Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1895, p. 4

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v 7f ffiljc tonxtt jrtss i i iilllilhdav 3l ia lllfwi ft doling ollm mi fjiff- r i r vrw h wlialllae lllml hald tfraluliiia inoklitk i fxmeliliib imimmtril k lihik ma lij aiiilirihi ami wlimi r ull ai fitintanig wliat koro lunol furatxiih hln niakoa ilia jtiiuii iinmiikkkii lit that iwlty afinl klrtlil i n itll nun n nnwa id loll tim kncriilui t and lr rniirao it of lir belif wowy wlllt twtib1liijyp of i ouree it i ay gremlin a ami ulo now ik k to keep loll ii tim triotl lo r dm f what 1 imartl inli ilmim kr tireiulnienmia icin a lo um lielrye p rea n u n alt come tumhlln in uuiiiethlng w out ao ttinnhitf i know you will he glad 1 vlah yon all could have hoard it tito baby mid frad pad notes hereanp there cir oonornl intoronl lo froo prana ron lorn up to date gtoods t wihiolliliib new lit tall yoii raya uranduja i liollijlii and limit alio uib th uahy ami tako- a great of kits from line like rlrrioa tn a iiuiiotv kind ol way jnat think rteare grandma darltnff tik two bin 1 lodey i kihim k h ironti aoirlsown brother hut hoa roy own brother la tli a i any reaaon why yon ahould take in courteeiee for granted and never aey thank yoot la thai anv reeaon why you abonld not try and malui an evening at home plraaant for him inelrad of forcing bim by your eelflahuobe to seek hi happiuoee eomewhere la that any reaeon why you ahould not thluk hla opinion of your frooka your don no la or your look a worth conaideralioo t ib that any reaeon why when you have a man viaitor he abonld be made to feel that you endured your brother when there w nobody alee but that when he la there well then it waa different la that any reaaon why you abuuld nut liateu to hie word of advice about other girla or iheirairotheru 7 la that any rmnn why ymi ahuuul be tflad of a walk or a game with bin your parlour la ibat any reaaon why you ahould uot bo interealed in hie a lory of the ehooting or of the huntiuit when you do of tba aarae lalra from other people 7 ta that n rraeon wby you ahould push hi in lo i lie wall except when vou ucod him and i lien claim hla attention aa yuai right itncauee ho la your very own brother you ought to be ten fold more conalderale of him l hu the brotbera of other girla cauee he ta your voty own brother you outfit lo atudy lna taatea and oater lo them read the booka that be like and auggeel otbera to him atudy the aotiga be fanoiea and be glad to make new ouea known to him thin way way you will majpa your brother your very own and to him iatr will be ibe moat delightful among girla are ou your brother a keeper t aa maw but ou do not keep him by fettera formed of ill temper unlidyneea and lack of court bay bo i by one made of every feminine graoe and brightened by aialorly love that ia the keeper that will give yoa your brolhera love and make yo worthy the hoart of aome other girt a brother loo uixr journal nfcw uses for papth lba won d era in the uao of pep 4 jod pulp aeem not likely to oca an kjoc tbe lateet application of paper la for the manufacture of large gone uuua have been made from leather pulp and tbeae are bound with hoop of roe la i tbe leather pulp ia of oooraa hardened there ia alao a core of metal aet inaide of lba gun the ligbtcaaa of liia leather cannon la an eaten till f nature- tba prinoipal aim however ia to aeoors a material wbloh baa una elaatlcily ao that the force of a heavy discharge will be broken gradually thia eeema to be obtained in cauoou made from a pulpy q beta nee paper pulp auawera the pur poea aa numeroua uiaja and ex pert menu have proved it poaeeaaea more elaatlcily tban metal aud when hardened ta nearly aa tough bepoe thia material 4 uaeful in the manufacture of artiolea rejuinng hard afdaient and el aa 1 1 o