sea- i i triuirtay july ib lhdji fflir oung gallic llialili tlio way altln wall itr iiid in all their wnallli of lawny oli1 tlmir iitnttlnl tala all aulow lion to tlio tirmiicm ihhy unfojil ilku amtiiiela llmi aland i mi si in tim nl in all llioir llswmio otam whiln haiy ihul lhnui uud ami tlirouuli tlmlr ranks llllio aliulo lllrh flnwnr what xa foys arn uilun lu ii mm 1 lit a clow and twillflt i a loom through days at storm and daya tlial ahina to only liavo to draani and blooiq t ii k uonuttiil tt femlne bwoulontq x delrgale at llm rooonl national coun nil at women oompuod h folloaln ahoaldnu ilaritiff tha reading of a apw and juai when aim shouldnt liaj doing an yt lung of tlio hind yon ihoaldnt ba stlmmr yoq ahoaldn aacrlftoa yoor individual ity al tho shrine of fashion yon shouldnt allow your dreaatnakrr to alitn yflf slfrwlrlur ffflwilw flltfgpr yfltt lha vjty jutlitcat and most pllablo torial yoa ahoiildnl wear tan atiooa with a ilk or dreaay gown yod ahooldnt wear hijh stool ooltara with bow which mv yon lotlt a thoii your boad waa tlod on ttiay are paaao yoa ahooldnt wear a boral collar if your oomplailon ia faded or inolinad to yallo youabouldnt have yoar gown meaaam mora than hdd yarda around tha ham ave and a half if yoa ro bmall four and a half if yoa ara aanslblo and small yon shouldnt oarry a flower laoa or ohiffoo trimmed paraaol io town axcapl for oarrfaga um yoa ahonldnl wrar a silk or satin bodiot with a linan coat and akirt yoa ahouldn t wear ailk or velvet for travelling waahablo materials or brtlliau una are lha beat you ahooldnt wrar bloomer without a klrt unlraa yon willi to look vulgar ou shouldnt wrar t oloth oap m lha lummtr either for oyolmg uolf or iannia it oolleota the duat and la vorv warm btraw or duak ia more up u data and oomfortaibla on ahooldnt ignore faahion altogether you neeout be intmt faahlon ii uot want to and happen to be an excep tiooally pretty woman nothing new laat year aomo enterprising noi koi up what ho thought waa a new and clever joke about congrea he leaned a little book bound 10 a green paper cover bear tag the title what congreaa has done inaida were aome twenty blank paged the idea being that jongroea had waaied ua time ana done nothing k vrry one laughed at thia tor it did aeom ilka a good joke and a new our hut in looking over au old file of papura aouia weeks ago a oorrae poudenl discovered the following para graph coining jokaa ia a vary ooramon uyurn of speech but wa know of only one instance in whioh a joka waa acta ally coined atruck from a graven die and leaned from a legal mint tha fact ia historical and la aa followa in tha veer ic7u the danea advanced with a large fotoa upon hamburg but after a beige of considerable d oration awalng but tittle hope of ultimate ancoeaa they finally with drew and marched beck there a poo the llemburgere oaaaed a medal to be atrooh in ommemoratiou of the eveol on one aide of thta numiamatio ouriualty waa lha inscription tha king of denmark same bofore hamburg what ba gained by it will be aeon 06 the other aida ou the other aide waa ft total blank thia would aeom to bo additional proof of the troth of the aaeertiou that there la nothing uaw uodar the aan particularly in the line of a bears nose notes here and thebe ttarrta of oanoral intofoatto froo t prwajai rens-dora- wrat and rniui oeacribeetheooiidilinn ol llioubbnili people at thia aeahoii they hao appelile oannct alep and oomptain of thn pr oat rating