Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1895, p. 3

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bank of hamilton hbaoorrzob hamilton iaritai i aii vr itaaaavkfumh tott aaasrra 9lxfl00 mtu board op directors q11n htualit a o uaiiiuy praaldaul lewlvmoanl ions i aoctott uso ilnai it at wool a ii las toronto um lisao ii i ii it wathon inspector aqenoilb hamilton llrion hi i kal 1nd a i list on 1st it n jbly uonttownurliobby tstowsl ieknw mlflon mount port ornevtu t hound i ort klgln turncos toronto mflagbam british borroupondonto london nations provincial week ol kug sndhud1 american gorroopondenu nia to itoarlu kmoosj hank and natmrtar national hank iiobtom- in tarnation itnnloo llurrauuaiiaaluak cpuunj national tlank of uunou awl lnloo national flank dsraoiy detroit national llanh tfm cltt national uak of cosnre atftrau in montrooj tbn bank of toronto ouobgistown agency notaa diaooontad and sdvsu ida attlaa bbnomlaaa mad and rlrsfts bowgrit u soo n all iliml points to canada ualtad mats taalmtaln andtbacontinantolkurop upon omt fa voces is tmna savings department n o alien arltbdrawal sncciai uierasith alao received l enrrant rates of intarast- n u limnqhtone acanl spootoclos and cyo clansos inuold silver nickle end sleel rratoe iron ao to t4 pat pair spectacle rspairvd boom nw line in i adiaa gold and gold flllrd waldnfclrom jiojm upward- if oo bmra any jawollrry wanting repaired bring it to oa first class work hallgfch hkasonablf giub vjs 7 ghlu oeo hyndsaotoo ont the kews at home udntly of a local charactor and evarv itam intorostlna foamti pylmg ok far trmrk tlmrou ifssley wi fonull ruoaday morning by hinrothcr alongside the rail way track at guelph with his head split oiwo id several places a companion with bins wben laat sum i he previous even lag they ware both under jhs influanos of liquor hcalcy u rernpved to hi joseph a llorpttaj where his wound ware drvwdnd aareral pteom of skull removed lim cannot recovcr th cmurchf mmit fast ore h john uolunis of klora preached eloquent mraumii in knox church on sun day re mr rao preached special bundy school mrroom at flora rev ii caldwell b t i praached farewell eerrauue oo bis circuit on buoilay ilia people here ere aurry to ten him removed he gone to hi new charge ker ircoll near hamilton tbia week rev wm hryer will preach at limo house next sunday evening w ilmtiam fmrmrrd immhtutc the following iial of officer of llalton farmer institute tor lrpli c were elected at the annual ntoetinga w foart b hi i i utai ttb rluton jfrce fjrcss tiinnflnay jin j7 hqo uttle local brieflets whloh cauajht tha eyea or earaf of praa praaa tteportin tftta wwwk dominion ly next uonday iaatoroa aro improved tbia weak uakville w agilnucm for are protaouuu arrange for your lomidion day boll dv la yonr fbk ikkki ud foi lor an other year two month vacaiiuu uuw iw tla aobool ofildraa pic uic private and publlo ara being arranged cbeap farea over the ratlroaiu i torn saturday uu tseaday tjba dark cionda thu week waa a glorious halo for the farmer acton ia in oo im mad lata dangor ul alarving with three bakeriea fail wheal baa dropped to oant and floor la abn down in pnoa willow ktreet from oborch to aguca ia being coated with broken atone tbia nek prayer for rain wore offered to eevcral of ih church on sunday tha anawer a panba ol oar oituetw and noagti borittg farmer pidnickad yeatarday al the model farm goalpb tba plaadld rain on monday morning tha ont for tana weak wa ry grate- folly romd by tbw oommnntty a caravan of laay men dirty worooo and ofaudrno aod fool nmelling bear and monkaya pa rrl tbroogb town saturday acton will ba ijuiet on dominion day tba oalabratioo al brampton aoj water loo will attract many of our ciuseoe goalpb property owner will vote on the bylaw for tha iaaoa of ti 500 debenture for um sxtanaton of tba water work nasi tueeday if you wleh to oooy a pleaaaut evening attaod tba park buolaj and iromaoade coooart of acton temperoo union to morrow nigbt tb liaroon ha ball club ba di bandod pitcbar clark racaived an ottcr from acton club wbicb be may aooeui goaipb uttxury haaara- ilaynor and brown formexijr with m g llarria baker have opraad a bakary oa tbeir own account in ur l o mattbew