pro per tie tbe body of ihe gun ia made of paper pulp the core ia of metal and made very muob like the corea of ordinary oaanou the eierior of the cannon iv woond with wire about five layer of copper braaa or aleel wire are firmly wound on uitu biuding the cannon ouuide tbe ooverlni of wire are vanona bauda of braaa tbeea baud aro aet with uprighla through wbtoh rodlloxleud parallel with the gun there arelock ut ou each aide of the uprighla aud theae hold ibe rode iu plaoe now i hbah vou ihiiil i hat you atinlil ihi wrll null at i pure rich hlno i i jjj u to pa mi ii id and all rtin il your bhwxt ia iitinuvirihhcir vitalit rtidin irmihlm nut i by mood a riaraapnlla lim haraparila inakn pun rioh hi in truth the grent hloixl puriller mood a ill blliouaiibpb jauudi goat inn the root of all di j h larko or loawa llracl v tlil htm- berrv ourr hiarrhii iciiur oho crampa llmlcrn indent liifaiilum cuolt ra morbua and all aiiiiiok r oiiitlaiuu and llmr of llio imw i in cliihlrrii r evuia tliu teacher of a oookltii uhiaa in clilnni ettta what lirr ptrila tihik there ia an ekample of ubliiiidfallli and co ull do urn llrart ilirar hilirtrtl in 111 mlimlra lr agnew a turn for tin hi art gitca i f i i1t pi o ni hats diiuloph latest nc straps the nftwiist now coloiril hliirts very choice nen suiting and oveiroatinh special rnlamiilried sliirls at 50 ents r e nbiison leading tailor and furnisher 90 uppor wyndhnm stroot cuolph oont suffer t with heaoach when you can bo cured in ten minutes by usipf our headache powders simple safcanrj sure father o ilalloran had a telepbuoa i inlu the araonaa m ooimoohoii with iho olruroii the jtiroclilal etc 1atriak mokoe hla revareuui a handy man waa luatruatad in the uee uf ihe inetrumeut and it waa only ibe ueit day wbeu tal dualing out the church heard the clatter of tba tale phoue bel hakingdoarn the reoaiver b waa pleaaod to hoar father llalluraui voloe aaalnit him aomalblng or other about hie work 1al in eaeayiag tu tmwer roiuein heretl that hla reverruoe waa a long way oil aud ial oooaoijuenlly hollered into tbe traumilter at tbe tup uf hla voioe 1 don i uiideralaud yoj ialrlok aald lbs lelaphuiio ial tried again with uu better uooeaa uu hi third trial be same near apllttiug ihe telephone but lgaln oaina father ilalloran a voice i ban i hear wbal you ra uylwg ialrlok ial bad by thin lime loel aomethlug of hla patience and aa ijp aloud gathorluu breath lor a foorih bfaat fve o mldii t rtm u ollloijuialng in a low tune ah i may the divil tly away wid the ibe uuld fool hut tat dropped the telephone like a but potato aud fell to hla knee in dlamay wben be baard rather oilajlorau a vuioa onoa affaiu now 1 hear you perfectly ial tick uoalon atvaihfj 7yuaerriw what ht understood a oar tain auperin undent of aolioola had 1 wiy orumtdering ijuaettooa all he obi en that oomplalely deprivad itutm of l hair riu one dajr he oaf led the third reautrr llaaa lo atand upon the floor and began a proraiaouoaa eaaeohiaiu at laat poiuting bit fluger at a mu ahriukiutf ngtire at ihe ennv of ihe nlaee h fa battled voo tbera t what do yuu iiaxleraland by dlimalatf the auawrr name in a weak oared voice fiat npi it air mriuut wuu uypipathelio ilearl ui and apee illy effoota a cure it ia a remedy for ialpilalion hliorti urea th i hnlolhonug vifwill 1ain aide and all pymplomn uf a piaeaand llearl one doae convince hold by j hannn win a grateful thought toward hea iteolf a prayor i rrat faith in ii dtau hum 1 have uaed lr i owltra kxlract of wild straw berry for nine yeara when required and ill ink it ia the beat remedy to bo had for all kuida nf bummer complain u it ha povcr failed 111 our famly to cure auy mmiironr complainl ao we have great faith hi it mm tuim hikiiim chatham out olio watch aet rlht will du ti by one that gora wronu inav h of mialradiug a