rffrot of warmer woathai title condition may bq remedied by inode baraapanlla whloli oreatoe an appetite and lone op all ilia nrgana it glvaa good health by making the blood purr llnoda iilla am the imji after lliinor pilla aiaiat digeailon care headache deli am aome men aald uncle libeu tlat regard i ebry change in dn aroddah ai a oliango for de wia coogha kildi bore throat aauinia ilronohilla and all long tronblee arc cioloklyeorm by ntgykrr peoiorat dal am ho did jou know there are microbea in kiaacat hhathbl a all right charlie the yoaig man i had laat aummer aald there waa jioienn in ice oroam too but it didnt oare nde one bit urttval oftrailr lupoxtejfouiluauuitedslatee aupporl ihe vle imi haja i hie m flive huiy tmprovej recently end that the boaineaa outlook for the future l enoouraglug thia will be welcome u4wr to ihe people of canada ainoe oar own trade intereet will be atimqlftted ahd improved- ia nothing baa ibis improvement been aho4h ifl more marked way than in the inoreaaed aalee of tutuamb pain to corn kitaetor times being dull everything not abeolulely needed beoame a luaury and ira aalo became atalionary now it ia different bale have inoreaaed vaatly doublfoaa aa it haa proven the only aafe aure and pain lea remedy for oorni and wiao people will kitty jack aaya be will atop drinking if i marry him janet well be careful my dear it ia easier for hint to begin again than it la for you to got unmarried man a ung uan when from over work possibly anaialwl by au inherited weaknrai the health faila and root or medical iruatmeul mint be reaorled in then 00 other madicina can be employed willi he aame bcnefliial rcaulla aa bcatta kuinlalou dutoher will u have a ruuit teak care what ahape tatarrb iteliered in 111 io ad uluutn a it ik ao ita tender one abort puff of the breath through tho tllower aupplied wtib each buttle of ii aguewb catarrhal 1owdcr dilfuaoa linn iowdrr ovar ihe aurfaoe of tbe naaal pasaagoa iainleaa and delightful to uae rallbvea uatantly an 1 permanently 00 roe catarrh hay hover cold head oho bore throat ruuailitm an drain a onte al j kaiinawiu oaul y may jialllale jkivdii bi u cant pay houee rent ilagyarda poo i or a i tlalam ou c cougba cold attbme itrouotiiti tight 1 of tha cheat and all throat and lung troubles hummer cougha are mom dangerous thau wiutei cougba t kldnoy dlaoaoiv qtilnklv curotl rollof can tin obtnlnnd olthln six momrnx i have- lnrn iruuhlei hti rnvo and kidney iibm for luhljear during win h tin i havu tried ummiuim fnimliea and diltirniit ilooturt tvilhout aiy iirujin eit btuttu at tiinua thn pain iti ihn left kidney wu in aivcrii fhal i tn id not ha dnatt or rrmaiu in any 0110 position any lenguinf lime bccinrjuur kdvrrtinmenl orhouth amorioan kidn6y rurti in the hflrrrur 1 proaureil a holllo from a h diodityi dritggial and taking it acuirding lodirccllonhgol immediilu nlu f and fmt lx her now than at nn liittt hi 11911 llrat nnlicing thn diainii thd aoreneaa and waakneaa havn all loll me 1 recommnnd all who aro atllialdl with ihis dangrroua diaeaae lu give kouth amcrioaii kidney cure a trial rlgiiod mmliael momullen chealoy on bold h j y kvin tllo plearureii nf aln are only ptnaanrnv for a aeaann the gnat hint ifeah r ia round m that excellent medic no nld an itiokloa anil consumptive byrnp u soollin ind dim luiahea ihe vrnsihility or ilx membrane of llio throat and air panaagmi and ih a aovoreign remedy for all caugh colda hoarecuibi pain or forennaa