Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1895, p. 2

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j jt v rr or floa ikvai llrsliirun mi hliliday xtli jul wrfii or i ii rnrnhiy of noughtcr fl tiiiiiiralii wihltiliiy ftllli liins 11m wlfunf a llbluuolhaili irnuit ii limn or m cillotl in hlimlnv leird 111 fit wltf of i ii l ilkin immilat kjiii ii ol ilmiijiilit ml lav jul tun iin ir jlliarau i fa on maiihih j her i all mtli iy hi v v rmn rinjirni uk umiii m i nfcaffal julilulowli n undiuaday tilth juno liy nov j iin nun ii irk alfradquaokaiil nab ill j illiatown i i mmi i laigllurif lainei arilm at iuim llkt1 al 11 i i of till iii in miller on widtiiwuy llllli line l llev k ii hlnl ik iii i jailma luimli f rawnini nrnnr i hitrl imiehlnr if the lain john hill fltwylll u1ki luiliik t n art tlf on hiimlay kltli juil wlla llau aliaw afixl 71 oara in naaaaua mnruni jan ill ynai ml t n lniimi al xa dijyclieiliirhlrtwl montreal t tli irwlav tf7li jllllo tlionia ynmim nf mr joseph i uttrutl agtd la years iotkiiv al it unrcir h trite i on hat unlay a euitij ttinuiea ilnokray lata or ulliu juuobulh thninsa ilnekray lata of ii formerly or uouolioator kiig flm ib ebqutfslnp town8hipcouncil tho amomt of verdict ant coatfi iiuncil intil lail week pursuant in ad jonrnmettl members all prtacnj uosna rrr llio alulf romraiinlcatlons wet fid tiom depart mnnt of rown i suds as lo i oratlry from j w llllioll solicitor ro black virsus township of lmpirblnjj sorutint defend aula costs hi tln case also plaintiffs cost drc moved by mr lt rmnl by mr hlowurt lhn1 lliti iressnrir he a u i iiuiimmi lo pay tln following niriiajila ilaijauilu mntialrt w ials urate ilaujamln hlnnalr i nllllng an i naillimttrainl crntl tluimpei it tlllliiu al rulert ill lltehliut hill iu i i hm loth una william mullln latlinaalr l davl ijllitl t flllll t bra vol thomas i hlotl iaumiaalern ila nlllilk fvi i tlouaa i- itloli i alhu aattlr ri air it lll i i lln ralliuiaaur lhllllu ii walkltia i alhiuaaier tatnariiin aumo off roadway lot jl in j eon 1 ii kanllotly townahip lark iinartira ulary iiijiiiy trl imu1 11 hi i i from the capital tho mnltolia bchoolctudetlontlll tho uppnrmoat tonlo in pnrllumnntiiry llrcli pnonooation a month awav orrim muly ii i roiti mr i onli r borrvmllons in thu haiimi y irlj it i ovlrtont hint tlm fimnlry will not limn ioiir to wait for ailljjlilinmrnl aa in tint mwi if tlio jiivpniiiiiiitt on tlm miljt nf tho mmiitoh hah kiii nmllrr muniloli i ruil wnt r ciilnnl ytimlirdny y the hotrn tary m htlr til lint niortm tf at lit iiclkik will ha in kin into coital t taliun hy tlm bilvlwm if lit r mjhty at u llm nrobatu ailliiii nf tlm ii liiiliilnlratl ill lliu tiimora llixu nro tmiirrty conlrailkuiry no irrncli ninmurhro oonll tout thni romixlial lirilatiiu will im iulroltiocd atnnnf them varimia ahnilna of onnluti rxiat himio liinlniil uk a n iiulrtti rnalor ajiuti of ihii hrparnto holicx a of man holm oil i ho i thai i- 1 1 stud prior lo lh whilrt nthtt4 lako lln niw ilinl i morn motlornti iiinuaiiru uf pilii f waul i iki itnlia fiiutury mnny coikcrvalivnafrom ontario and thu mnrumo lruvlticna ailhuro to ilia ijmuon hint tho atliiiimilraln it has oliftrmil ita liy in tin hi wormy ptrliamuiil lo dual with llio ijuuaiiun i hoy hold furlliur that if irhlailon la t ha hronhl lhiftrn iftrliiimunihihouhl fni tinm from talkop the dav anepltomo at tho worlds dolnie during tho wbok vlaltail hy h wiry ikalr 1 wreoil hrp maul full crni rorjnrt rollliiiln inn ntr mhf lilt maiilldt i aulirr lan uh n i n law niltiat huu lay atrtwl ant i wo alnlilrcti uimuil hclunidl atrajoj into iha rvor at iaialoynnd worn dr iwnn i ltiitlutci 1 rr wait jimititlol fur injl 1 liiiif ihrl llh araiti ii lid alta iilnl iiiiinlor mr iii nittn llaliloy of lltdhmll iiaa tlta raintraol fur