Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1895, p. 3

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tf v v j lit sank of hamilton mnad orricb iiauiitoh ilkskhlk pvvh totai aulti s73 000 mmuihij board op directors ohn ktijaiit 1 rtnloixit uiim 1 noirtm ukl a iii ki ituronu a i iiviihvy iro irml 1 vu tlltiu u 1 tl unhtllntmltlnr- ii h htki ml- n at tsahlar i u wathon hoitt m aqencteb llauilllun illertaunlt haai i- n i alllut i lerlln ci onliyjutorco low i orlnsl y i litav uckuow ftllllnii mount kornal orlijpvill iwau hounl tort rmgin tuutaoe tomul british oorroapondunlo 1onllon national i nvliihal it k dm sol i id amarloan corrt pondanto nnw vurk fourth national 11 nh mn hanover national ilsuk sumito i h torn i tin kitruatgu hurnij martou hal tun am nations itenk of illinois au 1 1 ii ion nation hank uxntoit detroit national hank ttajlaas tin national hank at coiiiuierra agtfnto in montreal the ok of toronto qjuoroetowtfauency notes discounted snd ulvtuoo ilsd on ault able seeurluas collections made drafla ought an i vol aa all aooesslblo puiuts lu lanads ijraiiml hu m n mai li a ii most favorable term savings dapartmont deposit ol 01 anil upwards rncnivwl an interest allowed from lain of daoalt lo lata i withdrawal slltdal upiohith alao received at currant rata of internal n u liwnobtosr annul gbuhub hyttds jewellery store houtri kuici quouns and hnrlta a splendid lock of wehlnm n 1 ii rllday present watches clock a jo wo i lory ami spectacles kepaifiiig in oar huo promptly duut harties itoksonablo borne ureal bargains in wall 1 era window shades ilurlaiii pule 01ykwb a cai i geo hynd8 aoton ont ffibc tton xst rrss tiiuithday mai t imj t little local brieflets the news at home montlyoi n local char no tor find bvorvl lm ltuaraurta unmet m u lmhmar jr lttnrtmllnn tlio cinoiinaii q iho woman mulotnry hncluty of llin jiiclph didnrt will u hell it tho maltiodist buret a tun mi llniruy jtitmi jjlth an in t n aliif icaximuin of missionary ad iress i with reairfa from llio various miliar ion of ihu ilialricl anil other misaionary iiilelllkcrioo will imi fiifen tina com on linn will nodoiilil nlvj an impolua to ihn wiimtith mlraioniwy hootuty here wliigti iiah jiial c ofud ft auooomful yoar a leetttf by ur mr kmntnn tim lll ai i f thn moihodtat cliqioli lavn irniel will htiv a ii iuiii for ina 0inr i ml urn uriou i o pta ami thmr i nrioaiiy ip bo jnli ornl on tuea uy evnniiit i ith juiib thn many who hitanod lo lua able and sarnail lermona and eiliortationa durinrlha mimmiibj aerviooa laat novambcr will ftll b glad of uieoppdr lunity aftorilod of haarlnk lilm again and rcnowmg fiiendattip rav kir ilanlqn la at prtiafiil laliorinit at whitowater wla continue utm httocoaful work iho odor loh syixi nvi bunday ovonint tlmrn waa ap intaraallni aarvioa in nnrlhmt mniluirimt flm hn ri neiqhu nhw8 now itorps buppllod by cprrua- pondanta nncl exohnnaort tho aornioii aomo llurty m amber joiued tlio oliurdli and wora heartily waloomod hj ilia paalor and ol a as- load era on bohalfof iho oflngriation the influx ia largely iluo lo thn rnvival ml on in jannary and i oliruary lofttjlhor with a number of uowcomor lo town who joined on oartill ojc nnrih a mwthnrfht nh ntidar inblto holiday to morrow thn prico of paria iccii h i i ii j qnrrti a weal her la howtl fur to morrow the warmer wnthci in o jujo i ioi the cold wave tbe lerracra at kti m i uj l bean a railed and aodded the frame for mr dcoe lull now hoomi on park avenae la up the coort of lleviaton fui aul 111 be htrhl mood ay trd june hie ico aream crop haa