in ihe cheat uronciuua etc il haa juimia many ahnu wi rir lattnnj in uniinmiii rteduged to a shadow sivod by strawborry extract klknrtrmrl- limlllllg 11 iny ilaly io glte yon nn iiiihiiili mid umihimih hr ih dinrt bnnilil i hnvi n tivnd in in lamll fiiu 17iflnlsff i lion oiliiparuig ourniuvji ivilli 0111 won l make uur aiuning any aafer vw wnrmi nr all fcluitm bliin i lllvb need ir bow worm hyrup for worma with excellent reaulta i iaii rncomuiblid it to all older who are lroublol with worms huxt lilos blln on tim man who would walk with in i can nut do 11 in a crikud path limine drrangemoiila of llm htomnoh liver and ittood are p- rumovml by tho active priueiplo of ihh nirudlonln entering lulo lliocouilaitioii uf rariiidlce a rgetablo ill in theao pilla act specifically on tho diiraiigod urganx jh imulatiiig in aclion llm dormant imergiea nf thn ayatcm llirmh rcinnviug diitnaau aid renewing hlc and tllallty to the llliltml 1 11 thin lies the great aeiril or i in- imipulai ity of irin elee s igctahle imia nl iiecplo pi ay nn but limy want 1 y itnrdock imu do n tliey cure rqjibttjiatu 1 1 grip u1 an ken n alit 5ictt ttead w01 11 areaweet but not aweat i vo aecreta lu northrop a lyutau co ni a a porta man life waa core tod by hla knowledge of one ol the physical peculiar lie of the bear general hamll too who lella the story in hia hport in houlheru india waa out ou a boar ahoot ing expedition with a brother ofhoer the beat otb drove the bear from bis hiding place and a abut from tho ofucer threw him on the ground but he go u with a grunt and made off aa the bear peaaed au opeu of ground qenerml hamilton again bred but mlaaod and tbe boaat turued upon bim when ha waa within a few yards the geueraj gave him tbe other barrel aa this did not stop him hamilton started to run but tripped over a rook and fell flat on hla faoa tha boar waa upon him instantly and the aportamau looking over hla shoulder aaw into the boar a mouth aa the brute made a grab at blm ilia animal caught him by ihe tliiith aud ptuuad blm know ing that a bear uoee la vary aueuve hamilton hit bim several hard blows ou ihe noae tha bear unable to endure lb alp let ito aud before he oould gel bold agalu ii a mi i loo waa up lha hill fits companion ran up and ailld tha bear by a ball through ibe heart hut the bears oiawa had laid opan hamilton a iblgb to tha bono and lie waa in bed fur a month cuwimmu indignant 1 here need to be an old porter at a lerletu irtefa railway atation who waa more remarkable tor indeeiidenoa uf character ibau attention to hla dutlea on una ocoaaion two of ilia dirstiiui here travpliiug over tfix ttne an 1 notiuad hat the name ol this station wa not sailed the uegleot being the mora aerloua ta it waa a janolloit 1 hla waa made ihe object of ouui plain t ami old charley bo was the delinquent waa pruiuplly i tirouglii lu book and raprtmauded lie waa ory wroth that anyone ahould lud laull uh him and ihlraloj for reuge ho koeplud a lookout until he aaw ihe dlroaluia 011 i hair rcturu journey ha itood oppoalte their oarrlege aud ahoutetl n a stentorian voice ktokalowu junotion chang here fur kandaletowu castledawauu maghorafalt uonaymofb and all atattoua on the cook a town ito and dont aay ye blagghrda ye aereut told i loudon amttmra five sweet wuros 1- ive of the aweeteat wuntaiu ihe kugllb auguage begin with ii which la only a irealli uoarl hppo hume llapptneee ind heaven heart la a home place and iuum ia a bepxt plane