Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1895, p. 3

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77 8ank0f hamilton hbad qwrifik hamilton capitm lamii itkmdivi iuki aim odd ivrai ahiti ec6kiniu board of directors oiinmti t a uaiihay iroaldahl v lewrromwonl un i hmtoii cllttl itnilll a t wlntl a ii l- i toronto wm unison u i tuuntii i i csshler ii h htkrilkn al cashier ii m wathon hi spec tor aqengieb hamilton llsrton hi poat lul alllatnu irlln thasloy ooorntiuivuorlmaby i la town i fiuaktiow mil tat uouul forest or ti villa wen hog nil i orl hijln btuieoc toronto vlnulimi britioh corronpondonto itonhon national i roviuriahiai k fni iltil i ul i american gorraapondonta nmw yauk fourth national luh an i llanovar national hank iiobtom i nlsr nation i trthlco llurrano usrlnollsuk clin too national uenk uf illinois mil i nlon national itonk uataott detroit national hank uams cirv national ijsnk of commerce agonu in montreal tim liana of toronto qlilorotrrown agency notes discounted and sd bin aocurluna collections n ou eiioooessluli oraal llrttoln a ewiorabja terms mula an i trolls itounlit an i aold utile points in canada united htata n anil tlio con tluonluf hurope upon th newst home montly of n loonl charator an evorv itom tntoraatlnp neighb niiwa moufi itoma buppllad by corrtia- pondanta and exohafmon 7 ii line appoints fodortoor a a meeting of lliogttolph lrrtb tery in tialiuers ghiirnh cluolph taat weak mr iltalr who hail bcoii moderator for ttia pisl jnar wn incooodrd in oftica by itovr- j v luo of knox church voloti tlio roool ill idli appointing mr iteo at audi waa a unanimous aim fin accordingly occupied ilia imrair during tlio sou km having re turned thotika for iho honor conferred upon lilm mr haa wilt preside at thn urdina tion and iuduclidn anrvlcm of mr mokln ion o lbe- aienallan nuroh ticit turn da i h y tmrtlru pttriy 1 1m nung nxlo of rfnox church have nmlt ample provision for their garden part 1o lto4iuhuiext monday evenlitg a1 lairviow place tlio beautiful grounds of mro c h smith an attractive program haa been provided by thn oommiuw and will conaiat of muaia hy acton irnct yland ftlrra by iho itookttood aartvtlo cdtib and hcloliona by mr mcf arthy hockwood mln nqllla mel eod anil mr frank jlarbor of uooruatoim aiid miaa kirk wood of dramplon itofmhinonta will be iroviclcd an t a trokt ia in atoro for all who attend jan tzwnri nisi tneada qeoroetownj ac htreyt vr i a woek the council are carrying into elyool tlio tdna ihey ntertainod a low weoka ao that our at root croaaitijja are not am nwxl aa lomn in t if oil tlio aeorat orkmpinu plaiik atrial uru4nija in a pamiabla caoillllon without impairinu hfo to podoatnana haa not beou divultod to ua voatarday morunik work waa oommonced on did croaiig at lh oornor of main and willow htreela whom tho old plank ia hoinit aubatitutod by hay atone two only to unnif plaood lu at proaonl but it thoy oommuud ibemaolvaa to the favor of i ho oaticil other oroaainit will bo aupplanted by the ha4aun0 aubmuently a tnrmrr kemutrnt of acton harriot we lip the following from thn mint muh diljotj- of thai tli mat u j kfaniiudy who haa horn in charge of the a rmil ron h tcol tear w orka l hi paat year wna married a week afo to day at winnipeg manitoba to mini jennie i ketined tliay iibao retuvied to mini an i out liouwikocpiuh at ti omnd tra verixi atrovt mr kennedy haa made many frienda lierr who will wiah ihani all happincaa in life tlic it j kuuiiody ro for rod to ia a aun of mr kennedy of luulph and waa at ixie time a real dan i of aoion hia numcroaa friooda bora extend tht niflrtnuhijti- nwx iyt riltrti ttlll ho run to ilia lloaoli lay by iho hundny hohoou of the iruhylarlan ilantlit mrthndlat and cohflitjalliinal hurnhca a apodal ttalrt will jeavo horn at i b clock and rnlurnhiff wih laavo i he boach at 7 ho i he fare will ba 10c for aitilli and 10c for oliildron on our civic holiday uio a v u will have an oioura no lo niagara- 1 alia tkoao who remain at home will witncai a laoroaao and hate liall maloh hav ci perrin hi csntmplallii a few wooka trip next mnntli a hlldrfmn horvioe will im held lu he haptiat churoh unit kiluday vi f the i tali mud in no urn pan y are da payind their talunt in town j our baaaball mjm will have a bout at milton on hatnrday i ail kalurday llioy wora to have played at oakvillo but oau celled thn anitaainalit and played on the park horn with llamiltou who were de foatod by four runa i lie onore