Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1895, p. 3

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ma 9ank of hamilton iijbad ovrtou iiauiltoh nrt ii 1 1 91 iwnoo llfukum i kl 671000 1 titxi ami 4h boait or directors oiinhtl allt a iiauhav l rial lint woo weal lout tuusni i wjj ullumif u i iii i 1 qmmiltir p ii h hipi llr v aaat caahl 11 wjvathos aqknoieb hamilton harlan kt id fast i- n i alllsleu rlln cliealr umirunlowii llrlmly mowol licit in w 11 til ii mniml kami or a ho in i i rt bjitiu hiiiioihi miiahaiii british correspond on to i oxiton vail xial i n llirial han f tujl it 11 j american correspondento t v vans poiirth null liar flank hanover hall mal hank hoami n ton al trualoo 111 rri- usrlfla hank cl national halt i llllnula an i i ul ii national llaiih dktbuit detroit national hank utbaicitr national j tauk of cutnmorco agents in montreal t tip itankol ttoiito insavillo tk otilorqetown aoencv ad nule uaoonutxl ami advai able aamirltloa collectiona uisds all 1 trait iwunlil au 1 aolil on all toenail la point 111 canada llsllwl hleln tlroet britain aiiduiolonuimntof furon upo tonaidbi rtrftttti savings department twl from lain i i rnritltoil and hi rcia 11 1 ghtth uiki at currant rata of lulnroal ti m ci inotitosk akool bemeraber ion can buy iho genuine raymond aud biigrr bewint machino needle at coo hyuda hal aud hound 1 op all slxia and nuiiber in atock wo keep only the boat ualtly uf hewing mac lij no oil opened up a now block of hal tin oombi hull pins purses tooth andiuir brushes alao hublmr itiugs for fruil jars give ua a cull when you waul any of iho abovo lioo qeo hyndbaoton ont jk hjjni snnix th ne at home montly ot a local charaoter and kvarv itam intaraatlnv tktt taaa ttmm dlmlmm w mm charging il ajfnsw of lha ihnnin ln ifotet ifh violation pf mi license law by diaobnjlng an injunction to restrain mm lha sale of llijunr to one john wat ion kenuoelng wu hoard before jtflstio huirey iftid iwrson i act friday inapoator itoynolda and county attorney valacaon wore jirasftnl tha evidertoo woo id not sustain iho charge and tha eaee wis dli mlawfl rptrarta i rmgur 1mram farlr th itanlon parly annoonoed to bo liald at his homo at mr tliomaa bomarvillii fourth ii ur on monday avanlor 12th mat in drr ihn an apices of lha epwnrlli foaoa i a bmn poaljioiiad till kridfty 3qlb- loal- tina acuun haa btmn taken to allow an im proved prorarnnio bahik arrangnd tha icajqoa conrltaiuaaa in aodaavoring to makn una oiib of lha moat enjoyable aooial evening of the aurnmer an exoellenl program ma will be pnaenud including aalon cornet band the object la a laudable one ti to eecure funda to ward putting in eleorio liuht aitarea in tn church itmmt cnnerrt im frnmixxt lmrk th llanj in certainly liberal in ha free i t i at 8h rton xtz 3rcss tiiurhu vy al gl hi little local brieflets irty whloh couaht tho ey or eara of rn pmn happ tbii civic holiday bona of ttcotlaud itanton i park thia eveninii the hula and valloj are faat aileop in the warmth of tho a u turner nooo rotn aoton enl to uuelj b no holiday in that clay die paaiuioa are iu nod liami aialu and the trp tent shower inauro ooa fall foed umaiyoakalkikur olturutiio have omii nl a latiudry u mre hooord a open at a cilimna and vjaitora who attend ia any indication of approaialion then they are appreciated by the ciliaena almnat nnlver ally the followina rrmritimo waa reudrrrd in iroapaot iirk un monday eveninr guick uarcli au hevdii molrkar ortirtur mualeal item houuiwell uarcli onaol tbllravat j ii taylor hanau tvlllght lrovthar uareli uliotly ilnll kduu anilanlo al i hcliultimha kranclaka ii hi marcl loom julillafl warren hooka hnroiiaiu tolnkllni htara hoy thw till uucl uf uio