Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1895, p. 4

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fprmwi58s r lie jlcton jfm n5 t1hihhdav may an ww ffljr omig polite iof hlfc ijm tlial llm aurui la oulr elm ii co tbat llin harvoet dim i ilepond upnn tlio tint i ii follow plants hut tliero ait iilil hum ai im- j ity all nallout ii la kowti thai when eotnes ilia lliim of lisni lou will rrsp aa you betn sown hvrr lr la t ii give r milch itkh ii kvery llmn our nants ti la dollar lalil aa ilsi tilt inajh 1 it flic ujaniliabeu tiilxu for llix la naiut ci i11i altoll fear tial i 1kil i u l steal i m in ol t4 influence of uruiagfa i la till and long lift tytiiuir ar mors hnvwimrt i happiness and stvil lte than i 1ti rralt initiuisl i mis la happt will the ii of hia attachment until hs has paased data an j abote- all many java if miiuirtuoa eith ber the mrtij pair moat know each other from th centre of their soutslhe mysterions rail which covered the two spoussa lu the primitive church mual bo raised in ila in moat folda how closely soever ii may he kept drawn to the real of lha world what i on account of a fll of ea prion or burst ot paaaioo am 1 to ba exposed to lb faers of toting tray wifa and my children and to reooanow the hop of passing my declining dsys withoal them 11 no on imagine that faar will mako tno become a batter haabao1 no we do not attach ourselves to a possession which wo are in danger of loelng- the aoal of a man aa wall aa hia body la moomplet withool itia wifa b haa strength alia has beauty ha com bata the enemy and lahora in lha flald bat he understands domestic life bla oom pan ion la waituif lo prepare hia repast and sweeten hia existence without woman man would ba rude rroaa coarse solitary woman spread aroood him tha flowers of existence finally lha christ la p li a d u in- the daal tbsy lie aid by aide and ihey ara united beyond lha tomb cotton seed foou a now article haa been addnd to tha hat of human foods it la oottonsead meal ljleticisna ban bean contending for a loo a lima that the human raw in civilisation devoured far too mooh oread and other nana foodaand potatoes that ibeaa fooda tall up the system sud nil it with starch causing midda aged pen pi a to lay on great fuanmua of fat and be ao unoom lortablo ihev do not know what lo do with ibamsalve bceds contain htue of thu starchy aluffy substance- ii laaald there fan thai cottonseed mew bread rmxed with a third corn meal or flour la both nutntioaa and palatable while it far mora health lal than cereal fooda couonaeed meal baa been a ureal boon to live a lock men why ahoald it not do equally well for the human animal t thai i a question worth bnditik in amwar for cotton aead could easily be ground and prepared in a cleanly careful manner and then tested in making of muahee and bread par ha pa in future we ahall feed wheat to cattle and logic among frienob if people wiah lo live wall together uwy in oat not hold too mncti logic and aoppoae that earytbiua la lo ba atlud by aofooiamt rwaaon dr jobnaon aaw tbia clearly with regard lo married people when bo eajd wretobed would be lha pair above ail aamoa of wralchedoaaa who aboald be doomed to adjust by rwaaon every morn log all tha minute details of a domealio day but the applioauoo aboald be mooh more general than be made it there no time for such reasonings end nothing that ia worth them and when we raool uot bow two lawyera or two poliuoaoa om go ou oontendiiut and that there it end of one sided reason tog on any subject we shall not be sure jial such oontenlion is toe beet mods for arriving at truth bat certainly it is not lha way to arrive at good temper the work curl in i i moment when aa to imml at sometime or other a kind of despairing feeling ooma to you when energy lags and the heart bitten by the oh ill of dnajppmntment sink far below the nru point than tha safely fur yon and the aura path into more genial spiritual weather ia the duly nest yoa do that oyway han