waa it lo 47 in favor of joorfiotown a cbampinntlllp laoroaao match waa playod luiro on tuoaday liotwoou the i xcalaior of 11 to nip ton and tlio aolimn uf llila plaon rbaullinit in a violorj for tho tiamn trum try fnnr mrnmiun join i i comingnd going vlaltara to and from acton and varlouaothsr poraonal notaa tlio pubh i iiitaa invlla all lu raadara to en rlniiu tothla ooluiuii if iou or ynur frlanita ra ttoinr away no a ballilav ulft or ii roii hava frtnmla rlalttnu you iroji a cant n the viikt maaterjamo hmth ia viaitlmi frienda j n prnauin mm sullivan ul pelerboro ia viailin aoton frlnndi v mr wm xnph ii of 1 nllur haa movnj into town ar i hpoixht apaiil a raw day with frienda al lanainh mr iuthcr i mm nf toronto la vlait itik friend in town mr aaa iuii h iltintf hi- aon tinlan al ieuelaukuiaheiiv mrr michael hprhh of markham ih vlailiiiii friooda in town mr jamoa ulovor of lrln vial tad friend in town laat week mtaaj smith ia anoint inn fw week a ith frienda in diantford mr johu itlnjj toaohar ia awudili hla vacation at hla old home hare mia mbby howler of carholmr la viaitiii at the homo of mr lainn mfnmn rttint a k finrnag arurr toronto inoubtnial fain an unlinikni rnnonl fif auoooaaea in tha pt u thn tii ahmlua niiartfuuafhai tho toronto imluatrial thibition of 1h03 which open a on ilia vnd of keplamtwr will bo a display of anrivallwl nllnotivanaaa many improvement in lha lnildinca and qrontida hava boon mad lo furkhnr hi crwuretiiodca of exhibitor a an i iho public and with the return 1 an era nf prosperity lha aillarpriaa nfhn matiarntnant will j doubtloaa ho rewarded by a thorough appreciation ol the induberricntr offered tlio volunib or exhlblia lhta will ba larter and mora diversified than aver biort amahaprcial allraullnua of a brill ant and excitin character will ba present ad iuolndiuw tho novel military aneotacla tha it lief of inaknow with trnonuu jr ion 11 ccoaaoriib and pyrptrchuiocffecia orh acaln nf urbiideur and variety hithalu nnaqoajlel the system of cho railway fare and apeoial exentaiona from far and near enabfea all lo visit tfio tair l trifling ooatanj evoryoue should take advanlaita of tha opportunity as it ambojiea all that la beat worth eoaiuu and knowinr in mec hanjcal jirorraa and aoienliflc invention all an tries aloee on tha 10th of augae r395 killed by a train urns hi onl july accident occurred hero today terrible ltobatl tvt illlio lllclduil lo clll- tiiiuu our irent pont nml hull 8nle nil thm ook tlio snlo illlh llfjuii mi initllotlhu rtltclhh onlom htuiallj poiiriuif ti on tin what uondor 81 nnd 7 iroue- urn lor 9 1 tlio rnngo of pnt- tonim no hail to buy to umililtyih lo hull thorn nt thm pucu uh vory large iiih ttiu hukfi thin week ih itnmoiiho 1500 lor ordirod suiu ol lovely tweda worth 20 00 mude itp in excellent htjli nil thiok henderson si co acton ont gr6ht su7vy7er sale i ah idvcrtisld last week hi iihi mauvjiirittil 1 great clearing salb of summer goods i ht bargains arc most emphatic uul 1 visit to our more will cqnvincc ou that it is from us that ou should rurchasc your dry goods booth and stws lite wc will only state i few of the snaps w ire offering in this issue but from week to week wc will commliiu othci tremendous cuts best 12jc prints in boui light and dark colors and i ist ciioru onl r buviunb uopiirujiuui tenoaila mbijwxif l and uiimonla rncalvnd and interaat allowod troui data nf loiwult to ilmio uf wluntrawal hi kc1al dpiohith lt r- hi n u iimsnhtosf aoef 1 ohewsonb cornerb 276 will buy a watch at geo hnda stem wind utein aett drm pfoof oaac iaery one warranted call in nd see ham ol hnld ul nl w i ini h in bide combs lack ombs fancy hair fit ai etc etc uoadijuarlciafor hoticra kuivca spoona and forks qeo hynds aoton ont 4jk tllktl st til qllje cton tce 3rrss x tilurbuay jl i little local brieflets which caunht tho eya or eari of krbovraii raportari inn woysu council meattuq an mouda m dread la atfain selling al four oeota a amall loaf in clinton potaluoa hav bean ou the markal for over a week tho voter dac for ibo milage of ac ton ia lu tha bauds of the priutart who are al work op it to neglect to advorliae la hko resolving traval hy atcoui ur cuinmuuioalo by telcuraph uuiih iho mouth of juno the lialt aud 1 restou llectria itailway carried 1j 000 pasaedfiera the raspberry crop has been much ini proved by the quo abowera and is uroviuk m fair jiold altbr all tho heavers of loroulo will play tha clipper of acton on lha park here