woodiiiwi v han ftffrturt hiarkliig ooma a ulnkar olid kao tho ljuooii the plan of playing in both parka ia a itood one and tfivea all citiuma an oppor tunity of hearing omr thtmg omty ltcklmg fair view cemetery ia one of lha moat attractive and beautiful oil lea or the dead in ihiaprovinct- uiaeua appreciate thocare imeii ii umtura apeak in kindly terma rrapeotink tl magy onuldera are purchaainu plota within lla bound a in one feature only la it deficient many are annooa to row mmtable flowera and abruba on thoir iota but owinj to the lack of water are deterred tbia difficulty could in rjclohoonhood newa nbwi i torn hilppllod by corroa- pontanta and eahaneoa uhehouse ornrnnnion aervimi will im hold on thii clronll neit honda ilev tf mu in lyre will not bo at themcvic hsra in the moth odiat church that avntiinn a local preach or from acton will occupy the palpit a joke ia told at aoton of a ooupla of rimehoaao member of the independent order ol roroatera who went up hunday veninr to attend the annual eermon of the order itov ur langfonl preached lha aormon in ibe ilaptial c hutch but ihnae brat hern had evidently orbotlmn thia faot and want to eervloe in a ncijrh boring church t hey were aliown hi front ata hy an obliriuft uafior and did nut rnalixo ahrirnrhrnilifl mittr lie arvioo wbji lialt ihoao who look in uio nxenrat n to hie ileooh from loontetown laal wctik enjoyed the ontlntf lioroujiiiy mr john lloora went up toorilla where mra moore and the boy a are ruatioatintt on batnrday and returned home on mon day he aaya tho family are htvinj a moat enjoyable time and the bo a arr iule uoonaful flahermen nabsaqaweya cohifngand going vialtora to and from aoton and varlouaothar parsonal notoa e taaa tn to tlia i a nun in monda block will i duutit bo on will a tod a k town to day contingent a boaao warruiok look plaoe in mr it campbell v now houae on lake avenoa laal frriday eveiiinif mr loorjjo dill a uow brick hou on park avenue la alraoel complated and ibe family will move in ahortly mr hoi a ton of uliealey haa leiuoved to aoton and e juio partnerahll with ur d ii mcdonald butcher no other aoddlng dune tl la year any plaoa iu town looka better than that aur rounding the new knox cburoh atruuntitr wrrcw a twy of it to 10 yaara of ago to loavrn iho art of prinliug r ur partioulara call at r ati 1itiaa ofllco at tho itapliat and liipoiplo h uohoola had a utel but very eojoyablo picuic together uu a rroeu r riday in warreu a grove lha eaoavatlona tut the largo addltluu to btorey a clove hactory are completed and ibe niaaoua are at work the large new boiler ia on the ground tho c 1 it am running one way exouraiona to any point iu manitoba or aaainaboia fur 110 good goinj augul isui aud jutli ibia lathe laborer eicuraion and includoa female belia three more atone flag croealiiki have baeu pul in oue on malo a l real at agtiawa hotel on mill tre oppoaate fellowa atreat liower aa t third avenue at rrodoi k htrcct the flneat aatuple of oata bavaawu thia aaaaou waa loft at ibia omoo one day aat week tbey meaaure b feel h inchoa lu length and wero grown on the farm of mr william hayera lot jl oou i reduce lug ibau t ii la ruuuiuk iouiiiuu lo orimaby lark ou baturday i lit ibe fare from aoton good to return on monday ia tl 00 ir 1 1 racr of chicago aad ir mclulyrr of deuver are the apuoial attraction arler liai j la juuj piuud ot bl dray hona laat rrlday ba hauled the now ill j boiler for the canada ulove work weighing 7 300 jiounda from the u t ii aiallon lo lha glova factory with apparaot aaae ut jamea rl rat brook baa a gang ot rrteo and tea ma al work uu ibe oral of hia oah balobery panda it will oovar aavaraj acre a and i aijoaud a few hundred yard a from