Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1895, p. 2

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ij r- 1 j- noun flnxxral lllltnii on odoaslaltth may tip if 11 of john irani uf s11auitor viuiutt ciattioim ai lli rwalilenea a tlia hridfoparvtiaail tuesday mat h by tha hev david a xlrtr ii i ur john klllnll a im reliant nl hamilton li ml mat parrline loon ntuwll mi ii hi tralnliiar mi rlday may i minna urli an auad l y an i months am las 8tijc rtoit jfrce ras tjiijiibday may in lfttlf notes and comments jflii dr ii ran of new york a bacteriologist wiioho spooially wu consumption diod laat week of that dread disease wliioh lia had contracted ttjough inhaling some of ilia la conducting laboratory axiari iiwmj fcjcicnco has iu many modest martyrs toronto ibh finally decided to follow detroit s example and oulllvato potaloaa on the private lota in tha ally this weak 101 lota of one quarter aero eaoli will ba allocated the city will look after the fading and plowing in housgand lobby chiblph i district pleetnq- hon mflmbon iridulao in paraon- altlaaa nnrrjarkabla dabata pro ol pi tat ad by d attorn me cr thy uigot gov bchultz 8curbd 1 ott i may 1ft llirtm wanks of tha nam inn kunn and the hiisjnaaa before tho ilnuso has reooivnd comparatively little attention llio budget lto ftjafiitoua bchool question and lheaskltgeud am warintl of innumerable riiesidrs are tha bulk of matter wlilcli liava blin oonsiil erod r their lxoollenclea the earl and uoiin uhs af aberdeen ro making prtpatstlons for the oolaurauonol the gusto ajllirthahy on may j4 at ottawa on au estaudad aoale laat year on that day their kioellanoioa nu tor tuned the members of tha ltoyal ho cloty at a luncheon and garden party this year tlia reoeptfon will take toe form of a state ball to wblah a large number will he invited a large marquoa will ba erect ad in clone proximity to the houao u u lo provide the necessary aooommodatloit for the gneeta rphuint f oner to hk hwuii it about deoidod to rod poo tho strength of the parmanaot cor pa from july u it la expected that at least 330men will ba discharged otia ot tho l vmr wafer lagsal sioqssnh a nary intoraatlnff annual mnotlntr and clasamaatlrttr convention tlm annual mm ting of quolpli dlslrlot ml ilia molhojlat church urajuiotll hrm nil mnnihv mid fcucslay altuiit thirty in i stars uovontoon lay representatives and ii urn bur of visitors- warn nroannl the mealing opetiod on mflntlky m rjiing eleven uoluak luv v c mm ierann 1 i ouolph chairman lireskumsajspc soripltiftts wore read by itev i j h evoji heerotar and prayer waa oftortjd by hiva win havagp aud h bollery bd at tho citation uf a district secretary llov a j irwin it i norval waa ohuaou witli j ii mcbuan ii a and w j mag wood assistants the business of tha moo ling up to 3 do hi tha afleruoon waa dovdtad to tho utam inatlonof tm malaria i jiharao tor cm mining the probationary oomlng up fur oni nation d the aandidalaa applying fur n raiioc to the mlniatry tho following young man having com plated thoir studios and qiiiahiil the ratjuirimt probation ware rooommondoil lo ba rooeivod into full rtoniioalinn and on i am j 11 mollcan ii a w j mag wood and j w johniym these will so ordained st tha oqitllng ounforenoo a hsniilton tho youug man reooivod aa oandidates are uao it hitching son of john kitch inn wibbbriwoyiina brtjtnar nr tin j w ki toning and arthur ii crosby of martian nnphew of ii ov 1 homaa rmby tha wall known niioniouary at port bimp- sou it at it do tha olaaa maating convaution wasopauod mr g a barker of iuolph gava a most iutarasting and holpfnl paper on tho m04t hucoosaful mathodi of