Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1895, p. 4

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r be luton m fjma i thuiibday juia 25 hw ffilje joun0 smita tri tiirrw n o llioafll tninilln boil whore i l what eennplil a i uk might uol ovl ul j tlin lory an 1 mm if that alunlbor of llilna mk a lonfl graeloua real in tho bosom dlvlm the iilni bomoly ooueh bidden close irain uid llfiht hut ulliulr drawn fruui 1u lildluu al ultllil o a nt ol ullitlil from ilia not lo ilia heed whuiiumr linir dear little ol i trundle bed urn old irundlo bod wlioro i wondorliih saw tfia alar through um window and llieiied will no tn tlie sigh of the winds bb hie trembling thronith tb re wlro o mwihu raeuaeali ale wiisotksi inrrov liinrmnromniiirtf tin and itn sat lid llauoaaly chimin attain til mjr fancies grew felnl and wars ilrowajlf led tllrouuti llio intra at llio ilroeiiia of tlia old trundle bed r 0 the old truuillo lxl t t ilia old trunrtlo be willi iu plum liltle illlow and old fashion hlm bhaola and the blsiikots above motes here afi there itoma or oonrnl iritoroit td trtio prm rsadorw tiimi tlml prhltiff it a oommon com plain i and il ia a dangerous symptom it memi that llio system in debilitated iwciuui of impnro blood and in thit condition ii la cancel ally liable lo ellaoks of d i ma to floods sarvapsrilla ia the remedy for this ooudl lion and alto for llial woakuou wblch prertiu at llio change of aeaarm climate or life hmootliod down an i lucked round wilh uio umlcllm of lovo tjio voloe o my mother m lull urn ui lai vt kb tlioolil fairy atarloa my iiioiiiorlos bai huh mi a llio llllioa hi at ulooui a or the head onco iowtl o or uy own hi llio old truiidla bed hood a imlla aul orally yet promptly and cmolonlly on llio bowel and liver j mi times current may wmr wrinkle in the faoa but not reaah llio heart coughs gold tiara tliroat a at inns lironohilfi and all lung tropbloa are quickly cored by ifagyari a pact oral dal aam hvery man la aa ood ma do turn and oftentimes a great deal worse krna kuril there aro mora llian ona aort of hortia ttoma korn ia planlcd in tile rround and the othat aorl jon i naod plant ion llioy grow ufte naturally pn moo a wa i don t need hoeing thia kind or korn baa two aorta ana grnllo or lender ilka until dill jonoa atapa on your fool wlion it ki boillrg mad and a wean llko oypr hunt ill rihrr il h lieadod and makoa a row all llio lima oancclally wtioit youibwiu aro oo i don l llko korui and uae llio axtrmotlns oindiciuc rultnm n tamleaa corn oxtraclor wbtoli romortw them paiu loaaly in twouly four houra whtln wo are horr lat ui tltmk oarm ally of iho faw brief ohaiiotm ramaipmu lo ua iboy grow fowor ovory hour man a lining mau when from oar work poiaibly aaaihted by an inhartted woaknea iho health faila and rcvat or modtoal iruatmonl mual bo rraortad lo than no other modioino can i o employed with iho aatne benvnial reill aa scolla hwulaion b vary man haa in hlmarlf a inititirnt of otldltooirod character happy la in- who aala the ulumbua lo hia own aoul aa iarmoloe a ogclablo illla oonlain myndrako and dandelion lhay aura i ivor and kidqoy mplainla wilh unerring certainly they alao oontain root a and ihn medioiit for mvor and kldtioy uttiiiilaiiit mr ict or aupur ottawa wrilen i taho grenl iloaaiirit in rocom mending lo ihn guniral pcili larmolttbn illla a a ouro for i ivor and kidney lam youtau unko ilainl i liatqdoalonil for ihn laat throe honcllt i ii4 oar it willi loading jihyn iana and have taken many malioinua wliuh wore reoun niciirlad to mo without rolfuf but afltr laklnii light or iaimilba 1ilii waaiinito lelieveii and now i fuel aj frm from the dheaae aa brforo i wai iroubled ihcro h fory ulllo inllueiicoa where llilre iu not great nympathy hotici wo are aol loiu lulluolinod mil ll by ihitan who are our urn lorn in stark 1 iwdcra paakagu of which coiilaino two preparatiuna