Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1895, p. 2

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nllmli sf9vfiln j 1 lfruiitm lii i rili nn wmlntly hi 1111 llm wile ir win lln arthur of a hiii ufttuikii mil fit the lrld1ieo nl till lug li iheclrdoxui j nn xr aiinm j mill el leet ilailuttuir jiiiiii hardy tu riiarlna iloluhlillli of thu hoi to i muck j jlfk mi mis fu thitalsvmnl mar at urn i omo iif llm brides artitila liv ico j trim assist by hov ii uiik triiitoi ii fa mr bid all tit illklitfftnn ii rile of i baa ill avaia in i- hiopaiiiu on hi jit in iuua lluftmau agn1 ili jnara wuiidkmln kaquoaliig iintr arloti i ii ii wimlen multa nra ftlje rtoit fvcc rtss thurbday may iwi motes amd comments it i nut freely prod to led dial thoro will lo a general election in orral ilritain during july on ell sidca it i admitlnl that 1ot1 itoaeborj uoverjitnonl la in a had way and the v at of the llouu of ciimmniii empbaai of earning iln hrem lor lo thu 1 ibaral pirtfj now zealand la already noted for ha many novelties in legislation tlio latrat it a clou in ita local option mi providing ttiat rery man convicted of bciny lutlullsj tlrnnlianl aliall bo ub0lourplt4 at liwowu exponaa ami every miblication in ilia dialrii t in wlui ii lis turn supplied with a copy i lie aped in of t ncle ham rushing t t i liehrlng ha lo call of hia dis of war in oilier words lo inform ilia istrol teawdii 1 to llio danger of luloiferiuf willi itm armed anadien oralrrt la not ono to make itm oouiilry proud of llm rrjiudinuita wlio llirew out ilia awonl at washingd n a few wmha ii f out i i 1 lf fl atuury liusiot rodiird a bi i i llm limine or bin lo authoneo ai who bus been a uu iiilwr of lilt 1 mrl f atial r of any one autrliwo loinu to u i in of llio judicial tiiuilttxi ol tli utuucll j ho ralarlfa of xuili judges undur llio bill re u bo mld by tlio 24 yh of m cfo a pnlfghtful pnywtjwryi qnthori tniran cnjovntala pronrnmmo tlio twentj foil rtlt dawn ml warm ami wiliii nd waa jikji audi a morning ai wouiii pulidbood spirit tlinio upon whnnr boulder rested llio rotonaihility rf pfiroviiliug for llio public a day of pleasuri the joint committee of anton ortiel hand and llio itppor haso mall inb wrr it rxt client spirit and ilia rnatill uf llio iln a prooanllnsa allowed tliat liny wrnl fully oommilonl lo arraiia and rnrry out i ucnrnfnl loclcbralinii willi itm ural avcnl of die day i tin labrtnae matcti rowda brjiiii lo arrlwi in aatop a prctt ami conunoaioua park 1 lio gale- reocipta allowed tliat willi llio atlilolio oiiiimi itlo band and llio rbildrm tlia atlendanco aa oot far abort of 1 ihmi 1 bo cbii f attrnntioua of thn day wrro llio aiiirn with ii the ruiumluoa npand no laina hi providing fur llm mmitalnra wlio offirly watchod evrry pliawt of tlin liiftiir- oiil amuannjnnla bliortly after 10 mi ttic lunu waa callml for ho lacroaao maldi to bti plnjitl by jloiiwilliama and aclon iraina i mm llio lira nacli aido ilolortninril to do their burnt and playnd well ilirniidliout llio otitiro mrnip thb ant ffunt hal woll by tv illarkatnck of tlio nmtink accorditif to i he dniaion of llio timpirr lboiifl tlnu ffla ultpuu by llio liomo tram t hccoud tamo waa r cured by aclon team by w unlkina j i entire amulnled about ono tiour and a half and w u liotlj i untralod hullowinu lio lacroiao match cams that of the bxaonal train of amplwllvillo and acton lliiu waa a clinmpionalnp itoia talk of the 10ay an cuilurnn of fn wariua uomtiorj puithwtho woflk it i jinderalootl llint a iiiinibor of hie jnrora in llio ilyami trial krro ofterod itrilioa i iirntiaa i it a iloclaro i itaidf republin and tluitwill adil to llio dimoutlna of th- oirorn iirallin lln fouruar oil dauuhtcr uf mra raw ford of ifimilloti waa alruek by a at reel rar on haturday anlniataiitly1iillnl a pickocknl took hai from 1olltm man i tlhoralun of loronto wbu waa do him plain olotllin duty l tlia rncfa lt at 1 urotito juiicliuii on hatnrday mi ilaiidall wltti bad bo co mo lieapundonl oh