Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1895, p. 2

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n p ww rn uj lmkn in itockwno1 tin lrlila june lb kim l julii lnrtmr ileiiahitii uartttrl v uaiii at lletliofllsl par wiih ri wiiuv ml july t tvi lllcrt ujilkr leltiar hi jrt1 asill l llrr fir illiiililiy f ua towel lllm i if irr w wlllftiiplihv of km i lll-l-l- ann- walker oluur mtin fun ii i hi niniriiiii tnrtmife tueda july imll intl laabnl llalinrr wllf f altofl 1bmiiiii k lr tile kkktimtll lit ifkw ttoodauiek latujt lliiimik at the twwwim his tbn manae claud on thursday jl harlra kaninhsraon late of alftlariifiir hcullalxl l hi yoan and l lltxitlia sbe 2u tim jfwc rrss tiimihpai j v ii ihn suubcniptions promptly nb- newed i or llie iry uenrrwl rrnrwal nf iibaerip- lilhia due jnu 1st llie vrr im a irifi u rxtrml in hearlirat tlnk runl tiaihlranl bulbmrifltoiia eaptr at ttua du and the prompt rrnewal i- elwaja a mailer of stllsferlitn and rnntiiraurmeiit to ua a rittrilt yrt tww iriewr1 but we oon him th eipct lo liter trimi all m thrao within a fear da a for wn arcsure there am none wlm haye t rrtfularly reaiiiuv tle i kit 1kkih every week during the year ho deaire that hi welcome weekly vieila tie dleoonlinuod prompt renewal of the aubecmpllon will en are it rrular and continued an pea tic o your aiidref 11 i mr jviitor ami publuhr notes and comments tlia arbitration regard ins disputed io minion and provincial accounts will lie resumed at montreal on rieplember ftlh the return issued by ibo ilrttiah j loud of trade for juno abowa lliat the i m porta decreased 1350000 and the export 1 111 000 aa compared with thoee for juno iaet a iuaiii of the lrlvy louucll o kuf land attended by lord salisbury frumier llaron ualsbary iord ftitfli chancellor aud uie ituht hon a altera doaglaa firal cotnmimuiuor of works waa held at windaor monday whon tho qaeon ainnad tlw d u 1 l a alatemonl haj bean made that the tloau bo l wren the toronto hamilton and uadalo luilway com pan and the i it will be oonauni mated during next woek by whicb the c 1 11 wijl operate the hue between toronto and hamilton and have connection with the anderbill ayatem for the remaiuiuk portion of ibe roavd il l aajd that urit uailtua of aroerl ii silver aro attain oomiug auto canada at tbe border towua and tbence into urneral circnlatlou american silver at llio brat ta only worth 00 couta on the dollar vet it puwi master and la lakeo by merohauta aud in trade aiteially it will not paaa in luttland nor on the coutiuoui of hurope aava at a large discount and ourcanadisu liver will uol be reoaived at par wtib our americatn neihbor the nrtush haf tndr jor ilh epoiu from a4l parts of the uultod utaum and uaiia saya lliat all ttttea eaal of i ha ulaaisatppt aud north o the ohio will not iruduod hotfr oenl of au averaa crop in i be prutiuoea of tjuebeo and kastrru ontario indioatioua promiae a full ortip liikund jias a abort yivld and thai uuniry bai boynrs la tlanada now aud will divert the aop which would natur ally i to tbe united tytatra to that i ha lit mataillc ijflatm of ijoudbu d lta laautd a manifesto declartnu that lht drprawaiou in trade la due lo tbe fall lu pnoea it aaya it is alao notloeable that tbe transference of prodoativa industry liwn void to alwer ataodard oouutne la mauactng many of tbe chief man a facta ran bars yal upavt linuin alooa blooka the ray lo any international attempt to