one in a round wooden boi the oovor of which forma a moaauro for oue dam an imnimllatfl relief fur hick llcatlaolio and hlomach alao neu ralgia and all ktrida of arrtoim palnp aud another in aapaulia fnn to j uf aim la an qrillnary dow wrioh la on the duwala 1 ivor and ktuinaoli forming a never faillug mrcoltreulintnt fur all lldad andhuimaoh complaiuta llioy do not aa moat pilla and ao manullior modioinca do lune tlfeir tflocl or prodjico after constipation and mo tnco to taltd j i onnta a bna at all niodnil i o doalura reduced to a shadow 9nvod by strnwhorry uxtrtot lit sit i ui h- fooling ii uiy duty to give inkoliailod tefclimnuy for lnt dlrrril ivn rooeivoit in my family futm llio uan of dr owflor uatrayt of wild hlrawbtrry lot mn aay llial whilo wo rnuidnii at i dm 10k out in lillln da ul i tot had an altark of djbi nlury or dtuoilv 1 lu hy whiah alio waa roduccl lo a more aruvd w aud becanm ijiiito liclplomi 1 orlunalely my family phyaialmi advlaud thontoofur lowlcrn i alrnol uf wild htrawlerry aa lio nuithrr liud nor know uf any uiiiij imllnr for thin dnaiirul diaoaae and llirri fore t gavo it an impartial trial 1 am happy lo hay that loan limn aijiiartcr of a oottlo nauaau the ll w ol blood and dull to coaau an i lio dill i promptly reooverrd we aiwaya havi had 1 ilraul of hlrawborrv in lliehuum mnrii lo im ri dy tor eiiirru rt a romuio i in nlnldrnti in uliiintr from iho clfjcla ui iruiia iu i would jiial an aooti thtuk of loninu my ntht cn ad beiuf drprivnl of lr i uwlur a i alraot of wild iwlwrr una la a luallinnny ff thauka fur the untold btmollt mjaelf aad family liavo momviil from thin great remedy mih w ii ui ii ht david a out formerly of hamilton nunni nopon dova i mtv hay al unld loam in run in irinr in tlindaya when men and women lonli bettor aam of their botllna than i hoy uvt r huvn nn nvnry imy and trl foo wan iiiiighl in run uat aa iho american ohim la laiihl lo road and no far aa wo i an j him ii llio alatul tlnty llavn left itililud lluitiu llnrn wurii vry f w hollow oluwlul ailndli lotg d ihh among i lib irnkk v h i nralan lhy waa taught to hmiak llit mill run y lo and ahoot the bow iho i ugluli boy ih nnoliragid to run in fact al omo uf tho real 1 nulllntulin huiiuoii ifliyn of llilrin aud fnnru n yoara nf t likt loin drown and 1 ut l uilltby can invrr nil and omlll mllra or nan country in lin grtial hare an 1 hnuud runt 1 very iqy la luruod out iwiro a wook out of dimira and made to run anil fill lumaolf full of pun fr all air and annaliiilf ami gam more flriilith end llh ihali ally amouut of wmght pulhtrft or dumb bell wurk in alulfy g nmaaititna would give in in hto ihu rraull tho lugliah boya aa a wlioli urn a alruugnr act lhali w amen can tkb 1 vory i ngliali boy i to aomr m lout an tkthloui an 1 that la what atuorlcan boy a ahnilld iwi not twnauao foolbatl baaobal and ttin n in are lalnable in thcmaulvoh but tho h i they lu in irpiintnunnji ihiyr nuniw by j laying bull every day for houra in idnjijxin air by nxornianit km arma back nil i lg itlilailna iii throwing lialllujl rilll ninit and uluhug by lining to bed early and giving up all ua i habita in preparation or llio kmun a bnjr atoroa up troiitb vitiwli tte ctn iraw on t uumtnqu thai la why every lioy hiiouio oo analhlote 111 i nolevi ry btty jilajm roolball or boao ball llu may not bo hnavy or alroug enough ha imy tiuvur be ablo to aciuira inctdentaxi to ouk i great july salh will be the clearing oiour 50c and 75c lines of balbriggan underwear at the uniform price of o cents in our millinery department wi have lrrancd all our untrimmcd mats on tables and rajlwax time tabus att c ibim at 25 so nd 75c j- p williamson l co wyndham and macdorrnqtt- streets quelph grand trunt railway pi 7 m am uall ii nlw i aa 111 i j i 111 mill in 11 p ui fiolm w 1 i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 m ii ii ui s1i1 wolltnhlon