Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1895, p. 3

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afffc 4 1 8a n k of h ashctcfn wadodtiob hauiuton kmmitvi- kijki- rrfi wfianm y i board op directors fjiinhti aht ah itautfav jhav i ruallllll lei dm 1 ml to it uk uuai ii a a ii ikk toronto vm unison u i tiiitmuii 1 ueahlnr ii h mtk1hkn am ashler ii u wathon luskolur aoemotefi hamilton i barton lit hut pud alllstuii teflln itiealoy heontfllown urluiiby imurmn lucknow umton mount potest oraimrivlllo wen hound port flglti hlnicne tortintu wlagttaur britloh cortonpondonu win don national iruvlnclal llank at ku end tllt- amorlcon oorroatoondftnts wtw toil fourth national hank ami f i alio ar national llank lloato-4- internal ion al trust co ilurraio uarlnotlan- oiiw too rnatlonal luiik ot illinois anil union nsiimisl llank uaraat detroit national hank luiu cin national hank ol cowmtfrea agents in montreal tho hank ol to run to quoroetown agency oa ail aoossslbla points in ausla uoitmi mai qraat ilrltainandiliacontlnantuknrot uh moat favorable lectna bnvldfln department depoells of 1 and upwards received anil ititaraat allowed from dsto ul deposit lo data ol withdrawal btbclai dkiohith also recelverl at currant rales ol lutornat n xi iimnohtunp a so hi window shades i all color all length ara yon lh ink inn about purahastrik call in and ace our price mm ilia la teat ualgna cartaln polea all color mounted rxim plato from 0c wo atill havo some nice daaigtm in wall and ceil i n iapora from 8o per roll borders free willi nil our paper oil ub a cam geo hyndb aotonont uljc uton jvtt press tburbiay mai ii imi f uttle local brieflets which caught tha ey or ears of -norwnntr- mill aifuoi proa roportera ttnbwtoor- ahooio fwhmg parties arc now tha fad council moeiinic neat m inday evcnitik fura bave bean resurrioled attain llua weak it ia believed that hi son a plain lho grain haa beeu injured by the ftoat tbe heavy frost thia week wn o try tp bloom and ynuu plants uawrt ucqibbqii bros uft on moi day lo tak poaaeaaion of tlio lark hunan fconttown tha mercury dropped n ttiurdy altar tha tliuoderalorm fnm 7m at nouu to 48 al al p m it ia oaay to acll otl liio vlituoa ut wbioh ara lutown therefore advortiae i he virtoaa ot toot rooda tha cpaooll of tha township of nmm aweym will maal on monday j7th may u ft aotut of ravlalon tha aoow alorm on toaaday wa aa nnpraoadaol aa it wu uuwelooma a boo i two inobaa of anow fall improvamanta to many of oar bomee aad halt aorroandiofra continue to kaep oarpanlara and palnura boay tha alore ahonld knap ita advarliaitik daprtmnt buy if it axpeota ita advortia la depart wont lo knap i ho alora buay ur j crippa ia now mnnium hia iui tabu abingla mill at drown ha ill oat atock ot piua ablnjtlaa tbaro ur j j rally of riatiaviiut waa in town thia week raraovuij hi houanbotd a gooda ii a raporta bunytoaa ooj m tua line u putuville ur qeorga wilda haa in hi poaaeaaion a aplendld apeoiman of a wilq ooae aaoflht it tbo other atraat near bia roanlenoo jvraoaiaja hlaa aaby of iuiironby ikiuj liud bare the paat woek mr j j pearson ul 1 oroutu imun for a few daja this weak the family of mr w n vvlk u mitohell have raovad lo ton miaa nina miller ol 0t ii j uiaa minnie hardik laal weak uiae mabal brown of toronto i atmu tag a week or ao with friend hen- mr it hemalrect and ur liomj l of milton ware in town on ituirday mr varay of toronto pcui im- uy darink the week with rclalivea m iui miaa laaby of tihnnjloii li two u- kqaat of frlenda hor the paat wsok in i ur and