on saturday august 3rd too lippara of acton will ro to bl ann a 00 saturday of lorn oo a to play base ball with tba club of that plaoe abont a dozen of our local aporta wit nr nil tho base bajl match ar jolt on batarday between call and ouelph tba otter day a girl at lotrolia in irytnn to change the color of her eya lashes with dye oocastoned the iobs of both eyea it it expected thai a petition will be presented by the rale payers lo the council ou monday night to have the civlo holiday about tba middle of annual mr jaroea wilson of hdeu mills bad a naif struck by hghtuink during a ihuoder btorm laat week it waagraxink lu a field back of tho barn when a truck lbs calf w4 worth from 915 to tx the poet office aud a lore of l w wlaaler salem ware agaiu burglarised monday night and about two dollar a wortfc of stamps and a faw pairs of drawars taken there is no oluc to the burglars jcjaite a uumber attended ibe cbam plooahlp lqcroaae match alueorgelowu ou tuesday afternoon tbe home team de foaled the uramptou r xoalsiors by four atraight iu about fifty minutes the juuior base ball teaut from itock wood played tho juuiors uf aoiuo at the park on saturday ailernoou lbe viaillug club wo defeated by li ruus the score alood 17 to j iu favor of iho home loam aud one innings to spore tba bona of soollaud of aoton ore pre pari tig for a grand demonstration here on thursday august blh thoy aie daavoriug to secure tha 11 ighli from llamiltou and will have puacs for dan clog in addition to providing a good programme uf ulhor general amuacojouta mr walloon laaby katjuoaiiuc la building ou addition to bis barn lha raising took plaoa laal wednesday after uoon and lu the oyeumg a great many young people oaaombled who indulged in all kinds of amuaamenls some iu trippiug the light fan to ill until tbe wee hours of the morning m i our regular oorrespoudauce front llur llngton failed to present on appearance last week but a loiter ou monday mc ruing from it n barker 1 o inspector toroulo explained tba reasou during the burglary nf hurling ton pool office lost weak oil toe moil mailer was ransacked aud jettars opened and the uurlingtou budget 10 the knot 1axob unfortunately fall into the marauders hands too a i though many of tbe candidates writiug at lbe 1 ulrancw and iubho school leaving ksauiioatiuiia ol george tow u have learned by card their auudlug tha returns have not jl beou roll fled by the education department however out of vi who- wroto ou tha lulraiioa bj hava psaaad and eight am recommended al the i ublla school leaving out of ton two passed and ate got enuoooe a lauding mve from aatou pamad and two were rcoommeuded tba act jon for damage against tba township council for injuries sustained by one fllaok baa ooat the towuehip 1750 ih the corlplalnaot lu the oaee waa very badly injured in fact it ia aialed l hot idooble tbla amount would faordly repali while ahingling on the now wrn of hob u b nosaofjowoyamr ilobarl crippa of this place mot with an accident which nearly proved folol ho was on the roof of the ham on tuesday morning ifith iaes when a rain storm came on and he a tor ted to gu down to tho ladder wheu hia foot ahpped and ha roll to ihi ground a distance of about twcnty ate feet he waa badly shaken up ami the banes of hla lego were driven togcllior at the kuoea he ia progressing favorably but it will be some timo before ha is around again mr b wouciui had a valuable oow killed ou the railroad on sunday morning by the hicogo r xprcas die road on the west altlo of the railrrod haa beou widened sill graveled and a new culvert put in utor thn creek makiug a ith frienda in qjeuwllliama miaa mluhie nelson ia upending a iticremuing their uumtaemn fmcultir w ii storey a sou are llndiug the prcaobt glova factory to be inadequate for tha proper execution and expedition of tliair increasing business and are iirrpsriug to erect a two storey brick building at tho rear of i tie gluve factory for a packing liouae ou 1 on engine room the latter to ba fitted up with a uew online the flou and grist mill of choyna liroa which has been in ooration a little leaa than a oar tt recalling auab general ami generous st ronage that the present facilities fur lurn weeks ol her brother a home in oaliowo mieemay wtlter otlhtladonia isriaiting at the home of her unola ltav it ii cook master kreidie drjden of ilockwood visited hia grandparents here on monday mr and mm p kolly of buffalo ronnwod aripiainlancob in town last