mutual fire insurance comoany tftrnml t iuiiaii h in ennim tint allon- i wrl ii iv ii llo t or john i i uiaimii irnilnh j 11 iiamilion o rani to and marblo dealer quelph ont r- why he did not oo back ouo o tio imvellinii man oonnatd wlrti a leading philadelphia arooery houae reoaully told hla experience with a typical grooer lu a email village iu hie aouth wnatern aectlon of ieoniyltania it ia in treatiug in that it throwa a atratig light on ilia grocery trade aa il ia worked in the rural dialriata i got the place by at ago one morning aaid tlia aalaaman aud made my way to tho only grocery atore there ia in the plaoa i found tho proprietor aittirfp on a boi in froul of bla door he had a oaloo aud waa loaning back agalnal the building with a braom apliut in hia month 1 good morning i aald hello waa the reply want to do little bualneat aid oh 1 ifueas not bo repliud 1 upuny well atocked up how about oorranla i aald i ve got e qua a t bo that 1 ii pu i he who iialh mual of in art km moil uf borrow 111 trrl luiif heahr la found in thai lxccllent modicim wild lllchloa vntl liibumptlve hyrilp u kiiio an i dim i malic the enaihihly uf tin membrane of nio tliroal and air paiaagi h and i a tiovcroir remedy for all couth cold i in i 1 al u i i il i rat nt x ka ol norway swcili ilunni i uh uud pooloh crhnite tiul py nypectoral laiilil quttlt 2s ltnts uu i at a low price dont deed dodc aaid ibo grocer i bought a big bag o them back in ui and i got oonaiderable of ibem on hand yel i baked to aee them and be took mo into hia place and led me lo the carraota tboy were certainly a boly abow hncroal oj with dirt and dual and actually at leaal a ijaarlor of ibem looked to be do eeaaed fllefl they fully bore out the man a at a lenient of having been bought wi i can t beat the i aald aa i walked herbe whloh have apeciflo virtuea truly wonderful in their action on the bo we la mr k a oatmaroae hhakoapeare writes i oonaider iarmeloa b illla an caooliont remedy for diliooaneaa and ierangemeut of ibo live having uaed thorn myaelt for aomo timo there la no greater torturo ibao to bo oompelled lo remember in a u tor log j jya aud gioripua opportuuittea gono forever coroa cauae intolerable pain hullo way a corn cure remove the trouble try it and aee what an amonntof pain la aaved h tlml iiinimiiiirn wiili hirnaelf iu prt tale will itaru if nil thai tilt mullllildna oh wlnl u coii c will you iiowl tho warulnt 1 i ai perhapa uf the euro approai ii nl tbai more xomwrttitoraprommmprtm kt yw aoivoa if yon cbii afford for ihn aake of laving r to run tin risk aud do nothing for it wo know from experience that sluloh a ore will euro your cough it unvcr i alia buld bj j liumawill boar mux aa pan bronchllla olr tl haa i unit ninny wl u ikjbul to bo far advanii hi onii in timi riolf lovu in u l do rt- mn i hrlf f mil lugyarl i i rl llum t u i iu iima llr n lull in f ihu boal and ail i liroal lind i i terjum complaina of t mriimi y aud nnne of ha judgment iholhird pbm hid 1 lilo at a it la noted for w mil ailvqjtinouinnu if you want to buy or noil anything if yo i waul a situation a mchhanic a bual tioaa machinery lodgiiia if j on imn loat or found anything or if you wi nnf jvlinrr a illld artvtrtiiwi in the to imlf mint and roatl the advurtlm menu on the third page i f ttiat papei tho charge in 1 wu enm a word each in aertlou addroea pkf mini ioroolo at ouo ball the uthcr lialf uvr h byrup lot ii kit ii t how nope tbey re party duo bertia a id the proprietor while in the atore a country lunkhead who filled id lieu of a clerk waa a weeping urioutly away at tbe atore door without aprinkliug a drop of water on it and the open boxm of oakea thai atood on the abalf had a perfectly vial bla layer of dual and dirt oo them the crowning f aala re of thlo progree- uve eataijliahmont aaid the nlnmau waa tbe atora oat you aiwaya find one of tbess beaata in a