Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1895, p. 2

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v 4 in 11 kii lii 1rln hi ilia i j tinier otaatiii jmh hut 111 wife o ariuiirht llautufo fiusimkhiini al lln niipir eraiiwii mi july 5 liy itev u 1 errlti james 1 ant if 1 liuallnuse in mil ilary marrllt of lln ml huo i hkhhkhrkhknbih al win nil mi man ii monday july hi hubert j kmiihdjr of hint illrli riifrly aclnn u uls jan1 1 henntdy iruts in knmnsliiu oi urry huftuiali aueil 71 yes ahjcrtou rcss thuiihday jlflv j ih05 subscriptions phomfftla rfi- newed rur iha very fioneral renewal of aubscrip liona duo july lit tha hnrr iiik deal res in cxienri he tin rt i rat llianka hflvcrml htindrod au mori pt ion expire al tbia date and ihefirorapt renewal la alwaya mailer i bslier a m sati iraw in mm afow sllbsoriplioria have pot as yel boon renewed bill wo noiiadcntly expect to hear ttnm all 1 1 thrsp within few da a fur we an sure iboro arc nono who have tieen mftilarly telrttllh tho kwrr1iiijui nvtrry- wuuk dtirjiitf tlio year who desire ihat ila welcome weekly viaili bo diiconlinuod prompt renewal of the aiibaarijillon will cnaiira ila rrninr and continued appear anro in your addrow ii r moon hditorand publisher notes and comments hioi ia itoinit to build a tower lo eohpwe hirtel a monster ii la to be ii a foot h ili witti tour platforms ami tele aciiea camera obsourea and many other altraolloua for lulitaoera it is an id that practical step havo bran inkrn l inaure tlio carrying out of tha project liouoral booth haa decided to p rooted immedialely with tlm survey of bia over sea colony mr i xweon aufvoyor at ileal upstroke 1- ntf arrived in toronto latt weak and m company with command an l boo 111 and other army officials are now m tho northweat laying ut the icrrilurjt tho war leprtmeut of japan in its report on tlm war with hltia ives tha actual lnhling atreiirlh of tlio expedition ary force which did iho campaikninu aa follow iirat army corpa jolrut aroond rmj cor liljio other troopa 1001 or a lotal of ho u7l the loaaea were killed i o battle 711 died of sgbunda ill died including yflm by cholera iho liopertroenl of anneal luce tu roooipt of information from hbeocxer wolla roydoti bnffland lo iba effect that the ayatem adopted by ablppera of binding canadian bay with wire baa led to jossea among the live block to which ii ia fed mr wolla ia anxious thai lbs matter should be brought to the notice of canadian agriculturists with a view lo remedying what ho regards in our bay aa lie only defect trade returna for iba fiscal year jual cloaod wore issued friday ki porta for ihj6 wore valued at 1110 716 737 a da crease of t 67j ail oom pared with prav toua yean the greater portioo of tbia decrease took place laal month amoouting to two milliona aotl three ijoaflart princi pajly io rooda do the product of oaoada i be imporu for tba year jual oloead were valued at llw m7 oitj a deoream of 7 371 70u tba doty ooltaotaxt amounta lo 117 tfnt tn a dacraaai of tl 407 tta kinxalou aohooi board al iu laal meat iiik reaolved to adopt tha international acrioa of hunday aohooi leaaoua for uao iu the acbuola aa moat ooulribcuog to tbe atudy of tha aorlptarea topically aod ayaumatloally tbe aobool manage ment oom ml i tee wa raquoated to arraok for iba read uk of tbe laavona each morn i on wbeu tbay reauma after tha bolidaya aud thai tba davotlona bo varied by tbe recitation of tbe apoellea creed tbe ten mmaodmou tho baatilodea or paajma proceeding tha prayer prescribed by tbe education department al i bo fjaptial young people a couven lion bald in ualtlmoro during ibe paal wook tbe following roaolutlou waadotad 1 o dlaoourage ibe pubiicatlou and oircula liou of tbe tiuoday nawapaper the ronnfng of hunday mourtiotia and tbe opening of plaooa of public amuaemeat and bat wa extend uur bamrty ayrapalby lo tbe people ul teiaa who ara oow uung ail lllr powera to prevent the oaonrreaoe of the proposed corbelt filaaimmona flgbl in tbe rxne