week masters fennel and arthur smyth are visiting relative at south itivar maakoka miaa hio mcjuen uf j lock wood visited at tha methodist parsonage last weak mr j i wordcn haa gone to ouelph where he ia now lu lha employ of j coon barber mrr i magoe and miaa i ixxio of hock wood are visiting ot iho home of mr a t improvi lie iod moasra it niuhn tho id a mclawh hd inith mirso the method i ly tickets wcr t hurcti mi sunday i auariarly meeting will b hoi 1 iu it ck od tho ilrst sunday in august mr i h m or son who has been ampl tyad by mr job itamshaw as blaaksmilh fur uw pae two wt in lqwville on sail misb mlietowik visiting frienda in i messrs 11 and frienda in sslmotin sunday a ree i end of terra ola la ina neighborhood 1- tofvnaoud vlalled villa oty saturday and snd mia i itl lug ut work is nd and to mm il ul to t ll band i councillor claimed and olairo aiill thai t waa 10 fault of the council that tbe accldeut happoued and so they fought tbe case oonaolentioaaly lu their ouuatltuanta babajf tbe uufoatnuate feature of lbe caaa ia that block will gel lltue if any of the amount named oo aooount of law bring o axpaaatva a uxury ooorgetown crcoino thin thoy am hawng a aeoond chopor fitted up thai may ba operated by either a team or by water power ncwrn of the lburchcm iu knox church on sabbath aioruiug ltav mi roe treated bis congregation lo a tompermnoo sermon ha based his re marks ou iaviticua ioth oliailer first and second veraes lu bis usual fluent and forcible mouuar lha pastor oarneslly autraated all to carefully oouaidor lha fatal result attending lha intemperance evil physically morally aud spiritually cry interesting discourse ware given in the methodist church on sunday morning and evening by itev mr howell ilia subject waa lroyor ond hia text waa lakon from james 1 t va ask and receive not because ya onk amiaa tha tenor of tho pastor a remarks were defining tho reasons ao many prayers wore never answered io tnsluoerity of lha petitioner and bolnabnaai the regular imartorly service will be oonducoad by the pastor in iho methodist huroh on sabbath auguat 4 th udate seidcr trmamferrets lo waatworth ii will be cause for general regret by tba people of title county that oolto qaorgs suidor judge of tha county court of holloa is lo ba removed from tbla dialrtcl to went worth while we ore pleaead to learu that ha haa been gazetted a senior judge of the judicial diatrict of went worth to which position we believe him lo be uuoliflod still his removal from haltou is much regretted duriug the short time ha has acted in the capacity of judge here ho has won tha admiraliou aud reepeat of alt classes of people lie is a inia of great lutegnty and worth and waa keenly son a i bis la tbe important tribuual mission b waa performing uia duties ha fulfilled fearlessly aud bouorably regard leas of rank or station of either oomplajuaut or defend out ho hai proved himself an able judge aud la well doaerving uf tho appoint mout mode hia headquarters will be hamilton john m hamilton now junior judge ul thunder bay district with headij uerlera ol 1 art arthur haa been transferred to llaltoo county judgeship reudored vacant by mr suidor s removal to oprflr m fimh ilmtcherf a new enterprise has raoeivad mrlau txirfatd oration al the handa of juinn hirst brook who is about lo operate a flab hotuh cry ou tho farm of alox w right coucee aiou a 1 bfueaiog about a mtla from aoton the usb culture ia uol very exteuaively ojie rated lu thia oouulry owing to tbe pro liooooy of our elreame however lollarly lhaa has been a great falling oil lu the oatcli uf qsb aoiuo uf tha stream a bo oo in mg almost daplate uf our mhoh pru cd trout mr klrstbrook will go into tbe culture uf bpswu and fry for the market the demands for which are it creasing aud iu tho course of a faw years will have a hsh reserve for tha use of lha public he lias four ur flva man already at work on mr wright a farm preparing for the hatch or ins ha will liavs three pond tbe first will he built juita near tba head of tha stream aud will ooulain lbe spawn lha eeound will contain fry and the third will be supplied from tbe fry poud yearly mr firsthrook haa vlaitad m number of hatch oriee fur tha par pose ot gaining tha fullest lu formation regarding tbe business nd feels coufldout of the plausibility of the undertaking lio br coll logwood i aatou lo oil logwood and return jily fl 16 oood far two days saq advl if you want first class juolphaosh nd- d a