country store ibii one waa aitting on the cbaaaa box aud ita tail bung over the aid i thought tbe appendage had a peculiar appeantnoa and in peaalng looked oloeer i found thai tha auimal a tail waa actually dripping with mulasaee it bad apparently been repoaiog in some luckleu dubtomer a kettle or hanging lb rough tha bongbole of tbe barrel it waa a groat atore reminding ma forcibly of ttnley aobor a or tom martin dale a but i didc t do my baaineaa and i m uol going back this is how they ri8b fhqandfu ft gtntlxmtm find palmotai soap excellent it cleanses tht scalp relieves the dryness and s0 pweni5 hjuk falling out i uaed or i on wriu nth willi ulwttl rwtult iil il i nil olluird who r j or ok 1 siok llaau bis caacj put up hww- a young woman recently found employ meut la a ijucenaware atore hbo iromed lately began a oourae of eludy lu ber leisure momenta upon glassware and china she then road aome reoeal works upon the appointments of ibe table and tn a ahorl time by applying herself to bor buaineaa became the rooel valued employee in a large atore lo a millinery eatabliahmeul tbe young woman who found lime tor reading a boflk or two on odors and their harmonious combination found ber own i aala jyeally improved aud her ability to phrase patrons much greater bbe waa aoou a favorite witti the employers aud customers the young woman who lu earn au booorabla living went iutu my lady a kilobeo and initoad of goasiping every evenlog found lime lo read a few ood bxika aud houae hold paiera waa aoou loo valuable a bouaakeeper to bo kept in a subordinate position in the kltcbeu hue knew bow a table ahould look for a formal dinner she knew what dishes were in aeaauu she knew bow to serve a meal in its proper oouraaa and mora than thai sha know aomo tiling about tbe food value of different dishes of oourae tbia sound a hknauuid fashiou ad uunday school book but the fact re mama that there is aiwaya room at the top and that no oaaaual amount of inlollbwnce la needod to reach the lop a fair average of good aeuae and a proper amount uf application will aecumpllah everything ifamahlmil age la all bead youth all heart age reaaooa youth feels age acta uuder the influenoe of diaappointmeot youth under tbe dominion of hope hurl dlaeaar itrllrtrd hi 3 uluuts dr agrjew a cure for the heart xiu perfect relief iu all oaaea of organic or hy rope that ic heart disease in 30 mmuten and speedily effects a cure it is a poor lea remedy for ialpitation hhorttieaa of drealb hmotherlug dpclla 1ain iu left side aad all symptoms of a diaaaod heart i dose oonviuoes hold by j kmina mi i 11 uilliauib iho uul maiialactuiur ol frultaakuld ami ex mayur of lhurold riton 1 auflorrd very acv croly from lotk an 1 nurvoua lieadaohoa and biliuuauoaa for ovor 1j yoara aud had irlod all advertised plila powdera and olhor madlclues but obuiued very litllo relief uulil about iwu yeata ago 1 began lo uso titark iowdora aud aiuco thou have bcou llko a different man un i nuw aoldom have a headaclk if 1 have any tnndeiicy that way htark a 1 owbera ivo immediate relief irico i c a hoi buxea for tl sold by all modicmo doalor oouo cramps cholera diarrhoea dysentery cholera morbus cholera infantum and all summe ctmplalpts and fin mm of tba buwaav- it la aafe and istubia icu chlldtou ot adulia for sal by all dealer mlii i bri 111 llnra ita i lapar oulllui r dnlty w m i lapul un cblldron or altillu unti ir 1 if you waul to buy or sell a harm ad verttae in tbe toroulo tfrey aatt that paper reaches 100 000 farmers homes very week and your advertiaemeut ahould meet tbe eye of eomeone who wants tn pur se advert a menu of this olaaa are in sorted in tho toronto wcrkly it att fur five cents a word each macrtiou or twenty cent a word for five inaeruana addroea tbe hail torouto canada he that ib unwilling lo roorlvo aa well an aivo haa loaruod but half uf frloiidahlp totally deaf mr h k