whulo neigliborhood the unit may be aaid of exampli alwaja on hand mr 1 hoin purler lower irelanj 1 g my aon eighteen motitliu old bail ao bad that nothing gave in in rolmf jk 1- want vont blood purified and our system thoronghly invigorated get a bottle of smiths hlood tonic a sure cure prbprod only by w g smith co dispensing chemists windham and macdonad sts juh1 kh blllol for nailwav time table i1 1 null 1 1 1 ill i iiiv 1 li lllli hi 1 ll i in n hi lliiu iahl in ii w lilll i r lvl1m ifi i i moiidat 11 i iai siii woiiiiigton lulunl fl re 1 nsuroncp 1 1111 inri com iii oany nh his 1 nl mllt11 i 1 i tjh ur h l iii 1 1 avtm 1 a neighbor brought me tunio of lr tbomaa eqloctrio oil which 1 gave hnn and in an hoara be wa cured it in the beet medicine 1 ever uaed and i would nut be without a bottle in my liouae abelracta abrtdgd etc have the name uao with lutnliij t to oollocl the dlflmod raja uf wit and learning iu authora and tukn them jkjiiii with warmth and iuiokije iiin the reader a imagination tiflli focr and auon aud hilton l h meita are positively cured hy tlo tiae uf iarmelee a 1llla 1 hey nut ol leanao the atomach and boweu from all biliiua matter but they open tbe exairtury voaaoli caoaliig them to pour oopioua efluaiona from tlia blood into the buwolx after which lba corrupted inaaa ia thrown out by the natural paaaage of the body they are need aa a general family medioiuo with hid beat reaulle an inch of fact wok i ii a page oit fko w i il i ii 1 j u ait nil 1 1 lhw t i j u nti ttiiii u iiiui ulcph letter lmg on ihe nht inlu or on itu leit hide but we could nevir iinderwtaihl why a niui wlu m on tbe riiht rude ttbi ui i lb at ull if bo dotes be mny depend upon it be w ill hoonor or later find bimolt on tbe lkyt hide it u murchunt oodu are right and hut pricun ure niit there ih iiu reuttoii wh lie nhniild hpruad hliimelt out in eireuttbill adit lull ol buiuluiht uud blot an null of fact ih worth n puo of bike wi wiint ul lo driiw jour uittfiitioti lo u tev to a t no 1 our hk hiuumch art to pul it mildly ittt i nig pouplt h ideau ol prices find styles ka t no 2 our hjc ludliro print uro umklii ll mttiiemdn l i the publu by giving them goods worth sivtiral ceiitn more hact no jl our mngo ot kuuty cotton drea goodn mo 1 by nituretud part leu u he bent and chuu et t in tbe o f ire i u 4 1 oioll mild 7 lu i u wilioiaoii a uo 3 j krlucdonnell streets he uol to preaumptuoualy aure in arij buaiueea for llunga uf thia world dommd on auoh a tram of unaecu chaiioea thai it it were in man a hatida lo act iho tabloa till be would uol ho certain ui win the game herbert htark a iuwdera cauli packaf uf which oonlalua two preparation oue iu a round wooden bos the cover of which forma a moaaure for oue doae an immediate relief for hiok lioadecbe aud utuiuacli alao nou ralgla and all klnda uf nervuua pain aud another in oepeulce from j to j of an ordinary doeej which autauu the liowela 14 ver and hloniach forming a never failiuu perfect trealraonl for all head aadhloiuaoh oomplaiuta they do nut aa iuimi pilla and au mauyolhor inxiniitoa du iom their etfocl or prodm after ounallal aud are uioe to lake i uou a hoi ail modloliio dealer but old management od but the jld bubinbae wll go oj utder thj mvi j a speight co ii he dooldod obaugaa 1 u unden i ablfc dtpahtment thia will be moat uotiooable jwiug it the hard limea wo aro outlin the iiricea tin jl line uf flvna aakeu and furuiahinrf- and will aupply the whole out hi at ally reasonable offer you may make we have no oonnootloii wltli any uudertakem combine and govern our own prloes grand trunk tlnhwpftf j ii hamilton 1 oranilo and marble dealer quel pit out at l norway swudu ituuuiiiii liuli uftd pcotch crhnite jtv uarliti m lixll iiuii ni i nil early for j h hamilton jlrti- canada fkd dyes i the imlit urisnte i rc popular