llio oonatriiiilioit of tho now bulldluk albert rfillrtia throo yi unu muti worn llurtl uu re kitti ol 11 an i nihu at nit f r h rati lnn illu k winilor4 with t ti utinnil miyor aoliw iir ii il i n l n found fldllly of am pllllr lirlthi it tlil lind for i li ill do dillai ihu iuli mall fiwr intuit that 1 trl c aditalt hau hoi n atkiinllil uitd i luu tenant of inland with a mtal in llt t a hi net ioorno uoodriih aai i lo iwlunk lo toronto waa jirolntuly fatally inn near deaths door thfi namftuwhbcapeof a wblu ktjown n man uy tho lonai of n fn mr chni maori ol that vljtntl wnb bo iwunn ulfo nnd fjonth but la iiiimuihmi artui do j torn hnvo i fll 1 iuili awt m rn laj crr u urr ii iiki fiay iftij ml tulrt vilui of now jty if j n in luilway i mil i don k liwi mr ii n mill niiiilj i liny nro odfatjlv known llirouli ml i iin ntllrii r illon llnv itin ho r i imhih of niwbiirtfli fir joira horoitlv mr mnn haa indnruomi a tor nblj -iuiukh- in t in rnatorafion lo hntllh u ihu tilk of ihi villain and man ovtin in nniicqani u inly lujirl of it an 1 tho ruault wan lhat tin nrr rnkirtrr waa ilctalhil lo mtki an iicaliinl maunr mr m and whilo vofkiij wntltr mill with an no i loni 11 at faitantl hm llio lnn r tin f r tlnifir of hi- null hull it w ml wmi thin artilvut thai hm ailkiua hitan lloiauumillod jiliyai bianu and irn d nmiit rimi iitodiclnoa hut witlmiit hi inn i hi uu wan tonttanlly urowiui uurnj autl tlm lyniiiaii uooniod pulol an i in no of hia iiilnda lhnult ho would rtxvr ouu day a lt uflltml uu muaia tw twamjt ii u biidloi lr william 1iuk 1 ilia a trial and aflt r iiiolii jirrhiibnion ho oint kontoil allnr a fow dayn ho tjan to tool bollor and it no lonuar ncoilod jmrauaaion to induco him tu conliiiun trcbtmciil a marvulloua cltaiija oon oanio over him lach day lia aoomud tofftllier now atroiinhi aud now life and aflor oinhl boxoa had- bcon taken ho fun id tifmnulf a woll man mr monro m n about aixty itvo yoara of ao ho haa licou imiillliy and haa worfcod hard all hi lifu until thu aiuknoaa alluded to an i now thauka to dr williama i ink fllla ho u once mora ahlu lo work lei jiia old aacuatumotl way and doon not lioallato to mvo ha irl lit to tho modimiio lhat atorod tilnt lo final ih al a cott no urtfrr than a cuuplo uf viaila lu ihti doctor 1 lino and aain it luta bean provnn that ir williama 1 ink pilfa cura wiidii pliy hii mill nt m fiia fall nil other modi 51 no haa auuli a wiiniiorf ill record aftd no other medial uu tivoa aucb andoubtod proof ol lbti knuuintiuuaa uf avery pobliabml and tin acoiiiu r the fact lhalttuwlkro yi u will in haai iiollin but word a of iicaihh of il lllmiiiii pink for lli fatt dial in aaruuloui lolora lioro ami llnro trj lu iinimao f jtulk pill upon ihoir cualomora willi ihu claim that tt la junl an ood nl iin a huul of nmlalora are pultllitt up pitta in mkinfoa aomewlial atimlar lit fllyio in ilia hupu thai ihoy will reap llio rowurd lainu by llio merit ol tho gotiuina 1 ink 1 ill su matter what auy doalor i ill la tfoliullio nnleaa 11 bcura ihti fill llda mak u williama 1 ink 1 ilia for 1 lit 1 to lo u ii e wiuppcr around ovtrj bi i aln ufuni aubatl lutua which are u thlana an i may be dan for henderson co clocks watches cl n jewellery 5 cd as spectacles wq cd a silverware tfl l3 p3 fancy goods art new goods our ijrtss cjoods stock is now complete correct st le md cvccptional values arc the rule here tipfi curtains also ropulrlrih of lino complicated wulchea qo o symonprncacal wtttohmakar fid jeweller all a rh htrahtl k p symoiu flttoa jlbciltsrmrnn card okhiamts kh llmrllalor inlrallr til ma mad luulul ulo kiutk iltf lii iujiwi uu alaw tral thauka in 111 km in f an t b to llin kirn llrlua it an i nmrll iifv dmtfaii mtimiiial i or uiolr anlu m anil mo omlul aft rta in tiatluuulaliluu lli drn in tla aplrn ir hi