oraodell 1 or i 1erry wrllos i ounlranled a aevero oold last winter which roan i tod fii my beoomiiik lotajly deaf lu oue oir and partially ao m the otber after trying varum relnediea and oonaultlng several dootora withoul obtaining any relief 1 waa odvibod to try dr thomas bolsalrio oil 1 wannod the uli aud poured a little uf it into my oar aud before one half the bultlu waa used my hear i uk waa oomplataly roalurod 1 bavo heard of other ouai of doaineaa brinx ourcil by this medicine wbeu will llio preach or a learn lo preaeb cbriat simply christ without human dog mas or difterauoca t laurrh iljkjrd u in iu an llimur l b blood i bitters uyspepsia bad bloob constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness bun 11 impuil lui lu burdock imllb in kl11 r lbom fn ll siu th 1 ivn nj uwil iho al cooling silkno wbeu our houses take fire the tin impulse is lo go kfisr a bucket of water aays dr cuyier are tha firal impulse is lo throw un more fuel nuw lbs best water bucket for arouaad tamper ia a resolute ailouoe wheuover an irritating aot ware done or an injury struck us wo ahould a rail y ewe our lips fur even ten mluutoa wa wuuld aave ourselves many a uarrel many a heart born many a mortlaoalion many a diagraoa to our religious protasaiuu bpscob ia oftsu exploaive and abatlerinr mienoo ia oooltng it cools ua off and ooola other people tub ptpls saved his lifp a most in i reel log a lory ia told uf ibe raoaot chltrai oampamn it ib of aui of bis life satvsd by bis dlbie tba alory banog vouobsd for dy captain u aot arlaoa of that reginmul it wm during lbs forcing of the uaakaud laas that tbe bordarsr fall bslug bit heavily la the cheat captalu uaofar lane rau lo htm aud openloh his ooal fouud thai hie bullet tbe impact of which had forced him to the ground waa buried in hi bible lbo volurqj bad bsau givsu to bltn by one of the nursing aisura lu lbs hospital al iiudi where bs had boon a luul oue short pud of the braatb tlirougli llio dlower supplied with each bottle uf aguewe catarrhal 1owder diffuaos tbia fowdor over the surfaoo of the tn passage iaiulsaa aud delightful to i uul if temper ukea rdiovsa t ualantly and perumuen oarsa catarrh hay fever colds hi eobbore throat toostlitis aad demfn 00 osots at j v kanuswina a great medicine codliver oil is useful beyond any praise it has ever won and yet few are willing or can take it in its natmia atute scott a ftmutoion of cod liver oh ib not offensive it t -al- mobt ia4flabler children like it it i codliver oil made more effectual and combined with the4iypopuosplhea ith btrungthening and flebh forming powera are largely lncreaaed don i rnaahl fa ecvrfit a faoifiaani f fttstt 4 bewhe dedmala oc aad 1 ympalliy after ii a all uier i ow itinuii wo love lh deiltial who tolla un that waa llio wnrat loottl bo over pillfrd 1 bora uomr i a i i imvor will bo uulversal panacea n on rntiirdy lor all ilia lo wiiiili lloah nrliolr iho voiy naluro ot many i uiallvta beiii nuuh lhal were the iorma of otber and differently aealod dlaraaoa niolod in tho ay atom of iho paliout what would rclitivu onu ill in turu wuuld aggravate tlte other we have how ever in ljohiino wine wheu ublalued iu a sound uuadulttrale i ataai a irmody lor mauy and kruvloua ilia hy ua gradual judlioua uau tho frailoal aysiciua are lod into coiivaluenoo and atrorlktli by llio influenoe wliujiluiiiluo jirta on naturu uwu rcalorallvoa ii rollevca the drutiplog aplrlts of those with whom a chronic stale of morbid doepondcuioy aud lack uf inter nat hi itfo h a dtbcbsti mud by tranrrultlx litg tha ucrvoh dibjioaoa to a mud aud re tfoatlliig akrp miliaria vigor lu llio anion bl the- i4ood a n ouursea ibcmiuhuul the voiua alreiillion iu ilia healthy aulnial unclluha of ilia b stani thereby makiiik autlvllys yocoaaary roeuil atrouuheuiuti tho frame au 1 klving lifo lu uie diioativwl hli ii ntur ally demand luuraatud