Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1895, p. 2

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l ilokk lit 1 1 hi art ii tltnniu dili july li wil nf ullliam hull nf twins in an latiulter i am mij imsi iojhs- in hi j i riiiurli arlin n wednesday i v ll kaler ha lev tlpndor drill i of artnn locaiharlne dkugllirof 1eterttihlmna t hrahii lit kit tnda uufl lual ian lit- ll iulph k iedtjf al tlin hnoiiii ibiiih morning lith july allm ii hot t alliert moure ago1 it ji tuial unliy morning 1 itli july allwrt ouplahni t a ill llnorn dil ii lildllllia thuiihimy jui ib uiou i or the very general renewal of aubacrip tlona dun july let the funis pure do irea lo extend ha hearliaal thanks hevrral hundred slibscripliopa expire at una dal and tlia prompt renewal in alwaya a matter of aaliiraction ami cnoottragomant to ua a few ubacriptione have noaa ynl boon renewed but wo confidently nxect to hrar l hu wl wtvw wwyw tm the present crisis mosiro oulmotarul gbron ttorffint throo motion of want of confidence proaontod anddufoatod mccarthys amcndmbnt iorhnp nut or urwiral hgjdni inn tlin rildttd oior llio lovttiitnmilnntiii hum dmincr than nl iho prmoiil moinriit w illi division in ilia rnnkn ilio uutr nun i f tho manitoba uchool ijueilion tho public mind liaa not been aroutml lo audi a elate of inljirobl formally a lay the opposition 111 tlin hn u bo an ntiyin l ho sltubth immonaoly and of mmmo offer no aulntmii to the prdlilem but are ralhrr doing ntlirr wiao taunting and iwiltinr iho govern moot in tho regr with tho breach hi tbo cabinet and tho distrust i its member tina h reminded uf iho aayinfl of i lie late kir jojii a man tlqnftldi when advocating the consolidation of iho provinces united we atand divided wofall the public ejo fa directed to lira capital and eomething muni bo ilutio lo lido over 4h- rp4hn- mil iullltlt ii llio jrcenway oovorum nt having fused oitliflf to repeal llio separate hrhool aot of imk or to ira dinlntod hy llio i ml mr llmnllliah been ill the tvvtilweh at oarfville alntoupjh undor unmvohihlu cir- uumnttinoon aot on unun unit tonm dofontu tho onk- vlllo cltih i in nliitoniary mi all i jlli uf julj i ulo hfiitloni it rmnol iit 1 riiu mid il iinw r inini but it luxim huili wh iho hind uf in lhlt wlkuiliul till vllllllrl li kmllu in ultttt mi tin dfhiti linuimtruliuii mill pirlmpuli tun lnu a tun hi lit hi vmillu fihjt in inc mill a ilw ilimiir iinrn i rn iiidulxuil in uiu i luuf oitui hun uf tlm da wn llio llulton imnly iaiiii millch pit id i aclmi mid liktillu in thunflr al i id t clunk ita ntnti uuh lilkl and anton wont lo tint l liu hijn illil mi murk and nt uiu unit of tlm llrot hiiiiiit- a ton tnmil and dtkvillo j wlun aatgn hftl imd hn third iimikih tli hooru htouilh to 1 in fitvur of uur n but wliin llnffjakvilhi limiu luuk tho lul il min inmcti tu mill ft nd in it fuw inoiiieii it cam i diiwn in turrtmln j ida hindu lliu rtiuiiiiit ii tumblu ntatii bdi nuriuinly liaiitimrlii mm chppom whu wtry nuwjiirilt utiablo tu do fooil ii riding ill lirr i lurk i bond midor very ral tliaidvantai tla ball wun mo wot tllrtl r totild not iitoh hia liirm- ami tin 1mvuiii1mciiiiiu luh foi llio htnra itplaiu dliilo nked inpin mcdcriind l luii tlmjjttni bul lliu livtlc lurutd dunf mr tu iho saw thnl now wna thn tlr ptln lip ill terrors of dyspepsia aoiskasi that makes the life op its victim almost unblahadlii a anffotrortor vmiru tulla how bli obtalmul hollnf a uhuhl itjy hupii for rhumi iliillnly llpiadlltirf lb v w ii ii 1 f ll oll kiiorti mrm if htt a lut vittod iho liotiiu of huiiuil wood uf iholownhipnr ifnrluikl11 for in put kriu ut aurtlininit ih pm liculktr of another if hi iio 1 1 iiiarknhlo mnt hnppil brutiuht in ul hy uiu u willittio