jo ii a clmttil n watluoatlay will siieej astra 1 stitlttu froui ilti prxmlara nf uo undnr- albliwi lul hi m 1 kmiuoaliu almul ilia ibllijune twonwnaand unit twa laiui tho rlult tiar h ijc retail jfrc jrcss thukhday jui y ittfi notes and comments 1 j ncbtt bf k rnattway iota js a itl 111 con toani hrallal jaa a i loll road lovallor tin hull to wu colo itliniaatir 1 four liorao doutilotrrr an i larui alavlaoa for roatl litvallar 1 ular ilhliolla u yarila oartli an 1 nlo be uitd i chock 1 1 in jnl t a parcel poit ia now in operation between anada and new hon iii waloa the postage ralea will be twenty oeilta fur auy parcel woiyhing not more than one pound and for parcola oxoeodlnh that woijjhl twauty oenta for the flral pound and aixtoon ooifla for every aubacijacnt pound tbe indemully of 1100 000 000 to be paid by blua to japan u two tlnraa of that at nrat aaked and ia to be paid in tfold and not in ailvar one half ia lo be paid inaide of twoive mouth a id two etmal inalalinonla the remainder nlo bo paid i uorj u a c i o unal i natal mail is iko tail pajablo in aeven yoara 1 be deparlmml of lduoatioti haaiaaued a now programme of atudiea for hljjh hohoola and oollrglato inalitutna ihe moat imoriant and deatrable change la llui incluamn of thorough courae in oommor uial work abd bteuograpby nd uio ulvinfl lolhu liibamb0iltiql jilul iiuik moved by mr btewart aeoondod by mr wrifuiloaworlh tbat llio treaauror bo aulh oriud to pay moaari field a mcmillan barriatera uuelph i3j1 13 beln amount of verd al and coala of plaintiff in auit illaak veraui eaijneaink carried moved by mr htalker aeoondad by mr wriioiloa worth lhat the tnaanrar ba aulh oruod to pay iutar ulbbaai hvo dollar a and thirty four con la it be inn two thirdi taluo of three lamb killed by dona the owner thereof beinif unknown carried moved by mr bta anoond by mr wnimlea worth that the treaaurer bo in atruoled to pay david larly pathmaalar tue aum of two dollars and fifty oaula for fllunfi gravel alao ono dollar and fifty oauta for uravrl carried motod by mr tjtewart acoouded by mr lawaon that hamual iti hlor roooivo 7 00 per mouth from tho ijiii day of mav ihoj lor tho keep of jobu henry he boitijj un prominouco aa ia given to unguagea botany and phyilca an order lu council haa been paaaed re duoiaji tbc uuty on egga from flva caula a doxen to three ceuta a doxea the tariff aa adapted laal year provided thai when over it ahould appear that cgm may be irajtortod mio iba umutd uuloa from canada at a rale uot eiooedmg tbree oenu a doseo the import into canada hall be throe tenia a doaun luaamuob aa the al lent lull uf llio department of cualoma haa boon balled tu tin fact that the uutmd bjlale import duly la only three oauta the lanadian duty haa boeu lowered lo ibat fure lln llah columbia ia the only province ijlal impurla egifa largely ita imporlallon laat year ware 7n hs dosena i urd 111 poo baa noli hod llio government lhat uruguay haa denounced ita treat wilb ureal ilriiatu ihe treaty iikwblcli can sili ia lutereated aa a part of tba lmplre waa aiuuod on llio uth of noember ibjs and will bo abrutpucd uu may wnd 10 w it contain a the tnoal favored nation olauar under win oh lliia oouulry ia com wiled lo hivu t ruguay ihe aamo irrmi aa by iba b renah treaty are extended to b rauoo llio 1 lonch treaty by iba meaaura whloli ia now before 1arliament ia practically ex tended to fourteen countries besides t rauoo lly the action of lrugaay there will bo ono lea next yoar canada a trade with the huulb american republic ia at preaeut uu i hi pur taut muob needed abowera have kropruvod the outlook for the grain crop tba paal week tha bay crop in many sections ol tbia province had been pretty wall dona for by the drought before tbe ralu came but as regardi tbo poaition of wheat and otbsr coarse