb rejected am to uuo tbu abuluta moifrly ill llm lr wlllia motllctoo i with tlmir otpyiilil in mti hluv i il li ull not rt ii italr- lolxl miui ml rrtnllnu ouliimliimd km 1 i via trr miiloiia about i1i111 unit liavlnit n ad hdocts cures iu luutib about llood a haraiarllla l dater- tiiliirl in try ll nn i got n litltiluien bnttlpa iiiuruf which entirely run d him mlifi a mye iraliaan ontario n ii tie mire lu prl iiixmi 1 kiirnapiullln hoods phia d ty j l trmplly ana em- ktul mi the ilvur ami bowcu uv thi most successful rehedy for man or ok apt i crtjlo in it itaeui and ntnnr mlhn 1 head rooca baluw kendalls spavin curl ik 1 lrrm1 llendendn i1l m at n jtaiccj mflrr 1ft3kisi rttvt w w v i writ i u i 1d a thr- dial uma i nil nrli nrl and flva l4ilr cunutr i i lacf a ihhir a hand all uw tlam j yours truly umw lovau i kendalls spavin cure ijhjjjwii ilc apr tn ittvvmwil wnral ltllr n 1 uifi- n rii2 1 alntrhnv it r mitc hut 1l 1 r all dnimlata r nllna j li it j a i ml j 1 i ovmm j ohukth rtlo vt ity lb du 1 1 1 11 1 oouill ng f vol u b u hit u d ii mid a 1 rauna 11 el it 10 oil tlll agree by oltl ml cctp ll 0 1 klam of llm cou unit 1 llm llr wllllau modk trie 0 aa 111 1 i all l it what- i or itk fc rt 1 u mhh do 1 ml rvo la r cl oo am il a it 1 ulhei lf latl tlm into ll e m i ohnnttifj in ft queer lualuiua thai prevail in regard lu oortatii public uerainiiitea in the ity uf london autuug lltotu the kaaln of tho loving cup ul um loid mayor a baintuol iho annual dlblrlbulion uf livery cloth by tho court of alderman ami thoubaorvauce of 1low monday iho article la by a popular lngllahmau mr j c ihornloy 1 he lrthrr fur may oontatna daiiuu and the nyiuplm 1 uratrlau oa luiiiea artialto lluutte 1 urntahlng lojn iitouoeumnl osuimea tashtouablo bklrt ocouralloiia i aaluoiiabre mttltnery hlyllsh lingerie 1 ad lea t aahloiia miaaea and lula fuhmu litlto lolka h ash i una lluy ranhiuna lllualraled uiaooliany hanoy hlllchoi and i mbroldmma raalilon able iroa uoda nuvelllastu waah tab rma h aablonable laruiluroj hlyllah mil liiory lattiuh lllualraled ruoheting lllusliatel the art of kiihung lllualraled atound lhe lo i able and tlsuo 1apora oirlui ollrgo herloa may era aud may lamoa llm nice muidxi i too making oimllan lion work 1 lie home hoaauualila cookery 1 iimiibiiuoa uf a 1 raining holiuwl life no 111 tito rtoclal ole nn iii how lo be weil hurul work iarl 111 loverunmul lorkhl k ludorgartoii lhra no i 1reaer a hun and itennvatioti iho hreasutakor and mlltluor aiiaweia to urreapoudeiita llm tune of 11 c1 on iuin ill i ji m u10 ibe 1 wiu u 11 ill lkc all privautlonn il afe h ih nn iruated lo limn carr but 111 110 hi do hey bballuio any mapoualblllty foi ilia el uoul ot lusa u uuauccoasful bltin autuuin aiu tlmrolure adviaed lu ktntji copms ending pmd inallk will bo liable lo punishment fur ira id a i a 1 of tj is ollomd to lhe first person who uta out tho aot thai any atory pi a soil by the cum mtltoti 11 otherwise than original in tl n uullkoly evout uf auch an overnight ociur al aloden ciloioj l llo ouinpelilluu mat be addicaaetl lu tbn ii williania modicum o hrockvillo oul and mark od ou iho cnvojoiw i or i itcrary 0111 pollllon u4 liod in ilillarlo tin 111 ah t lluy ftuarlo oouuty arljon hfin j haul wood lako keufiew i n itotli well maoduvllle milhoka ami i a 1 bouou whllimy mjiiaalnt b- ui uubby udcj 11 dor al iiouo hiii 1 a i uiloi ig house hhkwuot priooa 1 htrly lha ko1 aigi ioj 1 ui caab al a i 11 uiui auu bristols pills llil 11 s ski ii l 1 ll lll i ii lll lll i 11 i ill iii i ll 1 1 iii ll bbixoivs pil i im u l ljil i 1 in 1 ll 1 uul lo 11 1 1 ii 1 1 h ucn bkistojvs pills ir peiitly bur promptly anrl ih unit lil i in id 1 i mill li iik ml liui- k j bristols pills j q t low lkici a i itauo