im ijly froxen up the paat week or ao the tidm and i- porta hem tu i unuw will ba inierwitunr aud enjoyable tbe froat laal bnnday niht uol o diamatrona ai thai of tho week be on th old knox church proparty on lfaio alret la offered for aale by tender george bulham will play ihla aaaaou with tba olympic lroaae laub milton a oar of emigrant paaaed through acton on monday for the weatern slalea bobaoriben who do uol rtoalve ibeir paper ragnlarly will ploaao notify u at onoa eaqueaing sunday boliool coovaotluii al union church above ulenwilliama lo morrow mr a o haavou ofakille leoenily fall heir to 0 ooo uirougl the deal uf an aunt in englaod the concert lo morrow t lyhi bj iho bima itioliarda ramily will be a varied and enjoyable treat bnniay buutink aud nhiiii are j ro hlhitad by the game lawa cor lain aiorta men will do well to note tlua fact the draytou council haa inalrublod tbe oonalabla lo have- every boy arraatod and fined thai ia aeen mutilatiuk tlio ahado tree aotou a public pirk ia looking very pralljr jnal do a con aide table number of ah a da tree could yet bo platiiod to advantage mr jjaxh mllabell ol fern- lia beau gaetid clerk of the hourth diviaiou court of wallingtoo id auoceajjuu ui iho lata t w thorn paoo judging from the crowd of hjmjiui attcodtng i be praclloa gamea at the park rach e van log old time inter oil lecenlred in baa bail tfaia araaon falrview gamelary aoutiuuta u an t many viallora when the caretaker com plelea hie work on tbe pallia aod dovoa the general affect will be rauoli enhanced a iardeo iarty uoder the auapioea of tbe ladloe aid of lloalon huroh will be bold at tba raeldenoa of mra jamea home lot 10 con i haueatug ou tbnra day evening june 0 anything new or liat atmui imm u day aaked the enquiring ollluu l m plaoa where rapaira were lu progreaa tho other d voa wu the reply thai paiut youre icanluk afiaiuat leriaaunl by law no u aaya that uo paraon ahall throw or pile cord wood ou any euval of tbe municipality uur loave any vehicle upon he atroata thereof la ihla by law anforood in every oaae 7 tba member of the aahgrove method iat choir drove lo anion iaal thurahay and peui vary enjoyable day with f iienda tiere a aplaudid group photograph of tho choir waa taken by arttal ilamahaw lha al homo of the i puitl i eetue on monday eveulug oumplotoal llio aar tea uf the three mouth ihla auter taiumeni like iu predeceaaora waa well an enjoyable aooial ovouiug waa the youlhe who peratat in amatiiuig feuoe picket aud damagiug dower gerdona will hod ihemaalvoa auhjocu ot tho lueve a reward of iii for ouuviclluu uuo of tbeae floe i morning if they do nut deaiat iboir lawioaaueaa the cbriallati endeavor buciely uf kuux cbursh haa arraugod fur the lecture of iu v birachan u a o jjoapeler lul b wtm o ii i lev j idup aeema to have takon a for ward movement of eons derable dimen i- mquttutnit h s con vm lion ttin irnsrkmma for iho townahip hon day kclionl ouvonlon to be held in lha 1rrab terien church all nion tomorrow ia one which will internet those engaged m rtunday hahool work vary much tho topi a from the opening till the cloae are uf a prartmil character and will hepreaenl nd by lad to and gentleman actively cngai cd in thn important departmentof church work ihn frumde al uuion will enter lain all ah attend both at dinner and le and ihla will afford an enjoyable opmir luiiliy i r r mial inlercourae a iood out i n i fr mi act in trill hkuly drtvo alton 1 odgn no mi7 a 1 w i a arranged with tho lownand hhakttf rien rouiiany fur llieir appcjirance in town iiall on monday and tuesday