and that man makea i aad ip la lake who would exchange the aappinaaa of homo fur anything leaa than iueta write few too in to their wtvva i if you want nrat claaa jnelpheaali and i luora at luelph priom t laaina can hi yojr order at hit plaiiiog mill to preaei ueear proprietors of dr thorn aa kcleci which ii now being aold in immense uantitiea tbrooghool the dominion it la welcomed by tbe suffer log invalid every where with amotions of delight because it baolabee pajn and glvea inataiit relief thia valuable speclho for almost every ill that oeab la heir to is valued by the aufteror aa mora preoioue thau gold it la the ollilr of life to many a waa ted iianie to tha farmer it le indlapeusablo and it ahould be in every house children uoed muvclo more than uiuimj a aerrouu ahould ba aa abort a the way le narrow it preach ee of tbe eoiorlority of mother pravea worm exterminator la etiowu by its good effeote on tbechildreu iurahaao a buttle aud give it a trial tl we will make it the habit of um uvea to look on the bright aide we will alweya hvn a bright aido to look on the heat fills mr win wudervoorl hyduoy croeaiuit out wrltoa wa have b usiug parnielee a lllls and nod them by far tbe boat pills wa over ueed rui delicate and debiliuuhl constitution theao iilla aol like a obarn taken 11 small doeee the effect ia both lumo ami a etimulaut mildly eacitinit the neoiellom of the body giving tone and igo hut wrthproverbs imlooiit ir lopalrh 11 a lltirrriii onh ik li1 l lrrtn etjicnnieiital ranrliri tk pyny pectoral lait it iii aa in ch what a coulih n ile nl lt i uwli i ulrml of wild rawlirr lit 1111 l i but wlnhl wo inli i k daiiulitnr had an nltark of dyaaiitery or iiiikhiv lliix by ivhluh hiip waa reduced to a niera ufiadnw nod bicnmii iiiln helplna lurliiiotely my family phyrlrlnn adviaed thn um of dr kovlrr h lxlracl of wild rtrawtiorr ni h nfilhir had dor knev of anythliiit iillir for una il oilfil dlseaae and lh ri fore un gavn it an impartial trial i am happy to ny thai l han aiartrr ofalkitlln 01101 thn llnw of blood and dole to co aii mil ihn rhill promptly reoovereil we al itya have hall kxlract of hi raw berry iu hnllnumi miirx in lie n edy hlimiurr rr1l ihn rftjoh nf fruiia aln i would juaf as somi lliink of tminu my right oyn aa being ih prtvrd of llr 1ftwwa lilrant of wild htrwlhrrry una n a limlimuny of ihaiikn for llm untold beueoi uijaolf am family have rcoeived from tills groat romtdy mim w ii gaaimii rit davids out formerly of hamilton fltl mcti who have used dalmotaisoap know tjt ts jml- r be st babys soap o- tor ralrrvof bd only ue ui cak ii imanainpatl a like strawberry box ihabnllni 11 of 1 i ia vol 7 near the limit lmrr krlin iil in in 11 or agnow a 1 urn 1 or ih hrrt ktve- irfrcl relief in all nanurt of organic or hy niiatlicllo heart diaoahe 111 u mliiuten and apofl lily rffecti a cure it la a jixirlrsi remedy for talpitalion hhortneaa of itrealti hmutiioriug rtiel fain in left side aud all ytntiinmf a iiaoahl heart one dom uinviuiiofl s 11 bj kiuha kellkiot pnro and uudrllleil n makes a p for the good of mm that tt ra not williug to tako ufl lis coal anil holpanawer if j on went to buy or bell a farm d vorllae in tho toronto hrrhly mail that paper roach en 100010 farmerh hornet vary week and jour aulvnrti semen t ahould monhv ma ki for doys if i are a farmer boy 1 ahhnll 1 lllier ciiltitale snine particirlar fruit nr vegetable id iiln ihf poultry i nlnra nn harr nr f1111 a ulirrhip lih