ro- mooetim silver tbe manifoaln aaka lbs leolora to give mooetary raforra tbe fore most plaoo wbon thoy are deciding bow to cajuda geta a large all are of the uauaai from jjateln a uavai sueugtb with tbe peaoa and proteotloa which lhal atreoglh inaurea to our ooquniraa canada ge4 alao the beach i of the diplomatic ear vies of in tain canada baa used unuab consuls iu every ijaartcr of lbs globe canadians have tbe reaped and guarantee which british ouaneoucu everywhere eueures in return for all thai it may be cheap bdough u let tbe oovernnr deneral salary alone we duu t pay auytblug alao dttawa jumral no remeblal bill nqw thin announoomontls aooompnnl- nd wltr th rosionatlona of quotaap mlnlatara a crisis at the capital rtii july 10 mrrislrr niniln hi iff rsiwolril siiiioiliiicinriil if lliof intern itisnt illfy in regard to i lie rciiudul nnlor in lw llmuw on mtmilay rtt mogu mattrrs looked iwhimi litfiirp llil htali mon i but llifj lit tiei sstlinil lint ftiriii uf truie it ts riirhd that in tlmaxiuiiirw of tin- llmrrntnuiit lpnik niuut of irgialalhtn lo t1 in to be mllwl hi artiuia mm oiiimul antlers end t dlw tr have rr ign1 rinr- is i u t hi nil urlr- and the peiiuni i rll to ih- rtunl oin ri loiluinutf ii hon mr rolr nt madu b i hlale thai the atatoi i din a had iintrr lla cn iiloratuii llio roply u llio maniliilia ltltalliiurti in urn rrmril ordur of tliu ilat march irfli and after cartful du libratiiii has arrived at ilia folloin oonolusjiiit though there may ba atftur enore of opinion lu tho cioct mouiing of the rrply i qiirstioii the uovernmfiil bell tea that it may be interpreted lo bold i ii out some hoe ot an alnaitbl setilemenl of t m bihtki on llio baaia of hmtlblo scliou b 1 1 manitoba iuvrrnuieiit and ixmislsluri and hie doimninn overnnieiil nun unwilling to lake any aciiuti wlilcli qjii be interpreted aa foieaialling or precluding aucb a jlff oonsuntmation i he government has alao discovered the difli cultirs to be mot will hi prriaring and perfect nk levislamtin on mi iuntast intnn in gi rilti during the last hours lit llio pri stnl ecaiou a comiiiunicatiou will bo sent immediately to the manitoba out orumcnl on the subject willi a vtow to aaoertauiing whether the uotorttmeut la dinpoaoj make a settlement of llie juration wh will be roaaouahly aatiitfactory to minority of that provuicr without making it ueceasary to call into reiuiauon hi powers of the dominion parliament ecsaion of tha present iarhaiiicnt vrdl be called together lu meot not later ihadmho first thursday of january next 1 by that time the manitoba lovcriuiicil fads to make a saliafaetury arrangement u remedy the grievances u tin iniuurity the ioniiuio jovcriimcut will be prupar ed at the next mmun of in rliameal to be called aa above staui to lulruduce aud press to ft doncluaiou such legislation aa will afford an adeiuato m ca4uro ot relief to the said minority based iioii the lines of the udkemcut of tho lrlvy l oillill and tbe remedial order of the 1st march 1kus i be oaaville vai i atltuuatlug jt tl waterworks tor oak villa for ore iroleo llou lo ooat ilioo aud aaya that some uf itui falqpayars of that town uppua ii ou tommint of tbe expeuee milton aod leocgetown bulb i u vested in waterworks wilbin the last tew years and spent a great leal more iban flsoo each lugettlng thorn 1bey uow have abuudanoe ot the bee i uf rater not only for bra protection but fur eoswmj puspoeee and it is