o llo illl ejarlug fur fc big day u driving 1ark association illl i lit l t- i owtha or lanaija kjlimrdauflutaat tftraa uaadraff the mooill uuivorsily haa raooived a donation uf 33 aoraa from w c modouald for bolanloal kmrdeoa aud aa obaarvalory tlia deads were signed haturday mr h n hmi lb of wawanoab achuui uaobar uf heoliuu mu i culroaa waa drtiwnad wbila balltlug lu a pool lu uuak rat creak ova miles south uf tom water hruoe cameron a youth aeveuteen years of agw roaidiug 00 glflord a i roe a toruutu waa stabbed in lbs abdomen by win weil man at a baseball gkmr iauicrun wu probably rwouver a i lhe troop of lloyal i auawliau draguoua at winnipeg bava reoelvsd orders to huh theniaelvee lit readfncai lo al ouco prooood lo kills rosy aud feuard iho manitoba boundary agalnal una luvaaion of half breeda aud indiana from north dakota thirty all lbs bright yellow sugar for tl 00 htiaanx- hock wood farmers wauling hardy native hlock lo plant thie cotmug kail or hpriug may pay fur ll lu work wo waul man wltb or without expariinoe on ull tor pari ttma balary and aapeoasa or oommissiou write al onosj fo farther infurmalrou llaoait- uftotuftaa oumim cuulinautal nuiasttee toroalo out lib will tlowciaa will a ca l it la intel oatl im to lioal thai aplenslid riaoa aro ui lw glvct to llioae who km w ibe wild mowora of aftada by name lurin aud color lurooau and amorloan judgos uf 11 oral nature say caliadlaua should be so carried away with the beauty uf thoir uwu native bkxjin aa lo euaure an kcuanitaiici will llm wild flower uf i altada by every man wuinati boy aud girl in lhe lomuou lu una ounuoaumi lie muutroal sju c lu fur ih pratan iux a aplamtnl work it i publishing cutiued the wild flowars uf canada 111 hirtlullu three buudiod pialaa in all ualural oolora aud natural alan iho whole for 111 lug tu luvalu able treasure fur the library for a limit ed llmo tbenu valuable iort follow may be ubtaluod fruun tho munlreal slur or loual nowadealora at ofloeu oenta each aniai ingly cheap phkbuytthian wumbn imat week4 tsauo uf 7 a f 1 arji vrw irrnth waa iiulowurthy nwpig lu incroaae uf al9 aud the ajwcial in ui real aud value uf tbe ouulenta 1 1 contained a oorpplolu lie uail hmxi 111 iuraaa fur iioro raulilg lealtitn that haa always bond oondui led ai a 11 040a tf ull y st lhe leorgelowu driving lark 1 hone laal yoar will waul to are i he our thin yoai for ll will 11 conducted on an roii iiiuii elaborate a ale i si roani ami bans ball matchet aro also ou lh ptfrbuiiiic mualo by tlm jolh hind hiugle faro ou tho railways atii listen avk- i u rvpaaaahaaasaeawi woman a furnlgu mlaaluuary buololy eatetiding tu fourtoru columns fcvery member uf ihla liiipurtant docilely ahuud have a oupy other uaaful featuroa are the christian k odea 1 or ijaparlmenl by hev w h mctaviah 11 i hi tloorga the babbalh hchwol leeaon by lt w a j martin of turouto and foltora from nilbsluuariosi lu the luraigu ueld hun daywlu hoollaud la a bright deacripttou ui several uiluiatera aud churojlbj in tbe motherland of aa uiauy canadians all the regular depart in sit la are unusually full tbe pubhajjsra uder a trial aubsojlpuou ull 11 january peat for one dollar ritlngl i takce tho rr 11 teal oaaibuj paius with his watch work hmcial work meu on walcliea who du uulhiugelao one workman constantly ou look whu does nothlug else and uue wurklug si repair uij jewelry ftnd hjiliuiii 1 try job is crllioally elaitilneaj by jntigle nerannally aud not j aseed until perfect don t loavo the waloliiuakof who is giving you satis faotlun but it ou have any work at which lbee bata failed tivo irluglr uf ouelpb a trial you 9a u ace that audi ayalnni can uot fall to give good rrsulla aa 1ringls la a thorough uicobaiilo of long nxperteuoe prinqle