Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1895, p. 2

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rr i i h r hod iii hi ai a lii hr iimam oti hal unlay til juno if jiiiih ninth mtui i rar ami hliwaltt al liruus on rrtdav tlfi lino matilda coiidlnnlmui rnllet ol mm lain win hliiwart scad 73 mn tsfiii inouoljlion humtsv wli juno kh mlllajwn wife of thaa ll -tattm- mtrnh ulyoars m months ii daft otljc sdoit yvtt rrss tiuirhilay jiinh 13 iwjfl notes and comments mr hillock haa dratted a fail providing thai no member of parliament ahal be eliltiblo fur ah oltloe under the crown until a vctr after th dealti of the parliament to which lie haa beef elected the object bolnirtnnrar ettrnebltir guard the fndc patidenou ol tho rue ruber a our ottawa letter tho sfaslon nanrlna hio clono no woman buffrnno fnoronalnu novoniiatho mocdonald status hero a new member tor aubebta ttwi juno 1j tho htal ban imuii nioit opprrasivo hi lliu letfiirinlivo chain bcr thin woek anil marnbora will bo ulml whan larllnniant adjourns an omuii of internal lliia wuuk waa thu prcnon latum of mr lftvluaiiu trnliiij tho frnixiliiua to woman it wan ilafcalcil in tho lluiinu of common by ft oln of 101 to 17 i hu iftrga majority anliint tho pronual in doubtleaa jwlnk to llio well kroumlul hu lief of tho people thai lho women nf lho dominion do not denim political outran cblaomrirt cerlainl there wn ihi ureal display of intoront on llirir jmrt in mr davtii a motion or its fatr lho involute for may show an lucrum of fill mm ncoountoil for diiclly 1j mi increase of mnotnki in on torn- anil of fjooooo in cxoiac duo tu hid ex waruhuiib nit of spirits mid nifjar during llio unit three days of ma piat iriut tu tho tun it imrcaaea on may ii the totnl revrnliu to tfalo for tlm olusoirmonltiiottltu ttucai yoar falls abort of thu prnviom yunr li vklonlintt to rfpovt prcacnted to par liamrut the irmiunn paid in auadft for life iiintirauce during imh atitfrttfaled kltiwi an increase of jwmu over h3 the buaineas of tho canadian com pan lea mm l ml uf american oorapanhn ttjutoll the lira uiiuradca pram turn aggregated ti 1 lb1 a decr of- 87 j km tho congregational 1 man meatini t hamilton thia wrek ha a paaaod ft rraolu hon protmtink aftiuat the attempt to rotloro in mftnlloha a condition of thiiik under which a auction of the people waa left to a larno client uneducftlod a reort prnumllntt anaiuat the ondmn of aninjonly of lot 11oj1 commimlon on the liquor ttatlic waa alao adopted 1 ho m urlil la ol opinion thai there will oon bo woudvthil development of t aiiftda miuliif rraourcra blr lonld hiilllh i tuted mm aftylntf ihftt we have within otw own bordcra far richer dcpoaita of ailwr tfuld nd olhar valuable metau than are to bo found in tbo rich atto of mputana com pan lea arairoiog into active upcralioua in brillab columbia aud luluy ixke district tim mft roxiii fltpcnninitb rnrmn riwrn inotitha in nbout half a inillloti in im i of that of ihm it it the rurront boliuf in m imtlri i oircloa thftl an olhoial unnomiiiiiiiimit nf the govariimtint a iiiteiitiima rranhiik tht hudson kay unlway will ixi tntdo this wock koine of the mom bom of llio llnuu who hftvo been nalduiift lho irojict limly ay they would not txi atirpriaed if the ton duration by iurlnvmuu of tho prinmkil ahftiii in lho ihiani imi irrnuunienlh with the lompaii went himlmtiiril tin til ml mr 1 lint mho haa in hanl the pnihibil rj roxtliillon httn that it uim i 04a up for niimi on ji