lead ing a olas mr darker is a leader of long experience and many hints of value wore- given ilov j si htovenaon hlors was able from auooeuful pastorate of a quarter of a century lo kivo oxoollunt pointers upon the formation of tha membership into lassos tha availing eoaaion was largely attended i ho aral atthjeai how bast to aoum rogular attandatioo at lasa waa discussod by kov t amy of naaaagawoya in an able maiinar itov lr v b irlflin of loronlo tfato a mi el nitoroatlng ail it re a upon tho laa niortiug it j aoa in tha methodist burch iollowluh each aditieaa k dtaou- sion waa oogagod in a orlos of mjatioim appropriate to tlilit liimtaiit illict wnro uldrcaaad by tho chairman at i he uluat llio convriition must have a beneficial in ling in the tin tuesday morning the laymen ha tarloua circuits auru prraent ami luauclal and goncial work of oauh cl rov lowed i ho ropurta ahowed i norrase lu moiuburahip of lf and health a h how it was found hva lan ark countv l40v sha had buffo rod for vaars tram waknoo4 and palno in tho taok soiatlou had oomptlaatad tho trouhlounu adqad to hpr mib- orvhuf moalui almost mlraou- loualy he llarocj from llm ilnel lli llouir i r orrapruiipi i jus i arm in tho lowndilpof muutafpiu inn irlrconrily uvrh mr and airs joseph w hid cnlcvmcd by all who urtow thorn mm wood waa uiru in the village of fil irickvdla and spent her whole lio them until hen marriage and her mn y f rin is are oougratulatintf her 1 1 her recovery i j health snov strength after yearn of pain and suffering when the correspondent f the vr mlrr called at tho wood homes ad mrs wood although uow not lookn k iholaav4iiuau invalid said that aiuco irlhuod nd ucvil recently aha waa troull j with a weak book which gave her great pain at times as she grew older thu wckuoss morcaaed and fur nearly twenty ears she was never frop from it about a year ago hor misery was luoreaacd by an attack of sciatica and this with her back tiuuhln forced hor to take to bad where she remained a helploaa invalid for over four months different dootors attended hor sud aba tried numerous rem odlm said to ba a cure for her trouble but the nij of ttiv pav intloma 01 tho world oolnaa durlnn thn woflk i for iuti lu deapila aji alia ooullnued to grow worsa hha waa advised to try ir williams pink pills but aha had dosed heraelf with wo maoy medicines that her faith in the bsal ing virtues of anything waa about gone and sha bad fully made up her mind that hof trouble was incurable at laat afriand urged her so strongly that she coo sen tod to give the pink pills a trial before the first box waa ail used she fall a allgl t im provemeut which datarminad her to oou tinno this treatment prom that out she staadily improved aud waa soon able to ba up and about the honao a further use of tha pink pills drovn away every veallga of tha pains which hail so long afflicted her and sha found herself again enjojing the blessing of perfect health klghl months have paaaed aiune aho ooaaed uaing the piuk pill- ahd in that time aha has berli entirely free from pain or wnakuaa sml aa she is oonfldelil no other mnli could have performed tha wonder lit llama ilnk illls bavo ilone for her says i feel happy not only boamiae i now trtta from alii or ache but becaui my iiln tmulilo should return at any ll know lu what remedy lo look ft ir willi imk i ii arlaptitt rhuroli h irtt ii with i j iiiiii ir i ho prfmier un i llm aliifiu itiirtwl of ilaiiitutm iu ii wmmpk for otl j thn ilmliia imlltk i ln a i i- c in lug wuuai on pi nviioi jul ftuit fn tho ill at am occur dolly lr william pi liira n inoi tpal ol dundee uiiuerliy liaa lrn illcril i hi