grains wa are getting back to tbe favorable position of a mentb ago so far aa thcaa crops a fleet tha prospects for trade the failure of tbe bay crop will prove a serious loaa lo tbe farmers but aa ihe bar veal in tbe province of qua bee ia likely to be large prices may mil be vary tnoch higher barn for bay unless an abnormal export demand results lu an usual abipmanta to buropean countries lie ports ol lha wheat crops lu the northwest are very euoouragiug llio month of june waa slgnallod uf ibe opeuing and dodioatiou of splendid and notable triumphs uf modem engineering in theabapaof oauals lbs importanoa to our civilisation of new and improved methods for facjutaliug commercial intercourse needs uu elaboration these great water ways between whose kanka will float the great mediums uf com me roe are marked evidetioee of roan a determination to over come every obataola that appear to stand lu tba way of an eaay and unobstructed interchange of tba product of industry at lha beaiuuing o tha month claoada celebrated the completion ol the boo c aual which oust the government nearly 14 000 000 and rlas canada an indepand aul water way between lake huron and t ake buperior through canadlau territory i ha great german bmplre baa just oals bra ted the opeuing of lha haltie canal wblob coiueou lbs baltic aud north baa i tlta niauuinclenl enterprise ha cost lha jermau 1 mpira 2fl 500 000 and the k iitfdniu of prussia ij 600 000 leaped to hi6 death vulunisar joseph yakoe juipd frumnrralght train aw wmmf tjarfigq moved by mr wrigglesworth aeoouded by mr stalker lhat this council do now adjourn till the joth day of august neat carried the hyams twin b second trial 1 ho lawii new eviuonua p pratlona already belnu mads for the trial in sep tember ion mo july 1 dopuly atturnej lien aial cart w light atated tie other day that the hyama twins wilt undoubtedly be placed on trial again in keplember on the charge of murdering wtllio wells but whether the evldenoe as lo ilia sllompl u insure the life of mrs uarrj p ilyams for 8k00 000 will be introduced it atill a matter of doubt mr oalor waa granted a reserve case on the point on the last occasion by judge ktreet but owing to the case having terminated in a mitrial an application for tho admission of the evidence would uot be valid however a different judge will try the case next lime and aa the decision of non admission wu merely made by a aircuit judgn aud has uot boon verified by the full court the testimony oxoludod m april mav bo ad mil tod by tho trial judge in bcpt ember in tho possible oveotof the non admission of tbe evidenc acquittal of either prisoner appll then be made by tho crown to the higher courts for a third trial on thm ground the police claim to be lu possession some startling new ovidenoe amloanfldei ly slate thai ihoy will convict their men if tliosti al bo dona in a few days for mr i on tor inlimatus that mdy next wouk all tbo ordinary buintat of larlia mont will havo bbeii transacted u a rnnuonur stsr m many members consider that tho leader of ihe house u a little too sammum in hia announcomont of yeatorda that all ordin ary hiiamesa hill be romplolod next week aud lhat prorogation will aponlily follow aug 1 will hn nearur proroglion than someday next week 1 vorytlung depends aa to whether or uot rc mod nil iolalatioi la brought down uku tllltxiav 1tb qiuiuikl imihiiiutw al tun public atcjunta committee yesterday mr costigau appoarud and askod that a day be appointed tu inquire luto certain utiarges malo against bim in tho ph iilcm qllariicl- wore lit cjfcsa ho bad got tui 000 of a auuldy for the iobnmo alley hallway frum llio govern moot and that thu iovd waa principally for ihu boutlit uf property in wlilcti ho was lutureslod mr 1 inter said llicro mas a doflnlto barge in llio part