accomlod h mr mnli an fiillown thia liuum the man and aolo o nitnan t axi opt lor iftllk 1 f liinno and nil be pnilnbilod b lau i i llllnin i nlllllj ovci ai tho eftatcrn cot iter n buildind worknmi aro l ia jikij iro metidooa hole in lho tfromid into thu c ii y ihoy havi dnnr inrd thin t- jl rubble itono ami cement thia ia to ftinn the foundfttion for the tntue of mr hn mocdonald that iikw i to be rl ii i ho poeition ilka that of tho ntatnt t ir ticorgo ktionne ariier la itioiipli n in but no bailor ellooould bu fuuud altbouyh aotuftlly at tlio prmoii iim the nortbwtit torntortca have net the population to entitle them to a ttflh mem bar jot ftt lho rftto nottlora aro oitik in it la clear thai iouk before the ntt parha nient ha run ll courae llio lornloriua will hftvo far ftiocoded lho electoral unit at cord i ugly lho government lm lei idel tu ask parliament thia acaalou to h k ftdditionftl rnpreaentativo so that the ohftnge may tftke client with tho new jur liftmen t it la cictod that albert hill bo divided into two riding lha1 brln lho iftrgcal eloolorftl dlvlalon at proaeut and bftviux ft population ot li ink i hu wan one of the mcaaurlb prumiimd in llio h oech from the throtm mr i alton mccarthy tfuvn n ti i ulbt that on i litirwuy ho will impii j i wholher it la a fact that oiliuii nave rccuutly taken liaio between m hiuolloucy aud hon mrnxn oroonwfty fttid hlflou ilia nubject or in rolallon l lho action of the lcialatura f lho iiu vi hod of mftultout on tho roiuudlal onloi lanaed by the goveniut doiioral in t juiii il on tho aubjool of tho public hliooln a i if tho proviuoe or lu uuiievliou thcmwilli j wu the uuvciuor octieral in tliroo uettotlalioua ouiiuk ou tho ftdvito id tho privy guunoil or in what uimmii la it tho luloutiuu of tho government to briny down to dm hoiiou the hutlory uud roftultn of the nomollatloua and ll not whv on tha itaiii for oiponacn of prohibitum xmtniaaion the opkmhtiun prcanod for parlloalara on tuoadft mr b uittor utd hotw had boon bcnt tho oiiiiuiaiou up to june u laal i he llal oual uf iam miabion would bu about fri ihhi in ooiiimiabiouem had umm 9ld a du iuih 1aillainoutary tjthli li uruffatiuu will lake pin ry there i evidentl aorno virtue in capital puuuhmool afur all the biale of michi can which abohaliad baajjlng ft number of veajl mgo haa decided lo tin back to the old ayaum serioot ofleuoeft have iocreed itreatly of late and impnaaamenl doea not em to have the deterrent effoou that iia advocatoa claimed for il the lngiaulure have come to the caodaaion that the old plfta the better tbo attention of the lienor iiloom lu pcclora ia drawn to the foci thai lu niauy of i be bo tela the mnu in hiln ooau and aprona are none too careful in dullntfulth iuk between adulia and minora in many place boy are allowed to drink liquor and to frequent bar rooma the inspector hould aee that the bo tola do not admit to the bare any peraon who baa not evidently leached mature years toronto alar i be brat official crop bulletin from tlt maul lob goverumetil tbia year waa laued 00 baturday the catimatod hicraaao in acrewk for tbo year la 3903hu of which 1 ml uuu acrca are lu wheal the total wheat area ib puood at luui7tl aorae oila 4hj f5j barley lmhaj correkmid cola are unammoua in their report that tim irup proe pacta were uevet brtitbtar at thia aoammt ol tb year according lo tbo rooeul euumeratlou tbo population la now tjreajer by il 70 tlian it waa tu lfjl cauadlau royal oommiaaluua bv ml