doubtful whether 1 single ratepayer can be found lotrtt who will aay ibal tbe money was ladlf iuvcalad milton ckampmm it ul tho uhtj u iiio lovoruuioiit ou lliu manitoba school ica lion and the rcalgualion of the litreo minister from quoboc bir adolphe larou mr uuimet aud mr anere charged thu air heavily with political eicitcmeiit ii pleaeoa neither aido the coiiservetita of both uutario aud quebec aro disapiuiutcil aa for ibo joobeo men ihey will only be aatiafled wheu they get thoir own way cum pietely caterdey the premier had a long oonferenoe with his hioellcuoy wlo was summoned from quebec aud in the after noon the throe freuch ministers alao talked over the ailuatteu with ijrd aberdeen it la without doubt the desire of llta 1 x oelleitcy lo endeavor to bung about an amicable seltlaiiieul of tho matter but ao far bin elturta havu uol been succcaaful tilt niti ttiun uiui i mi wbenlholiouse adjouniod laal iiglt i aa learned lliat tho crlnia was uvoti mo acule than ou monday 1 ho 1 auih mm titers aaaert that ihey have bucu ircalod uufaitly and are tired uf pruiiuaea and pledges all uay hah bceu mxiit in utlur ing ouuceesltius to them which worn reject od and tually the ontario miuulera and mr juelcr ufloreel what waaauppoaod to be aooeptable uamely that a remedial bill abould be lulroduood brforo prorogatluu this tile quebec ministers refuse to ftmpl and insist that tho bill shall not ouly bo introduced but liesaou till aeaaion whether messrs llaggart foster mull laguo and daly will concede thia is a matter fur won lei ion but as the quobn men are standing ftrtn and luereaaing tkeir damauds omoibiug lias got to give ur break 1 he laat report is lo the eflect that whoever glvee in il wdl not be tho ouetx repreeculall ea the conservlivo ml fur inlarlo aaklng fur a oauuun before 11 la luo late tbey bay they wero promieel at the last caucus that they would bo eel lot together again before the government eunouueed their policy uu llemctllal lglalatltut jlul uw anuonuoeinetit uf yesterday waa mailo without a ickncua dial aunuuncomuiil it ounaiderew by many tu have boen bad jmlicy aa it waa roads iu knuwlotlge uf the fact that it was unacoeplalu to the frenoli nadians wlulo it miiiuuitltxl all tho others tu itamcdlal ioislalion 1 ho ut look of the next 21 hours la in i nl all cu oou raging lo add lu tha giarlty uf h iluatlui it piicarb uial tlm two r rencli uijw moans h recboue and urandboia have rcstgnod au lnimnai proclamaluju appears iu ihu cutmttto uallr declaring norlain new loins uf hroiise or miaed metal lu be ouriout ami lawfijl money uf tha i tilted hmgdum the glorious ulb is to be oelabratetl una year by a deuiuiiatratitut in lltlawa llio either i which baa never been seen in this district tor yeare r rum u uui lu muxxt men are expected to be in the pruoessluu how st jobnplim was saved m uu iu i 11 io fulluwrug ktmdiii tmulaliiig lliu inlrrp dily of mr lui tu m dciuilrl til mm r mil iho in ht j or ph t nti it tvn urn hv jt ffllutv uorhiiiitn nlil vill i r ml nith miifih nib nut 111 lu a liiu i lriililuu iiiijk t sunt itih tli ilarl it kilo lli ltri or hi i m li a i intro erulio i aiinliiij xiiiki wurkiiiuii in aliiklli r mm lart hl1 ii tl ithrr mi il lux llfililiilui his oiiuh i iy aliarii tliuiilirruli nit rriiimi r rluli i li ithlm lianl will imimi bin i lliiiiii illl lit all- vii mil l i ii inl uu m uu in- in ri uf uu inn itiui lav lrat iiiiuinii 11 duiatil nllolh from 