of tlm arlloio whloh mr cosligan rcail mr atl said lhat hu courted llio lulltnt inijuiry into tho matter and thu result waa that llempling to board aiving train at wolland r 1 ho cueeti aphiau lu havo taken a new lease of life liar activity and her energy are surprising her entourage a tor interest u the change of miulttry is vary keen a bankbook containing about tuo in money and 12 000 in checks waa snatched out of ihe hands of a young lady employed by a hamilton ikrm thb thief gut sway hiof justice mereduh haa diamiaaod ibe motion lo commit kditor i ii i ronton for alleged oonlempt of court in pubhahiug an alleged common t uu a branch of the pending ilranlford case of ojioen v fleming the editors table a new vulume whlh will provo d tal ty lulcroetiug to paalora an i tliiitr familils lias just been isauod by tho motliixlist hook and publishing nousc toronto 1 1 la entitled 1 lohliiks from a paragnage veranda aud in penned by mrs t j t tors graham a miulater a wife of lung omr louco 1 ho solomn and amusing aijior lenota tbo humor and palhoa wind follow oioh other at rapid juloi tal and llio many sketches true lo life all o lo make wc have just to hand i splendid range of tlicse goods burnt bargains wc picked up this week and just placed in stock to day sec them before they all go irasols i hese goods will be found in excellent values this season both plain and frilled a large lot of choice stuff just j laced in stock today j auks nolchhu jainhert jersey bull for service or for sale totuii april wnd i wi tkndisrs wntei efoys suits tho thursdaj nil too will take up the at ion c tbo lal tweeds confcauration url t july i i k lo joseph yakoa of a ha i jui tork llallah aturnctl frt up nlagan til la stt oni july 1st firo slarled in the albion hotel stables bore about one o clock friday night destroying llio follow iug albion hotel and stables owued and oocupiod by p l clairmont loss on build iu about to 000 insured stables 11000 on hotel ii koo ibos mcoaun a livery e tables and store loss about u 000 no in aurauoe craig s law ufhee loss uukuown uuaby a shoe shop hugh colter s harness ahop loaa about 300 nuinaurauoe ueorgo fcaatcrbrook a barn loss about fioo tain dyouinca barn loss about jj00 lolli dyoomos outbuilding- destroyed shop and dwelling badly damaged by ilri iidtjndfrlto pih ttllu bill water loss about w0 ouverod by lusur aiioo lu lha hobo tympany sevaral other buildings and property nllghtly danagod john bhaw grooer plate glass ftout badly damaged loss 17 r uu insursnoo a millionaihh u montv agri 111 of wood a look liave lapoallluu made tbo is millionaire w lha agraatoeul the lie vtartvd tu wjk laaiw aud at xliutnhtll uuil a ir iglil tram and bung uu be iifii two oara 1 ha train ill i uot stop at aurora but j tiph leaped off he foil oo hia faoa aud fraoturetl both sides of his lower jaw aud lha base or his skull tho night aucul tauud him unconscious and he dird in a abort time in spite df ovary assistance i lis uthor wo cher ot ea jat now market where tle iraiu slopped fur watrr slid walkotl biek tu aurora jamoa nealon was shot by hotsueeier j a mo wall lu lha barroom ol lbs trsmonf house llannltou and probably fatally wounded hubert 1 urd livlugou tba 7lb on uee sales i tt tilbury wrst had fuur head of cat lib poisoned this week monday mr ford bad his suspioione aruusad aud aumoiauad a veurinary wlio upon rtamlnalloq of 1 e m lood aetata beau settled and a d 100000 lell by ii mcleod under widow mrs jaii mcleod will reovlve tiouooo aud each of the children an etjual share amounliua to betareon 00 000 and 170 000 lu addition to bis share philip moleod of toronto will roooivo a portion uf tha surrender value of his lusur auoe equivalent to j17 xoo and w mcleod will reoeive aboal too kf luaur anoe i be oollora uf lha ontario uoveru ineiit