juncflrdand 4th 1 hia well known company will appear in ac4tioa from the following rrorloirti of noted tragndio cumodlca and drama the merchant of mice king hichard 111 othello mattwth iho hone moon the h hxil if hcaiilal ihioale run i damon an 1 1yihian lltlln toildlokuu- a dead hhol a day atler he hair etc handsome and appropriate costiimra and atago acltinga will be used at each per formance an onuanal treat la hero oflrrtd for tboae wl o enfoy tie mirtrajal it fu the jjncea tin mat cua the joint corn mi tie uf the bail i j uase hall lub ha- secured iho iiima lucharda b amll of eulertaiuera tor queen a itirlhday ovnmiig in ibeir unt jue artialic aud varied drawing room entertaininout uuder the dlatliikulahod patronage of their hxoelenctea the govor nor unneral and 1 ady aberdeen thla talented family provide a anperlur pro gramme it oonaiats of aouga duet la and iubrtela bumoroua ong aud roadinm lad lea niandulln aud hultar urlela banjo and alriug juartela viuliu aolne wand and dumb bell exordia poutomimo action archery drill sword drill aud fouolug also poalug in creek ooatume each of lha six member uf the family supplies au import anl individual feature a delightful even lug la lu anticipation ood iurro imturim lu apite uf iho acknowledged ltliiiieaa uf cjueeu v louiria preparallaua for the wurld wido oolebraliou uf her birthday to morrow uo uuder way and tbo publio oelehralluii aud loyal obeervaooe of tho event aill be in uo whit decreased over paat suuivoraarica at every british naval station at every cuuaulate wherever the tlag of i nglaud file in every oolony whorovur union hearts beat the auuiver aary will bo duly honored itoominj will accompany the aun in tho pira uu which the sun i s loyal oltlaooa will not i ll la evident fjrom the and withal th oolobratiun will lie the mure jteoeral from ittj knowledge that lu the natural ouurso uf oveula those oelebralious cannol be many more iu number the cerebration to morrow t verylhlug la it readluoaa l tit imuran a lllrthday oalabratloo to niotow i he coiniiittee of a clou corn i hand aud the iipper llaae ball club are well able to au per i n tend the programme thoy have prumlaod tho publiu aud an eujoyabla day ia looaod lor cjuoen weather will no doubt bring cruwda of viaitora 1 tie baao ball match la a fcatute in whioli inucb l li lor oat ia oeutred being tbe luitial natch under the schedule uf halloa t uuuly liaguo a well ooulealed game u looked fur lha lacrosse match will also afford au lu lor eat in k event uu the programme 1 ha various other manias will attract uoe uol utherwise lularoaled aud the pro jriiiinb a a whole is one wl loh ariaugea a variety of aojoyablo contests in athletic kill lhe adrniasiou lo the park for the entire day is only ofmaa oants the fulillm matt their jasior 1 bis balug aeoauslou day dlvlue servloa will bj held in hi albau a church at 7 50 this evening llev w llryers preached al rawaoua cyornera and fcdeo ai as hawau hst u-w- jaamaaa pfbrln preachod an exoellout hiuiuu in the method i huroh uu buuday morning from 1 iitou ju c who theu la willing lo oouaaorale in sprvlos thla day onto the 1 rd in lhe evening ltov mr howell preached a must impreaslve aermnu lo juug man basin his remarks upon 1 kings 4 i bbew thyself a man truo mauliueaa was presented in most attractive form abd tho youug mu were earneally ox burled to aim al atuining a high stand ard in life and character a ooolrn nation uf lhe diaoourse will be glvwn next hqnday evening luv lr ltotasrtaun unpen a leudeut uf mission in manitoba and lite north west oocopisd