account of hia vtifo joavinjj liiin cummillril auh ido by taknif lau ion urn i lie t nil ml htatra hnprfimi cuurl laat monday drturnl tlio applioalinn of kojnio doba tlm atrlkn louder for a writ of liaolmn corpnw and bo will linvo to acro out hia atnlriicr 1 lie araa doninoj for julnbil at tlm 1arta intttialioiial f sliibltion uf itmh will amount lo about 4 0 mhi au ifo foal wtrrcb ithhhttt qmnpfnat wlltbr tibrvii it for oleuncn1 aibioito e8qlesina a b convlntion joy in the home i w 1 i flchay uf iiv tlm kairiifalardiarn of the ikimliilon of anada baa bran mailo a kihjilit of the grand n u of tba mot dlatlnaoiatied ordrr of hi michael and ht eorkti mr hobultx i luiit rriiur of maui lob- anil mr jul ei lniiio minister uf quebec kiiklhta omiiiandcra r ht mlttiaol atil ht jrorur mid mr milne ollrmjtor of cuatoina at v icloria it fur aorviooa in lounectiuii with too hobniik bra nootiationa ir u ii kinualon of uontroal waa alnj kui an hngllab arllullu rforrliik to the crop oi ji nnovr iraltoncoanty tic5jqt kliofuy after tbrrc u ok aclon loin took dm hat artd fur imarly three boura lln enil l nj fjame uiu t arrnd on thii fol lowing oin priae the iiioniuira of iton and amp boll mil niih ant ibiir 1lhltl iih ml llio ll id llm skulil i mil- i titirr i i lint i i ri follow oik i ilupbnluillc 1 i 1 m i m kinio with tteomitl iiiwn lion whan ilia blcyi i rtn i ilia jietipto tboiiirkl fill a plaiu if iuiii whereby a full ucu tun bt i 1 if tliu lliat wua a iuc re l luulpalll in it licinn it lordon toionto t j l baa iaaueil wril on behalf of iva liortrinjo kidd k cnrld widow of iho lata lohu hldd of muiiu mllla ukniht w i walali executor of llio catalo mra hi id claim a third of the catalo a tier dowof and a hid luiiclliiarica of llm will tiavo k liuticu lliat limy wijl uoi rtiumiau litr claim a bi latamt wlllliktily botlieicault if mr kidd la auccaftl in tlio action ln will hit about bltxmhl ihotuaa wlt 10 hurt old waa killed i rl lay at ht nipt villi by llio bursting uf lio ah nth lilcli ho njohratim iho boll uy i lio imi iiioil w nado uut i f a p iet i 1 m pi 1 n pie 1 it p nolrl hia 1 dram hllamoba s lonvtn 1 1 ion km ollun i proiiniminu civ1 i lit churcl w ull hlllod ai bnctl survlti 1 hu i nul aon mil muittli u to i kt hold ni ll i kh ya tbo woalhor now i hut and auiiuy nitor a period of eaal wind which kupl cropa from itrowiuff at all rapidly now iho only thing needed la a food downpour of rain which llio itraln cropa on lilit autla nrnd badly wtnlo the paaturoa alao watil a itood aoakiufj to maae ibom produoaan abundant hay crop and plenty uf feed the wbaata rejmoa in tbla tiot dry woather but they am uuly juat recovering from a aickl jollow eondi tiou and moat piecoa are either ipjpry or vcak in appcaranoc the wluaat crop muat ha balow avorao in area and yield alike all other cropa promiaa lo do well if rain uoiiim aoon onoujjli no rain of any oouaoiiueuoe baa fallon for nearly three weka and at thla period of the acaaou the crua moat of wbloii wure aowu laus cannot jet alotik without it i he tttrmrr adtvcatr oontoina a atiuuk pro tea l agalnat the acllinn uf iotah in tbe form of aabea to tbo farmer and kardeuera uf the t ailed btaloa lu aomo form or other ailbur wo or uur children mult restore thie pot a nil to tbo aoil aud with the rapid development uf fruit growing iu ontario and other provinoea thla bcoomea all the mora imperative ua of tbe jroateat uochib uf our ur liarda la poloah but alill lha aab pod d lor gooa bia rounda tradinij tba honeewife a few ban of cheap yellow eoap for buahola and buahela of aahca a species of short aighled barter tbat has no redeeming feature iunnit tho year ending june hu ihut t anada export ed 157 b worth of lha pot and jmarl aabea and hl uo worth uf uulcachod aalies or total ol i10u 7ut ropreaonllnfl a vaat iuau tlty in bulk ii not to be wuudared at that our neighbor tbe mf xr orlrr should exclaim why lu the world caiiadt pertniu thla wlmlealo drain ib aomothluji that bafqea the wiacat a