will be euriuliad by moaiia of the aucouaiou dutlos lo tba ealeut uf fix kk1 bmot in a uah hoom ji a wall for a uauuml i usee m havolvar shootln a customer at hie holvl llaiinf july i atiiv iyjllxkl lu day afumooo about it o ulock in lha i re mm house lu ktuarl slrrat which in all probability will will result fatally james neelou a young tniu who realties with his mother mrs kllou nralou jhl day atroet nuriii was shot in tbe alomacli by james wall the proprietor ilia row la said lo hsva originated ovor tbo change of a two dollar bill wall claims to have doue the shooting lu self define he aays no ton and ihreo other man ihreatenad to do him up wall baa been in a shooting scrsw ba fore several years ago ha shot al a younp lady who had rejeolod his- addrwases i ho aoutiuala now stand guard at olthar aide of tho stately pile where auada a lawgivers moot lo consider a nation a affairs hir ueorge oarlier the loader uf the rronch raui has long beau the looe guardian of parliament bill p rum his pedestal immediately on tbe waat uf the commons chamber bo can to day by slightly alrotohllik hia neck catch a glimpse of another nhapo in bronae and one which mual be familiar to him ills tha hguro of his former colleague bir john maodou aid which was on dominion day unveiled with great oerominy lha ureal i ugliah leader porpelualed 111 elnrual bruiao and embalmed in a nation s memory oom mauds the oaatern view while tile ftriioh canadlau loader looks down upon the hilly mclean the newsja m t whoso spoolal hobblaa are i caul latle rates aud a i ceut railway rale ia m slug practice this sees kin of proposing ibat i all now railway bllla befure tho house i clause shall bo tuaoitod uxiog lha umi mum psbsengor rata al j oeuls pot milt his laat clfurts were diraclod with roapec to tbo international hallway ou uamll tou up a k cli a i i t mtg lug bumo revfowors claim fur tlm bok a place very cjoso to i ho itnuiilo briar llush ihe itlualratious are and nuiiieruus and aro produced by mr j w ltangonih ullai kl hiob fllla foot teen tiauea i ii july aaaail lo f tin according to mr lulpti lima it tho in of hard working men aul inidtt won and clnldhoixl i aa happy there aa lu a tu have imprdaaed iii a aicolial fvatu antlra jirokrauiuli i n y dunu ilelailod auouuu nctcr dt lu day o of tho j 1 mu ibe jmbilua ton ot t be given al tiai ill lrato1 a brljihl lsajolnl nr by anna i imtlluujt 1 1 i u mliiooi i1u 1 1 i 1 id u wodluaday laal wa a oom la nuucoaa axuapl thai uio rail ii in t lo lha f ji a lull lot a hm mr aud mr j km a 1 u ai ajoit the 1 irsl with fuetida he r mr and ma j tano at ij uoorhelowu apaftl 1 hum mm uy viiu friend hare a tow fn u 1 on kilt lo i 1 u ii n ta iur1 n til irlili i watt nwly laal 1 iiurliotine lttt inu to be llio a pla for blu 1 i burn at tui n a he dun t think that because nu do not ice lo i suns in uui alurc lliut vie do not keep them wl haic a splendid rngt in 1 st pa rate room on the store paiticuuily strong in this dt i well assi ted customers will find us showing the best and most stylish oods see our ibex collar warranted 4 ply lint 11 2 for 25c and the newest things in neckwear ll u ho l iiij si lainl henderson db go 1 b oui miss stone is visit ng ih suminc lli u k in lean h of novelties 01 all kiids l o 1 di meiluug new foi we ari bound jo lead the proc sj on h mo ulars apply to jacoli iiaikklt use wl suvton s ii livuhay wanted aootli man in your tllatrict to reiiresont tba i- iillilll nunwrlaaol canada evsr jno xiki ii e larkest in tlm dominion peal lion poruianaiil salary or ouimlsslon to rlffbt w iii tl r in ttuulua douiand for fruit a oal hun with ua as aaleanau will pay you belter than fmisauiu b farm work hand us your application an i wt will alio jou low to sajo hehmuniacbtirs lu uat ttlo tfilng for you during fm aumumr writ inr