a oven poster are out nnnounciu lb jwnwi atratton lor iuly tha mtb wheo lb drangemeu of uaitoo will galbor in uak villa to oslabrat the batue of tb uoync goaarl 1 i it why y alwaya buay at the fata pmkm offloo ueoana tb cuatooter gat au potior job at a fair pric and at tba exact um promised tba closing exeroiaea of haw u a col lege goalpb take place on saturday at j p m addraaaca will be delivered by ii ia uooor govarnor kirkpalrtck hou john drydea and othera xba pnblic school examlnatutn lcrdj ware atteadad by number of peranu and frid the puptu man faauo careful uuttiqr and aowwtmnd themaelvv creditably a olaa of 1 or 1- puplu will go to georamtown to morrow to wnt at the otraoo asaminatiou mr graham mcdonald of tb 4u line ol kmrneeeiog who wa badly ahakac up a week or o ago by being thrown from hi wagon by a runaway jaam of oolta ia rapidly rcofriug mm many friend r glad that hi injuria did not prove mote eerioaa ur george btatham ha diapoeed of bla buaina in milton and returned to town it ba entered into partaarahip with bla father nd the now firm t btatham a sou bav opened a tore opposite ilynda to be run in oonurouoo with tba baking boainea uta dau peter teacher of lb third tenaajrad bar reaigoauoo to tka effect at vacation her removal will be much mrattrd by tba school board and parent of bar pupiu abe baa bn a moat am oieat teacher daring br thioe yr on lit uaobing on blurdyjuu mth netll tb bboa uao of gualpb will give a elraiajfat redootk of ta cent off every dollar for saturday only on alt olaa of uoou and bhoaa tbia i a l that we make about ones a ywr luntmur oo day only n41 tba bhomun usslph acton 14 ice pm john ucdoogal ililtor indnicepre wm h w riaher darlington beet y trta director wm ilajnor jr 1 alcrmo col camp bell tanaley j hrwin bden mill john likrria kilbrtde john dickin milton a t ucuillao nasnigawa w ltobbina nnlaon ir robertaon utltoo and i tor wm clement and d hartley far ar lromrafc coacrrt tb third eanual park aocial nd pro menade concert given by acton temper no union will take pleoe in tb park tomorrow evening at ft 30 o clock the member of ibe i nion led by acton cornet band will march from their hall to the park the proceeding of tbw even ing will include a promnnade concert the park being illuminated for the purpose bae ball match and other mueroeol itaj res b menu will be rovided oo the ground a number of member rom neighbor i og leniperioe aociatin are expected r- hre 1 mglmr quchtio tha eteam ore engine nftn at tiiujiug atioogly for actou iranchiac tb repre aentative of the wateioua r uric work co of ilraotford wa ou deck all laat week tbu weak j d ronald ol brnawu ui ulita a4vahiatf of lbs favorable ihhlt iment workad np by the wataroaa co and in an effort to loreeteil hi opponcnta t her with a team engine two boa reela and a tbouaaod feet of hoe it will be a problem for tome time per bap a to who will be tba winner acton h no pirttc ular inter in either manufacturer but wben it purchase au engine which abonld be without delay it want aod roust have the beat the f ailnl mxwcfir kxrttyalom tlw excuraiou lo niagara hslla last rbnrhlay under the mtnifmiiedl uf the lotted bocietie of acton jmoved uboio of the moat enjoyable that ever went out of town the attendance wa not very largo aboot iso and ooe or two of the octette were hardly reprewe acton te union ssnl the strongest dole gallon arrived at the rails an clrclrx train awaited the excuraioniata tlie first went to hiipew thru returned to tlie rail ud cujoyod the teener y from ecry vantage ground during the day trlpa were made tu iho whirlpool jueclia ton ilrock a uouument niagara ralla n v and vartuoa other potuta of irltereat all who went enjoyed tbemsolveta thorough ly rortv ur fifty remained over uulit hijj tlier la considerable talk of a second ecurviou to the ium oiut later to ifuw we bvf s4 oacsiji the spire of bl joph a chuibb u truck by lightning a jaw nun n lea before noon yesterday the bolt struck ou the sooth aid abort duttanoa from the top a few minute alarmed before there were any indications of fire smoke then curled up ibe spire followed by a little dame which was alarmingly saggaauve of das unction owing to it batgnv tb fire bell brought out the brigade