t ibosrban fill your order at hit placing mill formers wanting hardy native block to plaiil this cwtuiug fall or spring may pay fur it lu work we want men with or without experience on lull ar part time salary and expense or oom miaa ion write at anoa for further information boon t biiutiiihn cuhi tut caatlndutal muraeriee toronto out spent sunday with frien la iu dew go town rockwood our junior bxse ball enthualaain i at brudb with the juniura or acton ou kit if day afternoon bu were defenlnd the in ten i i urea lor will allei i hi body the am ul ohunlt parade u lahn place on sun lay aukuii lib to the t iho lie giiii rob ltav j koatlr n icavli u the lrew cli cull waa presented with a llatleriug ad drees accompanied by a beautiful onto graph cjuilt a silver berry dih with attachments fur cream an i sugar and a silver suttor bowl the it t of t picnicked on mr luiloy lawn on luaeday afternoon we are pleased to report the fool that mr jamas b black formerly of i took wood now commercial mastar in chatham high school has suoceoofullv passed hla com meroiol examination at toronto there were four others who wrote wuh mr blook bol ho was tho only one wli ob loaned a certificate mr black is at proa ant renewing sea main taiiles lu tbla vicinity during bis vaoolion miss aggie dredgu is visiting friooda in blrnlaville mr w walsh has gouo lu detroit wlire he baa secured employment misaas sara aud mary black of toronto are visiting at the homo of mr hugh black miaeee t lee aud b mogen are a pond log a few weeks at tlnrlinglou mra c mccarthy will assist in the pro gramma of tho y i 8 c lawn socio at aoton on mobday night mrs dryden is aoooinpauial a vary heavy talu fell uu saturday lo this section doing au inoloulablo amouut of good it is the only rain we have hod ibis season which would go for enough into the ground to roach the potatoes mr j it horns is making docidmi mi provatnaiits on uur aidawalks hare milton wat r uaaud i ihol maddook re waiting mr 1 msddock woek ill frnrnd mrs lloa uf t lad ii- who has been isiting her daughter mrs ltav c odd en luring ilia past weak raturuel homo on widlcsday masters j enrte b id he b r ok of iueih are miidluu onto uf tlieir tioli days in town lr wik ihon si endrd iii e masonic tiraud ixidur v llllh c iimuei ued atlorauto last w as a dolata a from iv ikar iioilge a 1- a a m ashorove mis- i line onl son is pp ti ight iu hisrboro mei w mitchell and w txchonxthl jmlpii sun uf ha mr had t at ranged to take x1 i day 1 ri r to the loparti dow a social hss b plane ti mi rn w ovauing in hid sell ul room uf knm hurth a good irograinma in provided oud refrtishmetila will ba oarvod i be funeral uf lha infant child uf ur and mrs rushy t uk plaoo in watlnaaday afternoon lo tha now oumolary i ha aym llhy of the people it fi tended to die he rooved parents mr arluor hoa ruliuiul l i t muoh improved in health afar a brief but s ute iiidbbi amlln wlllmoll j 1 ptaaod aaoafully away ou wednesday evening tits 17lh lust al the advanced age uf ni year on the salur day praviutia lha dooeasod wai uulaida and caught ould whiah di vol pod lo pneumonia and lent mated in his instil 1 he familiar figure uf mr willmoll will be greatly missed as lie has been one of the oldest residents of una uelghb rhood hovuig hvod uu i tie farm until unable lo work whou ha removed lu town fu politics lis waa a staunch llefurmor he wai a pruiniuaul member of the malhodlsl l h ircli aud lived a h nation lifo lha fuuaral which look plaoe uu friday from hi late root donoo waa largely aluntdad john 1 t tlujuoy waa soiitenood by judge siudir to ibcee m lathi in jail lost week for striking ton a table vfm sargent of u route with a atone whou iho loiter was performing duty our bejm ball team woul to ampbellvilla on saturday o play a league game with the club of that place and ware defeat oil by one run lhosakre waa v to 17 lu favor uf 4 aiiipuallvtlle charlea lorlor while moving grain from bis barn with a team laal week foil lu a peetaaa iu frowt of tbe waejon wheels with bin back i nrards thorn thoy paaeed over hia doubledbody break ing hia aptne thus jioralysmjj tba inwer part or his body vra re always glad to flavor lilend drop liito the olhoe iu paaaiug with a nawa item of interest coma ia and see as apaoially wban you have anything to tall a worthy ot puutcaliuu whoelcd frmi htrcetsvillu ou rim jay snd ajirul the da hero mr onl mrs n f 1 ijm otot ient sunday at tha latter a ta rental homo mr a wall of flmbank