iba aouroa o the aprmg crook running through acton a foul uuulued driver ol a load of aorap iron wearlug a dark red jacket doaerved lo be locked in tbo oella tor the profauo lauguaa he uaad toward a com paniou while driving down mill atreel on monday afternoou tho li waa ti fears old laal at i lha a iiwuui m iba waek before itolh are good uowapepere manly in lone oota lu purpose and well worthy tliu h of thoir reapeollva looalllloa llo lot xrir m there la a rotwblhty that aoton will have a greenhouse locals near tho oametarv noil year huct a cuuveulbuoa would ba much appreoiatod by many- aind ojpuld reaull in more eoeral lloral decoration ot the ground of the departed in r air view iluainaaa waa auaieudod by arraug aat for thraa boo a on wednesday after noon in hlpley whan citlaaua aud farmara gathered lu kudi jroabyterlau churoh and earneally prayrd thai the i ord would favor thai locality with ram ilafore iba d waa over ttmv r a hnavv bower of rain j 11 uainillou lha well known marble and granite dealer of ciuelph baa juat reoeared il hia yarda an luimonaa new alouk of norway swede kuaalao rlagliab iriab aud boutob graultr which ba la able lo jupoew o ai lha lowcal prloaa ih oftfred iu iho proyinoe laapactioo u luvlud a villi will bumjupb ajipreolaaad arrnrir espeuao by the adoption of windmill power to aopply water borne plaoeo bavo wind mills in their cemeteries which auawar iho purpoee desired very aaliafaotonly tho onllia 7ihiroaya the windmill pomp at the cemetery ia now in operation and doing excellent work the water ia lifted eighty feel iota a tank and there ia an abundant aopply al all times with pleuty f water there ia no reason why the grounds and plota should not be kept in attra jajqilluaa duxitut lha aummat- montha par bap ibe oemetory oom rait tee will take 111 la hi nl tmturitmjr m hue lla ii afotcik the acton clippers dravo lo bl a i u ba tarda aocumpaoiad by a large number of friend a to play the return maluh with iba bi anna team the game waa an in uraating ooa lhroagboal the taaroi being very otreuly roatcbed al ibe match her ibe bl ann a boy won in a nloae aoore while o ihn oooasioa the aoton club were the aoore waa as follow uoloalf i l hltcl i a itydor r i ilsllaru 1 i aark c r the clippers slwsya enjoy a ja is hi anna club whloh la compose i a gentlemanly lot of players the dri e tc bt aunaand rttturn itmllea la however too far for pleasure aoton baa uow aral plaoa iu the county league vrws of tire caarcam the apecial aervioe al ox last sunday avoning lo the itaptial church waa attood cd by the mem bora of court ohvo 1 ranch 1 o f no jo to lha number of bolwoen l and m the church waa well filled ltev o o iangfurd proachod an excellent aormoo from iruv t 7 wi adorn ia tho awiuoipei thing tboraforo get wisdom sjhthh all thy gelling go poo dor tan 3 lug al the dose of tho sermon the paa lor who u a aoloiat ol some ability aaxuj wandering hheep ltev mr btepbaoa resumed hia pulpit laal bunday after an aujoyable and recuperative three weeks vaoalioo itov j w itae moderator of iho uuolph 1reabytery at landed s aeasion uf the 1 reabylery at mora on to day lor lu iho molbudial buroh laal hunday were largely satended 1 ho acnmanl waa administered to a larger numba of oommunloaula on fionday evening than al auy irevloub aervioe in the hialory of tbo church ltev w liryera asaiatod tho paa tor i bo regular aemi monthly aervioe in bl joseph buroh neat bunday ltev father llaley officiating juarlerly communion aorviooa will be held in iho itriok cburoh ou bondty moruiiut luv j r itowell it a will jireaol the airmail iu mr molutyrs will prsaob in ibe mstuodiai ohoroh acton in the morning civic ilollttmy the xtajr a vutfaanaif to day ia