iink pill- fr ilo ivupk it wm mm wood who liil iiuih t rhimdl from aufliiinj and hn ill vnpuptr hum hindu known iiih mi iin h mii 1 1 in lm you n bright in it i in in in fnvnr ot ir willi imk id h fur i lcli v llnl if hit did nut uvo ii v hi- ii y t lk ovtlitu ri h nucl inn frnn untold nnmr hun tlin ir- i ran iii n muom fiirm i doulnmt with ihiu m tiniii wan urmvnm id ond l lliu inuiligitu i took on mo unuru botlli aiil iho j ajiioiditiimi wun noran uibii n rn ifsri fur it did mu on ool hk n my liunliand thnufjhl an i wnx mw talk or thi dav an trnlloiiju yf thn worlds dolnaa rjtirlrim thn wouk i nl 1jrltur wifn of iv iriinnr hir jlni irliirnf hydnoy nhw drad ilm lflm riittrt4viiiamiiriit nf u hiinlifil hrvi1 ii uv iii north w il ihf ii r i ii y r mm 1110 lojrt1 w ij ihl h n in hiudi 1 n ipl of mr i i i and i htiinlil hut iiiai ixrn i in ilnry hti11 nt u im it v d willi ii iiv lf iii i ir1 irmi t t imirh i iminu wl whllkl r mm uhiii i ll wiil ll 1 bldm vrl r yym 1 1 nl in it m fill i ir r ii1 tho nurthrii sillmii itrnh w iiiol lu i ynr iiiiiim nl nrt lhtr it ijr hlyinu or lliriltn vw in thn ihmiiuhiioii nf mr li pi a urrillttivil id rut it nw irk ixid vi illt o hiliirlny hfttrildoil killili hi v nil pirixli nod wmikiii i lro 1 or l llrn ixirnt d oyir iljty imivi of hluhh tnibr in siivoinidl and atruych i iniirl r of immiiih i iui lllt imlllutatllhllltliad tl ii ammotg house georgetown for d q 9- o d oq walker mcbean tc co geeat midsummersaixe i lu di li test siik witnessed in georgetown starts on saturpa cd d ui q a q 3 when the intense stock of summer goods will jc marked dow ii ind every price has to go 1 huse who want a hargain thit they never got before lye sure and omc to waiikkr mcbkan a cos summer sale miliinery mnhncry millinery clookg watches jewellery spectacles silverwaib fancy gooda alto mpalillib of linn tornpllcaled wainhen oo lo bymon fraouoal wlohmkar and jowaltnr uq h p spoil ilfto auutrtibtmrnu wanikll akiiiht4 ijasii hlvuik r lyllo h 1mhi mlary fl trarl ntiiilnrlliaal lor tit- rlullulrl htaln halarv allr u i 01 ik iiokoiklt ullton illuvii wiirka mill h nl si ijunhrrl icimi ru foh servictor ror sale pilf utilarlrnr1 ii i rvr at 11 ulit ht jrr 1 lluu wtl luihl imta tc hiiro tlioro are none who havo boon rrfjularly roadinu tho fiirr tukkm ovory week during tlio ycr who doaira that ita wolcomo weekly vtaila iw diaoontinuod iroinpl renwarl uf the ubacriplion will enaun ita rrjular and oontmuoj appear anoa to your addroh il x uuuu ldltor and publihor notes and comments a wealthy lllrtniuubam man who mad moat of lifa fortune manufacturliik idou for the peopla in india to uaorin worahip u oiiit to fve handaoma aam of money aflr hta death in help tho miaaionarioa in india make r aitainat idol wpahip 1 lio number of abeep inapvrjtad for ahip n rnt al montreal to tho end of jane was 1m 7 rattle ill 8m of which 1a4 were lockort for export to france the num bor of horaa waa 4 110 and the number of awino lih 1 xw men were aenl forward in charge of lheae animala 1 he bunday atreet oar agiutiu in winnipeg received a rather auddeu qrjlolaa by thn aril inn nt i ltm anrmft ih- late aeuion it made the ranninj- of ban day at met car lu the province illegal thia will tettla the ijn cation for a con aiderablo time to oome in the prairie lowna binoa ihfls tho fortngn trade uf japan baa mcreaaed tn fold and amuuntod lo iwm lo m07ihrvj ilvr dollar it chief ex port a are keroeene italian doth tijtar raw oottoo ootlon yarn htrtina arma macbtoery inatrumenta and moua uilne de lame the leading article or eport include out ten good copper aud coal money baa jual been borrowed by llio itritiah government at the low eat rau of interaat on rooord in a government iranaao hon the