jom if ovar effected a aeluemaul of wxed igueauoua or indeed rrvauy contributed lo a aetilement aaye he montreal lfic li aectna to ba that iba manitoba acliool jiavo the ncoliatioob been ounoludctl jueetion ia a matter of policy for a reapou bible kovertimenl to deal with and thai do irraaponaible royal com amnion aud no ooramteaioo or bedy that can be deviaed can rondar it poeaible for a ttorarnmant re apouaibu to the majority of the people lo execula any policy bat the one tha major ity are in favor of ilonry clewa the new york bhihei m hla laat hatorday a circular eay ihi aapeot of aoaira iu europe li boooming aloadlly mora oaaurluk the revival of buaiuaea wbloh baa aol iu un this aide of the atlantic baa iu counterpart anion the lillanoutary aii imv lu commercial nalloua on the other alda ii ia vary dear from the eamerueaa with which new laauea ara ukeu in knlaod uermauy and hulland aa well aa on ihla market thai luring the laat ave yeara of biudneaa raaotion a vaal amoant of capital haa been bold back from invaalmaut until tho time looked mora pro pit to u a tbo rradiucoa with which uaw itiraatmonla are now taken i a plain evidence of a broad ami poauiva revival of credit that rt tuvory iumdi a raiuforoement uf all the force of ludaalry and anlarprtsa and llio baktuniuit of anolhar daoada of uulvereal iwoaperlly heiutocpad u uiat revival will be by lha moat advauoad methoda uf pruduouou tfia coming ten yeara may bo rxpecud to aurpaaa avarythlaf lu the worlda eiparieuoa lu the way ol industrial prirtnb and oommerioftl aipanaion r atheh and son orownbq wjl j 10 ynteiday kraupia tuamuout and hla h year old boy mat ik death by drowning while nah itfi ihi one of the hooiua in the njillpondthe little lollow fall iu tli flhar jumped lu iflar hlui but wu unuo lu regal o hla fluid on ilia buxii tulkth wins thk appeal lbs tourl uf appeal l krida lu iba tvoal wollluklun alectiun caoe raaervad judomoul upon iba apjiaaj aa lu lraaun mtun lha oruaa appeal aa to lotlmida lion ami llio croaa appeal over the aattla rnent uf the disputed acoouut with hrallh in j unldell were decided in mr i ucaar a lair or died on an upturned boat oijimawn june 7 lewla laokoll md wm ii row ii wlio li three mtlaa to ruud stayuof ou the banks uf the notta aatogia river left bora ou 1 ueaday mora no lira aatrboat purohaeavt hrrv bymt 1uokull wbou lf one true or little inland the boat capaiaed iba bow slandluk itrajghl iju lu the water throwing ha jocujola inu lha walar tbsy both uiim tu thr boat bui mr tnckett died iron cxpuaure at j p m wm mrown waa ijtad uaa the innuth of ihif river willi lho cothio uf 1 uokoll lho tun in lo jily dounull ha aullior i he new ltli llii i e rd ihi h tbwmmh i pmaurtl lt in lliu um u itli kiimu ouony b ll qual mw hiiu humbert in person lhmgh j firm talk of the dav an epltomo of thu worlda dolnao bmrlnii thu w6uk a iroiich journal uxuru that t lima 1 1 an nailud la iriinuon purl tji tin ittotloro island iniiitlii marlctt iiiii iki1 iiluli nun ilrowmtil will h hnlhnift n tlm mill poiulnl ilrnntford iiijliu town ul miniuy lluipr tliroo hiulitd hiiiibui wtrn hiirnnd mid uwirul ihirnomi oreaillud the nuiinal iinslly uf thu anjllimn hvuud for llio lllomhii ol jorilito mm moiiciidon iuitmuy ihcir hvr in tin iixiih in urn wnrlmurt dtnlriut of urnmfi i thn county oiincil id ouliirm hmiptiiia nd a bylaw to put nt fnn tlm tun un land tiltm uot in thn luunty liiiim llnrii- n ll hhrnil hlpdonl wu druwicd in thu mii t mitilmll iiih