ba pulpit nf knox hurch last babbaui ilia discourse iu the morning touch lug muaaioua waa highly intereeting tbo true spirit of uwaioub cnew80 n sconntira win ilrr prrlohil hren t itc- tly i iho ioiiiiiiuo1 frimls al uiht for i in uat week hao done a gnat d si of dsmkp lo ihn full whrnl ri mini 1 hern mr it nmson f weal latuuinxigh visiunl his sister mri- win bminntl lail week a large no m bet from here mjj amnd iho iwunl rmirtli ol may in id n mill an i aalnn afnitlmll club will ho orgaunuhl hnro ashorovb rll ap mr j 1 urul days will fri n is hi inrmiln during i bo a numljor nf tho n people rnim here took lu the bijjhla an i nonr of arlou last wak h w riirlllm of icloria illrjp is home for vacation mr ico halloy has cunimoiicinl work on mn a mot i a lutrii rtio opmi mifltiiik hold by tlio hon a of t mlhiranoo last riday weuing wsa uito m a tin- r stun waa only h onnla a mm were laki at tho dfwr a ft i uro ipeciallv enjojed was the club swinging f lhe 51 hihhall of mnadowvillr all those who took part acquitted uiomsnlvea crvdiublyi homo of our pntphola anf predipling tho end of the world in the near future bream imr r tn in w ivoulug may ii t a uiertaiuiu lbs oburob on iriday ei luv hi blracli leclurar the kuoll waablug machine man ufadlnred in urantford la the best waabsr made ll look lha llrsl pnso amdtig wju allba world a fair and waa supoeaaful in talrrnjl lha aral premium and gold modal to ale by john matthews willow alrcot acton gitdlug uf lite i be behludhaud i preached al uimebouae in the aftaruuc u iteluru llckola will bo issued imismmiq all staliuna iu canada uu the u t ll aud f l m may j3rd and jitli al first class aiuglo fsra tatkau good uji may jmb vjao uu atay jtu and i3lh r single aral else fare and una third ticks u rood tlli may ttth j- rash rips strawberries at a i icmatteat a ueoncetown thn clnhiimisns ami llio rscrs will iraii mm beta lo low ij to rmrrow iho 1 siiebini bunday kcho i ajiivoii lion at union will take a number of cm ri b workers an excellent programme is arranged llev ll a moir ll d anl mr ii w kenned ii a will attend lh o frrnre at hamilton aril wrek hov i 1 1 oxford ii 1 ll mr jaa dfiiiiimond arn thn dclgalo lo iho annual convention uf ba hit of on larl and ijuebeo tit opet al tort nl o uu the 271 h mr it o h k m ll w k uf loiunlu iiiimtrly t uirgttaw ha- graduated at mcoill tliiurit m tttlnal with tbe drgren of it a uo alao won tbe k modal anl a 150 bchourbi in heiaitee jifu tb high school jmnf lnwinaid past matriculalion naniiialioii bexii a un july 1 ilia lliili bobool piimeiy uu july i anl ol at r mil i un pnamvrs as uuw a bicyclo el l 111 hamster boyd as president the member of knox liu j i wn irnluiii fur a grant c u t t it be gln in i heir schuol ro m ma th i h prtthramme for 1 uraduj juim i i when i in bdoetl will visit millu tu lay the oornor atone of race i urch i as been arranged hi hx pliancy will aive j roan toronto by apeclsl i it triu at 1 p in and will be met by ho uiaor and couniil of the low n who will p raeil in in an address uf welcome al tho alatluu 1 ho vloo rvgal uatfsy will thou prooecd to jiidge mcldbbou s reel ienoo for luticheuii the ceremony of th laying uf iho almo will take place st w at ll 16 at the lowu hall add r oaae- wilt be presented by lha lllahop of niagara ou behalf of the elbrgy and laity of tho rural deanery uf llaliun and by the warden and council uf hal ion his t xcelloticy anl lady abntdcn will hold a reception at ii tuwn hall who lhe cillaena if hal ton anl n ghlxrliool will have au ipfk rt unity to ue reaeiiled bkin lis