trier in the priparnlioii of fruit and vrgrui lu for llm niarki i it would h mnni lndeieiident to knuw ihat what 1 had i had earned end 1 am il that later in llf i would have caiiin io rrjoion in thom rnrly daja of liilhineat iralmng ihn bil 011 the farm ithii unually uti a plreq rif grnunil rent fior on whirl- 10 try his kill lli ran eel out a etrawberry hod borrowing llm money if lire h of his father and gtvipii inn mite in a h 11 lieaa like way imn thii lm ranuut hope to makn auylhing ihia nr there myjo a low lierriea fur table use hut the nd there will be rolurnt and an ou the niixl prominent small fruit innrirr in wiaionaiu ras i ctn raian leu i ti-liut- of ripe iiimou berrlea wilh no mutu labor than ihe farmer puu un ten buehrds of wheal thr wheat aella for aovenly or eghy oeiila a buahel my etrawberrls for ft m r bushel i he atersge rod wf ihix of my berries in iwo mnla i in vrr ae i hern for laa than ten a now if 1 wer a farmer boy i won id deliberately settle in my cuvn riilud what butuhki i wauled to eiigaun 111 remember ingttlkmtinroero looses well i c everything i would read upon ihe culture anil markeiahleucae of differnit fruits of celery of aaparaua nf many different things and liirii try in chooae iiitelligontly i have a theory baaed upon the exper 4euceof snocoaful men that mom people dn hcetliymdaking a sjcialily u aome ouo thing homcof our hojw mvylutiik they have not time to run a little industry uf their own but in he caae of the majority where there a wilt theres a way ammetim agrtrnllhrtut hent1no bull doos an unusual line uf bunideaa furnlhea a living for a man in waaliittgtun hoowna a largo nuinlwr of bull dogs whioh he rente lu ihe owner of houoea who go away in tho an turner uach dog is chained in the back yard and intruders are given a very oordlaj reception the dogu are effective guardian of the premiacs lulrurted ui their care the rent of a dog 11 but i a mouth and the owner who le known as bulldog doug laaa gooa ihe rounds each day and feeds the animals up to tho present limo no better way of protecting properly lu iho ahuence of iho owner haa been discovered j hoed the 111 j 1 of the aure 1 1 afford foi 1 iiporlonoe thai r fail sold by j hau ktov aomo j k alion to be good dl kidney aud ltlau1 ji 1 huura by the houlii a luoncau unw romody la a light ou account ol its id delight if jo want cuni to warm tend ore do lrav within 1 waive h afi mret does tho psth lert mo hnou mat lam of sevan years standi n i have been a victim of rtieuuiallani fur hbu yoara being ouiinuo 1 to bed for month at a time unable to tun hum- if 1 have been treated by many physiclmia in this part of the country 110110 of whom bsjoeftled me 1 had no faith in rheumatic ouree advertised but my wife induced me lu get a boltl a uf houth a amiloan ltheu malic cure from mr taylor drututlak uf owen bound at the time i waa suffering agonising pain but inaida uf twelve houra after 1 took the ftrel doae the nlu left me 1 continued until 1 look i re bottles and i oonaider i am oouiplately orired j ll molmi 11 lb out huld by j v wumeii may cheuite lb niiiti lii but rrotthoir bear la norway ilue hyrup uurm uouglu lnjlda huareeueaa hole 1 hrul albm ilrou olillis etc ollovod m ai kiduoy cur great surpris exceeding proiiiptnoa in relieving p tho bladder kidneya back and every iiart uf tho urinary panaages in nlale or femah it rullovea reteulloti ol waler and pain in paaallik ii aluioat liiiuidillkloly if ou want imok