with railing feeling and nerveless hauda win pel yourself m do it do not pal it off lo not allow yourself bewaillngly le wail for better mood lo lb doty nest you or an way try at it at least a boa aeuae at ecoompliahmeut ahall oome in a very rwal ooasoloaanaes of pereoaal borolam it tavoudeclul whet strength tliotfuty nest una bravely done or auyway bravely attempted breeds in ooa waglamd llugt it u a itiiuibter preached an u noon soioa ably long namou and after pausing said and what aball i aay more t kay amen i reeponded ao old lady in a shrill whisper thai was heard all over the oh arch try lie it would be a gross lujustloa to ooafoam i that standard healing ageut dr tbmmikotsolrrooiiiinlrll eagnenta lutious and selves tbey ore afteatlmea inflammalory end ulriugeol- thls oil is ou theoonlrery emloently cool log and eoolhintt when applied esurnally to relieve palu aud powerfully remedial wbeu ewajluwed luublte lo jou ll link the average man is aa stupid before he inarrtrs u im u afterwards t lynious srtaliily at he wouldnt get married t otfumrtion culttui an old iihyeiaian retired drum prentioe having had pleasd in bis bands by an east led is missionary the formula of a sirouls fwgetabls remedy fartbe speedy and per manent oare of consumption brouahitis catarrh asllima and all throat and long eileouona also a positive and radical oure plauiite after having teated its wonder fi oaratlve powers in thoueande of rrssm haa ell it bis duly to nake it known lo oil his saswring fallows ada a ted by this motive aud a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who dasirw it this reolpe in uermaji vrwicb or k ng i tall with full directions lor prepexilig and aslng seal by mail by addressing wiu stamp aamlug this neper w a noth- atto lowers ulooii ituwbekaer m y notes here and there ttomft of oonaral intaroat lo fro proa nnsdars the hrnnluf 11 ft ii- ot uoojs harssparilla wins ftifiids hnrorer it is fairly alt i liotirty irirni to have perfect lirallh you mual liato purn lilttod and hie beat way in have purn hlonl ia ui takn llotvla hsvmparills llm hoal bloo1 purilkfr and trengili timllrr it vi iwuell taint of tnf y rtmnu and ajl ttlliir liiimr and si hip aut infir tmihu up ttn whole sstrui llode 1 ilia ste 1- 1 1 and ell itll 1 nts 11 l- i hs ebl- o hav ii aio iii t ml ittinfr amt l old ketlluman i f-r- ir t rel slit- h islcellix i in 1 ip mll rtl t man fu h i lui it t till ii llt rrahu ui have no tinner f rvttev spprtllr lw la r htr t uervma irit iii 11 ulna loly hhialllillfx tlio allan r ho lui lo k ihoae lilltal irani or wotri all aullor lra or mure from ii to is tlio triil rtiirr if a wonirtl brain and to tfcl alrwp ultutaae the blomacli inm all tut pi rat im will s luw doana ol ramla vrgvlsblr imu geletlmeniwi viitiiiiiit no morourj and arvgubri u civ atilaolioii or the money ill i proportion in the depth and jompre itenosa of knowledge that a person the klmt e rek saolbetbe esty with which he expresses direct opinions in regard lo it catarrh lutlaved in 10 lo 00 mlnutee one short puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of dr agnewh catarrh 1owder dutaaes this powder over the surfaoc or tha nasal pas sages pain leas and delightful to use it relieves instantly snd permaiitly cures catarrh ilay fever colds ilsadache bore throat tonsilius and doafnrat fill oenls at j kanuswm h an exobange publishes the marrisre of miss angel lo mr hnllfrltx it ia for the gossips to determine whether that matoh was made in heaven or the establish dr low pleasant wori tjyrup re moves sormi or all kmt- from ohlldrou or sdulu have you had much wldailjnnnoe4 sxparienoe aa oook ot hov masm i bod aeventeen places lash i year ma am a veteran in the late war cured of fluttorlntf of the heart and smotherlns spolla by dr agnows cure for tha heart it always relievos in thirty min utes and thus saves thousanda of lives mr if ii uusaelmau meiubor ol hie uah wetispom pa rll 1 have used two botloa or ir anno- cure for the heart