mrs mado uf urautlui i b guesu of mra john l charlaa tin ek mr and mra march of llraitll goeata ol their daughter mra join 1 cbarlaa mr arthur 1 n i i pbodotfrenhlo ounoart 1ui llnuijh mi hi gu last weak viae hallo 1olcti tcal u ilo ud dapartmapt of tha iublio houool iuaived tbe aad nawa uf the death u liar broihor ur j 11 petera at m llama ii i n w 1 of typhoid mr j a liambert pruniiolor of iha mount poroat hrn rental ur furniorly man of the 1 aaa iskhm waa laal wrk clt1 adaupernilaud uf ilia mulhodul hnniiay hoboal of hia town wool wmtkk t4mm0 lh 1 ui waahed luarchantale wool tor wttioltltio hiahcat prioa possible will t ii 1 wlicn dallverad at the uarkol lluur ioorkotowu dal oarly llmi it will u all m 0 end of june wu u i koi tha knou waalu maoluoc ufactured in liraotfixtl n ih bul waaurr athdmfi montly of ldtial character and evorv ham lntroatlna a jtrw ml r irk llaumr mr donald uana baa ruturnatl to xoton from hillaburif and in now pnrafiod in building a roaiilnnoo for hinlitilf on ilia farm boqui of tairy iako it will ho a vntirt rod itirfa rot brick j j iawanti baa thn contract mr mnnn intcinila to work hia farm imnaolf nazt yrar nrwk ut iha hurahem i ho ncit mooting of liiolpb ireahylery will bo held in oh timer glliiroh noal tuesday ihth may tho annual oonfer ahce cl the ryiiotl of toronto and kinnilon opouod al raifovilla monday itov j w iltaiaatundlnh hov j e howell m a wfll preach a apodal sermon to younu tnon nnat kundny aveiiint tha laafol aid eerloa of lpwov 1 i veniiika will bo held by tha iioaune next monday oven inh it will ho in tlm form of an at homo out couhty is ookccf tho foilowinn figures which inolad a atalcmant of groaa rccaipls aalarioa and allowancea of some of tbe most important poal omoaa in halton are ken from thn an tint honorl a rjtorl for ilia joaf end itik 30th juna lhui oroaa recoipu oakville 11105 g i georgetown ijhtw hi mluoii 13703 01 anton tiflttl m bur hntttou 9iiux1j1 norval f ibo it dronta jh14 ampballvillo isho 10 nasaaga afkya jjm all the total amount of poet office ravenno for the year waa ii 041004 m ald for aalarioa and allowances tigj mil hi quevtt iflrthttny cctcbrmtlaa tho joint oommilto of tbe baao ball club and acton cornet band promise tbe followinjt alt for friday iuhjuftj in aolon calithumpian parade at j a m lacrosse matoii aolon vi ulon williapia al 10 so championship base ball match aolon va campbollvillaat b p m bicyola ilaoos half mile open buys under vi i mile open to all 1 miles open to all t miloa open lo all foot ilaoca 100 yard w0 yards half mile tub and boat raoos for all of which euilable prixoa an uftrrod aolon jornol band will bo proaeut durlnij tho day and will rovtdar an attracliva proyrammo of miiaiu in tha oven i uk a popular entertainment will bo fflvon in the to wit hall cpcrai pmmmgtr by tit there worn several degrxx 1 lt operieuoed in many rta of li taio on halurday and 8 u inlay r luwera fi uit troea and weketablea wore una aaaaon rush rd on by l ho gonial aun and kindly ahowera tfniirihav werfnmuitnijb dfortibt ywm by a weak or two overconfident garden era in many oases trusting that ihe oold winds aud fruat wore all over for a season planted out early vegotablee and del lea lo flowers that for some time yet aboold be under itlasa monday morning thoy found iha plot of refutable and dower beds blackened by froal tha plum and pear peach aud grape oropa aro aluioot ruined tbe usual june frost has coma rarly and has done greater danrniie hail il could possibly do at ita proper hmo mfe lir vatnn m mirmm mauy