4il i ititit it lb iill ml han mr hanl n lli hun liuarl um h in fsciiu tlm lira i i ntr o and hi trim what iimd nl sluf iilli ttaliritis r jtolial i 1li would lollulil in i uu l in lr i kli ll lalkuh i lit la neon hmday hire wlikd out thr utie a efbufbewm blind by a d 1 1 1 wall mr walter ltlid of momer wast whlls balliiug al ioamington a wluuipeg buluhor is arcusitd u ufacturuig cala into sausages napolfmiu dec morn win srrltj murder of his wife at si hturi matet julio l mivou as drowned at llruckville i iiuy mr lsl jaukaun of luinlloi milled six llo by taking prussit ati mr v rib oli hiiloti a u mraars i be lullmaii 1lto advanced llio wsgen uf i lie i es 10 per uul mr james hudu gban tell oil a load uf ii aud killed mumt mi t liri 0 uau ul montreal shut bin muuda iu homing pigcu -a- il- iu fiom muulrcal to luiuui tm u lu hum 17 muiuics mtluilt acl 111 muu i i tuili tutlw aud iho ill then in it aio n n 4 mi or m willi in tiiilcs u vv il 1 lvd ioiu lite tllttls uf ulouturhi aim lig daolal italion muiiaj t uf ti at in- ul cib anestcrd lurtijlng loi luiltlo ihimhiuii 1 i 1 it train ml lubi iiiilo til luulld uyllig on ihc mdll a atloll ul tno- rouu her home monday mr i us hprookclr tiio u- roniicl la n ported tu bt about li liug a beet sugar enltrpriae al ldiiiunluu iho hiugatuu sulua uf tilt jubit m- duuald it ready lur alupmeut and mill prubabl bo ulunlod ou labor ly llllity bouses wile washed away and leu rcuplo killed by a llou1 al wuuua uoar uriligllald mlas uu saturday a story for mothers which may 3avl- the lives or thciii dayohters a younu lndy nt murriukyllln ivurj wlmn nnnr dunthu door hor llinuss llnxiuht atiout by allmnntn pontiljnr tt hnr bum only out wny in whtth rhiy cnn lo tjuocmfulty ituulut ml v i lrlmhf iiiru itrti n llhiionlimiiiluf amo icanluilu id tho pii imiirnukvillii hitnuid and the raii ii ldm i km i u inlilx nil llfkt y a limily i thf iiotonb taulc n vvltft ii lillubh plan for miking australian jmilitlri niiiri intrhlgildo to llm amrrican miii in hie hll number mf j tiuhrt liyan list i liihrciilinir itflx in nu llii 1olitu tl i dor f niw hmilli wain if uu i il kr llnrv iks 1 ii itkblf it thi until pltlnresfp he1111 wd jii to luy that tjil nroiiti viljnqn ul ii thu hidoaii nvr ut an much in its ihe la williams pink pilli and tuslimoiiials lit riifafd in vuir fiiitoiilinl uu mm al ihe rrnirixn uf mr ail mid littrrmiwi i their 10 it iali a l ytr- aim u known tu h low and bis been rittlori ii uit of iuik pills yds ihfir vtrlumf uy ii 11 1- lf- ii iislub ir minlluiu ig lady ii v b en very boillli by the aim hid i audorod a great deil hul i am ni thankful hat i am unco mora matured tu health you have no idea what it it to bt an nrsr the porlala and fwel thtt mori tiling in graip aud an earji gravi tour doom i was taken ill four j nrs an with trnnhlrtf icculiar to my iti and which bai liiirrnui many a yutiiig womsu to hor doom iu early rave 1 have taktn ill all about twenty buiei uf pmk pilu and i am only too ilel lu let the w irll know what these wonderful little pellets have d me for me hoping that some oilier utilortiinalo younj woman may be lxiinntlo1 as i wih whin mi atoon yearn of agn i busn lo jriw pah and weak ami many thiiuglit i was going into douinu 1 beramo subjict tu fainting apallb and at liuirn would btuinio uiiriitiillous my atrontflb uradually dr rnssod and i bi tsmu ii t omit luted ibsl i won himuty a living vkoluton my btool beemeil tu turn