particular i a wlll torouui onl notirk to painters 11 1 rltn lll lie recalled by uia council u lbs lllace of acton u to atondar tbo nth dat ol july or iwlnllng lha nutalds of lha town hall further particulars may t obtained br apiaicaxlon t j ll iearson or uwron llavltl uioiubarb of ckiiiuilttm so tou lor necmaartly aces tod ly onter 1 11 1 i- wmo l sanguine y rlbutnl lu lln i he r u 1 ihu 11 ma uf ii tho muah ii yoeteiday aflarui 111 1 til be expoolcd to uu lo latlotl th fore parliament this session mr 1ulaf made uo reference to the hudson uay rail way project tho order lu couucil refer ring to tha uew loan must to be eflootivo bo ratified this year the t inaiico mini tor has therefore disappuintod ibe bojws uf tho promoters of the undertaking 1 belt efforts to got better terms will uut boar fruit llua srsaiou tile bawi uni mil 1 bore was a debate ou tbo hwduit bill in tbo beuato yesterday honalor hoott said he waa in favor uf tbe pruseut measure allowing tho governor general in ouucil to exempt certain nvors from ihe opera tlun of leal session s act fur a period uf two years bouator allan aid bo would vote against thu bill uiileaa the guvortuiieiit he sumo aaauranoe that at lbs end of twu yoars tho dumping uf aawdual lulu tho ottawa would bo slopped he oalor haul bach warned the lovaruiuaul lhat it was taking an luiojeiblo tas 10 ndoat lhat tho ova one an i ilaali it wa mil ma rijt of he ollaw vallay a oh uf tibeoeua pli it i i winds r by lhe ualou an i nl say lhat 01 llvctiul llio proorodiuga ujf the hallway ouiulltoa iba utbrr day mr mills uf auuajhili wa lha pr ar slid ihechallange waa called forth by a vot y ordinary remark on the part o mr mulock two a mb ad luh all mr 1 i i ulford pr prtolor uf link i ilia rotun si week ir ha nilrolu rftil ramtily with a good deal f au m i rpply li a moalioii ly a ilimkilllo ut rfipuitor ha gao lim lull iwtug tarttatiug blatlstlua regarding llio hu uf nk 1 11 i king uia past yaar h h tho boat iwulvo i lha huat laid what lla a vordlot uf firtwen mllllona ham laanis4u july i judge unas fn lha lln i lad tiiataa diatriol court balurday daoideaf lha suit of iba uovernmfu against iha raiata nf the la to bouator btsnfurd fur iijoooooo tliodooisuin t r claim of lha uovaruioeuf t vorklug t houra a uy ai fcok tlla j ii wojld lak i iiuuut ucjii w ishrooiii belli to win weallh ulug bar llio canada s t o uldoat falr in t ooolpl uf th if 1 ibi i if a waul tlil t l uuoljh oull i 1 voiii lb iau i and oalei triao list beptember lith ti london management aro slill allvo to the country a liuerrsts homo loop i e have a fary wrung oonoepli n of fairs aud their objects tblukiug that the directors i f these aasociatlons run iboiu fur iwraonal gain tbials uot tlm fact however hairs belong to the ieople sod whatever ood tbero i in them or accruoa from iheui is for the beuent of tha cummuuity aa a wlulo i ho western i- sir haa uiarohcd ateadil j fur ward biiiue lis inception m inilh until tho prosoul aud bears tho staiuj uf nileili genoe industry llivoulluli waalll and fashion and largely 111 lluatoa lha ii auulal prosperity uf uo inivl too ll hat pro greased and will t froaalve kxhibllion f vary one shoul u i uiher by beinu an nl it a a for lha gealor lha a co aaa ir f grnalor lha bonanl 1 lb mki bltungl advae helpl g it alu g mauy important at ak h ma to in the prlao 1 i al whlot a ida ubafulnom aud will ba apjith lei eahibitor ily rrpio1 w y ii i a ty mil any a plloltl b a 1 rea ibonai a itr iwnn ba hureulj 1 haxisuuhy b cau nei i jul i rial appolnlilitinl 1 1 ird haiibbur iiuil nw 1 ni i stale i ba it t ay huretai y oi 1 ruuia luuiilli india hgbl 11 1 leal ipii f lb i rj highl hi toll i of 1 i ivy heal h hanoallor of lla duuhy hir matthew wrdlay 11 in the mai jil if lslialown wa o ulary trl a j or i f hu i h i it umiuling