relief and iur tills la ur rmuxly hold by j kiiiibwii whatever ood will tv l 1 11 ni help u io do iho ibud a li is- u y- tfuil in noted fur id ajlvdrllauuenla if you want lu buy of soil auytliing it 4oa waul a alluauou a inotjhiiit a bual noea uieohliiury lolglilga if you have loal or found auylhing or if you want u llnd out whore anyone la adverttne in the to roil to iktly mad and read the adu llt inowu un the 1 bird itage if 11 al par iheuhaiknla iwuuiila a word roli in aertloil addi eaa ar if lot 00 to an ada ki hiw i i i ma ive ono huolrnl lhur for ihilip 11 hraui f moii ffter having uaetl 11 for a p and or rouu rluiera l aalouiahng gmhltnlu l the i put chaimi advertiaeninnta of thin aertod in the iwonui ii y jow for fl aiith a word each ium rtlon or twenl eulri a word for five luaertlona addre the ma uui c uia of tioruld erely iron lelf hl to bat willi ma llo i bllfferrd yoi biliousniia for over i i years an 1 bad tried all adtritlked pills jmwdrra and ulher iimhcltiaa but obultnl very little relief until about two year ago i began io uoc htark iowdere and huioo thru hv briu ithu diffoi nd 1 a lieadaohe if 1 bare a way htark a 1owber- uy lhal lwy paya hi bill lb preaenled but l w liigonmly htark e 1 owdis k contains two prepaialnn wooden box the uf woich ii a round f which forma a measure for 0110 die an immediate relief for hick headache and hlmnach aleo nou ralgia and all kinds nf imtmu paln and aiinthur hi capauha from 11 j uf one la an ordinary doae which acta 011 iho ilowela 1 nor and htomacli fuiiuiuk a never failing perfool treatment for all head aiijhtoinach ruuiijlaiiita 1 hey do not an moat pilla and bo inauyolluir uiih ici ilea do ioto tholr elf cot ur produixi after ouiilialion and are moo to take j ueiila a box at all tiiodlcino dealers f u akuul c- 1 ii i j children shrink from ttuiiir inutile inc they dim t likt itilaiic liui i hey arc ciller to tako wttut they hlu scutta emulmuii for instance children filmost always like scotts emulsion and tt docs them good scotts emuuuon iuthceuaicbt mobt joliitablo form of cod liver ou tho hypophoaphifcii of limo and soda added to nourish tho bones and tone up the ner vous systetn tbe way child ren fam ijtlji mtd btrentrth on scott a rmtiliiion 1 uuqinmng oiii t6 phyhictniia ah delicate lhtlurcn need it vmml ft avrtwita to awijf a n4tuti aoctawft ilia tu whiciriliiali the genua of othe patieul old ghfaval i would le lb 1 udnlleialrd 1 iflerenlly rlcv ay trm of ih lu ourks dyspepsia- bad blood constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness bow ninths all ihe secret oni aadreaaov all loapuiltica frtmt ua tab frvaa a coauaoa phje to um wool mmfo are inoidenlaxi to ouu great f july sale will be the clearing of our 50l and 75c lines of balbriggan underwear at the uniform price of 40 cents in our millinery department we have arranged all our untrimmed hats on tables and are ei it 25 50 7np 75c j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelph pqn t surfer with headacht wlio you can be curej in ic by using our headache simple sale and sure h 1 ininutc- powders blood purified and jour system thoronghly invigorated get a bottle of smiths blood tonic a sure cure w q smith db co dispensing chemists nil nd macdonald ata il oouo cramps cholera diarrhoea dysentery uh0lera morbus holera infantum add all summer cnilalnt and fihbcb of tba iknvols ll i aud sllaua ivt c ullii cu ui aduhk far salo by all dealers 1 uatli 11 1 ii lullrci