piiutijpauhipuf ului rite body uf mrs bruwn waaatokn from a cemetery at butiiauvillt where it had h en timed for fourteen yaara the town of milton ha decided toapeal sgaitist thedacistou of tha juilpjia ihoauit of urn winn hon v tuwu of udlon thuro aro ovor one hiindrad mora liquor licenses issued in tha ciu uf munlroal than there are for iho hohr province ontario ouolph s water insin hurst in tho kaat ward on haturday and the city water supply wan completely aim l off for sli or night hours three boys wore upjal out of a boat at walorford on haturday olio of the lads na mod green lott hia ida in an umuccni ful attempt lo save hart his companion who was unable to swim an eslra uf the auada oaxetlro waa iglitwal issoed tuesday calling ill aasemblo for twclvodaya trainiiiit in lamps of luatruction 1 io ontario cauipa w ill l hldou tho ihth of juno by tho explosion of a steamer a boiler mi bt clair hivrr bo monday a coal itr waa killed the engineer drowned and tha fireman fatally injured at the time of tha axpldsiou their wore 10 paasengrra aboard but a panic was averted members of tin house loarnott wiih reflrot on tnoadsy that the miniiler of juslloo had been paieniptorily ordered by the physictana to tako a rrt hinca his partial recovery from i ha attack of illness a month ajo btr charlol ii 1 upper bas not been able in ichxmi mom than au hours work a day 1 vfo that amount of clertmli has weakonod lilm and at present limn i hen in a sllgbl hrmimrha uf the luiiic 1 be ulmater haa acrwled to the oommaixl of inn medical allnidaul and lo day loft fitl i akothl m wlric lie will remain until abut tho juih mt or possibly louder i tiy i ii iter tc in pamxl him iwftli acrjlcy bsbr or a colloy stomach i lant pleasant tfjtlicr cn uo avoided ihy keeping a tjottle of perry dtivhv i pain killkb on the medicine nhcir it a i la invalualdc in aniuleti nttncln ofcrompa i cholera mortius diicntcry nnd dinrtjfuni jolt aovalnshlr cur all external pnlns f lnss oaal poeumi 13 lialf k or nin milk 4s k sumirier outing goods kxqulsitaly f4sciimling designs at ridiculnusl low runs lively a fleets in cotton htufts honeycombed cna oroaaad jrspad and woven in a hundrod difforout ways lvery possible shading iiorfectly bleuded and rovoaling new inspirations to the designers mind i ron clookj watobos jewellery spectaclos silverware fanoy qboda jbuo repairing or inn complicated wilcha oo to brmoh praouoal fatalirnakar and jrmelliu au word wmrranlml 5 s s a q ai oq 01 a p symon flthi bbtrtittmtnlt invflllinh to lbtv pilk iwelllnii on ilia onnli slita of the doulila 1 tadttiiiniil mi msiluhumit noil lo ilia new kno riiuroli inalsllon of hanton ulven hlluimllatvly ami nl llm lnaiaa hj llin first ot june hunt n aaunalilu ay lo altcimltai 11 ajilllli- i i n0t1tk aii rtr owlni ur llouit aiw hotel kftipar it m u oaled lu anttle hy liotn or rjm m uf julie all iartlr ny oultn arslual tbnasld it arnnw are anton ly hlli ihol r 1m f ore 1 ii ajspw ail acitk 1ajm kok safclt ii k miilermlbiitd iloslrea lo anil hia j00 acta 1 farm lot 7 triu it ha 7h aetea iter cultivation and haa luldalent hardwood niiilar construction for loruis arid irllciilars sillily to alkx miklnnos conlucaby 1 o i ord itosobory will receive lo morrow a daputalion from iho associated hambcra of ommnrco who wilt urga the adoption cl tho rasolutiuua made by iord josory in to his raport ou tha ottawa iulercolooial cotifuroiica oseoially conoerniug tha posts aud telegraph routes tho commission which has boon in veal gating tha atrocities in armenia have arrived avvellygooiiati they have fonnd abundant ovtdenco of cruelty aud whole sale ma macros in all direct ions 