government aaked for 10000 000 to renew aome traaanry billa the laiidara amoantad to 100000000 and the loweel prica which waa aooepted ft ted tbo inlereat at a trifle under eleven aixtoentlia of one per ceul bpaln baa deoided lo pay the ulaltn of 1 00000 preferred by i be united btate on acoonnt of the aoixura twenty five yeara go of tbe cuban eauur of a naturalized american citlaen the waablngton ouvornnent will nol taaail thia deolalon with plaaaurn the payment of the money will deprive the bi itapubhc of au exouae fur armed interference lu behalf of the 1 ubau rebel ilia woman auuragiau of hu in juiifoollou aaaembled have aduptcd a 1 emu reeolulion thai aa ihe meu of that blate mj acted female auflraga it ia lb a duly of every eelf reepectldg woman in kauaaa lo old her hande and refuae lo halu auy moral religion a charitable re form or political aaaociation until ihe man repent thia ia urmnaaa dal have ihe kanaaa ladtee triad holding ihe baby wiih folded ban da sir at hia wit a end wbilo ho haa promised a nrnotlial bill and a january tebhlnn hn la aware of tho fact thai manitnbi la ahioat a unit againat t4iaraui hchoola and tho laying aaide of una important inoatloti lot 1z months longer in llio hope ibal aninti thing will turn up and otfrr inalanl relief or that a oompromiaa witk mr roonway will e bftocted ia too much fo anllclplte there ia not ranch proupcol of either occur rinuand iho belief la b eominfj hiirnmt that mr uuwell will rtaign and ao mako void bia promise or thai an election will bo apruutf upon tho pple buforo januar the tide of evcnth muat aoon takn a turn and the auapeme rrhnved mr irnn mil mr oiumot havorrpiiutnl and gnno beck into thn ipld mr angnrx la at ill a wanderer but when tlio lirat vote on the mot lun of waul of cuiilitlumix waa introduced iho throo jucboo itiniatorh voted with the government monday aud 1 uraday frn n kod apocha lu tho houae ml 1 auric node a aevero attack no tho government policy and tha prcaeut action a d n included by making the following motion ltl houae rvurota the aflt of tho ouvfin i lln gtlli lliu ilifairuiua un llio purl of llm iiinpiro wan readily aeon hy nil nnd no rumon atrauua nor aulililutiuna luiiiii iinhno him to lull tho iaino until ihckura hfttl ivctircd our muro ruim our boyn playoii taumtdtuuly wall under nut h aikoriio i iri uiimtmntn tuld ikla fuut wttu tho fnoriibhj ion tti ilia ihcy riuiod 11m uufairuuia uf tho un1mru wan tun glaring tu overlook win in uo do not lh lo in alio ii uf bin pumiun pit oicully tiling da tho tern tlinea 1 v tho pain flutlliii i niudiqiiic au thny full lliil iiiiokh n hanfju i i waa duomud tu liti lliruugli h uf n dhipliu a lifu homo mid in uirl j nil bd up will md it htiiiitjui if a kmfo wm for i nrmiiy p jirier pdailtun ihi ruoutl could i ul lul be lunaiikiod a alnki inalauco uf tlm untillli utnpiro when a ball aide hi luga the umpi uvur th fl il iht el tuhing u tu and am rhen a ball aluuld una ia but uui of llm umu fur uld bedilvunout e waa unublo tiuugti to c tuokguol i llu bun ill men lo deal with the manitoba hcliool jueetion in a manner dematidod by tho beat in teres la of the country and ia of opinion thai the miuiatonal dcclara liana in regard to ihe iiucalion are calcu latad lo promote a daugeruua agitalion among the cauadtau jtcople lion mr foeter ably defended the govormiictit and tho courae it la purauing i ho amend i nl waa rejected by a vote of 111 lo 711 nearly the whole uf 1 ueada occupied by mr mooarlhy and hlr ii tupper the leader of the llilrl irt rr liemraed in great nieaaure hia apeeydi before tbe lnvy council laat maicli ho aaked tbo houae lo aay thai il waa iioi prepared to paaa the remedial irialation thia aeaaiun and traveraed tho whole achoul