vi ailed friends hero during lha weak mr and mrs lliohard howon uf lees water are viaiting relative and reuewlug old ocjuointonoea in the neighborhood mr herb trimble of ml toroel paid a all art visit to friends hare laal weak after a two dsya illness mr henry huffman p saved away uu saturday morn lug lujuriae reoaived from a oolt ware tha immediate cauae of death although ho had been falling iu health for soma time huffman waa 71 years of age a latal joke july ht an italian i jj l mr havana a farmer waa afraid of gboal bud frank ltugera another young man also employed on lbe farm knew it ltogors left the hay field and wrapped a sheet around himself then returned to the field where he had left lbe italian working and sprang suddenly up in front of tha man tba italian woe f lightened but ba had enough nerve left to jab bis pitchfork into itogcrs eyes inflicting wounds that causod death nothing has beau dona with lha ilahsu uattnlah milk collector tor foreman aud cos chouse factory had delivered hia isal can on hia homeward route and wsb returning home along ontario s wjwtr he- nmchod thn railway croeaiug tha noon train waa coming dawn ilia track a youth waved hia hand to 11 sicilian who pullod up but hia horeo ba come fidgety and just before lha train daahod paat alarted across lha rail the engine missed the horse whnli ooaoped courtly hut caught iho wagon midway carrying ii down tha track fifty jarda heru it struck the switch mat smashing ibe wojon to atoms and throwing bate man hixty foal tha ioor man was taken to the hospital on examination it was round ttiol hia leg was broken in two pi ores and bu head and arm badly cut he died at four u lock thia afternoon hat ing never regained oomr ions new bank directors arrestfcl 1950 tor tho tnoht hcitutilul knghrih worslodft und bergea- worth 2 fo 28 nil his hi j hi a ntld judge uuroy laeuod warranto lu day fur the arrest of sir itobort thorborue the ifuu a w uarvey w b orievea and w donnelly directors of the i uion bank snd c ilueenl man atfer i ho iruxlee nr the bank messrs uordun and tillard charge them with a two and a half i lllllon l un si juiim ntld july ia culuuial bw rlary bond ho returned on the steamer orrum from h nglond where ba uegoliotod a loan of l- ww 000 to save the colony fruin bankruptcy he foiled however to ublalu a separata loau fur lha saviuga bank uu advaulageuus terms owing to tha english bankers contending thai tha wbiteway government broke follh with itinm iu the entrenchment scheme the whileway auftuurlafs in tbla oily are pre trng a domoostrotiou in mr n bund a honor to take plaoo to morrow uighl sao drowning accidtnl tl hiv i out july ti a j accident occurred iu hamilton bay luis of ur noon dr magee of toronto univer ally woa visiting mr 1 arka also uf lurontu university and lhay weut out tor a soil oocouuiaulod by mr forks younger brother whou about a mile front tho braut lluueo i boy all went lu fur a swim wheu about fifty yarda from the boat mom do oallod for help oud od forks going to ins assistance they uoth ink under the water aud finally got separated forks ohd his brother got aabore hut the former faiuled from osbaualiou on the alarm being given several went in boats lu try aud recover the body but uighl set in and it hod to be abondoued frof mcooa was a most promising member uf tbe university staff aid resided with hla mother uu sussex b venue i orouto the british elections 1 lie lido ooulelus lo flow luto the haujs ul the union i la and ute lborola ore fat looolng thalr eaaia ltlder hogyad the noveltsl ho bean defeated oud sir wtl ham vsrnou uorouart who waa raoaotly defeated at darby hoe been returned fur weal monmouth he nailed lbe tamper anoo plank lo his platform but his major lly woa 13 loos thou received isal year 1 ho grand total uf elector upou tha present register uf tbe farliamaulary con ell i nancies of the united kingdom ootiuod to vote in tbe praaeol general alec tion a is 0 j33 131 distributed as follows england aud wale idourtoo scotland 03b w7 ireland 7hfififla the 070 member uf lha houoe of com mooa ore thua olio ted ijmland too walrsflu sootiood ti ireland 10j the returns up to tuesday ulgbl gave the standing of the various parlies of tbe house of commooe aa follow coueer valivjm 30v iuiouiau u liberals itj mccarthy lies oti earnallilaa u tbe coueervoltvee thus far show pel gain of j i i j abau i iwatn f p imn illd ihut on the affairs uf tha batik thoraby inducing tbom and olhara tn