kubalauou result luiproved appetilo northrop k i ymao of luruulo have lveu lu tbe publio ihoir illgiilliio wine at llio uaual fair and guaged ujr the pinion of holuntii tbia wine approach nrarrat pfirfuulioii o h y lu ihu inarkkt ah drugklala sell iu muiid ia tho lament of luvo or a rai to lite kodn a lll i ilu hi ii if thit wan only on luu a llagarda olluw lid n mainl ba 1 k uld klvo one hundrud d illara fur ii wrilta i lulip ii llrant f m mteill ma iloba aflrr liaviug used ll for a wveru wound aatuulahing g hhi n aiilti 111 4a llio lelliplllh lillln lalal oblbitad by a dealer in cheap inru lhey won t iaat long al i in- prlco hliruiiiituiii urrl hi a hnr ho ii i h aincrtoao hlieumatil m uhouiua lam and nuuralia raduallyc rut in i lu i itaailnil upoi llcaynlcti ia roiiimkuble an 1 iiiyitri im htui so alnly iliaap phi ih i ol i nrull lk hib 7 o it s i i i kanna ilioliluo li iiik i u i ii a ii la aiwaya alia ll ita i i whin i loadi llial lbo wind a tui ll i t f norway i it mii u i uli i 11 lualaoiea run liiroii at a llio i armor waning liar i nnf t u plant una roiniuj 1 all h ring pay for il in work wo waul with or without uiwriciire on full i r 1 1 mo halary aud olcoaoa or com in u wnlo al onoo for furlher infortiia itlm it itllai u i i hum nun lo uk 1 tier tiwar mo tin ll n justice if yo u waul dial laaatu ipl naah and dour a i uuoiph prl no- 1 1 u una cat till your rdor at ilia i uuiok ill an 1 ian iiauiwi man af al i i noll ink mar nod a whito vomal m iiitana rooonli and in ono v cck afto rill woddlum iieapphu 1 tujiia trlbq li hav a a ubaiied missljain t ll iii- ll aji olt jiliyalolan retired uroth praoliou having bait plaood iu bla kxamla by an i aat ludla miaaiouary llio formufa of a aiui lo tpgeianlo remmty for the spoodr and jht nauonl ouro ot onamnption itruuchllia atarrh aatlima and all throat aijd i uuit anoa hw net and eadioal lima fur nervous debility end all nervoua mil fdalnla after having lualed its wouderfu curallvo jhiwtira in tliiiimi la i aaea has oil it hla duty to uiako il known lu all hlb bunvriuk follows auiiiuumi iy thla motivo and a deairej to mliuvu liumaii aullorlnn i will aeud ires of charge tu all who desire ll this rouipo in uormaii trouulur i uijimi wilh full dirvcliona tor preparing an i uaiug hent by mall by sdilrtibhiiiit with lamp nwmuitt ihia pjiwr w a noim ihul ulimk iujhu n i kof hiliiiiii or batting the ball very iwy wanted a wifb 1 lb i know flxloliara man who haa neither wit wiadom nor rato apinleal or physical kivo an livtiilory uf llio wrfootiona lie ahall n imri iu a wife when alter ignor ulj urn t u coiiiman liuontn aiuco hla ural lung talledcoat lio hhall coudcacend to marry in llio ural place hia wifu that ib to ho iiiusl be in althy ami mual never have luvid anybody olo in iho no i place alle inilnt bo haiidaome nud well brod aa if tha ncaloa did nol hiiiik huuvioiitly on ouo aide without thin laat addition in iho next tlw wmd4w uuo au ttce wiili half an cu why una liihncalnil family oil nhould be of her filrulahluh 1 hen shn in tint bo economi cul r aho munt allow one yard ol ribbon lo tueuly boxca of cilarn i ben alio munt havn a puce of pioly 111 row it in nut enough in hurl but a reateclablo lnavofi for tho children ui noulralua ihcir lan iiplolivna iho only thln ii ia kttauuablo uiodcru fniillciiiati rculrea aftor i inn in mi ney and plenty of il mild lint nettled on tils mfr at that well wull lol ua 1 oh llil tho apinl of iimderu ui ruvlment will lilior oul a utile more umiilincob waiunl hlh imtlwunu lo a ocrlam village near urk a t- yoara ao two itialunaii wore repairing tbe roof of a ctittagpt and ouo ihom who waa on llio roof wantnl some bricks i bor bourne ladder ho shouted lo his jump- mill ho jumped ami 1 al ouaacd i i on aakwl why he lid uol ith llm d ont suffer with headache when you can be culled in icu minut by usinfj our headache powders simple salt and