and the book and ladder company aeon bad laddars placed both tnsida and outside of the tower it took very little water to control the ore but it required the courage of several brave qremen to rracli point high euougb to work upon it it was ludced a narrow eacap for this line structure as the men aeoended the tower the well kuown and thrilling poem how we saved st michael wa vividly brought tu the memory of many who wltueeeed their cuort it father haley wa away from home yasterday am impetuive the following with ref- u uuiium weoda ia taken from chaptar 0j it s t lfw7 tsec i it shall bo the duty uf the overawera of any municipality to aee that iho provisions of this act relating to nujwua weeds aie carried out within their reatpecltve hlwvy divisions by cut ing down or destroying or causing to bo cut down ur destroyed at tb proper time lo prevent the ripening of lbeir seed ail llio noxioua weed growing on the highway or road allowance within tbeir respective divisions aucb work to be performed a part of ibe or iloary alatuta labor or to be paid for at a reasonable rale by the tress urer of the municipality as the council of the municipality may direct bee io eobac livery o e of bighwya who refuse or uglecl lo discharge tb dulie imposed upon him by tbia act bhail upon oonvictlon ba liable lo a fine of not lea than tlo ur more than w nuaiuoa weeds include caoada lbisllo uayn- t w t us weod and burdock mr rrcelerjra- vrhr fimt i e at hmltom ur fred ernor 1 now sir frederick such bji avut la uf amall uooanl iu i ng laud bicepi from a urely local eapeol and would lu ausd be considered uf much lose momeul but when the sir 1- redenck heppeu to be una ul the most calooratod uf canadian painters and at ih same time a native of uii county of haitoo it become at on on an item uf in terra and uf th brushing up of old memories bjir t rederiok was born ou the old 11 log too farm on the corner uf lbs seventh hue and tba drat oonoaaaloo booth of dund elroel fred wa rathsr dull at booka but at an early ag exhibited ooucidorabl last and ability a au artiat lii first water color a laadacap of lb rubltc school baj old ch prlal mill at o title wbare in in lka effect at ij fu i j t ih hluh hi tsiber was bead master of the high school now perhaps batter known as the old warcup mill la still in tb poascaaion of one uf its builder a descendant tor many years the artist resided in toronto where hi turit ml do recoguitiuu ills forte haahaen lu animal work and asvsral of bla buflalo and indian pieoap have met high oooamendauoo al ih bands london cmica kliltoo caasajhos if yoa want ftrstslsss ooeluhaaah and door al gualpb prica t kaaiux can fllfythtr ordsv at bl planing mill neiphoorhood mw8 ttfaws ltoms supfillacj by corros- pondonts and exohanaan nassagawbva another of nasiagswvy old sottlcra lias passed away in lllb person of wm i4a4ng who dlodjilt3flswyoniog june ihlh artha ago of nl years the fmiaral took place pu thardy to lite rbericxer cemetery kas lllair and amy jointly had chrgr poceaaed was a member of court i den uilla i 0 f tlia mom bar turned out in a body to do honor lo their dead brother ho leaves a wife and fsm lly of four aona and five isnghura the public schools aloae on friday one- day last week as mr m crawford of csmpbellville waa un hit i home from guelph oho of his horsa took aick wtieu he d l loh rook villa and died at dr uotagsan a veterinary aurgr the lose i heavy tho refreshing atiowora have put juito a diftsrenl look on the crom again the regular monthly meeting of the f i of c i of the i- bonexer church ill be held on bnnday evening july 7lh for which a good pronramros la being provided limehou8e coming and goinq visitors td and from aotpn and varlouaottidr paraonal notes weather permitting a pic nfo la to be held by the public school oliildron on wednesday ifith and a gtme of fooll all ia to be played either with the acton boy a or between home tram ur caldwoll presebe i his farewell sermon last sunday only three pupils from here are colon to try the entrance examination al george town a number from i imehouae attended the garden party held at ur bowmaii a laat friday the workmen hvo returned from dolly ardon and are verv busy here two kilns are