acton a regularly proclaimed civic holiday it ia hoped iba day will ba anjuyably apabl by avery ottiaao tba foraooon iaivao over to quiet aud restful reorsatiou at 1 30 p at k lac roes inausb will ba played batwaen anion aud millou a good deal uf in ureal is oaulred lu ihla gajuc al 3 uu a county lssgue bass ball match waa arranged between qakville aud acton oxkvllle ba however defaulted and lha taalob will ba with lha park dale lie vera one of toronto a btrongesl amateur clubs at 00 a qv mile bio yds race will be rude at aia o ojook tba bona uf bculiaud will lake obarge of the prooeed inga which will beuaugured with a march from tba hall lo ibe park of the member of ivauhoe camp graud oflioer ud viait tug mambara tbay will ba beaded by the oolobratad highland iipars hand of llamiltou ooinprlalog four piper tod llirn drummer duriug tba evening ibara will ba a lug of war between ilalton aud wellington aud aq eiciting jwr ridge raos iu whioh all athlete uoqlohmeu are m pooled lu outer mlaa may math neon of hamilton who waa first prise boo l ti ah jaaaav a ihe worwaf wilt gtvo vxht bitiou in hex hue a number uf promiu eiil bona of rioollsud and olbaxs will deliver addresses duriug the averting lulresbmenta will be provided ou tba grounds j you waul aral class uualpbsaaband door at otssjph prloaa t aauia oau all your ordaral fall plaaloa mill it i oqr aad duty thi week l announce the death of ague morerlaue beloved wile of cornel ma m ftileou who died in loelph on rrlday aug iud and waa in tarred in tdan mill cemeelry on boudaj a baroavad hotband and family of two girls and a boy are left lo moorn the lost of a loving wife an j mother a largo ojrolo of borrowing relative and friends aseem bled to pay s laal tribute to tho do parted mr ueorffn and mlaa alloe laing naaaa gaweya were tho guest of mr and mr thos wood kilbride ibia wcrk farmers are bnaily engaged in harvesting these day a the fall wheal i all cut and harvested and the aprmg grain are now being cut tbo oat crop with few oxcep hoc a in ibia afmstion la oxoelleul iraee although somewhat abort in the a raw are well ailed m the pod hpring wheat and barley will alao be a tery air orop many lielda will give au excellent yield thia vicinity in oomiiariaou with many others haa been a favored unn not with lauding ibo aevere viailatiou of i root and drouth and the cnergtitio graaahnpper the refreshing rain of iho paa mouth have had a wonderful clrtwl on vegetalioi and alao on the graaahoppor pleasure with him now ace ma lo be away below aero a- na as va alo o thnndar aud nasa invite all lla reader ton ribnta lo tli column ti yonnr your irlnml are going away on a holiday trl or if ymi have friends vlalliug ybu itrop a can in tlm kiisk i riraa mis lulu- howell ia yiailing f i loud in flodarioh mr bamuol demi of norval viallnl friettda hare thi week mrs john mcgilllta boon homo from toronto for a low day or uert ilowoll left ou momuy to viait friend a holmoaville lr jlokobfjua pool a day or an hi it weak at bl atbarinoe h9 jujt mslniyret spettdirrg er day with friend at alma ir u run mado a hrmf visit at hi old homo at medina i hia weak miaa ida monabb ia viaiting- frionda al raemoro and col ling wood miaa nellie johnaon of milton viaited friends here during the work mrs rrcd mr era and chij of toronto are gnrata of ltev w llfyora miaaea nellie and minnie llolmo are visiting friends in n aaaaitewoya rly tuoaday lightning paased nver here morning not murh rain fell the lightning waa ver vivid no dam ago reported crewaons cobnefth i lie temporanoe lodge here is pi ing very rapidly it ha only baeu orgs tilled about tlirve mouth and there are now over ally member and uite a number lulriid joining at the next