hlsr btaha under tbe oonv lotion that ucli a flgbl would load la fumoralisa 1 oxaa aud tba whole alviliaod world 1 ha ieoalivo committee of the nallou ki cunnoil of women al kingston ia iraiioring to wage war agaioal tbe man a factor era of oigarsttce and lobaoco for putting immoral piatarea lu their packages i by will also try to lum tbe tide of i en pure literature tboy ondoraed tba aottoo of the womena uhriatian tamparanoe union in requesting tha employers of female operatives to provide aeata behind llm oountsr for rest durtug lbs unemployed inliiutoa i bay look rxoeutiou to the practice su common iu aojay atoraa uf lliving priaos with chewing gum and candy uno of the members expressed her opinion lint tbe praotioe was a email beginning to lbs luuialatia btato lottery tbere la good authority for elating that tho llrlliah government ban agreed to lira lit a tubaldv wblob in eonjunoliuu with hie pld granted by ibe canadian and other moveruroantb will suable the halifax and bermuda cable to be extended lo tha wast indian tbu information la aupplemauted with the atatamaal that daparloioulj dalaila axf bulafi tow aoajly arranged for the gram thia matter ia of the big heat consequeiioe to tjauadian trade with tba wast indiea which la now alldtfathar dsusndeut upon tbe amor lean oabls cbao uola there la alaofcaaoo to believe that mr j l huddarta scbemp for tba faal auanlio andtaoq mail eervieaw- la tuak ing headway at last liord lllpon before eavtrnrhoeoniai ofnoa taft unrtnot vv auungly urglug the matter upon rff josspti chambjrlalu bia auooaasor tba latter gentleman expresses keen ayro wthy with all praolioal movamasla fo improving the inter imperial relations the new chaiioellur of ihetraobafiuar sir michael flick lleacli ia mors aylnpalhetio with the iilra uian km hir william llnnvuirl parliam pr tho flooolon utatadthlrtooo pnd n hair weouathnoovomor ortnorifn speech hicanth v9 motion defeated tirr suly ji iha fifth acsaioo or llieaovenll isrliamont of canada waa pro roguod ihia afternoon by liii ixoollnmy tlm oovornor jonaral after a bastion uf thisttmii wrulia ami a half during which lime llie ifouao aolually aallxty llvoday- owtn to the iinoartaliity aa to tjo hour of prorogation tho crowd oulaido iho hiiildinu waa not nearly ao laro aa uatial and tho atlenlanoa on the floor of tho henato waa vttry amall although iho gallarlea wore fairly well flllod tlm hiulalora preaenl in oniform were hlr mokoimie howell blr frank hmilh and hir adolpho car on ijmly aberdeen waa presort i and after prorogation an informal riinplioii waa held by ihoir kxoollenolea i he ilouae had arrangnd to cloao on hal unuy and wore diaciualtih the hudson hay hallway hill tho pioslloti ceiitirad the govern men i for i tit reducing so import ant a bill an lalo in tba scsilon holla lor hcolt ihtm gavo mr i towel i a ourlaln eo turc bul ino latter rotalialwl tjiore we drafted a measure a roarranhonlcnl of the aubsidy looh ago voted lo tlio acttenta malt nig lite money payable in two par la one hlt tin li wimnlnllnn nf rtin nomnnition of iho first half of tho nmil and tlio othit hair oil iha complulfoii of trin road the motion waa given iu third readme after a motion by henator hcolt to llie i llrrt that thiljotnidy ahniil no be iw niilcai the road waa operated waa dofpntod by a vote of ii lo ii on monday afternoon it waa evident that lb aovkiou 1 drawing to a close ery low either mem ik r a or heoatora werti prcsoni to lake part in tin proceeding- after the faithful omimotia bad been uiumonnd to tlm bonate ilia hicclkncy dolivorwl tho following apeeeh fmm tho tbronn run xikti u linn gontleuieii of the hennle gtuitluuvit uf tho llouiii nf chimluon in bringing una blbaioii of larlibinout to a ooncltiaion l have lo congratulate you on iho indtialry and teal which hami marked ymir labors riio ncceaiary idkihibiioii hauii been poaitcd tha treaty of ooniinercu willi i rsiioe from which favorable commercial reunite may bo ex pre ed will aa aoon aa ratified bu put