deapalol to tba new york ftm tt tierhu aays lormany baa refused to ou uerau with it anal a in forcing japn l withdraw bar troupa from xiraan tcrrlloiy lha turn uindon cabla iuim hut tba report thai mi uut ilusaian uo bava anlernl hi bona is orodlted there a coord lug tu lermaii information huaeia has nibarked ummi ou las an odvnuluro tbau seiung llanobura and rea fur herself and it la auaioolod from varlouaiuilloatloiia that abe baa an understanding with tilna on tba wbula aubjocl 1 b orroapundolil ailda all tins mtlnta lii a situation in unilaly graver than that winch was oiienod by lha japanoas declaration uf war last autfual kvan if the gorman ipcra have no ofbcial informal lun their gueaa that germany ha already pulled on i of tho oomblnallon la a shrewd reflection uf the inevitable all uermauy a ooiiimmcial interests will be uii in arms in a dy or l at tba u p uf c udge fit iso v iball heflan li ibe uulf of 1 j i boiiih in ituaatan hauda at o d uatley tirl lioduo u tjlm day a verdlot of guilty was renderod by be jut againa oecar wilds anil alfred taylor oharged with immoral praatioea aud oonl posing indeoent literature i be praaidluk jodge gave tho hravieat sentetice poaaiblo via two tears at hard labor in prlaon and ex preened rerel utal tbe law too id not allow him lo give a heavier mbuow the court room was densely crowded at the lima of tho trial and when the trdoi woe given it mot with general approval tbere are others implicated iu ibelffair bat bava left tbe country for a lima at letsl the puuiabmeot wilde ia esnlenocd to undergo la the severest kawu to lha uw i praclioslly means a oontin uona period of aolllary ooaflncmeni for the i wo yeara urm of bia aeutcuor ilrgular gaol bird a a i way a prefer ova years uf penal servitude to two years iraprlaou tuent owinfr so lb eaaiex ooudlliona of tlia former wilde will not be permitted to boo any visitor for three room ha hut by raocpuoaally good conduct he can tenure a ojigbl rotioouon of bia aeutonpr jhanlb ualwrai fr uhrnaaattaut itorkwcoil f- luthno and h red hlorey acton rral btorcy look tho lead at llio start and hold the place to llio i ml thua securing a allvor modal hor tho two tinlo rnin tliciu nno ol throa ontiloa t jau 1 tutb lu a d r htorey hor ibl h ja took ilia load lilt at tbe uyiimuik of the net oml utile i h turn j vertook bun md vou ivilh i n 1 lead groat excitement itallet wliun uil live milo race waa hiiiiuiiik til 1 li ujl thcie were luui cntrica but iwi alaittil i llailoy ami 11 dordou 1 lio i ruici look tlia lead from lha first and during the entire ave in ilea held hia and easily won tba price a silver cup 1 ha race ixcu plod about il mi no tea tlm laht nulo being ooverod lu 41 1 hen fultowod llio jovt i tlm dial botiig for 100 yrd in whiih foui onured trumbull toronto a m rrio toronto t larduier aud a johuaon of acton mcjjuarria who is a profoaaiunal proved bimeelf to be the beat runnor but made a miibake anil finiahod ubout ftftoeu yards short of tho goal gardiner than di alao oot him and johnson came in second for tho am yard faoe tlm aamo eiitnea were mode aa fui the 100 yards axoopt thai trumbull failed to appear mi jnarric won tbe tatce with cue while juhuaou look aeoond 4ac in the half milo race of winch jobusoti gaidmer and j varwitk were oouiwiltoia johunuu mum m ilrut and iardinor lauind a note worthy foatun 1 iba lj kj1 la tliat with die exoapll in of the ltd yaril race all were won by acton buys wliu ac4uitted ummsalvca llirnugt out remark ably well i he acton rnol 11 ml calinol be tou highly oominendrd for tba cxoellcnt musit ihey furuislied ihey played liberally and well and many wqro tlm favurablo inii mauls laid them by iho visitors alto gcther a moat on joy a bio day outing ms tba result of tbo labor of uis uiuimlttca who provided tba program fur the day i the colttbumptau parajo was vij funny but laakad muoli uf arraugauaut was loft almost onliroly to juvenile and they ovidently uvarlookod the neooaslty uf engaging the aervicoa