u nu day school iu iu uhmnl of lhe molhodii hu ih waa completed laat week and opened ou i tun day afuruonu by llev j t howell m a of aoton with lutereallug but appropriate ceremonies tbo new school room is very coxy aud homelike aud will be the moans of oraatitig new interest in tbo b abba lb bchool dr blrouiimau a lecture ou bis 4rip to 1alestlne ou monday ovouiug wss much enjoyed meeara j ii culllei and 1 j luull ton have gone lulu partuership a general mere hauls the court of itevlalou for ihu village will be held on monday lt7th may j a nea loug proprietor of blauloj i l baa bono boally aogaged lately in electing a largti dtulng hall aud booth uu lbs park gruuuds an onteill jill wruh at tlurns uhurch hriu will lake putoe iu blue hlbbon hall uu the veuiug ot tbe jlth iust wiou a nrat ulaas jroramsne wllltio rvnd a red tito ouug i di uua loot ball club al liallliilau have lalely oricaulsad and the ioiiowiuk i hj a la i of officers i resident matt near loo pros jobi mclean tteo lnm ueo hwmdleblrst plain wesley llllla amiimlttee f mauagemeut harrjr w ob ater willie aosetl and jeo grant aulxtional local ittma tjiol aaro our graciuua u 1 in ulc al uloomalury 1 uohi ova to morrow i btjueaiug yourt of its vialou ouday at it a m careuterb are at wurk ou kit 1 maun b new bouse south of hairy lk hero la s practical i loa lur aiiton am prior lato have a water cart al pibllc payers uf any at root prliliuu fur it lbs street gets it aud it la uharged for by tbe municipality ou ibe basts of a ftoutaits la a mr oliver c audsrson furniture manufacturer of walaorlon well kuosru in acton iu bis oarly days has purcliaaad tbe uriulurs factory and business of the james hay company u roiled woodstock and will close hu factory at walkerton aud remove to lhal town jtbe flamll loa conference of tho maabodisl churuh willouuveiio lu the kirat meuiodist oburob hamitlou ou wednos day may vu about kid derogate clorioal aud lay aio expected tbo bulluuiug umuiluw will bsgiu 1ib dulles next monday israuna who wsrs ou lbs lake shore 1 t ll h rl raial mi th day saw a vary tins miragr a boo l whora oak v ilia la the rpeotalors aptarently aaw turuiito harbor witli us v esse lb ducks and buildings un tba water side as clearly as if but a abort d balance out 1 be rrllecl loo laxled some time mejujojd turnip aud carrol seed ixaaomn al linlli jjrioet at 1 lleamtraaia mutanl ualaaant fw aumaaausni coming and going visitors to and prom vjwan and varlousotharporaonal notat tim kkkh rarbnlnvllessll iu readers in rr uilinie lo this coluuin if rou or yvmr rrtarwla am rnlnr away on a hell lay lrl or if you have trlnti u vlalllna you ilroi a rartl to the knar mr aim i by uf iiiimj waa in town yestrrdsy mi mary i w of toronto i vlauing actnu frlnnda mr an mr- john i vortv nf monck vlbllel friends hero over hiuut miks uctwtaluh of timgswoya was the guest of relatives hern this week llev k b i toper i m a of fleshrrton was lhe guesl of ttnv j v howell m a this week mr anl mrs joepli pieman f hire bane miul a few day durihk lite work with relative herr- juv j w haa aod mr j j laweon sllended the mecliufluf ooelph 1raabytary at ooelph on toosday miss murri of fergus is relieving mis 1etera iu the second department of lha pubim bchool this week mr thar tell jrown arrived home from thn college of pharmacy laal week ii naaaed lia flnal xammstnm ve credit bargains i- window shntles on iprink kollcth all color from jc dp curtain lbles new goods tventy 1ivc ccfttoiallt in will papers our ssortincnt is llie htst it prices irorh 4 a roll up with a bord r to match