into orco by proclamation i he negotlalloiia ith no outidlant lt which reference wa made at the opening of the aeasion have not l regret to aay resulted lu any agreement for the present xbawpiy otlua- ltoviociaj legislat of manitoba to tbe rfmetllal onler iasued by my government of iho jlat uf march waa couhidered of auch a cliaractcr aa to jnitify postponement of further action until next seerion l am pleased to obwrm tho grant uf parliament lu aid of the fuud iontribolwl by the canadian people fur the benefit of tbe family of tbe right hon blr john thompson the amemlmouta which havo been made to the law relating io the civil service will it ia believed result in looreaaed cfticioncy aod economy leglalalion of iho aeaaloii will i iruat con tribute to an improved ad mi mat ration of tbe criminal law the advancement uf commerce and tbe exteuaion of railway and telegraphic communication gentlemen of the house of commune i thank you for tbe liberal provision which you have made for tho aervioe of iho cur rent year hon goullemen of tho heuate genlla mail of tba hoaae of common a iti reiwv ing you from your duties i venture to ex press the hope that you will ond among the people you represent a continuant e of ihat prosperity which marked the opening year tbe hpoakot of the rwnate then aald it ia ilia hxoollenry tho governor tieneral a- will and pleasure that tbla parliament be prorogued until saturday tbe thirty nrst day of august next to be held here and thia 1erllainoo la accordingly prorogued until the thirty first day of augual next in view of the fact that mr mc arthy a motion did not deal directly with ibe man i tot education bul aimply a want of loii donor he waa nut aupported in bia amend men sod defeated by en overwhelming majority no division waa taken aa only mr mc irtby and mr o it r ion demanded a diviaiuu and tbe rulos require live mem bora arose as to whether of ciovorn uent in appoint met t of a rnday the uoaliou u view of tho change 1 ogland and tbe bw i reside tit of tbe board of agriculture it waa the intention of the government in lenow the applies uuu fur llm removal uf tho schedule againat iba importation of anadlau cat lie to that couutry without having them alaughtercd a the purl of dobarkatiou mr juimot replied ihat tbe correepoudeuco aliratly aot oo tool bad riot bocu concluded and ihat it waa ibe inlautlou lo press llie claim uf canada oo that matlur it was alao learn od tttal the helgiau luvdritment would permit experiment shipments of canadian cattle lo belgian porta during octoboi november aud dtoembci anil would ro move tba embargo altogether if uu plemu ptieuitioma vras discovered rslit itltluk in tut i hegulatloiib have bocu made by ll l pertinent of tho luterlur designed lo en lourago the development of fruit farma iu a large scale in the west lluder them any person eligible to obtain a humealood entry may for fruil growing purposes uwni pay men uf a foe uf ten dullare obtain entry for auy area dot iu exceaa uf una ijnartcr bsotiou uf dominion landa of the class oocu for homoateaul otitry iijioii cerlalii ooadl lna 1 he applicant inuat during lbs year clear at leaal four acre a aud pistil the aamo in fruit trees bualica lsilts or vinos durlug the eocond and third yeara be mual elear and plant ibree aarca adduluual ao that at ilia end of the third year ho mual have ten acres cleared aud planted with fruit trece bualica or uiuca i ha dlatanoe which trees or buabes mual be apart are also prescribed i ho fruit farmer ijiay plant 40 apple trees per acre 1 10 pear trees ju0 peach 1 10 cherry 1 imfi curraut buahca 1 0101 atrawberry plants at the eud of ave yean tf all oondlttoni ara compiled with a patent will be usued al llie rale of ous dollar per acre a bill introduced by tho roroatcra to aothurixo iflem to tasue h uuu iiiauranoe ioliclesj waa wltbdrawu until oox eeasiuii mr goo fc hmitb has boon appointed eub oullcclor of eatoma a bouthampfba caustiiaui ire invited in paruotpale in the mexico 1xbmiiiou