ijuealton occupying about three bourn tho mi tar of jualioo made an effective reply mr mccarthy a achuol ameiidmout allow ing uial the uovornment on ita policy ou tbe ichool lineal ion waa acting purely from the oonalitutlonal atand pom i 1 be debate became very warm and each hailod the other in truo parliamentarian atyle and the debate waa uot concluded until tuur day over the hlath and mih u ntntcd thai with a fair impartial umpire and on the park jilil llllli nlon t tikl lll uililliha aliou j oakil many meinbern uf tilh aiaociatiou wrru pioaetlt a fact thai btratghtformardu treatment our lxn receive i be fcllowiug coiiipne i clippcm and iht hlura a ros i i hoi i bv cah tnu ljl i 1lk bavdal it ail hugliah parliamentary ouiiiiaiuti lja recently re kir ted agaiaal the aupproa lot of the opium traltlo in india tba jlouae or explanation aouuda familiar to americana tbe revenue la needed the pit the aba mo of 11 the two groat chriatlan nalloun uf the earth lu lubrul lu poiaonlug impovarlariiig deadening kilting their own people far revenue a plea aa hypocritical aa it in murdrroua naahvillc atlnttatr uiiaa whu have bnou myi hi a pwarda for bio yd na will be tuierralaj in ihe opinion of a new york luduetnal and mechanical oihrt that tbe wheala can be profitably retailed al loaa than m tlial aa a matter of feci ii ooata loaa than fill lo make the very boat of them now and thai by una time next year iso will be lb common retail price for a aral claaa wheel i lk typewriters and aewing machluea biayclee have long boon aold at inflated lb urltlab hleottona are lu fun awing now and will continue for aeveral weeka vt while nothing defiuit can be con eluded it ia ijufta evident that the liber all aro buffering aevera dejoal and the i uionlata faat gaining ground bir wtlllaen llaroourt waa defeated m darby tut haa aiuoa beauronered a aoat in moil mouihabire tp to tueaday nlgbt the returns showed that the j nloulat have i11 k llberala 4fi aotl 1arnelllloa is 1artiellllas t net unioulat gain 31 the wat rwpurl of itritiah crom fui tin waauu ahowa that lbs wheat acreage ia otils jo per eaut smaller than in 1hu1 ill drought haa enormously damagad all lb food orop wheat aud oats mark au van lower percentage of condition ibau in lhs dry season of iwtt wuoat being three pr oenl aud aata i per oeit worse taking 100 aa tbo normal the following ngura reprwaeiil the preaonl oondilion of um diftereut orope wheal 7j barley tl oala 7b beans 77 b 7j polalooa jo roots aud graaa uti hope iu tbera la a rebellion m maoodoula au insurrrcknu la going ou in cuba a oon luci boiwoao f and luaaltian eltiaana liaa taken place ou tho fruulier of french quiaua bulgaria ja prapariug to avenge t raid lulo her territory by turkish ir regular a 1 rvuub axpedltluo is sugagnd io au allrtupt la ouuijusr uadagaauar aud in threw tuouhf well lu formed oflkoiala belie lluaaia aud japab will ba at war the year of uiitvaraaj paar la not yet in aghi notwillialsiiklitig tba modern luvau liona wbiott ifttre made war so terribly jeatnmtie of buinau life 1 july i i bhoilly ft alerday uioloi oar h biid a traiei lull uf pupila aud ttachria of hackvill strnct ml moo hall collided with ar no on the hcarboro hue better known aa tho i alia hookh juat opoiiio tho obloy cottage about 100 yarda wwl of whore the line turns down to loloria iark and waa on her way westward at a rale uf 10 uiilea au hour with a llaker aa niiitoriuaii but carrying no pa sacn fieri while the city i ar with ita full freightage waa going at about tho aaine apeod towards victoria park in fronl of tho kibley residence tnvrqis e curve in the track amouotiug to some 1j feet from the straight line and at ita woaleru end thick cedar lrena ahul oil all view of