and hav obeeu cntiroty cured of palpitation or fluttering of i ho heart and smolhartug spella 1 took teu boltloa of ssrssparilla but it failed in any way to relieve ma 1 dq 001 tfiluk hie value of heart cure can be call ma tod it haa wrought soch a ohsnga in my oondition that 1 loel like a new man hold by j kannawtn im ao tired mamma willie aui im bloepler thou im tired aud im hungrier than i m sioepy o kivt me my supper 1 1 ut ok ti ii n autiro ayattn ihua curing tyapopaia jou atipetiou siok headache bllloua loss rbeumaliaui dropsy aud all diseeaea 6f the stomscb liver kidueya and bowels it also removes all impurities from the system from a oomuton pimple to the worst scrofulous sors a man who drinks whiskey l ij oxtendsd period gets to love tho apillto for it batter thao ho loves those of hia owu blood the limaj ue esya have for years beeu a offerer from very severe bilious and naarslgio headaches and i bavn tried many kinds of medicine some with very fair results bat about a year ago used hlark a powders and have sinoe then discarded all other remedies as i found tbey gave immediate and perfect relief b urtoker hardware march sot u mayor lis towel starks powders for oostiveness sick and nervous headache uiliousnoss nour algia tha stomach and liver two pre parauons in saab box mica to take immediate and permanenl hold by al druggists 45o a bos a buim 1 a yooug man oomplaiulng to a ldj of oold bands she replied that the inlttuus varioas girls had given him ought to kocp them wsrm rkmiutuea unalghlly blotol i ua sallow opaijus aklu deetroya tl allrea uva of hsndaome features in all suob coses boolt kmulaioo will luild up tbe syaloiu and impart freihnesa ami urs uruudy aaya thai tbe wiii tlo period baa loo much knowledge of things abe ougbt uot to know the third page ot the toroulo mit afaui is noted for want advortlsemeuts if you want to buy or sell anything if yoi want a situation mechanic a bust n maobinery lodglugs if you have i oat or found anything or if you waul u and mil whrrrs apvotty ia sdyaryise in yhe t ronto dad mlau sod rood the advertlso- merjta on the third page thai paper the cborge is two cent a word each in sartkmi adflfwaa tkt afuti loruuui au thnce noted bpiscopawatib who have usori dr aixnnwa ca- tnrrlinl powdnru anil in tha inlnrnnln of suffnrlnw humanity uityhuwmuoti it has donu for thorn in lue fticloslsaln si liltlnry nf csnsils lh tit nr- f tlio ititihl ltnv a hratnlsii ll dc i 1ri llistii r tonnli slid kv lolin liiglr mll d- c i atnl inn proiiiluonl snl wiuifn his own mlli mil im alltsl lo iiiom llin iitim of i lr ii w it wi lam- or ltnutrya hipulnr iiiralr ihrmi riitliuieii ixllove in aitin on il mih nf ihi iiihii lloou thai liniuc irar ir1 of lhal with ft haa been b irottiil hvtihll to thiiiianlvim it la thrir dulv to tell hie kod newn to otllcra iliivi llme tlercyulnll ihit ohurli hat esih nord lr agnew s ca larrhal iowlor and fonml that fvr oold in tho iipb1 and catarrhal rjlllea it la a gtoal hlrr bihi nvrr ihnu own signature llo lato lo lha public ihslilhesn iuiii an- so llitt otlmr tniy hi likewise bonrlllrd it i lioll ono dliorl iit ofthn hrritlh ihrough the bliwnr miippliud with rarh imiiiio or dr aglinw catarrhal powder diffuses tins tiwlrr oirr h btirfaoo of the uaaal pvui sgos liolrms snd dtilighlful to uae it relieves in 10 minutes anil prmannntlv oures catarrh hay fqvor otilda hesdachw nm thrust tonsililia ento hold by j v t rid lieafn almost crazy burrknuki t uq expootmcfto ho in tho anylum after jll other flemextlna pntlotl ijbo made a perfect curo nnatorinit fiobuat hnnltlr umftiruss td ay all i muhi in in favorof illlll would im injmmilo it juis tieen a rnst hotlth irlort lutlfnsiid i do swear by it i am a difeieul msn iow to what i ass ten yearn g when it wai rjlprntml i would li in the aayltim liufiinw i sm in perforl rolmt healih sul ii was tilt ii it it ihst dl i 11 i stillorrd for live or sis years ivoni oiualipaliun sninnlhiios mi severely lha1 1 smil out 1 my mino