iu imxi iiaut governor daly uf nova beulia whose lernijof oftlco expired on the aral ul uiia month baa beau ro appointed fur a aeoond term hlr maakoitaie howell luavra on jjiura day fur the north wast to be piwjul altho openingof the territorial ixhlbilliirt at itfllna next moiutaj ita passerfdena dnowfjeo btdfimori collltlo in inly and nonr- ly nil on hoard pnrlah aalnnp inthallfounko at tuo t time u hiryit ubij july m a lornblo ajoldonl resultttifl in a loan uf 11 lives ooeornd near ha mouth of llm gulf of hpmla today al half paat 1 oulnali tbia inurnlng tlir atramera orhgia and maria 1 fan j n ll latter vcmol kaa ao badly dfmagxl that alio hank in a very abort lime llm maria 1 had m board in addition to her crow 1n paaaongera bound from naplea far iha llivor ilalo by far iho largpr part of whom wero ornigraula the night wan pitch dark when tlit colliai in ncuorrcil and the aoene u board the inking atearner aim il defloa deaorip tion mont uf tlm iaaonjor were htooj in their bulika at the time and were awak etidit by the oraaliing uf tlm atrainer a plate decka latn and planka from the rr porta nf tlio dinaatnr rncslvn hero it is nnhasible tu delurmiim whouior any attempt waa mado by tho maria i to clear away and launch her amall bptv but judging from llie eccouritjj gvu by hie oxi lleil naaacugcra it lultiirrniaaed that the atoamertweiil dnvti too idpkly b allow thia being done iioiigli onn boat got awuy i ho blacknral ut die nlihl added tl itio terror o lioii qu uuitrl rtntl ll nn t wi ii p orald with fiivr iiiuipd oprlkttrl 1 he rligio imi her pee vioun voyage collid o i in tho name pot willi a 1 rontli alegmnr and una fart addn alrcnglli to iho belief thsalmwastwhmhiblsfur ibetuormnga diaaater vdmiral monti mrniater of mariue haa ordered an luijuiry lo bo made into iho afuir lo paca ilia rojotinibilil if july 17 about i t thia afternoon lire wan ducovnred under iho ataira of llm bowling alley if llm ocean houae the leading hotel nt i bo union ll had crept upataira heforo bring dlhcovertd and in a few minuua tho buililiw winch lepn 1- frc i the kl ablaze aa there la nu rlre prulectiuti al the hiath the noaroht engine at burling ton village waa aeul fur ltd imforn h arrivd tlm main building of tile hotel the railway alatiou bt hind it and ll o adj vc amall huildinga fture all ablau- and the fact that tho wind waa blowing out into the jako waa iho only ihinj that mivcd the entile end uf the be at 1 1 between the iccui of tho fir ami the iern nearly all hit furniture and rlleolb wore got out of lilt hotel and hurnedjy piled on the beach t an al o t tnfjion flngina pra vented any further aprreadmg uf iho con llagraiion aa a number of stream uf water were aouu pla lug on all build lugs lu daufceroum uruximity i ho gcean houae wm built of wood and was about l cara old it waa owuuil by a hiroly eaiale and was under the management of liinly bros i ho insurance on tlio building waa about 11000 aud una la where tho priucipal loan will conic in al 1 o clock all danger of furtbor apreadiu of the tiro waa over and tho blading pile of ruina waa all that remained of tho hotel aa near aa could be loarned uo accident if attj kiuj occurr ed aa all tho guoaia had tune lu get llmm aelvea and ihoir effect a out of the ho a no tbe large number uf yachuiiicn and pio ulokera prtneut ronderid valifable aailal ance iu removing furniture 1 he building was ralued at 20 100 won the queen s pm4t ibo bluo ribbon of markamauahip laa lajlou u a canadian pi x 11 llay hurat of the ittfi battalion hamilton has won the prixe for which j 000 trained riflemen gathered from all part of britain a empire yearly tu contend on iltaley common r ur about a quarter ot a century cauaoa baa boon represented by twenty picked men at these oumpeliliuna bul not until now has the covoted trophy of tbe meeting ibo juccu a true isilou to a anadlau it la uut dlatincliuu that oau bo attained by mero luck ilia jiriao la a geld modal a gold badge and lj60 in money llm winuowiug