of our rmtdara will rciuambei th soul alirring address of llov dr paloo tho voucrable iniaiionary to the tow hobridoa iu kuox hurcb aamo lime ago dr pa urn has arrived at tha soeuo of his labors again and a latter lo the press tails the result of hik efforts during his tour lie says you will bo glad lo bear that from my roooul tour in america and groat britain i was used of god ao to draw forth the liberality of hia people that he otiablod mo to baud over lo our church and iiiiaaiou nearly iju 000 1 30000 on my return including t j 000 toward tho support of the new miaaldu vooaol as well aa a aubaarip hun of t3 000 to bo paid yearly by hria liati moods for the saroo purpose i had joy in a working fur jeaus my chutili and illusion and of getting ihe sympathy prayers and help of very many of ills dear servants in all braoohca of the uhurull to whom i fool fo rover grmleful hew ire at 111 to a aharper is wurklug auuvswfullj uumber of tha oaataru towns hia mide of procedure says an ei change is to visit a furuitura slora first ulllng a story of betug newly married aod select a supply of furniture sometimes totalling h00 worlli request tl a bill elating his iutan tlou uf rot urging shortly to settle and asks to be dlreotod to a jeweler piano dealer or hardware morobaul the first plaoe ha viaits after making tbe first purchase ha lells tho aaino tali shows the bill of bis first luvestmouta and reuoata ihe location ot another placo of busiuaaa b ta la searob of ha show no oulu of the realm with which to pay hia ludebtaduoaa and dooa not ask ihe doll very of ilia gooda after maklug a tuur he retarus to one of the slurea where he thluka be oall pull tho pro priolui a tale ul money in tha bank dooa duly bul aa i lie bauka are cloved ho la willing u pay in uhnfuea in making uut the bhrur he suddenly dislaa a small sum uf muui and after oouatiud it re marka ho la shurt of euou to meet inul dental espouse aud plead with tho merchaiit tu adaiiod lilll l0 ui fh which he will incluje ii the ulirue i iforo here hi i f ii aiohai lo at lbs world s tall and waa auooeaafdt h taking iho first proiulum aud goll medal for aale by jubo maiibowa willow euol ac too tua ilin t uhh lho hurao raoos at goorgelowu on ho ilili promioo to be even mora suuoealul than those uf furiour joara 1 ha irck iha re la in tlrm ctasa ooiidluou au 1 llio aollaui kiand stand aud rounds make it waeiblo to willieaa iha ovaiila willi ureal pluaaum the calithumpian heioi will be a wonderful affair aid ilo laoroa- mud bao ball malohsv of oieihaoordinr luieroat tbe ouiumltlre ara laid al work ui bar tfforl to make lb dy auooealul tbat eiary bol lltat ko- will bo delighted tho railways gl ingla fare kd gum i3rd ln 9lih aaj rsluiuii hji to jutb ailv jut lii llau i i hta rriieat b amount lor it afterward u the lolhiw ha bauk aoouuni whauvitr ii lie d wa util lie baa ihe sallafactlo ul iiiium boalnraa aod still tatainiug itoabas lun it the kuoda lbs sharper la fairly will dieaaod hud of n undenlablo 111 born la appaarauoa jla signs the obeiuea a win mckay nasbaqaweya ngohd0tho0t nnwb- nawa uornn bupplisd by corr pondonta and cxahanaoa crtijwaonbconncna a few from iter attenderl the- holiday- j bcliwl atinlvcraary held in fdrn mills on htiuday 7io frost anil cold wave did a great doef f damage lo tho spring grain and fruit crop iii thlsdiatrict mr j as mourn iif- i onmui isl loif fuuiida ho for a tow days last wink miss lixxie tlcmau i ft on monday fur toronto afti r spending k faw monlhs vary pleasantly al hf home linre i he following change