linmn n mur i urjuhir lho juhiko mrtion uf luim hurcli gull am iximii li id him wcuh niiliivirnl iiqlahlq niuiinteni am tnhmc pnrl tiiomilnrj imlplthe itnnk uf iiiuihi lliuludiiifj p arijjituin frl ull por iliiiiutii i liri nni 1 1011 imilu in tlio ban ill dtith is nnlinnu oifirl mnily nil r fm 1 i oiiiiih u proulmiiik 1 1 irin iy i hii ol lu mr- miilholtaitd lumilton lloinp el nun nty by tnhlu rml pnitljiitali jhiwiii r n initrciirml null hulurii i a din lor pumptd hit out hnuiib iiitiiich urn rnorlut mm hheiiktu a town in thn lull rnir lunn niklilinltivrnl unit llio miitionnrn ull thoir fnmilms imvu bo n uiurdiol duuiilnu htuvlitnuiij lljo u yoni ull nun of mr i ma hiovonon uf iurn wan kivrn a iltiantrtnpomiliil uf nrlnl n id by hiixltj in inilnki fur hid niulnr il rilir with fetal rrntill n ul llu in lh fail ihm llu piku iunk ralliu iii 1 lrnlo was suw1 up or nvc ilu lirnl f lb i niiulli men id ti mid lo in wi r 1 uih h1 oac h in mbir f th ili- ricuii l row ftiirihl du ipintt jarb 11 t io mcr uea am llr tunr in de nl 1 i f pat lint tl wo o ci u jil nt hi ii lvli iwii i 111 u lei i villi ot im it mr harll in k i arliaiuc 1 i aku tho uruuiual oil ilium aliiuaui kt the publication of nuoda nowiini miss mary llondeinliilt has bem hlawa oealiiit lor lho llvosuf lor atior and alhaiiodil husband i h suliuic ovar will not lulurfof and lulin llui hull and william 1 otto ill ill th ctroiuo pdnaltv foi thuii iiuuu i un i hth uf ibis mi hi i he hon j 0 ward iruaui 1 poatmastar oeueral ul now ouunj arrived here monday iiiuiuiuk ha had an interview wilh blr maukeneie bowel i and mr roator rotfardliik lho oiiiiieii lal relations of the two oounlna- which it in uudcralood was hlhlx satitfa iirv tu al mivllcdal mici i 1 ruluj h iii liurii r teutral 11 n mr 1 onlir nidu lho aieeih jlsrkiuj a d ovulvl ulhor pruiiiiiicul mm iitludim tlm prqiuiui and lluuleuant governor gliapluau auku aid 1 nink muirc of hi nuiailuoi flit ws lounl load muiuta inuring in the iuiu intel ihoro a inpmsl wa hold and a erllcl retut nod tu llio die i tlial the dririinod had ciiuo to liln duath b lakiii an uverlunc ul lauluui i r the- purihiao ur liiduinih nloep lho with k i- lad lobuy beforo lho lrkislatureou ujiriuv ill be lho remedial order uu whiwli an aiuuuuoo uioiil will ihi made llio urprl of wliiiti is still etrl outnllu kh abliiel bill which nuid an answer lu i lie order lhul wan hkol t lave b h had t 111- 1 x imlbdy i ckian i alu iamci i torture years hands and finders twi3thd out of snap ii with hmcu- matism ii story of nn old mnn nov nnnrlnu tho foot of lifuti hill how noliof cntdti lolllm aftni nnnuntarj fnlliirith nnd tjnui- itolntrrionto j nm aliunsi at thu fhi uf tin hill ol life linvinh uttniuud thu tllh jar nf my ajo and nnvor tlurfup that limn hnvo t niftiln a hlatcmonl mun willnuly ami ton nuiutllluiinl lhau now my body ban in on torttirud by pain fur upwnrdn id thirty ynnrh oaund by rhoimalibin and ihiri urn lliiiuntuidn iudurintj liki nltllcliiii that nnud nut if thny mould but heed my omirimirn and itviil tnimiik ivrn uf thn prupor nirnuu of ruliof i n jhnonritt lint nlliolu1 my hii and njrmd tu m int nil irm llk inatiy r i npared unithitr trijillilo or uxptiunn iji hi i kii tuni thlik id alliviale thn pnlu llu dinnnnu ha i in a in iilci nn hnlplnna thai i wnn iinnldii to tl on my own mtnt and my linu mid hnijiirn wrm brln twlptcl out of nhnpr 1 linro miiiiuii nut tlm shndun f n hupu ol illliuf aud very naturally 1 hcuauiu ilucuiir od