irocoaa through which the final competitors havo to work their way ennurra that those who havo a chance iu tho final aixly are the brilliant aa well an tho teady aud roliablo marksman of iho cumji i if these ite llayburat approv ed himoelf aud finally ahowod htniaelf tu be tho boat uf tho beat ierhaps the greatest honor previously acurwl by a member uf the aiiadiaii team wbb the wniuiug of iha irincu uf wales prixe sumo 10 yeara ago by the i lotitntiaul colonel jlbauu now provincial hocrotary that both ihoao ktoal ovellu alu uld gu tu ilanilltou an honor that tbe aiubiluua oily will know how to appreciate in tho mean i line all cau heartily apjilaud the pluck akill and auoceaa of lte uayhurat oluur kergl hkcddeu of tho ihlh hat ta4k of the day anepltomo of tho worlus do i rt in durlrtir tho wpou alex hnlth and proprietor nf the cilimul win til peg din atiililnnly oo oritur day night v 1 rank loitiuhr for bruully troatha horse waa fined i7 ti by magihtrate llarllitl of windsor the new ujuuo bnililjjutjmjjwsuiuu will ool lilt mk and will have a frontage on ouga atrmtl uf tl foot ibo eateries of i npii uf ruli bury a ui to f7m hill ier annum a iloipttch from iluma aiiupiinoea the death of itev luliii lidded phillip the well known hapliai miaalonary botijmln ilarrihin h nnid thai under no aironmataucin will hn imliiiihi a randl lain fur the presidency of llm i lilted h la lea aluirnry rner itoba inih ixeu mini hlfioti of ma miiiti i ii jiiotti william hamhira a wlerluo veteran died an monday night al hatham aged lorfearn jamea all hnn beou ummlll d for tnnl uu a chrgi of shooting elaine nealhou at the trefnoril llouin jumriuiii nualnun la feeoverittff iirtllll llllufl das i va until r tlm cara ul a aklllful phjmkiau lilt in medloimh did mo no gooil he aald ihat my trouble waa neur algia in the aloiiiach it wai during thuae htanloy t uihl a mill at iiorll wab days aa uaysn 4mfcrtelprosir ittralld it id ihoiiulit that a nudal will be pro pttrrd nnd jtvoii to pic ilayliiirnl or ham 1 1 ton lo mgualiz hi i winning of thu jiiopii a prlo at lllnb j burtud down and a far time the 11 ro alarled ah ngal th diry in thu act hiccloa are manufactured in thu htatu pnauu at jaokaon miclnn it iu aulod they uro runhtd with ordure and are turning uut eighteen coinplulo tilcyijua oaoli working at the grand i od a 1 l a m lie iu loruulo on 1 nday mr w it whit q wau ro olbotnd grand miltir an mr win gibaoii m i dtpuly groii mnater while mr john mlkooib wan harruu i ik near hundeau llghtnlug fttruoh him an the horae killing llie latter instantly iho nmu wan picked up uiiooiiamoiih hut ill ill- will en llx new liuaiiiiry ul itr fn w llmrwitti and ill aflurwanla orolecl i on tho wiiiiilptg train to oku tin- no will exhibition al uegimv another agrarian oulraga la rokirtod from irtnimr in walerlord a carelakor of a farrn bonne who tenant n hil ihicii evicted waa shot and fatally wounded the caretaker a wifo una alo uuiiiided bir adolpho srou haa entered an autlou for twenty uvu thousand dollars damagea again at tho montreal urntll un i lie ground that he haa beeu libelled by that journ iu ooonoctiou with rtcenl ixllllonl ovuut tive abort autograph poemn by hobert burns wore aold recently m 1 judon for h0 three loop letters for fttfj and throo abort unea for gloi at thu aamo time no ven letter ul blr walter boull were a for about 2 h apleoe li pi alu 11 am the of aih the only ut own lio v hnlluitlk at ui y a storm w injured i i iho eoeded tho ll u iii al fou uluvk th aflornooi blow d w i ttm ran ov vurk ut tl lulling iu iu i o so uf ere i 1 u 11 lists and aoveral ai rkne 1 na r wlyc l od death will an funk f uif lly llunahue rluutillc david nelauu uf i alitor wars un ilia tun of lite ben la aud the ulhora were below ralalng tbe laal treatlo thai auphra th roof all the men below mauagod lo got clear although eomu uf them were aur rouuded by falliug timbers 1 m moo above wore loaa furluuato 1 uclf waa fuuud wedged botween iwu huge bonla with ills loft leg badly