sfiould ho made in connection willi tho list of ndlcu- of tho t of it as given in lasl weak a mrres poudonce mr nioholas i or boa pc and mra j as clark i 1 9 llmehousb i the saw mill has been running fur a tow days the last uoek iha loronlo ilnio o an very busy just now about f0 worn in attendance al uioopcn mg of ilia preabytarian h h almoal all of iho small irill in re wn destroy od by monday a frost those who intend to try iha m trance oxamliiatlun una year are lakluu an hours c tils study every punning ii is reported llial mr joint nqwloii and family ara about lo romovn to hanua where he haa gone into buaiiics wo wiali mr nowlon all am roes ut hi now anlerprisu a8hqrove tha song service on hunday afternoon waa enjoyed and wo will have more of thorn tho eaoellenee m tlto work dnno by mr hugh maaon with his new oom h fly shuttle loom is bringing him many customers ha is sble to weave considerably over twenty yards per day but attll cannot keep up with tho rush tho bona of temperance will hold an open meeting on 1 rlday evening and an onjoyabln time la oxpoclod good lajont lias ben engaged from mil inn georgetown and other places members of lliodimslou will render oholuo iuimic and lho pro gramuio will close willi a abort farce enlilled ihe humors of lho hlrikr three caudldatoa vvoro mitialod on i riday ev oiling kulkwuou b others au living lah hlii pleased with hevmr goldet pastor cllt i i li i tu i bi1 alrrfury says lliaihtlim ol praise in t halinera huruh huuday waa cot dueled by mr mcphall of naaaaga ways whose leadership waa much apprccl a od in the evening hia solo tbe holy i uy waa rendered in a manner not aftoallad in guolpb for mauy years aud mtt john olbbu ford bicycle has lieen forlod by urcsaltig orders to go to brantford tu give his orders in parson as from tha great demand for ibia wheel it is almust lmoailile to got arlioela at proaeut ihljso who are foiccd lo do without tholr wheels can atloril lo an thoy may be aasuml that whan iha whoela arrive thay will bn worth having tha direolora of the 1 ramoas tural bociety are luprotiug hid ith i ruck in tho exhibition gruuuila and ii will be it good condition for tho annual lthlbltlon the oast improvement ahould be a cm lor path for the bicyclists tho iuid suap w hvc i strange aa the hot weather of lasl meek mra 1 weal is spending a tow week with iter berlin friends mr m p barry haa euiil luu montreal where ha had boci atuudii g iho fuuoral of the late judge baity milton m j a uoaoou p h 1 ha l t i au hupatintandent of the metuudla bun day ucbool he waa ireaeiiled the othoi evening by the blblo laas of whl h ho waa for eight roars the leaul or lth a oomplmietitary addrea an 1 a kory hand some btbl h rlday nalivoa aud old til o esldt lie u ibe zimmerman neighborhood will hold a ra union at tbe old action house nnuiernau ou dominion day pla fuilslou of ilia 57 th bait formerly of iho tlb will be a member of the bialey team this year and goes to upland lu sntor tha competiiiou john h hbielda of neleuu had douih down ewe tbat gave birth lo two lauibn uu 23rd of april bjth of which died in iwu days and one weak after tho aaitie ewe gave birth lo two additional lambs both ej which are living aud doing well chum piua lh luiyai leioulars ur b ldu u euterteiomotl lu tbeir hall uu evenin ihe axes uf throe of iha ooiiuiiuiiiuaiii al iraoo i burcb laal ri morulik aktfretatxi j go yoaa i wu ware god kl years eaob aud lho third ho david craig haa sold his lum a ijl w king straet lu ur 1ch taiho of mrs g a heinalraet of lurouto mra wu itobaon