quelph i visions ow prices for catili alwuys llitii liiailr wlicrls an rlnal 111 i lie klil sterrnb the btauiiuhoal light whool uutll woighu 33 to u 1 lbs iilooolbf to iho also jolumhluji and falouna riifcao wboli have a world wide hjuiu tullon dot lor built limit ujic ml w stark acton iukm lou u m m i ivhooil when doctoib fail and ordinary medicines are use less painas celery compound always cures iasti itk to lvv biabgaweya wo acrea lam prtniml lo ukun nnmlwrof haul of ilock for pasture fur thouaou tito iirstnlse are well walerml afllf at on to iu4kpi1 labiiy hot u lla rusulta all fair i marvellous latiafaiitory to the skeptic and acoflnra are brought lu a knowledge of the truth by uusailabte rock ixiltum facta aiid proofs in tlm vast field of modicum ami modi oal preparations time experience and re ulta have empty do moil i rated tlm trull ufal ofl repea4ed alnlemotil that ittinaa elory omimiuud la llm only true and honest life saving modioiim ever fiored lo suffering humanity iho strong aud tiguiuua luiimbi uf mrs j wickoi of ilii uakhircel loroiio should mil the fain ling and dopairing hearts- all suflerura with freah hoo and coiifidcnco and shuuld si once lead every sickly pcraon to the only moaiciuu that make people well mm wickola lotlor reads aa follows laat year lu the mouth of november 1 waa tuddonly taken very ill with pleurisy and uotiralgia lhe pains 111 my shoulders and bank wore muat intense and caused me extreme auftornig for several trooka i was under tho doctor s caro slid gradually rocovered rutn tbo attack o peurlsy but none of ibe inodicmwi rlroacribad for mo boomed to have any affect on the neuralgia which had by this time spread alt ovi r my body 1 gradually became worse my appetite was poor and the pain never see me 1 lu leave me aud i began lo think i would never ro cover i grew discouraged with iho modi ctlies i wae uklttg and happened to aee a testimonial in the newspaper about 1aluo s olory otnpoatid 1 ootioluded to gel a bottle although i had verj little faith in palont medicine before 1 bad nutshod oay oral hot lie i began to eel belter the paius and aureneaa greatly decreased and gaining hope by my improvod health i flniahvd the oral bottle and bought a second after using two juottlea uf your com pottrrd i feehrfcj uowwurntrf ttiy sppc tito baa returned the neuralgia haa left mo and 1 am aa well aa ever i feel very thankful for the benedi i have derived from your medicine and take pleasure in reoora mending it to my friends should any one desire fuller parllcalera if they will communicate with me 1 will be happy lo oblige tbsm 100 hicwaill flip timlnralgnnrt will pay tlin suove reward vlullnu of tbo tarlv or itarllea wbu mallcioualy kttll stm i last krlday nlghl 0 1 ilthl misaii h scalds aud burna are soothed at once with perry davis pain killer tt takes out the fire reduces tbe inilam mutton and prevents blistering it is le quickest and moat effectual remedy for pain that is known keep it by you mammoth house walker mcbean fc co suxccsib 10 wm mclhod t s2000 reward illk im rnwar i will in h rr in lor ma 1 ii m alilcli will aeeurti roavlctiou of ilia jwrwin of iwnona win mallcioualy and wlthoul iiimiciiiiui il any kmt itmafinmfatwl tamao llm ruantnt- 01 i 1 nee kmta ou ull riueet laat 1rllav nlulil 11 htoitl- v 200 acrk karm for salk plik iiiiilnnttntd ilnalrna t 1 farm id xt utt t h rli fur tbe place ll parrictilkn tttxv l iii it hap th acroa uldclriii hacdwootl half u10 prion aake1 d a new house rpr ictiiii si lamheit icinn hull foh ehvict or for salt r ulirikiwl iibb for h rvlr al lila alal 1 on ualu blrix1 a lloriulitrril liatnrl hit lauilwrt jiran hull tllla till anllilal la alao hern for tain no trksiashing arc ul lulfju auil a mi ol i- aunaluu