and diil nruuimi uud uuio aftr lime fnvn i miftiii iiniii dumnir whik in an i i hoard of lr ttil itauin pink iiiih i rmt fu hu ihhn hi orl i tu tivo tin m a fair trml i follow tho dirontionit rlwitly aiidliy thn lime hju foil rlh bo wan it main 1 i in pam had crcully loiihouid am i wa iiiiu it improiiil my fruuil- haviuu witnrsd tlm wunoy i nimik 1 1 pink i ill- d lhi bo mainliik btca ij tliui i 1i1 lualil i nrftlrcted jnttuik auuthe oipply fu nrmv 11 oar alter ratiliuiu tu thin pnrl and i full that to me pink pilln worn oik f iii llirtu nrctniarirn uf life ianl nriu i a low boxes aud ln broil tnkl line with a very sntnfnitury flfou am tlad lo y now i feel like 11 new iisn olitnul re from ialli ui nllltntii of j lut i hnvo a shiibt iutanth of lol and hall way lu u10 kiln util am olili lent thai llienu pills will relieve lion ice 1 1 ni a i tliiiikli well advanced 11 jtai i am able tu walk mail mllca ft day 1 or flic una turn ur williams pink i ilia nlniid pre thu lditons tadlc ihav fur luiu hah an iirlinl 111 1111 inurrnthift phnau f ntndaaj lift- m tin ami lir wtbtrri pnlloifpi hn mil in ul unit 14 lho purtrnll of thn nun fnl coii iiiuft ir lho oi lit iulijr fc intgal tfsitrt- liranitivili ulli t t- lr in urnlon nil i from thai uf llu j jll t mnvu in hid ilu 1 rtm fon r n pn- nti 1 km v illtji iii ld hi inlli r li 1 i ii win i lion tou htv i lild r twitil iwu kiiili iu j lluiiiiiii with tlio july iniuilhtr mr poult 1 v liw will 11 i n nerlr do li i i ir um the nor of flu goi in slrunlo for liberty durinc hi iciinu jicnol fmin 1wh1 to il ii hint itiulmtut will dal with lho millun iiiurhr ol lohu palm the loin llr 1 f niirmbrj with i nuie tin pnlnt in n id pruinln n t itattrn uiolin nspnuu mid htkid thooxtra urdu aj lunliou nf thu pnlsnld iv4nn mid li nyt 1 u u rain on ihr rvr nf a tiritiil hultlt an tho nlmupodi ul the prii 1111 1 nn j fr lim the psjhr will intmili ai u111 r il i if 1 m f lilin luoll in 7 -i- will i njr nl in lull 1 bmtrnphkn uf mi 1111 1 ilui 1 lu marpiuof halm lurt mllniuni- lho farl of ltmoiinliil liuht ii rabln w 1 glnl mid hr lb rt iwl it ib htuarl j hhl mil lor of thu nonon who hnn witl tlm m rt vuluiim f which larl ieimhiii li llu nubjllt a liook ihal is 111 a 10 11 bo nuiliorilalivr mnun the aulhor haa imimi pi tuiittid 1 lriw inn h of the mater ul fr m pip ih niw 111 the miteanioii of id inwi4ii niiitii kmiholl mr iteid linn nlhi imd tin nilmiiluii ol tho ftdvicu mil 11 muit uf llio hun larlra gore ami llu 1 1 li 1 11 i ihol rivalo score tanit i ml uikii ml u iiial mteroat tu 1 in on 1 i r- viil hv the nt aliment 111 rilii i t tl vulinni nltmr which the jv11i uf ibv iiiluin lu llun nook i iikmim h11 sir lluulid ii palmer mi in hut ti m lal at lho tllno thin hiluiuu ii 11 mr lick thn liini mm i ij u lu i ho vulumr will il 1 i ul i ord ki11 ii n luiii mi 1 in i ntiailoo m ri inllitl ui ulittil n produced ii n u i liltr 11 i b k 1 lie hj i u a if rntlfstidtrttd dv haln i miii i mm inn in ham imbn fllo enilv nili an loii t i iiiul iihi i i niuhl ii wan llu linul ililfdl lui rm mr oris fu n i mi li ul irmit inui ui lean kiiii1 i ii took ikhib il i have 11 all lllor du proneiil ti no in io ou ill 11 ul ibor of lrrtyiiiri slid avmul w ho 1 nl nn aro ou lho rob teiy t oils 111 n in llio iwunly lii t go oral t nn h si en luu union u 1 10 fou brae hen of ui reibv terlau fan ily iu lu a ur nor a cutly wan held 1 i ul dun lu hf j lho ii1v tallul lu k i 1 1 1 1 01 wi prist itod i tliu ciio nl uc 11 11 