and family i uti toars re id on la uf milton removvd u 1 ur onto last eark wbora thoy inland lu inside buhl i no rtitm t potting lu u uuuuulilt uioh toll diid to la sunk lu tari ma iai ta uf iii lllaire loi ue purpoea of tire utjlio 1 he largo uoi at the fortor of llilil ailil alei atreeu capable of holding 1 i mmj alluiia has beeu finished there will bo five uthera thruumhout tl o tillgu at a jilanu ot 1oo0 foot aparl with a oapcly ul 111 ouxi galluus now thai the villao bai lxou provided with hi inu h lire irulroli i au tam pa mr mrpball a tilth class uluger lie haa a icnor auloa of real dompav teiy uipalhelii and of aopsrlor iiuallly i bo audden chauuo lu ilia weather haa put iile a different look on tha arops ihe froal uu hunday eveulug lias damaged the fruil crop aud soma of ihe pear iroaa wore blal honed also the beech treoa lu the formes n ii umi rearttttioatriflr m net a auuw storm at this lluis uf tha y or the hal is that looked groan a weak ago now look iiullo white with ibe snow ihe patrons of industry of bloomsbury association and tio patrons uf biveralde rtcenod a car load of salt for oscll lodge tin saturday laat from tho ontario hall work at hiuoardlue mlaa ii iiinah jepaon of knalcbbull la laid up wilb oougaailon of luelumra 1 lie fuses are playing bavuo amoug the ton i try yards lu thia violuity mr n i mrs ksmp uf hden mills oolelrstod uieit goldeu wedding anuivar sary u i woduoadsy evening uf last weak a moot ruyabls ovoiina wai tpeul pure mapts syrup al ai llama traala aotou it ia f armors in ska rt hu lid be made tu ba aura nee rale rednted 1 he oonoci t lu lho loo i evouiug laat hit lor hie si firo brigade waa high cun vv p spoili convention flrnt convontlon undor thrt auth ority of ouolph prabhytory ihn flrt chriallui ritidniwr tmv ulioii iiudnr hi i niiilinrity of the proahtirv of gilulph was hnhs in luupulur ofi 1 usdu- thn 7ti may anil yii- a ixiit nnrr our both in rtgitrd to thn minium pim ul and ihn manner lu which tin nuljolt appoint c for c imlieriitioii wire nrimntel by thn ilitrnnt imulir jiol ndrvrd iliaouaiiml by tin n n himtuiim in nduti avnry iim luty lu roiiniii lion willi lougrugu lioim in thn ikiiiihih wh nprlnmtit tn iuiiiiu tnsos hotural dt h gittt s having iodic ihn itov pukmill pihh i at tha forenoon and nfti rn miii iiihiiiilh nnd tha bav ri hlrslfvit b a pistur of tin i bun i in wllhfi tho ini lingrt w r hold in ihn avium ami both rlmbliargml tl oir dillhii in it huniit manner mid inntntiii ud to uiu inter h of thn promliu iii thn foruihmin mihh i ivilli inuotlutui liu aiibjituf mihi1ii uuikih in w f n i nnd levnloprd in a rimy papur full of wihu biiugnutioiih ami rtuiarhh 111 ihn nftmiomi mr mullau took up thusulij what shall i do for my own iinroh mr atkliuon i h relation of ihn pimlor lo urn hoclety mr ifthfnrd lint inure can we do fur our shaouiatn nieinlxrs than wo are doiug fdllowikt by mr j 1 mel arm aud mr hmitti fhnwdby mr m iiniort aalili tial i i the moral arthtnibly at ihn iimiiiii uioetliig ihn pojfltnltluh of the ho lty waa intnutui oil by mr uae imports n stnt in wure riad in lotulciiaod nnd olnml lied form and ihn cloiuij adiirchh wna given by dr lhcknon i he diurtlit uxnkurh prune ntui tliu subjects asaiguud thum in sn able manner koeping up tho allfltiluui ot thu hoarura vir iakinjfyiarl tn ihi ticiisaion sliowml their doti inlirrut in lint ixnnlh raihiil rho meetings tliroulliuul wr uioit uur cmaful and an ajiplu ill in v ill bo nut in lu the pnabyturv lo spmiul a miliar cjii veulion next year a pronihul wsa tnnih winch