uf iho old oolithumpiai chief hkiddlemadiuk baruddlobunijumb whoae iaradee ot yearn oro are remembered yet by the older real dent with amuatug leuulleotlutia ilio couenrt in tla towu hall n llm niu was very enjoy able and faitlp no ful aiiimtlo jb hold 1 tlm i oiple lnfiti lioilon n monday uo jjth il ami niinoi ically r wooded ai y piwioun oonvoiitiouyiuld by the assoclaliuu 1 rum tbo ural auaaiou wlilulioommcuotil tho ftfth annum oonvoriilon thd m6ot buooonsriil ot tho aanocfatlan j ho annual rojivi minn of ltiitintf htiudity kah0r1liimaftltin hull to union irrahylntian luircli ou j cut i llirlhdav iho ellrr wa irlnjilful and thin tmilitlful an i n n il mm udilltn was nrowdril ultli ri j rpionttl i vea frnm every pit of llio tnwliahip llm pro lirainmo throughout nss practical and tn foresting and tlia many kundsy hcliool wurkor prenaut felt that ilmrn w- miiuli of pr fit in ii for them promptly at i 10 mr v h 1111 7ith pre idenl ink iho ciair and iii prm in 1 tig were oimiiid will prajor amlpci aud the rlsdnik of the nor ipl nrf- tho mimitos of tlm uit mnttng ami if lha mentlng of tbo einilivn irn rind uid contlrmeil a half hour wan ipttnl in n miviiitt wirbal rekrts from rupn niiltat ivcn uf school throughout tlio louufhip llm rioru wrro encouraging and gnvo oiileiirn of trnwihg inlireril in litltodaiu 1 and in nun nionary spirit in tnlrwi inli mr ii i moore who gnvo tbe urat oddreaa the preildrnl bpuktt of tho honor coneird upon iho rowualilp asaocialioli lhruuth mr imoom a a action as pum mii il 1i hi aicmliou and llm oouoniuu move beaity totoof coujratnlnlion mr mi sjhiiio on llm hunilay school it on work and aiiccra dwelling partn nlorly t upon ita internal hi niiiaioint and the h depurt lioou tho iatjo lo tlio school room where a very appolmiik ropaal awaited tlmiu thu appolutn cnls here sa in all olhuf nrriuihomauta of tho loesl rum milter wi re pirfcct and tin bocibi aula was fully enjujid ami spprnoi ated by llm v icltnrn i oa ws also supplied btlwci n tho aflnrikmiu mid ovoniiit ho i hu afti riiooli pr uiaiiiino ojieticil a vary ahta addroaa by itiv a itlmr i of nbaaamaya on iho mivitm nl uy of hit hun lay hobo- i llll fillwetl lib an ill n h in lay hi hool parliament for two li when i bo f llowiuc ubjrt in wie prano and iiim unnod by llm tuiiivolillun i how to pro jut iho htbtmlb n i i bv mr it limev m- ho sttry told by hia orntaful rhttiur an brparlnnos that mny urlrik qlnrlnan k tho hnnrtu of olhor pitronta j mammoth heussb georgertown f6j mr l to lo fan ii lb it pimlol willi n vn mar tiuln itlln on tin mi in i i fro iltilm in gall ho liamum uni of kill am ml uvery i hinil sjont hi plntu has nu air of una i nom ami prinjoril n j iuiiialivt n- tba ml ll k f i ltlj linil 4kibiiiou lu call on mr lhilrhtid in lha linrwj of a nm ihiti in i him mi r n nm of ihno ro imuhiilli t ihliiili ll uao of r aillain link i ill- thtt inn givnti una grtiat lift kuviuj nmdictuu n world wldo rppiilnliui u n mr 1 half r a family in a linlit i ihj hiukid itoy of lour jnar portir a ntltinlion anil uauaihl him lo ruiuark on juo imouhy aphiarauue yes rttpll d iho fnim r tliu li tie fallixw looks w ii cnotiji now bul iwo ytinrs ago lie was but a ufcru hkullui ami w wrro huraly afrmd hi moki i nu bin mid 1 buhuvit ir wilhniim link 1 ill hhwu fun life rtktii to iiu llm affliiiularn mr 1 baler sal 1 lio wit htdng litfallliy child ll w it cxorciaa hi lha tailing itilouso interest waa iiiaiiifesbud by llm largo audiuilut well a by the nteukire 1 sell bcnrliin waauptind ill llm devuliutial exortlicr folloued b iht plan laid lowu on urn j ruramiim llt llm execution i ai atlilrbb lu hayo trfcii klii by mr mli uc win iiuavoidabij nul llciu our pnividod a uupply the hocrultry 1 rooauror itoport guon by mr johr htrmdmn waa highly culoglaod by mr llay i nuincial secrolary of the s h anndjoiatiuii wlio mud that 11 was tho inonl complete and besl jroparoj marl ho had had llm picture uf hcanu i ho addn iv i well pre pa md ami the i whloti fllted ttiii