al tl a rata of umi m nule or lookouliig aliolhrl way ll lilrana ihiiii a hundred and fifty seven pllla for taiih mliiutaoflhe twelve lutillis hcuple1 sailing itiotn or if you waul further alatlalca 11 i son low hero about two pills a bead for tho combined adult population of canada ureal it n lain ireland aud tho u uiled slates ii tho pills sold jasl josi were made ep lltui necklacoa of nlleei inches iong uioro would lie a neoklc fnr every woman iu auada aud loato same ooueidarejuvpllla ovtr and very rvlty ustiklsoe llioy would make if ou stop ui think of it said mr fulfurl with iba air ut oua who con lorn pla tea au art latin triumph lu the tewelry hue the reporter stopped tu thluk of ii while mr fulfbrd added i dun t givo thcae ftgurea lo h tha business you will understand but to as j i eltablo oil to makfl ihu faou tanglblii it i au ordinary reader i i ul lul i art iliaut f irrlaul int rtianrrtttur nf fnt hurlelgl he rrlary ian i vii l lln i ro will i s if lha 4iki lu a hill 1 t 1 ltlmrt illlin tunbury m p aprilulol 1 iiiaut al beurolary to laur y anil mr ooorgu jalhaiilt i i ndnr helrelary fur alfaira rorrl aktibnurui lanl 1 ml itid ur mr j alcldc chauead marvelous medicin vvi dnever oivon 1 fair liidl hood provuo ii mbit ltsl may my u iu waa im jx uiua i ui i n hoods sarsaparilla cures f xstoivs ursaparilla in the lidbl imliie moiiliio li 1 o yb u hxxiid red and e7vptv cr- have been retur id u fcij 3 j1 facturtrs by fit heguelph branch alt to o ii wljtldow hcto bulilc 1 1 v slyles of 3hod l ml 11111 it 111 uf r tt n nninlfjn srrnfnh mi i ill i s c nfhhnational c b union tho qraal convention at boston tlaxtoulutl la numuat fluqou i dnlmrataa ll t1 aamotol htt ll it i hrlallaii ln leavor mrollus win il wll i hell al llottou maaa will b tlio uruast avor bold but il la only whan prratnl thvt thl wtl bo learned fifty ihuusau i in doavorers will ba in lluaton all feeling ihe christian pint uf work rite ontario tradiuarter will ba at the fruurlh p rushy terian church b011ii1 iltston sud dele gatqa will ik billoud m thai urlgbuurliuod bristols arsaparilla uu i iiur slum nh md knlnj 1 rouble- and t k iiil llu hi 1 of all impuumn bristoivs sarsaparill m n firm mew stock but old managentili new prices olumad but lha ju buslnaaja will go cj uliler tbj naw os no j a speight co loltxiond rings bracelets 1 jadies blouse setts belt buckles belt pins iini sxock iis riuviage 00 uo d t ni 1 1 owelfl 1 1 1sten depa 1 some roe poo is there will be dooidod obadgea lu lbi omns oaakeu and furuishtngs reasonable uffar you may maka wo have ao oonaaotlon with any- undartsvkan aomblno nd govorn our own prloes unpertahjc aptly i hi wtiou required at alighlly over oool and if nol sallafaolory do ciiu s old c lironie c 11c a wlicn all ulliu reidldics fall be bure and abk your druggisl for brist01vs sarsaparilla furnitur6 aoarafully aalcajted stock of furniture on baud which we will diapowa of al fair living profit buccy si jaihcon ss sjls roaonar and al prioaa par ha pa a liltks lowa llelng under very at very low prices nail ainum in carry lug lbs uodsrlahmg sa peel ally 1 oan da this aud give j a speight co 1 hlnll i lak ll- irt lus wiu bi walcl woik h leu un wati tit a who d 1 illuiiu i orkmau ooiitaikly i 1 lot k u jot ulhiug elr anl 11 1 king at ro irtu nwelry a 1 mjw llr 1 very yb la iliiall rtu nithl by pmukio oraonally mi i i until or foot dn i f clioi but if you have auy work al whloh o tieia bate failed givo 1 ringle of onelph a trial you can sty that such ijilnni cau uot fail lu give good results aa 1 rtoglo is a thorough mechanic of long experience pringle guelph powders cu sfor huadamue i v i 1a b ma aiaursa i r jf- i sr 1 t a hu rttk 1 m i 1 i i i 1 i rmmm oa oimi r on ita s roar a- aw i ais i a

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