sure it- i ui i ti it blood exjiir and oit system thoronghlv invigorated jet a lottle of bmithb lilood tonic a ure cure rhcprrod only by w g smith co dispensing chemists nilliuii iiid mucdonald stb oulllil lliuuli itc u ntki i hi i m i lllt ii ii i a tlio h i dull mnrlm i na la im iiiuilii n i ii i wm i ixirtliular hidm hill iso tn 1 t ou out ilili uiulc wheels ait cheapest in the kml s t er in as iho aiauuubeal lujiil wtiool duilt oiribla j lo aa lbs piloea hb to a in oilunibun unit paluut a wum i havo a wo ill and ki lauun ihnlniun no bflloi oullt w stark acton alii si kill mtlin am ltofhhool up to date qoods nt hats uunloiis latest new straus the newest new colored shirts ver clioiib nc suitinjrs and overcoatings skmial i iilauudried shirts at 50 r e nelson ctcting tailor and fiu 99 uppsr wyndham straat cuolpn hi jo ia j i hftm i lr f fcirlatl olllplrj wylcjttl v june itcjrcj like frjgit vyoodncravino i77ph3fo jlj0nes 1 4ew jtirm neasr stock neiflr prices but old management it iu i nualihm ii aitco so long oimu the u- j ol- i i been discontinued but tbe old baaineaa wiu go oo under lb new nauie j a speight co rminte thorn will be dooiuad obftoga in umdektaklmc department ilia- will b ma uollohu owlim k b hjrf urn- w j sluitojwslisjl ll ol ob cku od lorolblnp d 111 uppl lb whole out fit at auy rr aaonable offer you may moke wo havo no oonneoiion rlmi tuiy tjndwitavkara combine mud govern our own prion fc when roijulrod al alltthtly ov rjrniture lan llllk buggy wrcon h i- acaalwlj on hand vhlch t fair living prool m m aam old aauafaotory lanner and al prtoea lerhap a little lowo doci wv uan u i do this and give entire itelug under very small opeuaw in carrying oa o very low prlioea lu the llndetaklng eapeoially j aspeldhtco i ik lul in 11 ir look 1 ir1 ilul ll lll wllcl b 1air 111 clllcayo a belli lh hisl low pru til rts mtmwfoc lured 1 iii best sl cheapest proaty yliidi presses c lind 1 ill i01 ilu oiiiur limiting oflicc id the prout il is iifjlit in conbtructlon tisy lujiiiti 11 ulil understood in all its pa n and does superior work riiu hu lui ougr pi uau lu uutl lur lu umar nbl0a ilia manulmolurtir lo mil prauly itl vary luw ptlucd thw uli no iqmm you omn rtd4 lo inn tielfhl d duly i repaid and bavaall bouier of importauon ato send al iinct for catalogues and prices lu h p acton ont- solo agent for canada ui 10 walker co manufacturers madison wis stark powdths ll ll 1 loi i i itm rmtom 20 orrs a r nica to rsjnt dmua brows cures oonsntnpli oourbacrobvtstw shilohs vjyauxer mrs t allavrllm rhaltnnrriinltemixsatti sho taller hay lu ur lirb i conttdtrit tktbat rmttiforaulaitattdrglm j r awd q livspcrnlo liver or juanay trouble ltcxocla 1rlc icia patarrh remedy irareyouotnrrh trj poalutciy reltnoi thla injoctor lor furalshei 1 araawklou t mia vtzmjs b c av t a 1 0 1 ilruj l marks mm t copyrights i capt i obtain a patent for a knwm bluorr and an it tx t intoivwrllo to iinnattf l lilnoarlvnhrtaara imnnin in tl i i bu i rb n mrnniiloav- llni4tliuf in iliuua ol d leal ami rtrnlllmi i h i i in ialmt ukni lun lu muiii ctt rerwlve wrlil nuiiivii ll p mill aturrlrnu ami lliu arn im uul t i ll u i i u i til ik wtla- llmirnl nl ilu i t rartlul laruoa nrnilt n i iioowiirs id tbe tuawrta of now i rt o alinw tbe wiwlil j a ir r- i ios llulltfina tvliiina n l ir wji to j4 onptoa j j wi i v ir t uu in r nuiuint bo 1 1 nil plain ii n i il lli omanl of n h utwrn w iii ti i al iii tthulltl r imlinw i tm most successful remedy foh man or beact ocrtaln hi h htnn ul rr ulwxoa uwul uik ih1 w kendblls spavin curl ikiti arm 11 j- ill lum 1 r ii j ki u l lint v i i r i r ikina nk i i ttm roar kendflllsspivrnoure h apr i u isirv 177 for twenty five yeau8 dunns baking powder thecooksbestfriend lahqkst bale in canada i iimib it mill r uunli la tli i i lvt 1 j1 r 1 1 u- i ichubiwat i catarrh v

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