lhnrcii to its utmost capae uy lialeuod lu ibo aieakurs with rapl attention a loiter julguuo q aud forwarded lo tho family of mr llugh black in which the heartfelt aympath uf lboconveullil waa leudoted li tbo grlaf nlrikeu family tho following ofheors wvto appou tl fur tbo auauing year iraaluaut j no limus 1st icalran mr 1 oaho hoc ri icucuol ald bia vi i k b i ilkiiuolt sotrcotowit of habbalh school 1 tin a kesulla io t by it iuhii i lio r tlnlj i m manner a ioiiil 11 value t i llt 1 tu co ed 111 mud mlrrcl and lea i ao fully capablo uf taking proonit place tm ilia prugrammi of au h galln lug hov mr ko tanghl the loaoon i tho follow 1i1k huuday i bin way helpful in iho toachtira pnnaut lh follow inn ufllioib nc i t i i u o u il yoar moiilhn old when unfortunately a hiirvaul lovo hill without hnuwluilgr ion i pnto uiiuiiihil to an intniit lha rcniilt wmh but utuiuaoh be time deraiigd hn began to pi no awy aud no food would rurnalti with him hut pitnmul ri like witter lie could -not- atcorrnrrcbrnnirl crtraay ultit inglil hu kipt unil dotyi for ix or aavau tiuinllih until tin hor t luld was reduced to nkiu an i bom llu i ail medical aid bul lllllu or no oot wuauciiuiiiplinhoil 1 1 was not until ihn hula fell itv was in tin tirr ibloi rait that w d ti rmini d to vu him lir william 1 ink i ill ami i procurod a upil and hu un likii ibrin aciuirdin walker mcbean sc co we wind the business clock daily nkhfe wis there such a olden oiiok jljni i of buying jnruitndisc for as little money is now oui ootids art mowing out and tin dollars ir nnnhl umnif hi oim lt c in this land ol freedom when huim ss isii i dull the rcaon tor it ib njson cnonh to hnn tht rowds us sliiiii floods best i big run in dress goods huubla i old ores good id worth i light and dark shade iu cashmere hjc fngular price 23a colorrd ii e rlalt as ito were tod illk and navy all wool hrrgo jta doloinos all wool dalainea 17c were loc i heao will not lat long tho price iaiuted to clear them right otil annio laurio ivoba bl she wore drosses made of beaut i fiiljiaiiglliluidju we liiva i hem uol ttic aame but similar ones also tho tweed in drona length fl i i worth ti co navy b illk mantle loth lh worth fl w fancy silks hai hai hi ik ana i ancina at lio sold over the ountry for c fancy french flannols mu for ljc loo for a blk dross sflko ai ai i ihiclb clovofl and hosiery otton hoae fail black for 10o cotton hoaafaat black 12 jo ua and 0o dost value in the trade for ito well worth iric illiiiw i uk illld uojared tsfloie g lotos from 10c a pair up u 3c kllk glove joo j5o 40c anil corsots in all tba leading makes from lio up ladle helta and tie to match fiuo a sat mons hats meuahtraw ii a ta at 60 ha loj ujo men fine straws at jfo oa b ml at jfo oa b mlo to abllohovk acba ibe 11 lbckwoud 1 loabyteriau t burli 1 in i la t ion haviui boon extended by lio mr hlrahau on babalf iflhochuich a llearly vulo uf thnuka was toudi 1 j tba collar d l ion al kverluu fix the uic lent tea provided ami hil alny ti tivi at their hands 1mb uhv rallbl in aiici- ililo hyaua twin ot ln anotlmr tril 1 may hi prubaby 11 ilia hiator of 1 anada over m iml lm 1 11 ut real which boa ox is tod during itm aat two weeks in iho trial for murder of iho ii yams amentum i win brvtbera pallaa and harry p llyama i hia nleroat reaobed lie culmluatory miii1 yosterdsy wbeu it bonsnid known a vardiat would bo given the court house was densely pa ok ed all day and ihousaudb of peeplo warn turned away by o boors including over a hundred metrftani of the htnal tratarnity tbe early portion of tba dey was taken up by tba aloeing part uf mt oaler address for tin rown up thl addrwss wbiuhwaaa lucid and admirable effort was oirtlm whulo slightly lu favor uf tbe prison era the judtc addreea 000 u plod neavrly three hour and al ita oouoluelou tlie jury immediately roll rod aud ibo court adjourned when the uourt was re opened at uluo o clock p ui tba judge nailed lu iho jury and lha furamau iu answer to ueetiou 4pld tie