i tried vsnoun dxlis imuii in lptsoopal ht cirarttry ami the oily and lo ik mndicinos loo nuinrmiim lo iitrar nut ever ihltih railed lo have the delrm ffct when i urd jtirlock lllool llittor how ever it riwcnded beyond all rkttlions rouirini only two bottles ui corn mn to make ii still more certain thai ii ii it la ihn real aurti tor const ipsl kin i may ssy that some twe jeitrs afterward i full tile symptom i returning and look one buttle more and niia that tune lo this present day over eight years i hive never ha j sny of the disease i never know any medicine lo work so well it does not mem relinvfr 1ml a miwi ml no it la nut always llm ilonda hotel with a romantic or poetics nsmo hat it the most grmifying aud migiintia ifarthorn visit ore on pleasure bent cannot live by name atom thire are no many oouh medicines in the market that ll it aoiueflmel dthlonlt lo tell winch to buy but i wo had a oough a oold or any atlliction of the thrbit or longs we would try iticklea anti con sumptlve by nip those who have used t think it is far ahead ol all other prepare tlona recommended ror audi complaints the little folka hko it aa ll la ai pleasant aa ayrup many think i i e bono rable lo be a good cu tot serof ho aa noii ll an a good father oh wl t a l lutl will m hoe1 tho warniuit 1 ie i iwrhaps of tho sure approach ol that more terrible disease consumption ask your selves if ou caq aflortl for the sake ol saving soc to run the risk and do nothing for l wo know from oxperiouoe that fihllobs cure wilt cure your cough it never falls bold by j v kan a man can uot alwaja secure a annaloi ship even alter he has paid for ll they never pail mr h m lu langton wntos for about u years i was troubled with luwanl piles but by uaing parmeltws itlu i was om pletoly cured and although lour jair have elapsed bluoe lb on they have nut returned par melee s pills are mill till loot and a spool ac for the oure o liver and kidney comp i sluts lbetals costiveoee head telle piles ole and will regulate ttio socrotluda and remove all bllloua mailer certain cure aa i cin crtify to frr hun dreds nf dollars srorih of medicine end advice failed to do ma any good but three dollars worth of it it ii nwiln a permanent oure that haa giten mo years of health snd comfort yours truly toronto ky the man clrrjmai or ujmau that drawls fsnslia at the aggresaive total sbslinouoe advocate oin always be relied upon aa either lnlerotml in devourfhg whiskey or selling it heart hi-esm- uelletrd la 311 uluutr dr agnew a cure for perfeal relief in all ci kymialhelia heart disea snd speedly effects a ho heart gives or orgsnio or i in jo minutes s peerless happy men ancl wpinen who tln relish and enjoy their meals imhiklvnn and its tkukoks deligjtous vazatarattee teas 15000000 rackets railway timetablb pained celery compound restores per fttct digestive vigor natiur jifal mimlicinr will iiw vm a healthy and natural xppptio cure hloml a clear iiooil and sound sleep tub most inlserabli murtalaiu nnr our munitiea are those who are weighed ilow by obslinste aud cruel indigestion the digestive organs are all out of gei and hie sufferer tormented ovejy hoi of tbe day the greatest dialreai mess eit i afutr eating thorn is heavtm it in th pit nf tbe stomach i i keeper has a pound of ig wbiub luitilbulio gold the ash stark tuwilrrk catil ptukage contains two prepare lions ono in a round wooden box the cover ot which forma a tnoaaure tor one dose an immediate relief for kick headache and htomach also nou ralgia and all kiads of ucrtoui pain aud another in capsules from j to i ut one is an ordinary dose which sets on the ltuwels i tver slid htomach forming s never falling perfect treatment for all head andslwmach complaints they do uot as must pills and ao maoyolher mcdioines do loae their effect or prtxluco after constipation aud are uioo to take jj oouts a box al all medicine dealers coughing ior ull the uiliiktil ol llnihii aud luiifi tlutc ii no i im s qui k umt i innu nt j st