tho line fur a longer ditan o ii an uilrty yarda i ho motormon of both urn aay they did nut bm cacti otbnr until will in ja jarda apart iho lwu caia caiuo tu gethor with a tearful i raati two tuya named btowart and lowuaeod were ndiiig lu the veatibule with ihe motor ntn and the throe wore buried in thedobri 1 ih cries of tbo terror stricken hlldiou were soikl on board locarno aulflcmll l i lted 10 the three uufortu uatna ollo- la a itt 1 i injured dead j t i and ftauk low jcld liijurod on i in tur i al i it il 11 luu acuountaul u ii a lonnlj 1 in houudry mih i otly i ami i 17- iarllamout hi eel imkuuttth olllh wmc i it city or mualuo ruudrb i of be ho lain llii hi one july ii llu bteamni t ily of mexico apalu daly of th vilder lempitor line which left montreal a few day a ago bound fur itrutol la a lulal viak lo the htralla of hollo lalo ihe motion was atwciallr miud i uiu the direction of prof lubortaoi of it canadian agricultural dopat lnml lj car f i lie first uiualgmuuul of bull in oold alorago there waa a largu and vhln able cargo of but tor and chooao on uur1 bealdea a large number of calllc 1 1 m a lea in or fouudcrod whilo jl through lbs hlraile of halle lr la a total wreck i ho crow were picked up by the steamship aaaaya winch ariivd at 1 alher pom i una iiiuniug 1tc hy or mexicu la valued at 1 11 imxi and waa a staler ahin of iho morriumo which ran aground upihiailu mmlroal a fow day ago her argo lumhiatn of jill boah cattle km hoad ahecp in ill bii choeso hj huahel wheat jf i laiidarda of deals and boards 177 backs hour 1 i boxes provisioua 7 a ll lard h barieia ainc dnns 70 bags wl ii bih a loath r rfl7 pbckagua butter aud lij7 bales of ha explosion at parky bouno kit- ltallrru i t lark 1 here a iu 1 aolunm 1 1 and i ducatiun will huld iho illil ineeliuga at iho pavilion in tho hi t lural oatdoiia luioulo to d cieal nruviiou in mado fur t i hon aud cdualiuii of all and alimk by two thlugn tho toirrc ji ta character f lt ajkiakcla and iha c uaaod 1 viduu u ltj ol nluilv b hutel iheac uo algua uf i ho times ltn haidl uu tm auld that lliu low i doali h till tho rainarui 111 da uf i alhollon viilickiia promljlonai n moth odlatn oniiregalioualialb llapliuta i niter lana and llubrowa aro ull fuuud in the irogamiix heboid how tood and how ploaaanl a ihnij it in for brethren lo dwdl together hi unity doe lu1 in whom they all boieve uain llicln 1 i y are auliuatod by uno no nrpunc ami ii 1 ihoii lnid n niitnbir uf ommendod for dypopaia bul brought tlio liojjcd for roliuf wotiati ho ofrun rond nf tlin romirkabie cnrin cliied hy dr william- pink i dial 1 duturmliicd tu ihi thum a trial iintnuod iho uno of thu pilu iiulil i had tukrn lioviu box i whin i wne fully ro reomrul tin wii cottili uf yuaru ago and i have tut now tl iihi sign of d i mm wood fiirlhtr it id ihllir hiiabaud jiud ih n viiim u hdny iruubl for a louj iii and had lktti a irukt deal nf iiiodli inn fur i in i ore hill in nn wirodnitg hu wfo i i gm i mr wuki dtiiuilmo lu irv luru ml lhy ly fren from hia inolaiiil and ho allnb ulod all lo the oao uf pluh illn itnl would uol bo wllliullt ihrjiii ihudiomx meaarn scott 1 j ury infurmod 1 h thai iik pllln bav an urmuti aalo they havo handkd pink pill fui oam an ih t a bwt id they i hia i cuatiiiiior c iui perfectly returd but thou h will is a renutrknblo meditiue other iuct1ilhu a fall dr william iink 1 n boa lh tin ad uftr druggists ui r wllllaum medici ill out ol hchon no back mid dialled with i remilkablo pink illlh v bo al tj aubjccu dl thai a kill brad uf apini rl i ii in prr ai i llln i a t i lv ll hy kn b laul ii i or i mloll oi mark i wivim h luvulvcd hi iho fallulu uf avw vrk pilludhig urm anil 1 lo bo llnaiclilly round murk doublh an fur ikmu hia