did uol exiacl furtbor delay would bring iham airy nearer an agroameul 1 he judge tbau fcod tlie jury generally if tboro waa any oiiauoo ul agraanunit aud soma uf tba jury replied in the negattva ilia lordsbip rfniarkod tbat it afaa uu fortunate but under tba circumstance there u uothiug out to diets iham tba joty waa thoreuiun diamiasad after having baeu out oor sarau boom z tui c 11 a iiu ihcli ll 1 i- t bey teudurod suuie liuo selections play lug lu a most rlhcleut manner ibo dwelling uf mr laxac 1 cole f l ii lb coo 1 nil waa dastroyod ly lire laat week iho tlia 1 supposed to hvo originated from a lafoclivo chimney i he principal ortiuii uf the houachold kocku wore aatci 00 doubt mi account u tho dwelling beiiil bul ned during llm lay im covered by luautaiioe in ihccouibe of remark i il- loot urn by llov ir hlrouguiii al the tea mcellug fullowiiig tlio lo opening rvl a of tho mo i hod i al i hurcb hole many boa till ful seen oa worn depluuid and illubiralioif given lu rulowlilg his triji lu 1 alratltio iho apoaker nuui many placol of intornil skiken of in rtcriplure huving aul a good jiarl of oilil dy in juruialom and viail ing holouiiin i kiln ilotxuo jciichu bell any and iuuiil a olive noalv llllltv da wfa pnil it and al ltd llm holy uutl which ho hn lm deaorlbo aa hid t f i bo 1 unit ainailutuua allila tid coi cb f a life lum in lgypl the ppta 11 and hbii 1 wem lalled wl lie alliens hocoi i 1 rt h lrc h 1 moe trnos tba nr lie 1 k iu iiinxf r lociillvn llm hxb ut au 1 ii riuii1 tl 1 miinhii after the do vein il c vl 1 uo hi probidout hall 1 11a lu a inn h 1 reviowini ibo lk ir the a buci oucourank tbo hxbbih scb 1 w i lu greater inlcret n 1 then w ork irealdout elect ali rbid r was bt1 iruduced aud 1 11 ad 0 a oil end 1 ad lu accoptliic the dut ic4 f b 1 1 illco iiob boon a inojt elite itiil seilr oli y pani tbrca year and a iii ill du utlt 1 marked sucoeaa a pi ruildei i hov kual ot m oaow til uutue alllitiugli all uf ilione places and very inny tutin wrn of roal liilercal and rvmivnd lue in nal le all 11 at hia hand alill tli oetllro uf allractluti to him ibe mi olive wuh ilb biluatiun sutroti sights blsturu hunpliiral and m ie ul lot juit f ndu whilo in i lo 11 nmpe ii wi lb a voter nai y t a out ll rivn k on halui the ft nu t hor bo wbi 1 belli dl iveu look lullati iimali ai id die 1 lurtly afterward tbe 1 fttitpr uu at oraugevillo im hu liilut taefn show loht lall at llm tn no uf tbe ooain the tubii delivarod a slutlng ad ircl whlub wan iijucb onjiijuil by all iheltlbla the lick u i urn biibfoul uf tho addiobj 1 hov i 1 louch of hornby hov mt 1 hum hi advent 111 the tow in dutli tin yesvi iiib itileiiiat in buitday hclunil mal ixri hu nun fur him a heatty welcome hie addroaa was au a bio rfturi iteaulutioiib uf tbaukn to tho i lut tt lauds fui lliclr loadiuc uf the iiiliil con eluded lha procaadiuc of the mont nuccoan ful ouuvaolioii yet hold lu the tuwimhip 3au pfluwnifmg alliubn i 1 111 11 inly tiiuiin k m 1 1 lst k liockwoud lha well ki hi 1 he ii nhlpof l lamoaa ruccivad jf tbo dealb by dnwullig ul his sou g at uuk b mill algoma so parllci worn ublaiukble a lu how iht art t oocuted until m hay mu i wlmu trutoob of ibo aecluii 11 wliu h tbe a jll ujir j 11 i ii it ill f 1 mi tu ha 1 ridny ubi al lb a hkii iihr lb lure n ii ithda i mldll t mr i din iurl 01 iliirajay whon hln oljot ntit i t j hie wan unnod to mi i hakb m 1 aiikhlii tf uo sooich llio h krv ml mllto pcftited 111 or king uu if you want 1 ve u a utile doing our bust e possibly men fedora hata ii ou worth tl i- man a fedora hata 11 co worth j 00 i man fedora hau ij 00 worth ti ml i men hard tell hat al 75a fl 00 tl i i tl m to t 00 all made by the brat maker wo only carry tbe beat makes boots and shoos ladies oxford hlioee hoa worth l i lsdtoa oxford hboos 117c worth ii i i adiea oxford bhoea tl is worth fl 7 iadioa bandal hjo worth t i lad tea haadal l if worth ii 71 i iiliea kid button boots tl 1twou 11 1 indies hid dal tl 10 worth 1 m i ladire tan