1 hey have urged upon tho porto tho necessity for ariooiiian reforms hi the british house of luminous hlr william ilarctiiit replying to a question b hlr cieorio baden idwoii aald a bill lo etiabla colonial ju lueii to sit in iho judicial ommitlcaof tho irivy couucll would ba i cdlatily i lrlioi by ihn uovorn meil in uie llumit of lords out if a lutsl aiinua revenue i bhw llol 00o iho lotriimifm of rrauoe pays j7i ikki km in intrresl on public dobl sqd 1hj 0110 kk gos to ujhirl tho army and jilt most of tha dobt ban hot ii incurred fur war cxieiicn hix dollari out of seven of people a l titeeafom ftt 4 war rjuls an invitilkfl euiila out west tiutk ujhiii lllo idea if umklutt dltn t telt ill ii lc cfnincli him with the barbed wire on the fotn that iuii mloiii the limine hi i fled hut ural ih1wii be n lliui jxnbo li ll w a and now h lias an inoorimxaled i iuiaot whiuh la just sprunit ill exuti ncr a tiff is ifeinm rn h uiiio mllh a i ult a loudon uaola aayo the ret mu if mlluuiital oto la af p ii rut ooij aiiuid i ho io is i i i lie brltitt rrovince- au increase in tha hook liik of order and an upward moomriil in prices 1 huau niptonn indiuato that destined t i poruiaueiioy uis dapartmaut of 1 fade ami tonint oo by mr w murdoch ot loronlo look lug towsrds iho development uf trado with hooth africa ft is learned tn this councc tloti lhal steps aro bcltik taken lu ostablisb a direct loaitialup service bo i ween canada and ape hiiuiij i he project is aa yet in its initial statea but atruady gives pro iulr of i1cl h iho pan aiiriiti i of iuii1 d hjulsliiik will ba hold i toronto jul ihlhlojxli iml tho i onxreas wijl bo comosed of re prrnents lives from evory omit province and state in north and south a merle inoludlnk protestants ltoinan atholics and hebrew t tie xjugroaa will oonsldor the reat moral aud social ijueations uf the day uauy of the hohnt dlguitarina uf hurch aud hlate and prominout phllatilhroplats have pro misod lo participate musi had tuuro marilanoa aua buitia courdliitt to tha population liim any other county in ihu provinco in itils ibore were iu pc 1 imkj of the fonnoi and ill uf ihn latlei hon fro- and almn however gave tha french oouuly a cloao ahavo lu tho mailer of brltia tho firtl liavin lj wf 10o0 and iho aeioiid jot i he tulal marrlbkoa lu lltlou tmily wrte ii i iwi i0o4 an i lh tltllin h3 moderate allowanoa when pay rations nnifurms and transport are takou inlo con sideation will msaii a saving u the oountry of hto 000 this amount added lo the appropriation which may bo specl ally voted if expanded in drilling the city and rural corps will to a carta in ex taut remove tha reproach that the volunteers are bo ing starved it is held in tha general interest of the force thai areductlou of the permanent oorpa must not ho loo sweeping uoctktila ami uisi r not w iii i t 1 he question of the bctinn of ir hohultk iiautenaat governor of manitoba in consulting dr bourinol oonoorning tho school ipinstfon said tho remedial ordor and tho action lo be taken mi it and making the opinion public formed suhject of an important and interesting ditciiairtn ou thursday mr mo arthy as he had intimated ou wednoiday called the lit tent ion of tho house to tho question and proceeded lo klve his opinion of iho hon ir bihu i u ho made some retluc lions and imputed mull vo to tho governor and uspaotiml lliat he had mdo a deal with the dominion iiivoriimeut fid called iho matter a conspiracy lion mr poster defended the action of the lieut governor tt vhx i i i fur limit iv and now comes the aunounoement that negotiations with premier oroeuway si progress to nettle the mao i lob hohools