sin an bod dunajiua was alio injured ixnug brulaod a turn i tho dead aud body nulauu fell o1m u tho debria and ca ikhj with iiiiii alight bruioea the fraumwurk uf tbe bull ling la mim plete wrixk ilia raising uf iho limbeia by block and lai kla has boon iu irugreaa inco laal h rlday iho elruuturo 1 1 1 1 loo foel and soino uf tho beam warn vary heavy ilia loulraotor la hubert dixon of grand alley aud the building id being erected fur the uuelph norway iron aud bteel company recently organised the collapae of tho framework will be a aarloua loss lo the contractor aod will delay the commencement of operallona by tbe oom petiy probably a couple uf weeka the editors table t apuln barbs king haa wnllau for irwr s f tamr a aerial stor of tho national guard aud the riots milltlsd xirporsl rmd ita piiblioallun will baaiiu in ibo number uf tbe i aur rlgled j sly itd tbs same number will contain a a lory uf indian warfare entitled john kllburueli turt by james oiib an 1 11 us i rated article how i loyally rravala and a lalk with itoya by lbs ilav pr hlnnford harpera a brothers iobjiahers nw ork afld report regarding tho aoturs aud rolallveaol hhortin the alio j hold mur deror stale that the uiwaoity is hereditary and witnesses examined atalo that ho waa considered huh tuiiihm innili- it the prlsuncra oummllted to llm con tral uriauu last year 21 i wore married and 6j wore single aud 171 wore on to rod aa to mic rale aod uli aa intemperate tom iterance and matrimony appear to be pulwol influences in making a man a good citiauu lo day the ceremony altundilig the uu veiling u the mouuiuoiit now rooted by iho govornmeut will lake plaoe at niagara tails thia la a fitting ooitiiiiumuralloti of the hist aiiulvorsary of ihoao who lost thou uvea i i undy i too on j dy th hi i mr blewait joiioa bain i iji iliam lowuahlp waa burnod with a lot uf live atook a colored man namod llogeu em ployed by mr jotioa in miaaiug and it is feared urn i he sot the nremiaoa oil lire and committed auicido by dauwuing lu tho canal near by riio officials of tho boird of 1 rado al hamilton liavo bucn informed by lite cum mitteo appointed tu aeloct a location for the iluapital fur onsumplivo thai ll will probably be built in muakuka the hoard un behalf of hamilton had reoommondod i mountain top as a suitable spot t framo bam belonging to hobert miller buller at reel woodstock waa slruok by llghtnliik about half past four 1 nday lug a heavy thunder shower aud totally deatruyod with the cunlcnla ilia real ce which waa uear was also damaged imii sloo no iiibuibuoct 1 1 oiuki uf hondlru i wb limridly ol led haturday lo attond a on uf w m raig who waa frightfully kiihed dy a horse while attempting to iiarticb him hosldes bavint a ft at i uro uf the ekull and a broken thigh he received several butty vuillld- hall el only iw hour- alter the accident biuka out lit iho aw and ilu by w i 1 eirle at hultelt iho iibiiiob niii oiiulnmmi the entire i uildlii and diokly spread lo lbs lumber yard adjoin lug where hundred of thousand of i t of lumber were illl ail of which wlo o n suniod los ii ikhi a report has been oireulatcd lliat haa can aod uio greatest kind uf aeiiaatiuu in society it la lu the effect thai the uuko and uuohoas of l urk baby irluoo ldward is deaf aud dum tbe baby a little mure ibau a year uld and and well formed his phulogrmpha di not exhibit a trace uf men 11 dot so i out the reorl uf tbia calamity is bruited widely as layluk flood y agsil fl winked as a arm hand lor mr moot ant waa engaged drawing in hay uaiug a wagon with a rack with iron uprights ila took a large load into the bar ii aud not llilnkliu uf ihu run uprig hla atlrmilcd lo allde to the ground when one uf llmm pierced him near tha hip impaling bun and oottilng uut uear ttm mouth 1 he mor follow aereamrd tearfully and aa aoon aa pooslble tjo waa taken oft tlm stake he died aloul midnigtil at a reoou i biuyole moot at asbury iark nj i1u7h cyclists wore in hue uf whom tr3 were womeu jf tha latter 27 sun