is under r iitstdi ration for thu hock ilea in lho bouudii to mule in biipiwrtin a fortlgn nimsionary for a term of yinrn grosl i mill la dun ti th o in limp li having ihurm of tin itnrt itmnts f r ihe rent ptl in of delnuatni f t ihn h lnpltullty nutndwl tu thihii ufcohct fowm r hl lib ilaynd a flit ndly oti uh iln c ulld lul l ixiolph wt 1 i mm iln 1 in a tie j h each i ly hid urn on for about it tl itilllllton w iilii u vi d jcd il uiutaiii it hnw duf not qt j tho game as play wnn rctiiuncd after iho rain had aloppud on a vury nuildy h und aud a ury heavy ball which ktvpl thn teams from doing any kind uf uoihiunii u work ror tbe collcgiaia julu a u 1 oliiu and 1 ill did good work mihik ui i in 1 hutluu playcil a good h lul rgr aaauoiatluu ol nu 1 he lnil ulll be held and btreeta uiganikod f ir th no i in hit following oltlurrt i ia j o linc ul ager ii a t lloo apt horl aubll heo iroaa a ii mtl uutirll t u i ii 1 hownon w cilluiri luv d a m lr u 1 an i ii heuul 1 a were b ill iitul l hi hirtaul oouferouub cumoiilica al ihn ii irlul meeting at a hon lllla week a happy eddlik tuuh lilm i il t irsldenee ot win ainju i a jo o town on tuesilay evening i udei thu in aiinu strains r the wed lu nrl ih brl lo ami groflui louk lliulr plains midir a haulaniue aioh i ovot and lluwea lhebrldr mlsa may amp wua tastily bridr mlsa may i art u wus laslilj cl and aaisled by her 111 mia ha ml jul it hi all creditable tu ihe ul whou w ounslder iha ltioha stock ua ut ituillugloii ll tfoudxill uf llic n by ur i linker t w mhi lait llsv selectl madge audersou aluauliouiat did ei uuually well aa did alao mrs hoater iha burlioguia jiiarteltr now sidewalks aro being lal 1 lo ka aarta ot the village uu hunday juuo ind tile 1reabylii will bold a jubilee that dale bcliiil 1 co h annivursary arrauttriueiita wll completed in a tew days whan full pari lara will bai uiada publto i ho huuday huloul of ua i rnsl yte church have put lu a new library com log of over joo volumes lho huuday huhoul auuiteraiy melbodlat burcb will be held ie bath tbe sermons will bo pr lr alfred day uf luruuli music will ba given by a special uh tbe b b orchestra chant nf llamiltm lho ternn rloi ly hot 1 rll a m m after a auuptuota repast tha couple wtut oasl on lloir wed in i hk ueltlved the pto at aunlit 1 iwa on m ly 7 i i deteiiuk p 1 le by aellli a vllil outnpvuud wluuli he ktpieaule 1 1 bt lluol hareapanll d waa kel lei c1 by judo maty lu 1 no yuar f bai 1 lbui 111 lho iowa a late peullout aiy llui luelhods wore thoso ol a limoliii fakir llollal boon travolliik uiliinuli mix in ntbiakaaul 1 w liikl h lai u i a day r ul t u ii nili toun anil lepioai ill k liliuaelf an an ail uk aalai s ii n i 1 ii ud t uud sh hia 1 tluu i uoo dullar ur fiti nl m i ll giving with naoll jalo sal iun lib w til lea aril loa iliaebi or i law 11 iowa briiue ausplli us slid saoci lalilll g fl il a di tihtrial thai iloi a ximp ui i ws t hoods harwapanlla but merely coi lt ad i ho a rfalt i j lie- i il t abir doalm in- htllnjnr nr iutmu1 mini ilriinlrt nil tilliris lip kajh i havu for jisra imtoii n lauffenir fruui fory auverw bilious and noiiralgln htsdacht n and i liitvo triad many tit nils of medlijn nnmn with very fair rr siiiih bill bikiul a yunr anjutd hlark n pnwih ra mill have slnro thoti iuuusilrd nil iiltiir runnilias aa 1 found liny gnvn immndiale anil irfnot rrtiuf h llrlouer h inkvnrir im rrlisitl el mayor i ulowol hlark a 1ivdirii for noalivrtxss auk ui i nervnim hotuilio iiiiioikih n nnr algla ihn atoimih an i livtr i wn iile pnraliuna in nncl