bnrning now a party cl awmublght jnmpofod al memtiera uf dunlin street unihodiat church guelph euj yed a very pleaaaut ooting on the grounda uf john moore t a on r ndsy tbe party forll fled iih well blocked baakel arrived in s special cr attschod to tha 11 m train aud retimed in the nveuinit ur and mra uoore cntertiued tha viatlor moil royally tables were plsood ou the iswn and a liouoleona luncheon al uoon and supper in tbe evonink were thoroughly on joyed with games on the lawn alimbinx the rook strolling thro ugh field and fore l flatti r tnoit dellrfitral diy w spent and hearty thank tendered to the hoot and lioalota june jl georgetown l au t iho council has fixed s fire inn bereaftrr wilbn tie said nro limit dwelling house atom manufactory ur other building ahsll bo built of atone brick oeenent ounciwt ur aom material other than wood and roofed with slate metal tile euro position or l inglo laid ou some fire proof mstmal ieorgetowi was islttei lliluty irioneiit ed at the 1 xjiivcntion al oakville tho council hauibsr la now lighted with electricity about a score took in the aotou ucui won lo tho rail on thursday tbe 1 ublic library board cunsiiiuk uf ueaara jo lurber fl cibbard ho 11 duh w ii kabr- 11 url 11 w kenncaly and t 11 karugey mot lat week aad elected tho full twlug officer chair man itev it i luff treasurer w li kahrs sccrrtay t it 1 an gey tho pardon rty al lb win bow tnth li sid of the ladle aid of iho mclbodiil i jroii last hrtjsy exoning realised tilt tho high school clud t heads y itig for aummer vacation tho ahowera of the past ook i c i tuipruved the growing cn a tbe ltev i a moir i resul t o hu day evening the aeouud of a eerktf lf lis courses ou tho iosel su per lo a larga cougregaliuu some beautiful solo ware n during the evening by members of tha choir the methodist sunday school will moot at 10 a m during the an mmcr montl s the hp worth i eaguo clncd a very auo ocaiful year work last uonday evening uouoy raised by lhra for church improve men i fsis ou tbe georgetown uiniatcrtal aociliuo met at tho residence uf ltov j 1ciiiiel ou uonday at 10 30 a in uav iugford road an txoellci t cr on th r pistlo lu hie uebrewr a afiecial rex lullun of brotherly ayui alby and regie i l ll o do parlure ol llov j argo was pasted ur argo made a feeling reply i ruf moo nicer a olaa n slouuiiot will receive their final lea son on friday 1 hoy ansk highly of their teacher hockwood a 4 iuf ul lha member u i tv k tjod branch of th womu a nia unary society attended tbe oobvoouoii i old in the uethodlal churoli acton on tuesday lb committee appointed to arrange for lb sonosl township 8 b r xoursiou have arrsnged to bavo the asm ou r n lay july 6th to brentford a apeclal tralo will leave early in the inornuik fur that place arrlviug about 11 o dock it hojwd thai as many as poasibl will avail ihemsalve of tho opportunity there are many places of loloreal to bo seen there sud all that ii required to make the excuraiou a succeea is a good crowd sud a floe day ihorat abipmeul of cheese from the itookwood choose factory will be made this week when ur hslletl uf guelph will receive 300 may ohssae from the factory having paid 7 1 1 10 oenls per pound for it tber are also jo0 june cheese ou haud or which h ceuj have boon oflared but not accepted as the board of management are expeutlug a nan lu ul prion the entrance examination for aduiiseiuu to high hcbuols will oommouon lu tba public school her lbi inuroluu aud ouu tinus uulil saturday the summor vacation tui lb 1 ubliu schools starlod eater day u uch lu tha delight of tba amall boy sud the sorrow t of the man uf loiter a mrs dr drydeu aud r redd i r turned on lueeday inuruii g from lows and minnesota after apcudii g about loveo weeks visiting friauda there mr r blfert 1 rjieiidlug a low wooks at bla homo lu uildms ur ret cuthborl ul odbaw i viail iuk her mother urs stall tu tasjii ur rrsuk lee uf gueluh apeutsuuday at borne mia mag uoore and ur puroell of gualpb visited frkenda lu low u on sunday mr robert stewart of ken tuck y relumed home on friday urs 1 scan ion of guslpti aped a short lime with friend in town mr geo maibeson of hamilton is visit iga frivoda in town- a number of th ilookwood ecpl pur poa