ajili- w thhtt mtthodibt lfcadehs ltvi all used dr ayimw a tntai hoi puwdor und duclnrod etronu ly in its favor iho ulco anaila u 11 u na olluui hoaltato to kk irankly id tho ililarcniu of a ftuj oauao m on halialf of soiiin norilorium article i- rue la l von to u iterances of this character when tlio itifti can awak from individual cijiorioocn this is the cim with tho iur a it chanilhra ll 1 itov vvllllaui tal braitli ll 11 and uuv w h wlthro ll l limn whom few niitilntcrs of itio aiciiukiioi llmrcli aru hoter knowi lu 1 uronlo at olaowhero throuiliuut tlio ouiiiiioii t willi tn iij uthara i liana tirolhrcii limvo bnan nuftorern frotu oold in lha head and ita invariable auoooawr oatarih a icmcilj ho waver waa within their imji tlwy osol or ajtnows calarrlial iowdrr and found aa averyooo else aud tliat rolls f was sirred y aud tlfrolivc aod daairiiik to l tiefll ulhera they frankly mako una sliteinent lu tho world over ihnir own iiatiirna ooe sltnrl oulf of the lirxatli through the illuwer uiilid with uach bottle uf llr aciewa atarr fuwdoi dlllumfa thn fuwilrr er tho mrtace of hie nasal oaaaaca 1aloloab nd delllillul w ow up to date goods ne hat dunlopn ljitst now straw the newest new colored shirts ver iki new suitiiijrs ami overcoat inn sieial iulaundried shirts at 5 b e nelson aaiiig tailor and pu 99 upfiar wyndhamlstrpet cuel hay 1 o ohh he auhr horo i lir at 1 ubiiiiib and tofuta hniy nils hanilc l and lluwr sent it rurl of iwu tin oil lauiju h d dodhon lllhuioli bliocl luiuiiui hll h j kvi iilpilliiy is llio ahlhly id l ii hr fit ll lis iii 1 tu i daya lt ai lion uouii llieayslotn is rctnaikahlc and iiiyalcrtou it rainuvoa al mice tlio uum ftnd tho dlaeasa loiinodl- atuly diaajiraii 1 lm llrnl dimu krrally imiiidiiib i rnu u h j hatiia neva- s neinr prices but old manageui jut ratlwaytime taqlb mall klir 1uii ctiinu trunk railway wolllnblon mutual firo insurance comoarvy ith iias i- i tol idbirvikiiilt nlliiilul i ti john i vl ok amit 1 ii hamilton oranlto and marblo dealer quel ph ont 1uii hrreu i wink lu lutuui uuu nf uiu liiat- blocka nf morwny swodo ruaalun ii1ri and flcotoh crhnite i v r iiiihrll ami i- nullliu nl j ruainl ml iw ruin i iiw ollnr- hiliii murk uuaraut el marll at hall iilliitr rlrn t all early for j h hamilton i theaofurirg c sciatica lifumansm 4 ntuhalpla a painii jackofl0t r iif5 in using vl tii01 ilabll l oop engraving photo engrwinc havtones jljdnest c atlaictf w toronto stark powders rr stck hcaoachb anl nanralaja ma mimurmm alio cujih tmieue dimi itlllkuauux inlu m ll silrcanmlpalim ki i i h i llrrall i iu cuici also luui iho 1 k vmmr mom to rxara i rmto bo cmnra r dmua tirom mm gareacouscmptlnn c oiirua cronpsvn throat 1 by all drnckiti on a goaraataa t a lama side twk r c btt eblloh panm plaster will civet in i caow shiloh un t ailaivlini on innnom 1soi mhi shuvas 1 i-uil- rt tll fir life i rorutukril fjmoritn mrliirafrflftunlnatma l0hs kcatarrh remedy youcatnrrhl tr tbla itcniedy hwlfl noaiuvojy rrllt o nd iuro on lmcc 00 eta this injoctor fiu- mm n- fill irralmoat la funilnhod fr ii nil still iiattomodla aro aold un r iriiauuu i i i j twitlafactloo amhi ao lui hoon disoiolinuad hot the old buainaata will go lj uldoi it i w i ii j a speiht co will ho decidod ohaoga 1 lh undiftj hjili hi bo moal nolloaabla uwiuit u the bard lln n wi arn uaakau and urulabiutfa and will supply thd i iii al any roaaonablo offer you may raaka department oultioif lha priooa lu aji lme uf