lu water and rny faoo was the lolor uf a corpflo i had imixi jiftoreiil klndu of modicinea hut llit y did mo mi good i waa at last ootid noil lo my room fur several months ami hojto at my rucovrry wan given op allaat a rlotnl urged llio um of 1 williams pink pills and iltor uiiug a few botes 1 begi to grow nlltflitly trungor 1 cunliutkd tluli use until 1 hud used about iwewo boles wbon 1 loiinl myself restored lu iiallb 1 nuw tiuil using tho pills and fur mx uiuitlis 1 never fu hrer mi nit hlc j 1ilii 1 began tu fcul thai 1 waa nut si healthy ua i should be and lu fcul the uld tired feeling once more cumiug uu once more i rra jrtetl tu pink pills and by the time i had utud alt boxes 1 found my health fully ifstond i keep a box by mr and oco1 uiially when i feci any a up turns or a return uf tho old tioihh i take a few aud 1 am all rllit again 1 biiinol hud words uf sulhcieiil wctghl tu preas my uppnclatlon uf the wonderful unlive pmlitits of dr uilhams pink p lis and ulicerel bojte ibal nil b i al c s tlllllad aa 1 wa will hn theni a ii lal aud i lam certain they will find n nswnl bnaltl tbe rcts altuve related sr impoiii u pannta a there an miiy omi kills just buddutt lulu vomlihohl hoe i otidi lioii i lo aay thu least mote mijlii than r pae tipli weuiw uty lll lluu uluoa tbe united buus prublbtted as tutted aud pauper iiumlgraliou ihe uoeth auterleau republlob have beoume the eruuud fur tbe refuse uf hurupe these auuulrme realuting tlae bituatiuti are now lolluwiug loole bashs example and are lasuiug decrafra aiiutting out all who uuuoi itow lhal ihey name uf thru own aoourd mi witbuul aeeiataitoe uf individuals or lla la 11 la iiollmbla lhal biuob tha st riot whu of tbe law in tbe tlnlled ritalae a brtlrr tlaaa uf immigranls have triived and nearly all uf ibom are with lufltoieul mouii lu purohaae human whioli is tbe beat ulaa uf ao tilers fur an oouulry ibo lulluwlng new uotilpaulce have been iuournraled under tbe ontario statutes tbe buern friehds hall oumpanyoj luilral ilulario 4uufluoii oapilal fjmio ihe ubltuuiilan kchoul of uuaio uf lotoiitu rapt 11 wooo ihe wallaueburg mai mpny capital 1111000 the iluelpb nurway irun and hlerl couipuy fulad apu0o ika ljgbt uaatv awl itlaer ccutpany uf lindsay capital 970 jo uie llradjpy uarretaun iubllablug uuipauy of orauuord capital 17000 ibe ronmtu liredglng aud contracting rnpauy oapstal im10u0 lbs hum unrmal publikbink cufupaay of turuulo mmlal 13000 the capital took of tbe jkeefe lire wary fumtpauy uf toronto is ocraaacd from j0tvo to moooou and ll tha twruuto lock company from 13 wo lo 1x5000 canadians at hislhv ixtt july j 1 weuly stadtai- ii uf theni uuuatllullug tha rltle loam wblub wlltounhmil in the butiliug oompalllluu at itlsley arrlvni at that plaoo tills a t it r noon and occupied a oamp around ihe ulub huueo which la dlallugulshofl by a nuinlter of lluwer beds and the display of the ila of the ijomltlioo 11 llio association nine uf tha team wure a iutelilurs in previous malubob at ilialey nud n xhl are majuj- markham who is i t uummaud maintains that una is ibo imai team that over halted itialoy j hay have plonty of work befure ihem and are rnlhubiaalic ttvrr the prospect they liavs leu euleird fur utn gueeu prlsoand ilia ht loorj air which worn won by uusjitusjii jlgva kull also iu nearly all thi aggregate ouulrala 1 tie moll have beau vialung anibridne oxford and tlenlay itncn oioir arrival and are in tho beat