ineetll g there was no preaching here last bab bath on account of the quarterly meeting bainit held st hock wood julie a number frucu liern ill lka lu the a purl to be held in alton n it air civic holiday ibe knatobbull ltoj1 j tu la hll olub play the rewaona urners olub on batnrday afternoon next at thia place mr and mr hmlthaoti of balmousvlle visited their daughter mra i townscod last week mr aud mrs nnhulsa rurbc mod uhildreu apoiit holiday wub frien u lu halltnatsh y mr and mrs jaa luniilim iitl frionda lu iowvillo ibis week mlaa r thel koutner uf bllitij t vtaitiug frionda barn mr c itamabaw of lowill i lug a few weeks with iriooda bora mia mary xilcman of gait h hc haiti uk her auol mra jubu cripa ol maple grove farm the peat few week mr u a iaiupor of oaprtur bhi t muuday at hi borne hero mr and mr clou boper aud family uf aoton vl at ted frieuda bare thia week a very heavy thunder aliuwer over here ou tuesday morning burlinoton 1 he rcoeol rain have douo jirat amount of good to uio crops and tlo fruit the raepberriea were an immeuae crxp and the thimble berries have crown very large in oooaruetoe of the rein and will yield a very heavy orop alao tba ganln tsuiy ao- hjt xho iaillo tfi the malhodiat chniwh on the lawn o ur iafforly oh tuesday evening last wag in aome reencta a auoooaa the ground wore profusely drooraud with hlneae lanterns end llie watardowu band supplied plenty of aral olsas music a abort pro gramma was given which con aia i od of chorusea by a youug melt a gleo club and rocltatlonaby alma hreeinau ol burling ton aud mtae taylor of liauillloi both of whom did remarkably well lha order however wel vary bait it seems tho vil lage possesses several young men who have no re ioc i for ihemaelvrs ot anyone ulae these young hoodluma alioulil be mail 4 au example of luifreahiiieul alanda were very handaomoly deoorateil making them attractive and the ladloa did a rushing buatoesa li ioo urcarn leuluuade etc mr coo llumby who waa bo aevaioly injured by a lall from a lnjh limber at a barn ratal og ssveral weeks ago is still hi a stats of unouusatousiissa ii was not until last week that the physician in attendance dieooved that the skull ws fractured tlie skull will ba trepaued and lha pressure relieved and strong bones of bis reco are entertained mr charles iorter of appleby whose ptue waa fractured by a wagon running over htm la laal growing weaker iid nail ool live much longer he if totally paraly aed below tb fraoluie on batnrday last our tuwusman mr it htowarl a irand trunk ivil b ngiuoor ii th ti raad druuk i bound train i ho train was moving very alowl aw i mr hlewart attempted to jump off lu luiug ao one of lilat hoela caught on the li aud threw htm uudor tho oar 1 ha wheels passed over the right fool just above iho ankle ho waa taken lo uio city hospital whore ll was fouud that amputation abovo the knee waa ueoeaaary as lite lraj waa very badly shattered the operatlou was at onoe per formed and al last rejiorl ibe iatleiit was proooaaing very favorably lit lug a man of very strong oudsululiou mr htowart speedy reoovvry is loolted lur miaa maud frsemau of bt mary a is vialltug ralativsa in the village virintly miaa kamer of toronto la the meat ot rutsatio allan mr morb wilson of lorouto ia at homo with mr geo asian mrs j wedlaod aad mra j h par menler of woodstock have beam tbo guests of mr k j llbutl ituring the pas i weak maatsr rrnk hlbvll i etijoyluij an old p with hia old jnouds in wood iimaromp stick fly rappr fly frills ami fcfts insert iohiiit inn jtnigw ilcll si1s mutli cmnplioi crnilo tarltolir aciil ser shlt for bhthinc pur poses t i in iiki o slum j v kannawin diukkihi acton illgli otiulo aviiccih- aro ilieapicsl