hoi nun to lake luiiikdlate a i r i hold hy al i ihngglau ik r ihxob 01 up to date way of com- ductiwc a cartct peii to dye not to dye t iljir ilr ion l i irr dii ixttcf- un 1 m rle1 rhshtry nnd rnljirc ihe hr nihil kt uf i you i well vd i mnui r lo pnrrliou a nlne of diamond dyes i i rem in c ill fkincu in ihrr color miking n i w dress for ten cunts ditmorltl dyes arc mads for homo 4ia ahsoliilalu mlinhln arty colon i el ma mr waller 1 h u la i ml jaiiith jbertaui dun i iu 11 ul u 1 alharim dmppe i dnsl aflei midoltc loo ui bb al tlb ml h ho k whi j 1 ilal 1 le bjjbl veil uockwtxhl powders tuir sick hcaoachu neufalsi bargains viulw si 1 nmn kllc 11 i linn i ixirttiin puicu nw ls 1 i iv iii i oilipll ll i 11 1 i rnnl the i i l plub i 111 1 nil l1 vnl i hoult i ui mmi il 1 i m till v itll ml l i i v kan 1 1 iij uviihl 8oilny lluy will it lira 1 35 bt u ll i o 1 1 pi ii jl oi t i da u llled j iii hlrlpeasn j rheci h rgr1 t in all abuul u jloce all w h puio aid 11 u alett black go js lau khul 1 hecla i auo l hrnk i motlltxl 1 woof 1 iietl plaiu rierhes reihiii ilenrlellbb in all about 1 i pieces i o l llll wmk h1 al v i lliunri ii y u waul ilrat all illd i ilia a luc ti l v11 ace i i al ll al o ei niini a to uul hi auk m ul hi ao i warin good ihty bav r lew nvaln 1 bt y ait 1 low niultl goods leiuv i not ao on llt linn fln a ap6ts home de fr tho lohhei vhotenslar his f imi lis in ppi ihlhvtas thninurlii of lo n rifrj ul btialnn ilcru wuiili hatu yuu tobclieve that thu up tn data way nf conducting a carpet business ia in buying a few piaffes rn in 1 orohtn compelling thn snh nitons lit ho madn fruiji a limilod slock aud paying a profit to tha toronto l ihn purnhaaiug puhlin ahould havn ihn wnelltiif homo add tu ibis a ram0 uf samplrs loaned jiy ihsjr toronto onily magiilty ihtir slotik ruusidnrcd lo he all cnturprsliig and up lu dale mulhod lun or twenty years ai bul in this progressive aga when day htnl y nhrday and tr trior row bealh in day it is looked upon aa ancient itip van wlrjklo way of conducting m it ih unliiur way w claim wo are up lo dai k iahy liiainli wo impoitl dlltfi i onnseiiioiitly saye our customers iha wholeaalcrs profit wa aalectaur carpeta frbm ihe nulls nf auch n unwind mamifaclurers ss btiutons and whillalls of kidderminster and john croaaloy a sous llalifaji kiurlaid so 1 w ft i hlonue now york and philadrlphiawjha produalh oj whose looms have a world wide and deserved reputation f rwellence of tsl nc riohnrss and dural ihly nf color novelty and beauty of design heiiutdlltlt i impoitl hb buying fur cah and ilia large voulume of business transacted in thia department com p tiling uu to replenish our stock sosson by season affords us the advantage of offering goods containing now ideaa in dealgniug ami iiliir comhinatinns at thn inwml poeaibln price confistenl with quality in visillug oor carpot room which is the largest and ihhi lighlnd in trmkity easy of access being on iho uroupd floor yon are not invited to look upon a crude oa meet inn of ritiuainu from past beasonsuut a bright now stock aelocled with groat oafe and ahrawdnes- i inn m rimj rising over 100 rolls rroelvad this briiyaeu at brussila x llrusscu lu motuellth axmtusur note some of our prices s ht velvet pilo roaslcy 11 1 wilton i ll wlllon i 00 i hemp 1 r 1 s pes try ivrs raroful study from ua is how wo oau i paht nud are atill plauuiug slid thinking i lfi wool c c 1 m woulki huper 1 i o lclolh loo up i linoleum j to op i carpet h weepers 15a up j coc hoc ijjo up ooo up vj 7 customers ralisfaclorily in