uf lieallt ami spirits legal alops to aearate bum 11 regard lo the aittuiustrliuu of jualloe mr joiiu l ritoli au uldolly iolu iierclidl dlutl keiy auddeuly in a tjumjn blioel uar loruulu halurday etnfllug ol htu and lltigdlai utttimii of thu tiaualion ami aio iuiului lo itd tu olifut a alto lui ibo aiity s r oj a in oamli iu bid of lilt trdlng lu tin mob ilei agaliisl ail thu luuilkdeorb il it iwu fur selling site houa great bnulo met i pxlltlua he ulolj utli t amount uf luturmatluii bowuj other era o piuajterity has bogu iltu majcaty the ij uaeu ao hml tit a anting last wook lur hn picture of tho deuoraliuu uf thu i jubu xhumpbuu at windsor lai mr alliorlue o 1ory is was tha uwnor uf ibo irautluus o is jtale an 1 ws y iii b pearana trt will heart pa i atlon heatu ne of brolli n llie light i ear falutli and 11 et ui- irnasnm 0 n hull in lt i led t prrui lure uies pp lps ii lkr lo ul1 iattir al 101 ol t iii this emergen rem d l dio ui supply t h ilaot 1 iii vs ill pink pills 1 iu bull 1 the t htretigthou tlm ros a 11 to till d thu otlioallli to 1 in a d btlll tl they are 0 la 11 ull ti lor a 1 11 hlul 1st i lbs r il in jl oil i bird uu- ii h ill hii ttrri 1 km bed in f pointful piumiurme 1 hi i tioni furnished by n roadliig- arlloln m hist in ihe matter hl now south wains is nnt 1 lb iivrrly im ken rotdt 1 ii i olas hdir i l it ual i lliu steam lire unto niiuaiturur uf llruuola wan in im rl nll mt pii thn mtaurol deparimnut re iurtsthattlkiraiufallftr jhjt l dlo niily a tnlle attovn half lha usual amuunl and that la i it nth ws- the wannest june reourdtid ity tlm cnnnlo ybnrvatirv au sxuhaiiuti givm problem which will mien hi lli li iv- a ituy irn rara of ajo has h lli sihlrr wlm weighs iu pwbmlf himi im ttr ttritt rfritrt f rf f tl vr f xt flvi minutes when he is twice as old ho tine wilt tt tiiko him to al ured onrmutng thu iinmnialhiti of james it larnnld fur hunalor by ohio itepubllcaiib tm ture day recalls two liitorcellng coincidence not unh has the yuunger jarflold been iiumiiiblud fur k011 iter from the same die in i winch hnunrsd hi 1 fatlter in ihjj but be will if rlccltxl boon in o a senator at ti uy the same ago lua father did i armors m anting hardy native stock to plant this coming rail or hpring may pay for il in work wo want men wilb or without experience on full or part lime salary and expenses or commission write al 01100 for further information llii itiiutiikiih com ini continental nurhcrieb torunio out t- broken in health i hat tired fooling constipation and pain in the back appetite and health restored by hoods saraapnrtlla anulllth liluhurus htlimll i ho old uya and cirla ul zimmoi man public school hollow ac ton t fcxumpli i10 hat been pupllt at tin old li mrau julilt atliol in ntlsiu w ol brale1 down tliero on dominion liy may bt uuaginutl 11 was a uioal bappy ui joyous occasion lur iiiom wlm wi cl prer as they after nuiiy bmg yean uirl n tisiid sbakluu an i 11 kiss hearty the i lug ihe mlllm a ss 11 lw ix a bundled ur pr wi 11 ludug the ouu middle ag i ibo rler i been uf upll old men played trclo 1 w days gnid by wlil l otbes im luling nller y llio old bill aud dt i i sic and biwi lb young tmibably o ililll 11iu ihey mkii11 icud shi j wiiol tip llud ust i bluagi tpjotxn ootl luuuijt lia been do lo m wnl rtuua by sukiua si i ii id lt ileslruolluu of ipel vlailiug smudou hi 11 tbogool aiirulment lug to picaeiila lather axtil i ilmu has ruuglil abtiut