will l alluwol all foul tllllr nf i reawaalnt alll bn praaecutnl a tl ll lilk notick uudci thu oiilail 1 nun iati ru nn log tlirougb aud the weal iarl inn naaaattanja notick to trkslvssers nut it 1- it 1 i hivnii that all miwm tm lorllltnii t tmimu u ilia irntulaaa ul u10 uiularaiol lllinr in ltilnfi or lootiuc iokosto liul u u1ll1au nbwtow lfohlk rltoctok am1iiew hcott tkmikits for lvrk roieip goods m r millinery o 1 tuedaymay 6u and following week ms lite farmer one ll i ine vnry lateat uoalgi l llm laadlug lulii i hhd t a ml 1 o lore in llm louit j ullnr you such baigai new t 1 whcii the curtain rolls uy dress goodb t 11 1 d dwdn aud htiuh bambifj boojia and fihoe 1 i 1 jnt jilauod wilt uuo uf the largest and 11 j urniim ebec to im doltvored willnu throe waaka iu 1 we gt u a u 11 head lor llm moal uf 1 ur guodk therefore we can always rly 011 n l n the 1 win for llm leal money al walker mullean t o lon day july lat 1o06 hlr uulcnlt 1 tml will roeolve indtlra lor llm a u ol tliot ark lur ikuuiiou t up lu alunli itl juuti the i uf hint i ur au leudnr tul iicctwarllvauitiini thoi t uooltk kui um til i il ugulclial clerk slmimi reward uillig a ratlin m baluewa tu our prlc 1 aal ui ui t tut tm moat storca lu lba oily sell the aa e tut loc prints prints uillig a ratlin m baluewa tu our prlt cu moat atoreft lu lba oily sell the a why go to toronto 1 bat j iln cry miw ivheu wu lftn du bailor at the mammoth i i iblic ro inalirftng if ihoy go lo 1 uroutu ihoy have to pay fur ihetr ta aiu too 1 n ti 1 whole day it aluiply meaua money uul uf pocket by tradlug with us it m aua 11u11 in 0111 hokut tailoring ltluuld i ulluit iii lur kill lllnutlaii wo baviu i to trudge all over tbo oodilry sulluitlug orders from lorn utok aud llarr ihoy 00 me lo us because tboy know they can lave a few dot are by boy fug their iluthus trom us and they know wjiou ihoy lake their suit boma that i will at them wo appreciate tliuae who deaf with ua and limy are always aure to gel tbe beat value fur their money vak to see iho ilargattia lu t urtaius aud i arias la iteady tu ivoar bulls itoyn huila aay down ilokt ready tu wear vi to tu l uo agents fur the lelobrklud titsudard patterns calj and gel a fasjroh liml flee whlker mcbehn st co georgetown and torpnto market day every thursday amount wilt in paid b u i i auoi i the village of aclot lui uio u cliou the rty nt partlea alio did ata clouslv injure ilia roiwrifw of klaaara httwer tut ucsab mlllnlivnl on tlm avnnltn u the 3rd april v a lake tllla krtully ol it nig public caution auminii ha i uh b mm uk to crkditorh in lluvtail 1 lalutm uf ontario cba u 110 of ilia vlllagn of ackiu lu tha couuly uf tuhuu watjoii uiakm duouaaud wbu died mi u ihiui ilia lail ilar nf juue hmi arw mjuirthl 1 liafore ilia 1mb day of juu 1mu lu am i l ul rwatd ur deliver ul joaeitb allvrt npeulil a1 ml ll ultra lur of aaid dnooantl a i tlia aald tiliasn of acluu a atateuiaul in wrlllui itxilammi tbalr uauies addraaa aud tlm jnatilptitu ami lull wrtlculara uf tin ir elaloa lul tnal aud llio uatura llm atxnrli ll ant laid i i lieli 1 latralor will i rktwd u illntrtbutt tlm am1 uf ilia aald pat aiu uiu urn laulm rniiiletl llinrw lu liavlug regard uul ui ilia claim t 1 1 tlf i j illlnii hail inn 11 11 lllll bittlii 1 r lli lor uiaaaid saaeta of aii arl uij lbutl u ill laiaoii ol imiyiu uf a im tin haa ml hatlu ti al llllui if m acton saw mills nd wood valtud ihmes broinzin ltanlbruu1 aui alalia cut atuvn ibuuiii alwa t powders cur aiotf mcaoacnf an1 nauraliu in ra avraruraai ato c ma1 1ui ihit i um llllloiwnata liiu in tha s i 1 uotliiatkn i lohdll i1i lltrad im tt tlal taauule lira bow la vr bics to raws rmtom mm 0wrair oawa ronsa 1 tva j

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