given free with every paper stjxonierl dress goods ibly mr w ii walker and family ban just removed lo acton from mitchell ont citixena will welcome l hem to tbelr oil home again miss hdith wright alio baa bean spend ing lha past year with neuda in halifax nna f riindi hbrrabrerafdstb rjnrtnjrttpr werk bhn left on tuesday morning for iennlsngalshene hhv w hsrllon formerly of acton tisb reijtiel hia vmitinn i mimaur for iho itichmond bl iiscltlra hurch in einnsti he will probably davoa bla time to evangelistic work luv a yourtice haa removed from brock ville to toronto and will avaonte the cdlkirlal oversight of tkr krm gmnnt is lhe isu of may iolh bring lb- aral publication under his rfintrol a lr tier from mr ioual i mccoina of juhuhtnwu n y aae the members of tho attun oolony ill lhal nty are all well sod nkju hia latter oolicludns 1 re nan mn irlr ily lo thn i ulon jack maal 11 1 kl l l j 1- i ki it llnvill- a w tl a oixrruor crieral a mrd as lite arlwdsr laktnif ttto riijwt marks in ustlevlli i ubllc bel mil the irlrlhjr vr pc hia km l ihi li ill ul tba hu ji l mil lo ale lay f new ik rallliii i e followluu batur u fir r- nniw lln will he accompanied by mr ihwul id mr h it ivwari and will r habit br away ihu nitiiiha 1u j f howell m a ltov w uior and mr h i moore atlrnded tbe mealing of leprcweutalives of luelph confi al juelph on tueatlaj wlien tiuua m teta rrlalim lu i he oreiee wero jult i lit vlo f lhe union uf teoii with han 1 1 ton and 1 uudoo conlortn r mk nlws of the dav liria 1 rl3 penitentiary t i hi tu lada according lo the autiild report of lhe mlulaler of justice beualur llel i uf arlbuu has l4 je soaaiuu he reports a great gold uilu ing boom in the anboo oounlry lteturta of anow lu lxtodoo tn u tba itb prove that canada is not alone lu ilferltig from iho late oold nap faruaolllla for s loug the aldriioa sir jthi maodoiiald is advtlaed for aale oi bobalf uf lady macdouald mr hamilton mccarthy ui culptur is at ottawa lo reoniv instruct una tor making a bust uf iord aberdeen hlr oliver mowal will salt ou baturday iu bb eoouuvar fur 1 nglaud ho will be absent fur about six weoxs mie mows ill acouutpauy blm tbe nlcaraguau uiuiater la authonaed by hi lovernment to emphatically dwuy llio report that war is imminent by nickr agua and tootle llioa beveral of tbs bwlsa uuuulalu rll way have been com pal led to suspend their rooeittly opened summer lours owing tu hi heavy suowfall ths carriage roads aud paaaea are blocked with drills b homer dixon a son of mr d homer dixou of toronto a clerk iu tba cualplt brauob of tbe liouilnon hank scoideutly shot himself with a revolver oo monday uigbt ii la not expected to recover dr pvurroon lrlocllal of dulvartij i ullage dundee baa oablad to bir donald hmtlb metplim tba irtuclpalahlp uf uo jill unlverailt he will begin his duties iu bo p t em bar tlia racoa ilihhkiuiu ku ioiitlae of much interest tbe auooaus uf the raoti iu paal years troaiiaea lo be eoliteed ou tbe j lb lur all are alrsdy wall alld 4 u wool wti- mllkm it- t i astied luarobantable wool for rfhlh tbe blghnet prioe luaalbl will be paid wbsu delivered at the market house uoorgclowu deliver early ao that it will ba all lu by lha end of june wtl mllmii wanted 2fkmi kkkl wiiiiomd tlitoott i ml iso ik fc ivople 1eii j you all iind any tl i loeik nieer or lore eol l lortalile than thos en cased in a pair of oui j v kannawin s i60 200 or 3qo shoes dress goods selling la j l k 1 t 1 t l luntraston 1 hu week vill be aiial dresal ouou bargain week aim it ute itsi to uule itrioes where lhe variety is so i