fin ulul udiut wurks llrstillurd wiieu a youug named harslt hlevous wm oaught inaohmery aud had bur arm turn nt was alltiuifiug a joituy and wur willi a bin aiuctu lbo luauhluai y llm sleoveeiiftdiow llm im lu si i niiiiivi il lit thu nuii iluriliali liuu whllo under llilutufoi talletl 1 kriol 41 wuo lal alm of lb 11 i urn ii ma- r 1 timet i itli ft lanril tlrr1 fr-rlbij- ilinrtur 1 1 i re it uu in tlm bvk ftii1 nitljuilliiti i rou 1 1 r ll llltln reit at nlglil mi arrounl ol uie pu ml hid 11 1 anpelltr nlutrrer 1 na lint 11 i 1 imt 11- um i eti nut iteluir lull 11 c 1 i trtnl a err 1 1 utkr 1 xllrlihi gct any eniuuciil relief irnni ai hoods cures jinn 1 until upon rt r nunc nil iiloii of a f 1 11 1 ilirt lnvl n boltlr of hmni 1 srminllli til lilmil 111 irr iwtlrr ht lltitrrn inn 1 lla nir liitlnj ukcn ihrrr botil il i foul llko a now man eqalb- for gfeorgetown walker mcbean sc bo great midsummer saixe uijsk ml y itll 1 lilted udebleil fi dllant i- i i i sveiil lo mis j it liatnl sc mliloil who was bjro ai 1 nun man ail1 wl allendrd lh ltliballon aa a pupil ol lb old auhool two disasihous ullhb itlolollk wo mar liaihrruun july m t rid ay evening a i year old daugiitar ut mr curry tuftner uear uurfurj atumpted 10 light tbe lira lu the store wjlb ooaj all tne oil in ihu can caught lire ami nplojad eoltmg ilru lu liter little girl cloth ithl burning her a badly that she died in m law hours july m willi a baker died while under the iulliruto of ohlurulurm in ibo tartors uf i ion 41 a m clark tour teeth ha boon ctreoid and during the rsmiva ul the tilth im gave a su ideu gasp and oapiroj j ho mod lual upmiuu is tbul death was due par ajyala f the heart liarues is a native uf htrnlforil au iiitpioai will lie held sl 1 tlllui nllhi u ill aksllng ink liltlt a 1 hi k ltublnil ewellit il ii don d vti1 lor s buildings wrr lll trllod oal i 1 1 wlh aitgrrgtle kmi nisi ran 1 lt1 t 1 11b 10 ullllluut allai n itre inikniwii v 1 jul h r 1 omivil a ubiirb ol mi ulllh k s il ul 1 iii 1 1 k were del royed and about hhi eidurrd a llr p hum us hi jo niatiifl and 1so lu ks ion ft uu the uuttrw irks su rovails o 1 1 1 ball fur as kiiotvu hmno llg in a s led atari i 1 be tlrr all lire tiiguie was 111 muntr eaird ml thu wattr aystoi laoiolid ttlii braut kvtb 1 udiea bloiut selis uoll budkloo belt piiih inl sioo k avuge 111 m ik guelpi 1 h 1 lr iiiili- wind 1 lnii 1 in ili 1inl it ekrn the launuheal llghl wboal iluill oighla 23 tu 24 lbs pilnea ta6 to 11 also columbian and vkluuna nose wbooia have a work wide uopu uuun there are no belter bulll tl 1 gisde ladle ui and 711 leltfliti 3 ut hi iu mia cleveland wife uf prssiuout love laud gate lilrth to a laijli aftoruouu hx j w stajk acton atll nt ioii alion and uclkwoou 1 he greatest sale witncbcd inheorgctown starts tm saturday wlien the intenbe st4of summer goods will be marked down aid every price has to go those who want a bargain tliaithy jltvcr got befure be sure and come to walkkr mrllean fos summer halk millinery fylillinery millinery we have done a big business in mjinory and we have a few boxes of leathers and ilowers that will be cleaned out at the midsummer salic it will pay you to keep them at the ridiculously low prices they will be sold at i rimmed millinery at 50 per cent off and some will be sold for even less 1 omh iloll ii 1 comh tu ili joi i 11 mammoth housk dress gooda 6000 ahty dicss joods to be sacrificed u i wiiaa rfiiuly la wear