evorv detail we have g b ryan co gfcuelpn no second irilc worth i lit in l uvly nrnisnis in n ai n vullli si i bl i a 1 11 j until irmly irimino1 w j- hlisdea al s slialtflil llacouu f 11 i 1 ir kill inch uakra i hem juil that uuich ihe tl apoal 1wu1 iii iiltlh uu u ikyi t bulling t t t the l hah und iphuialva liu atipall allll lua lahr 1 lwt- j an u bliina 1 ll vr al a alo iv all 1111 ayleu iiuii 1 a oom 111 u 1 plll scrofulous s uro e r bollert co ib ana 11 wjldhauiuuool oublpu on r ht thg right house tt pilriutolu 111 koixi domiij w tiowuiu miiqoil took of lho llmt novllim in knoy t- f d ir wy puvtrl slk bonhio llh oholc hnill from 1m u m bojmb n h 11 1 uil gl llii i bom cult jrwl olhr wlil urooloj bill uulor mhr in plip il i hilk nrl will iuiuu hsndln lo mloi 1 vry rewobl prion bo lho cil lot ol pinoy wbiu bilk lrwl 1 niul hk min ii hmililiu iuip 1 lu lid tru hhat 8ilkn j bon ilin blmk bilk ii i buii i ll ili i vnoly lo rulcot iron ih w ol mii on aarnlooj ulolory lo llin pnrolinor mantles at reduced prices inimi wo nvor lid uili chrniiiik vmioty of tboiiood m hown ihi i i ltovit n lrformd lolh in illok lid olor c mulo nf bilk nd bllr banlly b d i l i u k iid uo i t wrmor wollior cpr for ynn mrnod ud elderly lwli ro 11 roprcmiiu u proloion inii ihon h inntlru bio boon ronnood in prion bumo cpea formerly llo 50 roduocl in tlo uthera form irtlrrrlllnlwlj j i li rodno1 to 11 1 117 po lo ii j ope lo id m bhwrwuibtn rend monoot k a moobu in nl bhltl wi p niinrna 1 ulo 00i1 cm ail worn lu lna hown lu vrioty ol elvlca pllornnrt ahulra now lylo in clnri llton bkirt- 5 s oil n brd doainn llw rial nf lho 1c uailkb imun1 wha1teih lb0 v now jiwi lreh nw lilok nd nvy hlue bero bkiru alim ui elonl umirlmiil oiiliporlod wrppora in fnoy doiin lao lu o abdo to pok ol now uo1 plro1 lock lllla k liui nd llou i will 1- nd nlbi mtbln ouvhoustook i- i lunbloudn mfslorfor deijnrtnoul nolior nd will proiiiy clir lo your noro1 rilwy iu in oili buicllup kiirunlood llll ilkllil hi l i riirnr 11 ii mil 1 my ii hzlio- a fcj 1 a a jjw 1 lsi ti iste1n henderbon co lu with hi wiu oik h ten 111 iliiu who do tiuiliiii uiklun ounli lly uu i look olliliikc rur lid io wurkluu 1 r i1hi 01111101 by liumlr to 1 ud in od mini ikrlool hunt ov uuilun imi 1 i i uy wink 1 ollioi i i lol clvo i rln ifluolph ll it1 mrulinu iu phinult guolpl w n 1 ll hill i 11 1 i ihk llll i i ii i- i i uv i 60 4300 lidja jkj wuik mill ko ulrli rutulvo bot1 ultoulloi good aimortnioit ol trunk and vullniu m wll 11 vms mill st actoh acton saw mills mi onii urn i i tz nl gowl i i ii i ii i 1 i v t uullll 11 in r- ill l ult i licioe curtauib i liuu pli lullll lali i h t t pu ktil ii till wllk uu i 1 i i liu m lit liit lilt all hii parasolc i i i uiii ii i 111 i mil d a ii ii 1 1 ui i u 11 boyt tii il i i k in w u i null ih lie itol ajkub furiiibb p i l ulnl 1 1 ii in ui i tik i mn ilu mil i ll t ll umlll is will llflfi us slllll if i s i ills si i our ll t ullil l 11 i ji j i unl tin newest tilings in u k i 1 1 iii in hiili mil mm nl henderson db l oui mis slum imiin thi sum i c tin itu in can h ti iiihi hies of all 1 kitli i n im iliin nt v foi wi in buunil lo lead the lie i ii tl jhms browvit hanlwotal ajri kbs oul hove leiuu ala fp to date qoods nc hats duiilops lulst new straws tho neutisl new coloitil skirts t clioice new suit hiss ami ibeiroulnigs speciiill nlauiiilihl slnrts al 50 rents r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 00 upper wyndham streot cuoiph v jl -t- j 4-w- ut

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