being present at ih c w a meet in wstsrluo on monday about th w worth of live stock was shipped from hie station her last week noil uonday i s psjblio holiday tb rnxk 1 hk invll all it router a lu f irtliim to tiia column ll ynu ur your frtomls arc a ing away nn a boll lay trlpot if yoti bav frlnu la vlalting you dro a card in ih kukm mr j u hill visiled relative in ilnftalo laat week mia irfn holmes viailed friends at mai ton this work mrs jama brown l ited relalfvo4 at niagara kails laat wock mr and mra w il kinney visilad on da in brampton lh weak miaa u mocann of uuelph spent a few daya last week with ntuliva here mrs thomu ook ha returned from her vlait lorelei tea alfirend llapidkj mich mr i francis apni vnrat da daring the week on a buainsu irtp ttjglovereville n v mr ur gilford of wmgham la been spending a few de with friends in town uiss i villas reynold of brampton was guest al the home of mr j watson over sunday mr thomas ucuackon of ayr and mrs david mgmacki i chmdn nighgslb viailed fnendi here this week mra w h blorry relumed home from her two months visit to richland lows tuesday morning her visit waa moch enjoyed miss jennie mallhowa who has been tiailiuk htr brother ur a matthew at chicago ainoe 11 fall returned home on tuesday mrs tsasic widow of the late dr taasie for many jrara head of the gait grammar school died in peterborough on thursday in her 7uth year i ha her a t sower by of boston msaa and formerly of the baptiat churches of acton slid georgetown ha ual oblained the degree of ih d ltov it iw formarly of aoton aud itockwood now rector of grimaby offl ciated moat acceptably in bt jams church on sunday guolph srrrrif staff bnritl j ii simps in and sert major armslruug guelph left li week for tho rtllo oomeiitiona at ilialey r ug land an member uf the catiadlau team 1 he rev ll s rsdoliflc formerly of ut furesl well kuown in acton for tb past ave year rector lu pueblo colorado has been appointed by the bishop of that dlooete anon uf bl john cathedral drnvrr luting 11 rom ihaaaftrmph coarvrt mrsirs 1 hg 11 rot have beau engsifed for several month a in giving phonograph concerta in maine blaaaaobubntta and ermuut with much ancoava the birre vi kftrrirus aaja of a concert recently given in that town tueeday eventog tb church waa well filled with an appreciative audience to listen lo the wonderful phono gra h tbe concert consisted of vocal and loalru cuts i aelroti mi band muaic whiat lug wilu etc h very as lee i loo was pcrfoct eapeulally ihst uf iho chimes on trinity churobrwow york dying noar er my god to thee tbe last selection waa rook of ages sud had ibe singer bee ill plsoe of tbe pbouugraph ibe words 0 uld not have been more dialiuil ur albert i alng uf i he arm uf i mig urol bur aotoi ontario had ch f tho machine 1 he couotrt waa given under tho su pice of the i roibylerlsn hurch tbe mosar i 1 t have had throe bu ogrs ba giving oonoou u ghtly durll g the newmll abhohuvk al nixoi ul l j t 1 l hero during the woek miss usgitir hood la flailing rou im lu guell mlaauii- ut ui i ia mr john lluftmh a uiaa msdill of drang w ii gucat of ul 1- nma carroll last eek miaa arroll baa taken a juaillot as bookkeeper for mr mcuurcliy of hut too villo mian aglo brownrldgo visited relative m ur a m ton over sunday iho moat aiiooeeaful garden rty from a financial at end polo t waa hold at ur t ucl ure r 1 ho reocihs of tho evening were ijju a gardei irty lu sld of hi john a hurch btowarttowu will bo held si mr hugl morrison a on friday july wi milton 11 au iveraery services o kuui tt t ial sunday were well attended the teamed and eloiuent soiuiui of ltov 1 rincipal cavan uf hnox ixjuge turn ito were much enjoyed iho moat aoccesaful garden j dj of llie ms son waa itcld at the tssudonoo of win mcclure fur tbe preabyurisu ctiurcti hornby tuesday evening uver jw wore taken lu l ibe gate and refreshment tcut 1 he ullloa liaud aud ofulisslr luv it had low it a of miiwh i maigunl the pialoraie of kao cburoh lha firemen are maklug great pmp uoiia fur their grand dmootrliuu hero oo july i a jawn rt h u g ou uuoo ll suapito of si step on churcii llotuly at lha residence of hobt doul lot j ct n q trafalgsr on tuesday jib july crkwbons corners ih rsin on