bloom or s hpeakmg of ibo bifurcated ar maul it la worthy of uuto that mr potter 1almer mm ilnaarl rc- and mlsa 1 lixabeth ady hlanlon are luterobtiii them solves lu a movemont to orect a monu ment at honeca i alia n lo mrs itloomer tbs lady who first had tho courage to duu ilia garment ihat now bears her name she waa at tha time of her cuur eg sous action tho edtlur uf a temperance paper at heneoa halls tt y hraiilfuid rrvwlr r rr stomac neu intembstincj fata adotit this pfccultafl troljble a pnrrlhroko lndy whn sufravocl tar blwht v6ltrs aivrtq tha pnrtlcu- inrrt of rfor hlnoba nrd tnla howshu obtalnod rotlot lmul th liilnknhui lanl ihiigratuful llmnhs nf ihmiaaiida in all mrle nf hie dlhiiiiiuii ho hnvn laeh made well in llm hint nv1doiiiu nf tlilialerllnk ntoril of wilhama ilnlt 1111a for taln people wo buiiknolhero is nut a oily town or lltaj in anada in whiuh llm gooit rucurd uf ihia health giving mndlolun la not known and icmbrukn ia no exoep linn to the rule among llioro who speak uf williams iuik ill- in terms ul tho higher praiso ia mra 1 uurnior will of mr tutor 1 oiirnler both uf whom nr hrld in high cqleim by those li kruiw them io a rcimirur who rooenlly visited their liume mr- 1 uurnior gave a jil ntatemetil f linr llliisn an now alxuit eight yiarn n tiegan lu grow ill with a ps stomach and sidi nnd the amount of atif foring which it i uiod mo nui aoarjely bo roaliol i the days an 1 mouth passed by 1 bogaulogrow weaker mid 1 wm ael dnru free from the iiitunun pains which worn making my lifn ao miaarabk my aphili o failed mo nhd 1 oared that 1 warn mammoth hottse georgetown ucaruialmd tied i back llnd mo nhl iw hv thai a frieiwl utrougly urged mo to try ii wlliaina 1iuk 1illa although 1 ball lilile ralth m ihor cfllaany at the lime i eoiihentid to try them aftur ustnj a few loxea 1 tmgau to feat myaelf growingatrong er and thenaiim iritvltig me i continued uning thrm nnlil i had used a dptm boxoa and now nti can see fur jouraelf whether i took like a an k pernor or tint the pains iu my atouiach aidu and back havo ceased to trouble mo and i bnn nut in en aa wlii in night years ii i fn i now my appetite which wan su h r nt inu time is now fully rentorrd mill i am cunllrlont mint nut only have pink illlt cur d inn but they have saved urn from iniatry and pain which i mild mduri wlm ji 1r willi- 1 it k i ii ak iic1iujmi thu i j bill ibu tot eaae and dining it nut nf i in aynlr lug when other metiicliiea llm ills sltlictiiig mankind must s tu impoverished condition of the blood 01 weak ur shatlend norvos and fur all thoae i ink iiiim are a npnoilio which ncedily re store the suftcrer to health i tiesn itlh aro tiovir ould u any form eirnril hi tht company i xe tl wrapper round which bos re the fill name ur william 1 ink i ilia fur lata 1 t olr all otliit an lulllitarfttta and aholll i num imi refunod cl thn kcnuinu and be made ell oh what a cough approach i i thai more aumiiti in aak your fiord fur tlm aake of will yuu h rhi- it terrible diae ael ven if oti aaviug r to run the nak au i do nothing for it we know from experience that hhiloh s urn will euro your coucli it never fails bold by j kannewiti after the grip jo strength no arnbitlo hood a saroapnrlilj c hoalth hir t n i i u r ii it walker mcbean co great midsilmmer saixe the greatest sale witnciscd in georgetown starts on saturday when the intense stock of summer goods will be marked dow n and every pricu h t go r j- fofc- cooks watcltds jovyellery spectacles silverwano fancy goods alao repairing of fine complicated wxtohen oo to bjmorl practical walchmakar and jeweller 1 hose who want a imrgain that they never got before be sure and come to vvablckitmoitbanfr wkr hlhibler salk mihipery millinery millinery we have done a big business in milliner and we have a f t w bo s of kcathers artd flowers that will be eleancd out at tht midsummer salk it will pay you to keep them at the ridiculously low prices they will be sold at 1 rimmed millinery at 50 per cent oftt and