in the etui lllila itrn cnlnllfftlal st em r ns m tli r u i bi cll are viaiting frinnds near hurling ton mia alloc wilaou of ilamlluin spend ing her holiday with aoton frionda mr ji llambaw mado friends in ux bridge a abort vlatt during tho week mra bamual mclam and her two eons from baruia are visiting acton frionda mesar o ear go nloklin and mark denco left on balurday fur uloteraville n y ltev i m jobuaou uf iniaroll vlsitad hi old home and friends hero laal week mr tbomaa clark i ooorgolown ape til a day or two laat week with actbu irietid mr thomaa its roads w of wroxqlter pout a ooupla of daya thia week with friouds mr wm coach ol llraraptou la hailing hi grandfather eiconnoiljor kouuoy aud family miaa akkio kenlnrr of llalhuafad la spending a week or so with her aunt mra mra allan uf lictiuil haa bu a gucal at tho homo of mr 1 u johustoq tho jiaal mr o a wloloi wheeled lo hia homo at 1 rest on saturday after nooo returning mouday morn tog mra james wilsou abfl bhiiithar of lucan have bean visiliug st ibo homo of mr w ll btoray during lha week mrs w 11 bpoiglit aud ohildren leave today for 11 lovers 1 1 lo at l to jwdd a few woek with her parmu iu lai city ucv wm ltryeia loll yesterday for orahamavltla n to a pel id a couple of woaka willi hi bi oilier huv jatllea n mrs wm callaud ui john jjuty pswisiooupteof dsytostweoa st ttnrhoimr of mr jaiuo vtirlllll now lowell vol pleaitlj mlaa ada lli ulltui lliioai uf her laltr mr dr ureu be paal month ur ao left lor her homo iiur bt mary on baturday mrs iorlar of loiouto aud mi hugh molhail of blrathroy weie guoats l the home of mr wm mel hall acton and naaaagaweya frlouda mr wm mallstt sod utid ol bourlb man la maklua an exleuded od vary enjoysbfeviait at ihehome of mr jolin 11 matthew ilower avenue mr aud mrs j kanuawiu lell laat eieuiug on a trip tomsckiuaa via coiling wood they will also apeiid a week at uie bo me of mr kauuawin father at bhel wnlhnotnn mutual flro insurartco comonny kstabilankli 1hi0 inhtltlanth n mutual lai any enuimuiil csuan orrdl to my ad lrnaa lloi twi ni telanhnus ah will tie t rnnitu a tin nil ml to john tayixt agent tool it tha buunohmt light wheal built r watghu 33 to 34 iba prloaa s5 to 1110 alao col tlm bias and raloona these whftnu have s world wide itepu utlon there are no botur built hi pci a 1 noxlgraila isdlnt wlis i m iu an i lu llil70 walsliui u uin his w stark actbrl aokst foil acton and iio kwooil si lambert jersey bull for servi or for sale rphf un lnrlirnl arvlcs at lila alal la 1 nu main htrool a llmrtmighbrrd hirrwl hi jauiiwrt jsrsey hull till tin ii anmialla ala i raroit tor aaln u n maitliih lukr aotixi april wild iru ltev m tin h uiplod a til uiiaiiimouslv oi tended to hiu by ibe lmbro cougrettaiiuual uhurah he enters upon his duties on the third bui day august al lul illy irgaluwu ha accural lbs appoiulmtiit uf headmaaler of hiobmuna hill high bchooi at a salary of 1 000 the i- axr 1 mum ex ten da cougratulalioaa upon mr coomb a prefer men i itsv t albert moore and wife left on tuesday alls moon for a i ml id ay trip 1 boy purjmisa eaillug from owen bound in bauli 0t mario aud mackinac island aud ibon down to detroit and toledo tbay will be ebsaul nearly three weeks tbay bt kl made many irtauda hare all ol whom hope lha irtp will res lore iba health ol mra moore palmer ion hriortrr a twu j- car aid ttmlher mr ii b holme bright litlletvio old sou harry was in mo oh peril al hen dorse u b poud for a few minutes muuday afternoon ilia older brother had htm in charge and while al ibe pond desired lo go iu lor a wlm with some companion lo uuur fuu tha litus toddler waa forgot tan aud bo decided to exploit fur himself he waded into tha pond ap to his nook