utt t lmulittmii ut c olivcr oil ll pulatabic isy o thi nnm ik-lt- catc tomitcli atitl cllietivc emulsion stimulate the appclile uids the djgcstion of other foods curca coughs and colds sorrj throat bronchitis and gives vital strength besides it hub no equal as nour ishment for babies and children who do not thrive and overcomes any condition of wutlnff studftrpmmpklttstmtpi ja7j r tiring coughs sad sous pectoral lul ihrosl o irtlul ltcllsi ikkl imlwllrilj wis 1 hibtlcl ci 111 mon r hi at i dlt lluura lltatswniag ki y aud liiddor luseases relieve lo mt hours b ihe jreal kouth amerloaii hid uoy lui this new remody is a great surtriae and delight uu auxiuut uf its axceodllig proiiiplnoss in leliavlng h lu the bladder kidneys hsuk and every iiart of the urinary passages lu male or female ll relievos rnleiilluu id water and pain in passing it almost immediately it rou waul uoa relief aud cure this is your remetly hoi t by j haiuswii drug 1 uo sii u 1 uodet your ami 1 hal backing oj f 011 kly oured by llagyaiil a 1 euloi 1 lllai price 2 the maksua uiaigo l it t xu ihn barrels i hero ieot at vlll 1 fc sttwalpnsws in on ty tor atf ills lu whloh ilesh is leu ihe terj ual ute of niauy turallvea iwtok ul that w ere the genua ol other aud dlllure ntly teti dlseasos loutotl in urn system u nil what would relieve one ii li turn wu old sggravale ihe oilier wo bat b host iii tfutume wine when bla llablo bound uiisdullnralod stat remedy lor icdy for palilslion hli uresth hmotberiug hpclls paju in icft hide aud all symptom uf a diss sod heart one ditto oouviuces bold by j kanuawiu to dye or not to dy thit it thcnucmion s 4 set her it it better i wear lhal faded shabby i endure the vrnrnful 1 ult or all yimii well dioicd nciblkifk in lo puiclvuc a ijlac ul diantond dyes a i id irlofc hi ircibne in i ther oltir making b new dress for ten cents diamond dyes are made for home use absolutely reliable any color ni1 rrther it rblt a fak rsrilrn hit iluuk aud wj uhlo ut rulun4 cloth in wiut a co atoatraal rq a linn may know what he wants at present bat he does not know whsi he is going to want after he gels ll hurdock pills until aafe aul rugulato tho liver and cum cunlipation teacher i o limy did you uixloulau thing abo it the origin of lh dollar uiai k 1 tommy 1 ked t tbuul it and b aid the atraight hues stuud fui the pillars of society sud the brooked out fill they gut their money a uullhorla rreuch h1 1 soot roup cap lu emody 01 earth norway me 1 lis tjituld wl uu ll six isnng a big hal should bo eu lu t leal nr lllfu lmlly is a 111 icted uout resist mure n east for treatment than skiu disorders of a chronic nature prolonged practical u perteuoe and saieful atudy uf individual oases has been dec mod uoceessry by m cal experts lo deal eauefeclorily with plmplos blotuhet veliloa paalulu ubei cloa etc etc a sneciho remedy huwctei or all curatila forme ut sklti diseases wt ore lufucmod by mr ksntiawin anemi to hava boon diiouverod iii kseljay s ljol iiusengee mauy uf hlboustomors as wcl as ihuee ol ulhef drugglsta luttc lonnd uu coutloued use of ulnae iueugea ild iboo uf every our a bio facial dianguramau after yearbufoxperlmcuilliig with nth or remedies keel jay a inonges oure all derangemeul uf tho digoallvo ay stem aud purify the blood and thus get at lbs root of the evfl i hey are sold at 25c a buz or 5 boaoa for l 041 and judo led inlo us the id the nglh nature s uwn fekluratlvts it rrlmves ihtf droutlug spirits of those with whom a diruiio atale uf morbil detuiidaaay snd lack of internal lu lire is st disease and by trsmiullialng the nerve dpuea aud refreshing sleep imparts vigor lo ihe action of lha blood which beiuif slimuul est courses uiroutrhout the vnini streugih otpthotiiujyanimbl ruoolmiis of tho system thereby niaklug activity a ncoes sary res ull slrengtheuiug lbs irauts sud giving hlu lo ihe digestive orgsus which dalurslly dumaud luurcaaed subataue ratt uuprovod apietile- nunhrup and lyman uf toionto have givt n ut ihs