uonday morning was mimui sppreolalod lu the part it was badly 1 he rwaldauo uf ura lohn bell cow villo was tho ocua of happy gathoriug ou wednesday lutb lusl tba occssioo iwm th mam aire of her da ugh ten sarah to j erne ramshsw of crwwsnn coruer formerly of lowvill tb bride waa supported by ulsa u brail whilo tb groom waa attended by bis brother ur 1 horns raraabaw tb oaramooj wa performed by luv t b btspbenaou of lowvlllo after tbo wadding dinner the happy ooupls left ooa trip to buffalo aud fort trie tbe bride wa tbe rccident of many handsome aud valuanla preaeuta u r and mrs lumshaw will tsalde fur the future id lloae hill cotuge crew son coruer ur ramshaw s many frtsnda bore wish bun and hia bride many long and happy days ur wesley uoore ia vulling friends ip toronto tbia week charles gambia viailed frisnd lu tort tn aud buffalo for coupl of day last weak mr j d ronald the brnssala steam tire engine man missed a grand uprtartuu lly ytalsrday of demonstrating tbe valueof hia apparatua for eslingauming qrsa u ufurtuuslaly bs aasn t ready and bis uglu remained in the firs ball 1 b boss and lot uu arthur sliest belonging lo l oaiats of tb lei mr jam grant will s oflered for aala by auctiuu on saturday 1th july for par liuulaia see puaura un usixaakt the women and missions annual convontlon of tha auxlllar- los of ouelnh district th annual convention nf fha woman s uihlonary bool sty of gualph dialriot in the hamilton coafarsnoe branch wsahald in th methodtst churoh hara on toaaday th moat of tb auxiliaries of lbs district war well reprssantad and tba sataiona of the con van t ion wets profitable and intarsat ing to iho dales and their viatlor the programme waa an excellent otto notwi thai nding uis fact that foar prom inenl member of hi auxiliary of norfolk slrt church guelph who ccptd pi so on the programme failed to bs present without explanation except in on instatic i hair rise were vary acrsrptably filled the first seta ion wa opened with tho biatrial orgnir miss barker in th chair th devotional exarcisa were con doc tad by ur b it bollert of onalph hymn 105 was aunr and prayer offered by mr the faslon tha great miaaiooary chapter of tb new teatamenl romans 10 wa then read ur ii v moors acton was slscttd eecrclary th mil rail hrnnsht oni report from tile rtesponse r snoospotsnant of oor mammoth house diftsrenl auxiuaha through ihs if representative present al th morning aion of a vary en con raging cbaraotar mia barker then gave an interwattng r view of her work throo th district during tba year the morning session oloaad with prayer by mr beatty of fergus mra herri of gualph presiflrd at tbe afternoon eeseton after devotional xrcia lb addrsa ol weloome waa given by mr ii p uoore is which i he pleasure felt by the local aoxili ary at having the convention her was sa pressed aud a hearty welcome to th heart and home of lb member and their sister of lh nhnrrh w g jiislillu- sll goelpli replied in appropriate terms for the visiting deugata mrs b harris of rock wood ably filled the place of one of the nirfolk si reel de linuents and gave a spundid address upon woman a work au excellent paper waa given by mrs j w oram acton on tha fruit of chris tian living ft was accorded many kind words of spprwcistiou ura g clerkum of hock wood rd soul searching paper on personal influ ence which created moch thought a consecrslmrtiefvlcrar thoen sud aiirilul power ooodoolad by ur harris the paalor of the church rev j r howell u a occupied i be chair at lbs evening aervice after singing hymn sod prayer by rev wm urjara ibe chairman gsvs a powerful addreva upoo lb work bslng so- com pita bed by tb woman aud tba great near for their help in bvangcliaiog lbs mrs m a t briblio read a p bow lug the deadly work of lb opium habit and traffic end tha necsaslty of coping with this groat evil which debars tb work of the mmiauane io many land ur ii p moor gave a miaaiooary recilatlou tall tbe tale of jssua lova th address of ibe day wa uial of mr beatty of rcrgoa oo our personal responsibility as chriatlan women it thoroughly practical beautiful in it thought an exrelon aud exhorted chriatlan women lo active endeavor in sny dlrectiuita at present indifferently cultivated mrs