bhooa 11 iu bee bile vim lh si ai i adiea lau hhuoa ii il regulai prli 11 71 mons tan boots and shoos men a tan uoota luzor lues at i j 0 regular price tt oo men s tan oxford shoes l 7 and tl t worth j more children ulk and tan boot and shoes lit all llrrai eathor ha taken a big jump in price take our advice and hoy now i ou will never boy boot and bhoes aa cheap a you nan to day hpecial drive for saturday in met bl boola tl im for ii it onlv a limitei number of pairs kuaaett bboe puiiah 4 u iulu genu1 fur the htandard 1attur ia clocks kd a watohoa tj jewellery u cd a spectacles iq ui m 3 silverware xj 3 pq ol 3 tfq fartcy goods alao ropaliing of line compllcaled wilchea oo to bjmon prnclloal watohmnkoi and j own i lor a p symon iltht atibntisrmrnli no ik k 1 all tin olin ul llohoit auiiv itr rr aro reutlii loaettli 7v lo or oaali li or ih inro hit ll uf june all 14 r tin iiavltigalir olalin atlaliil llmaall 11 agnew re 11 acini v si kfiiiiliert rlcisoy hull for sehvicb or foh sale rillh on liiraliinixl lias lor nervlce at ii alalili 1 011 tlaln htrnrl a llioroughbrrri imiir- a m 1 haitlllh ilaku no tkkslassing pilf- pulillr is hereby notlnnil llist no hairing mo ul ijuinir li hi allowed all found iiilmy if tr iwnltil will ltt 1 riheeuie1 as urn tulo iiruvlih- htallh 111 april iu it r lrfth id ul an uib 1 daily parasols it i 1 arnaola to stiloci vn them from vlu up t saturday bargai day hltial 1 luchh tou 11ia1 il t omk willi thl 1 itgwl aazlkiw yobean 6fc co georgblown aid toronto d ont suffer with headac 11 ijmc n0tir nil ikk la lieriby gltrn llisl doiiiiil anil 1 fkiliiic mi die atrnaiu miiolng ibrough ii isbi ihrl ol i11si id ii aud the went irt r i rulnt ltil trnaiwaacra jrlll bo pro aoon led icr tin oularlti gaiiic lavirt w vntki l l 1 or tkniiers kok lvkk 1 use i ll n i ark lur ifoioluloii day u old klltiv llllivll lnktl now huh sale ui tender i ill ih rcoytl lh 1 i r i i an acton i i u 10 rruuy liurclrroimrtv faimlontwlil it reeolto1 lor tbo liulltlliiu ami lot t ullre or seorata lendan may ixi made lor tlie buildluu alotio or fur the hullillog and tue lot or for tblt alom tlm en y tbat alu11 cl f vvodi by in 11 tliu gl l w all lha i a onwa ll ltd i h ui to b ir thai n urn prut uu 1 iiilroi in a an 1 cl 11 1 lh vi ci 1 1 eglllura pi idmg foi ui iphtu bui 1 ul an all 11 uf iho bcii 1 nlau 51 it ihl mr 1 re wa 0 w uh lln 1 bet al leadu bib 1cu iuballclly dun id i i ail autlii llt 1 sail li lant i 111 coming 1 all ol hpn ug 1 ma 1 si ileal i sui i1 1 t t i i v i 1 c u bristoivs pills lliat a brd by vliig anj ihial iiinedlala mbbib b llr mil i lh help and hli b w lo of udlc it unable i ojloi a i by iho hum t lo ibe ceim uf lb h1i1 1 1 si 1 ii i 1 si 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ill 1 1 1 i ul 1 ibe ikt ll llioughi lin fai he uthc ll waa ubenuonty learned that they bad ilood 10 to j to favor of aojjutltal ibe raault of the trial ia to throw lite case over to next ait net whan there ill be a aecuud uial au attempt will be made to ball the prisoner but uut likely to be uoosaeful if yog want oral alaaa uuelpbsaab aud doors al oualph prioam t lnnxua oan llll ynur order at hia planing mill imthuuhh mix jym drown and her tt ai a aouu biii 1 riday with friend bai mlaa a lark of uroiilo was v mil lug her mil mr j uu new tun during last mr and mia j hnuawiu uf oloo smiii tbo jllh with friends bore a number 01 ineu are employed beiuw the uveibosd bridge leveling uff the bank on both idoaof the cut ihey will pro babiy bo auotbur ttoek at the job a few of our cltlaen look lu the colobra hon belt in acton u the juh aud atleutl ed tho ouucerl in the evening 1 be lime kilns arq nut burning hern jut how a tba lime is being soul from dolly ardeii but as soon a the wood la aleared up at the molly tlm kilo will bo atarled here again if there la a foundation fur truth in iuj rvpgrt lhat for eight muutlis lu come aigeotlna will need all tier wheal crop higher prions may prevail this fall lliau uur farmers have rraliaed