public their suierior ljuliiluo wins si ihe usual rale and kkv1 by the opinions u scientist this wins spprusches neatest purreiuu t buy lo the market all druggists sell jt all mothers who have used oalmotar50ap i kaow 7ru 15 tmfl rtfml ri bcst b s fluo tor tujitk aof gv many old girls aro so ulever l talk lu a yuting man a tear and 1 im any idea of their age mother crave worm li uu doea not reulfe the help of any purgative medicine in completo the i urc jivs ll a trial aud be on v imitl altfui i bio tha other day by the premature esplueloo ol a blaal aud lbs loeal reporter heeded hia sooouut of hid aocldaot a llloslsd aristocrat i douulfcdup with khbumatibsf a norwood clwjon pralaas boutli american hhoumatk curs -ont- t cbnstmas 1 could hardly walk and wss nearly doublet up wan iiuumslism i procured three imttlles uf houth auicnan itheumatlc curo from v itultierrord drurgiat of norwood ami ouud it beat aul iuiokest soling medicine i etr saw lhs oral dose gave relief sud three buttles letely cured me 1 into had neither sens nor pain from rheumatism ajuor rhdd h j kanuawiu vlasnla un late a l raira dllster- isnoad wsiftllt in th pit nf tbe stomach almost oonlinusl headsch wsnt of sppetite pal pitstion or the heart sluggish and torpid bowels snd constipation the oom man cathartics and medicines of the day only aggravato the tuflerers trou ides and causa him lo sink deeper into tbe mire of suffering and despondency natures woudrutis remedy painns cel ery compound is the only medicine nw generally prescribed b the best phyai itacts directly on the nerves it clean ass the blood aud removes all ubalruc tioui and distressing matter from the digestive urgaiis and gives that perfect vigor o xdy that only the healthy can enjoy after usiiik paine j celery om pound eating becomos a plrmuro sleep is natural aud souud and life is worth hung mrs h cormau of halifax n b who suffered for jeer writoe aa follows it is with pleasure that 1 add my tcsli mony to ihe value o 1 elt r um nd for a buffered really from indigestion snd pal pi tail on of tbe hear i it was perfect mis ery for me loftvup stairs or up a hill as my breath was so short and weak and eating a meal waa soma thing 1 dreaded as i buffered such sgony afterwards i ooold otitykei lainiaj 0110 fre don tor medicines and remedies last 10011 my heart troubled me ao frerjaently that i became weak and mlaerahla so miserable thai i felt life s burden i had heard a great deal of olery compound but bad do idea that il would benefit me in any way at last i wss persuaded to try it and by ihe lime the first hot us wss asod i was greatly benefitted 1 have used five bottles of llis compound and ssy with truth lhal 110 other medicine has aver given me such wonderful results the palpitation of the heart has not troubled me fur some months i csu now eat a hesrty meal aud do uot experience any pain afterwards paine a celery ljoipoaud cannot be too highly spoken ol snd 1 trust sll who suffer from tho 00m pis lute whloh i have had will ustril without delay or fear fur 1 am est tain tbey will receive great bene ilta and will aooo be oonvinoed lhal celery compound n the surest safest and boa i at t new firm new stock new prices but old management la been discontinue but the old buhinnes will go 00 dldl ihilivntm j a speiqht co it- i lukhiw reaihmila there will be decided ohangee lu tb underttatilnc department lll will be moat iiotiooable owing to the hard times wti ore cutting the prices in sll lines of coffins caskets and furuiihlnga and will supply the wbulo out til st any roasouahle ollor you may make wo have no oortuootlon with ruiy undertajters combine und govern our own prices ill be j u hrnitur8 buggy whcon aiel llj j 1 hand vuich 1 t fair living proot ite a a done lu lbs d aatiafautory mannerand at p bos f axbaps a little lows itelug under very noll eswuao in carrying on our busiuoss ws can certainly so tt very luw prices lu the undertaking especially we can do this and give entire