question by to in promise jroeuway ii o imliik to llawa lo lalk lliinn over witl his friends anil ll is said that lord a her dean lias advised lilm privately lo smnjlh matters over in some way after all hit lu parasols ery special aluo in leading uumbars at and buted for ll 11 iho total amount i anal support waa npri alhe 117 1rujlo gouorally pipooltui a unsldurltik the i totalled 7imil an inorcn over the aamo mouth last yt iimeae iiiunlrtlou laat pploneutary jalinii ua n corned dtriutc april n inoroaao of hi 1 000 oil l ligilly i total n umber paving poll i as against li for tto aai mouth laat year a dologalloil wallcil ujjoh tho ouvor uolll triday afternouo to ask a boil from h government lur tho pioposed axhibltiuii in m mtroa1 ll it roportoii lltey want about a quattar of mil dollars no ollangrs f oitluii boutilarida w made bul wlal waa pirrhat a the 11 spirited dluinaloi of tle meolli g wt t propoaal lo hangi i orwhin apuiulmc uu naaaagaweya cnouit to aiwrfoylo a moflat on tha latter to ttie former order lo mum more ompit uiiouils each no chaugn wan ofloclod 1 ha follow tg rpruteulativr i t 1 kinosim lirim iu j 11 j wl i m a bm hi i h ai 11 i ii ui ll p mo jiuh k of marin of wrt ioporl of the lomrli shows hal ihu total iiuuiter canadian waters duiiug hie i was eliihly ala iepraauting the loas of tan lives and three hundrod and twenty two thousaud dolar at the lkmcuiiui oaulllti a luu day prof itubertsoti dominion dalr com mlaloiier java a roaume of tbr work doua during tho year lis spoke of tha suooeas of the travelling dairy stations in manitoba and tho north weal and aald that butter waa bcdliik in manitoba for five cauls pa pound the only way to improve ihli trade was to mauufaotura boiler f r th export trade mr horde u had asked whothet tho gov hlato f now york aud elaawhora in ihi tl tilled t la tea of a dankoroua peal knowi as the hau joae acalo which infests the applo and other frull irars aud whiuh 1 bo iiilioduord into this country with liurserv atook uow looouraoof i in porta if hi what a lion do iho g erui seller v b d and ii w kounedy b mmumhi iiuuitikk w g rtmlll iho lay rrproaautatlvea lu unferoiica lu hold in hamilton conimencmk wclt day 2hh inst aro aa follow gitiili noiiroik rithtett wu nu of jancn mills aud juio jaiulraon gtaiilt di ihn bthkkt a bak it b nelson j w it kelly 1 1 111 join munaall join 1 fsitoik john hunt floberl moore hmmm jamas mcculluob ahmiminr b kalcuubridge muiiir john near orlo bkitvhi jno a henderson i n johu k itching utwhi btnawhi hsmnol harris ltrhroi goorga f visile aoun a ion 11 p moore dr iron giou f 11 w kennedy it 1 wi km s tin i- i ilia 11 ttla 1 html hlalro bul ll was tho belief tar uoo jl l g n nu ml resolv o he 1 nanks of ll a uuillog i od to 1 in jsvaii r uf tills oh or a t- 11 woll m a ami to the cr t uo 11 lllttk ctllmlllt- 1 kl for tli 11 ailoutioi o il of 1 11 nli 1 11 ai hi 1 i a fa 1 more thin lhal know lia ilchl 4tlul jta mid ipo i a week by n w loundlan i 1 ll- 1 h ii is likely fatvutallo aulioi will ian tkcn 11 ibe matter iho 11 oal uijhirlatl piinl lubmitted lu llm liuimal aulliurilioa w i allada s prnpualt loo lhal 1 oglamt aniif newfuulidlaud oblltlatloiia and llm uim ilolloii o ihe lailrtwil aoroax ilia lalaml stwfou idlaud would im willlng to m leg illation to nettle the r- reui h abort qusa lion in roller 11 for knitlaud s aoaoptauis uf ims proptiaal llio dally ckrhult til poakink tf the lerinh of the uuluu says what duos riimini 11 brlllau is that ihrro will bo now airou botij of public ipluiuti lu brilixh aiikrlu u repreaa llm ooal lrrltati11 of nswtouudlaud rabrria utgardlum tho traditional rights uf iho i