some will be sold for even less com 1 1 oll r lomh to thu fjuut ale al the mammoi ii htubk dress coodt s6000 1 i aht dress goods to be sacrificed it tl w 1 if mens ready to wear clothing i cis than mill prices reduced prices to last ten d a carpets carpets i ut the best ijuality carpets price tui in uv not ll a kmre but with an axe 1 his gltdt sale is the llianc uf a illc llinc ni stuii 111 iht dominion can offei ousuih bai uiitc with the thouaiiiu to gkkat hummer sale nod uui hoods cures afmirtlims riusi i i m is until imir llool i iwuji kn hikmi a nraaparui i it mr holiai hoods puis 1urrl vurl tlilr and it uot purer fa bx- bulu by all urugjliu 1 mttiiaond kmgt bracelets ladies blouse setts belt buckles belt pins incidental uiibfli jul j oh i tii vvlli ij lli ic g of ciui 501 1 111c 1 i balbrifggan underwe at the umfoim price of o cents 1 om millinery depaiimoi v ivc au iged all our i nciiinined iiats on laltlcs t 1 d iri cleat in thcui at s 50md 75c j u williamson a co m i toacdonnell streetu 5- 9 05 q 09 all work warrant i a p symon ltu atiucrligrnirnlt vaiiinr nml ihcintf works irasimi hvoliiu and nalrirui aj1 st laiuhcrt jis hull for sttrvicfc or kor bale put utileralitno baa lir rtlcn at ida alable 1 nil main klront a llru uffrwt kl tltll ttila ntn aiilnraiu almoin rrl for lo l i iiaiihih luhur antuu a im nb stock new prices but old managemoil been disoiuliiiuod bul the ld busineea will go oa auder ihj nw naie j a speight co tl4 a in uuis reaiieota there will be doclusd ohaugsa iu ihi undkrtarvlmc departflrlknt thu wl momt ooliosabls owl dc lo tba bard limes we art ouiihitj uia prioos lu all lines of coffins caskau and faroiahinka and will auuply the whole om at al any reason a bio offer you may make we havo no ooaaeotloii with gl any undortakon oomblna and fiovern our own prloea hmbaltiiiiik done when rorraired al slightly over oost and if not as i lot so lory ihart will be made new stock iis savage co ji w 1 1 1 i guelph- furnitur6 eeleataal eaues of sttnuiero ibioo wa will diaposs of ai fair llvirir profll buggy whgon se sis manner and al nrloss perlpa a lilile lows ilaintf audsr vary email expense in carrying oo oar basidssw w 0rf eartatoly ao at very tow irioss id tba lloderukjan espaalally od fo tbla aud ls eullre aatiafaalloo j a speight co acton saw mills coal ahu wkhm allljh jhjutes brown itarilwoxxl all 1 llalil cut atovn ininjiti first and foremost canadas great fl toronto sept 2nd to 14th 1895 tlio ftntiraiivrullmttlltlj of 1 in hloek aitriciillural i roil u eta xn 1 mai ulaclur lo t ucii un llo luiiliuiit i ililii luiuiaiul jiai tl hunclal a rl u i it al iallt tiup im an bio i ii ll lav great toronto fair thau al 11 t tltir ul ti llinf t l i ithionh js u i iimh jentrieb close august loth rot i rim 1 h i roijrinini ne a lima 11 j 1111 i uuat0 turuato catching the eye ll i uaay ouuuli ualbliin 11 o uyt tt o real thintt fur a bmluox man la to uu the oontldeuce of the public fringe lie wat oh maker of juelph has now been in busiuess mere lor twenty five years aud hla auccosa in reoalriuk vnatouea lock etc haa ylvcu him thu conndeiiou of the people and he haa coiilhuod to do the larioat rcniflnn ira in met do no lu otlelph owulii ha huuae and al re and tberefure havlud uu rent t i pav iuo him uoh an advautaku utr all uthtra that ho is enabled to x every advantage to his ountottierr aa lu pmi aud iialily in fact ins reputation has bern built u by the jualily uf his work and h oda i here is uu possible thmilo of anjbo ly iwiux able tu do any belter for oii sa im nlo iborouhlj uiidni stand ins biiaiunsa pringle guelpl powders cur sick hcadachb 1 n ersieu c urus kin inn iiiui ciuut sililu su lju soulull s rt- mil ill linptinni bristoivs sarsaparilla curcj 1 iir slom ilii itul kidney lnnitik- uul uuiimi the dihki c 11 lnpmil- bristolvis sarsaparilla cures olil c hiniilc imi where all othtr rtimln ful be sure and a8k jour druggibl for i bristois sarsaparilla j jii5

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