iu rooent years ilia preeaiitpriciara very riioouragiug and foauh ibe ikii which had bean carried away some distance by lha wind or thai ha took cramps llio ox bo i uaturu uf the caao however will uovor be known as nobody was vury iiuii by al the lltne i ho deuaobcd urn lllll 1 ul iu black aud wa ovoi la jnau ilf- jj atudiod for a leacbor al loorgotown high hdiuul jiamaiug hi oral eauminatiqii some twu voars agu 1 oat aii uin bo got a buhuol al i 4xk a mill algtuna and weill i tboro last july ibo family hoard tiuiu luui regularly bul of uourae bad in iiilliuatiuu of this sad and auddou emliug uf his early llfa ab may bo imagined llm blow was very koon one 1 lie family is a laige uni aud bound to una auutlmr b stlcallouau ties lho boroaved family bava the lym ktlhy of i he ouiumunlty 111 lliclr bruavamriii mr blaak left fur uu mlila 011 in day ibbl arriving there un monday morn nig al tba lima uf going tu proa tboro waa na tidings ui- having recovered lha body i his odds to lha grlaf uf ibe family luae they will be huld 111 buapensa until ucli i briiilols pil 1 1 l i i llll 1 1 111 d 1 bristols i pills i l null lull limllptl mil ll u 1 ll s i npilj 11 i in ml iii 1 11 ki bristols tptll3 id 1 ttui tliur n 1 lj 11 iv jtnl i t ihttli of uuth hi x 1 1 iiiil a sui ouic mhido olsi u ki smith i 41 citfcnsinq chtmlbtb ll 1 i mcdonald bis 01 kt of revision m towu itairuu 1 monday junk jrd 1ou0 1 carpets aumlnlbthatoh s oi l k to clieditolts tir hit ijto junn spuluht ln itl 1 ll nu a uf on 1 arm cbaj tor 111 uu aliilull la uial all jw ihhii liavluu lalii aualii uf urn vlllagt ealale ut lutiii hkilcbl late uf of i ll ton of a uu lu tbo coui r ilixwaauil wtnalled tbe 13h 1 day ul ju lie imtl are rwjuirett on ur before urn 1 ml la uf juik lti to mud by ixial lellve r lo jiel al t hbthl la said vlllsilf dlilliilatrato u acton a blair iimul in writing run tain int adlr as and llm tie acrlhui ait1 full parllculi are o tlelr clalmi 1 duly toritted tilw w fcjtl uwil time ai tno oooy may be recovered lbs k 11 ill wstiiug maojilne man ufaotured lu llraiitford it kha best washer made it took tbe first prlso among h0u at the wurld hair sud waa suooeasful iu takiug the oral premium and gold medal for aala by john matthews willow atrewt vlaard ijulaarnl nitfi dttimier i 1 1 i s 1 ml mm v ihi p dl 1 uurlqiiktj most successful remedy for man or biaftt obtuob la its mtfrcu sad ami wb ileaoirerf bsto kend1us spavin curl isis aasr a ws wli anilnv m baotl all um yuuratnlj kehoillssp vim cure cxhi mo aur i tt bur flir i ban unl amnl mun t futlv m hubii ii uw ul uiuincnl i ar i jni n- m bo- msa rb h lrurjbals i r all ir 11 r rrfvi lasuxuu hur 1 1 llci c ccjith lll vil j ti 1 1 t ji 1 pill i i m 1 uhlainh u m iv l u i m f j he lu lj m 11 wii 114 d 1 c t t ji jil lli us lit 1 1 lie j n lx1 0 ii u 1 i li v j d williamson a ua lam and macdonnell streets gullt an i uthiih la lu i udiai k uial 1 i ler llm imh u j t mil i a itulu trau u1 iiruceott u illbtrlbula llm uti ut 11 ml 1 ul am ui h rtlin riilltlotl llmre 1 bavlnu reuaril n lu i lie elwuia f wlnnh li itieuliail liav i 1 ll w t le liable tin lllaaalil uu u an iiri tllrrnof a dis it i mod u ant wii 11 11 wra il vbimv t lalm i haa u t ibi 11 ti at ills llui l ut t ill town mhi l ac l on s l owiibend 0 tl a i aamany good thing arc ukdy to hut yuu arc aafc in runobag ine nut n you iwp bdiue u t mitiffi ferry davls five vol p ijlal killer iti ncvcruiuing aulitloto for psina off all aorta sold by til drupguu ilia a half sjaae e waaar ar aolui rwarwiir o shakesperean aclon lodge no 307 aouw idmhi ii m- jul ii kslill ii l iii llssu 1 llll dm n i- i k mind su i ti acton saw mills tou inuwooiivahdh j h jut ibs brown ul an i waaal 1 daluofl lu or inwi ul tbauiali 1 mbvnd bu 1 ttlopbuuo o uioiuultallott wolungtoo uutual flro insurance comoany kstxacjaimn lu nmuitantlc un uuulvl auy ounuual ulstilmtu an alllbeitruuiiitly atuidort u john tavloit agsul r uubii b

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