rvuch itahermaii weahall llt 1 niwrial fiuwwr lomain snawcrablo lo france hut jhf union problom will make b ralioo uodotsto in her drmaiida gtl jour icsideii field and flower scads tt a l llauistrael a aulou good aaeda 0od varieties sod prion to match v r- av v iopltably n to taliinl y irlgnlia u nlkrsu uk t th ouilp1 ilia ih i 1 i ii high i to the kt oam nltfht all fn hale a id boat last holiday tulkaa it i the ruwra nut iho i h giimu if tha 1ii0i 1 try h ho i r uf i o 1tlla re rnxluj i boi op tha blood real ore the nerves and eradicate those troubles which make tho lives ol old and druiueb palpltatli headache and nerve yioll lo this wontlerfu are bold only lu txixoa lb wrapper priiiteil in red ml box or an buses fm r of druicklsls or direct by a burden uf the heat 1 el ou prostration apandily t mi oalla 1 in- bo ll nl from i william- mello out hbuvjualnu rovv n8hih luunl trtnllllamllo la i luiu j w r- limit aolicllorj tilaok rajuoili peliliou from david cux aud a van uthors asking cuu icll to opeu the road ot tha town lino between r aquasiug and naa bbgawova opkiaito lota lft and 17 moved by mr lawsuit aeoonded by mr blowart that lewvo ba ran ted lo introduce a by law to ameud bylaw no slf pointing gversaora of highway aud lhal tho aamo be road the ttrl tune airtsd moved by mr stewart aoooudad by mi wllggleswolth thai maaaara iawaiti htaikor and the kiuvci be a cnmultteci u act with a uominilteo from navaagawsys council aud tjlamliio tlm town hue uppo alto lota 1g and 17 with the vtowuf havlun the aamo opened fur travel i arriad moved by mr liwaon sjooode1 by mr a talker that tha treaallvr icft auihoiiaed to pay tho followtug account it i whrreu ixlulliu j it i warroii advl 1 i i r s weu as eve aftor i alt ing hoor sasdparilii ouad of a oohdus dluofto 1 uai iuftrjinit trotn uliai u kihwu i m11 t illsrnae lur hit 111 iiu da sat s tlnte 1 have been uiutllc to itmllitcn mixetl ni 1 was lu bed lor uirre werkt ilurturi that hint- i hul ircclies applletl an i it rlie1 ihi btme- ni heelur hikhi fi irtiiarrilu alrtlmhl ru lliopaners i iletljim to try ft bouk- i fuund hoods sarsapanlla cures hi i hi i flulilinl uklns hilf of n hot ii 1 i 1 1 1 ii tun nktnj hie brl i 1 tint i nlii hi try nluitlirr nidi bluer i ikliin 1 io atoitl i 11 f lt as rll steve i lliiiiyll i mcinii rr toronto ihit f j j 1 rtipt and ruteleut ye u j 11 1 1 by alt ilriicrmi 3c abk your druggist for 1 in 11 irvlu 11 jan an luaalnr luau lluu jo f lk rhlukuaeoo tralit i ed i y mi wilggh mlr nu ijfl bo iw i ih 1 law u flllml i alel monat i t kg f i a i ll aily i aol the fiiil orchard 1 le formed half an i uoh thlufe imjin advanimml vietatllou aud 11 rni ll y htrawborry jaatobaa ware iiplt while wilb bluaaoms imhiik the at f ir 111 my yoara an wtrtu all klllod wtiloh inaatiia m hor matthew hwi of antotti bustuota i john helghl i men flfly year 1 inorshlp wiih ida cabinet bualiioaa llo dr oguian uf hn liiriiia ml plumt were lu full bloom and are greatly damaod pears and apploa outi with aiighl injury uwiuo m snauy pltvooa u not belli sufuclautfy ailwaiuod i rl valabla kardousrs will loaa liaavl beans ouru and potato worn klllod in ihe progress uf ilia world uf iho may urmev uf jvrewv fureijfu affairs reoele oonil lrrablo alteutlun vhe chttral f ron lb gtirasioi in wnua tho poatoouilook 111 kuropr tho alliludo uf the ptiwois 111 refarouoo ii tha armauiau blroulie ihe change 111 the hprakrraliip uf iho brlllsh huuso uf common ihe question uf wslsb disestablishment aud iho great boot and shoa ilrika in ru4iiiand are amoo thb subjects discussed mlusrtl s lisiment far kbaausi aium lei tlm lhtlrlct meeting ruluusd lat woek fioii