a rite hera are jual two prion aamplea with plenty of other un the aamn baaia they will ruah dress bualnoaa thla 3lit 50 lit ol i lit t jltl d1 tvhi rdp mottled chtiviota lln tbs bud ctiorjk fwigwa at in allabool 0 piece to clrar this week ll nwirllibaluitx u 1 wool main and hro radedhirkcoida kancy hhut t fleets fancy hocka a mottled tweed r fleets plain fierce re pon heiirioilaa la all about 75 pieces to clear this week at jc ij upkum t kiiiu pnnttid couiih uro becoming mort and moru pnpulnr for mirmnor drthhth tlio artihih oro proirohbno in thoir ideati wdding lo thu vitriol nl dioao dckigiir mid iilmoht rcitlli- hig perfection in colorings many of tho iijicr tins hohhoii ro hiiupl iluirmitig mid tlio temptation tu huy ib irrobmtiblo vou will find jour money go furlhor iiiih oar in waili joodri ot miih mituro hun nt un pruvioiih poithon manulncturom ro nolljnggoodh on a hiimllnr innrgin of profit unci woqhuvt lukon iidvuntugo of ovory circumauinco in nrdor lo ho iihlo to yit o our ivuxtntncrri uotter vulno than ovor tlio public buoiii gi oatly pleiutb with both th httm ami value of otir hummer irum jooda tlity nro ho i ing trcoly that ih how wo know a low of tho pncoa aio as foilowb droflh duclcn in htripos and spots in plum white cronni imk tun unit niivy 10 12lc per yard oropons plain mid fnncy in cronni hone nil uluixiind kancj tiiitu i itml 2 c por urd ucs 20cv sul oiitl 46c dinntioi ioo 2 and joc organdios in flower und bpot nt from 20 to fie now oniklo clotlih in dolictitl hhados 20c ittrlmiuk fi in th iti ntnlnfinl tnlrtrt i und iulgaj wliat a contnutt rvlnlo other stores nru trying in union i w o are u113 ing now largo ijuantitioi to soil at low prices novondereliopporri nrt tuck unu inuil orders ua unking now iroodh in morons q b ryan cfe co ghielph no second price mtthg right house 1 dmbrolhxb ojld parasoltl in kood damand w in aho willi a utagiiificeut block uf tho i a tea i nnvultioa lu fancy i aratol as used in indon and 1aris vsrv pretty striped bilk buusha lo with ch noe hand lea from tl ho to fit 50 each new ideas in fancy hhol bilk parasols which are lhe most elegant style uaed ihl aoasou white smiahadnt in l numbers of designs they will be mnch used thia ssstson borne luff n draped others white llrocadod bilk mixture others in plain while hllk and with agitable handles to match at vary reasonable price hee the jpeoisl hit ot fano v white hilk parasols st tl 50 the nnw needle or tubo r tout rat bunahada in plain tatttfta and taffeta shot hilk also shown in plain black bilks and ha una in plain i mbrnllas wo have an immense variety to select from the wjr nf exah n ia g i tranlenl satisfactory to the purchaacr mantles at reduced prices a a made c attemtidn a lot of tnnay ad vert i a an ttier i lack drews ooode bb ou will see lu almost any paper wi import their goods and for ifood 11 lack mourning and wear in goods they have very lew rivsls they are superb lu all tba better grade lu low priood kooda plenty of other makearo jusl aa good not so on the finer fsbnea bee uui variety rapeetna a1 jm worth 3- 10 aud 5t i r po lively nraaaela at n1 ii a j ii iii worth tl 00 ii lo aid tl j5 respectively wool aud uulou t arpeu at 55c to tl per yard uporb nd6s about ioo t i j beautifully ttiuimad w iow bbadea al a atraugbt discount of u i 3 per cant whiob makes tbotn just that much th ulioapeat good in cuelph mug lioja clutbtuk i ou tl l arrek st laat week a advartlaod 11 imj wyudjuu au l uukltu otv l ujxd onpoa w never had aujh a obarmlug varioty nf lliase gouu aa ahowu n seajht t v capoa in new