ji hm llthqaco nlurtlu fasti i photo 4ncravinc hatsetones jljones powders sick hkadachm anl nauralfu li o mihurm mlrt tup oiirl kkulaiii ii r- it vcr miam ro rarar i koa fa cinrt r omua sroa luatralut i i i i- idi a ttrll ka r mr oeo h wililama tiie rilui manufaolurer of dull haaketa and ci m of tborold wrltoa i buffered very erely from nick aud all advertised pllla miwderi an i ullior mediolnee but uhtaiinxl very liltio relief uulil about two yeara ago i began in uao htark a iowdera and bluna then have 1m en like a d i reran i man aud now aeldom lavo a boadaobo if i hare any londoicj thai way hlark a powben relief prloe llo a boa h buiea fur old by all inediolue dealera aref hy ii ou band vhiob i fair living prolll buccvis whcon zzx mannor and at prioee arhapi a littlo luwc ll under very amall auwuw in carrying on our boeinoaa e oan cerlaiuly en i very low jnuea hi the 11 uderlaklng aepeoially we oan do thia aud give eutire j a speight co 1 ui cnrea rjodiamptlan tongba crane i tbroaiu b m ly all druuruta on a guaraauja fcx a lama sulo ilirk or hm shuoha porona fautar will ilo e- aj casta shiladhs vffltalizer afra t a itltwkliivattnriooirrittiiai kfcouh 1 il r ha vklt my i icprrul 1 ur lknpvrnla liver ox kidney faoublc it qjoela lrlco 71 eta lcatarrh tremedy hveyouitarrhf tr tlurlujraodr it will noaluely relict o and unimi frloe uta thia injodor or it bnfnfiil irratrnent la furuiahod ma kiintiiil r hint haitruiodlee mro aotd on r inmnnilio l ui u autla dont forget thai when you buy st oil i hmul stun yiu arc not klmg a se ret mixture contuuung vtorlhlcis or harmful drugs siolta itmuuion cannot he sec ret for an analysis rcviyls ult ihcrc is in it consequently lb endorse ment of the medical uorlrf wam something for twenty five years dunns baking powder thecooksbestfriend unatei sit in canada presses emulsion ovcrromes wasting promotes the maltfnp of sulid fink itud k vital strength it has noetjunl an n cure for coufftia colds sor throat bronchttia wsak lunr consumption iiorwalti ttelll iug iho uervea il roahing lrry litpai uf iho tilihxl tvhitli ihi hruughuut the in till the hoaiihy afiiiual f nut liuua aalom theiehy making ai tivily a nc rtiaull alreiiglhciiliig ho fcaiuc am liju iu the dieativu urgaun whu h ally demand lucruaud iibuice iinprovud a milito nnrlhrop tyman offorouhi have given n th public thei guiniiie wtue at iho nual rtj an luaitd by the i pinion uf aiuuliaj- ihi wino appruauhia neaiuat jfdiolun uf an m tbe market all dtughlata auiril imciiary inikgll- ln lo gain an idtliluviml mill pruii iho llllhuiieat mo 1 1 kid uf anhalitiuiiiii allium ur ill nam a iaiiihnh urn litiauur tlioy aiepl roiuu vvorthliaa jluali ruliuj ii h inn tr unly lob dintppuinltduraufrir injury iuiuaiti oru i in ia urn ouly reliable one tlit tiunu pi lilting fjlliuc ib the prout it i iipjlit t loiibtruction iiathly understood in all it prtb and doc superior work rim luil hi il uvery prcoo i paid fur in out enable the maniafmlurera to it very low jirioea there are no loaaoa you oan arrange to have rrobjnl and duty uuiuld and auve ull bo iho r of importation olo send at once foi cataluucb and pricci to h p moore acton ont sole agent for canada or iu walker c0 manufabtyfers madison wis vtzmts wacavt al 0 1 nflut makksiw copyrights can i out if n a ilfkntf tmr a ml slddl almliat lmlnianylui tt ihinciuie lull lulrot iiiuiiih rtiiiii i ihiaiirlilt miraiial a llaiuk ir in nun llinm niil liwi aimi ialaldulmi ui um lull ial ik 1vii 1 hi lull wuim a ci imlr lnllnmlk llllicrleilhto anio i i tliiu ale ihihiiiii i i ij butiun uk i nl i i nil nl l hi imculiir t in i n l- ptaannrt1tba1ratrtllavt i kf s5 b k ilmldiiiu rii tiu uimuvit c u khi niw vir iiiiuih r liful l ui i1i aiil hm m ii l y i i lai i i vl iuiv i mivai x1 catarrh w r

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