his vllt to ialcslllie tety h beoefiltiml lu health and doh will hia trip llav g a mliuholi it a ol mil ton acorolary of the board of i saiuinrra ws an iiitoroala1 visitor 00 monday minis ferial brstuxnu uf lumt can agu w gbk i to ivolooma him thla is tha first moetiiik if ojaolph ditrlol for many yaars that iu pthar poar uf hlors has bnn abaotil ha is probably tha oldaat uolh h mmisler iu canada being uu lit ida v4tb year ai iho iuoepiiiiii of the erection of tha method ial gburoh isrsuly years ago ii juo btaveuson uf rlora was psstur his many friend bare plosaod at the upxrlumty of rvnawuin aqualulanoo tu 1 fran tho jouii murnlua- 1 llioma aiiuor jude 11 luron dtotl ju luosdav 1 hlnoaa uf two wooks ll is reported voo ooo basd or oxltla are now waitluk iu laxa and nw mdxieo to be irausfrnd to wyontuj aud montana feeding ground a l willi 1 ilru- i um rooti of william uuiiuli reslgnad john i oallo in room df tloilm mnphsrat i ir a ik nnd jthr lin iay jr 111 f huh of iharlas meradilh ml t aile motel by mr wn ih soo 1 j by mr law sou that this council do nuw adjourn to nice i on ihe i7h lust as a gout i of lie v ll on an i for nil baihcu arrtd the oouuoll llmu jj m i a cvclino metrr in4 luuaao ulaullni la aunituk bub tooilluua i anad that ih tr iklxllal iher aro youiit rldara who lve pruiulwi if devriopiiik into sadr g boaidea soor of oulbuslastlo wheal in a n who rldo fur plaaaura and nu for apwl lo all ihaas luleraat will atlaoh lo ihe aiuuuiilomcul that llio til rhumaa ilicyuo club lb saooiil uldaal if not i lit oldest olub iu tha l w a will hold a naa4 tusai ou tha queen a birthday lu 1hmj ihe gauatilan whaolinau a aasooialiou waa org tnlsod lu hi 1 homaa and thla is the oral ambitious arurt in the way of a ojolto iialhsring ll club haa attempted aluoa thatuoaai m a new cinder traok oxpeolatt to ba una of tha faataal lu auada is being until it ou trade of dollars worth uf prises will be offered sud all indication point to the marl bring tha i reals i affair uf tho in tjiotptina the w a meal frnirr wauliiim hardy native hiouk lo plant ibis lutisaavkall or bprlug may pay fur it in work we want tneu with ur without experience on full or part time balary and expense or commission write si once tor further information bsmiaa uautiisrs coutamt oulnsutai nursariaa toronto out lanniaii florida watlk ain rr i- 1 oiiai rxiiu t andkcruifcer tulust and baui 5qc 75c lqo 15q those four prices are wall worth your conaidemtloh wa do not think they can bo matched for valuo 8vo our windows for im above as well as d mens furnishings 1 d williamson co ti i wluodonnell streets uljtli n nt suffer with headacil wm 11 ou i 111 i luil 1 ubll r lw1 si ii sil iiii sui b 1 co o t- h 1 1- 1 1 o xltl i s i ill tni n hl ll l ittd k utiu f limits bloj i hiic rmhod jjih u smith a 00 dl t ensing umbmlblb jli j matdunuld bts ul lammoth house at alker mcbean fc c s111111m11vmi mil iudv 1 1 a r millinery c rubday mai a ltd following wook j v hie tuitucr one 1 11 l l-lk- thi most successful remedy for man or bkabt oarsaafja a aa ssw tt 1 i leidlllsspsfllcurt sabtaaaaa f tanwisanatamaraabr isfasca u ttirtttjjiga w leidlusspimicure n siatssspag vtar bsla by all oraorla or imii ir bfa mmirnuu comrujti- i issssussn raiia i i mswtt j wjsjilngton mutual fire insurance comoany arrasuauau isao rtmhljilanck uu mutual 1 any uuiuuiuui it fcalioo fuvwuilatl lu lur un ilua tw atapliunaajt will ttalwutnutlrsltaudaat lo r oi tayitllt isanl wer newo vvheu the giiilam iwllb j jjreaa guodu hootb ixllil silijtii dor plaood will r f the lartal and ll ui ri tj ebj luli dlirod within uiroo woaks ii iihu a ihu uiiml uf uttr ixl therefore