become ou lomcra creditor aud nharehnldttr where hy they were defrauded uf largo auma of money bail wai accepted iu two lurnlioa of iimoxm each aud each director uf ill 000 a prolog i mu a a lion haa beeu awakeued our ourtmon and morksmen ore koep lug the name uf an ad a to lha fore the honour of havteg the beet shot the beat ill era oud tho best ollileles kenerolly j no we prlxe highly on its owti ocoouul but we ore o wide awoke poople ond hava an eya to buaiiiuss as well as a heart fur i port i he men who wiu us this honour command canada 1 here la no other fame shines so brightly as thai uf the auooeuaful athlete xoaeiuautly i here is nothing that can render tie iter service by woy of advertising iho country iu by kan days 1 iward hanlao turned all eye on canada all encouragement should be giveu lu our yuuug tnaa to go out and try tbeii strength and skill in inter imperial oud intern tloital contest mr b wo ik ma 1 dosing 11 li misfortune lo loee o valuable least ou sunday about flfteeu head of cot lio gut out of tbe pasinra field unto the raihoad trock whan a paaaiug train struck oat or ihani tha auimal had to be killed not much money do wo niuki on un on order hut tho itnineie imimi- notih rehponding to imh oflt i imiklh tht huil hiii l nt hi lory l uu it tin old atoij ot the iimhh hlvjlttllt 5te made kxcuhsjon monday july 29th 1895 kara front acton only el 13 tleliru good la rsturu by anv regular trail uil uia 30ui ttsin leave acloa al f 13 a ui arrtvliift- lu collltifwdud at 11 3u o iu returuluk leaves ollltiifwood al 130 in t uildrpu ball fare kacuraioiilau will lie oiilortalnad willi mualr i y uie celebrated waterloo musical bouloly band wi let bas uwbii sugotd u uocaal 1 ho i leu ii 1 taainor i ity coiiiiikwwio acilv ifiool baa been cborterod lu niokn a aiwclal tai of two throe bourn n loutklau ii y tor wbleb tlia auioll auu ul twanty wo rwnla will b rbarswl faour i iiiuu will and uila a uiuel dollgtauul trl oud llioy will tlud lbe ork a ineulilul aol wbare rfinr an bicoiibui iscllluoa fur ixial lull aud batblill hot ud told hal r nallri new goods opened up this week mik m r i kl iatlsaud kelt lniwl lumlii i cm riurs mlmll splclin mutli aiiiiilkn iriule aruolir if i sf5h srl t i bhthinc h poses i i ii 1 i iui ill j v iu ikk1ih1 acton ws ail shop at waters bros cuelpi lmporlrra mouufaclurera oud dealers iu trvorks of art frk7res 7utovjudincs cornic6 pol6s iflorll php6rs artists mstorlals and fancy goods no 1 rouble to show tiuuda liaru our frioe 1m iu uu hiii ho itlltw 1 al iii l tl pill trl ult iilnuidly luw i hi lining tnii iningh it ul mul i up i tt nir ttr bent and jubi hh jooil n tliollult iu puid tin do iblt tfie pruo uin i thin ok u nil haw much iiiuiny on join hilhliij buying mondn i ilj 6i id wynlba i at l uujclph omt dr6ss coods nvrrjsnjn ri mcln all wool screes splendid cloths and good sludc for 20c a ime of iaiieydresn gooda wer a for hc a iinc of 4 j in strcs in ood sh idts worth 15c for ni a 11 rgt pile of remnants of 111 lek henriettas and i ipuretl goods and plain ind fatlcj clilored goods at almost half price a pile 0 single dress patterns some it ioik foi oje somi at 7y for oe good full shades md lashlon ihle goodh cottons im i u 11 1 ll 1vl llv lilcltl sim l u 1 ulil i til ui iltcrn them atntss thin old pru li hl frc cottons for l jc re cottons foi fiji iik irt cottons ft 1 ht duublu 1 old jil sliclti it 11 1 11 lilidchid 101 j wt 1 li s lull nf hciiisiuti bast ltln k ot on hose lot in mil 1 1 in i 1 riminld stoi k md sh tjus i lowt i l hlllllts i ii tt less tli in 1 os l i 00k out for 1 li r 1 1 1 e r xniinuikcn t ut henderson fc co creat i fgsjbjnadtoortaaau nsarii im p bad o pale on eon ertn and uan- aa hy using rsajnr dvts 7ainkiuev ur ncif kiib ssfjhf awli f rjllrmsl or inipn lmiaa a iraaimoarul in half at f seasonable goods 7vullilnr5ry 1 h 1 ki c millu iy vucutiou tunc it fit hand and n 1 i tho l implotciiuba ot jour outfit it ou are preparing tor a holiduy tut lure nun ttiib week on wo huve hiudt reductions right through our miilin special inuiiteniciitm wo will otfer you for a time tho following ah trimmod mllfttier at halt prici doubiy ng tu all atntw shapch ut 2ic all leghorn i lata at butt pru a line ot fancy cjauzeh worth much more moiiu hid l lo u camping blkijiers mtinit arrival ot now goodp one ttould think thin tb- begu i djd uf i ut whou btimnc8n inchuem to be dull c enlarge the porhttbilitii ot u i 03 ltttltiig 1 w gooda to at ti ut uttmctive