aiibfactiou j a speight co of tn old country w 1 lb aid i lb uib pwl at 40 60 ahu 60 tihl il l for uhu ui henderson co acton kbouuisliam cured in a ljsy houlli american itheumatto cure fur kbeums lism and neurslgls radloally cures in 1 to 3 days ila aouou uyuu lbo yatcrn is remarkable and mysterious it removes at onoe ihe cause snd the disease immod alely disappears tha first dose greatly beueflu 76 cenu hold by j v kan nswiu druggist by the company uue hochefooo- uutl jnuple judga tbojr keep of by thei suld jf you want to buy or oil a form ad ertiae in the toruutu ii mty iatt that paper reaches 100000 farmers homei very week and your advertisement should moot tha aye or someone who wants to par abase advertisements of this class are in eerted lu the toronto ffrciiw had for five cents a word oaob insertion or twonty cents a word for flo insertions address he m ail toroulo canada daughter weeping oh peps today i enter already ou my thirtieth year father calm yourself child it won t last loug norway pius tiyrup a urea coughs norway pino hyrup oures bronchitis norway pine byrap heals the luugs 1 lit iioui t y lliul i i t- took 1llil 1lul at the wollo till 111 t hit the 1 it st lriccd picba ninufactuiccl ylii p uu i i till i mj t i low utioi tbero sib no losses you oat 41 k and save all bother of importation etc t lul t hi i i h v slimlua ckul oiil walktlt o co haiiutacturerti maiuson w s i powders curr sick hbaoachm and nserslgbi lu mo misuras al i culsd tmieao dlirl- nt lliliminr alninltio bl c ontupsuon lilxl i i lil arrsih ituy cuiwl alto irsutato iii tkxii vamr mom to tmkm rmtom 4evosrwrs t onus treaaa ijjsnes m toronto ndforprices curotoodcr t n couijti cronp throau f il7 nil rliut on b oujxbatse in uao sie iij ktrchct holloas porooa plaster will ivv r l iifaeta sj coots shilh lira t 8 tiswl ii ctiaunrkiogalunosayil trnimuuritltkbr ttvmrtufadebattatmfimttim fervruwd 1 r iivrpoiwa llvororkldnow trouble it ozecij prlcoacta shjlchscivtarrh have you catarrh t trj ibullemedt hwlu positively relict o end im jou price ucta this injector or 111 miiicniful treatment is t unilshod f ri i i mitlohs itemedia ara sold on r cumuiitot lu cl catlafsrtlon luloarsph id 11 enlnra bj 1 mii1 llumilitr tl i rf- llnll i in inn ri i iui nunl cloak ulllnlla in ruui1 lw pull lbs ui ii lille tier ilil lee hair ablm igor i lir nultli rjes tiarhls urt tlrllvl t e itlbs llbll if y nil- rjiof k burdock spring medic t m it if l immiciful tie i r ll- hi lor k akl lit r ot itu jl i uil bad blood and all impure nt hid in ill i h h h th jlnjfgidi lit i ii iti i i in k reguiav hliuiii l the llwtttu hid nidlwa rich red blood jiiik inaiili tuttlaini h 11 111 ul olf th llllll- u if kill bright clear skin to hi lltllo oiu iii uiiktii iymnui stitaltoiiihliiiiiuicusikllctidii tit aflrr curt of tnuiiipluiit it l uid i muuf ii la only inxcaary tu aay lhui ull whole family lllrlt nilhlt ilsssttiii- willi un i- t i ii arllrlr f i f bi mlin unl sail 1uo eil llly biiiuii ii n in imbuuiidorhi lkuii uaat ts wkcavtaldlfuujlmakksj p copyrights van 1 oiitain a iatkntt fsi bnmits an nor niil an liorot isnliin wills to iinndl owh hats hilnsarb rill fiosrsp tiiwlmwliilha ialtil uiiiiss c uiiuuulra- iiihu tritlr iiiinlt til 1st a tadtok ul lo- liwuiautm lain nilua imriils ail lw to ob- 11 fil latin ilrdul uuiin on rami to imntal iuhik in hi nrlrnillli asnertreu and i lu mo lrviutit mlrlir uutora uio iutllc wltlt- hii t li llu in miiih- 1lils autolhllil mivr i mill iliaibiillr illurtraln1 dsbtivlarlhu mwlt iftatra nnix wwt llulljllis ouuua u3 ill 7l il niil urv ul nn i iu itsw y wwll u i tm nanili onplris bom rrse iliilljins rrfluiui bmuiuiiri sljos rear hlasln ohnua 1jj viiis kiar uuuiuur auilaina inau por twertypive years dunns baking pniantrp thecooks best friend laratst sale in qanaoa ltsus iuind tori k t m fit- fc h r m i at b bb b1b waat w uuf il la only inxcaary tu aay that j lh f bit ttaksa bbb cures 1 c atawr h i

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