clolliiig i e s than null prices reduced prices to last tei dijj carpets carpets i ibc best ijuallty carpets pncea ul in uv n ll a kinre bul with an at 1 ins yiat alc is the tiu ol a lid 11 l i i lute lu the nonunion an ode io su h bat i ouit willi iii thousand i ivt ker mcbehn 3 o i grkat slmmer hale iiast satiiidays discount sale a big success clocks watches j e w e 1 1 e ry spectacles silverware fancy goods also opniiing of jlno complloated witohfn oo to fljmon raouoml watchmaker and jowellor a p symon fleo autirrlisrmrnn wanted invati vtti i vi 11 tha week niflnvrnanl rl ulrl ktale salary adlreaa ittls iiukdirii ivd v nit s lambert jersey hull for servlbe or for 0ale ihk llihllrslgtlo1 in en hall hlrext -vnle-aee- airll jjihi ihul tw- ehfft eftrtrei for ifttft 11 j iiiiitm wantki alloou man in your distrlol lo reoreaenl die loiilhll suraerlnot canada- over iidacroa lbs i rtes t hi iho ioiiiinlon ioal uuii iwruiaimnt halsry orcuuiuiiaslon lo right witl ue lucruaslng demand lor fruit a t ton with ut a iranian will better than eiirstfiiiu in arm wurk tiend ns jour apiillcailon anil a 1111 j mro listen i 1 14 he ublk i a 11 1 cheap shoeti 1 uoilc think wt hiit fuullbh liut it u i ltd the juijjil have laitli enough to t u i dj wi 111 ictuiii 4i- thcin all wc tjvtiil mi l tika i 11 llnld mil 11 m incidental ro nut tfclat jultl ta a willi 111 i ijj 1 ui j lllc j ul balbriggan underweai at the unik 11 price of o cents our millinery departme llllsbll takes the rentes t poealbla ina with bis watch work specie work kten od watcbea who do uothing elee one workftaau constantly ou clocks wbo doea uothiuif rise and one working at repairing jewelry and spectacles hvery job ir critically r is mined by rnnlr pereonally and not paased unlil perfect doo t lee ha watabmakor who la jivioc joa aatta faction but if you have any work al whiob others ham failed tivo lstiile of ooelph a trial v uu can are that aucb ayatem can not tail lu itivo ood rtsulia aa prinle ia a thorough mechauic of loit experience prinqle quelph trilbys father wttau ulu s ui uuii wout to iaru and olarkail lit a alite atura allur trains sway from bad ebaniinl himawbal iluriliu ula yoars ofbls lasiica bo ilelenultlbft tu uu to ills molbars honaa uiiauiiiunoeil and see it the filial effao tlou lu tba oil 1 11 or llie iiereat would lie re- ciprecatcfl bj tlia iiaratit and thus lead ihe iavrvlil in racotliilmtlier iwv ba want to bar inusa aa a ilraimor and asked lite molber for titud ami ludfctnit alir uol reeoiculilng her aoe kaa bint bmad bul rt luaod blm lodging ihluklnti that pnrhal ba uilbi ba a robber but aha allowed bl 111 to warm hiniaatf bf the 1011 mint l kuomi to be apmiatel wijlliams shoe store well and lavotabl known nd oui fooils are appre- lalcl we base all class es of 0 iotn ami m iiijei- hulilii trunks lulls km til si s 1 1 u 11 1 1 ul willi lit v111 cro powders fui sct hcaoachm soil kriualcts ati u t 1 ii mte i 1 1 1 ivr i i hrfs1 i i u- e have arranped all our tiitriinmed hats on tables 1 ire cleanup them at 25 so renp 75ci j d williamson fc co ty ldham and macdonnell straets quelph bristoivs pills 1 7i niiiirtns sui iuni v 1hssi siul lir 1111 ill so 111 ull i tum bristoivs pills an iliiily n taw tit mil si n hul mil do it pi ik tr mi ken t bristoivs pills ut cntl hul nmnpt anj ihorouhiily ihu aiiationuly- nittluine alt driifjiils kuep j bristoivs pills j

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