llfr fall i s lle ke tbo conn r htumi nf tlio new wing of the olhntwuod luimral and martlm hnnpilal waa laid un tjiiuirda by mr litt who ban agnod l pay iho coat of the building a kinkiikta ttifeh trior to drown a cat- by wading nul into iho rivor and pulling il ii iui it tho vnttr i iui onl name back bul the m mi took cramp and waa drowned t a barn ralhing in il lowmdilp lahl wlh mr pol r i kmiiil a highly rcamctd rrmtr fllfrnui iho lop uf tho builain on a pik of miiih i and win uintantly killed a ovi r uld of i dm 1arrough uf mmilnluin ii ur i ia x win ulally gorid by a hull m 1 i iday tiv nine a wound six in hui in knglh was made in the abdomen 1hi i till 1 died saturday morning lls l iirtieol al aalil i ihltlu mako a third all mpt to wh of preparing tu t ruu altuallola yvhiti may ho prauitd should croat llritain atldiipl lu in v ado the i nltcd tendkhs wanted ckaikij tauders will ih rncervnl hv l nn r derlunlu to tl urlsv jmii july for tbe rretlou olai ih jl addition to ml alban a paraouagn plan and may i aaoi at t hallardltiit aturn jul to be eotu leux1wluil b unto u tondar uaces sarily acceittcl hlatoe from aimjiali frmtiur i the t o toiintrii n uvi r ennjn to war canada wuiild ho the iiitid probable luno of opera uuiih for tho i in unh troop ami il m pro hlralrgctnal impolaik of ctrlaln jxiinta in tho jhttnliiloii whlib would bo aoleclcd b iitnl hut in an tho limn uf uncrallnna ihrm iimnuii ag the hr ictary of war ktalki iui iii 1 to tu anada ft iho urjkiao iiiuuiiuuihi iml ho lal just begun lu k valuable mfir mat u n when au uld iluntl in the uiim ih r l ho hail nirned gatr a in it hat uiianioi and iho iinill mad that iho olllcer nonlld fur fnar of hia ideitit uecou knu olu i all i lo m w idahl hot lia plana un iniatrutrd aidli n thud one will oou hia ahill llaly ii fc a di h will uavl hoodb cured after others fail j hi tho nock bu cono now ulh and tbo progami hot uf hum the i wo hodic lie fuel l 1 heao bol id coiumi sympathy v luy l that ll c ltd aiiiliu en rally be pari ae tiuok with ho itr il alj i uf i o prog taiiiu o aii ung thoa uow iiiuvol lout 1 ir t 10 nily mu iho world hr ibh anil y and mu uiijal lefor u k 1 and labo ada lalioi of tho chuioh l hfe iho ou llok fur ill il i foil 1 h ae ai h at lit jrcla are hero lkit ted lo mg of on i el tha 1 1 mtm r trade ii un i iho cod f ll ikui middk iuifipii ll km all to llio 1 1 i t ow i ailhmhk upalred eoiinilenra in tho hi id bank hi act which allow uaihind for ml da ieali tlwiu 1 urn lit 1 ullt mi ll u llh held al ihe garden al jul i i iii oi iii thn liu id sdiia hal an h a nieoliilg wuulal be ihit i it m p iwl ill ti held lot ihe disuamaaii of ui unai i auhjocl winch 111 all a m f ud ollrfftrnlflbi hod il ho ol i aa till i th dial bseu brnuuhl uhuul iarll no luibi by the liberaliaiug uf popular aoutinriil lih at ii morn from tho growing uomictoi that our agreement aro grsatrr uid mne linkrtan4 utaat ourwtlfeeenoea tltatovery religious itioveiioul has liajjoino aspect of irulli for which il waa oouteudiug au that wa may lesru aouialltiig frnn all and ihat thn ainrna1 ipil h i burahip uf jll iij nut 1 buru ate j 1 hanger ule mai no 1 i tlol i low 11 ma i i it in u i feel thai 1 cniil i j t r iihhi a surcihulll f r five yeh nlllikl rivrnvl klida iiiellcliiea iii i inn 1 to like 11 i 5 hursaparllla ihero wcro uiin liiiin lies ou my iillk so suro uial i ouuld hoods cures it h ai hi ft hi lit at l h ulen i hod takn i til i uili nipdieliie tlio soreiiria bail i i inl t i i u i linl flilslril tlo second itio dili t ti i mllri ty dlsutlourcd licamtua a i sum i ill muiid ii ii ubih lotkn i rvaibdju r t- ny hi hood a plllu ii- idiiiiaii u i lector lug 11 hiklillli 4tlol lliiullliinluyiaual 11 1 ol ltd in iiiim b