pricen ainoug theae u coiikigninont ot oltoti ulunkcti j int icccivcd uoiiinew york tulla tor tho apoual utteutiou ot cimipem fhthu uic in two quahtlea klioluit liluiikeltt uf moc tvhitu with tuuey colored border and wul 1oiot at tu light trc ith lain bin and white border at lhee pricutt they will last but a tc dan ladies blouseta hi l wi ju hbirt waitiu ut jiom 1 il i a iicn mu ll 1 biouioh ul from 7 c to jl mi h t otuu wrupjitm atjiiut 1 11 q b ryan go otiol fltthe right house 1 olta acting a largi i umbel severs i other hues lu ukt noble kuikii belu ml rapidlv hi rice named 1 hi ho aoloe uf linen uooda labia llaqi ut it uldbl mmek lr l 111 no hai r n uraird at much reduced prioea i hia week we out homo of iho follow lull will be euro to tutor eel you staple rjbpabtmbnt lha wash iltw cloudy sr ul ueui ducks friula ato still being large tbe post week wltuoeeed large solo uf linen uuods labia daiitoak low ling turkioh towels uucka shoo lings sli 1 he prudeul huusewlfe roouguioe ihol lb i is lb time u sovs uionoy by laying iu o supply uf tbeee foods lo woollen dree clood we are allowing a full range of boaaido kurgoe ut uavy aud black also s full oaaorlmoul of the ihiesti y slack ureae uoods just uiieuud line week a few aluglo pattern drosses u tared at a great reduction weavlug cottou all colors reduced to f 1 iu par huudla hi ike suilotlo for bloueee and drees es at oala price moons a largo saving to tho buyer 1 loiu co luted lopaucea bilk lui wi per yard stripes and fondee from ia upwardo thia week wa will also uole apeclol offerings in ladles i udrrwear nihl hobo funuar price tj ttu reduced to ii 7 1 0 la tl w fl ht to l j5 ladiaa drawers iouadala ambric trimmed rorobou laoa formerly il wl roduoed ut tl nl night draes caoea reduced from boo to ftoo 1100 10 000 now skirls oieued lo day for vic ma loo up to i hi very haudsmi a also apaaadtoday two caaea of tbe celebrated 1 n goreele making our slock oomplctwiu all numbers and sloes a bu minor corset made of not apeoiolly deelgood for warm weather itaoplfl tixohtfr w holding rather too urge a atoak uf lhoo ooda ouuseijuoutly tbey uimo inlu lbe lm ul iteduced iltlcku goods it i oak guipure roduoed from 1 63 to tta fl ia lo 71a hoo to ttc 7o to40c n to jv si a large variety of cream wbilsyjaud lio tier colored cottou 1 acee edges and insertions at special prioos 11 a iftro nat reduicd from do to 06c 1 millinisry and mantle rooms- straw hot reduced from ii 00 to 25c ii j6 lo ah h were redu cd from loo to loo 40o lo ho all our trimmed millinery greatly roduoed many hue at uses than half i rice now eoaoon b m tiiu chip ilau latest slyls at 60c ballnr hiu direct this weak from new york tbe now avon llal being among tha i lest prodootiona of that faahion oantra ajao new while wing flowers ato a large variety of t blldreu a wash muslin ii la and bonnet ato in our mantle d part men all tbe jackets aud cape uf thia aaaaone importation ore being offered at gilolly redoood prioaa wa might men tion a special line that wa are a fieri ug at ti 00 each ltlouao and shirtwaists of which wa bold a groat variety ore aloo ooming to tba ro pxioa ttoaom fro wiudow f oom p ladle biuxt tliaill ii n and s6c men s furnldinnqslloboys wbar16 doaeno moo s ties regular price 31o roduoed to 16c 10 doowa man a tie formerly 5 radaoadto io man a sltiru wbiu body oud ootorod froul regular price 11 16 rdduood to wao uto to 76o boy i bloaaaa at araanal o j twaatorn j mjd and jtoys uothlpg huits oud ti asctol pric t boya sweak fcsr girla will be foaud in j mflua nrtu alao v una of bathing suite out labia foo- gfrla will be fouudv in tbla dapartmaot tho neoeeoltie of our large trade domond that wa ahould always have our stock wajl a boot ted and thia weak wa puoe in a took the ooutenu of so paokagoa consisting in cos laliowa drees goods kauov bujta dimllio keathara torooola flower- straw hals bilk the lrw liniuge iaee shirt h roou linen collara hot pitta blooaa and bait wns table oilcloth towelilbga lowela lo nodal white cotton bat ladiaa and miaow coreerte making our atoak thoroughly assorted kail order department for the benant of tboae aot living in the city wa eeud aompies lu any odd res n uu arnlloatlod and will prepay ohargee to your naarosl railway station iu ontario un all orders amounting to 00 and upwards satisfaction guaranteed the iuout houhh king at coot oornor uugheuu at hamilton jalytrd iho r a f q vcatzbzi3sts

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