and might have beau drowned had uut mr alex beoord whose attention was clod lo tho lilu fallow hastened to bis raacus a rtipular ml j oa lawyer weil ucj happiuaa should oouie lo the youug uouplo who plighted tbair troth at the altar iu cbriai hutch cathedral hamilton last thursday morulug for iba sun osme out fiom behind a oioud during tba oere mouy that mado mlaa minnie morgan bayre ludlay daugbur of ur ii t itidley aud edward wilson lloyd uarnater of milton eon uf chancellor jjoyd toronto man aud wile the ceremony waa per formed at 10 is by ltev dr uatdwiu lorouto assisted by ltev cauou lllaud raolur of cbriat buroh talhsdral lbs bn dome id were miss ktdloy mlaa katie keuuedy aud mlas bophlo itldloy au i ibo gluuhl wss attsndad by llilllcr lioyd uoldwiu bmiih aud hubert baldwin lorouto a wedding breakfast was held at tba rmwenoe of 4b ortass paiwnis mats atreel west tbo happy yom g uouplo loll ou iho li 30 train for the oast ou thoir bridal tour khin laal wedk the irame uf a larg uh uu tbo larui reooiitly uwued by angus john luuaatuu void tu mr llallotl ol uuelpli was raised there was a largo turn out ol neighbors and friends work waa oom mauoed about j u ulock the side being captained by mr thoa talbot and mr haa binolair bvarylblog waul together without acaldonl ibo work beiug completed by half paal aix about i30 aat dowu to a aubalautial hipper provwlod by mra tittr- twdt andharfrtandi arttarbtohtb yoanji people enjoyed themselves with a game of baseball aud nlliar amasemanle ibo barn la qjliho and wbeo com pie lad will be ooa tho anaat in hriu lha plan bttug one of mr iluddoll s tba ooolreol for tho alone work waa in iba baoda of m j one q ouelpb and iba framework by m lira haaa of fcrln village the aaumatad wet bill w0 up to date qoods hderson co acton ont gr6rt- su7vc7vter sale as tthcrtiscd last week wt h ii in tuur itlil t gbreat clearing sale of summer goods i he bargains arc most emphatic and i visit to our stoi will convince you that it is from us that iu should ur h im your dry goods hoots and shoes i- tc we will only state a few of tlu snaps e an funn in initt hats dnnlops latest new ntrans the newest new oloiiil shirts very t huiu new smliiirs anil oicrroaliugs special 1 nlftiinili lid shirts at o lllls r e nelson loading tailor and fuimoi 00 uppor wyndham stroot cuolph certain aaxtdnightwalk with a colicy baby or cohcy stomachy ln t plenum t either can be avoided by kccjung a bottle of perry darts paiv kili hr on the medicine shelf m in vnl liable i jl m bt u ci cholera mortiua hyaentery and diarrhccsu uat us isjusblc fornll exteninl pains unas one faaiiooorol la a balf b nl watar araffrtesaataax th inui i fniii wl uj wl vr w co trtxntincloub cuts best i2it prints in jxith light tnd dirk t olors uwl colors for onl drgss goods mum mi rrbucin all wool series splundid cloths and ood sh nil ic a line of i ant dress goods w n i for hjc a line of 42 in serges in good shades worth ay for a large pile of remnants of lilack henrietta s i igund goods and plain ind fancy colored goods al almost half price a pile ol sliigh dress pittcrns sonic at iuji loi oje t 3 fur juc good full shades and fashion ihli goods cottons i i ivl advanced since i fl i tllrn thcni it less than old prices he rty cottons for 6e je citej cottons for 6je loe grc cjttons for he double iuld rre sheeting lull uj uij t bleached for jl uoiili 3 nil f htiitsiltuf lavl lil m k lit i lit 1 li 111 milline itlliuiicd sixk nul mrtid 11 aments lite jt less than ost 1 00k uut foi 1 urtliei aiw un cinnit henderson fe co iii 1 i sl md the jleariiicj out proottfcjcs things of interest just now tu 11 it i i l ilml td otii illtutltl 1 l tuiitij tl nnutit iltiring tliu next tv 1 ric