of laul yonr 1 hi din i b uernj rial whu si 0 pn- t h oward rov j a mitray tlio oil 1 nli ul st an lit i 1 111 1 1 ii x ii vl talull wsn u ul 1 111 y il im d mi mun v pit k 1 il t 1 iujhi lu h h 111 in 1 ii j tl aoembly ar 1 t tl t flei in loluiu 1 1 u 11 i nf 1 m lulu uoohik 1 n take ii 1 i ws ho mi llns 1 n h a ik e il lis bytcilaii oil m nl 1 1 him by an 111 i 1 1 u mi mia it li 1 s lle llltl il was 1 iii 1 i 1 1 re 1 trill i 1 11 1 till il nd i honors won by lanauian schulahb u1 ul ui iweuly ouafallowalnua ietul ly awarded lu johns hopkins i nlvorslly gauojllftna have wuu llvo t lose lelluw ahtpe are awarded by the juhus hopkiun university irusleen lu rotluates uf llu johns homius and ulhor ooilros who intend to pursuo nlvajtood studios at lho tluiveraily item year iho inunoy value uf the folluwahlm is imni each 1 ho follow ing is lha hat of thu aiiodiana who woro auouaaaful and the parljcular study win h 1 rtalini a hulk iim ili iu hnlo- in iu m itrampluu ioatihd a in wrapped iii a uawspspcl dale nxpla ad llu hun- a mim11 it wbb llllmud lllkl u wajiiad1 tualty um i h a ii i aumtasi it the slillni 1 ourdliik in my o ricno aud 1 nrfc- n tnsl uu all nulforiiifl fruu un iful muly i facta an tulil lha ii iiiiu dy mr tnora selleok natmtitml roinloiil uf miller s omen ml no utio imnm hi earuonl iiiaiiiier u 11k recital uld lad t bo convinced ul m h lie h iiioni llui ii this weo ul t hundrodn uf wllnosaos cuuld t mi umhi if ool to prove lho ll util uf evety w i tale 1 mr allans isujitiiu hi well knu druil anil populai tn n h 1 pi 111 speaha uf tr william 1 1 h 1 tl ai uun nf lho inuit -pul- tmllm kni liav liix a real sale amui n tun o iuiiim nnl kiviuj general natlnfalluu ithakuallaiii hlall u l depoudliift un hunioin in llio lu hi i bhiii aurofula chroun erbila nlc all li willis in pink pill lho hi l th luw tu plo and all w umplc loin aul hold by all dealer ur soul oalpil al rfh a buk or nil bnxun fur bj mi by adii oli um gr william mmliuno lo lltk viiil out ur hilieiiotlady n gun i bo ptibiiadod tu take sum ouliliulo bwinulll many hahmbllb unliiu bllunio tu cot alukl i hi if 11 huntlrnd vuomium i j 10 ll w li li u 1 ohsito uf drlisiidli e wrokb m hu o a d onlloi a 1 tli hlilt llu ulino1 i allu ws foil ul 11 11 olr lel il ll 1 lill noi 1nl m i blot b btlauu hu pi lull 1 a 1 liiulel ll o b hav auyllnuk 1 hu tin tin u ii il t i tut if iwflk luu mi 1 kstiiulo oiii w kllud a ilay i iahe m i bolioiu was riuplnyl by lho alhtfalor luc ho wu aluuu at lilt tune and was hrtalu a butiui uf iub 1 llu nlhstur was falouot lu a tiuo by a olini which broke aud the i in llyllik back bunnl malachoru bautaaib it iupt formerly pounaisr al nlpioiou thoy will pursue norman uoaa uilohaal of ritrauttfl on i u a jumjn a ulilvarblly lmjo phyaiu arlpur huutflaa gbjimberb of toronto ha t mveraity uf toronto 1uj chemistry grduu jeuhluk iiukoi lorout ha quiver n mhlrvi mini in iuw6i ally o7 toronto ihh j tjuu lliencjr maukay if naw ljlabw n1suiiw ill a galhouslo clil vnrallay lmm uuaunalry uarrv lantfford wllaou ol kin fl 111 a jiumid b t uivornity 1hh7 i aim in addition to the above gordon i laiuu waa tluoof lha aumicaaful candidate fur scholarship lu latlu fur lho pruauiil yrar i iu w juo ly lho the last 11111 biiruod tntif out u j lock this innrninj 1 he auliiu luas is olnisud ftt ijooinkj lho tlio j lulled in ft hay mow lu whiob uamldrrs had beeu puyink aud burned pratl ally ovorlhiii in ijie luwn pie ha nl i oi ikmiplu aiu huiualoas a usit