beatty la a gifted worker and apesker and her address waa heartily appreciated luring tits oveolug tils ubul uf tbe rch rendered number of nlkotn in excellent manner and for their part e accorded a vary oumplimentsry vote of lb silks h oouvcl llou uiuil witb 11m lwdh hou tha nest uuu miikm will lm uid st itoakwuod x l cior bakery ac ion on i jiwallory hlor ulll hlml s kos on baud bread cakes biscuits confecti also fruits canmi coods ice cream ike 1 uh a hiwis ot aum sud au ihu ouulrv fbt twal tatuca wa trust lu uimh i cuulluuum uf uis aaais- all ocda u iitlr atlsndsd u aud dallvsrsd uy uis i liable bskera t ytatham bon 1 s wedding uaks a specialty j ujmjbi yplucialtufiti odd litllclhtll ixrm green turnip stcil hknk11al saltlktii a iul uwuiv khkl 13 1 1 s vvu tin all frash this season m ti1l liu o titoki big june sale has basn awry gratifying salsa havs been vary isrga tb pilss of goods that baas gone out liars been larger still where 0 or 75c will boy a dollar s worth of pood theres nd iron bla to melt sway th pile a lltll money bays a lot of goods coald w bav abut off oar buyer during this urns lbs stors woald look pratty rnpty but that wasn i dons whlu the sejaapsopts wsrs basy tarnliu good out our bay was busy brtngisg otasrs in and it s qoaalioa wbstbsr tb new bargain srs not bigger than lbs old on woodar fny attract i v and cheap goods has coma i har biq june sale will ksrp op with nw goods new of or ins and lower prwes than vr biuks printed japansss bilk for illooas iqj plain pongses and pongees worth 60c for sic plain burabs printed bhangtiaia ato- wortb 7se for fioc black psao d bore very hravy worth 11 00 for 11 10 washing goods bsablifnl near crinkled cham bray a at 1 e in tba from 10o to 3c per yard ckuumu prints at 70 tba bast prinu sold mctoria lawns at 10c lc vary wide bwibb spot muslins at wta 30c sic 40c and tic i vlv design dtjukb hw palierns t u iik very eboior walker mcbean c co georget6wn and tlie rush increases- for our bummer goad never was seen such a s landii saaortmont of hambraya phrrs and crspons and print a st tlie mamuotij flouki- you can l gel bet lei value if you try from oo end of the domit ion lo the other ouu pfclcfb will 11 f round i iss iojt rglihbl6 goods- than any of lb urges atoms in csnsd w know how to buy sud mda well bought ar half sold we bay no goods but what will give the purchaser the best possible wear and by doing that onr trade will increase tnadil atbs loswli t sjoods in irada otbarhnss 4 1 and blrouses w opnd pu jliurda mant of thoas wonderfully anep dloa at 80c qaal to tin sold io toronto at tl so tbsy ware analcbed pp vary fssl bat ws ars promisad another ahipment in a day or two look ont for tnem gloves and cttta so das ladies blaok and coloted bilk and lao mitt gloves and guar list worth from 50c to l per pair will go thta wsskalsso par pair parasols ar going at vary taw prlucs sud ool veins from lie to i so each grade all tb way between tbe bundled lacks about 100 psoe of ussulyl a- batlar two lua sod white lace from t to to i nebs wide at exactly on half their regular pric thaw ar a big bargain m seaaonabl gooda- gnt a cloth lug sud fuiulatitujc depart meal crowded with apecisl leader be e k uollert 0l co ti ijd a i wjndnsi st jot uuturu ont dross goods prints fast color for ho worth 10c prints fast color for 10c worth iijc scotch zephyr 11c worth joc chambreya soo worth xac cotton crepona 90c worth vhi dress good si usrvelloaa prtoe i ess lhaa i ha taw ran bo bouitht lor pants what about your panta li w ll you pair msde on ih proi lees lor f i jo worth 3o0 tailoring 1ui mi ia getting a lilil i lb i am aud leave you order for ot of om heather suiting for si 1 000 i ity tailor charge tlb00 for lbs asm black worsted coal aod vest irimmsd beat ot lining with i weed pot for tlc j city price is tl 00 mllllnory mllllnory 1 w are elllng millinery so chei than any of lb toronto millinery store trade with ua and wo w save you money do you fool tho hoot 1 lace ou head under ono ot our uei a straw hate at lilf a dollar worth 7 shoos slta towering up selling itiren tjmea many boo i a and shoes a mcleod a o did ao we ought our price are 00 lo 10- less we have no bad debts lo oollrct nu book keeper to- look