and j 11 j ii tbo value of huili po aau hon m- july lb n raphaiou nocurred here in a machlue shop una after uou at which cbarlca jrjiurauu cugiuesr a allle1 1 lhrr other iiirn sllfjllly lujurod a uyliuder waa uluir lisatcd j liu and uf tli whs il auddonly exploded willi lerilllo ujcd b out amcaldo conf force ii waa kond that it contain y ullmlund tunlto water but unknown to the workmeu aa are the explanations of the part of lbe end of the building was blown vl holher aa men or aa hriahi out miavu rcnnpii to njuiuu and gito uiau li f iimbi hh 1 1 ii ihil pn i oralis i j10 0in jiimhki ii you want dial ulaaa duora al tiijuliih pruc- 1 ll iui your oriitt al bin planing mill i anioud km bracelets laclies blouse setts belt buckles belt pins iew stock in savage co l w i i i i us cuelph we hivc ilimc a lug busineis in millinery and we have a fcw ils of leatherh and flowers that rill be cleaned out it the midsummiik salli it will pay you to keep th in it the ndiculousl low prices they will he sold at 1 rimmed millinery at 50 per eent if and some will be sold for t veil i ss i umi 1 lol 1 1 cumi ti ll hlljl oj a ll mamvkjlll housh des goodu 6000 ality drtts goodb to be saenhcea 11 it ivitn8 ready to wear clothiig i s than mill prices reduced price to last tci duj carpets carpets tl lle best tjuallt carpets ineea 1 1 ii i kuie but with an ae 1 hj teat sale is tilt ban i u iii ii 1 iim in the dominion an otic 11 iu h bai 1 willi ilictlousaiil lu imlker tcbettm iheat nt mmkr salk last saturdays discpunt sale a big succesb 1 i ubll 1 u i le lllllk e e kiillal llul ll o icel ihe public ii 1 tilth enough lu i 1 1 d w 111 u iui 11 u he in all we adv 1 fcniti i t ml ms im t lllld mlse i 1 mn s wanted a11k1u ws lu tuiir luirlet k reir tbo trotlblll surirlor aiada will ih inrrnu 11111it11111i tnrfrtill h1 wlihtia a alei a y boiler hall rucauluc hi far 11 work heod ua your ituriug the autnti ha thing for uii lug the ktnnnipt t rlti foi nartlaulan ktum t utvxrlnutcpj toronto out wnulngton mutual flro insurance comoany kanniiauri irtlq bui hani kou uutuat ilan any cuuiuiuul f rwanlodlo my adjroas itoi tsh 01 mlnitioim rfi vill bfl jrotiiilk al tended lo john tailoii agsnt guelpb listen phinclh ukea iho i rraeal onaible patua with hia watch work bpccial work meu on watches who do nothing else ou workman conatautly ou clocki who does nothing else and ouo working al repairing jewelry and bpectaulea ivery job ir ontically eiamlned by pnnglc person ally and not passed until perfect dont leave ho watchmaker whu lu giving you tat la faction bol if you have any work at which others have failed glvepnugle of guolph a trial you can aet that such ayatam can not tail to gjve va reaulta as pntifflo it a uiorouth nirchantc uf long eiperleuce pringle guelph acton saw mills com ml woou altdh imtkzi brown il uhl lili niulc licck are llifkst in 1 lie end st em r n s tbo staunches light wheel built eignla 22 to 24 lbs puoca s8b to 1110 a lao golmnblaa and faloona ut whcli have a woi id wide itapu w stark acton alin i- ok it ius a l lux hwoul p to date qood in hal hi lops llllsl inch itrnw tin ntmsl ncn ciiiiitii nlurts it choi new smtiiitrs ami hfrcoatuigi sptnal i nlaiindihl slurbs at k e nelsgd ading tailor ancv ptuw 09 uppor wyndham street coolph ttt qesafj ltadloarlaejidoaar ii wtao a pff- 14 m p u ea aud nau- lah once hy uataa faatar uia- inkiuev aoml flolt l i ibfial nialcr int nul a lul tu kalf alaiii water n ml powders silctt hhaoachm and nauralftav in mo himurni al i i v t ki unn t ti i ir u i umhr vice ro raer pmiom 2a cmuim at dnuu aroiti abk your diuyyist for murray la n mans florida watcuv a hunty tluhal lstract lur iumlkcnulc lulm ail du f

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