wihi in jiii lioui wbi nads of laihund lie t rt id i o lpl to loruu 11 f l t iliuet kh koloil itie pik i 1 kod for bouuiu i lle ul on ulnd lti1 ho had eold p line but ditlllird lu uiua lb pun iibb i lo mturim uonoral 1 prtiuelll raaivou charge nl lliu i ily a i iini iluuler waa induced u ruiiu lu h ridite wher lie wak smoatud he rrni bo fore mrsr gilixuli ai4ltul pa and oommilled lu liuik i 11 ll lital ou live art l f rud kllultslhttls wabhlbawftv i ful piibli ul 1 1 tin ly 1 t looil in nt burt uithal or tiuit wanliol nwfty ft ioi iiiiiiiu id brnlkus ml huu ll itmuioi of huhwaiarihail nliulirn lid 11 hwullrriulurl in duiiii ii linr n iiryiuj away biiluib llio nine lonth excursion a suit a pair of pai rvl i nt no in ordered clothi lltl i i ati m j ulli 1 mill s m i i saw mili hmbl hzliwolij i fpn henderson go iseiti goods our dress goods slock is now complete correct stj les nnd rvrcptionnl values arc the rule hefe lace curtains wc luu- just to hand a sjlendid range of these fjoods s011 iiirfjams we picked lvp this week- arid just placed in stm k lodi sec tluin before ihey all k parasols i in se l will be found in excellent values this season both plain and frilled a large lot of choice stuff just j u el in stock to day boys suits 1 1 1 hi1 thil because jim do noi i l- j uu u u tni thn w do not keep them vw h c i plcnlid ran in spaiitc rfjoni off the store meiib furnisiiiugt p 11 tiluuii atrinij in tint dt j 1 11 i k 1 x tock of mens llati nd caps ia t spe ll li ds ted ubtomerb will hnd us showing jjit best and moil si usli k kmis see our ibe collar warranted j pi lint n 2 01 sc atid the newest things in neckwear d mi heudersoii go 1 v llui ml tolie is wslllifcillt nuiinne tli k 111 seuel uf noeloes ol all kads i uu uihiliiiih ik v fill ie lie bound to lead the iot aiuni li a lu iu the littst nine months ii loveii hundred and jn i tw u ve been retur u th i r4 factuic cs by l- s at a qlocka 1 wahdhosl dewollery v spoctqclob t qilverwaro fancy goodb alno ropalrlnn ol linn complicated wiichoa ob lo bymon practical watchmaker and jeweller a p symon jltln abbfrtifiriiknie ht lmmlnrt icisc bull for hervict or rolt ball pllr iiilnnlunoil lias fur htvioo nt id slalile i on slain mlroel a lloroufllibrcl wli ht lmlrerl jersey hull tlisflio siiliuaf ib also tt rr1 for sain iiatthih t llakor arruii april lud lhi i tliksiahsljjti ll til wrsl rl of lui jh oast a ill wnsl loll bihi rut wrl of lot 1 in the in ibipitlnu nlll i allowml all fou i o il ftlic notice lvidtig lion i 11 uiat nlnic and lie east rt ot irla 1 l 11 sinl the west psatl ol lu it in llio till rmiromlot s aro nriilillitrtxl trttsurb will in proseeutetl uudor llio ontario itauiu la waxtkd 4 ioiiu m in 111 yum duirlil lu ruprtmmnl a uio 1 ml ill sureri canada over hull ruialiiil halar ur uiuuiibbiuu to rluhl mm ilmiiml lor irult a l htom- i mitnutos old kihi church inkrt mow por sale by tender 1 il lit iii lie rtonroil lilrnuad tu 1 j mm i ullsu acton to up to hrlilajf illlijliue lor iii nureliak uf llio al kuui hurcli lvrtv tendora will lw roeelvnl tor llio liutlilluh sti1 lot tin urn or aefiarnte lenders nay im milo fur llio bullillnil alnue ur lor the liultillii suit oiio lot or lor tliv alt ajoua the lillthobt or any l udrr mil neeesaarlly socopted ily ortlar thk tilt htkkh jiattistolvs fjarsaparillc jakistoivs fsarsaparill 1 1 1 i j m 11 l i i i mi i i ml ll iii 1 i ll bristols sarsaparilla ihuir enhlldl uf drnwiusl ur ittlt- t life in turniury teh in lho town of