sfler accounts you save all thai now tha cheapest store m tno dominion to buy d y goods t ii store product i iktii m irkct i vcr 1 i u i ol r wl timbli t t whlker mcbekn 8t co georgetown and toronto n i s r lamidnlgtitwalkj i with ttiky baby or a collcy stomach f isnt plraeant bithcr can de svokserl by keeping s bottle of peary darim 1 path kilxkk on the medicine shelf it i b intslnable in sodden attacks of cram pa i cholera uorbos dysentery and disrrhoba tjuxt ss tsinsble for all extern paina boa o 1 a bsif jmmmlm um 5 vv at th6 right house warm weather goods i ma rioknl display of btasonablf bliumtr goods ib iaigki umlunimtll in l ul dkpautmkntof tbu mammoth tbtablibhuknt tb glove hosiery od llndrwesr desrlmenu ere full of ah dssirabls make weight and sty ls of good nsossssry for tb changing warmar weather while and cream silk qlovss will ba much worn this aeon we bav tbstn in roaranteed to wear ualitiea including th oelabreled ksaer lip glow so popolar in tb llnitsd stat hermsdort past blaok dyad bilk u lavas a full slock from j5o to- ft i v6 per pair also lac mitt in blaak sad color cotton hosiery for lad tea girl and boy wear ahuwn in un ahade white nd fast black an uptodate took of ladi lial tbraad uosiary in urrndorf fast black and a variety of faooy ahadoa seen bav opsa work anal and fsst spaniel duplay of ladia faooy striped cotton and lisle thread hosiery boys lubbsd cotton and wool blockings in black alao in tan sbadss in makes gnarantaad to give satufaotory wsar ladle aod childran s undssrwsar io light weights of nstarsl wool swia kibbsd undarveau also a com piste slock of tbe famous health brand of underwear in hlastio undarvsati ws bav sevsral apscial lot asiliug rough under regular price on line at lno another al loo whit cotton embroidered underwear a complete assortment lo make your selection from a fw lw will indicate bow vary cbeap ws sail underwear the first 3 lines of racb article mentionod are auponur valor ladle cotton drwrafrir ijo ito 50o up to tl a coras cover for lc 3 for 5c 15c mo np to tl jo whits cstton shirts ado u5o l 6 op to 5 0 whits cotton nigbt bpacial sttsntion kiv just n 11 lo stto 71c mo up to ft 0u to making np wadding trooaasau received a choio stock of flann1lette ahoold provid thstbsslvss with flannal garmsnl tby atm ootr i lu siyk bbirt vsuu froota a vary largs display of i hist nssfnl good on band they ar showu in pla pallet ia and io a a loty uf pretty design in lriatd and wovsn fabrica ladle b loose from 50o to 1150 shirt wuials a apeoiai hue beautiful gooda aslllog for 95c fronts in whits linsn scotch cham bray sod printed dasigli ladies wrapper lasn trae aud duck boil another shipment of those uasful and insxpenaive dranara just received do not fail lu see lhain uiy are utck satlu ttlbbui a c biff on crepoha twfnty packagts of new goods just rtceimd luoludiug jluuk and tin widths boys 1 rint blooss i sdls cotton wrapper 1 adiaa shirt w slats blouse and fnmla tam 0sbantrs straw hat artificiaj flowers sweaters aod sporting good f m qwiasv rviparmsnt forth benefit of those not living in lbs lly wa sand sunpis io uy sddioao uu syplioation and will prepay charges to yonr nearest railway atallon in ontario m all order amuutillug to 00 an 1 u waida btif action gnarantaad the right uouhp king i east cornar hugbson at hmilton jun stb 1bw thomj wajjijlac3 j v kjuiruwiii ill ulldlbt acton gold doliliakb jfuk t0 oilimtto t do that soin tiyalu- li i nunc y u llillik the can a i ytt 15 perceist luruik oui juni sa1 1 ul boots rnd shoes icm in our sliik unun kor lliu mniuludor ol juno uu otloi uu uoy pairol uooih miooh or 8lli i utraiglit dibcoiiat ol is per com trom rogiilr pneu kory wuuk hero lm itu hjiccml fuaturo at ull tiiiim uvtry ilaparlditnt u uuu to iic good iftnot boiler vuliion lliuu you enn got oluowhoro hut licstdon tine o lo u rniiu changilhgot oicontlonal oikrtuultloi ol spoclul vluof ollorliiga too groul to- lio contliuiil iouj b uim u ono ol llimt uuturo uploudid vuiiioj nhoiild luawo uplmidid biminoiui mill our blioo ltooi la going to bo bh miuuully busy pot lor tbo rent of tho mouth do not let this uoldkn oipokttinlt iahb you uy g b bta3st co gbuelpn

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