kifqna uaakau and furulshiutfs aud will wo have no connootlou wltli uiy undortokera combine and govern our own prtaoa jrt ll he 1 hrniturs illulj ajuef lly ii on hand v bioh i fair livttid prod buggy whcoin il man oqr aad al iirio ii oaimuaa m oarrylom on our baaluoi ol i aall fa fcjry irhaf a liltlo i own a f copyrights cmf 1 olttaln a patent r for a till sna hi olibti liad nearly litlr rears rixirtaikw 111 tld wl nl butlnc- cnniitionli iiuna strlctu cinnil nil i a lluudbaok uf in formation conn nil iu pnlrnla an i lm li uti lain lbtni roo aim a raialimuu ol nwbin 1alnnl lakon ttirixiili muttn a on rrxrlrn nal nwt to tbo inritilnr llui mil n lil jlrr luaunt mwktt finnan if illuitalr1 liu lit fur llm uritaac oiriulaliiii u any iiiiilic wurli lu um witrld u i rji i ciuntn free llullding mihuv nlj fuatnr hlnto miiilna jlmiiu fctr nuuii- r nlaina tpau tful iala in 1 r m iti of nm liu ll i inn- ania bull rl w uiu idl iv s7w i lj i 1iiuiit italiik und y low 1 jallsfaatiou i pndorlakliik oapeolally wa oan do this aod lv j a speight co l in ufa ia a dia uik the uorvbo iiihici judluluua uu llo frahot nn lllu ootivalnt etiqp and ticililh hy ililluaiioa whioh luinliin rartau nalni own rraturallvoa it rollovtia tlio diuoi pirtta of iboaa srilb iwiii ulnuuiu at hid das ion don ay and laok nf inl y lr ilea ui a lulid and trd frostlllin alra lmiria vijor in lh action or llm hltxxl which uliik xlliimilaud uourajea ilirtiuatliuul tho vrln alrnntfthnn uik ha liaalthyratlftliat functlulia uf ilia syalem tliorebyraaalmt activity a tnwmry loaull blrmiftlllulii lha frama and t lltu id lha dloallvri orja4ia will ll iibtnr ally don and iiinrsatij nbslanoa result hiirotcnl aiiiolila norlliroji lyman of ioroulo liavo klyrii lo ih public tholr quinine winn at llio uaual ralr and uuftfod by tlio uiniiii ur soimitiats tills wlno approarln nearil nffcolioii uf any in tiio market all jrukkhs ull u 11 id im had la liable lady foi nf on hands by an laal irinuia uf a aiiiiile id iih llr mil iii alarrti asthma a 14 ail llirual amt lund allfqtiuna aati ikjailivd aml radlal uurw un narvuuj lhibiltiy and all nartona ootii jiulnln iter havuik talnd us wondvrlu all tl hla duty ti tiaku ll known lt all hit siillrrinu mlowa atlnau- this iikiiivo aud a duaira lo ivliavu human buiiiiihij i will solid froo of charge lu all who dtwiru it ihia raolio lu larmaii lronolior liijlih wllli full dinclioua tor rttparlu and usriim soul by mail hv addmuipu with lamp liaisjlliu ibis i t r w a noltb jrto iuwbra lllot k ituoli slur y tllli i im ss tlkk 1 u 1 ll l tilt lu si low ii it tl i if tin wilui lui 111 ill i a iiitnufu tui til i 11 k btst 3t chekpesi gylir most successful remedy pom man or beat njlujirr lvrtib ii iu wi u qtfm- kij uuui scwa b kendalls spavin cure ksoiiabuhl lmutall wiiitic uurinitj tii imnu kendalls spavin cure urs ul fw i j klllt prcssc 1 himlrr ini nr thr ruuntry innting otficcis the irouty tt jliylu in construction nt uulil undurstood in all ith prii jnd dues superior work is lulllllll h int uial ovory tuaa ut paid iqi yi ouui anablm ut muulkaturr u all u ptouly al vaiy luw iftoc 1 hare ra no iowm you omn urnfl to hk riaujbt n4 du piaiwiu and aa all bother o importation eto send at once for catalogues and pneeb to h p moore actok ont sole agent for canada walker co manufacturers madison wis lo 17 11 llnj 1 m ll j krvmf i t omia por twenty five years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend larqcst sale in canada catarrh