we oau alwaya i i t 1l for the loaal n at wlkor milean t u frin ts priii its why go to toronlop la u ttts cry uow wbeu wo tan lo liltor ol uie mammoth ll blic on roltln if ihojr go lo loronui ihoy have to pay for lluir wlojo day ii simply means moor out of kh kat by ladi will iu your pocket tailoring we bavin t to trudge all over the oou ilry a illuilhtjt lata from um i hid i ibay coma lu us bonauso ihoy kn w lhm oalirvi lew dollars r lug in r otha irtnit uaand thay kliuw wlturt litet iakrlhif ami homo that 111 lisiii waaqkoiata ihoao who dal will and 1 1 are always aura lo ga lie mtt valu i their moury ask u aee the barkaliis lu urtaiu an i i ipla 1 lud to wear suits boys hull aa- lisu 1 nl- rea ly to wosr l tii j 00 agruts for tha lebrslod blaudrd i atlt ns all aud k a fashion laat kt t bull for service or foltbale no tkkspatjsing 1hk julllt i haribr nutirinil uisl no lliini hooiliiii or iwluiuiliiaiiu the crook ruiinltis thiuunli tho weal inn uf im w oast and west part f lotfl and oat rt of lot v in tba inl con uf 1 hiuealnu will l allowcl all found liillly ul trnaaalu will im rocutrd a ihe alaluts irovlittni w htahk arull a ill hill ico fur irfraaroa im itlic notke i part of iota ll in iho tt at lut aro i rolubllwl trti nntiernin cnnxnrr sat part oiicaluli nasaxaawaya lb probncnied wtxtei i tha i- utlilll nurerteaf caiiatla over till tin iiirieutui alouiaiirl tut fruit a l ii in 111 lit a ul dinan will wy you iwllor tliaii eiiaaliit ih fanu wurk houd ua your aptlleatlnu ald wo will ihiw yu htrw ui ear durum lh iimiiiri t rtle f r twrticolar htdm- i iv i- i i injtt ik omikks kam a uk ainiuh day jtjxy 1st- 1b05 hk uudorbliuad will raoatve toudara fur lbs 1 uae ol llialark for doiululoo day up in rial unlay ul juua the hluhlaal ur any sudor nil urcoaaaiilj acceptod ti101 t kloohk atwu uaytui into municipal clerk adrvinistrators notice to crhditors uf tho lto john spolght n and auouuiiit acta uial all oraou bavlug laluii afialmt llm aatau of loin hwlsbt lata uf ilia vlllaas ol aeluu lu the county of hal loo wa4ou maker dnooanatd wbu dltil ou or about tlia 13ui tar uf june immi are miuirsd ou or bafore ilia hill day of june irala to baud by post prapsid ur deliver to joaoph albart hhtht adtnlulatrslor of aald daeeassd at tba aajj ttliafti of acton a statemont lu sriitlni coulailuk their uauioa udruua and ilia letmrlptinn snd full itartlculars of lliolr claim ul toriflvd d ha ualura o llio aaeurtty if ii held by that arid altar tba 1mb day of juua ueit lbs latrator will procood to dlatrlbulo the aaaota uf ul aald oalaia auiuiitf uie imrtlo eulluad lliera- u iiavlua resard ouly ui tlio olaiiu of which lia lhau alitvli havn had notice and will ut lie liable for tbeaald uhu of auy art tlirrtwif au dls tribuleal t i mi knkui ur uiii uf whose claim lie ba n t bail notlrr at the lime uf ucb dls- irlbulluu 1m1 til u at uliutal q rocebies at low pkicks ticiitic ailunio c bhit liilvisions i iu i prl to f rasli a iv fc r i t n y adlll public will loa hi no i laiatil itleafor 111 lau toiil n miu li itul thl oouaetutull m- aiv allf i im llieaper tvud will aell rliijf i our lnek i frt ah ai i ll im 1 ouiei- who faior u lit ll n i low prices for cutf always fthluiw ill f lihohut au am3 hlll ollltlt llprr h lnamtl in i lie kllil r earns jaihlker mcbern 8tzo georgetown and toronto i the staunches i light wjiaul built ights j3 lo 2t lbs pihosshb toailo also oolumbiaa and baloona rhesa wbwli have a world wide lutu lallon ilioieaie no boltar built tl tl 1 hlawla ulill an iu mklaud ati anl u i u i ll w stark acton agfcnt fott tcto and nothwood

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