perforated cloth in black aud ulora capes made of bilk and halln nlevnitly ba d be od ilk an 1 lace for warmer weather capes fur you in ma rried aud elderly ladies are all represents i lu profjiaiott ouito a number of thi season s mantles have brstn rednoed ju price borne camm f irtnnrly tl3 0 rcilucetl lu 110 othura form eriyqfi rednoed to l j j3 capes radoosd a u tl7 capes lo f i i tfl cste to tu 50 bhrtwajaljb tuid hlollmw in nlmrrnmsw r u p k m a a ipawial let el kilut w p iatlorns at d5o each bilk skirts a worn iu paria ahown iu a variety of atyles pattern and abadea new alylna in xil irl oluln bklru ome lace trimmed other have new braid design a larifa vanelv of the noweat atylra in 1 adiiu vun i whappr hb just received and placed in stock new lawn pre new ulack aud navy blue hern hkirta also an elegant aaaortmnil of imported wrappers in fancy decline alao in opera shade 30 packauea of new goods placed in a took ihl week cumo and see litem you will alwa n i aumall tiii n miineihinit atyllah and pretty on our count era our hosiery stock also iti- l di u uei l t n u inu m k fully 411j 1 1 nubi h io lha coming season mall order depnrtmeul ot ib 111101 of n oo u nt c n tba u a iii 1 a 1 jdre u applioalion aod will prepay charge in your nearest railway atalion in ontario un all orders aiiiouuiiug m i ad upwatdr batif action guaranteed till- ihont iiodhh king st eaat corner huithaoi niton may jlh iho jg listen jjil a fcl cj w a j jei 1 is ti heiiderbon co l lunlilr takea the rrat iua with bis watch work hpt aeu on watches who do oblbing a 1 vorkman constantly on clocks si hi nothing else and ono working at lap ri jewelry and spectacles fcvory b oriuoally examined by priugle jieraot all aod nut passed until perfect dou t laavt the wsloliroakor who is klvlug you satla faollon but if you have any work at which others have failed give priugle of unalpb a trial you can aw ibal iqoh sysuim can uol fall to give gaud results as pr ingle is a thorough mechanic of long experience pr1nqle quelpl wauluf uut muluaj run insuranca coniuony kstaaushku 1m40 it it it k ou alutual 1 lau 1 catlaua forwarded lo uiy adjreaa llo no ilta onbn will iwirouipuy attsudad to johm taitll aitn oualt in the l mine moulht ikybn ilunurod and ordered work and repairing receive beet attenuon oood assortment of trunks and valises william williams mill st acton lm pty i t have been returid oo thi ado factuiers by from the guelph braiich alont p s- our window has some new styles of shoes 11 lil go m t 1 ui nt ti j i i t i j ll c c uhitil ii ica a l l ll ult u ijace guitaiub i j i l lo lianti i splcndul iaitc i i r jn i v c picked in this week alio j il c c d- sec thtm before tht all go paraolb i tl lie touild in i ih t pldl d id frilleii a 11 j it 1 i 1 jl i lated m stocl to day i liciaui u 1 i u i i l j mt kcc iht n w t til i miutt umilll oft i he tui men fa fiiruislii c j ia l llculat 1 silting lu hi 1 1 i m ttock of men h it a tl i asj ltd ubloincrb will hud lib show nj i be i i bt ibh t uodb sec our lle collai ar in il p i t n 2 uk zi and the uewcbl things in nt ck 1 uaitint lu liuols and hoci and 1 t iu hejaderson 4b go i jut miti stunt is lsillhg lh uui 1 tt tins wtuk 111 search of 1101 lus of all kinds 1 1 n ti hi tomething new for vc ait hound to lead lhe iihc mo 11 k lo up to date goods new hais oiuilops laust now straxth the nottesl new o b vl- u ne 8111111111- aiij ouiivoatiugh special lulauudried slnrta at au e e nelson leading tailor and furnisher bouupdr wndhom atroot cuelph i j-

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