rv it la bolluvuj lhal hie lol i li very real i hu datui duiio plnorn whl pet iiiiiiwily ia vt tin lun uiilniil ho rt paind fu canadian hokbtb in london t lou1 baiikmoul and tw 1 fltutiia wktu kllluj nti jon ii he it l on ublo un a hcuvy uoiinunuioill ul disn and amur lus u burses wan sold yesteida iho wore mil h aliiilro1 and font il rualy buyeta i went six ian a ilau horaua averaiiutl ttd kuiuosu iaili and im jl aiiadiau horse which wurolnndod frmn in 1 lho stuuiuer onrlliln tlly a pw days w wrru sold atoiio aamu average prin- l 111 1 llui in- mi t-vi- wheic ii ill i i ill ill s fill ti mil nni jbk jour druygibl fur bristols jsatsaparilla csa tlou i he guelph branch alt fcj it window haa soue i v biyleti of ohoos d qmt sorrer with head ac vii ju tan be uit by uiin our heatk simple sale and sure j wj ai most svccssful remedy for man or bkaajr iviwu ui 11- vttr i- uvl wn r uut kehdaiisspifincurl u niafurw hrnj ma i 1 11 k u h ti m t- r ir juirmi ui n phi i k uu 10 f ilk ii u it 1 e7t so i kehdali sipbvtiicure t u 1 st i u j k ii fcivl l icr viiitsaiawlsvf iuirviiil- ihr i ix rr i 1 hi 4 ilini r ii i ii ms n mhihinl i su4 btlt lt- il j v t llui lohh ii nl lrtmnduurllni it h j h i vlut l t itiil lu ll j 1 1 bicolj puhll- iirl and iuf hjstein thortmghly u igol it ii 1 uittlt of smiths blxij i im a sute luu administrators mitkk to rilkditoks of hit 1 to john spoltfhtf ni i 1 1 ly ifitnu purnusnl lo the itevihl laiuw ul ontario obapur 110 ana sniotitnie arts that all persons having clalini auallibl llio ttuu ut lilin rpelcht iota ol llio villain ul actou lu tlio county of hal ton wation uiaker loroasl wlio dint nil or about lie i3lh day of june 11 i are rtuinxl on ur before tile 1mb lay ol june 1b lo send by ivast preiwld or ilollvn u jnoepli inert hpelkbl dnilulbtratvr bald dkatl at the said rlllasa u a clou a talftuout lu writing con lain lu uiolr usmva sditrmuus ami tlio 1 ascription and lull iiartlculora ol tbolr claim luy verified 4nd ilia nature of tbo security if any h by i boo ftor the 1mb tlar ol juno uoit tbo said admin istralor hill iruwd lo tutrlbute tlie assets ot the said estate loons lbs paruos bu tilled tbare- ui baviuu rcitanl ouly to hie claims nf which be lbau sbau u- bait nutloa ami will not ba liable for lbs ald bmiu uf any arl thereof so du tribuleit i suv wroti ur iersuiib ol whose halm iti ii vh v 111 hltat vvantki mill h fckl i 1 viiii shoes il 1 1 1 1 1 1 k 111 1 1 il 111 u ii in i i i tnll i- s i do 200 300 siotc u t wwt h ttuu itoftaiin lot ivo bot ulunuon u amoitmoac of truuka tuid vmiou 11111 m un 1 1 v wi jill ht actor listen lrtwtd omuv csv w a smith co dispensing chemists iiiiijii hid maedopald sts u 1 ill crea f afb tloa tejorta aaw stear tt wsw 1 pt tumtatoila m can am oaj lata- 1 sm aaoa hy mum faatr uaiia i p r7whsrancsasssa cftaat afc tvrfr hrai oirraalr talents pala lsweataltaaf jssajaaaruvaallm pltlnuli ukca lho rratest poosiolo j liua with bin walh woik hhjcis1 work uotkiiian coiiblanlly nti locks who doen uolhiujj rise and uiio workiun st trpoimd jewelry and hputtaolea i very job la critically rfcaiillnod by 1nuipv iiersiinally anil mil passed unlil jrff i luu i luate the wallbiuakcr whu in iiviiif im satis fautlou bin if uu havu auy work at wluu olhern have laile1 k prliih ouelpll a irial ou tnu acu ibnt suuh t lui not fall lo kivo uuod reaulls as irinrflo is a ihorouith mechaiiiu uf utij ip rirme prinqle guelph s rt v av ni

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