aockb thin will iinihi til b tliu itthl harifuni uuvertihc- moilt ni flntll nihcrl bofttrc hpcuking ot mir nuu hull im portiitionn whnli will huoii lo lliltlll jftectd tbcbc joo uauuilsl olu i htlk wrape ol a 2b ou lnah luiul laos for a loc irtah 1 ulot iuie for joc ooc leather ttells for i z 7 60 window bbados lor otk 1 window hhadoo lor t x tl paranoia for uk 1 ia paraaola lor tin t pair of book for tic i i sir of blockings lot it to 1 adlea lloso fur iu i ia huglisb tauuy drill i ioo anchor suiting lor 10 ijjo irinu 7o i 10 i ream uwn lor uk 1io apron backs lur hc itto rlauueletlcs lor 7 15c white am brio for itk jkj wool holainee lor 17 mto tinsel uabiou oovora i lo linon towel lor loo loo lileacbed towela for ilk ij inob pillow tyotwui for u i hi kins oiniihamn for loo 1 aobilk luderveata fur ji i fucy 1 inaol urtaina tables blraw bhapeat lor i iiiiikll mtllllli i v ntiior ntn uitd utfl killuttd slnrln el mi nt n nd ijojh ht 1 ieui muti a hell hiu tlit puiith loi 1 20 istiith hit 91 2h hmtn lor m mon m stiiunu 1 1 ijiy m s limner l i llu i lleriu lire nil i v u low til mun huruuni l 111 on ot tliu li l elans uooun which au yatuahj tho iiakini and tin paying o only u miiitll part cl thoir valuo tn nolld ensh e rwboheh ot co 3d and 37 wyodbam straat oublph ont hmlhlu tnl4 i 1 a on tuny not till ki tu mdh etiiiiiu 1 ated i elow 1 el u 1 1111 ei no to iti tat m yon mid aluu tj iu all i irudu fd dn 1 lollv a 11 yaahi n hi 1 1 ladlou duok camping blank light wraps summer shawla travelling rugs ohildren cloth fine tan bhoea hiyiun rvanuioia tarn oshanten uu mini ion 1 oii no ulylimi uu 1 at 11 h tl a full an horulofon 1 b 1 if a m jb go h i jii jettei service nolaklug aaisvui 11 1 or tabid shopping ilij- au h b up w tj th6 right house i d lra to the prudent buyer v ii r uk- morning in osr mantlh dhfaktmun 1 lumi b rtlltlll waii in uj oubj tl 11 a0 for 11 u4o now 70o- white lawn bloubkb waxa 1 now mh 11 niniimi t m and la hllditt n h otton ihlhbbhb while and colorl t om j y mantlh ot thib btabon b impolltation i allolly hrlhcll ever been in our carpet and houaefurnuhlng department p niibh m 0011 tahr nit atoll it lanre light and airy while ll la wall alookad lu all wrtaining lo a aral ulase aipel warehouse jual nuv ottering some astound log bargain in odd paluruo of arpeu flour luths and i urlaiua silk selling for thl week mauy lino uf aurnmer allka reduced to nearly half prloe f 1 1 u- o n n uo ooougb lor a dress bul ail loon 1 1 lain jejieue umeucing al v5c boms palun summer olovee tba righl kinds ara here both in kj1 and i ahlut tn jual the stylo aud lualili you pitlai w tre hamoib olovkb that will wash cooi l okinu bit k ulovph thai wont wear oul al ihs linger end tr a dossn other liuas aelaoiad bsoauae ibey are beat pries iu many oasaa largely raduoed mori a purniahlnd department nrullurr- bhiltlh in bilkalle klannalau and taitlou buumrll iawn ii i b txlra jualil j lor vo vll oult jlntlr mr n b bhmmut lbtb m cxli- duok olc al a irmiglil dislouul of 20 r oaut off our uaoal close cash prioa linen department lemden hr thaj are 1 tuilnob bcotch tahi j- immabk half blectt lor ih bcotch ilnhntpaiilh nalkinb par fact good bul laal year a patterns much lea than tha usual price it hk1bi1 tow t lb lu grand variety prioa away down are you in this moneysaving chance p mall order department for tba booefll of those uol living iu ibo city ws aend aample lo any addrea on apboalioo and wilt prepay ohargm to jroor nearest railway station lu oulario on all order amounting tv 1- 00 aud upward jhaiiafaoliou guaranteed tfjh llulut houbb kinfetesi ml ooruar uugbauo al hamilton augual im ibvfi r a ft o vvtikijib 77

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